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Illuminati Conspiracy


Top 15: Facts About the Illuminati Conspiracy


You’ve heard of the Illuminati, but do you know who they are or what they do? Here are 15 facts about the Illuminati conspiracy to show you that this conspiracy theory is more fact than fiction.

1. Illuminati is a Latin word meaning “enlightened ones.”

The Illuminati is a group of individuals who believe that they are more enlightened than everybody else. When Adam Weishaupt organized the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1, 1776, he intended that members of his group would help him fight the supposed false teachings and religious ideas of the day. He opposed religion and instead favored scientific pursuits. The Illuminati of today likewise oppose mainstream organized religion and prefer their own sense of enlightenment.

2. The Illuminati is a secret society.

Duke Karl Theodor banned secret societies in the year 1785. In effect, the Illuminati had to become an even more secret organization that it already had been. Although many people have heard of the Illuminati, very few people understand what this society does. Members of the Illuminati are generally not publicly associated with the group, so this adds to the secretive nature of the Illuminati.

3. The Order of Illuminati sponsors the New World Order.

As a whole, the Illuminati is a major supporter of the New World Order, a platform advocating global government. Such a global government is planned to be far-reaching and dictatorial in nature, putting power over politics, religion, and economics in the hands of a select few.

4. Members of the Illuminati have already infiltrated every facet of society.

The Illuminati conspirators hold positions of prominence in both major political parties in the United States as well as foreign political parties. They lead religious groups and have corrupted the highest levels of Freemasonry. The Illuminati controls many aspects of popular entertainment, the news media, and the education system.

5. Knowledge of the conspiracy is rationed in order to keep the plan a secret.

Many critics of the Illuminati conspiracy theory say that there is no way that so many people could keep such a huge secret. Even if one person blew the whistle, the entire conspiracy would collapse. However, the leaders of the Illuminati are the only ones who know the full details of their plan. All the way down the hierarchy, individuals in the Illuminati are kept in the dark about the main concepts and are simply told enough information to complete their assignments.

6. The Illuminati conspiracy is financed through a banking conspiracy, which is only part of the greater plan.

Some of the most powerful people in the Illuminati belong to a select few dynasties. The Rothschilds have played a pivotal role in the banking conspiracy for hundreds of years. They financed the French Revolution as well as both sides of the American Civil War. The Chase, Morgan, Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller families are some of the other powerful families in charge of the financial aspects of the conspiracy. It is no coincidence that these families also operate huge “philanthropic” organizations that govern the lives of individuals under the guise of .

7. Regional governments come before global government.

The Illuminati’s top leaders are smart enough to realize that most people oppose global government. People like living in smaller countries that reflect the culture and values that they do. This is why regional governments are the norm today. It is easier to identify at a regional level because the countries within a specific region have a lot in common. Examples of regional governments are: the European Union, the African Union, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the Union of South American Nations. Although some of these organizations never make the news, they hold considerable power in affecting national policies.

8. The conspirators manage the global economy through central banks.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” Most Americans believe that the Federal Reserve Bank is a government-operated bank that meets the financial needs of the country, but this is one of the Illuminati’s greatest deceptions. Almost every country in the world has a national bank today. A country’s central bank has the power to print money and then loan it out to banks. The central bank can simply invent new money and then sell it to banks, who then sell the money to the public in the form of loans. Such money is made out of thin air and is not backed by a precious metal. Worst of all, these banks coordinate their activities through organizations such as the International Monetary Fund.

9. The Illuminati was responsible for 9/11.

As soon as the attacks were perpetrated on 9/11, people began to say that the facts didn’t add up and that the official story was untrue. While many people began arguing that President Bush had orchestrated the attacks, Bush was actually just a puppet in a greater conspiracy. Governments often attack their own people in order to serve the Illuminati. Conspiracy theorists refer to such occurrences as “false flag” events. The official stories are always false, and these events are planned for the purpose of initiating new laws that restrict the liberty of the citizenry. Mass shootings, “terrorist” attacks, and similar atrocities are often planned by the Illuminati. This is not to say that real terrorists or murderers do not participate, but such individuals are generally guided by the FBI, the CIA, or a foreign equivalent. Some people are simply used as scapegoats.

10. The Illuminati conspiracy is concealed using the concept of historical accidentalism.

This school of thought basically suggests that tragic events and poor governance are mere accidents. This is the prevailing philosophy in mainstream history. This is why most people are inclined to think that their government means well, even when corruption is exposed. Even though there is ample evidence that Pearl Harbor had been foreseen, most people are unwilling to abandon their accidentalist views. The same is true in the case of 9/11, the Sandy Hook shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombings. President Roosevelt, who led America at the time of Pearl Harbor, said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If something happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

11. The Illuminati bred many of the world’s most evil people.

Karl Marx, the founder of communism as we know it, was a student of the Illuminati. Albert Pike, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, was also a member of the secret society. Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and other dictators had connections to the Illuminati.

12. The all-seeing eye has been made a symbol of the Illuminati.

While the all-seeing eye is traditionally viewed as a symbol of God, it is used by the Illuminati to mark their presence. This is why it is found on American money, more correctly known as Federal Reserve notes. The all-seeing eye is also found in the media. The logos of CBS, AOL, Time Warner Cable, and several other large corporations indicate the Illuminati’s presence. In addition, the all-seeing eye is a common motif, often hidden from the conscious mind. Hip-hop, rap, pop, and heavy metal artists frequently use such symbolism in their music videos as well.

13. Government planes poison the atmosphere.

When normal planes fly, they leave what is called a condensation trail. These contrails dissipate within a few minutes. Ever since the 1990s, however, a different type of trail has been noticed coming from certain planes. These are known as chemical trails, or chemtrails. Unlike contrails, chemtrails take a long time to dissipate. They often expand into artificial clouds and stay in the sky for a large portion of the day. Chemtrails are associated with higher levels of aluminum and other heavy metals. Overexposure to heavy metals can cause metal toxicity, a problem characterized by a plethora of physical and mental conditions.

14. Psychoactive drugs are used to manipulate and to distort perception.

It is no coincidence that most alleged mass shooters are found under the influence of a psychoactive drug. Many people are deliberately drugged for the purpose of getting them to perform a task that they would not do if they were sober. Those under the influence of psychoactive drugs generally do not remember the details of being kidnapped, drugged, and commanded to kill. The alleged Aurora theater shooter, James Holmes, was calmly telling other prisoners details of the conspiracy against him. Shortly thereafter, he was given a higher dosage of drugs and began acting out of control again.

15. Most people do not believe in the Illuminati conspiracy when they are told about it.

This is true for several reasons. Not only is it difficult to understand how or why the conspirators do what they do, but some false conspiracy theories are also invented by the Illuminati in order to discredit true theories. While most people doubt that the Illuminati conspiracy is real, current events are beginning to show that the world is not as it seems. It is expected that more people will begin to believe aspects of the conspiracy theory as events continue to unfold.


The Illuminati Conspiracy Blog



A Running Commentary on the End of Western Civilization as We Know It

Monday, July 14, 2014

Mass Graves of Children

Sorry to bring this up again...but the corpses are showing up again...this time in Ireland...

...the corpses of dead children.

Mass Grave: 800 Dead Babies in Ireland

...and it seems they were at it for decades...

...killing these defenseless little people roughly from 1930- 1960.

I guess the ‘good ol’ days’ were not as good as we thought they were.

And it seems the murderers of these little children were nothing less than God’s own representatives...the very same CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!

How appropriate.

Let us learn a lesson from this, shall we?

The wolves always dress up in sheep’s clothing.

As a Catholic, I always questioned the inability of the Catholic Church to clamp down on homosexual child abusing priests.

There are few institutions which know more about its own membership...and what happens within its own ranks...on a daily basis...than the Catholic Church.

I understood the ‘institutional’ need to cover-up rather than advertise shortcomings, but that did not explain the cover-up and continued retention of these criminals within the ranks of the Church.

Now I find out the Catholic Church seems to have been involved in the mass murder and the accompanying cover-up, using nothing less than one of the most loyally Catholic governments in the world - that of Ireland.

But oh, they weren’t alone.

They seem to have collaborated with a local ‘catholic’ hospital and a set of medical doctors who conducted ‘medical’ trials...uh yes of course, anything to somehow justify the mass murder of children - the RITUAL...right?

Abortion, medical trials, health care...brings to mind the 100,000 Israeli Sephardic children who had their skulls lethally irradiated by their own fellow ‘Jews’ in experiments financed by the ‘US Government.’

Mass Killing: Israeli Children

Anything to justify the murder of the little ones.


Hear about the 28 mass graves found at joint Anglican-Catholic-United Church run Indian Residential Schools which were operated in conjunction with the Canadian Government...and in which lie buried the bodies of Native American minors murdered between 1900 and 1975.

A particular method of murdering these children was....excuse me...an electric chair!?!


Mass Graves of Native American Children in Canada

Or how about this more recent tid-bit of a mass grave containing the corpses of 30 children discovered in Texas...

...an unexpected twist to the discovery of the Texas mass grave is just how fast the government and ‘local’ authorities covered up the story.

Included in the article are the TV news stories which document the cover up.

Mass Grave: 30 Dead Children in Texas

So forgive me...but WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO when confronted with long-term documented evidence of the MURDER of our children by Political, Religious and Medical authorities acting in unison?

Sometimes (even though I don’t believe it) the explanation of us being ruled by shape shifting reptilians seems to make perfect sense!

How could they have covered up a crime of such magnitude for so long?

And is there anything to learn from this?

I believe there is.

One important thing.

Knowing that the ONLY thing that could have saved these children...would have been a rock solid FAMILY and EXTENDED FAMILY structure.

That’s right: Mother, Father, Grand Parents, Uncle, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins.

Reading this has made me realize how CRUCIAL is the family and how TERRIBLE are the consequences of doing away with it.

Folks...in this world, it is the FAMILY which keeps our children from turning into dog food.

And it has become glaringly obvious that those in charge are NOT above slaughtering our kids....and in fact...have been slaughtering them for DECADES.

The above information has made me realize that our babies are worth only as much as we are willing to prize and protect them.

Without their parents and their extended family children are slaughterable calves.

Which makes the purposeful and organized attack on the family by our government make much more logical.

Now Child Protective Services (CPS) has been given the authority to confiscate your child, drug your child up and drop your child off in a foster home to be raped or even killed...by registered criminals.

All this is on record.

You know, in the olden days, when you tried to take somebody’s child, they filled you up with buckshot.

Now all types of niceties, restraints and legalities must be observed as you child is confiscated and, raped...and even killed.

What type of society are we when we let our children be confiscated without proof, without trial and without legal procedure by an army of child molesters, like the CPS has proven itself to be?

The way I see it and as far as I am concerned, a child alone is defenseless and WILL be victimized by the PREDATORS who apparently occupy the lofty heights of our society.


Just like the ones they’ve got in the jungle...

...going after the same type of prey the jungle predators go after:...

...the young, the weak, the old and the infirm.

From all the information above, it is apparent that there are a bunch of child-murderers up there in charge of the whole thing.

The proof of it all, the MASS GRAVES ARE BEING DUG UP AS YOU READ THIS!!!!

And it’s been going on for quite some time!!!

They’ve been consuming our children like veal!

This is why i got so sick when I saw all those immigrant children being flown and bussed into our border by a well organized child-trafficking network.

I don’t know how many of these children will ever see their parents again.

These Illuminati predators love kids...they love to rape them...they love to torture them...they love to drink their blood...they love to pervert them...and they love to kill them.

So please...look at all the mass graves...look at all vaccine damage...look at all the child abuse...look at all the cover up...look at all the proof....

...hold on fast to you kids....and protect them with your lives.





How many of those things were granted to all those little occupants of the mass graves?

Something ain’t right folks.

Something ain’t right with the people at the top.

This is why we preserve our right to privacy, our right to bear arms, our right to our children, our right to home school, our right to home birth, our right to not vaccinate...there is a VERY good reason why we do this...AND WE WILL KEEP THESE RIGHTS!!!

The side-effects of the monstrous reason of why we keep these rights are filling those mass graves from Ireland to Canada to America.

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