
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.

Financial Ruin

金融破綻 / ワールドネットニュース

··· 政治通路の何か実際に道徳的腐敗、停止することはほとんど行われなかった金融 ... 破滅と地球上で最大の国家であることをすべきか、使用の継続的な減少を。無関心

Congrats WND!・・・of the political aisle have done nothing or very little to actually stop the moral corruption, the financial ... ruin and the continued decline of what use to be the greatest nation on the face of the earth.

··· 銀行からの預金とその憲章を取り消すには、私がしなければならない破滅 1万家族を。それは本当かもしれない... 、紳士、それはあなたの罪です!私はあなたがなり、あなたが行かせなければならない台無し 5万家族を... 国は、同様に悩まさ自身を見つけ、金融、民間の中央銀行のpredations

... the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true ... , gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families ... States found itself similarly afflicted by the financial predations of a private central bank



Billionaire Tells Americans to Prepare For 'Financial Ruin'
Tuesday, 06 Nov 2012 12:14 PM
By Newsmax Wires



The United States could soon become a large-scale Spain or Greece, teetering on the edge of financial ruin.

それは、この国が向かっている場所の非常に醜い絵を描いたドナルドトランプ、によるのです。トランプは、フォックスニュース 'の最近の出現時にコメントをした "グレタ·ヴァンSusterenと記録に。"

That’s according to Donald Trump, who painted a very ugly picture of where this country is headed. Trump made the comments during a recent appearance on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

トランプによると、米国は、もはや豊かな国ではありません。 "あなたは金持ちじゃないときは、外に出て、お金を借りる必要があります。我々は、中国と他から借りている。私たちは、借金で16000000000000ドルまでだ。 "

According to Trump, the United States is no longer a rich country. “When you’re not rich, you have to go out and borrow money. We’re borrowing from the Chinese and others. We’re up to $16 trillion in debt.”


He goes on to point out that the downgrade of U.S. debt is inevitable.

"我々は非常にすぐに[借金] 16000000000000ドルまで上がっており、それは彼が終了される前よりも多くの高いものになるだろう。あなたは21ドルに[債務]を持っている場合 - 22000000000000ドルには、ダウングレードについて、あなたがそれをカットどんなにを話している "。

“We are going up to $16 trillion [in debt] very soon, and it’s going to be a lot higher than that before he gets finished. When you have [debt] in the $21-$22 trillion, you are talking about a downgrade no matter how you cut it.”

バルーニングの債務と信用格下げは、この国のためにトランプの唯一の心配はありません。彼は、8.2%の公式失業率は "実数ではありません"と本当の数字は16%〜15%に近づいていることだという。彼は、さらにいくつかは失業率が21%と高いことを信じると述べた。

Ballooning debt and a credit downgrade aren’t Trump’s only worries for this country. He says that the official unemployment rate of 8.2 percent “isn’t a real number” and that the real figure is closer to 15 percent to 16 percent. He even mentioned that some believe the unemployment rate to be as high as 21 percent.

"今のところ、率直に言って、国がうまくいっていないが、"トランプは "不況はいい言葉かもしれない"と付け加えた。

“Right now, frankly, the country isn’t doing well,” Trump added, “Recession may be a nice word.”


While 15 percent to 16 percent unemployment, a looming credit downgrade, and ballooning debt are a bleak outlook for the United States, they are hardly as alarming as the scenario laid out by another economist.


Without earning celebrity status or having his own television show, Robert Wiedemer did something else that grabbed headlines across the country: He accurately predicted the economic collapse that almost sank the United States.


In 2006, Wiedemer and a team of economists foresaw the coming collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, private debt, and consumer spending, and published their findings in the book America’s Bubble Economy.


Editor’s Note: See the disturbing interview with Wiedemer.


But Wiedemer’s outlook for the U.S. economy today makes Trump’s observations seem almost optimistic.


Where Trump sees ballooning debt and a credit downgrade, Wiedemer sees much more widespread economic destruction.

彼の最新の本の余震のための最近のインタビューで、ウィドマーは言う、 "データは、50%の失業率、90%の株式市場の低下、および100%の年間インフレ率は明らかである。 。 。 2012年に始まる。 "

In a recent interview for his newest book Aftershock, Wiedemer says, “The data is clear, 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market drop, and 100% annual inflation . . . starting in 2012.”

ホストがそのような野生の主張に疑問を呈したとき、ウィドマーは悪びれずに彼の主張をバックアップする衝撃的なチャートを表示し、その後で彼の議論を終えた、 "あなたは、薬は毒になります参照してください。"

When the host questioned such wild claims, Wiedemer unapologetically displayed shocking charts backing up his allegations, and then ended his argument with, “You see, the medicine will become the poison.”

ワシントンで考案された国の金融 "レスキュー"は無残に失敗しました:インタビューは醜い真実を確認するためにそれらの準備ができていないためのウェイクアップコール(または不本意)となっています。

The interview has become a wake-up call for those unprepared (or unwilling) to acknowledge an ugly truth: The country’s financial “rescue” devised in Washington has failed miserably.

衝撃的な映像: '。想像を絶する'公開不気味なチャートを参照してください

Shocking Footage: See the eerie chart that exposes the ‘unthinkable.’

'Scared the Hell Out of Me. It Was a Great Wake-Up Call



The blame lies squarely on those whose job it was to avoid the exact situation we find ourselves in, including current Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and former Chairman Alan Greenspan, tasked with preventing financial meltdowns and keeping the nation’s economy strong through monetary and credit policies.

ある時点で、ウィドマーも彼のことを言って、バーナンキを呼び出し、 "天からお金は地獄へのパスになります。"

At one point, Wiedemer even calls out Bernanke, saying that his “money from heaven will be the path to hell.”


But it’s not just the grim predictions that are causing the sensation; rather, it’s the comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that’s really commanding global attention.


The interview offers realistic, step-by-step solutions that the average hard-working American can easily follow.


The overwhelming amount of feedback to publicize the interview, initially screened for a private audience, came with consequences as various online networks repeatedly shut it down and affiliates refused to house the content.


Bernanke and Greenspan were not about to support Wiedemer publicly, nor were the mainstream media.

"人々は座って、予告を取って、そして、彼らは簡単にそれを共有することができるようにインタビューを公開を作るために私達に懇願された、"ニュースマックス·ファイナンシャル社アーロンDeHoogは言った、 "残念ながら、それが引っ張らばかり続けた。"

“People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog, “but unfortunately, it kept getting pulled.”

ウィドマ​​ーの予測の半分だけが叶う何が "私たちの本当の懸念は、" DeHoogは、追加された "か?

“Our real concern,” DeHoog added, “is what if only half of Wiedemer’s predictions come true?

"それは確かに恐ろしい考えだ。しかし、我々は平均的なアメリカ人が準備したい、それが我々はできる限り多くのコンセントにこのビデオをプッシュし続ける理由です。我々は拡散する言葉が欲しい。 "

“That’s a scary thought for sure. But we want the average American to be prepared, and that is why we will continue to push this video to as many outlets as we can. We want the word to spread.”


Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax is showing the Wiedemer interview and supplying viewers with copies of the new, updated Aftershock book including the final, unpublished chapter. Go here to view it now.


Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.moneynews.com/Archives/Trump-Aftershock-American-Economy/2012/11/06/id/462985?PROMO_CODE=103FC-1#ixzz2cCZ4gk10
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The Total Collapse World War III guaranteed



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Who Controls The Global Economy?Do Not Underestimate The Power Of The Big Banks


大手銀行は、一部の人々があることを言うように本当にように強力なのですか?彼らは本当に、世界経済をコントロールするのですか? y0uはほとんどの人に尋ねた場合、彼らは政府が世界経済をコントロールすることを言うだろう。しかし、我々の政治家のキャ​​ンペーンは、それらが制御する超富裕層、大銀行と大企業が資金を提供しています。その他、世界中の連邦準備制度理事会と中央銀行の残りの部分は、世界経済をコントロールすることを言うだろう。

Are the big banks really as powerful as some people say that they are? Do they really control the global economy? If y0u asked most people, they would tell you that governments control the global economy. But the campaigns of our politicians are funded by the ultra-wealthy, the big banks and the large corporations that they control. Others would tell you that the Federal Reserve and the rest of the central banks around the world control the global economy.

しかし、真実は、連邦準備制度は、銀行家でと銀行家の利益のために設立されたということです。あなたは以下に見るように、世界経済の非常にコアで富と権力のほとんど想像を絶する量を制御する金融機関の "スーパー実体"が存在する。これらの金融機関とその背後にある超富裕層は、実際にすべての文字列を引っ張っているものです。この世界ではお金はパワーに等しく、借り手は貸し手のしもべです。あなたはピラミッドのトップにすべての方法に従った場合、それは実際に制御している人は非常に明確になり始める。

But the truth is that the Federal Reserve was established by the bankers and for the benefit of the bankers. As you will see below, at the very core of the global economy there exists a "super-entity" of financial institutions that control an almost unimaginable amount of wealth and power. These financial institutions and the ultra-wealthy individuals behind them are really the ones that are pulling all the strings. In this world money equals power, and the borrower is the servant of the lender. When you follow the pyramid all the way to the top, it begins to become very clear who really is in control.


In business schools all over America today, instead of dreaming of starting new businesses and contributing something positive to society, most business students are dreaming of going to Wall Street and getting rich. But Wall Street doesn't actually create or build anything of value for society. Instead, the bankers make most of their profits by essentially pushing money and paper around. In a recent article, Chris Martenson commented on this...


Today, some of the most celebrated individuals and institutions are ensconced within the financial industry; in banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms. Which is odd because none of these firms or individuals actually make anything, which society might point to as additive to our living standards. Instead, these financial magicians harvest value from the rest of society that has to work hard to produce real things of real value.

彼らは仕事が非常に洗練されて、新しい取り組み、新製品、新たな技術革新へのこれらの企業の直接資本の非常にいくつかのスキルの多くを取りながら。代わりに、彼らのどちらか発生させながら、ある場所から別の場所へ移動する紙の 'サービス'を行う株式、債券、デリバティブなど、ために流通市場での取引の利益を。 'または、銀行の場合、彼らは薄い空気からお金を作成し、それを貸す - もちろん興味で。

While the work they do is quite sophisticated and takes a lot of skill, very few of these firms direct capital to new efforts, new products, and new innovations. Instead they either trade in the secondary markets for equities, bonds, derivatives, and the like, which perform the 'service' of moving paper from one location to another while generating 'profits.' Or, in the case of banks, they create money out of thin air and lend it out – at interest of course.


But just because they aren't adding much value to society does not mean that these big banks are not extremely powerful. In fact, anyone that underestimates that power of these monolithic financial institutions is being quite foolish.


A team of researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich studied the relationships between 37 million companies and investors worldwide, and what they found was absolutely stunning.

彼らは何を発見することで、ネットワーク全体の40%を制御だけ147非常に緊密な企業の "スーパー実体"があるということです...

What they discovered is that there is a "super-entity" of just 147 very tightly knit companies that controls 40 percent of the entire network...

所有権のすべてがスーパーエンティティの他のメンバーによって開催されました - - その制御40解かさらにチーム所有のウェブは、それはそれの多くは、さらに緊密な企業が147の "スーパー実体"に戻って追跡見つけたときネットワーク内の総資産のパーセント。 "実際には、企業の1未満%がネットワーク全体の40%をコントロールすることができました、" Glattfelder氏は述べています。ほとんどの金融機関であった。トップ20にはバークレイズ銀行、JPモルガンチェースアンドカンパニー、及びゴールドマン·サックス·グループが含まれていた。

When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a "super-entity" of 147 even more tightly knit companies - all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. "In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.

だから、まさにこの "スーパー実体"の中核である企業は、誰ですか?

So exactly who are the companies that are at the core of this "super-entity"?

まあ、ほとんどすべてのそれらのは、銀行や金融機関である。以下は、調査から50 "最も接続された"企業のリストであり、括弧内のノートは、クリステンソンからのもの...

Well, almost all of them are banks or financial institutions. The following is a list of the 50 "most connected" companies from the study, and the notes in parentheses are from Chris Martenson...

3。 FMRコーポレーション(金融サービス)
4。 AXA(投資&生命保険)
6。 JPモルガンチェースアンドカンパニー(銀行)
9。 UBS AG(銀行)
19。 Tロウ·プライスグループ株式会社(投資顧問)
27。インベスコ·ピー(投資MGMT)28。アリアンツSE 29。 TIAA(投資·保険)
37。 CNCE
41。 ING GROEP NV(銀行、証券、保険)
46。 BNPパリバ(銀行)

1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc (Investment Management)
3. FMR Corporation (Financial Services)
4. AXA (Investments & Life Insurance)
5. State Street Corporation (Investment Management)
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co (Bank)
7. Legal & General Group plc (Investments & Life Insurance)
8. Vanguard Group Inc (Investment Management)
9. UBS AG (Bank)
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc (Bank)
11. Wellington Management Co LLP (Investment Management)
12. Deutsche Bank AG (Bank)
13. Franklin Resources Inc (Investment Management)
14. Credit Suisse Group (Bank)
15. Walton Enterprises LLC
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp (Bank)
17. Natixis (Investment Management)
18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc (Bank)
19. T Rowe Price Group Inc (Investment Management)
20. Legg Mason Inc (Investment Management)
21. Morgan Stanley (Bank)
22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc (Bank)
23. Northern Trust Corporation (Investment Management)
24. Société Générale (Bank)
25. Bank of America Corporation (Bank)
26. Lloyds TSB Group plc (Bank)
27. Invesco plc (Investment mgmt) 28. Allianz SE 29. TIAA (Investments & Insurance)
30. Old Mutual Public Limited Company (Investments & Insurance)
31. Aviva plc (Insurance)
32. Schroders plc (Investment Management)
33. Dodge & Cox (Investment Management)
34. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc* (Bank)
35. Sun Life Financial Inc (Investments & Insurance)
36. Standard Life plc (Investments & Insurance)
37. CNCE
38. Nomura Holdings Inc (Investments and Financial Services)
39. The Depository Trust Company (Securities Depository)
40. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
41. ING Groep NV (Bank, Investments & Insurance)
42. Brandes Investment Partners LP (Financial Services)
43. Unicredito Italiano SPA (Bank)
44. Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan (Owns a lot of banks' shares in Japan)
45. Vereniging Aegon (Investments & Insurance)
46. BNP Paribas (Bank)
47. Affiliated Managers Group Inc (Owns stakes in 27 money management firms)
48. Resona Holdings Inc (Banking Group in Japan)
49. Capital Group International Inc (Investments and Financial Services)
50. China Petrochemical Group Company


Are you starting to get the idea?


The global economy truly is completely dominated by banks and other financial institutions.

米国では、大手銀行はもう他の企業を所有するだけでコンテンツはありません。今、私たちの最大の銀行のいくつかは実際には "、電力生産、石油精製·流通所有し、そのような港湾や空港などの公共資産の運用、さらにはウラン採掘"直接のような企業に入るために始めている。以下は、米国議会のいくつかのメンバーは最近、連邦準備制度理事会議長ベン·バーナンキ議長に送った手紙からの抜粋です。...

In the United States, the big banks are not just content to own other companies anymore. Now, some of our largest banks are actually starting to directly get into businesses such as "electric power production, oil refining and distribution, owning and operating of public assets such as ports and airports, and even uranium mining". The following is an excerpt from a letter that several members of the U.S. Congress recently sent to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke...


We write in regards to the expansion of large banks into what had traditionally been non-financial commercial spheres. Specifically, we are concerned about how large banks have recently expanded their businesses into such fields as electric power production, oil refining and distribution, owning and operating of public assets such as ports and airports, and even uranium mining.

ここではいくつかの例があります。モルガン·スタンレーは2012年6月に米国への石油と石油製品400万バレルを輸入した。ゴールドマン·サックス店デトロイトの広大な倉庫でのアルミ同様コモディティ·デリバティブディーラーとしてとして。この "銀行"も空港、有料道路、およびポートの所有権と操作に拡大しています。 JPモルガン市場カリフォルニア州の電力(パワー)。

Here are a few examples. Morgan Stanley imported 4 million barrels of oil and petroleum products into the United States in June, 2012. Goldman Sachs stores aluminum in vast warehouses in Detroit as well as serving as a commodities derivatives dealer. This “bank” is also expanding into the ownership and operation of airports, toll roads, and ports. JP Morgan markets electricity in California.

言い換えれば、ゴールドマン·サックス、JPモルガン、モルガン·スタンレーは、もはやただの銀行ません - 彼らは効果的にだけでなく、石油会社、港や空港オペレータ、コモディティディーラー、及び電気事業となっています。これは、経済の産業部門のための予期せぬ問題を引き起こしている。

In other words, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Morgan Stanley are no longer just banks – they have effectively become oil companies, port and airport operators, commodities dealers, and electric utilities as well. This is causing unforeseen problems for the industrial sector of the economy.

例えば、コカ·コーラは、ゴールドマン·サックスは、買いだめのアルミであったこと、ロンドン金属取引所に苦情を提出した。 JPモルガンは、現在、 "銀行"は、それが制御発電所からのマーケティングの電気だったカリフォルニア州での電力価格を操作するための規制当局が精査されています。我々は、他の価格操作にも販売し、商品を販売するデリバティブ·ディーラーに利息計上潜在情報の利点のために発生することができるかわかりません。エンロンの長い影は、これらの活動に立ちはだかる可能性があります。

For example, Coca Cola has filed a complaint with the London Metal Exchange that Goldman Sachs was hoarding aluminum. JP Morgan is currently being probed by regulators for manipulating power prices in California, where the “bank” was marketing electricity from power plants it controlled. We don’t know what other price manipulation could be occurring due to potential informational advantages accruing to derivatives dealers who also market and sell commodities. The long shadow of Enron could loom in these activities.


You can read the rest of their letter right here.


This week, Goldman Sachs has been facing allegations that it has cost American consumers billions of dollars by manipulating the price of aluminum. The following is from an article that was posted on CNBC...


Hundreds of millions of times a day, thirsty Americans open a can of soda, beer or juice. And every time they do it, they pay a fraction of a penny more because of a shrewd maneuver by Goldman Sachs and other financial players that ultimately costs consumers billions of dollars.

どのようにこの作品のストーリーは、ゴールドマンが顧客のアルミを格納デトロイトエリアの27の産業倉庫に始まる。毎日、トラックの艦隊は、倉庫の中で金属の1,500ポンドの棒を切り直す。 2〜3回の日、時にはそれ以上、ドライバーは同じ回路を作る。彼らは1倉庫にロードします。彼らは別のアンロード。そして、彼らは再びそれを行う。

The story of how this works begins in 27 industrial warehouses in the Detroit area where Goldman stores customers' aluminum. Each day, a fleet of trucks shuffles 1,500-pound bars of the metal among the warehouses. Two or three times a day, sometimes more, the drivers make the same circuits. They load in one warehouse. They unload in another. And then they do it again.


This industrial dance has been choreographed by Goldman to exploit pricing regulations set up by an overseas commodities exchange, an investigation by The New York Times has found. The back–and-forth lengthens the storage time. And that adds many millions a year to the coffers of Goldman, which owns the warehouses and charges rent to store the metal. It also increases prices paid by manufacturers and consumers across the country.


If that sounds shady to you, that is because it is shady.


But as the big banks continue to gain even more power in our society, this kind of thing will become even more common.


So what can we do about it?

あんまり。Not much.


Do you think that the media will tell us the truth about all of this? I wouldn't count on it. At this point, there are just six giant media corporations that control more than 90 percent of the news and entertainment that you see on your television. And those six giant media corporations are very hesitant to do anything that will damage their corporate owners or their corporate advertisers.


Do you think that our politicians will do anything about all of this? I wouldn't count on it. In national elections, the candidate that raises more money wins more than 80 percent of the time. Our politicians know where their bread is buttered, and as history has shown most of them are very good to the guys with the big checkbooks.


As I said at the top of this article, money is power, and according to a report that was released last summer, the global elite have up to 32 TRILLION dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe.


The global economy belongs to them. We are just living in it.


But hopefully if enough people start waking up, someday we will see some significant changes.


One of my favorite musical artists of all-time, Michael W. Smith, once wrote a song that contained the following lyrics...


Tell me, how long will we grovel at the feet of wealth and power?


Tell me, how long will we bow down to that golden calf, 2013-08-17 (土) 22:34:10


(How long will be too long)


Will the people of the world ever get sick and tired of the overwhelming power of the big banks and start demanding changes?


That is a very good question. Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below...


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