
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.

The Cancer Business

がんビジネス / The Cancer Business

著者 / Author

パットラティガン / Pat Rattigan

  パトリック·ラティガン購入する / by Patrick Rattigan ND


トンネルの終わりで暗 / The Dark at the End of the Tunnel


In Britain, at the present time, around one third of general hospital patients are suffering from cancer. Two out of five of the population have, or will develop, the disease. If we accept the figures, for cancer incidence, of 30 percent in 1980, 40 percent now and 50 percent in the year 2010, at the present rate of increase the figure will reach 100 percent around 2080. A multitude of factors suggest that the rise is set to accelerate.


The 5-year survival figures, not to be confused with the successful treatment of the disease, for the major cancers are:

・胃 - 5パーセント
 stomach - 5 percent

・気管、気管支及び肺 - 5パーセント
 trachea, bronchus and lung - 5 percent

・乳房 - 50パーセント
 breast - 50 percent

・食道 - 5パーセント
 oesophagus - 5 percent

・大腸 - 22パーセント
 large intestine - 22 percent

・膵臓 - 4%
 pancreas - 4 percent

・肝臓- 2パーセント1
 liver - 2 percent 1

There has been no significant increase in survival rates since records began.

純金ソース / The Solid Gold Source


The cancer business is second only, in size, to its big brother, petrochemicals.

1970年から1990年の20年では、米国だけでは、癌事業は推定1兆ドル($ 1,000,000,000,000)の価値があった。2 全体的な病気の法案の同割合は、米国、現在の支出のように英国で適用された場合がんは、年間3〜6000000000ポンドになります。

In the 20 years from 1970 to 1990, in the USA alone, the cancer business was worth an estimated 1 trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000).2 If the same percentage of the overall disease bill applies in Britain as in the US, the current expenditure on cancer will be 3 to 6 billion pounds per year.


With these kind of amounts involved it is quite understandable why the drug/radiation/scalpel/vivisection cancer cartel have maintained a constant, ruthless campaign to suffocate, at birth, any and all attempts to introduce rational therapeutic regimes to deal with the species-threatening plague.

敵の中で / The Enemy Within

癌の流行は、多くの原因となる成分を有する。実質的にすべてのそれらのいずれかを積極的が推進や政府保健局、医療貿易などによって無視:リーサル「医者のバランスの取れた食事 '、ワクチン、抗生物質、解熱剤、鎮痛剤、ステロイド、ルーチンX線スクリーニング、動物の安全というように「殺虫剤、除草剤、溶剤、染料、洗剤など、公共の飲料水にフッ化物投棄廃棄物、ラジオ/化学「治療」、核エネルギー、電気汚染をテストされた。

The cancer epidemic has many causative components; virtually all of them either actively promoted by or ignored by the government health departments, the medical trade etc.: the lethal 'doctor's balanced diet', vaccination, antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, steroids, routine X-ray screening, animal-'safety-tested' pesticides, herbicides, solvents, dyes, detergents etc., fluoride-waste dumping in public drinking water, radio/chemo 'therapy', nuclear energy, electro-pollution and so on.

石油医薬品のがんのマシンで自分の兄弟を保護する必要が今まで認識して、そのオン·ザ·給与メディアの仲間に助けと教唆がんのPR男の子は、 -公平なオブザーバーとして自分自身を詐称-忠実に全部というラインを維持ダウン喫煙と日光浴にある。

Ever aware of the need to protect their brethren in the petro-pharmaceutical cancer machine, the cancer PR boys, aided and abetted by their on-the-payroll media pals - passing themselves off as unbiased observers - faithfully maintain the line that the whole thing is down to smoking and sun-bathing.

彼らは説明する必要があることを一つのことは、イヌ虐殺されています:700万国内の犬の集団において、年間万人以上が癌で死んでいる-または治療。3人のこの犬の癌による死亡率を構成する50倍に原因獣医が承認したワクチン、抗生物質、薬を駆虫、ノミのスプレー、殺虫剤、除草剤などの体制に対する率、 -すべての安全テスト」の動物に-錫メッキ犬肉など我々はすべてである-ヒト、イヌ、ネコ-合成大洪水から、ハエのように、死んで。

One thing that they need to explain is the canine carnage: in a population of 7 million domestic dogs, over a million per year are dying from cancer - or the treatment. 3 This constitutes a dog cancer death-rate 50 times that of the human rate, due to the regime of vet-approved vaccines, antibiotics, worming drugs, flea sprays, pesticides, herbicides etc. - all 'safety tested' on animals - tinned dog-meat etc. We are all - humans, dogs, cats - dying, like flies, from the synthetic deluge.


The farm animals would exhibit the same syndrome if they were not killed, prematurely, for 'food'.

癌は、何よりも、栄養の問題である。果物、野菜、全粒粉パンのトークン量の肉、乳製品、卵、精製された炭水化物、食塩や合成物質の致死英国の食事、 - すべての農薬で飽和が - 病気の広大な範囲のためのレシピですが、癌が含まれています。

Cancer is, above all else, a nutritional problem. The lethal British diet of meat, dairy produce, eggs, refined carbohydrates, common salt and synthetics, with token amounts of fruit, vegetables and wholewheat bread - all saturated with pesticides - is a recipe for a vast range of maladies, cancer included.


1999 will see 700,000,000 drug prescriptions dished out by British doctors: a deluge of vaccines, antibiotics, analgesics, steroids, antipyretics, anti-inflammatories... all add up to a huge onslaught on the body's immune defences. Acute diseases, the body's efforts to regain health, are being continually suppressed by allopathic treatment.


Vaccination has reached a 98 percent uptake in some areas. The vaccines, between them, contain a mixture of animal-derived proteins and viruses, formaldehyde, mercury, aluminium, carbolic acid and so on. This is injected directly into the blood stream and thence to the cells, major organs etc. The immune defences stand no chance.


When alien material from dogs, monkeys, calves, chickens etc. is put directly into the human blood stream, the material is likely to change the genetic structure as the foreign proteins etc. are incorporated into the invaded cells, which, in their mutated form, continue to replicate. The immune defences can then no longer differentiate between self and non-self.


The body is then liable to invade its own cells with a variety of immune and auto-immune diseases, cancer included, as an inevitable end result.


Water fluoridation was first popular with the totalitarian regimes of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. 4 Aside from being a narcotic, fluoride is also a highly toxic, persistent waste by-product of aluminium and fertiliser production, an enzyme-inhibitor, an immuno-suppressant and a listed carcinogen.

「フッ素添加バーミンガムは今年1971から1977年にわたって非フッ素マンチェスターと比較されています。すべてのデータの同時標準化した後...それは年間1000人以上の過剰死亡は現在フッ素バーミンガムにリンクされていることが判明した。 ' 5

'Fluoridated Birmingham has now been compared with non-fluoridated Manchester over the years 1971-1977. After simultaneous standardisation of all data...it was found that over 1,000 excess deaths per year are now linked with fluoridated Birmingham.'5


The cavalier use of routine and diagnostic X-rays by the medical trade is a major cancer threat.


Prof. John Gofman MD PhD., as early as 1980, put the figure for the US alone at 12,000 extra fatal cancers per year.


He also stated that around three quarters of breast cancer cases are caused by medical X-rays;


this is apart from the huge doses from 'radiotherapy'.The use of the new X-ray toys for mass lung-screenings, head irradiation for ring worm, shoe-fitting, sore throats etc. caused incalculable amounts of cancer deaths.


'I confess that I believed in the irradiation of tonsils, lymph nodes and the thymus gland. I believed my professors when they said the doses we were using were absolutely harmless. Years later the 'absolutely harmless' radiation... was reaping a harvest of thyroid tumours.'6


The huge, increasing assault on the immuno-defence systems and the ever-growing deluge of carcinogens will certainly result in a considerable acceleration of the rates of cancer incidence and death. The theoretical 100 percent cancer incidence could well be here around the mid 2,000s.

正統的な治療いたずら / The Orthodox Cure Hoax


The definition of cure in cancer is the restoration of the cancer defence mechanisms and the elimination of cancer through these mechanisms. If this restoration is not possible, the next best is the constant support, through safe, natural means, of the body's attempts to keep the disease at bay.


Neither of these is supplied by orthodox cancer treatment.


The cancer research fund-raisers' definition of cancer cure is the apparent lack of symptoms for five years. If, or when, a patient dies a year or two after the five years, from the effects of the treatment, they remain in the 'cure' statistics: cured and dead at the same time.

「患者は治療後何年に数ヶ月からいつでも二次成長で死ぬことがあります。唯一限り21年ものギャップの後、他の原因による死亡のリスクは、本来の疾患による死亡のリスクを超えていません。 」7または元の治療から。

'Patients may die from secondary growths at any time from a few months to many years after the treatment. Only after a gap of as much as twenty one years does the risk of death from some other cause exceed the risk of death from the original disease.'7 Or from the original treatment.


On June 8 1990, at Chelmsford Crown Court, a 42-year old woman was awarded £155,000 damages.She had suffered seven years of cancer treatment.

「彼女は友人を作り、彼らが死ぬ見ている間、癌病棟の内外に13ヶ月過ごした。彼女の髪は抜け落ちた、彼女は痛みを伴う放射線と薬物治療の6呪文の間に継続的な吐き気に苦しんだ...外科医は彼女のお腹を開けて、乳癌のための失敗した検索では卵巣を削除しました。だけにして粉々になった女性は、それは間違いだったと言われました。 ' (タイムズ19​​90年6月9日)

'She spent 13 months in and out of cancer wards during which she made friends and saw them die.Her hair fell out and she suffered continual nausea during six spells of painful radiological and drug treatment...Surgeons opened her stomach and removed an ovary in an unsuccessful search for breast cancer. Only then was the shattered woman told it had been a mistake.' (Times 9.6.1990)

彼女のキャリアおよび彼女の結婚を失った女性は、診断を信じたことがなかったが、彼 ​​女自身は、レールroadedホワイトコーティングされたがんの神々が許可していた。誤診断された後、死亡した猛攻撃するか、生き残った人と「治療」統計に入れていた人々の正確な数を推定することはできません。一つの匿名のがん統計学者のコメント:「彼らは存在しなかった白血病の多くを硬化している場合、私は驚かないだろう。」8

The woman, who lost her career and her marriage, had never believed the diagnosis but had allowed herself to be rail-roaded by the white-coated cancer gods. The precise number of people who have been mis-diagnosed and have then been killed by the onslaught or who have survived and have been put in the 'cure' statistics cannot be estimated. One anonymous cancer statistician commented: 'I wouldn't be surprised if they are curing a lot of leukaemia that never existed.'8


In 1940, according to Prof. Hardin B. Jones:19

「がん」の用語の再定義によって、悪性腫瘍の様々な疑問のグレードは、次のように分類された」。その日付の後に、「通常の」平均寿命を持つがん治療法の割合が含ま疑わしい診断の割合に相当する、急速に増加しました。 '

'Through re-definition of terms, various questionable grades of malignancy were classed as 'cancer'. After that date, the proportion of cancer cures having 'normal' life-expectancy increased rapidly, corresponding to the fraction of questionable diagnosis included.'

皮肉現代のガン治療として知られている致命的なトライデント、最古の熊手は手術である。概念は、腫瘍の除去が患者を治癒ことである; 癌が全身に、最終的には腫瘍現れる全身、憲法疾患であるという事実を無視して、成長は個々の構成要因に起因することの場所、および発癌物質の性質に依存する。

The oldest prong of the lethal trident, cynically known as modern cancer therapy, is surgery. The notion being that the removal of a tumour cures the patient; ignoring the fact that cancer is a whole body, systemic, constitutional disease which eventually manifests a tumour; the location of the growth being due to individual constitutional factors, and the nature of the carcinogen.

手術に関しては、ジョージ·バーナード·ショーは、という意見だった 'より傷がぞっとするような、より切断が行なわれている。' では、より多くの手術をより多くの「英雄」傷をぞっとする。それは英雄的行為は、患者または1日、彼はカルマの領主の前に立って、彼の行動を説明する必要があることを知っている必要があります外科医の側にあるかどうかは容易に明らかではない。

As for surgery, George Bernard Shaw was of the opinion that, 'The more appalling the mutilation, the more the mutilator is paid.' In medispeak, the more appalling the mutilation the more 'heroic' the surgery; it not being readily apparent whether the heroism is on the part of the patient or the surgeon who must know that one day he will have to stand before the Lords of Karma and explain his actions.

、骨盤以下をすべての切断、9は 英雄的なカッターで最も勇敢なのいずれかの操作を行ったが、最大のメスヒロイズム」は、全内容除去術」や「空洞化」だった10 -胃の除去を、内部生殖器官、骨盤底や壁、膵臓、脾臓、大腸、直腸、膀胱、尿管および肝臓の一部:がんに栄養的なアプローチよりもはるかに楽しい。

The hemi-corporectomy, the amputation of everything below the pelvis,9 was one of the bravest operations carried out by the heroic cutters but the greatest scalpel heroism was the 'total exenteration' or 'hollowing out'10 – the removal of the stomach, internal reproductive organs, pelvic floor and wall, pancreas, spleen, colon, rectum, bladder, ureter and part of the liver: far more fun than the nutritional approach to cancer.


Surgery is a massive shock to the system, uses carcinogenic anaesthesia and increases the risk of cancer in the scar tissue. It has a place only where the threat to life processes is immediate, as in digestive obstruction etc.


The routine removal of every malignant lump which is surrounded by the body with a defensive shield, is a death sentence.


Chemotherapy involves the use of extremely toxic petrochemical drugs in the hope, never realised, of killing the disease before killing the patient. The drugs are designed to kill all fast-growing cells, cancerous or not.


All cells caught in the act of division are systematically poisoned. The effects include hair loss, violent nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cramps, impotence, sterility, extreme pain, fatigue, immune-system destruction, cancer and death.


According to the government's own figures,11 around 2 percent of chemotherapy recipients are still alive after 5 years: the term 'alive' is used, here, in its literal sense: i.e. not yet clinically dead.


 'Recently someone very dear to me, someone who can never be replaced, died a premature and totally unnecessary death. He had cancer and he was my father. Although there are safe, effective, natural treatments for this dreaded disease...my father allowed himself to be talked into having chemotherapy.


 The side-effects of the drugs were horrendous and unspeakably cruel but he persevered with the treatment because he had faith and trust in his doctors and believed every word they told him. Clearly he was dying but he continued taking the awful treatments because he was repeatedly told that he was doing 'so well'.


After all, the good doctors wouldn't lie to him, would they?...


the truth about his real condition was not revealed to him until my mother accompanied him to the clinic for what was to be his last treatment...


the prognosis was "very grim"...my father had less than a month to live... then, and only then, did my father allow us to take him elsewhere for non-toxic treatment...My husband took him to a cancer help centre where he received metabolic therapy...he was one hundred percent more comfortable and relatively free of pain...and he died a peaceful death.


He did not die of cancer, however, but of pneumonia, one of the chemotherapy's side-effects. Chemotherapy damages if not destroys the body's immune defence system...had my father been told that chemotherapy would never cure him...he would have allowed us to take him elsewhere...much sooner...

彼は私たちが他の場所に彼を取ることができたであろう···より早く···私は、ヒポクラテスの考え続ける宣誓は、特に、最初の行は、「第1害を及ぼさない」と、「私は誰にも害を及ぼすことはありません。誰も喜ばないために、私は致命的な薬を処方し、また彼の死の原因と助言を与えるでしょう。 " 私は非常に私の父を愛し、この残酷な恐ろしい不要な方法で彼を失うことは、確かに私の人生の失恋である。」12

I keep thinking of the Hippocratic oath, in particular, the first line, "First do no harm", and, "I will never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug, nor give advice which may cause his death." I loved my dad very much and to lose him in this cruel horrible unnecessary manner is certainly the heartbreak of my life.'12


Whilst toxic chemotherapy has killed untold millions of patients, a systemic approach, using genuine, natural, anti-cancer agents is a valid, if not ideal, approach to cancer. 'Radiotherapy', however, is devoid of any rational basis in theory or practice.


After radium was discovered it was tried out in various situations. It was inevitable that 'some enterprising medical men started a fad in using it on cancer victims.13 The tumours were shrinking; cancer was being cured. This led to a price rise of 1,000 percent and the birth of a multi-billion dollar industry without an atom of science as its basis.


In late 1991 someone at the North Staffordshire Hospital, in Stoke, noticed that the settings on the tumour-burning machine were set too low. Various masterminds, including the local MP, went on air with dire warnings of the consequences to the 1,000 patients who had not received enough of the healing rays. An investigation was ordered.

捜査に着手するチームがかなりの問題に直面した。彼らは医師·担当の見解を受け入れた場合、「アンダー投薬 '患者が処方用量与えられたものよりも悪くて善戦しないことを患者がいた理由は、彼らは頼まれたかもしれない、と、免疫抑制の大量投与を与えられている発癌性放射線は、必要ございません。

The team undertaking the investigation faced a considerable problem. If they accepted the view of the doctor-in-charge, that the 'under-dosed' patients fared no worse than those given prescribed doses, they might have been asked why patients were, and are, given large doses of immuno-suppressive, carcinogenic radiation, when not necessary.


If they decided to preserve the virtue of radiation as a valid therapy by declaring that the UDs died quicker, they risked litigation from the relatives. If they found, as cynics strongly suspected, that the UDs lasted longer, they risked some trouble-maker wanting a further 1,000 patients treated with the radiation machine turned off altogether.


They needed to bring in the Creative Cancer Statistics Squad: pronto.


Finally, the CCSS delivered their verdict: the doctor involved was wrong; the lack of radiation adversely affected the patients. Litigation from the relatives was to be preferred to admitting that the dosage made no difference.

米国では、匿名の国立がん研究所の科学者14は 説明した:

In the US, an anonymous National Cancer Institute scientist14 explained:

外科医のように、彼らはカットするように訓練してきた。ので、カット 」。

Look, when you've got 10,000 radiologists and millions of dollars worth of radiation equipment, you give radiation treatments, even if study after study shows that a lot of it does more harm than good. What else are they going to do?
Like surgeons, they've been trained to cut: so they cut.'

完全にオフにし、放射線のマシンでの治療を持っていることを選んだ一人は騎手ボブ·チャンピオンになった。、彼があったことを、よく感じにもかかわらず、早期の検出器に納得'...リンパ腺の癌で死亡する可能性が高い」と彼は...彼は、「治療の考えを味わうしなかったことを決めた可能性彼の肺を台無しにしている」。15 -彼の残りの部分はおろか-と薬を選んだ。

One person who chose to have treatment with the radiation machine turned off altogether was the jockey Bob Champion. Convinced by the early detectors, in spite of feeling well, that he was, '...likely to die of cancer of the lymph gland,' he decided that he did not relish the thought of a treatment that, '...could have ruined his lungs.'15 - let alone the rest of him - and opted for drugs.

彼は最終的に治療し、「リンパ腫」生き残った。彼の医者、「がんの専門家 'アン·バレットは、宣言した。

He eventually survived the treatment and the 'lymphoma'. His doctor, 'cancer specialist' Ann Barrett, declared:


He is the only patient in my experience who has come through this disease and achieved such a high degree of physical fitness afterwards. His recovery is even more remarkable when you consider that he refused to have the conventional treatment.' !!!


The plight of the ever-increasing number of parents of child cancer victims facing 'radiotherapy' was well illustrated in October 1993:

...放射線療法のぞっとするような副作用の..after学習...彼女の心配性の母は、個人的な処置のために彼女をアメリカへ連れて行くことを選びました... 「放射線療法が40ポイントを彼女のI. Qから落としている脳障害を引き起こすと、私は話されました.... 彼女の成長は妨げられます...彼女は、成長と性発達を助けるために、ホルモン類を必要とします。

...after learning of the appalling side-effects of radiotherapy...her anxious mother has opted to take her to America for private treatment... "I've been told the radiotherapy will cause brain damage knocking forty points off her I. Q.... Her growth would be stunted...she would need hormones to help her growth and sexual development.


It is also likely she would be sterile"'16


Further delights include bone and nerve damage, leading to amputation of limbs, severe burns and, of course, death, at a future time, from cancer and leukaemia due to the highly carcinogenic, immuno-suppressive effects of the huge doses of radiation.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will make the ancient method of drilling holes in a patient's head, to permit the escape of demons, look relatively advanced...the use of cobalt...effectively closes the door on cure.'17


The five year survival rates for the different onslaughts are: 11

・外科手術 - 22パーセント
 Surgery - 22 percent

 Radiotherapy -12 percent

・手術/放射線療法を組み合わせ - 6パーセント
 Surgery/radiotherapy combined - 6 percent

・化学療法+その他 - 2.5パーセント
 Chemotherapy plus others - 2.5 percent

・化学療法単独 - 1.6パーセント
 Chemotherapy alone - 1.6 percent


… none of which has stopped the cancer industry from carrying out the same procedures, day in, day out, for decades: with the same deadly, inevitable results.


Temporarily suppressing, with the scalpel, drug or radiation, the symptoms of cancer does nothing for the victim's chances of survival. Adding gross insult to injury, the treatment involves massive doses of carcinogens and super-poisons.


The patient is subject to a regime diametrically opposed to that which is needed for survival.


Cancer is an acceptable form of suicide for those who have lost the desire to live: this loss being a major factor in the development of the disease in the first place. The great tragedy and scandal is where the victim has a strong determination to live and fight but is then destroyed by the assault from the lethal, useless treatment and not by the cancer.

早期発見 / Early Detection

実数または虚数 - 早期発見と治療のデマにブーストは早期癌を拾って使用する改良された方法となっている。これは5年間持続の人々の数の増加につながっていると治療統計に置かれる。初期段階の患者が強く、攻撃を生き残る可能性が高くなります。改良された技術は、より進行した疾患を有する患者は5年前に疾患/治療に屈し前にいたのに対し、。

A boost to the early detection and cure hoax has been the improved methods used in picking up early cancer - real or imaginary. This has led to an increase in numbers of people lasting five years and being put in the cure statistics. Early stage patients are stronger and more likely to survive the assault; whereas, before the improved techniques, patients with more advanced disease succumbed to the disease/treatment before the five years were up.


On early detection and orthodox treatment, Prof. H.B. Jones, then the leading US cancer statistician, with over 30 years experience, stated, in 1975:



'It is utter nonsense to claim that catching cancer symptoms early enough will increase the patient's chances of survival: not one scientist or study has proven that in any way. My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or surgery, other than used in immediate life-threatening situation.'

現実は彼を叩く前に、よくジョーンズの声明に微笑んだた可能性があります、一人は米国の上院議員ヒューバート·ハンフリーた。元副社長ハンフリー、真の信者 - それは手遅れになるまで - がん男児とその早期発見は、彼は膀胱がんに苦しんでいたと言われた。

One person who, before the reality hit him, may well have smiled at Jones' statement was US Senator Hubert Humphrey. Former vice-president Humphrey, a true believer - until it was too late - in the cancer boys and their early detection was told that he was suffering from bladder cancer.


This was duly 'cured' with radiation. Later, in May 1976, the prognosis was that there was no reason for any further treatment. Six months later Humphrey was operated on for the removal of a bladder tumour. His surgeon, Willard Whitmore, declared: 'As far as we are concerned the Senator is cured.'

ウィットモアは、実験的化学療法による治療 '...どこかに体内で隠れている可能性があり、がん細胞のいずれかの顕微鏡的コロニーを一掃する」と付け加えた - 「瓶詰めの死」ハンフリーは後で呼ばれるように - 始まる。ハンフリーは、弱々しい、高齢化難破船への活性中年男から変更して、明らかに、彼は癌で死亡したと思っていたすべてのメディアを完全に考慮して1年以内に死亡した。

Whitmore added that '...to wipe out any microscopic colonies of cancer cells that may be hidden somewhere in the body' treatment with experimental chemotherapy - 'bottled death' as Humphrey later called it - would begin. Humphrey changed from an active middle-aged man into a feeble, ageing wreck and died within one year in full view of the media who all, apparently, thought he had died of cancer.


Any doubts about the brass neck of the Syndicate, in the face of such a spectacular public defeat, were dispelled the very next year by the publication of a book which stated that Humphrey was a '...famous beneficiary of modern radiation therapy' who had '...remained well for three years until the development of a new, more advanced cancer.'20


The use of very expensive body scanners to detect early lumps has been a favourite source of pride with the cancer cartel and their faithful fund-raisers.

MPからの手紙は次のように述べている「私は今、癌の治療におけるボディスキャナーの価値について... DHSSから同封の返信を受けています。あなたが読んで、政府はボディスキャナーの価値を認めるが、これの統計証拠を与えることができません。』21

A letter from an MP stated: 'I have now received the enclosed reply from the...DHSS about the value of body scanners in treating cancer.As you will read, the government does acknowledge the value of body scanners but can give no statistical evidence of this.' 21


This is fully in keeping with the tradition of orthodox medical practices. Estimates vary from 50 percent to over 85 percent as to the degree of these practices which are, at best, unproven or, at worst, lethal.

乳癌 / Breast Cancer


Around 15,000 women, diagnosed with breast cancer, die each year in the UK. The medical cynics, engaged in the ongoing competition to demonstrate that it is quite impossible to insult the intelligence of the public on matters of health, have always found fertile ground in the field of breast cancer; the crowning achievement being when one of the jokers convinced healthy women to have both breasts removed to prevent breast cancer.

 「米国癌学会、国立がん研究所、「癌との戦い」、乳がんのための大規模なX線スクリーニングプログラムを共催のショーケースプロジェクトとして-悪名高いマンモグラフィ愚行- 28万女性に。

  'The American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, as a showcase project of the "war on cancer", co-sponsored a massive X-ray screening program for breast cancer - on 280,000 women - the notorious mammography follies.


 With kind smiles and Pollyanna counsel, women were encouraged to affirm their virtue on the altar of technology by exposing themselves to periodic radiation known to increase the risk of the disease.


 …Emphasis was placed on radiating women over 50, the very age group that would be most vulnerable to induction of cancer by radiation.' 22


By 1989 four random-controlled mammography trials had taken place: in the USA, UK and two in Sweden. In the final, and most sophisticated, trial, in Malmo, it was found that for one woman to have a cancer avoided or delayed it would need 68,000 women to be screened.23 As such a figure is completely meaningless, the grave dangers of mammography are entirely without any possible counter-balancing benefits.

 「乳スキャンは定期的な乳房X線像を持っている中年の女性が選別されていない人よりも乳がんで死亡する可能性が高くなります....女性のためのがんのリスクを増加させ... 」 30

  'Breast scanning increases cancer risks for women....middle-aged women who have regular mammograms are more likely to die from breast cancer than those who are not screened...'30

質量乳がん検診の過去最大の臨床試験50,000人の女性を含む、カナダの国立乳癌検診研究であった教授アンソニー·ミラー監督。女性の半分は毎年スクリーニングX線が与えられたか、18ヶ月の半分は単に身体検査を与えられた。X線撮影グループ内でのがん死亡率は '有意に高かった。」だった

The largest ever trial of mass breast cancer screening was the Canadian National Breast Screening Study, involving 50,000 women and directed by Prof. Anthony Miller. Half of the women were given X-ray screening every year or 18 months and half were given just a physical examination. Within the X-rayed group the cancer death-rate was 'significantly higher.'


The danger, according to Miller, was from the fact that mammograms lead to surgery for tiny lumps, encouraging secondaries to grow.

また、ミラーによると: '... 1潜在的な問題は、乳癌の女性の治療に関与して手術、麻酔薬や放射線療法は、免疫力に干渉されたということでした。' いいえ冗談じゃない」?

Also, according to Miller: '...one potential problem was that surgery, the anaesthetic and radiotherapy, involved in treating women with breast cancer, were interfering with immunity.' No kiddin'?


Dr. Irwin Bross, Director of Biostatistics, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, had his funding stopped by the National Cancer Institute when he released his figures linking X-rays with cancer and leukaemia.

ブロスは、マンモグラフィスタントは歴史の中で医原性乳癌の最悪の流行.. 'につながる、検出された一人一人のために4か5癌を引き起こすと述べた。

Bross said that the mammography stunt would cause four or five cancers for every one detected, leading to '..the worst epidemic of iatrogenic breast cancer in history.

私の見解では... NCIは、10〜15年後に癌を発症するプログラムの被害者のための信託基金に将来の上映用に割り当てられたお金を入れたほうが良いでしょう。 '

In my view...the NCI would be better off putting the money allocated for future screenings into a trust fund for the victims of the programme who will develop cancer in 10 to 15 years time.'


According to Prof. Jones: 'With every patient that...boosts his health to build up his natural resistance, there's a high chance that the body will find its own defence against the cancer.'

' 教授ジョーンズは警鐘を鳴らし「...彼の人生の延長のゼロチャンスがあるラジカル医学的介入によって絶望的な無効化されている。 '

Prof. Jones warned against '...being made into a hopeless invalid through radical medical intervention which has zero chance of extending his life.'


None of which has made any impression on the screeners or the knife/drug/ray tumour-zappers; or on the ever-willing multitude of females, following the camp and determined to be the next sacrifice, virgin or otherwise, at the feet of The Great God of Consensus Medicine.


 (Port city of southwest England) Bristol


In June 1986, a study, financed by the Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, began at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre. The BCHC had approached the Syndicate with a view to the evaluation of the Centre's 'complementary' methods; methods, apparently, designed to try to stop the patients dying from slash/burn/poison for as long as possible.

研究では、経験したか、信じられないほど、まだ、正統派の猛攻撃を受けた女性が関与しており、合理的な癌治療に決定的な打撃を与えるためにカルテルのための絶好の機会提供:センター、ホリスティック医学は、まだ、完全に持って、そこから打撃を回復します。研究の報告書は、CED Chilvers、TJ McElwain、FS Bagenal、DFイーストン、およびE.ハリスによって書かれました。

The study involved women who had undergone or, incredibly, were still undergoing, the orthodox onslaught, and offered a golden opportunity for the cartel to deliver a decisive blow to rational cancer treatment: a blow from which the Centre and holistic medicine has yet to fully recover. The report of the study was written by C.E.D. Chilvers, T.J. McElwain, F.S. Bagenal, D.F. Easton, and E. Harris.

報告書の冒頭の行は、文書の残りのためのトーンを設定します。」への関心や癌の治療のための代替医療や慣行の使用は抗腫瘍効果のための科学的証拠がないにも関わらず、数年前から成長してきました。 ' 18

The opening lines of the report set the tone for the rest of the document: 'Interest in and use of alternative medicines and practices for the treatment of cancer has been growing for several years despite lack of any scientific evidence for anti-tumour effects.'18

調査結果の報告書は次のように述べている:「これらの結果は、BCHCに出席し、乳がんの女性にのみ、従来の治療を受けているよりも悪い運賃ことを示唆している... BCHC政権のいくつかの側面は、その生存率の低下の原因であるという可能性が直面しなければならない。 ' 広がる癌細胞 - - 3回程度BCHCグループに再発する可能性が高かったレポートには、転移のない女性がいることを示唆した。

Of the findings, the report stated: 'These results suggest that women with breast cancer attending the BCHC fare worse than those receiving conventional treatment only... the possibility that some aspects of the BCHC regime is responsible for their decreased survival must be faced.' The report implied that women without metastasis - cancer cells spreading - were around 3 times more likely to relapse in the BCHC group.


Without subjecting the report to the usual peer or statistical review, the triumphant cancer orthodoxy, at a press conference organised by the ICRF, could hardly conceal their glee at such an easy victory. Whilst the BCHC staff, now showing belated signs that they realised what the trial was all about, looked for holes in which to be swallowed.


Karol Sikora, of the cancer unit at the Hammersmith Hospital, had expressed doubts about the report's authenticity and had provisionally agreed to attend the press event to offer the BCHC(Brownsville Community Health Center) support.


He was later to contact the Centre saying that he would not attend. Walter Bodmer, one of the cancer barons behind the report and director-general of the ICRF, who were funding some of Sikora's work, repeatedly refused on camera to comment on whether he knew anything of a telephone call causing Sikora's about face.24


Sikora later became deputy director of clinical research at the ICRF(The Israel Cancer Research Fund)


After the media blitz had done the required damage, the facts about the report began to emerge: the BCHC women were much more ill than the control group.


No constant check was made to see if the Bristol women kept to the regime.No-one ensured that the controls were avoiding the 'complementary' therapies available at the Royal Marsden Hospital, where half the controls were based.

ライフスタイル、人間関係、環境要因などが考慮されていませんでした。19%の「不治」を持つすべてのBCHCの女性は、半数近くがアクティブがんを持っていた開始時に「癌のない」として分類された。BCHC症例の43%は、対照の36%に比べて乳房切除を受けた。ブリストルの女性の85%は、55の下に予後が悪いとのグループだった。コントロールなど... 55の下に73パーセントを持っていた

Lifestyle, relationships, environmental factors etc. were not taken into account. All BCHC women were classed as 'cancer-free' at the start when nearly half had active cancer, with 19% 'incurable'. 43% of BCHC cases had undergone a mastectomy compared with 36% of controls. 85% of Bristol women were under 55, a group with a worse prognosis. The controls had 73% under 55...etc.


The report found itself under a deluge of criticism, mainly in the pages of the Lancet;

レポートの出版記者の1、TJ McElwain後数ヶ月は、自殺した。

and a couple of months after the report publication one of the reporters, TJ McElwain, committed suicide.

はいずれも、他の人が関与して引き起こされていません - Chilvers、Bagenalなど - レポートの正式撤退を要求する; 締結して報告書:「他の代替専門家は厳しい評価に、このタイプに自分の仕事を提出する勇気を持っている必要があります。

None of which caused the others involved - Chilvers, Bagenal etc. - to call for official withdrawal of the report; a report which had concluded: 'Other alternative practitioners should have the courage to submit their work to this type of stringent assessment.'

タモキシフェン(抗悪性腫瘍剤(抗がん剤)の一種) / Tamoxifen


Tamoxifen is a drug which is related, structurally, to the infamous DES and is used in the treatment of breast cancer.

現在では、大西洋の両側に深刻な予約にもかかわらず、英国で乳がん予防として推進されている。女性は、期間中、通常のX線を5年間、毎日薬の錠剤を取ることが求​​められています。公衆衛生、イリノイ大学の大学院の教授サミュエルS.スタインによると: 'のような比較的少数の乳がん患者がタモキシフェン5年以上の薬物を取っていることは、現在認識されているよりもはるかに強力ヒト発がん性があります。'

It is now being promoted as a breast cancer preventative in the UK, despite serious reservations on both sides of the Atlantic. Women are being asked to take a tablet of the drug every day for five years with regular X-rays throughout the period. According to Professor Samuel S. Epstein of the School of Public Health, University of Illinois: 'As relatively few breast cancer patients have taken the drug for more than five years tamoxifen may be a much more potent human carcinogen than is currently recognised.'

研究は、タモキシフェンを服用それらの女性のための6.4倍以上の子宮癌のリスクの増加を示唆している。27文学を、プロモーターによって送り出され次のように述べ、それが困難であるので、肝腫瘍は、マウスではないタモキシフェンの大量投与を与えられたラットで発症するが'ヒトでの効果についてはよく分からなければ。 '

Studies have suggested an increased risk of uterine cancer, 6.4 times higher for those women taking tamoxifen.27 The literature, sent out by the promoters states: 'Liver tumours develop in rats given large doses of tamoxifen, but not in mice so it is difficult to be sure about the effects in humans.'


This has not deterred some ladies from signing up; presumably, having reasoned that they are more like mice than rats.


'Drug maker may quit cancer trial - Healthy women taking part in a clinical trial to prevent breast cancer might have been put at a risk of developing other tumours...the drug may increase the risk of tumours in the womb, liver and bowel. The disclosure, on the eve of the launch...has led to the manufacturer threatening to pull out.'28

ハミッシュ·キャメロン、ゼネカで医療事務の頭部、薬のメーカーは、次のように述べている:「利益/リスクのバランスに悪影響移行すべき、我々は、薬剤供給を撤回する権利を留保します。証拠は非常に明確であるなら、私自身が、ゲームが起動していることを理解するであろう試験実施者が望んでいるだろう。 '

Hamish Cameron, head of medical affairs at Zeneca, the drug's makers, stated: 'Should the benefit/risk balance shift adversely, we reserve the right to withdraw that drug supply. If the evidence is quite clear I would hope the trialists themselves would realise that the game is up.'

Dr.Richard Bulbrook、タモキシフェン、企業の本来の提案者の1は、彼の懸念を表明。「事は変更されています。最後のカウントで41があった - - そこに非常に多くの副作用は現在報告されており、これらの一部は致命的です」。

Dr.Richard Bulbrook, one of the original proposers of the tamoxifen enterprise, voiced his concerns: 'Things have changed. There are now so many side-effects reported - there were 41 at the last count - and some of these are fatal.'

米国は、安全を理由に、タモキシフェンの予防詐欺を断念:「我々が知りたいのは、我々は、おそらくそれを与えることによって、タモキシフェンからより多くのマイレージを取得することができます。 'がん研究キャンペーン」のゴードンマクヴィー「科学ディレクター」と鋭い対照的に、すべての生活のため。 '

The USA abandoned the tamoxifen prevention scam on safety grounds: all in sharp contrast to Gordon McVie 'scientific director' of the 'Cancer Research Campaign': 'What we want to know is can we get more mileage out of tamoxifen, possibly by giving it for life.'

オーソドックスながん治療は乳がんの半数の女性が「保存する」かという問題について、博士アーウィンブロスは非常に明確である - 半分の女性が最初の場所で乳がんを持っていない。

On the question of how orthodox cancer treatment 'saves' half the women with breast cancer, Dr Irwin Bross is quite unequivocal - half the women don't have breast cancer in the first place:

 「あなたは「早期乳がん」と診断された女性がいる場合は...あなたが...病理医が間違っている半分以上の時間を知っておく必要があることを1の単純な科学的事実があります - それは実際に乳癌ではありません。 ···何がほとんどの女性が持っていることは、光学顕微鏡下で、病理医に癌のように見え、腫瘍である。

 'If you are a woman who has been diagnosed as "early breast cancer"...there is one simple scientific fact that you need to know...more than half the time the pathologist is wrong - it is not actually breast cancer...What most women have is a tumour which, under a light microscope, looks like a cancer to a pathologist.


 Chances are this tumour lacks the ability to metastasize...the hallmark of a genuine cancer...


 The world's first controlled trial of adjuvant therapies for breast cancer was centralised in my department...Dr Leslie Blumenson and I...made a surprising discovery.


 More than half of the patients...had tumours...that were more like benign lesions.


 Our discovery was highly unpopular with the medical profession. Doctors could never afford to admit the scientific truth because the standard treatment in those days was radical mastectomy.


 Admitting the truth could lead to malpractice suits by women who had lost a breast because of an incorrect medical diagnosis.


 The furious doctors at the National Cancer Institute...took our highly successful breast cancer research program away from us...they eventually succeeded in suppressing our findings and blocking new publications...

 乳癌および前立腺癌は、統計的な双子である。これら2性的な臓器の機能が減少すると、細胞は、しばしば異常になり、癌細胞のように見える...米国医師会のジャーナルは驚くほど高い生存率を報告... 8腫瘍の外に7を示した未処理の早期前立腺癌の癌ではなかった。

 Breast cancer and prostate cancer are statistical twins. When the functions of these two sexual organs diminish, the cells often become abnormal and look like cancer cells...The Journal of the American Medical Association reported amazingly high survival rates...of untreated early prostate cancer which showed 7 out of 8 tumours were not cancers.

 彼らは「癌」を聞いたとき、女性はパニックに陥る理由はない。パニックは、それらが容易犠牲者になります。 '

 There is no reason for women to panic when they hear "cancer"; panic makes them easy victims.'


The patient who is wrongly diagnosed and has no cancer, and is therefore more likely to survive the 'therapy', is recorded as a 'cancer cure'.


he patient who has cancer and is in a weak state is usually killed by the treatment and recorded as having 'died of cancer'.


Those who never had cancer in the first place are made far more likely to develop the disease, in the future, from the lethal carcinogenic, immuno-suppressive effects of the surgery, drugs and radiation.

セーブ·ザ·チルドレン / Save the Children


According to the latest Morbidity Statistics from General Practice, UK childhood cancer incidence almost tripled in ten years. In the USA, '...of the 23 children admitted to the largest paediatric ward of the University of Minnesota hospitals in a single day, 18 had cancer.'25


A mother, writing in a women's magazine, said:


 'By the time you read this my son Michael, who is just five, will be almost at the end of a year's course of treatment for cancer…To show for it Michael has a scar from one side of his body to the other, where doctors removed a huge malignant tumour and one of his kidneys.

 バート病院の放射線治療は、彼のノックアウト彼はすべての詰め物との縫いぐるみ人形のようにぐったり残しました。化学療法は、彼の髪がすべて抜けてきました。薬...彼は何時間も嘔吐します...彼の顔は小さく、大部分が淡いです:彼の目には、子供の目があってはならないように暗く、不機嫌と影にある '。

 Radiotherapy at Bart's hospital left him limp like a rag doll with all the stuffing knocked out of him. Chemotherapy has made all of his hair fall out. The drugs…make him vomit for hours on end…his face is small and mostly pale: his eyes are dark and sullen and shadowed, the way a child's eyes should never be.'


Whilst it is unknown how long this child stood up to his tormentors, before being killed, it is certain that none of the medical inquisitors were hung, jailed for life, thrown into a padded cell or struck off any medical register.

また、特定され、その代謝の政権、ハーブ、栄養···などの提案を拷問に近づいて誰 治療は、病気に安全で効果的なアプローチは、無視されたり嘲笑されていたであろう影響を与える可能性があります。米国では、食品医薬品管理者のロバート·ヤングが入院。

It is also certain that anyone approaching the torturers with a suggestion that a regime of metabolic, herbal, nutritional…etc. treatment might effect a safe, effective approach to the illness would have been ignored or ridiculed. In the USA, Food and Drug administrator Robert Young admitted:

 『ボストンでは、病院は新しいNCI薬をテストしました...子供たちの上で。彼らの腎臓は、数日のうちに失われました...新しいので、これはたいした事でありませんでした... 文字通り彼らを迎える人々の保護手段で、NCI薬は配られません。』

 'In Boston a hospital tested a new NCI drug...on children. Their kidneys were lost within days...this was no big deal because new... NCI drugs are given out with literally no safeguards for people who will receive them.'

litigatory安全のためにあまりにも多くの子を殺した、がんの男の子は最終的に攻撃をトーンダウンすることを決めた。これはなった、より長い生存時間に、必然的に、LEDが小児がん治療における大きな進歩。 ' 薬物/放射線狂気のレベルの全く削減しながら、大幅に歓迎されることで、これらのより長い生存時間未満致死治療以外のものによるものだったという考えは単なる希望的観測である。

Having killed one child too many for litigatory safety, the cancer boys finally decided to tone down the assault. This led, inevitably, to longer survival times, which became 'great progress in childhood cancer treatment.' Whilst any reduction at all in the level of the drug/radiation lunacy is to be greatly welcomed, the idea that these longer survival times were due to anything other than less lethal treatments is merely wishful thinking.

白血病リサーチニュースの秋1997 Editionは、いくつかのLRFの科学者の見解を報告した。

The Autumn 1997 edition of the Leukaemia Research News reported the views of some LRF scientists:

 「彼らの生存を確実にするために子供たちに与えられた強化療法(!)...このような知的障害、心臓障害、成長障害、さらには二次がんとして長期的な副作用をもたらす可能性がある。 」

 'The intensive therapy given to children to ensure their survival (!)...can result in longer term side effects such as intellectual impairment, heart damage, growth disorders and even second cancers.'

オリジナルの白血病診断が間違っていた場合、最初のがん - - 二次がんすると、治療は、患者を殺す、元の「白血病の治療法は「まだ統計に立って - 硬化させ、死んだ。

When the second cancers - first cancers if the original leukaemia diagnosis was wrong - and the treatment, kill the patient, the original 'leukaemia cure' still stands in the statistics - cured and dead.


 「...まだお金は大いに宣伝さ "治癒"や "発見"が常にあることが、年々、年を消しているという事実にもかかわらず、心優しい、善意の人々から「がん研究」の中で注ぐトラブルのすべてではなく、むしろ悪化の治療法はなく、これはすべての面で、病気の安定した増加であることの証明...

 '...still the money pours in for "Cancer Research" from kind-hearted, well-meaning people in spite of the fact that the much-advertised "cures" and "discoveries" invariably turn out, year after year, to be no cure at all but rather an aggravation of the trouble, the proof of this being the steady increase of the disease on all sides...

 確かに非常に多くの動物の拷問のための部分的な言い訳として表示するためにいくつかの結果があるはずの研究は明らかに間違った上で行われている間...国民はまだ、何も起こりそうではないことを、これまで可能性が高い、あるいは可能な進展を実現しませんライン。 '

 Surely there should be some result to show as a partial excuse for the torturing of so many animals...the public still does not realise that nothing is likely to happen, no progress ever likely or even possible whilst the research is done on demonstrably wrong lines.'

                  Morley Steynor - 1940


Since these words, countless billions of pounds/dollars/animals have been squandered; whilst the disease has steadily reached the point of seriously threatening the continuation of the human species. Clearly, even given the level of intelligence of the research laboratory inmates, the situation could not possibly be explained by sheer, crass stupidity alone.


 'A solution to cancer would mean the termination of research programs, the obsolescence of skills, the end of dreams of personal glory.

 がんに打ち勝つには自己永続的慈善団体への寄付を干上がるだろう...それは致命傷そんなにお金、訓練と装備が投資されている高価な、外科放射線や化学療法の治療法は時代遅れレンダリングすることにより、本臨床確立を脅かす...新しい治療法は、不信心されなければならない、すべてのコストで落胆し、不許可、拒否 ​​された。

 Triumph over cancer would dry up contributions to self-perpetuating charities…It would mortally threaten the present clinical establishment by rendering obsolete the expensive surgical, radiological and chemotherapeutic treatments in which so much money, training and equipment is invested…The new therapy must be disbelieved, denied, discouraged and disallowed at all costs;


 regardless of actual testing results and, preferably, without any testing at all.' 22

英国のがん研究の資金調達のシンジケートは、毎年ポンド億を優に超える中clawingている。高給のPR。spivsは、管理者、主催者、手数料プリペイド薬...半意識的な支持者の軍隊によって支援 - が作成している - 彼らはサポートしている非常に同じ組織によって生成処理によって破壊された彼らの親戚や友人を見てきました多くの人の今のところ最大の詐欺、医療やそれ以外の場合は、歴史の中で。

The UK cancer research fund-raising syndicate are clawing in well over £100 million each year. The highly-paid PR. spivs, administrators, organisers, commission-paid agents...aided by an army of semi-conscious supporters - many of whom have seen their relatives and friends destroyed by the treatments produced by the very same organisations that they are supporting - have created by far the biggest fraud, medical or otherwise, in history.

動物研究は、グローバル詐欺に大きな​​役割を果たしている:800の方法は、人工的に動物において腫瘍を誘発することが見出されている; ていない自然発生的にヒトにがんを発生する関連性の原子と1。
Animal research plays a major part in the global scam: 800 ways have been found to artificially induce tumours in animals; not one with an atom of relevance to spontaneously occurring cancer in humans.

博士ライナス·ポーリング、二重のノーベル賞受賞者は、宣言した:「誰もが "がんとの戦争」は、主に、詐欺であることを知っている必要があります。 '

Dr Linus Pauling, double Nobel Laureate, declared: 'Everyone should know that the "War on Cancer" is, largely, a fraud.'


The Pauling Institute were reduced to advertising in the Wall Street Journal for funds: 'Our research shows that the incidence and severity of cancer depends on diet.

それはヒトの癌に苦しんを減少させるために役立つことができるように我々は早急にその研究を洗練したい。米国政府は、絶対的に、継続的に、ここで、この作品での博士ポーリングと彼の同僚を支援することを拒否しています... ' 26

We urgently want to refine that research so that it may help to decrease suffering from human cancer. The US government has absolutely and continually refused to support Dr Pauling and his colleagues here in this work...'26


 Ascorbate in the Control of Leukaemia

 「ハイポascorbemia ...(原因)肝臓の酵素は、L-グロノラクトンオキシダーゼ...男の霊長類の祖先に生じる突然変異の生産のために欠陥のある遺伝子を有する人間によって引き起こされます。

 'Hypo-ascorbemia...is caused by humans carrying a defective gene for the production of the liver enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase...(due)…to a mutation occurring in a primate ancestor of man.


 The lack of this enzyme in the human liver...prevents us from synthesising our own ascorbic acid...This defective gene is common to all mankind, therefore chronic hypo-ascorbemia is now our most prevalent disease...It is possible that the chronic sub-clinical scurvy, existing in the victim since infancy, may be a factor in initiating the leukaemia...


 It is a hard clinical fact that leukaemics have pathologically low levels of ascorbic acid in their blood plasma...what kills most leukaemics is...haemorrhage and infection...Both...are pathognomonic symptoms of scurvy.


 In the one case where complete remission was achieved and maintained in myelogenous leukaemia, the patient took 24 to 42 grams of ascorbic acid per day...


 It is inconceivable that no-one appears to have followed this up...in any of the thousands of cases of leukaemia which appear each year.


 What is wrong with the public-supported charities for cancer and leukaemia...?...without the scurvy, leukaemia may be a relatively benign, non-fatal condition...


 I wrote…a paper...in attempt to have the therapy clinically-tested..I sent the paper to three cancer journals and three blood journals.

 これは、出版を許可...二人は...も、それを読まずに...私は編集者を持っていた保存されている可能性があり、どのくらいの苦しみは回避されている可能性がどのように多くの命不思議助けることができないすべてで拒否されました。 '

 It was refused by all...Two...without even reading it...I cannot help wondering how many lives could have been saved and how much suffering could have been avoided had the editors...permitted publication.'

博士ストーンはほとんど数十億ドル/ポンド'白血病研究'帝国の詐欺師が自分の純金ソースを放棄し、病気は、ビタミンCや果実のシンプルで安価な、非特許性の政権に応答したことを認めざるを得ないと予想している可能性があり、簡単なハーブに同盟野菜ジュース; ルドルフBreussにより証明されたように29など。

Dr. Stone could have hardly expected the fraudsters of the multi-billion dollar/pound 'Leukaemia Research' empire to abandon their solid gold source and admit that the disease responded to a simple, inexpensive, non-patentable regime of vitamin C or fruit and vegetable juices allied to simple herbs; as was demonstrated by Rudolf Breuss29 and others.


Nor are the pseudo-researchers interested in pointing the finger at the deluge of cancer-causing synthetics coming from their friends in other vivisection laboratories. The antibiotic chloramphenicol (chloromycetin) '…was tried out for long periods on dogs and found to produce only a transient anaemia, but fatal results have followed its use in human disease.'31

 '...クロロマイセチンの一つでもカプセルが引き起こす可能性が...白血病...一般開業医が風邪...風邪のためのクロロマイセチンを処方した後、私は再生不良性貧血で死ぬ子供を覚えている - !ウイルス感染は...両親は泣いていた、子供がいた出血。

 '...even one capsule of chloromycetin could cause…leukaemia…I remember a child dying of aplastic anaemia after a general practitioner had prescribed chloromycetin for a cold…For a cold - a virus infection!… The parents were crying, the kid was bleeding.

 私は私が彼らの美しい子供がいるため、医師の愚かな処方箋死にかけていたことを親に言ったら重大な結果が私に降りかかるだろうと、いくつかの医師が警告された。 '

 I was warned by several physicians that grave consequences would befall me if I told the parents that their beautiful child was dying because of a doctor's mindless prescription.'

    LASKO - グレート億ドルの医療スウィンドル 
    Lasko - The Great Billion Dollar Medical Swindle  


Not content with merely keeping quiet about the carcinogens pouring from the medical/petrochemical industry, the 'Imperial Cancer Research Fund' have gone out of their way to protect their close brethren in the cancer machine: 'One of the biggest myths in recent years is that there is a cancer epidemic caused by exposure to radiation, pollution, pesticides and food additives.

真実は、これらの要因は、この国の癌の大部分とはほとんどを持っているということです。 '

The truth is that these factors have very little to do with the majority of cancers in this country.' 

がんに鳴く上のクック報告 / The Cook Report on Cancer Quacks

など、癌を治療するために使用される酸素療法の最初の英国の会議、およびNHSの監視で初めて、癌のための栄養治療の提案裁判、:1994 2がんのビジネスへの明確な脅威を見ました。

1994 saw two distinct threats to the Cancer Business: the first UK conference on oxygen therapies, used to treat cancer etc., and a proposed trial, for the first time with NHS monitoring, of a nutritional treatment for cancer.


This latter, no doubt, sent shock waves through the industry.


Until that time the cartel had successfully blocked all attempts to organise any trial of a safe, effective therapy involving the NHS.After the Bristol debacle, the cancer boys were extra keen that no trial should be allowed to begin, let alone be completed.


On realising that a trial request had slipped through the net, the Syndicate turned, naturally, to ITV.ITV being dependent on the petro/pharma mafia for its existence, allocated the task of exposing the 'cancer quacks' to the experts, the Cook team at Central TV.

1994年12月22日に、クック報告書ガーソン療法- -試験で使用されることになっていた同じ処理を使用して医師を攻撃するために使用された。

On December 22 1994, the Cook Report was used to attack a doctor using the same treatment - the Gerson Therapy - which was to be used in the trial.


The treatment has been used for well over 60 years on a wide variety of chronic conditions including 'terminal' cancer.
Cook stated that the therapy had caused deaths in the USA, a total fabrication and an hilarious comment considering the countless millions killed by the orthodox onslaught.


Being of an intriguingly low standard of pseudo-journalism, even by Cook Report standards, the piece would not have impressed any half-intelligent viewer but it did give a fascinating insight into the links between ITV and the cancer combine.

クックチームは正しくプログラムでlibelledものが石油バックアップITVを訴えるために財政を持っていないだろうと推論した。CRCのゴードンマクヴィー、ブリストルセンターのスキャンダルで、その部分に非難体の一つは、プログラムの自然だったと宣言した:「私はダイエットを操作することによって、癌を治すために主張した医者を知っていたなら、私は求めるだろうその主張を調査するために高い場所で誰か。 '

The Cook team correctly reasoned that those libelled in the programme would not have the finances to sue the petro-backed ITV.Gordon McVie, of the CRC, one of the bodies censured for its part in the Bristol centre scandal, was a natural for the programme and declared: 'If I knew of a doctor who claimed to cure cancer by manipulation of the diet I would ask someone in high places to investigate that claim.'


McVie was sent, recorded delivery, the required information but was, unfortunately, too busy to organise the investigation.


Early in 1996, the Cook gang were forced to transmit the first apology, on air, concerning one of the practitioners: we still await the rest.


 彼らはのろわれているすべてのこれらの事に言っているパワーは独断的な科学である。 '

 'The power that has said to all these things that they are damned is Dogmatic Science.'


William Hoxsey owned a Percheron stallion in Madison County, Illinois. The horse developed a sore on its right hock and, after treatment, the infection spread and became cancerous. Declining the vet's advice to shoot such a valuable animal, Hoxsey put it out to graze and waited. Noticing an improvement, Hoxsey started to monitor the horse's feeding habits.


Three months later, he was able to remove the growth from the horse's leg.


Hoxsey developed the herbal formula and became famous throughout Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky for his cures of cancer, sores and fistula in horses.


John C. Hoxsey, grandson of William, modified the treatment for humans and, under the supervision of doctors in Dallas, started to treat cancer.Harry, son of John C., was to establish the largest independent cancer treatment organisation in the world with 17 clinics in the USA.


After repeated requests a group of ten independent medical doctors investigated the treatment and, in 1954, issued a statement:


 'This clinic now has under treatment or observation between four and five thousand cancer patients. It handles approximately ninety patients per day. Approximately 100 new patients per week come to the Clinic seeking relief, and the evidence we have seen indicates that approximately 90 percent of these are terminal cases.


 Over the years the Clinic has accumulated more than 10,000 case histories, photographic studies and X-ray studies from all over the United States, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, the Central Zone and elsewhere.


 We find as a fact that the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas, Texas, is successfully treating pathologically proven cases of cancer, both internal and external, without the use of surgery, radium or X-ray...


 Some of those presented before us have been free of symptoms as long as twenty four years, and the physical evidence indicates that they are all enjoying exceptional health at this time...We are willing to assist this Clinic in any way possible in bringing this treatment to the American public. We are willing to use it...on our own patients.

 上記の文は、この委員会の全会一致の調査結果を表しています。証言の中で、その我々はここに私たちの署名を添付してください。 '

 The above statement represents the unanimous findings of this Committee. In testimony thereof we hereby attach our signatures.'

   S. Edgard Bond M.D. Willard G. Palmer M.D.

   Hans Kalm M.D. A.C. Timbs M.D.
   Frederick H. Thurston M.D. D.O. E.E. Loffler M.D.

   H.B. Mueller M.D. R.C. Bowie M.D.

   Benjamin F. Bowers M.D. Roy O. Yeats M.D.


A group of AMA doctor/businessmen offered to buy the formula from Hoxsey, who agreed, providing that his promise to his father, to always treat patients who could not afford to pay, was in the deal.


The doctors would have none of this and the campaign to brand Hoxsey as a quack was born.Repeated attempts by Hoxsey to have the therapy evaluated were refused by the cancer industry;


whilst the media and political battle raged for decades. One assistant District Attorney arrested Hoxsey over one hundred times within two years: Hoxsey merely paid the bail and returned to the clinic. The official changed sides when his brother was successfully treated for terminal cancer at the Hoxsey clinic.


As the AMA and the cancer business had failed to stop the therapy, the Food and Drug Administration were brought in: FDA agents went to patients' homes and confiscated the medicines upon which the desperate victims depended.


Finally, the FDA padlocked all 17 clinics on the same day. Hoxsey being unable to take legal action, on this scale, against the government, decided to go back to his multi-million dollar oil business.


Mildred Nelson, a Hoxsey nurse, took the treatment to Tijuana, Mexico in 1963 and changed the name of the clinic to BioMed. Patients, 90 percent of whom are officially 'terminal', continue to pour into the clinic, which maintains a cure rate of around 80 percent.


Johnathon Hartwell, a NCI chemist, confirmed that all the herbs in the Hoxsey formula had proven anti-cancer properties.

ガーソン / Gerson


Dr. Max Gerson was of German origin and moved to the USA.His fruit and vegetable juice-based treatment was first used on TB cases in Germany in the 1920s and later in New Jersey and Nanuet, New York.


Dr. Gerson successfully treated Dr. Albert Schweitzer for diabetes and Mrs. Schweitzer for TB.Schweitzer considered Gerson to be a medical genius.

1958年にガーソンは' -五十ケースの結果。癌治療」を公表 エドワード·リーダウドは、リスト上の番号14である:「私は生きている最も幸運な男です。

Twenty seven years ago I was lying in a hospital bed, scheduled to have half my neck removed the next day for metastasised melanoma.Edward Lee Dowd is number 14 on the list: 'I am the luckiest man alive.


Twenty seven years ago I was lying in a hospital bed, scheduled to have half my neck removed the next day for metastasised melanoma. A lady told me about Dr. Max Gerson...I went to his clinic instead of the operating theatre and in a few weeks the lumps had gone. I was that close to mutilation and death.'32


The doctor published fifty papers on his treatment, in Europe; but his fruitless efforts to interest the US cancer mafia, eventually led him, in frustration, to give a talk on an all-night radio show.

彼は、速やかに、ニューヨーク医学会の郡で、中断された「パーソナル宣伝の結果として。 '

He was promptly suspended, by the County of New York Medical Society, '...as a result of personal publicity.'


In 1946 he presented five of his cured patients to a US Senate sub-committee in an attempt to have some of the multi-million dollar research fund used to investigate the therapy. His efforts were defeated by four votes due to the efforts of the politicians on the side of the medical lobby.

ガーソンクリニックは現在、メキシコで動作 - Hoxseyクリニックのように - 米国の癌のギャングの手の届かない。

The Gerson Clinic now operates in Mexico - like the Hoxsey Clinic - out of the reach of the US cancer gangsters


In April 1995, the Gerson treatment became the subject of a trial monitored by the Regional Cancer Centre in Guildford. In the first year 8 patients were treated, all diagnosed as terminal, having been damaged/severely damaged by surgery/drugs/radiation.


4 had life-expectancy measured in days, 3 died after living longer than expected, the other lasted over a year past his die-by date.


The therapy has now been modified to include a concentrated, vegetable-based extract, and a more flexible naturopathic regime. This has further increased the treatment's value as the trial continues.If the trial leads to early stage patients being given the chance to live, the threat to the cancer business could eventually be terminal;


something the business will not be expected to allow without the full catalogue of sabotage.

マクロビオティック / Macrobiotics


The standard macrobiotic diet consists of 50/60% whole grain cereals, 20/25% vegetables, 5/10% beans and sea vegetables, 5% soups.

と人生 - - 社会と自然と穏やかな、調和のとれたアプローチの栽培を含むマクロビオティックは全体的な癌へのアプローチである。

Macobiotics is a holistic approach to cancer - and life - including the cultivation of a calm, harmonious approach to society and nature.


  Diet Cured My Killer Cancer

医者として私は "代替"業者に癌のいずれかのケースを呼ばなかったと思います。

.as a doctor I'd never referred any case of cancer to an "alternative" practitioner.


'...as a doctor I'd never referred any case of cancer to an "alternative" practitioner. Late in January, I started getting diarrhoea and some intestinal discomfort...an ultrasound scan revealed that I had cancer of the pancreas...

私は予後を知っていた私の場合のために - それは、診断日から2〜4ヶ月生存した...我々は、ハムステッドでのホスピスを見つけ、予約をしたと思います」。 - 博士ヒュー·フォークナーは、74歳。

We both knew the diagnosis was, more or less, a death sentence...I knew the prognosis for my case - it was two to four months survival from the date of diagnosis...We'd found a hospice in Hampstead and made a booking.' - Dr. Hugh Faulkner, then aged 74.


'On the advice of a shiatsu masseuse he decided to have a consultation at the Community Health Foundation to see if macrobiotics "...would improve the quality of the months remaining to me".

久司道夫、国際マクロビオティック運動の指導者は···非常に慎重に私の脈を取り、私の肌を調べるに長い時間を過ごした...私は "まあ、マクロビオティック、私のがんを治すことができる?"と言った

Michio Kushi, the leader of the international macrobiotic movement...took my pulse very carefully and spent a long time examining my skin...I said "Well, can macrobiotics cure my cancer?"

「あなたの体はそうすることができると、彼は言いました。 」

'"Your body can, he said."

「今...私はフィット感じて、よく...私は完全な血球数を持っていたし、癌の証拠がない...彼らは再教育コースにいくつかのGPに話を私に尋ねた。そのうちの一つは、 "私はあなたがこれまで、がんを持っていたとは思わない」と言った。

'Now...I am feeling fit and well... I've had full blood counts and there is no evidence of cancer...they asked me to talk to some GPs on a refresher course.One of them said, "I don't believe you ever had cancer."


So I showed them my biopsy report and introduced them to my surgeon. They said "spontaneous regression".


'Dr.Faulkner was still alive seven years later.


'Five years ago Ann Francis...was told by a bully-boy at Stoke Manderville Hospital that the bladder cancer (operated on in April 1990) was a "fast-growing" variety which would be back to the same size within two months if I didn't have radiation!

私は、放射線を拒否し、彼が言ったところ、私は、私の免疫システムに依存していることを提案し彼に言った: "あなたは何の免疫システムを持っていない」

I refused radiation and told him I proposed to rely on my immune system, whereupon he said: "You have no immune system."

魅力的な、そうではありませんでしたか?いくつかのあまり十分な情報を患者が彼を信じて、本当にパニックになっている可能性があります。 ' より多くのマクロビオティック自然寛解。

Charming, wasn't it? Some less well-informed patient might have believed him and really panicked.' More macrobiotic spontaneous remission.

発生したような場合は常に、おそらく以前に損なわれていた再instated身体の抵抗の結果である···歯'四半期後の私の結論は、医療行為の世紀が真に自発的な寛解は鶏と同じくらい稀なことである」。 ' 33

'My conclusion after a quarter a century of medical practice is that truly spontaneous remissions are almost as rare as chickens' teeth...such cases as do occur are probably always the result of a re-instated bodily resistance that previously had been impaired.'33


 'Farmer's diet beats cancer…


'Farmer Francis Cockram is not the sort of person you would call a crank. Six foot three, his face weathered by years on the land...when Mr. Cockram was told he had liver cancer and only six months to live he felt he had nothing to lose in giving "alternative" medicine a chance.


That was in May 1992. More than two years later, he is very much alive. working on the farm...


'NHS doctors, who said there was nothing more they could do for Mr. Cockram, are mystified...a recent scan showed that the 68 year-old farmer's liver is now clear of cancer.


Mr Cockram's homeopath in Tiverton told him he could fight the disease by going on a strict diet...eating plenty of fruit, raw vegetables and cereals and drinking nothing but bottled water.'34



Most plastic products, from sippy cups to food wraps, can release chemicals that act like the sex hormone estrogen, according to a study in Environmental Health Perspectives.


B17カバーアップ / The B17 Cover-Up


In 1535 the French explorer Jacques Cartier and his expedition were frozen in the ice off the St. Lawrence river.


25 of the 110 crew were dead from scurvy and the rest were due to follow. At this point a friendly native American came forward with a potion made from the needles and bark of the white pine, rich in ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This produced a dramatic recovery.


When Cartier returned to Europe and reported to the medical mandarins they were amused by the 'witch-doctor cures of ignorant savages' and went on with their search for mystery toxins and bugs lurking in the dark holds of the ships.


260 years later, after the British Navy alone had lost over a million men to scurvy, the practice of carrying oranges, lemons and limes on board ship led to the 'limeys' ruling the waves.

壊血病 - ビタミンC; ペラグラ - ビタミンB3; 夜の失明 - ビタミンA; くる病 - ビタミンD; 脚気脚気 - ビタミンB1; 悪性貧血 - ビタミンB12。がん - - ビタミン特有の欠乏症かもしれない、それは別の慢性代謝性疾患があることを疑うには大きな知的飛躍を必要としないしている必要があります。

Scurvy - vitamin C; pellagra - vitamin B3; night-blindness - vitamin A; rickets - vitamin D; beri beri - vitamin B1; pernicious anaemia - vitamin B12. It should have needed no great intellectual leap to suspect that another chronic, metabolic disease - cancer - might also be a vitamin-specific deficiency disease.


The use of certain fruit kernels in the treatment of cancer goes back to the Emperor herbalist Shen Nung in the 28th century BC.

「ビターアーモンドの水は「古代エジプト、サウジアラビア、ローマとギリシャの医師の著作の中で提供しています。セルサス、ガレノス、Scribonious Largus、プリニウス、アヴィセンナとマーセラスEmpiricusビターアーモンドの種に基づいて、すべての使用の準備、アプリコット、桃など35

'Bitter almond water' features in the writings of the physicians of ancient Egypt, Arabia, Rome and Greece. Celsus, Galen, Scribonious Largus, Pliny the Elder, Avicenna and Marcellus Empiricus all used preparations based on the seeds of the bitter almond, apricot, peach etc.35


In 1952 the American biochemist Ernst Krebs PhD proposed that cancer was a deficiency disease: the deficiency being the factor linked for so long with cancer therapy.

彼はフランスの化学者ロビケとBoutron-Charlandによって1830年に、ビターアーモンド、サクラ属モモ属アマラから、特にnitrilosideグループの一部、アミグダリン、まず孤立青酸配糖体などの物質を同定した。メルクインデックス、1976年に記録され、その化学構造は、D(1) - マンデロ-BD-グルコシド-6 - 6-B-グルコシドである。

He identified the substance as part of the nitriloside group specifically, amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside first isolated, from the bitter almond, prunus amygdalus amara, in 1830 by the French chemists Robiquet and Boutron-Charland. Its chemical structure is D(1)-mandelonitrile-B-D-glucosido-6-6-B-glucoside, as recorded in the Merck Index, 1976.

毒物学、アミグダリンはクラス1とクラス2、の間にある36 それは事実上、非毒性であることを意味します。これは、クラス3とクラス4と最も「化学療法」との間で、サッカリンと比較します。Class 6 -スーパー有毒。

Toxicologically, amygdalin falls between Class 1 and Class 2,36 which means it is virtually non-toxic. This compares with saccharin, between Class 3 and Class 4 and most 'chemotherapy': Class 6 - super toxic.


The Hunzas, a cancer-free society in the Himalayas, consume up to forty apricot kernels as an after-dinner snack.

そのアミグダリン豊富な食事の残りの部分と相まって、これは一日あたりの物質の50から70ミリグラムの摂取を構成している。クレブスによると:「私たちの多くは、一年間の過程で...この量を摂取しない西洋であります。 '

Coupled with the rest of their amygdalin-rich diet this constitutes an ingestion of 50 to 70 milligrams of the substance per day. According to Krebs: 'There are many of us in the western world who do not ingest this amount...in the course of an entire year.'


Traditional Eskimos, the Hopi and Navajo tribes, the Abkhasians of the Caucasus Mountains and other notably cancer-free groups have amygdalin-rich diets.

考慮に必要な要因を取った後、クレブスは、彼の物質ビタミンB INDEXは次に使用可能な番号に割り当てられた。17。彼は集中アミグダリンの準備、レアトリルと命名。

After taking into account the required factors, Krebs allocated his substance the next available number on the vitamin B index: 17. He named his concentrated amygdalin preparation, Laetrile


As many of the world's cancer-free societies are outside of the polluted environment and distinctly advantaged in the quest to remain healthy, a group of Americans began, in the 1950s, to test Krebs' theory:


 'For over two decades there has been a steadily-growing group of people who have accepted the vitamin theory of cancer and who have altered their diets accordingly.


 They represent all walks of life, all ages, both sexes, and reside in almost every advanced nation of the world.


 It is estimated that there are many thousands in the United States alone. It is significant, therefore, that after starting and maintaining a diet rich in vitamin B17, none of these people have ever been known to contract cancer.'37


Dr. Dean Burk, then head of the NCI, said he had been contacted, during the space of 12 months, by at least 750 people, including many MD physicians most of whom were 'using it (B17) merely with prevention of development of cancer in view.'38


One of the first doctors to use Laetrile in the control of cancer was Dr. Maurice Kowan. This landed him in court in Los Angeles


The prosecutor told the jury: 'This is not a kindly old man. This is the most thoroughly evil person the imagination can concoct...This man has to be stopped.

彼は非常に危険です。彼を停止する方法は有罪判決です。」39 博士Kowanは重く罰金と、70歳の時に、懲役2ヶ月を宣告された。

He is very dangerous. The way to stop him is a guilty verdict.'39 Dr Kowan was heavily fined and, at the age of 70, sentenced to two months in prison.


The basis used by the cancer mafia for the attack on Dr. Kowan was a falsified report produced by two doctors, Garland and MacDonald in 1953.


The two, who had ideal credentials by way of their being involved in surgery and radiation and in the promotion of cigarettes as a health measure, produced a report which stated that no evidence of anti-cancer changes were observed by the consultants using Laetrile: a report found, later, to be demonstrably fraudulent but which has been quoted religiously by vested cancer interests.


Nemesis took her revenge in appropriate fashion on the two, one with lung cancer and one in a fire suspected as being caused by a cigarette.


Dr. John A. Richardson began to use B17 in the summer of 1971. His first patient was the sister of one of his nurses: a case of advanced malignant melanoma of the arm. She had been given around six weeks to live with a little longer if she had the arm amputated.


 'Amygdalin was administered and almost immediately the lesions began to heal. Within two months her arm had returned to normal…'39


The woman was also a diabetic who, after the treatment, controlled her disease without insulin.


When she returned to her original doctor he still wanted to amputate: she declined the offer.


Dr. Richardson's successes with B17, Laetrile, the vegan diet etc. attracted increasing numbers of patients.

「私の全体のキャリアの中で初めて、私ははるかに多くの新規患者をもたらした... "ターミナル"がん患者が担架や車椅子を放棄し、がん患者と私の成功の健康と活力...言葉の普通の生活に戻るに見始めた私は一人で処理できるよりも。

'For the first time in my entire career I began to see "terminal" cancer patients abandon their stretchers and wheelchairs and return to normal lives of health and vigor...word of my successes with cancer patients...brought far more new patients than I could handle alone.

私はすぐに私の小さな近所の練習が多くの州からの患者で忙しいがんクリニックに変換した...スタッフを増加させた。必然的、最終的に1972年6月2日、午前中に10で起こった。 '

I increased the staff...soon my little neighborhood practice was converted into a busy cancer clinic with patients from many States. The inevitable finally happened at ten in the morning, June 2 1972.'


Four cars screeched to a halt outside of the clinic and disgorged ten uniformed officers.


Guns drawn, they burst into the clinic, flashed a search warrant as they passed a receptionist on their way into the clinic, where they pushed the doctor against the wall and searched him 'for concealed weapons.'

博士リチャードソンと彼の2看護師は、特別に招待さのテレビカメラを過ぎて行っ行進したとカリフォルニア '反いんちき療法」の法律の下で逮捕された。

Dr. Richardson and his two nurses were marched out past the specially-invited television cameras and were arrested under the Californian 'anti-quackery' laws.


 'At the time of the raid(A sudden forcible entry into a place by police), a little girl about seven years old was in examination room number three.


 She had just begun metabolic therapy for an advanced case of osteogenic sarcoma...Kerry had responded beautifully in terms of increased appetite, weight gain, freedom from pain and a feeling of well-being...

 通常は、ケリーは...私は中になり、法的トラブルの種類を確認してからではない、私は単純にきれいにビタミンB17を含むビタミンの大量の注射を受け、彼女の病変を着て、彼女の家に送っていた...少女を - だけでなく、彼女の両親のように - 大幅に警察官の脅迫存在によって動揺した。

 Normally, Kerry would have received a massive injection of vitamins including vitamin B17...not being sure what kind of legal trouble I would be in, I simply cleaned and dressed her lesions and sent her home...the little girl - as well as her parents - were greatly upset by the threatening presence of police officers.

 子供が3日後に死亡し、この死は延期するか、RAIDがなかったら完全に回避されている可能性があることを私の心には間違いありません。 '

 The child died three days later and there is no doubt in my mind that this death could have been postponed or avoided altogether if it hadn't been for the raid.'

博士リチャードソンを台無しにし、年間続くことだった協調のキャンペーン; 物理的に、精神的、財政的、専門的かつ合法的に始まっていた。

The concerted campaign, which was to last for years, to ruin Dr. Richardson; physically, mentally, financially, professionally and legally had begun.


The authorities revoked his medical licence and he was ordered to attend meetings 600 miles away in San Diego, with many of the hearings cancelled at the last minute; a procedure kept up at weekly intervals for six months.

効果的な治療から、がん事業への脅威は、最初から非常に真剣に取られた。1940によってシンジケートは「いんちき」のファイル300,000を持っていた。ビタミンB17は、その単純に固有の脅威であること、一緒に入れ、他のすべての治療法よりも濃縮攻撃惹か:詐欺的なテストレポートを。診療所の外に雇わ、バナーを運ぶピケ; 陪審を装備。新聞の文字暗殺; 異端の従業員の解雇など

The threat to the cancer business from effective therapies was taken very seriously from the beginning. By the 1940s the Syndicate had 300,000 names on its 'quack' files. Vitamin B17, being a unique threat due to its simplicity, attracted more concentrated attacks than all the other treatments put together: fraudulent test reports; hired, banner-carrying pickets outside clinics; rigged juries; newspaper character assassinations; dismissal of heretic employees, etc.


The FDA, orchestrating the onslaught, sent out 10,000 posters and hundreds of thousands of leaflets warning about the dangers of the toxicity of the non-toxic substance. Earlier, a Congressional Accounting Office had found that 350 FDA employees had shares in, or had refused to declare an interest in, the pharmaceutical industry.


After much searching, geographically and historically, the FDA came up with three alleged cases of deaths from Laetrile poisoning: this in a country where hundreds are killed daily by FDA-approved treatments.


Two were women who had swallowed vials of Laetrile which were for injection only and one was an eleven month old baby girl, one of whose parents was taking the medicine for cancer.

彼女は '誤っレアトリルの5(500mgの)錠まで摂取し'した後、FDAによると、子供が病気になっていた。これは、博士ハロルドマナーなど、多くの人を疑った。

According to the FDA the child had become ill after she had 'accidentally ingested up to 5 (500mg) tablets of Laetrile'.
This was doubted by many including Dr Harold Manner:

 私はいくつかの強力な発言を行った後「...私はバッファロー、ニューヨークと...の講義た - 男は立ち上がって、FDAはこれらの他を作っている時に博士のマナーは、どのように世界ではあなたがそのような文を作ることができる」と述べ文? " 私はFDAの文が嘘であったことを改めて表明した。

 '…I was lecturing in Buffalo, New York and...after I had made some strong statements - a man stood up and said "Dr. Manner, how in the world can you make statements like that when the FDA is making these other statements?" I reiterated that the FDA statements were lies.


 'He said, "Look at this little girl in upstate New York, she took her father's Laetrile tablets and died of cyanide poisoning." Just then a little lady stood up:


 "Dr. Manner let me answer that question...I think I am entitled to because I am that little baby's mother."


 "That baby never touched her father's Laetrile tablets."


 The doctor...knowing the father was on Laetrile...marked down "possible cyanide poisoning". At the hospital they used a cyanide antidote and it was the antidote that killed the child. And yet that statement will continue to appear even though they know it is a lie.'40

B17レアトリル毒性の全く加工さの物語を熱心にイギリスの癌組み合わせにより把持された。「事業部 厚生 '、グウィネス·ダンウッディMPとについての彼女のヒステリックな爆発によって助け'シアン化物中毒 '、健康食品店の棚から取り出さアプリコットピット粉を持っていた。

The totally-fabricated stories of B17/Laetrile toxicity were eagerly grasped by the UK cancer combine. The 'Dept. of Health', aided by Gwyneth Dunwoody MP and her hysterical outbursts about 'cyanide poisoning', had apricot pit powder removed from the health food shop shelves.


In March 1984 the government brought in 'The Medicines (Cyanogenetic Substances) Order 1984'.

この順序は準備 '..はの名の下に販売又は供給のために表示されている、または含む、アミグダリン、レアトリルまたはビタミンB17として、あるいは···が、重量が全重量の0.1パーセントが含まれている...'という意味」シアン化物の生物質は 'の代わりに、がん病院から提供する上過失致死を選ぶという選択の自由を行使することが好ましく、すべての癌患者に対する簡単に手の届かない、それゆえ、1968年薬事法の制御下にあったと。

This Order meant that preparations which '..are presented for sale or supply under the name of, or as containing, amygdalin, laetrile or vitamin B17 or...contain more than 0.1 percent by weight...' of the 'cyanide-producing substances' were to be under the control of the 1968 Medicines Act and, therefore, out of easy reach of any cancer patient who preferred to exercise freedom of choice instead of opting for the manslaughter on offer from the cancer hospitals.

'0 0.1パーセント」の図は、がんのカルテルがアミグダリンを停止するために行くために準備した程度を示しています。アプリコットとビターアーモンドのカーネルは、約2%のアミグダリンであり、長い英国でスーパーマーケットの棚に、英国とイタリアのビスケットで発見されている。

The '0.1 percent' figure shows the extent to which the cancer cartel were prepared to go to stop amygdalin.Apricot and bitter almond kernels are around 2 percent amygdalin and have long been found in British and Italian biscuits on supermarket shelves in the UK.


The fact that the biscuits have not attracted any attention shows the non-toxicity of the substance and confirms it is only a danger to the cancer racketeers and not to the consumers.


A much greater farce, of course, is the fact that all the billions of seeds within the apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, apples, pears etc., sold by fruiterers since March 1984, are all in contravention of the Order.


Whilst the battle over B17 in the UK has remained mainly dormant, due to the lack of awareness on the part of most of the alternative health movement, the US has seen an ongoing, pitched battle;


with the cancer establishment using any and all tactics to re-inforce the original Garland/MacDonald fraud.Animal research has played a fundamental role:


 '...in almost every case the "patients" tested...were mice (which do not have the same metabolism as humans)..the tumours were transplanted (which do not react the same as spontaneous tumours) and...in all of the experiments cited, reduction of tumour size was the primary criterion for evaluating results...there is nothing quite so easy to accomplish as failure.'39


Or success: depending on which animal you choose and whether he who bank-rolls the research wants a positive or a negative result.


Other attempts to discredit Laetrile involved force-feeding large amounts of cyanide, extracted from amygdalin, directly into dogs' stomachs: in Laetrile therapy small doses are used and the cyanide component is released only by the cancer cell, in the presence of protective enzymes.


As the Laetrile/B17 suppression was demonstrably failing, with the ban being lifted in State after State, and as public pressure built up against the cancer fraudsters, the NCI were forced into a two-year, two hundred patient trial of the medicine.


The official verdict having been already decided, it was paramount that the trial was rigged to confirm the authorised version.

「フェーズIV ' - 死んで - 患者を選択した。通常の合成薬物試験において、初期段階の患者が選択される。NCIは「すべての患者が平均寿命を延ばすことが知られている治療法や治療法のいずれかの希望を超えて、癌を証明していた。 '、入院

'Phase IV' - dying - patients were selected.In normal synthetic drug trials early stage patients are chosen.The NCI admitted, 'All patients had proven cancer, beyond any hope of cure or therapy known to extend life-expectancy.'


Laetrile was not used: a Laetrile manufacture by-product was substituted.The usual junk diet, including animal products, was allowed the patients.


The injections were discontinued after 3 weeks, not three months.The criterion applied to the test was of tumour reduction, not the improvement in well being, appetite, lack of pain etc.


Missouri and West Virginia legalised Laetrile after the verdict;reasoning, presumably, that if the American Medical Association, the FDA and the American Cancer Society had tried to ban Laetrile, it must be of considerable value in treating cancer.


The Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute sacked one its senior directors, Ralph Moss, for blowing the whistle on the cover-up.

 基本的には、結果が正の出てきたし、公務中の私たちは、結果が陰性であったと、これは3年間続いたと言うように言われた」。 - モス。

 Basically, the results were coming out positive and we in public affairs were told to say the results were negative and this went on for three years.' - Moss.


Dr. Dean Burk, head of cytochemistry at the NCI for 34 years, stated:

'Once any of the hierarchy so much as concede that Laetrile anti-tumour efficiency was indeed once observed in NCI experimentation, a permanent crack in the bureaucratic armor has taken place that can widen indefinitely by further appropriate experimentation.'



Rene Caisse was a Canadian nurse. Whilst working in a northern Ontario hospital, in 1922, she noticed a healed scar on the breast of an elderly patient.


The woman explained that thirty years earlier a Toronto doctor had diagnosed cancer and had recommended mastectomy. Declining the offer, she took the treatment offered her by an Ojibwa/Chippewa herbalist: the tumour began to shrink and disappeared.


Caisse's first patient was her aunt, with advanced stomach cancer and six months to live: the aunt lived for another twenty years. Caisse treated thousands of patients over the years, mostly those who were diagnosed 'incurable' and damaged by orthodox treatment.


Grateful patients and friends presented a 55,000-signature petition to the Canadian authorities to allow the treatment to be available to anyone without persecution from the cancer establishment or their government lackeys. The parliamentary vote was lost by three votes due to the behind-the-scenes activity of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Dr.チャールズ A. Brusch、大統領ジョンF.Kennedy前者の個人的な医師は、次のように述べている:「Essiacは、がん、期間の治療法である。」44 Bruschは上院議員のエ ​​ドワード·ケネディの息子を治療した。

Dr.Charles A. Brusch, former personal physician to President John F.Kennedy, stated: 'Essiac is a cure for cancer, period.' 44 Brusch treated the son of Senator Edward Kennedy.

誰が今まで肉腫、このタイプと住んでいなかったので、「彼ファーバー癌研究所によって...扱われていた···Dr.Farberは、彼を保存する方法を知りませんでした···BruschはESSIACに彼を置くための提案をした...後...彼どこでも自分の体内でがん細胞を持っていなかった...しかし、このすべての情報は、一般の人々から隠されています」。44 。米国のジャーナリスト、スコットE. Milnersが報告:

'He was being treated…by the Farber Cancer Institute…Dr.Farber didn't know how to save him, because no-one had ever lived with this type of sarcoma…Brusch made the suggestion to put him on Essiac…after…he didn't have a cancer cell anywhere in his body…but all this information has been hidden from the general public.'44 US journalist Scott E. Milners reported:

 私は1990年に舌がんと診断された···最近、シアトルの男と話をした。それは彼の首のリンパ節に広がっていた。彼はのために...、放射線療法と化学療法...設定された。彼の妻は彼がしたが、彼はESSIAC ...についてのそれらに言ったとき、彼の医者は彼に耳を傾けることを望んでいない...彼は代替手段を試してみたかった。

 I spoke with a Seattle man recently...diagnosed with cancer of the tongue in 1990. It had spread to the lymph nodes of his neck. He was set... for...radiation and chemotherapy. His wife wanted him to try alternatives...he did, but his doctors did not want to listen to him when he told them about...the Essiac.


After about 2½ weeks of radiation his tongue was burned like a canker sore. He lost 65 pounds. It took from 4am to 8am to drink his vitamins and juices.


  'The tumour was shrinking...By the seventh week the radiation had burned the neck so that it looked like raw meat.

 彼は1992年5月の放射を停止しました。1ヶ月後、医師が首から39リンパ節を取り出し、それらのいずれにも癌がありませんでした···彼は今も全く癌を持っていない...彼は...彼はしようと日々ESSIACを取る医師に指示し...しかし、彼らは聞きたくない。 '

 He stopped the radiation in May 1992. One month later the doctors removed 39 lymph nodes from his neck and there was no cancer in any of them...He still has no cancer today...He takes Essiac daily...he tries to tell the doctors...but they don't want to listen.'


Rene Caisse died in 1978: by this time she had amassed a very large body of evidence, in the form of patients' files and other documentation, on the efficacy of the Essiac treatment.


The 'Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare' immediately had the whole of the records destroyed.

医療ニュルンベルク / A Medical Nuremberg


Whilst those doctors, nurses etc., involved in the carnage, have, through fear, ignorance or finance, kept their heads well down. There have been some honest observers who have taken a stand.


'Imagine for a moment a procedure in which the luckless victim were anaesthetised...during the anaesthetic his or her body was cut open and had parts removed.


As short a time after the operation as possible, the person is exposed to several doses of nuclear emissions so that the symptoms of radiation sickness are suffered.

最後に、薬の致死量は、恐ろしい副作用を注射する。この極悪子 - ストラングラー、または大量殺人者に対する罰として犯した場合は、野蛮の程度はまだ抗議の叫びを上げるだろう···進行癌例で失敗した治療手段として行う一方、 、それは大丈夫作るようです...

Finally, sub-lethal amounts of drugs are injected with horrifying side-effects. If this villainy were perpetrated as a punishment on a child-strangler, or mass-murderer, its degree of barbarity would still raise a clamour of protest...carried out as an unsuccessful therapeutic measure in cases of advanced cancer, on the other hand, seems to make it alright...


Medical Malpraxis is defined in the Gould Medical Dictionary as "improper or injurious medical or surgical treatment through carelessness, ignorance or intent"!...

もう一つの権威はそれを言及するさらに進んで、「介護のより深刻な犯罪の欠如が意図的な無視から生じる他の人のケアと安全のために過失致死を構成している。それは犯罪者と、このようにすることができず、患者であれば過失致死なので、彼の治療ではなく、彼の病気のダイスをあしらった? "' 33

Another authority goes further to mention that: "A more serious criminal lack of care arising from deliberate disregard for the care and safety of other persons constitutes manslaughter. Could it not be criminal and, thus, manslaughter if the patient, so treated dies of his treatment rather than of his disease?"'33


'17 out of every 20 cancer victims shouldn't have cancer. They have been murdered by the callous indifference of the people with power.'41


The medical model regards cancer as a new race of cells bent on destroying its host by non-cooperation and over-breeding. The invaders are to be killed off by cutting them out, by burning them or poisoning them, preferably short of killing their host.


The treatment is conducted by teams of specialised professionals using the body as a passive battleground.... The old idea that a doctor should 'first do no harm' has been forgotten...No wonder that the public is beginning to revolt against such barbarous treatment.'42

「ニュルンベルク裁判の医療版があるでしょう。残虐行為は今オーソドックス医学の名の下にコミットされ、生命を与えるデータの抑制は、身体と過度の苦しみの傷は許容されるとの生活の不必要な損失を続行できません···最終的にはこれらの犯罪者とその政治的な下僕はにもたらされるだろう裁判... 」43

'There will be a medical edition of the Nuremberg trials. The atrocities now being committed in the name of orthodox medicine, the suppression of life-giving data, the needless loss of lives, mutilation of bodies and excessive suffering will not continue to be tolerated…ultimately these criminals and their political lackeys will be brought to trial…'43

サバイバル / SURVIVAL


In the healthy body, the immune system defences deal with the ever-present, potentially-cancerous cells.


There is no element, whatsoever, of bad luck in the incidence of cancer: it does not strike, like a bolt from the blue, sick and healthy alike. It is an end process of neglected, suppressed ill-health.


The ever-increasing immuno-assault, coupled with the out-of-control carcinogenic saturation of the environment, drinking water, food, medicines etc. and the medical trade's steadfast refusal to stop the legalised slaughter of consensus cancer treatment;


all call for individualised action on prevention.

がんの予防は、2の重複領域に分割されます。がんの防御の維持、増進、栽培とそのすべての面での健康の維持·発癌物質の回避すなわち- 知られ、疑われる。

Cancer prevention is divided into two overlapping areas: maintenance of the cancer defences, i.e. the promotion, cultivation and maintenance of health on all its planes and the avoidance of the carcinogens - known and suspected.

  栄養 / Nutrition


The incidence, severity, and control of cancer depend, more than any other single factor, on diet, with Vit. B17 foods as a priority.


Homo sapiens is a frugivore; designed by the Creator, whoever that may be, to live on raw, organically-grown of course, fruit.


Man can also do very well on vegetables, rice, peas, beans etc., but is not by any means suited to meat, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, fish etc. We have the teeth, jaw-action, digits, perspiration mechanism, stomach acid strength, intestinal length...of a strict non-animal eater.


The Book of Genesis is quite clear on the subject - the Bible-censors slipped up badly when they missed it. AVOID:

・すべての動物性食品 - 肉、牛乳、チーズ、バター、卵、魚···と その誘導体 - 乳清、卵白、ゼラチン···など これらの製品は、 などなど、飽和脂肪、コレステロール、ステロイド成長促進物  質-プロモーター (遺伝学)/ワクチン/抗生物 /殺虫剤/除草剤 などの残留物、乳腺炎膿、消毒剤、サルモネラ、リステリア、カ ンピロバクター、大腸菌0157、繊維のない混合物です...

 All animal foods - meat, milk, cheese, butter, eggs,   fish...and the derivatives - whey, egg albumen,       gelatin...etc. These products are a fibreless mixture of  saturated fats, cholesterol, steroid growth-        promoters/vaccine/antibiotic/ pesticide/herbicide etc.   residues, mastitis pus, disinfectant, salmonella,      listeria, campylobacter, E coli 0157, etc., etc…

・精製された炭水化物 - 砂糖、小麦粉、パン、ビスケット、ケーキなど

Refined carbohydrates - sugar, white flour, bread,     biscuits, cakes etc.


 Synthetic food additives-preservatives, colourants, etc. READ THE LABELS

・食べ物準備やアルミニウム、銅、ノンスティック調理器具に含まれる、または電子レンジで作成; 薫製食品; 非常に熱い食べ物や 飲み物。

 Food prepared or contained in aluminium, copper, non-stick cookware or prepared in microwave ovens; smoked foods;   very hot food and drinks.


Use salt, celery, parsley, parsnips, deep-fried foods…in strict moderation.


Utensils washed in washing-up liquid must be very thoroughly rinsed; in preference, use washing soda, soap flakes etc.

  食べる / EAT


Organically-grown, if possible, fruit, vegetables, peas, beans, rice: chemically-grown carrots are out.


Non-organic cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, mushrooms etc. should be boiled for a couple of minutes in salted water, drained and rinsed, then cooked. Lettuce and similar foods which cannot be cleansed with this process or peeled should be home-grown or avoided.

・生の食品を強調する。全粒粉パン; 大豆製品:豆腐、豆乳、味噌。

 Emphasise raw foods; whole grain breads; soya products: tofu, soymilk, miso.

・定期的にB17の食品を食べる - アプリコット、ピーチ、プラム、サクランボ、リンゴの種を。アルファルファ、緑豆、小麦の種​​子を発芽。キビ、レンズ豆、クレソン、ライマメ、blackeye豆、ブロッコリー、キャベツ、そば、亜麻仁など

 Eat B17 foods regularly - seeds of apricot, peach, plum, cherry, apple; sprouted alfalfa, mung and wheat seeds; millet, lentils, watercress, lima beans, blackeye beans, broccoli, cabbage, buckwheat, linseed etc.


 Garlic is the supreme plant from a physician's and a cook's point of view: eat it raw, cooked: grow it: use it as a medicine for everything from cancer and tuberculosis to coughs, colds, infections, high blood pressure, whooping cough, chemical/heavy metal/radiation detoxification etc., etc.


 Use some form of water filter if only a jug type: areas where fluoride-waste has been dumped in the public drinking water supply will require reverse osmosis or distillation to remove the chemical.


 Look after the liver: take the juice of a lemon in water on rising; wait a half hour before taking breakfast.

・精製水または純粋なフルーツジュースに月額ファスト1日か2日; または意志ならば週につき、力はそこにあります。

 Fast one or two days per month on purified water or pure fruit juice; or per week if the will power is there.

・グリーン酒:汚染されていないイラクサ、タンポポ、ハコベ、キンレンカ、ニンジントップ、キャベツなどを集める。よく洗って、粗いふるいにかけ、水とブレンド、ドリンク:犬の/猫の食事に、少量で、残留物を入れて、獣医の法案と途中で死んだ/病気の動物を避けるのを助ける - 獣医の治療の影響から。

 The Green Drink: gather unpolluted nettles, dandelion, chickweed, nasturtium, carrot tops, cabbage etc.; wash well, blend with water, put through coarse sieve, drink: put the residue, in small amounts, in the dog's/cat's meal and help avoid the vet's bills and a sick/prematurely-dead animal - from the effects of the vet's treatment.


 Chew all food thoroughly and slowly; without distraction from the television, radio, newspapers or relatives.


 Alcoholic drinks, preferably organically produced, in moderation and in the evenings can be immuno-supportive and a relatively safe, effective soporific, cleanser and sedative.


Prof. Aviles, of the Mexican Cancer Biochemistry Dept., saw 7,715 cancer patients over 15 years: 99% suffered chronic constipation, the degree of malignancy parallel to the intensity of the constipation.

大腸清浄度は、癌および他の慢性、変性疾患の予防に重要な基本です:医師のバランスの取れた食事も悪くも上の誰が、何十年もの間、よく5〜25ポンド運ぶかもしれない - 以上 - コロンの無駄を腐敗の;

Colon cleanliness is fundamentality important to the prevention of cancer and other chronic, degenerative diseases: anyone on Doctor's Balanced Diet or worse, for decades, might well be carrying 5 to 25 pounds - or more - of rotting waste in the colon;


poisoning and robbing the system of nutrients. A herbal/ nutritional cleansing regime will remove the residue in time.

  さらにヒント / Further Tips


Try to wear cotton or other natural material next to the skin. Expose the eyes to natural light as often as possible, without spectacles or contact lenses.


The wearing of a bra for long periods is a major factor in the development of breast cancer. A study on 5,000 US women, showed that 99 percent of the women in the cancer group had worn a bra for 12 hours or more per day;

非癌群では80パーセント:癌群の18%が自分のブラジャーで寝; 非癌群では3パーセント:癌群の女性であった非ブラジャー着用者の0.24パーセント。非グループの3パーセント。

80 percent in the non-cancer group: 18 percent of the cancer group slept in their bra; 3 percent in the non-cancer group: 0.24 percent of the women in the cancer group were non-bra wearers; 3 percent in the non group.


The study's authors, Singer and Grismaijer, state that the correlation between the wearing of a bra and breast cancer is between 4 and 12 times greater than the correlation between cigarettes and lung cancer. Wearing a bra continually, 24 hours a day, showed a 125-times greater incidence of breast cancer than no bra wearing at all and a 113 times greater incidence than wearing a bra 12 hours per day.


Constriction of the lymph system is an invitation to toxic build-up: providing that there is no evidence of a malignant tumour, the breasts should be massaged to increase the detox procedure and the bra should be worn only when considered to be necessary and certainly no more than 12 hours a day.

合成 / Synthetics

・すべての合成物、口から、鼻や皮膚が、可能な限り避けるべきであるの摂取 - 飲食添加物、スプレー、エアゾールの磨き、エアーフレッシュナーフライ、車両排気。鎮痛剤、発熱抑制剤、抗生物質、ワクチン、フッ化物製品、ステロイドなど - 製薬業界のすべての製品を避ける

 All ingestion of synthetics, by mouth, nose or skin is to be avoided wherever possible - food and drink additives, fly sprays, aerosol polishes and air fresheners, vehicle exhausts. Avoid all products of the pharmaceutical industry - pain-killers, fever suppressants, antibiotics, vaccines, fluoride products, steroids etc.

・一人でニンニク、トウガラシやリンゴ酢は、年間GPSによる外殻7億プラス処方の大部分を置き換えます。瓶の中に、冷蔵庫に保管して - 有機栽培 - 3を置く。毎日、水の中で薄められて、とってください。

 Garlic, cayenne and cider vinegar, alone, would replace the majority of the 700,000,000-plus prescriptions shelled out by GPs per year. Put the three - organically produced - in a bottle and keep in the fridge. Take diluted in water, daily.

電磁汚染 / Electromagnetic pollution


 Electro magnetic sources cannot be avoided in normal life: everything, from electric pylons to quartz analogue watches, is a potential hazard. The rule is Prudent Avoidance: keep away from electric appliances as far as is practical.


 Keep your distance when electrical devices, particularly those with transformers, are operative. View television from the side and preferably at least ten feet away. Switch off and unplug devices whenever practical.


 The use of, or the being in the vicinity of, or the consumption of food from, microwave ovens is absolutely out: portable telephones are for real emergencies only: fluorescent lights are to be avoided except for small, unavoidable periods.


 Do not leave electric blankets plugged in at night when the bed is occupied: the bedroom should be free of electrical devices if possible.


Wires are also EM sources as are the mains switch boxes. Use computers only if necessary; the rear of the device also emits large doses of radiation. Keep beds away from the rear of TVs and VDUs whether there is a wall between or not.


 Consider an independent survey to determine any EM sources in and around the home or workplace.


 Medical X-rays are for compound fractures, bullets in the head, chest etc.: not for routine screening or for doctors to order in large doses to protect then from possible future litigation in case they missed something.

Geopathicストレス / Geopathic stress


 GS is caused by the Earth's natural radiation being made harmful by underground streams, certain minerals, faults etc.: it is detected by dowsing.


 GS has been blamed for a very wide range of conditions, physical and mental; cancer included: some experienced practitioners have said that all of their cancer cases are people who have spent prolonged periods in geo-stressed areas. Studies on travelling peoples have shown a significantly lower figure of cancer incidence.


 Counter measures include placing coils of wire at certain points around the building, moving beds and chairs and installing multi-wave oscillators.

ハーブ / Herbs

・ハーブの治療は、がん対策への栄養的なアプローチの一部です。ニンニクとトウガラシ以外の、がんの詳細はレッドクローバー、ツルニチニチソウ、イエロードック、タンポポ、ヤドリギ、紫、青旗、紫コーンフラワー、ゴールデンシール、セージなどが含まれる - 総全体的なパッケージの一部として。

 Herbal treatments are part of the nutritional approach to cancer control. Other than garlic and cayenne, specifics for cancer include red clover, periwinkle, yellow dock, dandelion, mistletoe, violet, blue flag, purple cone flower, golden seal, sage, etc. - as part of a total holistic package.


 The full, original ESSIAC formula contains sheep's sorrel, Turkish rhubarb, burdock, slippery elm, water cress, kelp, red clover and blessed thistle. The first four are the ones used, usually, today. Proprietary brands may have substitutes in their formulae


 Herbs should be bought from a reliable source, with guarantees that they have not been fumigated or irradiated.


 Herb mixtures need to be prepared carefully with regard to the instructions laid down by those experienced in their usage. They work slowly, with the inherent healing force, to restore harmony within the body.

外層 / Outer Layer


 Health is multi-dimensional: harmony is needed on all the planes; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Continued stress, whether it be caused by cigarette smoke or memories of childhood unhappiness, will, if the pre-disposition is there, lead to a breakdown of the cancer control mechanism.

・抑制否定的な感情 - 悲しみ、恨み、嫉妬、怒り、恐怖...同じように効果的にジャンクフードやジャンク医学や環境汚染などの毒することができます。カウンセリング、瞑想やヒーリングを通じてかどうか、悪魔は悪魔払いする必要があります。ミラーが直面しています。

 Suppressed negative emotions - grief, resentment, jealousy, anger, fear...can poison just as effectively as junk food or junk medicine or environmental pollution. Whether through counselling, meditation or healing, the demon must be exorcised: the mirror faced.

・健康 - 現状を維持する体の本来の能力の全応力負荷の一部として、人から人へと変化の重要性の程度:がんの個性が現実である。

 The cancer personality is a reality: its degree of importance varying from person to person, as part of the total stress load on the body's inherent capacity to maintain the status quo - health.


 The difference between what is important and what is less so must be understood: important things are smelling flowers, talking to cats and dogs, watching insects, standing in the woodland stream, writing and reading poetry...


Whatever actions were taken by the authorities, immediately and totally, to rectify the scenario, all that could be hoped for would be a damage limitation. As it is, not only will there be no attempt at this limitation, the cancer-makers are continuing to enjoy the full and enthusiastic approval of the government, the medical trade, the bureaucrats, the media and the rest.


How much of this is deliberate or through the usual crass incompetence, is of academic interest only.


The cancer wipe-out, scheduled for some time next century, seems inevitable unless some other disaster intervenes first.


Individualised actions, in the form of personal lifestyle changes and the dissemination of currently suppressed
information, are the order of the day.

生体解剖 / Vivisection

動物研究 - 生体解剖は - 世界的な数十億ドル規模のがんラケットを支える。腫瘍は、動物に移植し、グロテスクなプロポーションに膨潤されています。動物は、放射線や化学物質の大量投与量の対象となります。

Animal research - vivisection - underpins the world-wide multi-billion dollar cancer racket. Tumours are implanted in animals and swell to grotesque proportions: animals are subject to massive doses of radiation and chemicals.

 「癌研究の歴史は、何十年も...マウスの癌を硬化させるの歴史されている - そしてそれは単に人々に動作しませんでした」。

 The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer in the mouse...for decades - and it simply didn't work in people'.


Dr Richard Klausner, Head of the National Cancer Institute,
LA Times May 1998.


  'If you have cancer and you are a mouse, we can take good care of you.'

Dr Judah Folkman US cancer vivisector.
Time mag. May 1998.


Even that is a lie: artificially implanted tumours in mice are not cancer.


Their record of successfully treating real cancer in mice is the same as in any other case of real cancer: total failure.

 「巧みに、この病気への恐怖を悪用化学と企業の研究所から発行された製品が主な原因、製薬業界や医療の確立のために、研究者のための収入の無尽蔵の源となっている。今世紀の過程で、いわゆるがん研究とがん治療は前例がない純金の源となっている。 」

  'The ably exploited fear of this disease, caused mainly by the products issued from chemical and industrial laboratories, has become an inexhaustible source of income for the researchers, for the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment. In the course of our century, so-called cancer research and cancer therapy have become a source of solid gold without precedent.'

ハンス·ロイシュ、裸の皇后。 / Hans Ruesch, Naked Empress.

がん事業のPR 部門の高給専門の嘘つき、絶望的に透明媒体エージェントによって支援 - 「医療特派 '、'科学編集者」、「社会問題/健康特派員などの形で - しながら、定期的にがん研究のブレークスルーを提供ホロコーストは、継続的に悪化する。

Highly-paid professional liars of the cancer business P.R. dept., aided by hopelessly transparent media agents - in the form of 'medical correspondents', 'science editors', 'social affairs/health correspondents' etc.- provide regular Cancer Research Breakthroughs whilst the holocaust worsens continually.

 Animal-based 'cancer research' fund-raisers include:




The British Anti-Vivisection Association spends no money on salaries or offices. ALL monies are used to fight vivisection on moral, ethical, philosophical, medical, scientific, economic and environmental grounds.

BAVA-私書箱82キングスウッドブリストルBS15 1YF TEL / FAX 0117 9095048

P.O. Box 82 Kingswood BRISTOL BS15 1YF Tel/fax 0117 9095048

  記事サイト / Article site

著者 / Author

パットラティガン / Pat Rattigan

参考資料 / References

 OPCS MB1 series.(Cancer Statistics / ガンの統計)

  Guardian 29 Sep. 1990

 Canine Health Census Longnor Debys.

 C.E. Perkins US govt. chemist

5。バーク/ Yiamouyiannis。国民健康連盟
 Burk/Yiamouyiannis. National Health Federation

6。博士R.メンデルソンキャンパス シカゴの
 Dr. R. Mendelson Univ. of Chicago

 Andrew Forest, Regius Professor Clin. Surgery Edin.

 Critical look at Cancer Coverage. Greenberg D.

 Dr Theodore Miller

 Dr Alexander Brunschwig

 Health of the Nation Report 1991

 Chemotherapy Cruelty BCCS newsletter 1985

 The Drug Story . Morris Beale

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 Gould Dr.D. New Scientist 2 10 76

15。デイリーミラー6 4 81
 Daily Mirror 6 4 81

16。西の朝のニュース14 11 94
 Western Morning News 14 11 94

 Ernst T. Krebs PhD

 Lancet 8 Sep 1990.

 19. Dept. of Physics/physiology Univ. Calif. Berkeley

20。あなたはガンと戦うことができて、勝つことができます。 ブロディ/ Holleb 1977。
 You Can Fight Cancer and Win. Brody/Holleb 1977.

 Letter to author July 1985

 The Houston/Null Analysis

23。質量マンモグラフィSkrabanek P.京大 ダブリン
 Mass Mammography Skrabanek P. Univ. Dublin

24。自由のBBC 2テレビ1995取る
 Taking Liberties BBC 2 TV 1995

 Glasser Dr. R. paediatrician

 Von Hofman 1976.

27。Gusberg SBがん65 1990
 Gusberg S.B Cancer 65 1990

 Times 12 Oct 1995.

 Cancer. Bruess Publishers 1982

30。キャシディ/ Raymentサンデー·タイムズ
 Cassidy/Rayment Sunday Times

 Medical Review 1953

32。ガーソン氏、M. 1958
 Gerson Dr. M. 1958

 Topic of Cancer Richards B.A. Pergamon Press

34。西の朝のニュース14 11 1994
 Western Morning News 14 11 1994

 The Cancer Syndrome. Moss Grove Press 1982

 US Reg. of Toxic Effects Chem. Subs. 1976

 World Without Cancer Griffin Amer. Media '80

38。議員ルー·フレイ30 5 1972への手紙
 Letter to Congressman Lou Frey 30 5 1972

 Laetrile Case Histories Bantam Books 77

 Acres Magazine USA Aug 78

41。博士バーノンColemam FRSM
 Dr Vernon Colemam F.R.S.M.

 Dr Alec Forbes

 Dr Bruce Halstead

 Dr. G.L. Glum Nexus Dec '93

Vaccine Bulletin Feb 1987

Dr. G. L. Glum

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