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The Chrysanthemum Throne


菊の玉座は、日本の天皇の玉座を識別するために使用される英語の用語です。この用語はまた、京都御所の四神-書斎のtakamikura(高御座)王位として、非常に特殊な座席を参照することができます。 ウィキペディア

Chrysanthemum Throne
The Chrysanthemum Throne is the English term used to identify the throne of the Emperor of Japan. The term also can refer to very specific seating, such as the takamikura throne in the Shishin-den at Kyoto Imperial Palace. Wikipedia

N 1934年11月16日は、天皇による地方視察中に、皇室の車列は、わずかに公式スケジュールを動揺、間違った回転を取った。一週間後に都道府県知事やツアーの手配懲戒処分されたに関与する他の高官、警察当局は、 2ヶ月の給与、ホーム大臣は国会で敵対的尋問を行ったと行進自殺を主導していたオートバイの警官をドッキングさせた。

n Nov. 16, 1934, during a provincial inspection tour by Emperor Hirohito, the imperial motorcade took a wrong turn, slightly upsetting the official schedule. A week later the prefectural governor and other high officials involved in arrangements for the tour were reprimanded, police officials were docked two months salary, the home minister was subjected to hostile questioning in the Diet and the motorcycle policeman who had led the procession committed suicide.


Clearly the emperor of Japan was no ordinary head of state, or even an ordinary monarch, like his contemporary, King George VI of Britain. Exactly what he was, what his roles and purposes might be, became of the utmost interest to all Americans after Pearl Harbor.


During World War II, Hirohito was viewed as a figure of great power and menace, a ruler worshiped as a god by his fanatical, bloodthirsty subjects, whose ferocity and antlike obedience were strikingly portrayed in Frank Capra's Why We Fight documentaries.


After Japan's surrender in 1945, Gen. Douglas MacArthur and some of his officers, who imagined themselves experts on Japanese politics and culture, hurriedly decided that it was vital to the success of the American occupation that the emperor be retained as a means of ensuring control of the population and giving sanction to the far-reaching reforms planned for Japanese society. Without the emperor's authority, MacArthur warned Washington, a million troops might be needed for an indefinite number of years to maintain order in Japan.


If the emperor had to stay, however, he would have to be repackaged quickly for the American public, most of whom still regarded him as the man behind Pearl Harbor, a war criminal on a par with Mussolini and Hitler. This necessary rewrite of the emperor's role in history began almost immediately, with the enthusiastic cooperation of court officials, MacArthur's headquarters and former Japanese military and civilian leaders. Even those officials on trial for war crimes loyally adapted their testimony so as to shield the throne from any blame.


The emperor now emerged as a kind of closet pacifist, a mainly symbolic head of state, a constitutional monarch who was legally powerless to resist the military and may even have been coerced by them. His only important role in the war was to end it, by stepping in to settle a deadlock among the top leadership and throwing his support behind those who wished to surrender.


The Associated Press
Japanese Emperor Hirohito
It was a good story line and suited the needs of both Japanese and Americans. If the emperor had been powerless to halt the warmongers in the army, how could ordinary Japanese have done so? Thus the people of Japan, like the Chinese or the Filipinos, could also be considered the victims of the militarists. Although there were some weaknesses and inconsistencies, the story came to be widely accepted in both the United States and Japan.

しかし、 1989年に昭和天皇の死後、彼の長い治世に関する追加文書が利用できるようになったし、日本の学者やジャーナリストは、歴史の中で再検討天皇の役割を始めた。彼の重要かつ挑発的な新しい本では、 裕仁と近代日本のメイキングは、 ハーバートP.ビックスは、この新しい日本の奨学金をもとに、英語で天皇の最初の完全な伝記の1だけでなく、広範な研究での提示彼自身。ビックスの昭和天皇はヒトラーでも平和主義者が、大きな欠陥政治家でもありません。何より、彼は受動的な象徴的な君主が、その言葉のキャビネットを作るか、または壊すことができ舞台裏のやり手だった。

But following Hirohito's death in 1989, additional documents on his long reign became available, and Japanese scholars and journalists began to re-examine the emperor's role in history. In his important and provocative new book, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, Herbert P. Bix presents one of the first complete biographies of the emperor in English based on this new Japanese scholarship, as well as on extensive research of his own. Bix's Hirohito is neither a Hitler nor a pacifist but a deeply flawed statesman. Above all, he was no passive symbolic monarch but a behind-the-scenes wheeler-dealer whose words could make or break cabinets.


The Meiji Constitution gave broad powers to the monarch, but even beyond that, Hirohito saw himself as above all political parties, constitutions or laws, responsible only to his imperial ancestors. He was in fact as well as in name the commander in chief of the armed forces. Bix, a professor at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, argues that the emperor was fully informed about the military's aggressive moves in Manchuria and China, and approved them.

彼は、中国北部の陸軍の殺人宣撫キャンペーンに正式な制裁を与え、そこに化学兵器の使用をサポートしていました。真珠湾と米国との戦争に行くの決定については、昭和天皇は完全に操作に関する審議と計画について説明を受けました。まず警戒で、 1941年10月までに彼は米国との戦争は避けられなかったこと、軍の主張を受け入れるようになっていた。

He gave formal sanction to the army's murderous pacification campaigns in northern China and supported the use of chemical weapons there. As for Pearl Harbor and the decision to go to war with the United States, Hirohito was completely briefed on the deliberations and planning about the operation. At first wary, by October 1941 he had come to accept the military's argument that war with the United States was unavoidable.

BIXは国家の知的で例外的に十分な情報をヘッドとして昭和天皇を描いたが、彼の信念のために立ち上がるやイベントのコースを変更するためにしっかりした行動をとるために不本意1 。彼は右翼expansionistsと陸軍と海軍のせっかちに直面して引き下がった後、徐々に自分の意見を受け入れるようになった。

Bix portrays Hirohito as an intelligent and exceptionally well-informed head of state but one unwilling to stand up for his convictions or take firm action to change the course of events. He backed down in the face of right-wing expansionists and hotheads in the army and navy, then gradually came to embrace their views.

彼は最高司令官として、ビックス書き込み、 あまりにも阻害したとの考えを製造する際に遅く軍事サービス間の対立を克服することができなかった。 彼は完全に知らされたことを主張し政治家としては、プロービング求めるだろう質問とは時々洞察に満ちたコメントをするだろうが、彼はほとんどの場合、風が吹いていた道に屈した。

As a supreme commander he was, Bix writes, too inhibited and slow in producing ideas and was never able to surmount rivalries between the military services. As a statesman he insisted on being totally informed, would ask probing questions and would sometimes make insightful comments, but he almost always yielded to the way the wind was blowing.

BIXは、日本、お飾りの君主に彼を低減することを目的とした1のための新憲法の米国占領当局の案に昭和天皇の消極的同意を示しています。 昭和天皇が2週間抵抗し、その後において与え、 ビックスは報告し、彼は問題ではここまで、それは仕方がないと行っていたよう 、言うように天皇を引用ビックスは説明しています:それは、彼は彼の治世のすべての他の重大な岐路で行われていた発言の正確に並べた:攻撃の彼の承認を1931年10月の南満州Chinchowの爆撃と1940年9月のヒトラーとムッソリーニとの軍事同盟、彼の同意から1941年12月中の真珠湾。 本当に昭和天皇に重要だっ唯一のことは、ビックスは信じて、その先頭に自分自身との天皇制を永続させるために彼の神、先祖への彼の責任だった。

Bix describes Hirohito's reluctant assent to the United States occupation authorities' draft of a new constitution for Japan, one that was intended to reduce him to a figurehead monarch. Hirohito resisted for two weeks, then gave in, Bix reports, and he quotes the emperor as saying, As the matter has gone this far, it can't be helped. Bix explains: It was exactly the sort of remark he had made at every other critical juncture of his reign: from his assent to the bombing of Chinchow in south Manchuria in October 1931 and the military alliance with Hitler and Mussolini of September 1940, to his approval of the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. The only thing that truly mattered to Hirohito, Bix believes, was his responsibility to his divine ancestors to perpetuate the imperial system with himself at its head.

この目的を考えると、皇帝がそうで行動したかもしれないかを確認するのは難しいです。 BIXは、彼が、軍事的にreined満州での戦争が制限されて、中国での日本の行き過ぎを抑制し、軸の提携をブロックしている可能性があることを主張している。彼はそのような行動を取っていた、しかし、それは陸軍と海軍の将校の反応を想像するのは難しいことではありません。彼を置き換えるために、他の帝国の君主がいました。

Given this aim, it is hard to see how the emperor could have acted otherwise. Bix insists that he could have reined in the military, limited the war in Manchuria, curbed Japanese excesses in China and blocked the Axis alliance. Had he taken such actions, however, it is not hard to imagine the reaction of the officers in the army and navy. There were other imperial princes to replace him.

日本は全く1945年8月にアメリカの従来の原子間の攻撃によって荒廃した後でも、ミドルレベルの役員は降伏宣言を防止するために、昭和天皇を転覆しようとしました。これらのクーデターの試み、ビックスが私たちを保証し、 日本はすでに敗北した1945年、ケースされた可能性があること 。あまりにのぼるませんでしたが、

Even after Japan was utterly devastated by American conventional and atomic attacks in August 1945, middle-level officers tried to overthrow Hirohito in order to prevent a surrender proclamation. These coup attempts, Bix assures us, ''did not amount to much.

1だけの軍事指導者の応答があったされていたであろうかについて推測することができます軍が日本の将軍や提督がヨーロッパでヒトラーの征服を魅了したところ、中国での勝利と面一に、または1940年にあったとき皇帝は、たとえば、 1937年にそれらの作用コースを変更するための努力をした。

'' That may have been the case in 1945, when Japan was already defeated, but one can only speculate about what the response of the military leaders would have been had the emperor made an effort to change their course of action in, say, 1937, when the army was flush with victories in China, or in 1940, when Japan's generals and admirals were enthralled with Hitler's conquests in Europe.

ビックスの魅力的な本を評価する際に、それを念頭に置いて3つのことを維持するために十分である。まず、天皇の治世の研究は初期段階にまだある。ビックス自身が指摘するように、第2 、皇帝に関連する多くの重要な書類 - 彼の日記は、彼の個人的な対応と彼の会話の記録は、 - 今でもしっかりと宮内庁に保持されている。最終的にありますが、おそらく常にこの時代の景色が異なる、となります。

In evaluating Bix's fascinating book it is well to keep three things in mind. First, studies of Hirohito's reign are still in their early stages. Second, as Bix himself points out, many key documents pertaining to the emperor -- his diaries, his personal correspondence and records of his conversations -- are still tightly held by the imperial household. Finally there are, and probably always will be, differing views of this era.

例えば、日本の歴史に興味を持って英語圏の読者は、すでに日本の降伏中と職業における天皇の役割は多少異なり、より複雑なビューを提供しますジョン·ダワーの作業に精通しているであろう。それでも、 裕仁と近代日本作りが、米国での議論を刺激すること間違いなしですが、日本での受信は、本は日本語に翻訳された後、はるかに多くのことにバインドされていることを言うことは安全です爆発。

For instance, English-speaking readers interested in Japanese history will already be familiar with the work of John Dower, who gives a somewhat different and more complex view of the emperor's role in the Japanese surrender and in the occupation. Still, it is safe to say that while Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan is sure to stimulate discussion in the United States, its reception in Japan, once the book has been translated into Japanese, is bound to be far more explosive.

ロナルド·スペクター、海上における戦争状態今後の著者:船員と20世紀の海軍戦闘は、 ジョージ·ワシントン大学で歴史を教えている。

Ronald Spector, the author of the forthcoming At War at Sea: Sailors and Naval Combat in the Twentieth Century, teaches history at George Washington University.


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