
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.



Most plastic products, from sippy cups to food wraps, can release chemicals that act like the sex hormone estrogen, according to a study in Environmental Health Perspectives.











記事サイト http://atopy-worldtrip.com/index.php?%E8%A8%BC%E3%80%80%E6%98%8E

著書: アトピーの原因が人体実験でわかった! 電子書籍


 Chlorine & Eczema
 Atopic dermatitis is related to chlorine












Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/274837-chlorine-eczema/#ixzz2WxMZiSTA


Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas which combines directly with nearly all elements.

The gas irritates the mucous membranes and the liquid burns the skin.

As little as 3.5 ppm can be detected as an odour, and 1000 ppm is likely to be fatal after a few deep breaths.

It was used as a war gas in 1915.It is not found in a free state in nature, but is found commonly as NaCl (solid or seawater).

記事サイトChlorine: the essentials


Study Suggests Chlorine Could Cause Cancer

A study published in the November 2006 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology has reported a link between exposure to chlorinated water and an increased risk of bladder cancer. According to researchers, ingestion of, and bathing, showering, and swimming in chlorinated water can all lead to increased incidence of cancer.

バルセロナ、スペインは、医学研究の市立研究所の研究はTHM高レベルの(リットルあたり50マイクログラム以上)がいる世帯で、 "長期的なTHM露光を二重膀胱癌リスクと関連していた"ことがわかった。(トリハロメタンやトリハロメタン、塩素化の副産物化学物質である。)研究者は、これらの化学物質は、吸入および経皮吸収により、水の摂取を通じて人体に侵入することを発見した。彼らはまた、吸収又は体内に吸入されるTHMは、化学物質がはるかに危険な状況で行うことができる肝臓で解毒プロセスを経由しないと信じています。
The study of the Municipal Institute of Medical Research in Barcelona, Spain, found that “long-term THM exposure was associated with a twofold bladder cancer risk” in households with high levels (50 or more micrograms per liter) of THM. (THMs, or trihalomethanes, are chemical by-products of chlorination.) Researchers discovered that these chemicals invade the human body through ingestion of water, by inhalation and dermal absorption. They also believe that THM that is absorbed or inhaled into the body does not go through a detoxification process in the liver, which may make the chemical much more dangerous in those situations.

The results of that study showed that drinking highly chlorinated water raised the cancer risk by 35 percent and that swimming in chlorinated pools raised the risk by 57 percent. Those who took longer showers and baths in THM-contaminated water saw their risk of bladder cancer increase 83 percent.



2011年11月13日 | Weblog


水道水塩素の害アメリカピッツパーク゛ジュリアン・アンデルマン教授  15分の入浴とシャワーは1リットルの水道水を飲むことと等しい揮発生汚染物質の摂取量となる。環境保護局[EPA]ドクター ランスヲランス・水道水の塩素により、シャワーを浴びることは、高い濃度のクロロホォルムを浴びる疑問がある。







Chlorine in tap water linked to increase in number of people developing food allergies

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2242094/Chlorine-tap-water-linked-increase-number-people-developing-food-allergies.html#ixzz2WxmCDBr3
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

水を飲まない / Don't Drink the Water

水の警告 / Water Warnings

This is a warning you are used to hearing when you travel abroad, but now it has hit us at home.

According to the Washington, DC based Environmental Working Group (EWG), manufacturers dumped more than one billion pounds of toxic chemicals into rivers, lakes and other bodies of water between 1990 and 1994.

EWG also estimates that manufacturers contributed about 450 million additional pounds via sewage.


農薬は 別の問題である。農薬の二億ポンド、毎年使用されています。それは、すべてのアメリカ人のために8ポンドです。これらの農薬は、中西部の水道水の単一のガラスが3つ以上の殺虫剤を持っていることがわかったEWG、公開(ただし、公表されていない)状態のデータを確認し、独自のテストを実施した後処分場、動物の排泄物、流出、下水などを経由して水システムを入力してくださいそれ。

からの次の抜粋水道ブルースの社会的責任のためのEWGと医師によって生成された、状態: -彼らのトウモロコシにアトラジン、シアナジン、シマジン、alacholorとメトラクロール"毎年春、コーンベルトにわたる農家は5除草剤は150万ポンドに適用と大豆畑。毎年春、雨が中西部とルイジアナ州は11.7万人の飲料水にそれらの化学物質のかなりの部分を洗う。この記事によると、これらの除草剤のいずれも水処理技術を飲んで、従来の市の自治体によって削除されていないこと米国内のすべての水道事業の90%以上で使用されている。 "



 Using Vitamin C To Neutralize Chlorine in Water Systems



INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to summarize a study on using vitamin C to neutralize chlorine in water.
The intended audience is sanitary engineers and operators of water and wastewater systems.





公共プールでの水泳は塩素濃度が非常に高いため、リスクを提示することができ。 研究者は定期的にそれを浴びて、高塩素含有水を、ある地域に住んでいる人は、低塩素の地域に比べて腫瘍を得るために83%以上の可能性が高いことがわかった。高塩素水道水を飲んだ人はパーセント膀胱癌を取得する可能性が高い35だった。

見る/開く - 九州大学学術情報リポジトリ(Adobe PDF)
飲料同様、肌からも塩素は吸収され、水温が高いと細胞膜への拡散速. 度が早まり、肌 からの塩素吸収が促進すると考えられている。 1ppm 以上の塩素濃度による健康被害 を配慮したためか、厚生労働省の基準. は「公衆浴場法第 3 条第 2 項並びに旅館業法 ...


博士(Elina Jerschow氏)によると、塩素が尿中に高濃度で検出された大人の80%近く、子どもの約4%が食物アレルギーであることが明らかになっているようです。








Reaction of Sodium & Chlorine (with subtitles)


化学兵器 塩素ガス(Chlorine Gas)


塩素ガス / Chlorine Gas


On the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 Fritz Haber, the talented chemist, offered his services to the German Army. He began experimenting with chlorine gas to be used in Trench Warfare. His wife, Clara Haber disagreed that he should use his talents in this way. She later committed suicide in protest against his work.


The German Army first used chlorine gas cylinders in April 1915 against the French Army at Ypres. French soldiers reported seeing yellow-green clouds drifting slowly towards the Allied trenches. They also noticed its distinctive smell which was like a mixture of pineapple and pepper. At first the French officers assumed that the German infantry were advancing behind a smoke screen and orders were given to prepare for an armed attack. When the gas arrived at the Allied front-trenches soldiers began to complain about pains in the chests and a burning sensation in their throats.


Most soldiers now realised they were being gassed and many ran as fast as they could away from the scene. An hour after the attack had started there was a four-mile gap in the Allied line. As the German soldiers were concerned about what the chlorine gas would do to them, they hesitated about moving forward in large numbers. This delayed attack enabled Canadian and British troops to retake the position before the Germans burst through the gap that the chlorine gas had created.

塩素ガスは、その犠牲者の呼吸器官を破壊し、これは窒息により遅い死につながった。一つの看護師は、塩素ガスの攻撃中にトレンチにされていた1人の兵士の死を説明した。 "彼は彼の唇プラム色の、息のために戦って、ベッドの上に座っていた。彼は、塩素の仮死ですべての希望壮大若いカナダ人の過去であった​​。彼は私になって息を呑んだように私は彼の目に見て決して忘れないでしょう:私は死ぬことができない!それは何も私のために行うことができないことは可能ですか? "それは恐ろしい死だったが、彼らがしようとしたほど難しく、医師が成功裏に塩素ガス中毒を治療する方法を見つけることができませんでした。

Chlorine gas destroyed the respiratory organs of its victims and this led to a slow death by asphyxiation. One nurse described the death of one soldier who had been in the trenches during a chlorine gas attack. “He was sitting on the bed, fighting for breath, his lips plum coloured. He was a magnificent young Canadian past all hope in the asphyxia of chlorine. I shall never forget the look in his eyes as he turned to me and gasped: I can’t die! Is it possible that nothing can be done for me?” It was a horrible death, but as hard as they tried, doctors were unable to find a way of successfully treating chlorine gas poisoning.

ジョン·フレンチ、イープルのイギリス遠征軍の司令官は、後にリコール: "ガスの効果はフランスの部門によって占有位置の全体が抵抗することができない、レンダリングされたように、圧倒的だったそれが持っていたものを実現するために、最初は不可能であった。実際に。起こっヒュームや煙が昏迷に投げ込まれた一時間後に全体の位置が50銃と一緒に、放棄されなければならなかった。 "

John French, the commander of the British Expeditionary Force at Ypres later recalled: "The effect of the gas was so overwhelming that the whole of the positions occupied by the French divisions were rendered incapable of resistance. It was impossible at first to realise what had actually happened. Fumes and smoke were thrown into a stupor and after an hour the whole position had to be abandoned, together with 50 guns."


It was important to have the right weather conditions before a gas attack could be made. When the British Army launched a gas attack on 25th September in 1915, the wind blew it back into the faces of the advancing troops. This problem was solved in 1916 when gas shells were produced for use with heavy artillery. This increased the army's range of attack and helped to protect their own troops when weather conditions were not completely ideal.

オットー·ディックス、ドイツのガス攻撃( 1924年)
Otto Dix, A German Gas Attack (1924)


After the first German chlorine gas attacks, Allied troops were supplied with masks of cotton pads that had been soaked in urine. It was found that the ammonia in the pad neutralized the chlorine. These pads were held over the face until the soldiers could escape from the poisonous fumes.

ハンカチ、靴下、フランネル本体ベルトを使用することが好ましい他の兵士たちは、ソーダの重炭酸塩の溶液で湿らせ、そしてガスが渡されるまで、口と鼻全体に縛ら。兵士たちは、それが困難なこのと試みがガス攻撃から人を保護するためのより良い手段を開発するために作られたように戦うことがわかった。 7月までに1915人の兵士は、効率的なガスマスクと抗窒息呼吸器を与えられた。

Other soldiers preferred to use handkerchiefs, a sock, a flannel body-belt, dampened with a solution of bicarbonate of soda, and tied across the mouth and nose until the gas passed over. Soldiers found it difficult to fight like this and attempts were made to develop a better means of protecting men against gas attacks. By July 1915 soldiers were given efficient gas masks and anti-asphyxiation respirators.

塩素ガスの攻撃を開始した側の一つの欠点は、それが犠牲者の咳をしたので、毒の彼の摂取量を制限されたということでした。双方は、ホスゲンが塩素よりも有効であったことがわかった。少量だけは、それが不可能な兵士が戦い続けるできるようにすることが必要でした。また、攻撃の48時間以内にその犠牲者を殺した。前進軍隊はまた塩素と 'ホワイトスター'と呼ばれるホスゲンの混合物を使用していました。

One disadvantage for the side that launched chlorine gas attacks was that it made the victim cough and therefore limited his intake of the poison. Both sides found that phosgene was more effective than chlorine. Only a small amount was needed to make it impossible for the soldier to keep fighting. It also killed its victim within 48 hours of the attack. Advancing armies also used a mixture of chlorine and phosgene called 'white star'.

©ジョン·シムキン、 1997年9月から2013年6月
© John Simkin, September 1997 - June 2013

一次情報源 / Primary Sources

( 1 )ロイヤル·スコットランドのプライベートW.ヘイは、ちょうど1915年4月22日の塩素ガス攻撃の後イープルに到着した。
私たちは、何かが間違っていたがあったことを知っていた。私たちは、イープルに向け行進し始めたが、我々は難民が道を下って来ると、道路上に阻まれている。私たちは、イープルに鉄道線に沿って行って、人々 、民間人と兵士はひどい状態で道端に沿って横たわっている、そこにあった。我々は、彼らが、それがガスだった言うのを聞いた。私たちは地獄のガスが何であったか知りませんでした。

(1) Private W. Hay of the Royal Scots arrived in Ypres just after the chlorine gas attack on 22nd April 1915.
We knew there was something was wrong. We started to march towards Ypres but we couldn't get past on the road with refugees coming down the road. We went along the railway line to Ypres and there were people, civilians and soldiers, lying along the roadside in a terrible state. We heard them say it was gas. We didn't know what the Hell gas was.


When we got to Ypres we found a lot of Canadians lying there dead from gas the day before, poor devils, and it was quite a horrible sight for us young men. I was only twenty so it was quite traumatic and I've never forgotten nor ever will forget it.

(2 ) 1915年イープルでの塩素ガス攻撃後に、サー·ジョン·フレンチ、英国の遠征軍の司令官は、何が起こったかを説明した。

(2) After the chlorine gas attack at Ypres in 1915, Sir John French, commander of the British Expeditionary Force, explained what happened.
The effect of the gas was so overwhelming that the whole of the positions occupied by the French divisions were rendered incapable of resistance. It was impossible at first to realise what had actually happened. Fumes and smoke were thrown into a stupor and after an hour the whole position had to be abandoned, together with 50 guns.

( 3 )デイリーメール( 1915年4月26日)

(3) The Daily Mail (26th April, 1915)
The Germans set fire to a chemical product of sulphur chloride which they had placed in front of their own trenches, causing a thick yellow cloud to be blown towards the trenches of the French and Belgians.


The cloud of smoke advanced like a yellow low wall, overcoming all those who breathed in poisonous fumes. The French were unable to see what they were doing or what was happening. The Germans then charged, driving the bewildered French back past their own trenches. Those who were enveloped by the fumes were not able to see each other half a yard apart.


I have seen some of the wounded who were overcome by the sulphur fumes, and they were progressing favourably. The effect of the sulphur appears to be only temporary. The after-effects seem to be a bad swelling of the eyes, but the sight is not damaged.

( 4 )毎日のクロニクル( 1915年4月26日)

(4) The Daily Chronicle (26th April, 1915)
The French soldiers were naturally taken by surprise. Some got away in time, but many, alas! not understanding the new danger, were not so fortunate, and were overcome by the fumes and died poisoned. Among those who escaped nearly all cough and spit blood, the chlorine-attacking the mucous membrane. The dead were turned black at once.


About 15 minutes after letting the gas escape the Germans got out of their trenches. Some of them were sent on in advance, with masks over their heads, to ascertain if the air had become breathable. Having discovered that they could advance, they arrived in large numbers in the area on which the gas had spread itself some minutes before, and took possession of the arms of the dead men. They made no prisoners. Whenever they saw a soldier whom the fumes had not quite killed they snatched away his rifle and advised him to lie down "to die better".

( 5 )キャプテンヒューポラード、 VCの回顧録( 1932年)

(5) Captain Hugh Pollard, The Memoirs of a VC (1932)
Dusk was falling when from the German trenches in front of the French line rose that strange green cloud of death. The light north-easterly breeze wafted it toward them, and in a moment death had them by the throat. One cannot blame them that they broke and fled.

短い間隔で吐き気を引き裂くと、他の人は彼らの苦悶唇と力強く病気の彼らのラック型の体に応じ無力、泡を築く、そのうちの何百も落ちて死んだ。彼らはあまりにも後で死ぬだろう - 苦しみのゆっくりと余韻死言いよう。全体の空気が男性の喉の奥にキャッチされ、その金属味と口をいっぱいに塩素の鼻を突く臭いで汚染された。

In the gathering dark of that awful night they fought with the terror, running blindly in the gas-cloud, and dropping with breasts heaving in agony and the slow poison of suffocation mantling their dark faces. Hundreds of them fell and died; others lay helpless, froth upon their agonized lips and their racked bodies powerfully sick, with tearing nausea at short intervals. They too would die later - a slow and lingering death of agony unspeakable. The whole air was tainted with the acrid smell of chlorine that caught at the back of men's throats and filled their mouths with its metallic taste.

( 6 )ランス軍曹エルマーコットンは、 1915年に塩素ガスの影響を説明した。これは、肺のフラッディングを作り出す - それは唯一の乾いた土地で溺死と同等死である。効果は、これらのです - 無感覚と死にようやく終わる胃や肺から緑がかった泡のを分割頭痛と素晴らしい渇き(水は即死です飲む) 、肺の痛みのナイフエッジと咳、 。白から肌の色は緑がかった黒と黄色の色が突出してなり、目がガラス状凝視を想定しています。それは死ぬ悪魔のような死である。

(6) Lance Sergeant Elmer Cotton, described the effects of chlorine gas in 1915.
It produces a flooding of the lungs - it is an equivalent death to drowning only on dry land. The effects are these - a splitting headache and terrific thirst (to drink water is instant death), a knife edge of pain in the lungs and the coughing up of a greenish froth off the stomach and the lungs, ending finally in insensibility and death. The colour of the skin from white turns a greenish black and yellow, the colour protrudes and the eyes assume a glassy stare. It is a fiendish death to die.

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