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Seismic Airgun Surveys



 ©著作権はオーシャン保全研究・© Copyright Ocean Conservation Research



  Tsunami 2004 Video Archive


" 耐震調査はエアガン利用海底に向かう音の爆発的な衝動を生成するために。
これらの衝動によって生成されたエコーはサブ表面地質に関する情報を収集するために使用され、この情報は、学術地質および石油·ガス業界で使用されます。 "



これらの音の波はそれほど強烈になる彼らは離れエアガンから旅するように起因する海底のオフに飛散し、それが球状に広がるように総音響エネルギーが大きく、広い面積に広がっていることで、 "音響が拡散"の両方に、または円筒ファッション。

40〜50キロの距離で100デシベル前後で横ばい、かつ数百キロメートル可聴残り、距離が増加するにつれて、減少が続いているが、ゆっくりとしたペースで、音は一般的源から約1キロで180デシベル以下に落ちている(背景騒音レベルに応じて)、多くの研究者が音響研究中断あるいは遠い調査からエアガンの音が原因で捨てられるの物語を持っている "。


研究者達は、確かに彼らはで動作するように持っているもので最善を尽くしますが、ソリッドデータの広く認識が不足している海洋音響のほぼすべての側面では。 "


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のために準備 グリーンピースUSA


ラモント·ドハティー地球観測所 -コロンビア大学によって運営大手地質研究センターのウェブサイト。学術研究のために使用エアガンに関する情報が含まれています。

地震エアガンの操作の説明 -ロバート·リサーチ·インターナショナル、石油やガスコンサルティング会社のウェブサイトからエアガンの物理的な動作の詳細な説明、。

" それは多くの場合、企業秘密と考えられ、世界中の国から許可されたものであり、工業調査計画を追跡することは困難である。

それでも、調査の長距離音響効果の世界的認知度だけ開発し始めている。 "


から油田レビュー2000年夏油田における地震活動- PDF版






小さ ​​な地球の地震の数百人は、1936年の直後に検出された
ネバダ州とアリゾナ州、米国、のフーバーダムの掘削などのエフェクトの最初の明確な証拠を提供した。それ以来、100以上の他の例は、世界中で報告されている。 "

" これらのすべての場合では、人間の干渉の結果が地球の周囲の音量にストレスの状態を変更することでした。応力変化が大きい場合、それはどちらかの場合には大量の岩破砕することにより、地震を引き起こす可能性があります採掘や地下爆発または弱さの既存のゾーンに沿って滑るようにロックを引き起こすことによって。




些細なアクションが強い地震を引き起こすことができます。 "




バックグラウンドの地震活動の地震記録ネットワークのandassessmentのインストールが自然地震のレベルが高い地域ではすでに一般的な習慣です。しかし、自然地震の既往がないとノーかなり地震の不安定領域が予想され、事前に地震背景研究は、通常行われていません。 "




高い地殻変動の潜在的なエネルギーの領域では、炭化水素の生産は地震活動とトリガー強い地震で深刻な増加を引き起こす可能性があります ... "

出典:油田レビュー2000年夏 -油田における地震活動PDF版PDFのGoogleのキャッシュ

著者:ヴィタリーV. Adushkin ウラジミールN.ロジオノフセルゲイTuruntaev Geospheresのダイナミクス研究所、 ロシア科学アカデミー 、ロシアのモスクワ




グプタ、H、Rastogi B:ダムと地震。-ニューヨーク:エルゼビアの科学出版、1976年。








エヴァンスDM: 。デンバー人工地震 Geotimes 10、ない。9(5月〜1966年6月):11から18.8。

ヒーリーローリーCB、JH、Bredehoeft JD:Rangelyの地震制御における実験、コロラド州。科学191、ない。4233(1976年3月):1230から1237.9。

サドフスキーマサチューセッツ、Kocharyan GG、ロジオノフVN: 。ブロック岩の中央山塊の力学にソ連科学アカデミーの報告書302、ない。2(1988):193から197(ロシア語)。

ロジオノフVN、Sizovアイオワ、Kocharyan GG:地力学における自然物のモデリングについて。で:地球物理媒体の離散特性。-モスクワ:Nauka、1989:14-18(ロシア語で)。



仏(563?-483?BC) 、


記事サイト http://tsunami2004videoarchive.com/tsunami_earthquake_disaster_causes_facts.htm

Link: http://tsunami2004videoarchive.com/tsunami_earthquake_disaster_causes_facts.htm#ixzz2FJt1Amwc


b) Some hard facts

"Seismic surveys utilize airguns to produce explosive impulses of sound directed toward the ocean bottom.
Echoes produced by these impulses are used to gather information on sub-surface geological features; this information is used by academic geologists and the oil and gas industry."

"The impulses created by the release of air from arrays of up to 24 airguns create low-frequency sound waves powerful enough to penetrate up to 40km below the seafloor.

The “source level” of these sound waves is generally over 200dB (and often 230dB or more), roughly comparable to a sound of at least 140-170dB in air.

These sound waves become less intense as they travel away from the airgun array, due to both scattering off of the seafloor and “acoustic spreading”, by which the total sound energy is spread out into a larger and larger area as it spreads in a spherical or cylindrical fashion.

The sound is generally falls to below 180dB at about 1km from the source; the reduction continues, but at a slower pace, as distance increases, leveling off at around 100dB at a distances of 40-50 km, and remaining audible for hundreds of kilometers (depending on background noise levels); many researchers have tales of acoustic studies being interrupted or even abandoned due to airgun sounds from distant surveys."

"... it is important to realize that all the research that has been done to date still offers only an extremely limited picture of the extent and impact of human noise in the oceans, ....

Research scientists certainly do their best with what they have to work with, but there is a widely recognized lack of solid data in nearly all aspects of ocean acoustics."

Source: Seismic Surveys: What We Don’t Know Can Hurt
Executive Summary
The Acoustic Ecology Institute

Download Full Report (30p): [DOWNLOAD (doc)]
Download Bibliography: [DOWNLOAD(doc)]
Download Executive Summary (5p): [DOWNLOAD (doc)]

A report by Jim Cummings, Acoustic Ecology Institute
Prepared for Greenpeace USA
November 2003


Lamont-Dougherty Earth Observatory - Website of a leading geology research center run by Columbia University. Includes information on airguns used for academic research.

Description of operations of Seismic Airguns - A detailed explanation of the physical operation of airguns, from the website of Robertson Research International, an oil and gas consulting firm.

Airgun noise technology is unknown to most people.
"It is difficult to track industrial survey plans, which are often considered trade secrets, and involve permitting from countries around the world.
Some countries have begun to take a harder look at airgun noise; during 2004, Mexico has rejected permits for both academic and industrial surveys, and Brazil is prohibiting surveys near a key marine reserve.

Still, worldwide awareness of the long-range acoustic effects of surveys is only beginning to develop."

Seismic Exploration and Drilling:
Surveys and Leases Being Planned for the Near Future

Oilfield Review Summer 2000 - Seismicity in the Oil Field
PDF version

Earthquakes can be triggered by human action
Scientists have observed that earthquakes can be triggered by human action.

Induced seismicity, or seismic activity caused directly by human involvement, has been detected as a result of water filling large surface reservoirs, development of mineral, geothermal and hydrocarbon resources, waste injection, underground nuclear explosions and large-scale construction projects.

It is important to understand the conditions under which seismicity may be induced so that these operations can be performed safely.

The notion that human activity can provoke earthquakes is not new.

In the 1870s, proposals for impounding water in man-made lakes across regions of southern California, USA, were rejected because of concerns that this might trigger earthquakes.

The hundreds of small earth-quakes detected immediately after the 1936
drilling of the Hoover Dam in Nevada and Arizona, USA, provided the first definite evidence of such an effect. Since then, more than 100 other cases have been reported around the world."

"In all these cases, the result of human interference was to change the state of stress in the surrounding volume of earth. If the stress change is big enough, it can cause an earthquake, either by fracturing the rock mass—in the case of mining or underground explosions—or by causing rock to slip along existing zones of weakness.


In many areas where the rock is not under large tectonic stresses, the seismic energy released during induced events is low—typically of magnitude 0 to 3—and not even felt on the earth’s surface.

However, if the rock mass is already under large tectonic stresses, the energy added by man’s endeavors can have a destabilizing influence.

Even minor actions can trigger strong seismicity."

Correlating Seismic Activity with Hydrocarbon Exploitation

It is always difficult to know whether seismicity is the result of human modifications in the region or if it is natural seismic activity related to tectonic processes; timing could be the key to knowing the difference.

In general, the answer might be obtained if a regional seismic network had been installed in advance of the hydrocarbon development, dam construction or mining operation. The seismic network could record a background level of natural seismicity and quantify its characteristics. If, after the beginning of human action, a significant change in seismicity character is recorded, it could reasonably be interpreted as a seismic reaction of the rock formation to man’s intervention.

Installation of seismic recording networks andassessment of background seismic activity are already common practice in regions where the level of natural seismicity is high. However, instable areas without a history of natural seismicity and where no sizeable earthquakes are expected, an advance seismic background study usually is not performed."

"The correlation between seismic activity andhydrocarbon exploitation means the two are related, but it does not indicate which one is the cause, which one is the effect, and how long it takes the cause to create the effect."

Exploiting Seismicity

Few will deny that there is a relationship between hydrocarbon recovery and seismic activity, but exactly how strong a relationship exists has yet to be determined. Furthermore, what can or should be done about it sparks another debate.

In regions of high tectonic potential energy, hydrocarbon production can cause severe increases in seismic activity and trigger strong earthquakes..."

Oilfield Review Summer 2000 - Seismicity in the Oil Field
PDF version
Google cache of the PDF

Vitaly V. Adushkin
Vladimir N. Rodionov
Sergey Turuntaev
Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres,
Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia

Alexander E. Yudin
Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia

Detailed References

Nikolaev NI: On the state of study of induced earthquakes, related with industrial activity. In: An influence of industrial activity on the seismic regime. - Moscow : Nauka, 1977 (in Russian).

Gupta H, Rastogi B: Dams and earthquakes. - New York : Elsevier Scientific Publishing, 1976.

Pasechnik IP: Earthquakes induced by underground nuclear explosions. In: An influence of industrial activity on the seismic regime. - Moscow : Nauka, 1977: 142-152 (in Russian).

Simpson DW: Triggered Earthquakes. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet Sci. 14 (1986): 21-42.

Nicholson C, Wesson RL: Earthquake hazard associated with deep well injection : a report to the US Environmental Protection Agency. US Geological Survey Bulletin 1951 (1990).

Milne WG, Berry MJ: Induced Seismicity in Canada. Engineering Geology 10 (1976): 219-226.

Grasso J-R: Mechanics of Seismic Instabilities Induced by the Recovery of Hydrocarbons. Pure Appl. Geophys. 139, no. 3/4 (1992): 507-534.2.

Bolt B: Earthquakes : a primer. - San Francisco : Freeman, 1978.3.

Guha SK, Patil DN: Large water-reservoir related induced seismicity. In Knoll P (ed): Induced Seismicity. - Rotterdam : Balkema, 1992: 243-266.4.

Evans DM: Man-made earthquakes in Denver. Geotimes 10, no. 9 (May-June 1966): 11-18.8.

Raleigh CB, Healy JH, Bredehoeft JD: An experiment in earthquake control at Rangely, Colorado. Science 191, no. 4233 (March 1976): 1230-1237.9.

Sadovsky MA, Kocharyan GG, Rodionov VN: On the mechanics of block rock massif. Report of the Academy of Sciences of USSR 302, no. 2 (1988): 193-197 (in Russian).

Rodionov VN, Sizov IA, Kocharyan GG: On the modeling of natural objects in geomechanics. In: Discrete properties of geophysical medium. - Moscow : Nauka, 1989: 14-18 (in Russian).

Link: http://tsunami2004videoarchive.com/tsunami_earthquake_disaster_causes_facts.htm#ixzz2FJtQX8Xk

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