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Salt and depression


うつ病と塩禁断症状 / Depression and Salt Cravings


Copyright © 2013 Demand Media


Common symptoms of depression are crying spells, sadness, reduced self-esteem and a lack of interest in previously-enjoyed activities. For some people, however, an additional symptom of depression may be a craving for salty foods. In fact, recent research has shown that salt may have potential antidepressant properties. Of course, you shouldn't use salt as a cure for depression, nor use any dietary supplements without consulting your doctor.

うつ病について / About Depression


Sadness, tearfulness, irritability, lowered mood, decreased sex drive, lethargy and fatigue are just some of the common symptoms of clinical depression. Depression affects around 121 million people worldwide, says the World Health Organization. It's no wonder that pharmaceutical companies are busy trying to come up with the next, best antidepressant medication.


However, antidepressants can cause a host of unwanted, unpleasant side effects for many people. Although antidepressants can help manage symptoms of depression, it's not a cure. Underlying issues must be addressed in order for depressive symptoms to improve without medication. Researchers have examined a number of important factors that may possibly contribute to the formation of depressive disorders, such as chemical imbalances in the brain and nutritional deficits, such as a lack of sodium.

塩とうつ病/ Salt and Depression


While too much salt in your diet can cause health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease, a lack of sodium can contribute to physical and mental problems as well. According to the Whole Health Center, a medical practice focusing on natural and alternative treatments to a variety of physical and mental disorders, a low potassium/sodium ratio is associated with low blood sugar levels, depression and feelings of frustration, fatigue, hostility and resentment.


Potassium is the mineral that helps to balance salt levels in your body. If you experience depressive symptoms combined with salt cravings, it may be a sign that your dietary intake of sodium is too low.

臨床的証拠/ Clinical Evidence

研究者ミカLeshemの調査によると、高食塩摂取量は、逆境やストレスに対処する適応的な方法を提供することがあります。ジャーナルの2011年7月号に掲載された彼の研究は、 "生理学&行動、 "その低ナトリウム摂取量は行動テスト、2つの異なるタイプを受ける実験用ラットの行動のような不安を増加させることが判明したが見つかりました。

According to a study by researcher Micah Leshem, high dietary salt intakes may provide an adaptive way of coping with adversity and stress. His study, published in the July 2011 issue of the journal, "Physiology & Behavior," found that low sodium intake was found to increase anxiety-like behaviors in laboratory rats subjected to two different types of behavioral tests.


Another study by University of Iowa psychologist Alan Kim Johnson and fellow researchers, published in the July 2008 issue of "Physiology & Behavior" showed that laboratory rats deficient in sodium chloride, or table salt, tend to avoid activities they usually enjoy, such as pressing a bar that stimulates the pleasure centers in their brains and drinking sugary fluids.


The study suggests that low dietary salt intake may be a potential cause of certain depressive symptoms, and that increased cravings for salt may be explained by its possible mood-elevating properties. While these studies show promising results, more clinical research is needed to fully evaluate the impact of low dietary salt levels on depression.

考慮事項/ Considerations


Salt cravings may be associated with depression. However, do not attempt to self-diagnose or treat any physical or mental problems you may be experiencing. Depression can become worse if not properly treated. Additionally, certain medical illnesses can cause depressive symptoms. Consult a qualified medical professional to obtain a diagnosis and to discuss treatment options. Do not use salt as a replacement for conventional medical treatment.



 Salt is 'natural mood-booster'


BBC © 2013 The BBC


Scientists suggest we may add extra salt to our food because it boosts our mood, even though we know too much is bad for us.

うつ病のサイン - 心理と行動の書き込みアイオワ大学の研究者は、塩はラットの自然antidepressant.Tests彼らが正常に楽しんで活動から敬遠塩欠乏を持つものを見つけたとして作用することができると言う。

University of Iowa researchers writing in Psychology and Behavior say salt may act as a natural antidepressant.Tests on rats found those with a salt deficiency shied away from activities they normally enjoyed - a sign of depression.

しかし、専門家はあまり塩を食べて警告するが高血圧にリンクされています。ボディは、ナトリウムが必要 - 関数に、あまりにも多くの募金と血圧を有する脳卒中や心臓発作のリスク増加にリンクされている - これは、一緒に塩化物と塩を構成する。英国の食品基準庁は、平均的な成人はもう塩の日の6グラム以上を食べるべきではないと言います。

But experts warn eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure.The body needs sodium - which along with chloride makes up salt - to function, but having too much and raising blood pressure is linked to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.The UK's Food Standards Agency says the average adult should eat no more than 6g of salt a day.


Intake is falling, but last year the average was 8.6g. Around three-quarters of the salt we eat comes in pre-prepared foods.The findings are published as the FSA renewed its advice for people to eat more healthily.


It backed an independent panel of experts warning that celebrity chefs were promoting high-fat recipes, and contributing to the obesity crisis.

禁断症状/ Cravings


The tests carried out by US researchers found that when rats were deficient in salt, they shy away from activities they normally enjoy, like drinking a sugary substance or pressing a bar that stimulates a pleasant sensation in their brains.

研究を主導した心理学者のキム·ジョンソンは、言った: "正常ラットで楽しいだろう事は、私たちはそれに関連付けられた塩赤字と渇望は次のいずれかを誘導することができると信じているにつながる風味同程度の、惹起しなかったキーの症状はうつ病に関連付けられている。 "

Psychologist Kim Johnson, who led the research, said: "Things that normally would be pleasurable for rats didn't elicit the same degree of relish, which leads us to believe that a salt deficit and the craving associated with it can induce one of the key symptoms associated with depression."


This research may help us to understand why some people still eat too much salt, even though they know it's bad for them Consensus for Action on Salt and Health,She said it a loss of pleasure in normally pleasing activities is one of the most important features of psychological depression.

そして、彼女は看板塩は中毒性があるかもしれませんと言いました。中毒の一つの符号は、それが有害であることが知られていても物質を使用している - そして、人々は彼らの塩分摂取量をカットする必要があります知っているにもかかわらず、彼らは味が好きで、低塩食品は当たり障りのない見つけるためのit.Another強い側面を食べ続ける何かが源泉徴収されている場合は、中毒禁断症状の開発である。

And she said there were signs salt could be addictive.One sign of addiction is using a substance even when it is known to be harmful - and even though people know they should cut their salt intake, they like the taste and find low-salt foods bland so continue to eat it.Another strong aspect of addiction is the development of cravings if something is withheld.

アイオワ大学のチームは、ラットは薬や塩不足にさらされているかどうか、彼らが行った試験では脳の活動で同様の変化を示したと言う。"これは、その塩のニーズや欲求を薬物中毒や虐待に関連したものと同じ脳の経路にリンクすることを示唆している。 "

The University of Iowa team say tests they carried out showed similar changes in brain activity whether rats are exposed to drugs or salt deficiency."This suggests that salt need and cravings may be linked to the same brain pathways as those related to drug addiction and abuse."'More depressing'

しかし交じりすぎ塩を食べることの健康上のリスクについての意識を高めるためのキャンペーンヘルス( CASH ) 、上のコンセンサスアクションのスポークスマンは、言った: "私たちの体は非常に小さい関数に塩の量が、その量のように何も必要私たちのほとんどは食べる。

But a spokesman for Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH), which campaigns to raise awareness about the health risks of eating too much salt, said: "Our bodies need a very small amount of salt to function, but nothing like the quantities that most of us eat.

"この研究では、彼らはそれが彼らのために悪いことを知っているにもかかわらず、一部の人々はまだあまりにも多くの塩を食べる理由を私たちが理解するのに役立つ可能性があります。 "私は個人的にあまりにも多くの塩を食べていないことで落ち込んで感じたことはなかった:私はそれを持ってはるかに気のめいることだと思うそんなに塩を食べていないことによって回避された可能性があります"心臓発作や脳卒中。

"This research may help us to understand why some people still eat too much salt, even though they know it's bad for them."I personally have never felt depressed by not eating too much salt: I think it would be far more depressing to have a heart attack or stroke that could have been avoided by not eating so much salt."



 High blood pressure and salt is not related


 Study says salt intake and high blood pressure not related


By Anissa FordG+ 2011-05-05 12:03


European researchers found that people with low salt intakes were more likely to die of heart disease than people with higher salt intakes. But Harvard nutrition experts say the study is complete hogwash.

研究では、 8年間で様々なヨーロッパの国に住む3,681人を調査した。その8年の期間の終わりには、低ナトリウム摂取量との参加者の56%が高塩分摂取と比べて心血管疾患で死亡した可能性が高かった。研究では、何が政府の医療専門家は、アメリカ人が高血圧と心血管疾患のリスクを軽減するためのクエストで自分の塩分摂取量を減少させると主張するように促す米国の福音の真理となっているアメリカの医学協会の反論の昨日のジャーナルで発表した。

The study surveyed 3,681 people living in various European countries over an eight year period . At the end of that eight year period, 56% of participants with low sodium intakes were more likely to have died from cardiovascular illness than those with high salt intakes. The study published in yesterday's Journal of the American Medical Association refutes what has become a gospel truth in the US prompting government health experts to insist Americans decrease their salt intake in the quest to reduce hypertension and cardiovascular disease risks.

ヨーロッパの研究は、長年にわたって続いて3,681人の研究の開始時に正常血圧とのそれらの参加者2,100 、それらの塩の摂取量は、高血圧の開発に影響を与えなかったことがわかった。研究では、最初に、米国政府の健康とアメリカ人が心血管疾患を防ぐために、彼らの塩分摂取量を減らすことがダイエット勧告と矛盾するように見える。

The European study found that of the 3,681 people followed over the years, 2,100 of those participants with normal blood pressure at the start of the study, their salt intake had no effect on the development of high blood pressure. The study, on the outset, appears to contradict the US government health and diet recommendation that Americans reduce their salt intake to prevent cardiovascular disease.


Harvard nutritionists say the study should be ignored because it contradicts 25 years of research that correlates high salt intake, high blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

アメリカの研究者は、イタリア、ブルガリア、ベルギーに位置し、近隣には4,000人の研究を感じ、ロシアとルーマニアはずっと徹底や正確なので、無効から、誤解を招くおそれがあります。ヨーロッパの研究では、 8年間の調査の終了時に1回、ナトリウムの排泄を調査した。

American researchers feel the study of close to 4,000 people in Italy, Bulgaria, Belgium, Russia and Romania is misleading, far from thorough or accurate and therefore invalid. The European study surveyed the excretion of sodium once at the end of an eight year survey.


Harvard says that one sodium excretion sample isn't a fair survey of a person's salt intake over an eight year period even if the measurement of a person's sodium excretion is considered an accurate measure of the person's sodium intake. The oldest ages of the participants in the study were 49 at the end of the eight year period which Harvard scientists believe is too young to form conclusions or make comparisons with hypertension sufferers in the U.S.


75% of Americans' sodium intake comes from processed foods and in response to the high percentage, the Institute of Medicine has called on the US Food and Drug Administration to regulate the amount of salt and sodium allowed in processed foods.

WASH (ソルト健康に関する世界行動)は、高塩分摂取に高血圧を結ぶ証拠が証拠と同じくらい強いと述べている喫煙へのリンクは肺がん。遺伝、疫学、死亡率、人口、移住、介入、および高塩分摂取と高血圧の間のリンクを証明するために行った処置:多くの研究がなされている。

WASH (World Action on Salt Health) states that evidence connecting high blood pressure to high salt intake is as strong as the evidence that links lung cancer to cigarette smoking. There have been a number of studies: genetic, epidemiological, mortality, population, migration, intervention, and treatment conducted to prove the link between high salt intake and hypertension.

研究と統計は、アメリカ人の90%が自分たちの生活で高血圧を開発することを示唆している。 1950年に日本で実施され、人口研究は高い塩の消費量と脳卒中による死亡は、特に北部、日本で、世界で最も高い水準であることがわかった。

Studies and statistics suggest that 90 percent of Americans will develop high blood pressure in their lives. Population studies conducted in Japan in the 1950s found that high salt consumption and deaths from stroke were among the highest in the world, particularly in north Japan.


The Japanese government initiated a successful health campaign to reduce salt intake which helped decrease the levels of high blood pressure in children as well as bring about an 80 percent reduction in stroke mortality. At the same time, there was a huge reduction of cigarette smoking, excessive weight gain, and alcohol consumption.


Similar studies were conducted in North Karelia, Finland which also resulted in a healthier and longer lived population.


Harvard Health writers suggest that those who want to ward off the possibility of hypertension stick to diet, exercise and make the commitment to lose weight. Those are the guaranteed three heart health tips for prevention of cardiovascular disease risk and hypertension. Harvard researchers did not point to European diets or prepared raw foods versus processed foods in measurements or comparisons of US diets and European diets.


Certainly, if the European study was conducted to prove that European food and preparation is healthier than American, Harvard would likely argue the point is well taken, but moot in a society long fueled by fast food, quick fixes and microwaved meals.


Furthermore, US efforts championing healthier diet, food and beverage choices and requirements are often met with fierce resistance and resented. Many feel the call to regulate American diets or encourage healthy eating is government intrusion on personal privacy and a lapse in personal freedoms.


Yet, advocacy groups for minority health have often pointed to the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, versus the abundance of available processed foods in urban areas and grocery stores where large pockets of African Americans live, many of whom are affected by hypertension, excessive weight, diabetes and heart disease.



 Eating less salt doesn't cut heart risks: study



(ロイターヘルス) - 塩をたくさん食べた人々は、高血圧を取得する可能性が高いではなかった、新たな欧州の研究では低塩の摂取量を持つものよりも心臓病で死亡する可能性が高かった。

(Reuters Health) - People who ate lots of salt were not more likely to get high blood pressure, and were less likely to die of heart disease than those with a low salt intake, in a new European study.

調査結果は、 "確かに、一般集団より低い塩分の摂取量に現在の勧告をサポートしていない、 "ベルギーのルーベン大学の調査の著者の先生ヤンStaessenは、ロイターヘルスに語った。

The findings "certainly do not support the current recommendation to lower salt intake in the general population," study author Dr. Jan Staessen, of the University of Leuven in Belgium, told Reuters Health.

月に米国政府が発表したものを含め、現在の塩のガイドラインは、低塩濃度または高塩食に割り当てられるようにボランティアの人々の短期的な研究からのデータに基づいており、 Staessenは言った。

Current salt guidelines, including those released by the U.S. government in January, are based on data from short-term studies of people who volunteered to be assigned to a low-salt or high-salt diet, Staessen said.

米国のガイドラインでは、そのアメリカ人は塩の日常未満の2,300ミリグラムを消費をお勧め - 高血圧や心臓病のリスクがよりある特定の人々に1,500ミリグラム。

The U.S. guidelines recommend that Americans consume less than 2,300 milligrams of salt daily - 1,500 mg in certain people who are more at risk for high blood pressure or heart disease.


While previous trials suggested a blood pressure benefit with lower salt intake, research has yet to show whether that translates into better overall heart health in the wider population.

研究者は、研究の開始時に尿サンプルを通して測定彼らの塩消費量を持っていた約3,700ヨーロッパの合計を取り入れ、二つの異なる研究からのデータを使用していました。 Staessenと彼の同僚は、三つのグループに参加者を解散:最高と最低の塩分摂取量を持つものと、平均摂取量を持つもの。

The researchers used data from two different studies, incorporating a total of about 3,700 Europeans who had their salt consumption measured through urine samples at the start of the studies. Staessen and his colleagues broke the participants up into three groups: those with highest and lowest salt intakes, and those with average intake.

参加者のいずれも、冒頭で心臓病を有しておらず、三分の二は、正常血圧を有していた。これらは、研究者は、心臓病にどのようにそれらの多くは診断され、そしてより小さいグループで、高い血圧をどれだけ持って決定される間、 8年の平均追跡した。

None of the participants had heart disease at the outset, and two thirds had normal blood pressure. They were followed for an average of 8 years, during which researchers determined how many of them were diagnosed with heart disease, and in a smaller group, how many got high blood pressure.

調査結果は、米国医師会( JAMA )誌に掲載されています。

The findings are published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

心臓や血管の病気を得ることのチャンスには、3つのグループに差は認められなかった。しかし、最低の塩分摂取量を持つ参加者は、 ( 4% )のフォローアップ時に心臓病による死亡の最高速度を持っていたし、ほとんどの塩を食べた人々は、 ( 1%未満)最下位を持っていた。

The chance of getting heart and blood vessel diseases did not differ in the three groups. However, participants with the lowest salt intake had the highest rate of death from heart disease during the follow up (4 percent), and people who ate the most salt had the lowest (less than 1 percent).


Across all three salt-intake groups, about one in four study participants who started out with normal blood pressure were diagnosed with high blood pressure during follow up.

研究者は血圧のつのメジャー、収縮期血圧は、時間の経過とともに増加して塩分摂取量として増加したことを発見した - しかし、変化は非常に小さかったので、健康上の成果に重要ではないかもしれないが、 Staessenは言った。

The researchers did find that one measure of blood pressure, systolic blood pressure, increased as salt intake increased over time - but the change was very small, so it may not be important to health outcomes, Staessen said.


Reducing salt may still be a good idea for people who already have high blood pressure or who have had heart problems in the past, he added, but the study found no evidence that dietary salt causes those conditions to arise.

"それは1つが広く人口のナトリウム摂取量の一般的な削減を提唱し、非常に注意しなければならないことは明らかだ"とStaessenは言った。 "いくつかの利点があるかもしれませんが、また、いくつかの副作用があるかもしれない。 "

"It's clear that one should be very careful in advocating generalized reduction in sodium intake in the population at large," Staessen said. "There might be some benefits, but there might also be some adverse effects."


Dr. Hillel Cohen, an epidemiologist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, told Reuters Health that when restaurants or food companies put less salt in their products, they may put in other potentially harmful products to make up for the lost taste, or as preservatives.


Consumers shouldn't change their salt-eating behavior based on the limited studies that have tried to determine the link between sodium and heart risks, added Cohen, who was not involved in the current research.


The authors caution that their analysis included only white Europeans, and so the results may not translate to people of other ethnicities.

SOURCE : bit.ly / hwxtTL JAMA 、オンラインで2011年5月3日。

SOURCE: bit.ly/hwxtTL JAMA, online May 3, 2011.


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