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 SCALAR WEAPONS: Read it and weep by C Verismo

42. 期待される大量虐殺 / EXPECTED GENOCIDE

「著者の空から火」は、米国が現在の粒子ビームを装備した飛行アンチミサイル超音速システムTU-144、のためのダース拠点を含め、中央シベリアを核攻撃するために準備したことを主張している。同様に6つのロシアの宇宙基地とバイコヌール、チュラタム、プレセツクとKaspusinヤールで4 cosmodromesとセミパラチンスクとノボシビルスクで2 cosmosphere学部。主要6と12の二次目標がありました。カーター管理者が予期せず1978年12月15日に台湾を捨て、中国との完全な外交関係を発表しましたので、新疆省は、中国は、このために確保する必要があった。

 The 'Fire From the Sky' author claims that the US now prepared to nuke central Siberia which included a dozen bases for the flying anti-missile supersonic system TU-144, equipped with particle beams. As well as six Russian space bases and four cosmodromes at Baikonur, Tyuratam, Plesetsk and Kaspusin Yar and two cosmosphere faculties at Semipalatinsk and Novosibirsk. There were six primary and twelve secondary targets. The Sinkiang province, China was necessary to secure for this, so the Carter admin unexpectedly dumped Taiwan on Dec 15 1978 and announced full diplomatic relations with China.


 The USintention was to destroy all the Russian targets then a minute later they would self-inflict their own country with violent electromagnetic pulses from the warheads of American high-speed missiles all over the country. The Strategic/Nuclear Forces obeying orders, would launch what they would believe to be a retaliation against Russia. It was worked out to the minute what time the nuking of Siberia would occur and the retaliation.

インド洋米国の衛星信号は、アメリカのファントム航空機攻撃を確認するだろうし、報復が続くだろう。それは、そう多くはないRussian Cosmosphereは、彼らが破壊されるため、報復するためにアメリカにオーバー向かっていることが予想された。一方、アメリカのミサイルはミサイル攻撃に対するすべての彼女の防御を剥奪し、核火の嵐の海で燃えてもしたロシアを、終えるだろう。つまり、とにかく理想的だった。

 The Indian Ocean US satellite signal would confirm the American Phantom aircraft attack, then the retaliation would follow. It was expected that not so many cosmospheres(Russian Cosmosphere) would be heading over to the US to retaliate because they would be destroyed. Meanwhile America's missiles would finish off Russia, who was stripped of all her defenses against missile attack and be aflame with a sea of nuclear firestorms. That was the ideal anyway.


 America wasn't expected to survive a nuclear war, with no civil defense or underground shelters for the population, unlike Russia with hardened blast shelters for the civilians. According to the 'Fire From The Sky' author ,the Bolshevik-Zionists hated both Americans and Russians and they maliciously planned to sacrifice the US population in their bid to make Russia defenseless.


 Meanwhile THEY, those superior ones would reside inside Government war bunkers (built with US taxpayer money) at Camp David, Mount Weather, Pine Gap, China Lake and dozens of other locations.When the Bolshevik-Zionists ruling US seized power from the Rockefellers, they secretly continued stockpiling armaments world-wide, especially in Israel, intending world domination. This could only come to the bankers and global cartel through massive damage and/or destruction to both major powers.


残念ながら、第三のシャトルによって1982年3月打ち上げ超スパイ衛星は、それぞれの宇宙基地、各cosmosphere(Russian Cosmosphere)周りにリング状に配置された小型のドーム型インスタレーション(施設)を大量に検出されていた。彼らは、電子防御によって偏向することができないレール銃であった。

 Unfortunately the superspy satellite launched in March 1982 by the third shuttle had detected a large numbers of small domed installations arranged in rings around each cosmodrome each cosmosphere(Russian Cosmosphere). They were Rail Guns which cannot be deflected by electronic defenses.

著者の空から火」によると、7月13日に、プラウダは、米国がソ連に対する貿易、信用と技術戦争を画策したと言われ、ソ連国防相マーシャルユスティノフによるスピーチを発表した。 「...核兵器の先制先制使用はアメリカの勝利を保証するものではありませんでした。」:彼はまたことをワシントンに鈍い警告を与えたロシアの新しい指導者たちは、それらを攻撃するためにレーガン政権の計画を知っていたし、彼らは、それが行われた場合、計画されたアメリカの先制攻撃を倒すために準備した。

  According to the 'Fire From The Sky' author, on July 13, Pravda published a speech by Soviet Defense Minister Marshal Ustinov which said that the US was orchestrating a trade, credit and technological war against the Soviet Union. He also gave a blunt warning to Washington that : "...a pre-emptive first-strike use of nuclear weapons could not insure an American victory." Russia's new leaders knew about the Reagan administration plan to attack them and they were prepared to defeat the planned American first strike if it was carried out.

しかし、米国が計画にかかわらず継続する。 「ファントム」面は北ノルウェー、東部トルコ、NW中国で基づいていた。ハイパワーレーザーはcosmospheres(Russian Cosmosphere)を撃墜するためにこれらの領域に移動されました。目に見えない無人「ファントム」は彼らのターゲットにkamakazeクラッシュしていました。ロシアは本当に私たちを被爆しながら、政府の大物は、彼らの地下拠点における放射線から安全であろう。

 But the US continued regardless with the plan. The 'Phantom' planes were based in Northern Norway, Eastern Turkey and NW China. High powered lasers were moved into these areas to shoot down cosmospheres. The invisible unmanned 'Phantoms' would crash kamakaze into their targets. While Russia really nuked US the governmental bigwigs would be safe from the radiation in their underground bases.

彼らは死んだと数百万人がより多くの負傷者や死にかけ5000万ロシア人を期待した。また、死ぬことだった5アメリカ人のうち4は、この価格になり、多分40から50000000アメリカ人が左。トランペットの饗宴、ロシュ·ハシャナ - すべてのアウト戦争のための日付は1982年9月20日に設定した。 1982年8月24日に別のcosmosphere(Russian Cosmosphere)は、ニューヨーク周辺上空で撃墜された。それが可能な「小惑星が燃え」として、NYタイムズ紙に記載された高速火の玉を作成しました。

 They expected 50 million Russians dead and millions more injured and dying. Four out of five Americans also were to die, this would be the price and maybe 40-50 million Americans left. The date for the all out war was set at Sept 20, 1982 - The Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah. On Aug 24 1982 another cosmosphere was shot down over New York vicinity. It created a high-speed fireball, which was described in the NY Times as a possible 'asteroid burning up'.

以下にまとめますCOLUMBIA1年4月12日打ち上げ、1981年は2ロシアcosmospheres(Russian Cosmosphere)によって撃墜された。これは、中央ロシアの85マイル南にカザンの墜落した。偽の着陸は、シャトル「エンタープライズ」や俳優を使ってエドワードの空軍基地に上演された。

 To recap: COLUMBIA 1 launched April 12, 1981 was shot down by two Russian cosmospheres. It crashed 85 miles south of Kazan in central Russia. A fake landing was staged at Edward's Air Force Base using the shuttle 'Enterprise' and actors.


 COLUMBIA 2 was launched November 12, 1981 secretly unmanned. It was shot down by Russian TU-144 jet airplanes using beam weapons, over the White Sea, near Finland.


 COLUMBIA 3 was launched March 22, 1982. It was intended to orbit a special new Spy Satellite, which was hardened with tungsten against attack from Russia's space weapons and armed with a robot-controlled laser that could shoot back. The shuttle too was armed with lasers. It faked a landing on March 30, 1982 at White Sands. It successfully deployed a new laser-armed spy satellite. The crew returned for the first time.


 SPACE SHUTTLE 4 was launched successfully June 24, 1982. Its purpose was to deploy the satellite that would confirm the Phantom aircraft attack to start the war. The Attack Confirmation Sensor was placed in geostationary orbit over the Indian Ocean by an auxiliary rocket. It was a cryogenic (a zero temp) satellite, to evade detection by Russian space weapons with 'heat' (infrared) sensors. A heat-detecting American laser was also used to shoot down a Russian cosmosphere, so the Bolsheviks were sure that the Russians could not detect their crucial spy satellite. However the Russians led them to believe they couldn't locate it deliberately for deception, which is why they left it up. Instead, their target-trackers detected the atomic vibrations of matter.

それは彼らのマスターの秘密兵器だった。ロシアに取ら捕獲ナチスはあまりにもそれを開発しましたか?ペンタゴンは罠に歩いた。 CIA内のロックフェラーカルテル工作員はロシア人に供給されたアップデートを持っていた。ロシアの電話システムは、ファントムが成功したかどうかを知るために出ていた場合は、彼らはまだ知ることのバックアップ計画を持っていた。狡猾なロシア人はクレムリン、権力闘争における不安定な状況があったことを偽造リークを作成しました。米国ボリシェヴィキは、あまりにもそのために落ちた。

 It was their master secret weapon. Did the captured Nazis taken to Russia develop it too? The Pentagon walked into a trap. The Rockefeller cartel operatives within the CIA had fed updates to the Russians. However they still had a back-up plan of knowing if the Russian telephone system was out to know if the Phantoms had succeeded. The cunning Russians created falsified leaks that there were unsettled conditions in the Kremlin, a power struggle. The US Bolsheviks fell for that too.


 On June 24, SPACE SHUTTLE 4 was launched and the next day a coup occurred when Rockefeller operative Alexander Haig was forced to quit and Bolshevik/Zionist George Shultz took over as Secretary of State.

1982年9月1日に、19日間の意図ハァハァストライキの前に、共産党委員長胡耀邦は、中国がもはや同盟国自体ロシアに対する米国とロシアに向けていくつかの融和言語を含む、同等の脅威として、両方の超大国と見なすべきではないべきであることを宣言し、高いロシア語を言った当局者は、中国の招きで半ばヶ月の周りに交渉を開始するために中国に来る! 9月6日に長いロックフェラーカルテルに協力していた元大統領リチャード·ニクソンは、北京に到着した。

 On Sept 1 1982, 19 days before the intended nuke strike, Communist Party Chairman Hu Yaobang declared that China should no longer ally itself with the US against Russia and should regard both superpowers as equal threats, including some conciliatory language toward Russia and said high Russian officials would come to China to begin talks around mid-month at China's invitation! On Sept 6 former President Richard Nixon, who had long been cooperating with the Rockefeller cartel arrived in Peking.

彼は、彼らのステルスベースが戦争に使用すると赤のテープを使用してベースの操作を妨害したことを彼らに言った。戦略的兵器のロシアの重要な宇宙トライアドが破壊されることができなかった。対象とされなかった場所が開いたままにしても9月10日にロシアは、に、ロシアから最も国際電話サービスをシャットダウンします。 (低電力で、その電磁推進システムを使用して検出されない)ジャンボcosmosphereだけ米国の偵察衛星で、そのビーム兵器を目指した。

 He told them that their Stealth base was to be used for war and to interfere with the base operations using red-tape. Russia's critical space triad of strategic weapons were unable to be destroyed. On Sept 10 Russia shut down most International Telephone services to and from Russia, though the places that weren't targeted were kept open. A jumbo cosmosphere (undetected using its electromagnetic propulsion system at low power) aimed its beam weapon at the only US spy satellite.

彼らは狂ったように赤テープで中国のベースが制限されていたにもかかわらず、ロシアを打つことを意図し、衛星は消えていたと電話がすでに出ていた! 1982年9月17日に、3日間の目標期限の前に、ワシントンでは、ワシントン·ポストのためのよく知られた国の新聞記者は、ワシントンNBCのラジオ局、WRCでインタビューを受けました。彼は、ワシントン首都圏で聴くすべての人のために簡単に計画を概説し、彼はそれについて学んでいた戦争の警告に注意を呼び、彼はペンタゴンはそのような計画、甦ら情報の提供を通じて、公衆被ばくを持っていなかったら、おそらく減少した」、と付け加えた可能性は、それが実行されることを!」カウントダウンは行くことを5時間未満で中止になった。

 They madly intended to strike Russia even though the Chinese base was restricted with red-tape, the satellite was gone and the phones were out already! On Sept 17 1982, three days before the target date, in Washington, a well-known national newspaper reporter for the Washington Post was interviewed on the Washington NBC radio station, WRC. He called attention to the war warning he had learned about it, outlining the plan briefly for everyone listening in the Washington metropolitan area, and he added that, "if the Pentagon did have such a plan, public exposure through information brought forth had probably reduced the chances that it would be carried out!" The countdown was called off with less than five hours to go.

ロシア人は、次のスペースシャトルを攻撃し続けた。 1985年スペースシャトルアトランティス打ち上げ11月26日、神秘的な光が空にぶら下がった。トム·ベアデンによると、発熱性モードでのスカラー干渉計が起動する直前にエリアを襲った。 12分打ち上げ後、巨大な大気、ゴロゴロ爆発は面積にわたって発生し、上下コーストダウン数百マイルのために聞かれました。ソ連は、シャトルが自分のABM/ antibomberミサイルシステムをテストするために起動し使用していた。しかし、それは明らかにそこに滞在した。

 The Russians continued to attack the next space shuttles. On Nov 26 1985 when the space shuttle ATLANTIS launched, a mysterious light was hanging in the sky. According to Tom Bearden a scalar interferometer in exothermic mode struck the area just prior to launch. Twelve minutes after launch, a huge atmospheric, rumbling explosion occurred over the area, and was heard for hundreds of miles up and down the coast. The Soviets were using the shuttle launches to test their ABM/antibomber missile system. However it apparently stayed up there.


 According to Tom Bearden, after the space shuttle CHALLENGER was shot down in full view of the public, and along with the knowledge that the launch of other shuttles probably were Russian weapons tests: "The Russians (KGB) apparently had already decided to kill it, and so one would expect multiple fatal shots, continuing in a manner where they had already demonstrated our guys would not recognize what had happened, because our fellows back then knew nothing of scalar interferometry, and would not believe it. A small nation with scalar weapons friendly to America.


 That series of shots and interventions came to a sort of screeching halt when a friendly little nation simply destroyed several very large Russian missile storage facilities and such strategic targets. One shot knocked out one-third the missiles in one of the large Russian fleets. So it quit being fun and games for the KGB at that point, because that little nation already had at least working prototype quantum potential weapons and could have blasted Russia right off the face of the earth at the time. And the Russians knew it.


 It was not sweet reason and diplomacy that backed them down; it was an iron fist. In the aftermath of all that activity, which eerily stayed well behind the scenes and was never recognized for what it was by the open news, the Soviet economy eventually collapsed, the Berlin Wall came down, and you know the rest..." he continues: " 'War' was never as cold as represented. Behind the scenes there were continual strategic maneuverings and preparations for the most spectacular strategic attacks ever dreamed of by the human mind. We got through it (at least until now) by the grace of God and by the guts and stamina of a friendly little nation also having some of the most powerful weapons on earth." (Bearden leaves no doubt that this was Israel in his other writings.) More on that topic here.


 Russia had intended to control space, the oceans with her weapons entirely, which they stated in a meeting with communist heads in Europe. They specifically indicated that the use of 'peaceful coexistence' was allowing this to be developed and prepared. The anomalies were noted to Bearden:


フラッシュがシャトルの右ウィングの下流に観察される:として1986年1月28日CHALLENGERスペースシャトルの災害に対するスカラー攻撃の証拠が認められた。第二フラッシュは右翼末尾見られる。第三の原因不明のフラッシュがシャトルの右の翼の下流に見られている。 70ミリメートルの追跡カメラのクローズアップ:炎の鮮やかなオレンジ色のボールは、明らかに、右翼の下から出て、すぐに固体ロケットブースターのプルームと合流。

 Evidence of scalar attack on the 28 Jan 1986 CHALLENGER space shuttle disaster was noted as: A flash is observed downstream of the shuttle's right wing. A second flash is seen trailing the right wing. A third unexplained flash is seen downstream of the shuttle's right-hand wing. 70 mm tracking camera closeup: A brilliant orange ball of flame, apparently, emerges from under the right wing and quickly merges with the plume of the solid rocket boosters.

打ち上げ後のフィルムを追跡する分析中に観察されたこの現象は、前回の打ち上げで見てきた。車両が爆発する前にこのシーケンスはよく捕獲された。これは、彼らが見たことを、スカラー干渉計「ミサイル」か?また、これは、前の打ち上げで見てきた。 1986チャレンジャー災害のロシアのスカラーキルのより自分に不利な証拠がここにトム·ベアデンによって発見することができます:

 This phenomenon, observed during analysis of tracking film after launch, has been seen on previous launches. This sequence was captured well before the vehicle exploded. Is this a scalar interferometer 'missile' that they saw? This has also been seen on previous launches. More incriminating evidence of the Russian scalar kill of the 1986 CHALLENGER disaster can be found by Tom Bearden here:

この最新の2003 COLUMBIAシャトル災害がロシアされていない可能性が。 2003年2月1日のコロンビア災害のスカラー攻撃はここで見つけることができます:ここに

This latest 2003 COLUMBIA shuttle disaster may NOT have been Russian. The scalar attack of the COLUMBIA disaster of 1 Feb 2003 can be found here: and here

Gulufuture(ひずみ)があるため、タイミングの中国のスカラ演算の可能性を探ります。 2003年2月1日COLUMBIA爆発の日に、中国人は「..theyが可能、米国の先制攻撃に対抗するための適切な対策を取る」とモスクワで述べている。 Gulufutureも書いた:「COLUMBIAは中東の買収のための英米の制度に衰弱先制打撃を結んでいる米国のスペースシャトル上のスカラーバーストストライキを。

 Gulufuture also explores the possibility of a Chinese scalar operation because of the timing. On 1 Feb 2003 the day of the COLUMBIA explosion, the Chinese said in Moscow that "..they would take adequate measures to counter a possible United States preemptive attack". Gulufuture also wrote: "A scalar-burst strike on the US space shuttle COLUMBIA has struck a debilitating preemptive blow to Anglo-American plans for a Middle-East takeover.

心理戦は戦術的な中東の計画された米英の侵略オーバープレ紛争小競り合いを続ける中で前面にあった。 COLUMBIAテキサス上空での電磁「壁」に走ったように、この時間は打撃は、壊滅的だった。土曜日2003年2月1日にスカラーテスラ榴弾砲の武器は、COLUMBIAが驚異的に成功したと米国防総省で赤い顔を残して、米国のスペースシャトルを撃墜で--aimed。そして一日中、私が聞き、巨大なブームを聞く人の報告を読んでいた、多くの目撃者は、ブームがありました。 Gulufuture(ひずみ)これは、スカラー電磁気イベントへの一つの大きな手がかりが既にあることを指摘している。ビッグブーム。"

 Psychological warfare tactics were to the fore in continuing pre-conflict skirmishing over the planned US-UK invasion of the Middle-East. This time the blow was devastating, as the COLUMBIA ran into an electromagnetic 'wall' in the sky over Texas. On Saturday 1st February, 2003 a scalar Tesla Howitzer weapon --aimed at downing the US space shuttle COLUMBIA was phenomenally successful and will leave red faces in the Pentagon. And all day long I had been hearing and reading reports of people hearing a giant boom, many witnesses had the boom. Gulufuture points that this is already one big clue to a scalar electromagnetic event. The Big Booms."


 This could also be a particle beam weapon which also booms. Various things were seen by observers like a purple flash seen before it blew up. Some anomalies indicating an attack on COLUMBIA from an exotic weapon can be found written by Conspiracy Nation:



 "The San Fransisco Chronicle and other newspapers also mentioned the puzzling photos, "five strange and provocative images of the shuttle COLUMBIA just as it was re-entering the Earth's atmosphere before dawn Saturday. The pictures, taken with a Nikon 8 camera on a tripod, reveal what appear to be bright electrical phenomena flashing around the track of the shuttle's passage."




 Strangely Bearden believes an unknown source shot down the COLUMBIA on Feb 1 2003, rather than blaming the Russians, but indicates in his comments on the disaster that the Japanese Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo have been doing non-stop weather engineering over US since they leased Russian scalar weapons since 1989. Bearden though in another correspondence about the COLUMBIA here:


Bearden writes regarding the COLUMBIA disaster:


 "From time to time, the KGB (under its new name) has to permit the Yakuza et al. to do something more dramatic, such as shoot down an aircraft, etc., in order to have the rogue group continue to pay the lease.


 The Yakuza has also carried the longitudinal EM wave interferometry technology back to Japan clandestinely, and is apparently producing smaller, more portable weapons now in its own highly hidden facilities in Japan, completely separate from anything or intention by the Japanese government...


 The Yakuza, however, are a major enemy of the US, even more potent than the Al Qaeda, and they do intend to participate directly in great strategic strikes for the eventual destruction of the US, whenever that time comes. They see this as extracting vengeance against the US for its defeat (and shame, in the Bushido concept) in WW II, and for the US dropping the atomic bombs on Japan.


 The Yakuza still operates by a modified old Bushido code." Bearden says rogue Japanese teams (the Yakuza mafia and Aum Shinrikyo cult) leased (from the KGB) scalar EM interferometry weapons on site in Russia, in latter 1989. Since early 1990, that rogue team on site in Russia has been directly engineering the weather over North America. That series of shots and interventions at the shuttles stopped when Israel destroyed several very large Russian missile storage facilities and such strategic targets.

それは、誰もが彼らのスカラー武器を放棄しない限り、物事はスライドしようとしているように思われる。空気はまだ起こってクラッシュや恥や屈辱、ロシア独自の刑罰で起こっていた、Web検索が行われたかを確認する。 (ただし1不思議彼ら南極のUFOでナチスは、特に捕獲ナチスがロシアの飛行機を作成していたことを知って、どんなロシアのクラッシュとは何かを持っている可能性がある場合。彼らはあまりにも超兵器を持っているという証拠がある。)

 It appears that unless everybody gives up their scalar weapons, things are going to slide. Air crashes still going on and to see what was happening with Russia's own infliction of shame and humiliation, a web search was made. (However one wonder if the Nazis in their Antarctican UFOs may have anything to do with any Russian crashes, especially knowing that captured Nazis had created the Russian planes. There is evidence that they too have superweapons.)


 What really happened to Tu-144 at the Paris Air Show 1973? Was it a pilot error, a flaw in design of Soviet SST or was it bad luck? James Oberg writes: "On June 3,[1973] the last day of the air show, the two different Mach 2 airliners flew head to head before a crowd of 200,000 aviation fans.


 First the Anglo-French Concorde made a magnificent flyby and circuit of the field, performing more like a fighter jet than a passenger airliner. Then it was the Tu-144's turn. Pilot Mikhail Kozlov did his best to outperform the Concorde, completing a series of maneuvers with a low flyby along Runway 060... journalists grew apprehensive over the airplane's low airspeed.


 They saw the plane's afterburners kick in, painting shock diamonds behind the four engines. As the plane reached the end of the runway, it pulled up into a climb which rapidly became dangerously steep. Kozlov's nearly vertical climb had had its intended effect: ...the left canard broke clean off from the stresses. It smashed into the wing root behind it, and a small orange flare blossomed as the ruptured fuel tank exploded. The plane noised over and dived straight into the ground "like an arrowhead," one horrified newsman recalled years later."


 The second opinion on this comes from Jean Alexander "...it was thought that the accident was due to failure of the flying control system mixer box, a mechanical device which converts pitch and roll commands into elevon movements...it was unofficially reported that the accident was due to the pilot initially attempting to land on the wrong runway. On going round again he found himself on a collision course with a Mirage fighter and pushed the nose of the Tu-144 down at a sharp angle to avoid it. This threw the co-pilot, who was filming at the time, on to the controls and when eventually a recovery was made it proved to be too sudden, causing a structural failure in the starboard mails wing panel."

別のロシアの空気の災害は、1999年に起こった「パリ航空ショーがクラッシュ月で開き、12·ブルジェ、フランス(AP)は、1999年 - ロシアで最も先進的なジェット戦闘機のプロトタイプが中にクラッシュしたときに、世界最大の航空ショーが今日不吉な調子でオープンしました。飛行実証。それが第43回パリ航空ショーでのダイビングから出てくる力を失うように見えたとき、青と白のスホーイ-30 MKがちょうど制御降下で木の葉のように舞う終えた。

 Another Russian air disaster happened in 1999: "Paris Air Show Opens With Crash . June 12 1999 LE BOURGET, France (AP) - The world's largest air show opened on an ominous note today when a prototype of Russia's most advanced fighter jet crashed during a flight demonstration. The blue and white Sukhoi-30 MK had just finished fluttering like a leaf in a controlled descent when it appeared to lose power coming out of a dive at the 43rd Paris Air Show.


 The plane plunged to the ground, appeared to lightly touch it, then soared back into the air with its tail aflame. The UK press had this to say about it: "Flame burst from the engine and the Sukhoi began a steep, almost vertical climb. Seconds later the two crew ejected from the plane as it began to twist in the air. One spectator said: 'The aircraft seemed to lose power.

尾が滑走路を捕まえて、アフターバーナー'が代わって入った「もう一つのロシア風災害は2001年6月10日に起こった:"。。二つのL-39トレーナージェット航空機は、サンクトペテルブルク近くLevashovo飛行場の空気中で衝突した「Pravda.RU2001年6月23日次のロシアの航空ショーの災害について書いた:フランス語のAIRショーで「平面軟禁RUSSIAN MARTIALのHONOURを侮辱:スイスベースノガ社の主張にルブルジェ航空宇宙ショーでMP.Aロシアの戦闘機の停止が常識に反抗。逮捕は6月22日、第二次世界大戦中のソ連に対するナチスの攻撃の60周年に落ちたように問題はさらに悪くなる。

 The tail caught the runway and the afterburners came on'."Another Russian air disaster happened on June 10 2001: "Two L-39 trainer jet aircrafts collided in the air at the Levashovo aerodrome near Saint Petersburg." Pravda.RU June 23 2001 wrote about the next Russian airshow disaster: "PLANE ARREST AT FRENCH AIR SHOW INSULTS RUSSIAN MARTIAL HONOUR: MP .A Russian fighter plane arrest at the Le Bourget aerospace show on a claim of the Swiss-based Noga Co. defied common sense. The matter is even worse as the arrest fell on June 22, 60th anniversary of nazi attack on the Soviet Union in World War II.

怒りはロシアの武術栄光を傷つけ、自分の、フランスと他の国の自由のための戦いで倒れた兵士の記憶を侮辱し、上院議員を指摘。 。ノルマンディ·ニーメン空気連隊のフランスの第二次世界大戦の退役軍人がロシアを訪問しているとき、彼らは当時の恣意的な逮捕をオフに肩をすくめたとして、フランス当局者は恥で自分自身をカバーし、氏Marghelov氏は述べています「航空ショーでの第三の災害は、次に来た:"2002年7月28日ウクライナ:歴史の中で最悪の航空ショー災害。

 The outrage tarnished Russian martial glory and insulted the memory of soldiers fallen in battle for the liberty of their own, French and other nations, points out the Senator. French officials covered themselves with shame as they shrugged off the arbitrary arrest at a time when French WWII veterans of the Normandie-Niemen air regiment are visiting Russia, says Mr. Marghelov." The 3rd disaster at an airshow came next: "July 28 2002. Ukraine: Worst air show disaster in history.

ウクライナ西部の日付に83人が死亡している災害は、航空ショー、最悪今まで撮影した場所です。スホーイSU-27が金曜日に12.45 MSKで墜落したときに、さらに115人が負傷したと報告されている。飛行機は約2分間の空にあった高度な移動を実行していた。それは、その翼端せん断木で、銀行は左、サイレントと地面に向かって行って地面に別のプレーンに触れる。その後、2経験豊富なパイロットが飛行し、tarmac.The航空機を打つ力を失った。

 The disaster which has killed 83 people to date in western Ukraine is the worst ever to have taken place at an air show. A further 115 people are reported to have been injured when the Sukhoi SU-27 crashed at 12.45 MSK on Friday. The plane was in the sky for about two minutes and had been performing advanced moves. Then it went silent and headed toward the ground, banking left, with its wingtip shearing trees and touching another plane on the ground. It then hit the tarmac.The aircraft, flown by two experienced pilots, lost power.

ちょうど日災害の後、ロシア機、イリューシン日成-86は、少なくとも14人が死亡、モスクワ最大の空港から離陸に墜落した。ウクライナ当局は、ウクライナの軍事基地から発射されたミサイルが誤ったイスラエルに、ボード上のそれらのほとんどの移民をすべて78人が死亡、ロシアの飛行機を撃墜し、最後の2001年10月、後に軍の事故についての特に敏感です。 2000年9月、別のSu-27はパイロットを殺害、ジトーミル、ウクライナ西部に近い操縦中にクラッシュ。のSu-27は、1つまたは2つの乗組員と、異なる構成で製造される。ウクライナの最も最近の他の軍用飛行機事故では、パイロットは飛行機が修理中だった後に起こったザポロージャ中のSu-25ジェットの2002年4月事故で死亡した。

 Just a day after the disaster, a Russian aircraft, an Ilyushin Il-86, crashed on take-off from Moscow's biggest airport, killing at least 14 people. Ukrainian officials are especially sensitive about military accidents after last October 2001, when an errant missile fired from a Ukrainian military base shot down a Russian plane, killing all 78 people on board, most of them immigrants to Israel. In September 2000, another Su-27 crashed during maneuvers close to Zhytomyr, western Ukraine, killing only the pilot. The Su-27 is produced in different configurations, with either one or two crew. In the most recent other military plane accident in Ukraine, a pilot was killed in the April 2002 crash of a Su-25 jet in Zaporizhia that happened after the plane had been under repair.


 On 29 July, 2002, UK BBC NEWS wrote of a Russian Airbus crashing in Central Siberia in 1994, forcing the Russian govt. to ask the US Federal Aviation Administration to audit Russian civil aviation. The result was that Russian civil aviation had no casualties from 1997 until mid 2001, when there were two accidents. The Ukrainian airshow accident may cause that country to ask for US monitoring.


 There was also a collision of a Russian plane with another over the Swiss border of Germany in 2002, and another Ilyushin Il-86 airliner crash in 2002. Russia began to tell the world that its civil aviation is of international standards in safety. This is ironic, considering all the damage done to the spaceshuttles and American aircraft and missiles already, but were some of these Russian aircraft crashes created by cloaked Nazi UFOs using their own beam weapons coming from Antarctica? After all the Russians did capture 275,000 Nazis, and never let them return. Again, with portable scalar beam bazookas, no plane is safe anymore.

44.ブラジル / BRAZIL'

ブラジルのトム·ベアデンによると、細胞レベルで誰かにその署名をインプリントすることによって疾患を誘導するためにスカラー干渉計を使って量子ポテンシャルの武器を持っています。ベアデンは、湾岸戦争症候群は、複数の疾患を含む、この技術を使用してロシア人によって引き起こされたと主張している。 GWSはジョイス·ライリーによると、現場では少なくとも40万の軍事に達した。

 According to Tom Bearden in Brazil has quantum potential weapons, which use scalar interferometers to induce a disease by imprinting its signature into someone at the cellular level. Bearden claims Gulf War Syndrome, containing multiple diseases, was caused by the Russians using this technology. GWS reached at least 400,000 military at the scene according to Joyce Riley.

何千人が死亡または無効になっています。この技術はまた、まだアクティブになっていない遺伝性疾患を引き出すことができます。それは、ブラジル人の量子ポテンシャルの武器を与えた誰不明だ。ブックディノKraspedon(Dino Kraspedon)、ブラジル人による「UFOはとの私の連絡先」には、作家が木星の衛星の一つから科学者によって1952年にサンパウロで数回訪問されたと主張されている。彼も人間エイリアンの宇宙船を入力している間はJupitarianは反重力推進が科学的に操作方法を説明し、オンボード。

 Many thousands have died or become disabled. This technology can also bring out inherited diseases not yet active. It's unknown who gave the Brazilians quantum potential weapons. In the book 'My Contact With UFOs' by Dino Kraspedon, a Brazilian, it is claimed the writer was visited several times at Sao Paulo in 1952 by a scientist from one of Jupiter's moons. He even entered the human alien's spaceship and while onboard the Jupitarian explained how the anti-gravity propulsion operated scientifically.


 The alien knew several languages and even quoted the Bible and gave anames and dates from principle events in history. He said on Jupiter's moons people who lived there were all sorts of sizes and colors. He proceeded to elaborate on the etheric layers around planets and that an electron was deformed magnetic space, propagated in wave form. An electron is a stationary wave form within an atom and that electricity formed by a flow of electrons from the turning of a rotor in a magnetic field formed by a magnet moving along the surface of a conductor.


 An electron has a variable wave form and its characteristics in consequence are virtually unlimited. Stationary electrical waves in the field of an atom each have their own particular wave structure and frequency and waves of varying length don't interfere with each other as shown by radio, even though they occupy the same area os space. He gave explicity details on the magnetic field and Einstein's Relativity and how objects are attracted and replused by each other especially the repulsion of solar light.

木星は彼らの磁場が太陽の磁場との関係でどのように動作し、すべての惑星が回転し、どのように説明しました。彼はまた、ハイパースペースの真空、異なる大気層で話し、どのように光は、真空、人々は、明示的な詳細には、次に知らなかったすべてのphyicsに影響を与えます。 Jupitarianはまた、別の日は、彼がここに来た理由だったバイナリーシステムを作るために世紀の終わりに私たちの太陽系に入るだろうと主張した。彼は惑星のすべての軌道が変更されると、多くの人々が地球から消えるだろうと善良な人々が「エクトプラズム」には実体化し、「生きている'体の高い種類で再び上運ぶと述べた。 (彼は時々幽霊がエクトプラズムを使って「実体化」することができ、彼らはオブジェクトが物理的に滞在することができ、それはちょうどそのようなものだったことを言った!)

 The Jupitarian explained how all the planets rotate and how their magnetic fields operated in relation to the sun's magnetic field. He also told of the vacuum of hyperspace, the different atmospheric layers and how light affects the vacuum and all the phyics that people hadn't known then in explicit detail. The Jupitarian also claimed that another sun would enter our solar system at the end of the century to make a binary system which was why he came here. He said all the orbits of the planets would be changed and many people would vanish from the earth and good people rematerialise in 'ectoplasm' and carrying on 'living' again in a higher kind of body. (He said that occasionally ghosts can 'materialise' using ectoplasm and they can make objects stay physical and it was just like that!)

Kraspedon(Dino Kraspedon)の友人が1952年6月に科学ソ連アカデミーに本を送り、1952年9月に、彼らは非常に興味を持っていたと言って戻って書いた。ソ連は一方、アメリカ人は5キロの唯一の衛星が軌道上で自分自身を維持することができるだろうと主張していたが、わずか数週間後に彼らの最初の衛星計量86キロを送った。ロシアのキャリアロケットも軌道にまで滞在し、ロシアの宇宙プログラムはオランダ人が私達の太陽系に来る別の日を主張して、いくつかの金星が訪れた1959年に1952年にクイックスタートを切ったので、それが衛星よりもはるかに多くの重量を測定し。

 A friend of Kraspedon(Dino Kraspedon) sent the book to the Soviet Academy of Sciences in June 1952 and in Sept 1952 they wrote back saying they were very interested. The Soviets sent up their first satellite weighing 86kg just a few weeks later, whereas, the Americans had claimed that only a satellite of 5kg would be able to maintain itself in orbit. The Russian carrier rocket also stayed up in orbit and it weighed much more than the satellite so the Russian space program got off to a quick start in 1952. In 1959 a Dutchman was visited by some Venusians who claimed another sun would come into our solar system.

サントスのカトリック大学でローマ法の教授は、ブラジルはKraspedon(Dino Kraspedon)と同時に空飛ぶ円盤の乗組員と接触してもいたと彼はの創設により、抗重力における推進のシステムの詳細を言われました真空。有名なアメリカのジョージ·アダムスキーはまた、抗重力推進を彼に話した1950年代に金星から連絡した。

 A professor of Roman law at the Catholic University of Santos, Brazil was also in contact with the crew of a flying saucer at the same time as Kraspedon and he was told of the details of the system of propulsion in anti-gravity by the creation of a vacuum. The famous American George Adamski was also contacted by Venusians in the 1950's who told him about anti-gravity propulsion.

ブラジルの大手週刊誌は、Istoeは2003年9月3日に報告され、電磁パルスは、それは、ランチパッドとスポークスマンに突然原因不明の発火があったto.Three日前にスケジュールリフトオフに従って、ブラジルのVLS rocket.Theブラジル空軍はそれがサボタージュだったと思い妨害言った:"すべての最後のプレ打ち上げテストはロケットがその最大で3000度Cに達する、全体ランチパッドを消費し、火災の火花点火直前に、1つの問題が検出されることなく、締結されていた。

 The leading Brazilian weekly, Istoe reported on Sept 3 2003, an electromagnetic pulse sabotaged Brazil's VLS rocket.The Brazilian airforce believe it was sabotage, according to.Three days before scheduled lift-off it had a sudden unexplained ignition on the launchpad and a spokesman said: "All final pre-launch tests had been concluded, without a single problem being detected, shortly before the rocket ignited, sparking a fire which consumed the entire launchpad, reaching 3,000 deg C at its maximum.


 With the mass of molten metal which resulted providing few clues, the military officers investigating the explosion began examining who was present that week in Sao Luis, where the Alcantara space center is located. To their surprise, reports Istoe, they found a surprising number of foreigners, many of them Americans, checked into Sao Luis's hotels that week. At least eight of those foreigners are under investigation....[querying] the application of a foreign agent to the rocket, such as a microwave ray or electromagnetic waves.


 "An electromagnetic wave could be fired from a small apparatus, or even from space, from some satellite," suggests scientist Edison Bittencourt, a professor at Brazil's Aerospace Technical Center" [Source: EIR sources, and Istoe, Sept. 3 2003] Brazil lost a fifth of its space program team in the fire which followed the rocket explosion. Eleven of the country's most qualified space engineers, and ten technicians. Reconstituting a team of that quality will take three to four years, the director of the Aerospace Technical Center, Brig.

ロシアの専門家ブラジルは8月22日、アルカンタラでの大惨事が起動した後に、サイトのスペース技術プログラムを継続して支援するため提供してきました:ティアゴ·リベイロは、{Istoe} [。ロシアのニュースワイヤー出典]が言った。彼らは、発射のサイトの良い部分を破壊したVSLキャリアロケットの爆発の原因の究明に役立つと少なくとも21ブラジルのスペースハイテクエンジニアと立ち上げ要員殺害するために、9月4日にブラジルに到着します。それが爆発を作成するスカラー干渉の武器でしたか?

 Tiago Ribeiro, told {Istoe}.[Source: Russian news wires.] Russia specialists has offered to help Brazil continuing its space-technology program after the Aug. 22, catastrophe at the Alcantara launching site. They will arrive in Brazil on Sept. 4, to help in the investigation of the causes of the explosion of the VSL carrier rocket that destroyed a good part of the launching site and killed at least 21 Brazilian space-tech engineers and launching personnel. Was it scalar interference weapons creating an explosion?


 On the forum at http://www.rumormillsnews.com it was said: "Now that's a Boys from Brazil story, same technology as German/alien late 40ies mixed in with ill intent, backfires always." The Sept 2003 explosion in the equatorial city of Alcantara also injured about two dozen technicians as they prepared for the launch, in what was Brazil's third attempt to send a rocket into space and enter the lucrative international aerospace market.

$ US6.5億VLS-3ロケットは、ブラジルの国立宇宙研究所が開発した衛星と、次の日に打ち上げを予定していた。 6月には、ブラジルはアルカンタラベースからその国のCycloneロケットを起動するウクライナとの契約を締結しました。ブラジルは長い間、民間航空機の正常な輸出されており、二十年は、衛星打ち上げのための$ US60億ドルの年間市場への進出を模索している。 (ただし、多くの危険な武器は衛星に置くことができる。)1997エンジンの問題ではリフトオフがVLS-1は大西洋に衝突させた後。それは、リフトオフ後3分で故障したときに1999年には、VLS-2は、遠隔操作により破壊された。

 The $US6.5 million VLS-3 rocket had been scheduled to blast off the next day, with satellites developed by Brazil's National Space Research Institute. In June, Brazil signed an agreement with Ukraine to launch that country's Cyclone rockets from the Alcantara base. Brazil has long been a successful exporter of commercial aircraft and has sought for two decades to expand into the $US60 billion annual market for satellite launches. (However many dangerous weapons can be put on satellites.) In 1997 engine problems after lift-off caused the VLS-1 to crash into the Atlantic Ocean. In 1999, the VLS-2 was destroyed by remote control when it malfunctioned three minutes after lift-off.


 The Brazilian President afterwards reaffirmed its commitment to continue the effort to provide Brazil with its own space technology. Brazil's science and technology minister told a press conference on Oct 21 2003, that China is co-operating with Brazil in scientific research, such as the development of nuclear energy and that they have a pact in the field of aerospace, that will benefit both countries. Brazil's foreigns minister also visited India to talk about developing major projects in construction. India offered to launch Brazil's micro-satellites and to sell Brazil India's supercomputer. Both India and Brazil are in a group of twenty countries (pulled together at the WTO Cancun meeting) who want to reform UN.


 Much needs to be known about Brazil's space program, because of their scalar and quantum potential weapons and alliance to many countries. For more details:



 In April 2000 Brazil entered a deal with US to turn its fledgling space base into one

世界のトップ衛星打ち上げサイト。このようフランス領ギアナクールー基地として - 米国企業は、他の赤道衛星発射のサイトに代わるものとしてアルカンターラと呼ばれる基盤を、検討してください。 8は、商業打ち上げを可能にするの - - 世界の17打ち上げサイトのブラジルはこれまでで最も野心的な宇宙プロジェクトの一つinvolved.Butになりたいてい14億ドルシステムでレイセオンの役割equator.Lockheedマーティンとオービタル·サイエンスに最も近いですアマゾン(SIVAM)の警戒のために。

 the world's top satellite launch sites. American companies consider the base, called Alcantara, as an alternative to other equatorial satellite-launching sites -- such as the Kourou base in French Guiana. Of the world's 17 launch sites – of which eight allow commercial launches – Brazil is closest to the equator.Lockheed Martin and Orbital Sciences have want to be involved.But one of the most ambitious space projects to date is Raytheon's role in the $1.4 billion System for the Vigilance of the Amazon (SIVAM).

SIVAMは、長い間、主に軍事的なプロジェクトであると考えられている。衛星、偵察機やレーダーシステムの数十を含む - - レイセオンはHAARP transmitters.Theレキシントン、マサチューセッツ州の航空宇宙会社が、感覚や通信機器の洗練されたウェブを構築しているに関連付けられているアマゾン3.1万平方マイルを監視すること。 1980年代には、ブラジルは航空交通を監視するために3つの村にレーダー基地を設置するための小さな6億ドルの計画をまとめる。

 SIVAM, is long believed to be a mostly military project. Raytheon is associated with the HAARP transmitters.The Lexington, Massachusetts aerospace company is building a sophisticated web of sensory and communication devices – including satellites, surveillance aircraft and dozens of radar systems – that will monitor the 3.1 million sq miles of the Amazon. In the 1980s, Brazil put together a small $600 million plan to install radar stations in three villages to monitor air traffic.


 But by 2002, there promises to be a highly sophisticated system of platforms, sensors, computers and processing centers. Brazil has scalar and quantum potential weapons. Who will they use them against? Radars can easily be converted to scalar transmitters. Allegations surfaced that Raytheon had bribed Brazilian govt officials, but this has been debunked.The project will use weather and imagery satellite receivers, environmental sensors, surveillance aircraft and weather radars.

2が打ち上げに失敗した後Dec1999ではブラジルは、その科学衛星をスクラップすることを決めていた。ロケットの一つは、約3分後に行き詰まって、それを破壊するためにコントロールセンターを余儀なくされた。数百万ドルの気象衛星とコントロールセンターを運ぶ4段ロケットは、遠隔操作でロケットと衛星を破壊した。 「他の国は何かが仕事を始めた前に破裂し、より多くのロケットを見てきた、"'と述べた。

 In Dec1999 Brazil had decided to scrap its scientific satellites, after two failed launches. One of the rockets faltered about three minutes after and forced the control center to destroy it. The four-stage rocket, carrying a multimillion dollar meteorological satellite and the control center destroyed the rocket and satellite by remote control. "Other countries have seen many more rockets burst before something started working,"' an official said.

2000年のブラジルとフランスのパートナーシップは、科学的な実験を行うため、新世代衛星を作成しました。 600万ドルフランス語のSacI-2気象衛星は4段ロケットの後に土曜日の爆風オフがその推進ユニットのいずれかでのまだ未確認の問題に見舞われた後に(再び)3分程度そのロケットと一緒に破壊された。これは、ブラストオフ2年前に最初のSacI衛星を実施した後すぐに爆破した最初のブラジル人のロケットのそれに似て見えた。未知のソースは、それらを撃墜しましたか?

 A Brazilian-French partnership in 2000 created a new generation satellite to conduct scientific experiments. The $6 million French Saci-2 meteorological satellite was destroyed along with its rocket (again) about three minutes after blast-off on Saturday after the four-stage rocket suffered an as-yet-unidentified problem with one of its propulsion units. It seemed similar to that of the first Brazilian rocket, which blew up soon after blast-off two years ago carrying the first Saci satellite. Did unknown sources shoot them down?

ブラジルはまた後に飛び立つ間もなく失敗whch別の機会に中国から打ち上げ別の衛星、との接触を失った。 1999年11月にキエフ(ロイター)が木曜日にウクライナとブラジルの当局は海外で、彼らが国際的な商業衛星打ち上げで主導的な役割を取るために南米country.Ukraineの野心から宇宙に打ち上げされるウクライナのロケットにつながることを願って協力協定を締結したことを書きましたそのゼニットロケットの一つがまもなく旧ソ連カザフスタンの打ち上げ台からブラストオフの後に乗って12数百万ドル規模の衛星とクラッシュしたときの事業は、1998年に挫折に苦しんだ。

 Brazil also lost contact with another satellite launched from China on another occasion, whch failed shortly after blast off. In November 1999 KIEV (Reuters) wrote that Ukrainian and Brazilian officials on Thursday signed abroad cooperation agreement which they hope will lead to Ukrainian rockets being launched into space from the South American country.Ukraine's ambitions to take a leading role in the international commercial satellite launch business suffered a setback in 1998 when one of its Zenit rockets crashed with 12 multi-million-dollar satellites aboard shortly after blast-off from a launch pad in ex-Soviet Kazakhstan.

しかし、さらに3つのロケットは後に正常に起動された - 太平洋のサイトからカザフスタンから1および2。ブラジルの宇宙計画を妨害あるいは本当にその背後にある一つの驚異。それはブラジルの本当の敵が誰であるか不明である。しかし、それは彼らが、いくつかの異星人が政府と協力している可能性があります。それはUFOがブラジルで非常に共通していることを数年前に出版されたので、彼らはただ、空港に着陸。

 But three more rockets were later launched successfully -- one from Kazakhstan and two from a site in the Pacific. One wonders who is sabotaging Brazil's space program or even who is really behind it. It is unknown who Brazil's real enemies are. But it's possible they have a few aliens there working with the govt. because it was published a few years ago that UFOs are so common in Brazil, they just land at the airport.


 This could be the attraction to various countries interesting in the space program especially if a portal is being opened to travel through space using wornholes like other countries have covertly. It the space center is on a grid node this may be possible. There is said to be a Vatican space center in South America but it is unknown if this is the Brazilian base. The Vatican is very interested in what Hubble telescope saw in space in 1996.


 NASA apparently has hundreds of photos of a 'skycity' hanging in deep space above the earth, apparently 300 miles wide fitting a description of the 'New Jerusalem' in Revelation. This 'revelation' was coverd in the May 2003 issue of UFO Magazine (UK). It said there was apparently a conference in 1996 to discuss this subject with the attendence of world and religious leaders. Following this, the Vatican has spent millions upgrading its telescope in Arizona. Is perhaps the Brazilian space center or the Vatican hoping to send a representative from earth to the space-based New Jerusalem? Much intrigue is happening beyond Earth.

45.インド / INDIA


 There is also a tripartite cooperation between India, South Africa and Brazil. So India may have many opportunities to learn scalar technology if they are going to be involved closely in scientific projects with South Africa and Brazil who have them, especially if India is already advanced in other areas, such as physics and computers.

だから、アメリカ人や他の外国人が週が不審であることを地域にホテルを満たされた時に二十から一ブラジルのスペースハイテクエンジニアは、この事故で死亡しているという事実。それが最初にロケットを造る助けたナチスの科学者だった場合、イスラエルはおそらく興味があるので、人の数に制限は、これを行っている可能性があります。 Ukraniansまたはロシア場合、アメリカがあるでしょう。中国あれば、日本人は興味がある。彼女の古代ヴェーダの文章でインドは一度危険なビーム兵器との完全な反重力のUFOを持っていたし、それは彼らが最近、彼らは物理学と高度なコンピュータ技術で非常に巧妙であるとして、これ以上製造しているのだろうかと思うように魅力的です。

 So the fact that twenty-one Brazilian space-tech engineers died in this accident, when Americans and other foreigners filled the hotels in the area that week is suspicious. Any number of people could have done this, because if it was Nazi scientists that initially helped build the rockets, Israelis would be probably interested. If Ukranians or Russians, America would be there. If China, the Japanese would be interested. India in her ancient vedic writings once had anti-gravity UFOs complete with dangerous beam weapons and it is fascinating to wonder if they have recently manufactured any more as they are very clever at physics and advanced computer technology.

46 日本 / JAPAN


 According to Harry Mason in his Bright Skies articles, on 28 May 1993, 23:03 hrs a large orange-red spherical fireball, with a small bluish-white conical tail flew north from Leonora to Laverton in Western Australia. It emitted a pulsed, roaring or loud diesel-engine sound before it passed.


 It was witnessed over a 250km distance at least, though it probably had a much longer flight path, originating well out over the southern Indian Ocean from Antarctica. It appeared to arc down towards the ground, then disappeared. This was followed by a near-blinding, massive high-energy burst of blue-white light that rippled for about 3-5 seconds, lighting up the windless, cloudless, moonless night like it was daylight for about 100km in every direction. It looked like a nuclear blast, but no crater was ever found. Then a huge red-colored flare shot vertically for possibly several km, followed immediately by a massive seismic ground wave, that shook the ground so violently, that people fell over. The earthquake measured 3.9.


Then a very loud, major explosive blast was heard over a 250km by 150km corridor. After this a large deep-red-orange colored hemisphere of opaque light, the size of a setting moon, with a silver outer-shell rose from ground level and hovered over "ground-zero" bobbing around for nearly two hours, before disappearing suddenly,


 like someone pulled a switch. Dogs at widely separated locations in the vicinity went berzerk, possibly from an ultrasound or EM wave propagation to which they are sensitive. An hour later, three observers in the same area saw a second mich smaller blue-green-white fireball, which rose from ground level, followed by a very small explosion, and minor earthquake, but no more action. The sheep station, where these fireballs landed is called Banjawarn, in the eastern goldfields region of Western Australia. It was purchased in late April the same year by the Japanese Aum Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo) cult.


 A third fireball headed directly for Banjawarn station in May or June 1993 in the early morning, possibly about 5am, heading north. It was yellow-orange-red and had a very small blue-white tail. It lit up the dark sky with an intense blue-white flash. It could have ultimately reached the American navy scalar weapon faculty in Exmouth,


 NW of Western Australia. The Aum sect only occupied Banjawarn station for a month. Mason believes the activities on the Banjawarn station were of scalar EM origin and writes that the Aum cult sent a team to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1992, with the object of knowing Tesla's earthquake inducing weapons system technique, and they started this in 1993 at Banjawarn.


 The Banjawarn sheep station was purchased and occupied in 1993, by the Aum sect, and they stated their purpose there was 'to conduct experiments for the benefit of mankind'. Aum sect's deputy leader Kiyohide Hayakawa visited Perth in April 1993, and aided by a Japanese Mahikari cult agent, bought Banjawarn. In his pre-Aum days, Hayakawa studied at a university dept., in which evidence has been found that it was a cover for Japanese electromagnetic EM weapons research. However the Osaka University now insists that Hayakawa studied "landscape engineering" (which is presumably induced earthquakes).


 He was said to be in the Korean 'Moonies' sect , run by Rev Moon, a long time friend of the North Korean 'Great Leader', and is a business associate of GH Bush and many US men acting as 'Christian' leaders. More information on this side can be found here at http://rense.com/general20/unholy.htm (4 parts). According to Mason, the Japanese police believed Hayakawa may be a spy for the N Korean military. The higher levels of the Mahikari believe that the emperor of Japan should be the emperor of the planet, because in a previous lifetime he ruled the planet and his destiny is to rule the earth again.

隠密日本のマネーパワー·ファンドオウム真理教と真光の宗派、と日本政府を制御します。後半ソニーの会長は、日本が米国を圧倒し、共同で世界を支配するためにロシア超兵器日本マイクロチップを交配することにより、ロシアと同盟べきだと提案した。 2カルトがgod-天皇崇拝グループから派生し、日本が世界をWW2の理由を支配する上で、おそらく意図である。しかし、今のおかげでテスラテクノロジー、そして1939年にドイツで墜落したUFOとすべての秘密活動に隠された地球上のナチスのロケットエンジニアと抗GRAV科学者の急増に、パートナーシップが変更されています。

 Covert Japanese money-power funds the Aum and Mahikari sects, and control the Japanese govt. The late Sony chairman suggested that Japan should ally with Russia by mating Japanese microchips to Russian superweapons to overpower US and jointly rule the world. The two cults are offshoots of the god-emperor worship groups, presumably intent on Japan ruling the world the reason for WW2. But now thanks to Tesla technology, and the crashed UFO in Germany in 1939 and the proliferation of Nazi rocket engineers and anti-grav scientists all over the planet hidden in covert operations, the partnerships have changed.

メイソン早川ロシア22回、北朝鮮17回訪問したと言います。彼はBanjawarnステーションを買った後、彼はベトナムでのソ連の海軍基地を訪問した。 1991年には、メイソンによると、Gorbechevは、日本の1960年代からが用い米ドルで9億地震を生成することが可能なソ連の超秘密の大陸間EM兵器技術を、リースを申し出た。合同ロシア·日本の大学は、日本のマイクロチップで新たな武器を開発するために、両方の最善の核物理学者で設立された。

 Mason says Hayakawa visited Russia twenty two times and North Korea seventeen times. After he bought Banjawarn station he visited a Soviet naval base in Vietnam. In 1991, according to Mason, Gorbechev offered to lease the Japanese the USSR's super-secret intercontinental EM weapons technology, capable of producing earthquakes for US $900 million, used there since the 1960's. A joint Russian-Japanese university was set up with the best nuclear physicists of both to develop new weapons with Japanese microchips.


 The Aum sect arrived as representatives of the Japanese. Aum had 30,000 Japanese then a further 50,000 Russians joined it. Tom Bearden believes that the Banjawarn Tesla fireball conforms to known Russian scalar technology. Mason also says that other Tesla shields of orange-red hemispheres and spheres have been seen north of Banjawarn much earlier in the 1980s, and again in 1988/89, as well as 1992.

電気回路は10〜15キロ離れていますが、3台の車、3ラジオ、午前11時、全くで焼失したときしかし1988年に、すぐ西エリアの、メイソンが存在した。彼は言う、その地平線レーダーがLaverton、WAで採用されている上で、アリス·スプリングス、NTおよびロングリーチ、QLDとベアデンは、これは簡単にスカラーのEM榴弾砲に変換できると主張している。 Laverton地区は電力線が吹き出すと発電所発電機の焼損を含む電気誤動作の歴史を持っています。

 However in 1988, just west of the area, Mason was present when electric circuits were burnt out in three vehicles, three radios and all at 11am, though 10-15 km apart. He says that over the horizon radar is employed at Laverton, WA; Alice Springs, NT and Longreach, QLD and Bearden claims that this can easily be converted to scalar EM howitzers. Laverton district has had a history of electrical malfunctions, including powerlines blowing out and burnout of the power station generators.


 These scalar howitzers just need to cross beams to make a slug of physical plasma energy. Strange fireballs have originated from the Exmouth US navy scalar transmitter faculty and other fireballs have been seen heading towards it, including from Banjawarn. Exmouth, according to Mason, has a HAARP transmitter, which is a prototype experimental over the horizon plasma weapon. This may be why the Japanese Mitsui Corp. arranged an Australian prospector to do aerial photography, for "oil exploration" over the Exmouth, Laverton, Alice Springs (Pine Gap) and Longreach military transmitter faculties.

1990年からただ1人だけの日本のオートバイ乗りは(今まで)三井株式会社の上にWAとNT bushtracks を地図に表わしていました。なぜ日本のインテリジェンスはこれらのサイトを集めている? Laverton(Laverton、西オーストラリア)はBanjawarn StationBanjawarnの南側境界線に近いスカラー送信機サイトやレーダーサイト、両方を持っています。メイソンBanjawarnの火の玉がLavertonの所有者への警告は、ロシア/日本の同盟が彼らの教員を破壊することができることを学部であり得ることを言います。大規模な地震がシベリアで発生した理由を不思議に思う、とあまりにも2003年に北日本、これは、同様の警告です?

 Since 1990 lone Japanese motorcyclists have been mapping WA and NT bushtracks on Mitsui Corp. satellite imagery. Why is Japan intelligence gathering these sites? Laverton has both a scalar transmitter site and a radar site, close to the southern boundary of Banjawarn. Mason says that the Banjawarn fireball may be a warning to the owners of the Laverton faculties that the Japanese/Russian alliance can destroy their faculty. Wonder why the massive earthquakes have occurred in Siberia, and northern Japan in 2003 too, is this a similar warning?

47.阪神淡路大震災 / KOBE EARTHQUAKE


 The Aum science minister, Hideo Marai, a nuclear physicist, regarded as the most intelligent living Japanese, was present at Banjawarn during the scalar fireball events on 28 May 1993. According to David Guyatt, Hideo Murai, (said to have a higher IQ than Einstein) was killed by a Korean with a knife. His last words were "Yudaya", translated as "Judea". This was a codeword.


 Guyatt claims the assassination was orchestrated by the Yakuza, the feared Japanese crime mafia and that the Aum sect was researching and developing Tesla electromagnetic pulse, earthquake inducing and plasma weapons in remote regions of the world. Murai, was researching EM technology, microwaves, and other EM/ray/wave technology and cosmic X-ray analysis.


 The Aum sect had a laser device capable of inducing massive earthquakes. An Aum guru claimed on Jan 8 1995 that Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995 and the most likely place was Kobe. It happened on Jan 17 1995, and the epicenter was Hayakawa's faculty. According to Robert Sterling the Aum sept military trained its members at Russian bases. They recruited staff at Russia's best faculty. Boris Yeltsin's confidante, Oleg Lobov arranged this and helped Aum recruits scientists into the cult, and carry out espionage.


 This Russia-Japan college is financed by Japan's Liberal Democrat Party. According to Sterling, Aum had amassed a great fortune, and recruited thousands of followers including Russian scientists and many technical people in the Soviet Far East. They were working on genetically manipulating biological anti-toxins, plasma technology and experimenting with brainwaves. Hideo Murai was a scientific genius and said on radio, that he was familiar with scalar and Tesla weapons and the he could shield Aum members from EM weaponry.

神戸製鋼、村井の学部で近い正確な震源を持つ大規模な地震、前に、数ヶ月のための電離層における大規模な電磁妨害も前に光るオレンジ - 赤とピンクのライトと球形の形は神戸障害ホバー数日間、前があった行。 5500人以上が死亡した。それはロシアであったかもしれない、またはN韓国は予言をかなえる、または村井の地震研究所で、おそらく事故にするために、テッド·ダニエルズを示唆した。米国はNWOとし、1993年5月28日上のエクスマスの教員に向けての脅威を遵守するための警告のためにそれをやっていればメイソン、それは報復だっただろうか?

 Before the massive earthquake, with the near exact epicenter at Kobe Steel, Murai's faculty, there were massive electromagnetic disturbances in the ionosphere for several months before, also for several days prior glowing orange-red and pink lights and spherical forms hovered over the Kobe fault line. Over 5,500 people died. It may have been Russia, or N Korea suggested Ted Daniels, in order to make the prophecy come true, or perhaps an accident at Murai's earthquake lab. Mason wondered if US had done it for a warning to comply with the NWO and with the threat towards the Exmouth faculty on 28 may 1993, was it tit for tat?

メイソン火の玉が皮肉にも、誰がその日を祝う尋ねる、5月1日に飛んで愛していると言った? 1995年1月17日神戸「地震」、1995年3月20日の東京地下鉄サリン、1995年4月17日[OK]都市の爆撃、1995年5月1日パース爆発火の玉、トランスワールド航空800便墜落事故オフの7月17日のシュートダウン:しかし、日付を見て、1は、パターンを見ることができますNY/ LI。 17日目には、メイソンが尋ね見返りの兆候かもしれない?彼は、ガス攻撃から、これらのすべてのためのスカラー兵器の証拠がある離れて言う。メイソンはまた、東京ガス攻撃はパッツィとしてオウム真理教と名付けた可能性があることを書き込みます。奇妙に日本の自由民主党の政党内閣の50%以上が1週間北朝鮮に飛びました、地下鉄攻撃の翌日。。メイソンは、CIAが自民党政府を不安定に地下鉄毒ガス攻撃を実行した証拠があると言います。

 Mason says that the fireballs love flying on 1 May, ironically asking who celebrates that day? However looking at the dates, one can see a pattern: 17 Jan 1995 Kobe "quake", 20 March 1995 Tokyo subway gas attack, 17 April 1995 OK city bombing, 1 May 1995 Perth exploding fireball, 17 July shootdown of TWA Flight 800 off NY/LI. Could the 17th day be a sign of payback Mason asks? He says apart from the gas attacks, there is evidence of scalar weapons for all of these. Mason also writes that the Tokyo gas attack may have named Aum as a patsy. Strangely over 50% of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party Cabinet flew to N Korea for a week, the day after the subway attack. Mason says there is evidence that the CIA executed the subway gas attack to destabilize the LDP govt.

ちょうど30日[OK] FBIのビル「爆撃」の前に、村井オウム真理教の科学大臣は、彼が東京地下鉄のガス攻撃に関するすべての容疑オウム真理教をクリアするであろう、「すべてを伝える"する準備ができていた外国人記者団に語った。しかし、3週間後に村井はすぐに地下鉄の攻撃の後、N個の韓国人に刺されました。オウム真理教は、阪神淡路大震災のために米国を非難した。スターリングによると、日本の自民党民主党は何十年もヤクザとのビジネスにあった、そしてそれは、彼らはオウムがその最新の新兵のように多くを得ることができたモスクワ、ロシア - 日本カレッジを後援助け、そしてその両方このカルトとヤクザは神戸/大阪エリアに深く根を持っていた!

 Just thirty days before the OK FBI building 'bombing', Murai Aum's science minister told foreign reporters he was ready to "tell all", which would clear Aum of all charges regarding the Tokyo subway gas attacks. But three weeks later Murai was stabbed by a N Korean, soon after the subway attacks. Aum blamed US for the Kobe earthquake. According to Sterling the Japanese Liberal Democrat Party has been in business with the Yakuza for decades, and that they helped sponsor the Russia-Japan College in Moscow, where Aum was able to obtain so many of its newest recruits, and that both this cult and the Yakuza had deep roots in the Kobe/Osaka area!

スターリングは書いた:「デブラ·フォン·トラップが述べた内部通報を、1995年4月下旬に、クリントンチームが攻撃差し迫った[OKシティ]のいくつかの事前の警告があったことを - 軍事情報が持っていた米国のこと」を東京でサリンを"ポップ何度も何度も!ホワイトハウスでの監視操作を設定し、クリントンのコンピュータを盗聴者オクラホマシティの攻撃が正確に30日までに最初のサリン攻撃を続い!そしてあることをアメリカのエージェント...すべての共謀を買うために、日本を罰するスーパー武器や秘密の技術に...ヤクザやオウム真理教と呼ばれる大胆な、公然と攻撃的な仏教教団と手段、動機、お金とのアクセスを「日本、株式会社"を巻き込むように。」が、その - 他の人がそれは内部犯行だったと言うのにスターリングしかし、証拠スカラ技術はそこにWTCビルを倒すために使用されたされ、オウム真理教が開発した技術を使用して9/11のためにヤクザのせい?

 Sterling wrote: "The whistle- blower Debra von Trapp stated, in late April of 1995, that the Clinton team had some advance warnings of the impending [OK city] attack -- that US military intelligence had "popped the Sarin" in Tokyo to punish the Japanese for buying American agents who set up a surveillance operation in the White House, and who bugged the Clintons' computers! And that the Oklahoma City attack followed the first Sarin attack by precisely thirty days! Again and again ... everything conspires to implicate "Japan, Incorporated" with the Yakuza and the bold, openly aggressive Buddhist cult called Aum Shinrikyo... means, motive, money and access to super-weapons and secret technologies." Sterling blames the Yakuza for 9/11 using technology developed by Aum, though others say it was an inside job, however there is evidence scalar technology was used to topple the WTC buildings - but whose?

メイソンhttp://www.groupon.com/の日本の調査ジャーナリストがオウム真理教は、日本政府のためのカバーであることを示唆していると言う。新しいロシアの兵器システムで、日本を再武装するために、日本が新たな前線ジェット戦闘機や爆撃機を購入し、ロシアと日本との共同防衛演習を行いましたので、このためのサポートが与えられている。オウム真理教はロシア軍で訓練してきた。 1993年と1994年麻原は、オウム真理教のリーダーは自分ことをオーストラリア当局に訴え、そしてオウムは、ガスとレーザーの攻撃にさらされていた。プレスは非常に影響力のある外国のシークレットサービスは、オウム真理教と日本政府になってきていることが示唆された。デビッドGuyattによると、彼のテスラドゥーム武器&オウム真理教がで発見

 Mason says that Japanese investigative journalists at http://www.groupon.com/ suggest that Aum was a cover for the Japanese govt. to rearm Japan with new Russian weapons systems, and support for this has been given because Japan purchased new frontline jet fighters and bombers and did joint defense exercises between Russia and Japan. Aum has trained with Russian troops. In 1993 and 1994 Shoko Asahara, the Aum leader complained to Australian authorities that himself, and Aum had been subjected to gas and laser attacks. The press suggested that a very influential foreign secret service has been getting at Aum and the Japanese govt. According to David Guyatt in his Tesla Doom Weapons & Aum Shinrikyo found at



 yet another Japanese cult is operating throughout all govt. departments and has enormous influence over Japanese foreign policy. It is the militaristic cult called Soka Gakkei, with 15 million members worldwide and massive finances. Every major Japanese business corp is riddled with members. They adhere to the teaching of a 13 century Buddhist monk, who preached a doctrine of "Final War" to be fought against the Christian West and Islamic world. This was revitalized in the 1930s by the chief military strategist for the Japanese army of Occupation in Manchuria, China and he was an admirer of Hitler. It was the location of their unspeakable biological experiments on the Chinese and allied prisoners. Aum also adhered to the teachings of this monk.


 In 1987 a Japanese satellite was launched to detect gamma radiation from Russian and Chinese nuclear tests. They registered a massive pulse of gamma rays emanating from a Soviet satellite, which was radiating the Van Allen belts. The conclusion was that the Russians were engaged in weather engineering, as well as developing a spaceplatform for missile defense and earthquake induction.


 Hideo Murai, the Aum science minister received this information being one of Japan's leading X-ray astronomers at the time. The head of Japan's foreign intelligence sponsored Aum, and hence Murai started his scalar testing in Western Australia. He was about to reveal all, but was killed. According to journalist Jack Amano, in David Guyatt's article: "It was Hayakawa who decided to purchase the sheep station [in early April 1993], just days prior to the energy event and subsequent ground tremor. Hayakawa's sojourns to Russia reaped rewards: "Aum's Russian scientists had provided detailed designs and the theoretical grounding to develop a technology more powerful even than the ultimate weapon predicted by Asahara.


 Not least in the Aum efforts, was the acquisition of related US weapons data obtained by hacking into "sensitive US databases. This, with the aid of Japanese government funding, Russian technological know-how and advanced equipment provided by major Japanese transnational corporations, a terrifyingly powerful super-weapon was being constructed in secret."

48.中国 / CHINA


 In 1985 a Chinese Boeing 747 aircraft enroute to Los Angeles suffered anomalous engine flameout. The jetliner fell 32,000 feet, and the pilot finally managed to restart the engines and make an emergency landing in San Francisco. In the incident, different instruments apparently disagreed with each other and disagreed with the observations of the pilot and crew.


 Bearden says this was a scalar test, but only a mild one with scalar interferometry (endothermic mode) causing electrostatic cooling in the internal combustion gases of the jet turbine, which reduces the pressure and thrust. The Chinese got the latest exotic US weapons and time travel technology, when a worker there Dr Wen Ho Lee leaked top-secret technology information back to China, when he worked at Los Alamos laboratory a few years ago. This included nuclear cluster bombs and a weapon which struck with a bolt of lightning. At Los Alamos a Tesla Long-Pulse Magnet self destructed some years back.

この磁石は、他の内部のすべてだった銅線、ネストされたコアで構成されていた。それは、60テスラの磁石と呼ばれるものでした。 1テスラの磁石は一枚の紙を保持し、2テスラオフ冷蔵庫のドアをヤンクできた。これは、博士リチャード·ボイランが書いたそこの時間ポータルを作成するために使用することができる。彼は、彼らはおそらくinterdimensionally時空と横切って移動するには、 'ホロ」ポータルを使用と主張した。博士ウェン·ホー·リーはこの「ホロポータル」に取り組みました。それは、ロシア人が数年前にアメリカから非常に強力な巨大なサイズのマグネットを注文したと言われています。磁石は超空間を歪め、寸法出入り口を作成するために使用できるスカラー波を放つ。

 This magnet was comprised of nested cores of copper wire, which were all inside the other. It was what is called a 60-Tesla magnet. A 1-Tesla magnet holds a piece of paper, and 2-Tesla could yank a refrigerator door off. This could be used to create the time portal there that Dr Richard Boylan wrote about. He claimed they used a 'holographic' portal to travel across space-time and possibly interdimensionally. Dr Wen Ho Lee worked on this 'holographic portal'. It has been said that the Russians ordered an enormously powerful gigantic sized magnet from US a few years ago. Magnets give off scalar waves which distort hyperspace and can be used to create dimensional doorways.


 The Chinese space center is at Lop Nor, which is known as a natural vortex. Did they too create their own interdimensional doorway to time-travel? Lop Nor had sixteen nuclear bombs dropped on it at Sinkiang Provence until 1975. According to the article 'Fortress Australia' the Lop Nor super computer is linked to the American military supercomputer at Pine Gap, also a natural vortex area. It's possible that time has been bent to access Lop Nor because it is possible to walk down a short corridor at Pine Gap and come out at US Military base Area 51 in Nevada. The Chinese also now have beam weapons which can knock down satellites. It is not known what kind of beam weapons they use to knock down satellites, but they do have scalar weapons and quantum potential weapons (which can induce deseases using scalar waves).

1978年に博士アンドリジャ·プハリックはのTeslaの方法で初期のソ連の仕事を説明した「制御地震」と彼は述べた:"1976の多くの偉大な地震のうち、特別の注意が必要ものがある - 1976年7月28日唐山、中国地震が。 "それはソビエトキツツキシステムによって作成大気光プラズマ効果を記述しているのでPuharichの分析が重要である。電離層加熱ELFシステムは、HAARPのように、同様の効果を生成することができる。彼は次のように述べた。「この1976地震が私の注目を集めている理由は、それが唐山にわたる全天の光フレアアップが先行したということです。

 In 1978 Dr. Andrija Puharich described early Soviet work with Tesla's method of 'controlled earthquakes,' he stated: "Of the many great earthquakes of 1976, there is one that demands special attention -- the July 28, 1976 Tangshan, China earthquake." Puharich's analysis is significant because it describes airglow plasma effects created by the Soviet Woodpecker system. Ionosphere heating ELF systems, like HAARP, can generate similar effects. He stated: "The reason that this 1976 earthquake attracted my attention is that it was preceded by a light flare-up of the entire sky over Tangshan.

また、この地震はソ連のキツツキの電波放射の最初の月中に発生した...最も顕著な効果はソ連キツツキ放出が完全な強さでオンだったときということでした - 空がイオン化したガスランプのように点灯したい - テスラが持っていたのと同様に予測"6/5/77ニューヨーク·タイムズは、唐山、中国を破壊し、約80万人が死亡した大地震を、記載さ:"。ただ最初の振戦の前に3:42 amに、空は、昼光のようにライトアップ。主に白と赤のマルチ色のついたライトは、離れて200マイルまで見られた。

 Also, this earthquake occurred during the first month of Soviet Woodpecker radio emissions...The most prominent effect was that when the Soviet Woodpecker emission was on at full strength -- the sky would light up like an ionized gaslamp -- just as Tesla had predicted." The 6/5/77 New York Times described the great earthquake, which destroyed Tangshan, China and killed about 800,000 people: "Just before the first tremor at 3:42am, the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away.


 Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball." These electrical effects are tied to electromagnetic plasma and ball lightning and the strange array of flashes which results from Tesla-style and HAARP-like transmissions. However the article in Nexus by Gary T. Whitford on earthquakes says that five days before the Tangshan earthquake the French detonated a nuclear bomb at Muroroa Island in the Pacific and also one day before the earthquake US detonated a nuclear bomb in Nevada.

1995年10月ネクサス誌によると、1974年に科学者は博士松下が米国で大気研究のナショナルセンターで働くと呼ばれる地球の磁場をdiscoverdと電離層地下核実験の後の日をforteenする10のために妨げられた。 1977年、彼は核実験の後に2週間の測定値を取るために米国政府によって禁止されました!衛星データは、核実験は、地球の異常な極運動の原因であることを示している。

 According to the Oct 1995 Nexus magazine, in 1974 a scientist called Dr Matsushita working at the national Center of Atmospheric Research in US discoverd the magnetic field of the earth and ionosphere were disturbed for ten to forteen days after an underground nuclear test. In 1977 he was forbidden by the US government to take measurements for two weeks after a nuclear test! Satellite data shows nuclear testing is the cause of abnormal polar motion of the earth.

すべての430日間回転するチャンドラーサイクル」と呼ばれる、地球の通常の極性運動は、すべての核実験後に根本的にシフトします。ですこれはポールシフト呼び出すために意図的に行われている「新たな世界を作成するためには?」ゲイリー·ホワイトフォードは1800核爆弾だけでは1989年3月に1945から爆発があったことを言った! 1980年から毎年行われているに近い50地下核実験の平均があった。地球の回転は、重度これで危険だけでなく、ロシア人は溶融炉心にスカラー波で送信し、同様に地球の回転をかく乱である。これは、溶融炉心が地球の磁場を発生し、アメリカ人はまた、すべてのHAARP送信機、大面積を超えるが離れてその自然な場所から、それらを配置するためにこれを意図的に磁北極を変えるだけではなくてズタズタにこれをリッピングしていると言われています。

 The normal polar motion of the earth, called the'Chandler Cycle' which makes a revolution every 430 days, shifts radically after every nuclear test. Is this being done deliberately to invoke a pole shift 'to create a new world?' Gary Whiteford said that there were 1,800 nuclear bombs exploded from 1945 to March 1989 alone! Since 1980 there has been an average of close to fifty underground nuclear tests taking place every year. The rotation of the earth is in severe danger with this as well as the Russians sending in scalar waves to the molten core and distrupting the earth's rotation as well. It has been said that the molten core produces the earth's magnetic field and Americans are also ripping this to shreds with all the HAARP transmitters, not only above large areas but altering the magnetic north poles deliberately with this to position them away from its natural place.



 On 17 April 1995, the FBI building was supposedly blown up by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols with contrary evidence to prove this. However 5-10 seconds before the explosion, the FBI building shook violently, as in an earthquake according to Mason. Seismic evidence recorded showed a double-pronged explosive energy event, with two nearly identical 3-5 second, low amplitude multiple wave trains, separated by a null field, occurring over a 9 second interval after the initial seismic action 5-10 seconds before the blast.


 A loud click before the explosion was heard as well. Sparks came out of wires in the building before, lights went out 5 seconds before and an ionizing electrical sensation of hot air flow prior to the explosion. An eyewitness about 200 meters away from ground zero watched a silver-white light flash or beam coming out the top of the building, followed by a large blue-white electrical arcing flash or beam, followed by an orange-red light flash or beam that shot out the top of the building 5 seconds before the explosion. This was followed immediately by two explosive shock waves, that came out of the base of the building. Several cars on the above ground carpark, had electrical ignition computers burnt out completely, as well as many office computers getting burnt out circuit boards, and Mason says these facts point to a major EM pulse attack.

爆心地からほぼマイルまで、あらゆるアップがノックダウンして粉々にされていた、荒廃は信念を超えていた。震源地での鋼桁がスパゲッティのようにねじれて、しかし、目撃者は、火の玉や燃えるような効果のいずれかの種類を説明しなかった。非常に高いプラズマ式熱影響する車の塗装との純粋なエネルギー波が続くだけで、プリ爆発ランプが点滅は、ありました。 FBIの建物の航空写真は、建物を通る2ほぼ同一の筒状損傷形態は、多少垂直に近い避難表すが、軌道プラットフォームを示唆して発散光/パルス方位が、使用された示しています。それもコスモスフィアあるいは衛星でしたか?

 Everything up to almost a mile from ground zero had been knocked down and shattered, the devastation was beyond belief. At the epicenter steel girders were twisted like spaghetti, but no witnesses described any kind of fireball or fiery effects. There was just pre-explosion light flashes, followed by pure energy waves, with a very high plasma-type heat affecting car paint. Aerial photos of the FBI building show two nearly identical tube-like damage forms running through the building, representing slightly displaced near vertical, but divergent beam/pulse orientations, suggesting an orbital platform was used. Was it even a cosmosphere or even a satellite?


 According to Bill Morgan: "If you can cause an earthquake you can also set it to, say, bring down a single buildings, of pair of buildings. It may be that the collapse of WTC twin towers was actually the first major scalar attack in world history. Because in a certain mode the waves at the interference zone can cause metal to soften, even to melt. If so, the planes crashing into them were merely a cover story to cloak the fact that the Tesla Howitzer had been used.


 A mishap with one of these devices could wipe out all life on earth. They could disrupt the scalar wave balance between earth and sun in such a way that would cause massive solar disturbances and storms, completely frying the earth." It's possible that the metal softening mode was set for both the FBI building and the WTC twin towers, which may have caused the buildings to collapse. A UFO was seen at the WTC and filmed by some Japanese who were at the scene. They put it online as a video. It appeared to have been cloaked. Who was in it? Could more than one faction have been involved besides the bombs placed on the supports (heard by firemen going off), the planes hitting and the scalar attack. Did an outside scalar attack take advantage of a first hit by someone else?



 The Sept 2000 UFO magazine (UK) ran an article called 'Electrogravitics'and it said that many countries have anti-grav research going. Graham Birdsall, the editor was told by a man who used to be a US navy seal, who was a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta are the military arm of the Vatican and Malta Knighthoods are award to the military and intelligence community.


 He said that corporate bodies and multinational institutions who have a vested interest in conventional energy production, gave out blank checks to those who invented anti-grav devices, or even $10-$20 million. Apparently this was nothing when trillions of dollars are at stake. He said that environmental friendly energy saving devices have been suppressed for decades, and even a car which runs on water has been suppressed for twenty years. According to the article the B-2 stealth bomber and F-117 both use anti-grav technology.


 Brazil also has this technology. A physics professor called Fran de Aquino demonstrated to thirty-six scientists around the world how his anti-grav technology worked. He has been given a $600,000 grant from the US dept. of energy to validate it and parallel Russian work. Is this connected with Brazilian space program? British Aerospace anti-gravity research is headed by a Chinese-American female scientist. Britain's anti-gravity research was first developed at universities in Lancashire and South Yorkshire. Unfortunately Graham Birdsall has since died suddenly, did he say too much?

彼は後半の公表のものは非常に機密情報だったし、多くのUFOの研究者が不審な状況で死亡している。本の中で:司令官Xによるコントローラが"ウラジミールTerzinski呼ばセルビア人男性がナチスのUFOプログラムの言わ彼はカトリックイエズス注文はイルミナティとナチスの間のリンクであると主張した彼は、円盤状の書類や写真を持っていた。 Schaubergerのタービンやコーラータキオン磁気graviticドライブを搭載した建設ナチスを作る(全自由エネルギーや反重力に基づく)

 The things he published of late were very confidential information, and many UFO researchers have died in suspicious circumstances. In the book :the Controllers" by Commander X, a Serb man called Vladimir Terzinski told of the Nazi UFO program. He claimed that the Catholic Jesuit Order was the link between the Illuminati and the Nazis. He had documents and photos of the disk shaped craft the Nazis constructed, that were powered by Schauberger turbines and Kohler TACHYON magneto-gravitic drives (all based on free energy or antigravity)


 He claimed that the British may have landed on the moon a century ago, and that even the Vatican has a group of scientists who rocket off into space from South American bases. Others have also said that the Vatican has a base on the moon. The US anti-grav base is at Area 51.


 The book also says that the Japanese has anti-grav technology developed at Tohoku university in Sendai, Japan. With alien alliances it is possible that various countries have reached outerspace long before planes were even invented. Considering how many underground and undersea alien bases here (some of which have been here for at least hundreds of years) would it not be easy to form an alliance with the inhabitants of over one thousand bases, according to Al Bielek now on the planet?


 Bill Morgan claims that according to Tom Bearden, fifteen nations now have scalar weapons and apparently the most developed are those in Russia, China and Israel. No information can be found on the Chinese scalar weapons program but it known that the US helped Taiwan with theirs. Israel has been said to have given covert technology to China and there was a Chinese spy Wen Ho Lee working at Los Alamos. The countries which are said to have scalar weapons are: Russia, US, France, Britain, Australia, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Israel, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina and China. It is unknown who the fifteenth country is (perhaps Ukraine?) or if anyone else has them but Brazil is tying in with India and China scientifically so possibly India would have access to the technology at some point.


 They can be manufactured with a device creating a simple modification of radar and Russia may be selling them to many countries or even leasing them as they do to the Japanese Aum and Yazuka cults. Perhaps as long as the money is given they will lease to anyone and if they are secretly at war with the US, they may be only too pleased to encourage people to use them as long as it's not on themselves!

ヘンリー·クロールは(http://mittymax.com/Archive/0082-SpaceShipsOfTheGods.htm)彼の著書「神々の宇宙船」で南極のいくつかのナチスの活動をカバーした。彼が書いた:"私は261ドイツのフライングソーサーの1948リストのコピーを持っている、直径11.5メートル、直径およびいくつかのHanebu IIIの79メートル径の三Haunebu IIの25メートルの84 Vrillsありますこれらは、2900マイルの速度を持っている時間や火星へ旅行する能力あたり。

 Henry Kroll (http://mittymax.com/Archive/0082-SpaceShipsOfTheGods.htm) covered some Nazi activity in Antarctica in his book 'Space Ships of The Gods'. He wrote: " I have a copy of a 1948 list of 261 German flying saucers. There are 84 Vrills of 11.5 meters in diameter and three Haunebu II's 25 meters in diameter and several Hanebu III's of 79 meters diameters. These have speeds of 2900 miles per hour and the capability of traveling to Mars.

Hanebu IV(ナチ神話)は、描画ボード上にあった。ナチスが、彼らは非常によく、それ以来、それらの数千を構築していなかった1948年に261空飛ぶ円盤クラフトを持っていた場合、いくつかのアンドロメダ母船は... Vrillsと同時に古いツェッペリンハンガーに構築した。ドイツでの拠点のすべてが消滅するので爆撃された場合でも、私はそれらのいくつかは絶滅し10千フィート、火山南米のいくつかの場所の内側に位置するマルコーニ工場などの生き残っていることを確信しています。誰が、彼らは今では持っている地下何都市を知っている。

 A Hanebu IV was on the drawing boards. Several Andromeda mother ships were constructed in the old Zeppelin hangers at the same time as the Vrills...If the Nazis had 261 flying saucer craft in 1948 they could very well have built thousands of them since then. Even if all of their bases in Germany were bombed out of existence I am sure that some of them survived such as the Marconi plant located inside an extinct ten-thousand-foot, volcano some where in South America. Who knows what underground cities they have by now.


 WA Harbinson's wrote in his book 'Genesis': "Admiral Byrd is quoted by a reporter as saying: "It is necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions," and in the case of a new war the USA would be "attacked by fighters that can fly with incredible speed from one pole to the other without refueling."


 Branton also wrote in his book 'Secrets of the Mojave': "US Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd [in] the Antarctic region...involved nearly 4,000 well-trained military Naval troops, military vessels such as destroyers, subs, aircraft carrier and aircraft. Upon arriving at the polar continent they reportedly split into three separate groups and began a massive reconnaissance- like operation.


 One source even claimed that Byrd's Navy encountered 'resistance' there and that there was a photo-finish FIGHT between American and Nazi forces there, with losses on both sides...When the Americans left two weeks later... Byrd, after arriving home, reportedly went into a rage and began demanding that the government turn Antarctica into a nuclear test range. Byrd was sworn to secrecy and his diaries are sealed to this day."

クロールによると提督バードは、ナチスのUFOに遭遇し、南極のナチスの基地を攻撃しようとしてあまりにも多くの人を失った途中、彼らは戦後ドイツで検索されたデザインをベースに、独自のUFOを構築するためにアメリカに戻った。彼の本は言う: "スレーブ労働者とそのSSの君主の何千人もが解放の混乱の中で姿を消して、もう一度見たことはありませんでした。" ..."それはナチスが全体に南極大陸に受け皿部品、男性、およびドキュメントを出荷し続けてかなり可能です戦争。

 According to Kroll when Admiral Byrd encountered the Nazi UFOs and lost too many men trying to attack the Nazi base in Antarctica, they returned to America to build their own UFOs based on the designs retrieved in Germany after the war. His book says: "Thousands of slave workers and their SS overlords disappeared in the chaos of the liberation and were never seen again."... "It is quite possible the Nazis continued to ship saucer parts, men, and documents to Antarctica throughout the war.

風洞、組立工場、発射パッド、機械工場、供給ダンプ、宿泊施設や、その他の何千のため、隣接するスレーブの四半期で、戦後ドイツで見つかった地下基地の巨大な大きさから判断すると、それは彼らがグリーンランドで同様の拠点を構築し、かなり可能です南極、南米が...彼らの技術は、少なくとも30年先の米国のだった「クロールは言う:"キャプテンハインツシェーファーは、彼の本の中で、U-977は、1945年4月に、SSは会合が彼に「死のデモを提供したと述べているV-1、V-2ロケットの開発をプッシュ1960年代.... SS将軍ハンス·カムラーは1945年4月にドイツから消失するまで光線」(レーザー兵器)は...私たちの主流の科学者レーザーによると発明されていなかった、彼の居場所はこの日に謎です。

 Judging by the gigantic size of underground bases found in Germany after the war, with wind tunnels, assembly plants, launching pads, machine shops, supply dumps, accommodations, and adjacent slave quarters for thousands, it is quite possible they constructed similar bases in Greenland, Antarctica and South America...Their technology was at least thirty years ahead of the US" Kroll says: "Captain Heinz Schaffer in his book U-977 stated that in April 1945 an SS associate had offered him a demonstration of a "death ray" (laser weapon)...According to our mainstream scientists lasers weren't invented until the 1960's....SS General Hans Kammler who pushed the development of the V-1 and V-2 rockets disappeared from Germany in April 1945, His whereabouts is a mystery to this day.

ドイツの空飛ぶ円盤のチームメンバーSchriverとBellonzoは死んでいる、とHabermohlはロシア人によって捕獲された。これは戦後のロシアソーサーのアメリカの恐怖を説明することができる。 PROJEKT受け皿に取り組んMietheは、カナダとアメリカで働くために「連合軍爆撃機と戦闘機も飛んで側面に沿って火の玉彼らの飛行機とまた何百もの報告"行きましたが報告された死の光線」を。

 The German flying saucer team members Schriver and Bellonzo are dead, and Habermohl was captured by the Russians. This may account for America's fear of Russian saucers after the war. Miethe who worked on Projekt saucer, went to work in Canada and America." Allied bombers and fighter also reported hundreds of flying fireballs along side their planes and also "death rays" were reported.

本によると「UFOはナチスの秘密兵器? '提督バードは南極での彼のナチ狩りの遠征から戻ったときに彼が行うための最善のことは原水爆のための「原爆のテスト範囲」に南極大陸を有効にするであろうことを決めた。否や、この意図がUFOの全体の「群れ」よりもプレスに発表されていなかった本が言うホワイトハウス上空"完璧な、「一般的に、ドイツ語の「形成」。クロールは書いた:"1952年7月には空飛ぶ円盤の艦隊はホワイトハウス上空を飛行彼らはレーダー上の人と文書の数千によって見られたジェッツは3回スクランブルされたが、受け皿は簡単にそれらを毎回追い越し。。。」しかしクロールは8月27日、30日と9月1日1958年、米国では南極のドロップいくつかの核爆弾をしたと主張している。それはどのように多くを知られていない。ネクサス誌によると、2大気圏内核爆弾は、1975年に南極に投下された。

 According to the book 'UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon?' when Admiral Byrd returned from his Nazi hunting expedition in Antarctica he decided that the best thing to do would be to turn Antarctica into an 'atomic test range' for atomic and hydrogen bombs. No sooner had this intention been announced in the press than an entire 'swarm' of UFOs flew over the White House the book says "in perfect, 'typically-German' formation." Kroll wrote: "In July 1952 a fleet of flying saucers flew over the White House. They were seen by thousands of people and document on radar. Jets were scrambled three times but the saucers easily outran them each time." However Kroll claims that on Aug 27th, 30th and Sept 1st 1958 the US did drop several nuclear bombs on Antarctica. It is not known how many. According to Nexus magazine two atmospheric nuclear bombs were dropped on Antarctica in 1975.

ブラントンの著書「COSCONファイル:パート33 '"Terziski[クレーム]..それ(人間と動物の間)マインドコントロール、遺伝学、及びハイブリダイゼーションのドイツの実験 - どうやら顕微鏡の発見と完璧でによって支援されたヒトゲノムのロックを解除するためにドイツ人を助けたテスラスカラー波顕微鏡を含めたドイツは、 - 。、噂はそれを持っている、地下ナチス南極コロニーまたは '都市'このベース都市で10倍の強度が繰り返された知られている'NEW BERLIN(アメリカ合衆国 ウィスコンシン ニュー・ベルリン)」などその住民によってナチスの哲学に忠実200万人を超える人口を含んでいます。」

 Branton's book 'The Coscon Files : Part 33' "Terziski [claims].. that the German experiments in mind control, genetics, and hybridization (between humans and animals) -- which were apparently aided by the discovery and perfection of the microscope in Germany, including a Tesla scalar-wave microscope which helped the Germans to unlock the human genome -- were repeated in ten times their intensity in the underground Nazi South Polar colony or 'city'. This base-city, rumor has it, is known by its inhabitants as the 'NEW BERLIN(New Berlin, Wisconsin)' and contains a population of over 2,000,000 people loyal to the Nazi philosophy."


 Advancing the idea that the Nazis continually shipped men and material to the South Pole throughout the war years, author WA Harbinson wrote, "Regarding the possibility of the Germans building self-sufficient underground research factories in the Antarctic, it has only to be pointed out that the underground research centers of Nazi Germany were gigantic feats of construction, containing wind tunnels, machine shops, assembly plants, launching pads, supply dumps and accommodation for all who worked there, including adjoining camps for slaves and yet very few people knew that they existed." In the article UFO's.


 Alien or Man Made by Al Pinto

writes about Nazi super weapons. The South Wales (UK) Argus [Dec 13,1944] stated, "The Germans have produced a 'secret' weapon in keeping with the Christmas season. The new device, which is apparently an air defense weapon, and resembles the glass balls that adorn Christmas trees. They have been seen hanging in the air over German territory, sometimes singly, sometimes in clusters. They are coloured silver and are apparently transparent."


 The New York Herald Tribune [Jan 2, 1945] said: "Now, it seems, the Nazis have thrown something new into the night skies over Germany. It is the weird, mysterious 'Foo Fighter' balls which race alongside the wings of fighters flying intruder missions over Germany. Pilots have been encountering this eerie weapon for more than a month in their night flights. No one apparently knows what this sky weapon is.The balls of fire appear suddenly and accompany the planes for miles. They seem to be radio controlled from the ground, so official intelligence reports reveal". Could they beTesla Globes?


 In 1978 at a scientific exhibition at Hanover, Germany some people gave out a paper containing detailed drawings of Germany's WW2 flying disks (not mentioning the designer's name) and claimed that the drawing was altered by the West German govt to render it "safe" for publication. It said that the patents for the craft went into secret Russian, American and British files and that the remainder of the files and most likely, the most important ones, went with the "missing" German scientists and SS men. Al Pinto wrote: "Allegedly, they [Nazis]took with them members of the flying saucer research teams, the last of the most vital saucer components, the notes and drawings for the saucer, and the designs for gigantic underground complexes and living accommodations based on the underground factories of Nordhausen in the Harz mountains [to Argentina, Chile and Antarctica].


 WA Harbinson wrote in his book 'Genesis' "...Robert Ley, Minister for Labor in Nazi Germany in April 1945, excitedly told Albert Speer that German scientists had invented a "death ray" (possibly a laser weapon). Captain Heinze Schaeffer, captain of the U-977 submarine (suspected taking Hitler and Martin Bormann to Patagonia, then on to a secret Nazi base in the Antarctic), stated in his book "U-boat 977" that in April 1945 an SS associate had offered him a demonstration of a so-called "death ray".


 In 1960 Soviet Premier Khrushchev had announced the scalar interferometer to the world saying: "We have a new weapon, just within the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak, which is so powerful that, if unrestrainedly used it could wipe out all life on earth. It is a fantastic weapon." How many people have built a Tesla 'Death Ray"? In the book "Time Storms" by Jenny Randles it says that on 22 May 1966, during a survey in Antarctica, Irish explorer Eric Wilkinson observed what appears like a Tesla Globe being created.


 A dense white mass apeared in the south and rose vertically to about 600ft altitude from near ground level. Its diameter was about 100 ft and it was largely homogenous during its forty-five minute duration. It seemed to move very slowly, expand and contact in a pulsating motion in density. As it did a noise like a swarm of bees or like an electricty transformer occured. A dark 'tube' emerged from the cloud and struck the snow at a 45 deg angle. From that point, it created a second reflected ray or beam from this at a 75 deg angle rising from the first 'tube'. The snow rose upwards as if by a whirlwind. Wilkinson took several photos. The Russian Tesla Globes had a black line down the center.


 Harry Mason's wrote in 'Bright Skies' that on 1 May 1995 at 2am a large spherical orange-red fireball with a conical blue-white tail flew from the Indian Ocean above Perth city, W. Australia Its past trajectory skimmed Antarctica, near Enderby Land where one Japanese and two Russian bases reside.

エンダービーランドでの一つのロシアベースがスカラー武器コンプレックスを持っています。それが投影だ軌跡は、北アラスカノバスコシア州、カナダの近くに新興その後にわたり、シベリアカムチャツカ半島の中心を挟ん日本の北東海岸に向かって終わりを持っているでしょう。 (カムチャッカ半島は、スカラ榴弾サイトを持ち、ベアデンによればソ連は大韓航空007はおそらく数年前にそれをスパイ韓国飛行機を撃墜。)火の玉は、N、北東方向に飛んでいた。大声で轟音パルス状のノイズが放射された火の玉は、パースの上に死んで停止しました。

 One Russian base at Enderby Land has a scalar weapons complex. It's projected trajectory would have end towards the NE coast of Japan across the center of the Siberian Kamchatka Peninsular, then over N Alaska emerging near Nova Scotia, Canada. (The Kamchatka Peninsular has a scalar howitzer site and according to Bearden the Soviets shot down the Korean plane KAL 007 possibly spying on it a few years ago.) The fireball was flying in a N, NE direction. The fireball, which emitted a loud roaring pulsed noise stopped dead above Perth.


 Suddenly an enormous burst of blue-white light arced upwards lighting the city as clear as daylight for many km, similar to a nuclear blast. A loud, vibrating massive explosion and seismic wave (lasting two minutes) reverberated through Perth causing buildings to shake. Four bright lights from the center of the fireball raced out and formed a cross in the sky. That same night other strange aerial noises and small lights were heard N, NE of Perth. Also 1,900 km north of Perth (north of Broome) there was a loud, roaring pulsed diesel engine sounding noise which rose to a cresendo causing objects to fall from their shelves. The seismic vibration lasted 1-2 minutes.


 It will be a battle to the death, with whole cities able to be turned to ashes with crossed beam scalar weapons and particle beam weapons fired from satellites. Some unanswered questions still exist though..Will the Earth survive, or will it get increasingly unsteady and keep wobbling on its axis as it has been happening recently?


 Is it better to teach Tesla's scalar technology openly at the universities or best to keep it under wraps? What would have been the price to pay for free-energy had Tesla been financially supported in his work? Is it better to have had the less dangerous but expensive electricity and associated cancers, OR, to have been able to have had many gadgets powered by scalar waves and just buy a legal spaceship and visit other planets with no charge for free-energy power.


 Government honesty has been lacking since WW2. Mars could have been colonized openly, and earth might possibly have been taken over openly by aliens and accepted within an alien federation. Instead all this is done in secret. Now we are in the situation where we can be subjected to mass hypnotism via satellite; cities can be destroyed in an instant by nuclear-like explosions without warning; any airborne object can be exploded upon launch; earthquakes and erupting volcanoes manufactured to order; the worrisome thought of the already ripped magnetic field failing us with major solar flares increasing; or massive fissures splitting the earth from stimulation of the molten core and the upsetting of the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth.

これは他の国の市民のためではない気に男性の手の中にスカラー兵器のちょうどから50年である。私達はちょうど誰それらを持ち、彼らが彼らとし、誰に何をするつもりを知っておく必要があります。世界のいかなる部分も、スカラー波が地球を通過、右渡すことができる場合は特に、安全ではありません。私は、私たちに次の千年紀を介してすべての安全な旅をしたい - C.ヴェリズモ·オペラを

 This is just from fifty years of scalar weapons in the hands of men who care not for the citizens of other countries. We need to know just who has them and what they intend doing with them and to whom. No part of the world is safe, especially when scalar waves can pass right through the planet. I wish us all a safe journey through the next millenium -- C. Verismo




Scalar Wars: The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics

The Historical Background of Scalar Weapons by Tom Bearden.

空からの火災 / Fire from the Sky

Harry Mason 'Bright Skies':


 My research into this subject began about two years ago in early 1995. A geologist colleague and friend, John Watts of geo-science consultants Mackay & Schnellman and Associates, asked for my opinion of earthquake risk in an isolated area of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.


トムベアデンのウェブサイト / Tom Bearden's website


 There is enough energy inside the space in this empty cup to boil all the oceans of the world.This is a fact well known to the scientific community , and was, for example, a favorite quote of Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman.


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