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Jesuit Jews


 The first Jesuits were crypto‑Jews


最初のイエズス会は、秘密のあったユダヤ人。イグナチオロヨラ自身は秘密のあったユダヤ人オカルトの。カバラ。隠れたユダヤ人は、あるユダヤ人、他の宗教に変換し、外側に新しいを包含する。宗教は、密かに維持しながら、ユダヤ人の 慣行を。

 The first Jesuits were crypto‑ Jews .Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto‑ Jew of the Occult.Cabala.A crypto‑ Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new.religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.



 The first Jesuits were crypto‑Jews. Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto‑Jew of the Occult


  Cabala. A crypto‑Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new


  religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices. As John Torell explains: "In 1491 San Ignacio de


 Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the


 time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish


 Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a


 Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and


 became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for


 holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had


moved to Rome where he founded the "JESUIT ORDER," which was to become the most vile, bloody


 and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved


 the order. At Loyola's death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order,located in a number of nations."


 Ignatius of Loyola's secretary, Polanco, was of Jewish descent and was the only person present at


  Loyola's deathbed. James Lainez, who succeeded Loyola as the second Jesuit General, was also of


 Jewish descent. Jews were attracted to the Jesuit order and joined in large numbers. Lacunza was


  no exception. He was a Jew, which explains why he introduced the eschatological teaching of a


  return to the Jewish animal sacrifices during the Millennium. (In a book titled The Coming of the


 Messiah in Glory and Majesty published in 1812, 11 years after the death of its author, Jesuit


 Emanuel de Lacunza who, wrote under the fictitious pen name of a purportedly converted Jew,


 Rabbi Juan Josaphat Ben Ezra, in order to conceal his identity and to make his writings more


 palatable to the Protestant readers. He promoted the writings of sixteenth century Jesuit priest


 Francisco Ribera, developing a futuristic perspective which restricted the prophetic fulfillments in the


 book of Revelation to the end of the world). Lacunza also wrote that during a millennium after the


  tribulation the Jewish animal sacrifices would be reinstated along with the Eucharist (the mass) of


 the Catholic Church. Lacunza has followed after Jewish fables and replaced the commandments of


 God with the commandments of men. That doctrine gives the Jews primacy in God's plan and


  relegates Christians to a prophetic parenthetical to be supplanted by the Jews during the

   thousand year earthly reign of Christ.



ユダヤ人の優生学 / Jewish eugenics


 Jewish eugenics pre-dates Hitler's Master Race


  According to the Israeli daily newspaper quoted below, before the Nazi Third Reich in Germany plotted to create a Master Race from the European gene pool, Zionists had already established a racial purification program to create the perfect Jewish bloodline.

衝撃的な新しい研究では、シオニストの確立が唯一の人々の `最高の間再現性を確保することが可能に乏しいとやって、すべてを殺菌、精神障害を去勢提案前の状態でどのようにキー数値を明らかにしています。」

 A shocking new study reveals how key figures in the pre-state Zionist establishment proposed castrating the mentally ill, sterilizing the poor and doing everything possible to ensure reproduction only among the `best of people.'

、精神障害者を去勢」を目的に欠けている生活を...予防する」「知識人の番号のうち、「家族の中で再生を奨励し、「東洋起源の家族」の大きさを制限し、 - これらの提案は、第三のいくつかのプログラムからではありませんライヒむしろ、英国の委任統治の期間中、イスラエルの土地のシオニスト設立にキー数値に育てられました。それは熱意の偉大な取引は、特定のレース(優生学)の遺伝的特性の向上のためにここにあったが判明しました。長年にわたってラップの下に保持されています。このサポートは、イスラエルの医療制度の確立を基に​​イデオロギー的、知的ルーツを調べ研究で明らかにされています。

 Castrating the mentally ill, encouraging reproduction among families "numbered among the intelligentsia" and limiting the size of "families of Eastern origin" and "preventing ... lives that are lacking in purpose" - these proposals are not from some program of the Third Reich but rather were brought up by key figures in the Zionist establishment of the Land of Israel during the period of the British Mandate. It turns out there was a great deal of enthusiasm here for the improvement of the hereditary characteristics of a particular race (eugenics). This support, which has been kept under wraps for many years, is revealed in a study that examines the ideological and intellectual roots at the basis of the establishment of the health system in Israel.

イシューブ(前状態のユダヤ人コミュニティ)で1930年代に結婚や親になることを望んだカップルのためのアドバイスセンターのウィーンのモデル上で動作する「相談所」がありました。オーストリアでは、電源にナチスの上昇で、彼らは、強制治療のために役立ちました。ここで、ステーションは "特に特定の場合には、妊娠を防ぐのうちに、セックスと結婚の問題についてのアドバイスを与える。」を目的としました彼らは無一文に無料で、限られた手段のものに割引価格で出産制御装置を配布しました。ヤッファでAjami、ハティクヴァクオーターとNeveh Sha'anan:テルアビブのアドバイス局は、移民集団のセンターで開かれました。

 In the Yishuv (pre-state Jewish community) in the 1930s there were "consultation stations" operating on a Viennese model of advice centers for couples that wished to marry and become parents. In Austria, with the Nazis' rise to power, they served for forced treatment. Here the stations were aimed at "giving advice on matters of sex and marriage, especially in the matter of preventing pregnancy in certain cases." They distributed birth-control devices for free to the penniless and at reduced prices to those of limited means. In Tel Aviv the advice stations were opened in centers of immigrant populations: Ajami in Jaffa, the Hatikvah Quarter and Neveh Sha'anan.

これらは、教授Shifraシュワルツのベングリオン大学で保健システム管理の部門の長の監督の下、1950年代に保健サービスの歴史についてSachlav Stoler-リスによって書かれた博士論文の調査結果のいくつかでありますネゲブ。これらは、ベングリオン大学のイスラエル人類学会の年次会議で発表されました。

 These are some of the findings of a doctoral thesis written by Sachlav Stoler-Liss about the history of the health services in the 1950s, under the supervision of Prof. Shifra Shvarts, head of the department of health system management at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. They were presented at the annual conference of the Israel Anthropological Association at Ben-Gurion College.

優生学の理論の父は英国の学者フランシス·ゴル​​トンました。 19世紀の終わりに - 文字通り「よく生まれた」という意味 - それは、用語を造語者彼でした。優生学運動の目的は、人類をより良くすることでした。ゴルトンは、社会の中で「最高の人材」の中で再生を促進するとの間で再生を防止するために、計画提案した「最悪の要素を。」

 The father of the theory of eugenics was British scholar Francis Galton. It was he who coined the term - which literally means "well-born" - at the end of the 19th century. The aim of the eugenics movement was to better the human race. Galton proposed a plan to encourage reproduction among "the best people" in society and to prevent reproduction among "the worst elements."

  強制滅菌 / Forced sterilization


 Between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, Galton drew many followers and his ideas spread rapidly to other countries in Europe (among them Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium), to the United States and to some countries in South America. In various countries laws were passed that allowed for the forced sterilization of "hereditary paupers, criminals, the feeble-minded, tuberculous, shiftless and ne'er-do-wells."

米国では、最大1935、約20,000人まで - 「非常識」、「微弱な志向、 "移民、低知能指数と少数民族と人のメンバーは - 強制的にカリフォルニアで、それらのほとんどを滅菌しました。カリフォルニア法律は、米国で少なくとも19の状態は精神遅滞を持つ人々の滅菌を可能にする法律を持っていた1985年に博士フィリップ·ライリー、精神遅滞のためのシュライバーセンターの医師やエグゼクティブディレクターによると、1979年にのみ取り消されました、(それらの間アーカンソー州、コロラド州、ジョージア州、ミネソタ州、ミシシッピ州、ノース&サウスキャロライナ、バーモント州、ユタ州とモンタナ州)。

 In the United States, up until 1935, about 20,000 people - "insane," "feeble-minded," immigrants, members of ethnic minorities and people with low IQs - were forcibly sterilized, most of them in California. The Californian law was revoked only in 1979. According to Dr. Philip Reilly, a doctor and executive director of the Shriver Center for Mental Retardation, in 1985 at least 19 states in the United States had laws that allowed the sterilization of people with mental retardation, (among them Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Minnesota, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Vermont, Utah and Montana).

「優生学はドイツのみで起こったものであると考えられている、「Stoler-リス氏は述べています。 「ドイツは確かに優生学の中で最も残忍な症状であったが、実際には多くの信者を集めて動きました。それはユニークな、ローカルの側面にかかったすべての場所で​​。これは、ドイツで、イスラエルの両方でリンクがあったことは興味深いです優生学、健康とナショナリズムとの間に作られました。」

 "Eugenics is considered to be something that only happened in Germany," says Stoler-Liss. "Germany was indeed the most murderous manifestation of eugenics, but in fact it was a movement that attracted many followers. In every place it took on a unique, local aspect. It is interesting to note that both in Germany and in Israel a link was made between eugenics, health and nationalism."

彼女の修士号のための研究プロジェクトのための親のための命令の本を探しているときにStoler-リスが最初イシューブから医師の優生学のテキストを検出しました。 「私は論文セミナーでテキストを提示した後、ワークショップの講師は私に言った、 `しかし、なぜあなたは、これが翻訳されたテキストであることを言っていないのですか?」私は答えた: `いや、いや、テキストが翻訳されていません」。 `イスラエルでは、「彼はそのようなものはありません`、と述べました。 '"

 Stoler-Liss first encountered the eugenics texts of doctors from the Yishuv when looking for instruction books for parents for a research project for her master's degree. "I presented a text at a thesis seminar and then the instructor of the workshop said to me, `But why aren't you saying that this is a translated text?' I replied: `No, no, the text isn't translated.' `In Israel,' he said, `there are no such things.'"

彼女はここでの唯一の事例と非代表証拠、医師や公人があったかどうかを検討することを決定し、優生学がサポートされている人 - と彼女は優生学を推進し、多くの出版物を見つけました。アイデアのサポーターは、パレスチナの新興医学界における重要な数値でした。管理され、イスラエルの医療システムを作成した人。

 She decided to look into whether there was only anecdotal and non- representative evidence, doctors and public figures here and there who supported eugenics - and she found many publications that promoted eugenics. Supporters of the idea were key figures in the emerging medical establishment in Palestine; the people who managed and created the Israeli health system.

必須期間の最も顕著な優生学者の一つは、博士ジョセフ·メイア、ウィーンで彼の教育を取得し、よく知られた医師は、Kupat Holimクラリット健康維持組織の長として約30年間務め、後にメイアましたクファールサバの病院の名前は。 「1930年代半ばにおけるイスラエルの地におけるシオニスト医学界の中心で彼の位置から、彼は若い母親に優生学の福音をもたらし、縮退についてのそれらに警告したと軸受のための義務と責任についてのそれらにメッセージを送信唯一の健康な子供、「Stoler-リス氏は述べています。

 One of the most prominent eugenicists of the Mandatory period was Dr. Joseph Meir, a well-known doctor who acquired his education in Vienna, served for about 30 years as the head of the Kupat Holim Clalit health maintenance organization, and after whom the Meir Hospital in Kfar Sava is named. "From his position at the very heart of the Zionist medical establishment in the land of Israel in the mid-1930s, he brought young mothers the gospel of eugenics, warned them about degeneracy and transmitted the message to them about their obligation and responsibility for bearing only healthy children," says Stoler-Liss.

「子どもたちに正しいを出産する権利がある:?このように、例えば、1934年に博士メイヤーは、彼がKupat Holimによって出版物のために編集されたことを親のためのガイド「母と子」の最初のページに次のテキストを公開しましたこれらのケース【遺伝性疾患を持つ人の結婚に言及 - - TT]はありません。その答えは、この科学はまだ若いですが、陽性の結果が既に素晴らしいと重要であり、優生学によってレースを改善し、変性から、それを保存する科学を求められています1,800年間の亡命生活を送っているヘブライ語の全国のすべての国では珍しい、特にで。

 Thus, for example, in 1934 Dr. Meir published the following text on the first page of "Mother and Child," a guide for parents that he edited for publication by Kupat Holim: "Who is entitled to give birth to children? The correct answer is sought by eugenics, the science of improving the race and preserving it from degeneration. This science is still young, but its positive results are already great and important - These cases [referring to marriages of people with hereditary disorders - T.T.] are not at all rare in all nations and in particular in the Hebrew nation that has lived a life of exile for 1,800 years.

そして今、私たちの国は、家長の土地の自然の生活に、生まれ変わるために戻ってきました。それは我々が体と心で全体と健康な子供を持っていることをそれに見るために私たちの義務はありませんか?私たちのために、全体としての優生学、およびすべての他の国に比べて、特に、さらに大きな値の遺伝性疾患の感染予防! ...医師、スポーツに関わる人々と国家の指導者はアイデアのための幅広い宣伝を行う必要があります。あなたは彼らが身体と魂に健康であることが確実でない場合、子供を持っていません」!

 And now our nation has returned to be reborn, to a natural life in the land of the Patriarchs. Is it not our obligation to see to it that we have whole and healthy children in body and soul? For us, eugenics as a whole, and the prevention of the transmission of hereditary disorders in particular, even greater value than for all other nations! ... Doctors, people involved in sport and the national leaders must make broad propaganda for the idea: Do not have children if you are not certain that they will be healthy in body and soul!"

  問題の、危険な / Problematic and dangerous

そのフルバージョンでは、今は亡き労働シオニスト新聞Davarの「健康ガード」セクションに掲載された記事では、医師は精神障害者を去勢提案しました。 Stoler-リスは1934年と1935年に博士メイアによって編集されたEitanim、などの雑誌に発表した「母と子」の本で、より多くの例を見つけました。

 In its full version, the article, which was published in the "Health Guard" section of the now defunct labor Zionist newspaper Davar, the doctor proposed castrating the mentally ill. Stoler-Liss found many more examples in the "Mother and Child" books that were published in 1934 and 1935 and in journals like Eitanim, which was edited by Dr. Meir.

「博士メイアと、これらのアイデアのための保健システム内の他の高齢者のサポートは長年にわたってラップの下に保持されている、「Stoler-リスが主張しています。イシューブの歴史の中で、この章について誰今日の話はありません。 1950年代半ば博士メイアの記事は、彼の記憶で出てきた本に収集しました。上記の記事では、その中に含まれていませんでした。 Stoler-リスは、ボリュームの編集者が落書きノートとカードファイルを見つけました。彼らはのような物品を定義されている「問題と危険。 " "今、ナチスの優生学の後、「編集者の一人が書いた、「それはこの記事を公開することは危険です。」

 "The support of Dr. Meir and other senior people in the health system for these ideas has been kept under wraps for many years," claims Stoler-Liss. No one today talks about this chapter in the history of the Yishuv. In the mid-1950s Dr. Meir's articles were collected into a book that came out in his memory. The article mentioned above was not included in it. Stoler-Liss found a card file with notes scribbled by the editors of the volume. They defined the article as "problematic and dangerous." "Now, after Nazi eugenics," wrote one of the editors, "it is dangerous to publish this article."

1930年代の後半に、単語はその極端な形で優生学が発生する可能性があり、彼らはナチスに起因していたこの言葉を、使用を停止恐怖について出てきたStoler-リスは、追加します。一晩優生学の組織や雑誌は自分の名前を変更し、この理論の兆候を振り払うことを試みました。博士メイアは、しかし、彼はアクティブであったすべての年の間に、優生学の考えを促進するために続けました。 1950年代の初めに彼は厳しくデビッド·ベングリオンは10人の子供を出産したすべての母親に約束した100 liraの複数形の再生賞を批判する記事を掲載しました。 「私たちは知識階級の一部である家族の中で第二子のために頻繁に祈るべき今日の現実に...第10回子どもで、さらに東の貧困家庭での第七には興味がない。悪いのクラス人口は多くの子供を持つように指示し、むしろ制限されてはなりません。」

 During the latter part of the 1930s, adds Stoler-Liss, when word came out about the horrors that eugenics in its extreme form is likely to cause, they stopped using this word, which was attributed to the Nazis. Overnight eugenics organizations and journals changed their names and tried to shake off any signs of this theory. Dr. Meir, however, during all the years he was active, continued to promote the ideas of eugenics. At the beginning of the 1950s he published an article in which he harshly criticized the reproduction prize of 100 lirot that David Ben-Gurion promised to every mother who gave birth to 10 children. "We have no interest in the 10th child or even in the seventh in poor families from the East ... In today's reality we should pray frequently for a second child in a family that is a part of the intelligentsia. The poor classes of the population must not be instructed to have many children, but rather restricted."

「私は価値判断をしていないよ、「Stoler-リス氏は述べています。 「シオニズムは、特定のイデオロギー的雰囲気の中で、一定の周期で発生した - 空気中のアイデアのすべての種類があったとも優生学者シオニストがあった医師の中には、ヨーロッパで教育を受けた、とその時に医学校だけでなく、薬を教えてくれました。だけでなく、優生学の理論」。

 "I'm not making a value judgment," says Stoler-Liss. "Zionism arose at a certain period, in a certain ideological atmosphere - there were all kinds of ideas in the air and there were also eugenicist Zionists. Some of the doctors were educated in Europe, and at that time the medical schools taught not only medicine but also the theory of eugenics."

  圧力のユダヤ教 / Judaism of muscle

博士メイアは優生学を支持した最初のシオニスト指導者ではありませんでした。博士Rapahelフォーク、ヘブライ大学の遺伝学者、科学と医学の歴史家、他の主要なシオニスト思想家の研究によれば、 - それらの中で博士マックスノルダウ、テオドール·ヘルツルの同僚、医師や広報、博士アーサーRuppin3人、イスラエルの地で世界シオニスト組織事務所の頭部は - 国家のリニューアルや土地の決済のためのユダヤ人の移動の目的の一つとして、優生学の考え方を提示しました。

 Dr. Meir was not the first Zionist leader who supported eugenics. According to studies by Dr. Rapahel Falk, a geneticist and historian of science and medicine at Hebrew University, other major Zionist thinkers - among them Dr. Max Nordau, Theodor Herzl's colleague, a doctor and a publicist, and Dr. Arthur Ruppin, the head of the World Zionist Organization office in the Land of Israel - presented the ideas of eugenics as one of the aims of the Jewish movement for national renewal and the settlement of the land.

教授メイラワイス、ヘブライ大学で医学の人類学者は、土地の土地と仕事の決済がの健康を回復であろう「硬化」として、これらのシオニストの思想家によって知覚されたか彼女の本」を選択ボディ」に記載されディアスポラで変性していたユダヤ人の体。ノルダウの用語では、「筋肉のユダヤ教」は「コーヒーハウスのユダヤ人。:淡い、スキニー、ディアスポラのユダヤ人」を置き換えることになるとき、多くのヨーロッパ人が優生学の​​政策を求めているときに、ユダヤ人はに参加したことがありません`そのレースのクレンジング」が、むしろ育つと結婚し、彼自身のような子供を​​持っている、それシッケストであること、すべての子供を可能にしました。 、ブラインドや聴覚障害者が結婚させた、ユダヤ人の社会学であっても精神遅滞」Ruppin3人は彼の本に書いた "" "我々のレースの純度を維持するために、このようなユダヤ人は[縮退の兆候で - TT]。子供を持つ控える必要があります。」

 Prof. Meira Weiss, an anthropologist of medicine at Hebrew University, describes in her book "The Chosen Body" how the settlement of the land and work on the land were perceived by these Zionist thinkers as the "cure" that would restore the health of the Jewish body that had degenerated in the Diaspora. In Nordau's terms, a "Judaism of muscle" would replace "the Jew of the coffee house: the pale, skinny, Diaspora Jew. "At a time when many Europeans are calling for a policy of eugenics, the Jews have never taken part in the `cleansing' of their race but rather allowed every child, be it the sickest, to grow up and marry and have children like himself. Even the mentally retarded, the blind and the deaf were allowed to marry," wrote Ruppin in his book "The Sociology of the Jews." "In order to preserve the purity of our race, such Jews [with signs of degeneracy - T.T.] must refrain from having children."

「多くの人が理論的課題として優生学を扱って、「Stoler-リス氏は述べています。 「彼らは博士メイアと彼らのために優生学は非常に実用的な問題だったということでした彼に加入しているグループは特別な何だった。ユダヤ人の人々と、それを改善する方法の人種的な側面を研究する目的でノルダウクラブを設定します。 "彼らは、適用された優生学を追求したいと考えていました。

 "Many people dealt with eugenics as a theoretical issue," says Stoler-Liss. "They even set up a Nordau Club with the aim of researching the racial aspects of the Jewish people and ways of improving it. What was special about Dr. Meir and the group that joined him was that for them eugenics was a very practical matter." They wanted to pursue applied eugenics.

主機関はアドバイス駅でした。第一ステーションは、テルアビブのバルフォア通りにベイトシュトラウスに1931年にオープンしました。目的は、説得と選択を通じて「快適な方法を、「で動作するようにしました。 Stoler-リスが説明するように、「なぜ人々は彼らの個人的な興味の防止に取り組むべきであるそれが国益への接続が入って来ていることをここにある私は赤ちゃんを持っていることによって、私は、土地の建物の​​国益を害するであろうことを理解していれば、?。 `新しいユダヤ人は、病気の赤ちゃんを出産するために「私は出産を控えます。しかし、単に特定するために、メイアは、女性は`リスクがあるあなたに来た場合には、医師に言った」、それはあなたの特定の彼女は中絶を持っていることを確認する義務。」

 The main institution was the advice station. The first station was opened in 1931 in Beit Strauss on Balfour Street in Tel Aviv. The aim was to work in "pleasant ways," through persuasion and choice. As Stoler-Liss explains: "Why should people work against their personal interests? It is here that the connection to the national interest comes in. If I understand that by having a baby I will harm the national interest, the building of the land, the `new Jew,' I will refrain from giving birth. But just to make certain, Meir told the doctors, in the event that a woman comes to you who is `a risk' for giving birth to a sick baby, it is your obligation to make certain that she has an abortion."

「婦人科医ミリアムAharonovaも優生学の対象に広範囲に書いた、「Stoler-リスが追加されます。 「このような結婚の `衛生」などの見出しの下に親のための記事で、彼女は親のための優生命令のリストを提供します - 推奨年齢から(20と25の間)出産のために、父との間の時代の推奨差に配偶者に感染する可能性または疾患のリストに母(レースの向上である理由)「それらの後その子孫に遺伝を介して送信される。「病気で、彼女は「梅毒、淋病、結核、アルコール依存症に言及します、麻薬中毒(モルヒネ、コカインなどのための溺愛)と心の病気と神経。1935年に公開された「母と子」のボリュームで「Stoler·リス、優生学を支持した医師による公表や議論は述べています大幅に拡大した。なぜ、実際には、彼らが力を使用していたのですか?確立が移民や難民を超える大きな力を持っていました。

 "Gynecologist Miriam Aharonova also wrote extensively on the subject of eugenics," adds Stoler-Liss. "In articles for parents under headings such as `The Hygiene of Marriage' she gives a list of eugenic instructions for parents - from the recommended age for giving birth (between 20 and 25), to the recommended difference in age between the father and the mother (the reason for which is the betterment of the race) to a list of diseases that could infect the spouse or "be transmitted through heredity to their descendents after them." In the diseases, she mentions "syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, alcoholism, narcotics addiction (fondness for morphine, cocaine, etc.) and diseases of the mind and the nerves." In the volume of "Mother and Child" published in 1935, says Stoler-Liss, the publication and discussions by doctors who supported eugenics was greatly expanded. Why, in fact, did they not use force? The establishment had a great deal of power over immigrants and refugees.

「医療施設の電源がその時に限られていたこれは、強化し、一定の不足に苦しんですることになっていたシステムと手をつないで開発し確立した:医師不足、看護師の不足や設備の不足は。。やっと優生学の理論は低下した状態が、あった場合には、調べ、治療、接種など我々は、英国の委任統治の期間について話しているしていた私の説明は世代交代です。その世代は、最後に来ていました専門的、およびより多くの国民の意欲を持つ新世代のそれは、その期間中にヨーロッパの大学で教育を受けていなかったに沿って来ました。彼らはすでにナチスはそれを行っていたとイデオロギーの識別が低かったものを見ていた。それ自体が染み込んでアイディアが、彼ら '同じレトリックを使用しない再。」

 "The medical establishment's power was limited at that time. This was an establishment that developed hand in hand with the system it was supposed to strengthen and suffered from constant shortages: a shortage of doctors, a shortage of nurses and a shortage of equipment. It had to examine, treat, inoculate and so on. We are talking about the period of the British Mandate. When at long last there was a state, eugenics theory declined. My explanation is the change of generations: that generation had come to an end professionally, and a new generation with more national motivation came along that was not educated at the European universities during that period. They had already seen what the Nazis had done with it and the ideological identification was lower. The ideas themselves seeped in but they're not using the same rhetoric."

   Have eugenics really vanished?


 The eugenic chapter in the history of Western culture has been closed, but have eugenics really disappeared?

「優生考え方は今日も健在で、「Stoler-リスがアサートされます。 "それは出生前テスト、[遺伝的に逸脱した胎児の]遺伝的フィルタリングの非常に高い割合で主に発現している。母親は、健康な小児と、例外的に異なると障害者で態度を出産するために非常に意欲的ですイスラエルの社会には問題があります。 "

 "Eugenic thinking is alive and well today," asserts Stoler-Liss. "It is expressed mainly in the very high rate of pre-natal tests and genetic filtering [of genetically deviant fetuses]. Mothers are very highly motivated to give birth only to healthy children and the attitude toward the exceptional, the different and the handicapped in Israeli society is problematic."


 At hospitals today future parents are offered a plethora of genetic tests that diagnose the fetus before birth. Some of them are aimed at identifying serious disorders, like Tay-Sachs disease, a degenerative disease that causes a painful death in infancy. Others, however, are aimed at screening fetuses with conditions like deafness and sterility, the bearers of which can lead full and satisfying lives.

SOURCE:ハアレツは、「彼らは健康でない場合は、 `子供をお持ちでない '!"、タマラトローブマン、2004年6月11日では。

 SOURCE: Haaretz, "`Do not have children if they won't be healthy!'", By Tamara Traubmann, 11 June 2004.
[ http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/437879.html ]

 記事サイト / Article site



 Jews invented eugenics and still follow it today.


 Rabbi Max Reichler here states the principles of eugenics for Jews .




 Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story Of Nazi Racial Laws And Men Of Jewish Descent In The German Military (Modern War Studies)




 Hitler 'had Jewish and African roots', DNA tests show




 Adolf Hitler Unmasked At Last!!



 Marshall Stalin told the U.S. Secretary of State, James F. Byrnes, that Adolf Hitler was alive and well in Spain or Argentina:




ヒトラーの教皇! / Hitler's Pope!!


 MI6 spy Adolf Hitler was sworn in as chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Eugenio Pacelli was crowned Pope Pius XII on March 12, 1939–just on the eve of World War II.



 Joseph Stalin was an MI6 agent at the very pinnacle of the Soviet Union.




 ''New Evidence exposes Hitler's Secret Refuge after World War II


 Mounds of evidence in the past couple of years are making it harder and harder to accept the death of Hitler in 1945. As people continue to talk about having seen Hitler after his alleged death and new (un)classified documents seem to confirm eyewitness testimonies, a documentary called Revealed: Hitler in Argentina is attempting to set the record straight.


 In an interview with the Voice of Russia the filmmaker Noam Shalev talked about the new pieces of information that can effectively reveal the truth about when and where Hitler really died.


 "For many residents living in Argentina around the time of World War II, they have come to understand a different take on Hitler's legacy. Numerous eyewitnesses have spoken out about seeing Hitler, talking to him, or hearing about him in their region after 1945, the supposed year of his death.


 "Then they prescribed their executive consensus of how they met him, how they knew it was Hitler, what they were told from people who knew this person that they saw,' Noam Shalev, creator of the documentary "Revealed: Hitler in Argentina" said. A portion of testifiers, who were all unpaid, claimed they had some form of contact with the German dictator

確かに、地元の人々からのフィードバックは、しかし歴史のバフと受け入れるように大衆のための十分な説得力ではないかもしれません。 しかし、アルゼンチンのアーカイブから文書化されたレポートは、ちょうど10年前に機密解除になることを始めました。 これらのファイルのホールドを持って研究者は無視する情報は不可能見つけました。

 Indeed, feedback from locals though may not be convincing enough for history buffs and the mass public to accept.However, documented reports from archives in Argentina started to become declassified just one decade ago.Researchers who got a hold of those files found the information impossible to disregard.

「この10年の間に研究者や歴史家は、アーカイブへのアクセスを持って30代から、彼らが締結してきた元の45、それまでに関係なく、目撃者は、この物語に物質が存在することを報告するのに含めて40代から多くの興味深い文書を発見しました、 「Shalevはロシアの声に入院。アーカイブからのレポートはまた、政府関係者は、ヒトラーが自分の境界内に低敷設されたことを知っていたことを指摘します。

 "During this 10 years researchers and historians got access to the archives, found many interesting documents from the 30s and from the 40s including up to 45 from which they've concluded, that in regardless of eyewitness reports that there is substance to this story,” Shalev admitted to the Voice of Russia . Reports from the archive also point out that government officials knew that Hitler was laying low within their borders.

アルゼンチン権威だけではありませんでした。 動かぬ証拠は、米国政府が40代後半まで、アルゼンチンの彼らの目を持っていたことを指摘しています。 一度にアルゼンチン、ワシントンDCのポストを持っていたFBIは、1949年まで1945年から自分の目撃の報告とアルゼンチンのヒトラーの存在を書きました。

 Authority figures in Argentina were not alone.Irrefutable evidence points out that the US government had their eye on Argentina until the late 40s.The FBI, which had posts in Argentina and Washington DC at the time, wrote up reports on their sightings and the existence of Hitler in Argentina from 1945 until 1949.

ヒトラーは生きなかった場合には、火急の問題は依然として残っている、その黒焦げの遺体、実際に発見されました。 "誰もが知っていることができなかったが、バンカーの領域で非常に多くの遺体があった、「Shalevはコメントしています。 後でさえも慎重に庭でヒトラーと思われるものを撮影した単一の静止写真を見ている、それは本当に彼であるかどうかを認めることは困難です。

 In the event that Hitler did live on, the burning question still remains—whose charred bodies were actually found.“Nobody could know but there were so many bodies in the area of the Bunker,” Shalev commented.Even after carefully looking over the single still photo taken of what appears to be Hitler in the garden, it is hard to admit if it is really him or not.



映画プレゼントをハイライト: 明らかに:アルゼンチンのヒトラー 、アルゼンチンにヒトラーの脱出論以下の製造における新しいドキュメンタリー映画。

 Highlight Films presents: Revealed : Hitler in Argentina , a new documentary film in production following the theory of Hitler's escape to Argentina.


 In 1945, the world was convinced that Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun had committed suicide in a Berlin bunker, though this theory lacked proper documentation and evidence.


 It wasn't long until flaws in the theory surfaced.


 As further historical research was conducted, rumors began to circulate that challenged the suicide theory with claims of Hitler's escape to Argentina - particularly with news of sightings of German U-boats off the Argentinean coast.


 Yet, it wasn't until the recent declassification of certain documents by the Argentinean government and the FBI concerning the post-WWII era that researchers began to take the rumors seriously

独裁者の最後の年を再作成するためにアルゼンチンでヒトラーの生活の機密解除レポートや目撃証言を検証します明らかにしました。 彼は、多くの鋸に住んでいたとさえヒトラーのために働いているの下に強烈な秘密があるにもかかわらず。






  Revealed: Hitler in Argentina

 ノームShalev - 新しいフィルムは、ヒトラーがアルゼンチンに逃亡明らかに
  New Film Reveals Hitler Fled to Argentina - Noam Shalev


  記事サイト / Article site


ユダヤ人のイエズス会 / The Jewish Jesuits


 The Jesuits are a Military Religious Order of the Roman Catholic Church


 Many people love to point the finger at the Jesuits as the cause of the world's troubles.


 The Jesuit order is a Roman Catholic order of priests and scholars. Their leadership live in the Vatican.


 The great secret however is that the society of Jesus was organized by crypto-Jews.


 The Jesuit society was created in 1534 by a group of Marrano Jews: Ignatius Loyola, Alfonso Salmeron and Diego Lainez.


 In 1492 the entire Jewish community of Spain, some 200 000 of them, were expelled. Amidst these expulsions the tactic of crypto-Judaism is taken up by many in the Jewish community in order to hide and evade exile and persecution. But the conversion is always a dishonest one and they continue their Jewish practices in secret.

イエズス会イグナチオロヨラ自身の創設者は、オカルトカバラの暗号ユダヤ人でした。 1491年にロヨラは、カトリック教会を装ってスペインのユダヤ人イルミナティために彼の破壊活動を開始しました。リンクと詳細

 The founder of the Jesuit order Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto-Jew of the occult cabala. In 1491 Loyola began his subversive activities in the Jewish Illuminati order of Spain under the guise of Roman Catholicism. Links and More


 The following translation was performed free of charge to protest an injustice: the destruction by the ADL of Ariel Toaff’s BLOOD PASSOVER on Jewish ritual murder.


 They cut this Palestinian kid's arms for "throwing Stones" before murdering him

ユダヤ人のイスラエルの教授- アーノン書士 -エルサレムポストにこの引用したユダヤ人シオニスト·イスラエル人について:

 Jewish Israeli professor – Arnon Sofer - made this quote to the Jerusalem Post regarding the Jewish-Zionist-Israeli people:

"。私たちが生きているままにしておきたい場合は、私たちは毎日、終日殺し、殺し、殺すために必要があります、我々は存在しなくなる殺してはいけない場合。。」 - ハイファ大学イスラエル教授アルノン書士、エルサレム·ポスト

 "If we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day. If we don't kill we will cease to exist." -Israeli Prof. Arnon Sofer of Haifa University, Jerusalem Post


Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews

Yet surely the election of a pope must also have implications for the Jews —or so we Jews are accustomed to thinking.

Purity- of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus.

In "The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews" the author explains how Christians with Jewish family backgrounds went within less than forty years from having a leading role in the foundation of the Society of Jesus to being prohibited from ...


Jewish Eugenics: John Glad: 9780897030052: Amazon.com: Books

Jewish eugenics pre-dates Hitler's Master Race

Jewish works found in Hitler's personal record collection

150 000 Jews in Hitler's Army

Thousands of Hitler's soldiers were of Jewish Descent

Holocaust Encyclopedia

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