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Dangerous food additive

Dangerous food additives to avoid





http://www.traditionaloven.com/ 記事 と"食品添加物"のためのブログを検索するか、ページに直接移動します。 http://www.traditionaloven.com/articles/122/dangerous-food-additives-to-avoid

Dangerous food additives to avoid
Because my health and health of my family matters, throughout years I’ve looked into several publications and research that have been done regarding food additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and colors, and put together table that can be a simple guide to those who prefer to be cautious and who like to have a choice, to decide what to consume. Some of use might be more sensitive to chemicals then others.

Here is a new printable list with identifying code numbers of the nasty food additives that we should avoid eating. Artificial food preservatives, food colors and flavour enhancers, many of these can be dangerous chemicals added to our food and are known to be linked to Hyperactivity, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Asthma, Cancer and other medical conditions.

Where to look for food additives on a product label?

When buying groceries, these additives are listed (if it’s given by the law) on the food product’s packaging under “INGREDIENTS:” or “CONTAINS:” section, usually next to “Nutrition Information” but the code numbers or names of these additives can be printed on in a small font.

In my opinion placement of the text can be somewhat hidden or even misleading. Any dangerous additives added in the food, if the product contains any, really should be listed visibly and labeled on the pack for instance as “Nasty Additives“.

When buying groceries, these additives are listed (if it’s given by the law) on the food product’s packaging under “INGREDIENTS:” or “CONTAINS:” section, usually next to “Nutrition Information” but the code numbers or names of these additives can be printed on in a small font.

In my opinion placement of the text can be somewhat hidden or even misleading. Any dangerous additives added in the food, if the product contains any, really should be listed visibly and labeled on the pack for instance as “Nasty Additives“.

330 and E330 Citric Acid
How about the Citric Acid E330 or 330? No problem with naturally occurring citric acid. Artificially produced E330 or 330 additive, depending on where or how it is produced with using sulfuric acid, many believe the product might still contain mold and sulfur/sulfites not filtered out completely during the production (Sulfur dioxide and other sulfites (also referred to as sulphites) are among food additives in the list below, under H – A, causing asthmatic and allergic reactions.) For most people sulfites are safe, but for example sensitive aspirin allergies or asthma sufferers can react very severely to sulfites.

In the year 1953 Sir Hans Krebs received Nobel Prize for physiology medicine for discovering that the Citric acid in metabolic reactions acts as part in series of compounds occurring within physiological oxidation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and turning them into water and Carbon dioxide. Called Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle or known as the Krebs Cycle which is involved in most metabolic reactions, where the Citric acid plays a major role.

The world “krebs” translates to English word “cancer” … and that’s what created the misunderstanding that citric acid 330 – e330 causes cancer. But in fact it does not. However, it could melt your teeth if you kept it in your mouth for long or if you consumed soft drinks a lot. It is organic acid used as additive in foods, in soft drinks, in beer, wine or cheese production, citric acid prevents bacteria growth, it gives the citric/sour flavour, bakers use it, citric acid E330 or 330 is often added to cakes, biscuits, soups, all sorts of sauces, frozen packed and canned food products, sweets, marmalade’s, ice creams … you can find it mentioned on the packaging. [#s2fae36a]

Codes and names of dangerous food additives


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