
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.

Vaccines Don't Work


the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),


 Comments on MMR vaccine (13)



I write this on the exact 17th anniversary of my son's MMR vaccine on June 13, 1990. I have studied biochemistry and microbiology at University in the UK and have always known that my son's regression into autism occurred because of MMR.

彼は体調不良だったので、彼はワクチンがなかったんでしょう、次の土曜日に3日後になったとして、私の息子はその水曜日に体調不良となっていた。 MMR後10日以内にすべての - MMRの後、彼は彼の頭が急速に拡大し、熱性けいれんを持っていた、彼は食欲の全損があったが、彼は絶え間なく悲鳴、撤回と流涎を開発しました。

Had my son been as unwell on that Wednesday as he became three days later on the following Saturday he would never had had the vaccine because he was so unwell. After the MMR, he had a febrile convulsion, his head rapidly enlarged, he had a total loss of appetite, he screamed incessantly, became withdrawn and developed excessive salivation – all within ten days following the MMR.

それから彼は自閉症に退行し続けた。すべての母親は同じ関連になるだろう:赤ちゃんの反応はMMRワクチンの直接的な結果であった​​。母親は自分の赤ちゃんについて本能を持っている。これは、正式に私が"風疹"ワクチンに深刻な懸念を持っていたことを彼のGPノートに( 1990年9月21日)に記録した。私の息子は唯一すなわちMMR 1風疹ワクチンを、持っていた。

He then continued to regress into autism. Any mother would make the same association: the reactions of the baby were a direct result of the MMR vaccine. Mothers have instincts about their babies. It was formally recorded (on September 21, 1990) in his GP notes that I had serious concerns on the "rubella" vaccine. My son had only had the one rubella vaccine, namely MMR.

私はそれが彼のワクチン接種前にカナダ三週間から撤退していた卜部含有MMRだったことが判明。カナダでは、以前にその使用を停止したこと、そのライセンスを撤回していた。しかし、それは英国で卜部のMMRを使用して停止するように私たちの健康機関をさらに2年を要した。その場合でも、それはすべて非難ワクチンは"安全" Jerylリンディムンプス株の不足があったことを考えると循環から削除されたかどうか議論の余地がある。

I found out that it was the Urabe-containing MMR that had been withdrawn from Canada three weeks previous to his vaccination. Canada had withdrawn its licence, having previously suspended its use. But it took our health agencies a further two years to stop using Urabe MMR in the UK. Even then, it is debatable whether all condemned vaccine was removed from circulation given that there was a shortage of the “safer” Jeryl-Lynn mumps strain.


My son received the Urabe vaccine because of where we lived: it was a postcode lottery. Our lives would change forever and nothing ever will bring back the child I lost on that day, 17 years ago today.Eunice O'Connell, Liskeard, Cornwall 13.06.07

我々はアメリカからのもので、私の息子は3 MMRのジャブ、あなたは(卜部MMR)議論トリプル接種ある第1を受け取った。医師のオフィスでは、第二MMR後数ヶ月は私と呼ばれ、子供がおたふく風邪ので戻ってきて、 MMRの別のショットを取得し得ていたことを教えてくれました。私の息子はその後、霧の中で退行し始めた。

We are from America and my son received three MMR jabs, the second one being the triple vaccination you discussed (Urabe MMR). The doctor's office called me a few months after the second MMR and told me that kids were getting the mumps so come back and get another shot of MMR. My son then began to regress in a fog.

MMRと他のワクチン中の水銀は、脳損傷(脳すなわち炎症)を引き起こしている。 MMRで3ウイルスは、今年のと同時に自然に起こり、それらを組み合わせるのは危険ではありませんん。アメリカではワクチンプログラムが崩れている。 HPVワクチンから3人が死亡した後、私は両親がスマートなっていると思う。

MMR and the mercury in the other vaccines are causing brain injury (ie inflammation of the brain). The three viruses in MMR do not happen naturally at the same time of the year, and combining them is dangerous. The vaccine program in America is crumbling. After the three deaths from the HPV vaccine, I think that parents are getting smart.

英国政府の声明、 'ベネフィットリスクをアウト·重さ、 'ナチスドイツのようなもの外です。

The British government statement, ‘The benefit out-weighs the risk,’ is something out of Nazi Germany.

私の20歳の息子は、治療、抗ウイルス剤、食生活の変化や栄養補助食品で改善80%です。私はワクチン傷害補償基金に提出しませんでした。ワクチンメーカーはアメリカで訴訟に対して保護対象です。ワクチンによって損傷、それらを支援するために作成されたファンドがあります。現在までに、自閉症は親を補償する理由とはみなされていません。来月は、 6月11日は、 5200例の最初は、裁判所の前で聞くことができます。

My 20-year-old son is 80% improved through therapy, anti-virals, dietary changes and nutritional supplements. I did not file with the vaccine injury compensation fund. The vaccine makers are pro-tected against lawsuits in America. There is a fund created to help those damaged by vaccines. To date, autism has not been deemed a reason to compensate parents. Next month, June 11, the first of 5,200 cases will be heard in front of a court.


I filed for disability, and my son receives a cheque each month: I proved to the social security administration that he has mercury poisoning and viral inflammation of the brain from the MMR. At least they believed me with all his test results.

水銀中毒( ACHAMP ) 26.05.07の影響で子供の健康のための支持者のエレインダウ、アナポリス、メリーランド州、米国、

Elaine Dow, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, of Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning (ACHAMP) 26.05.07


This whole brouhaha reminds me of the report some years ago where the editor of the Bulletin of Medical Ethics accused the UK health authorities of scaring the public into lining up for the jab because of a purported epidemic of measles coming up, when, first, there was no good evidence of such a pending event, and, second, it turned out that one component of the jab was reaching its use-by date.

それは私たちの時代に、我々はFOIAセンターとしての情報のようなスキャナの利点を持っているということですどのように良い。良い仕事を続ける。スタン·スタンフィールド、フォレス、 Morayの25.03.07

How good it is that in our day and age we have the benefit of such a scanner of info as the FOIA Centre. Keep up the good work.
Stan Stanfield, Forres, Moray 25.03.07


As time moves on, more incriminating evidence is coming to the fore. The individuals responsible will soon have nowhere to hide. Our children have suffered unnecessarily.

ワクチン麻疹ウイルスは、 CSF(脳脊髄液)と子どもの腸内で検出されていると私の息子の脳組織で同定された。少なくとも一昔前始めているはずの主要公式の調査はどこにありますか。

The vaccine measles virus has been detected in CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) and intestines of children and was identified in my son's brain tissue. Where's the major official investigation that should have begun at least a decade ago?
Wendy Pickering, Brighton 25.03.07

今、我々は最初のMMRワクチンの危険性を政府関係者によって無視されたことがわかっている、私はMMR IIおよび小児における自閉症の間に全くリンクが存在しないことを彼らの継続的な主張には全く自信がありません。それは我々が言われていることが明らかになるであろう一日にある、巨大なカバーがあり、最大となっています。あきらめないでください:真実を求めて、これらすべての親に。

Now that we know the dangers of the first MMR vaccine were ignored by government officials, I have absolutely no confidence in their continuing assertion that there is absolutely no link between MMR II and autism in children. One day it will become clear that we have been told lies and there has been a huge cover up. To all those parents seeking the truth: do not give up.Anthony Fleet, Liverpool 12.03.07


Your article was brought to my attention by my in-laws in the UK. I now live in the US. I wonder whether any children have developed other illnesses close to receiving MMR administered in 1988.

私の息子は、急性lymphablastic白血病(ALL) 10日かそこら後MMR用量と診断された。私は、これはあなたが言及したことが副作用の一つではない実現しています。私はそれがすべてをトリガとは何の関係もなかったこと何回も安心しています。私の息子は18年前に治療の副作用に対して今と粘り強い、 19生きている。

My son was diagnosed with acute lymphablastic leukaemia (ALL) ten days or so post-MMR dose. I realise this is not one of the side-effects that you mentioned. I have been reassured many times that it had nothing to do with triggering ALL. My son is alive, 19 now and persevering against side-effects of treatment 18 years ago.
Jessica Mullan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA 09.03.07

私はあなたが卜部ベースMMRワクチンはムンプス髄膜炎/脳炎による死亡を引き起こす可能性が暗示されていることに注意してください。私は、 1988年と2002年の間に、この国で使用MMRワクチンで卜部ムンプスウイルスによって引き起こされていることが示された任意の死亡を認識していないです。

I note that you have implied that Urabe-based MMR vaccines could cause death from mumps meningitis/encephalitis. I am not aware of any deaths that were shown to have been caused by the Urabe mumps virus in the MMR vaccines used in this country between 1988 and 2002.


Please could you provide details that support your statement, or please remove this misleading information.
Dr David Salisbury, director of immunisation, department of health, London 08.03.07


参照 / Reference



You know might also be large , but on the occasion that routine vaccination of MMR vaccine was discontinued at that time in 1993 , not only safety , problem has been pointed out already in some also history of the adoption of the vaccine was . As I had imagined from its name , Urabe strain of the problem , what is says " Urabe strain" , was developed in Japan . The documentation of the following two , detail is clear .

①富田薬品『あじさい』May.1993 Vol.2 No.5 トピックス
「MMR ワクチン一時中止とその背景!」

Tomita drug " hydrangea " May.1993 Vol.2 No.5 Topics
" The background and one o'clock stop MMR vaccine ! "

「MMRワクチンを問い直す -「お上の」予防接種は安全なのか?-」栗原敦 MMR被害児を救援する会々員

Memoir of father of the victim , which was announced in the July issue ② " Theory seat " in 1996.
To re- question the " MMR vaccine - Is it a safe immunization " and " get on ? - "
Each employee meeting to rescue the Kurihara Atsushi MMR victimized child.


You can see if you can read , but I also would be surprised anyway , the contents of these two does not mean a thing and amazed if fact . The ministry does not think in order to achieve equality of three pharmaceutical companies , the only and made ​​a " unified strain MMR vaccine " to adopt the vaccine strain by one each .


Decision to stop use of vaccination committee address the risk was unanswered in the Council . That there is no manner of speaking clinical trials in the first place and also only sloppy now also clear . In Osaka University Ken fine , which provided Urabe strain of mumps in uniform strain MMR further , twice to change the culture method without registration contrary to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law . The incidence of meningitis is also , to change significantly culture method have different .

Osaka University Research Unit 731 fine



 United States Armed Forces 401 corps

参照終わり / End reference


FOIAセンター返信 / FOIA Centre reply

実際に我々の報告書は言った: "それは[卜部MMR ]は1992年に保健省が撤回された後に何人かの子供の死のために非難された。 "

Our report in fact said: “It [Urabe MMR] was blamed for the deaths of several children after being withdrawn by the department of health in 1992.”

博士デビッドソールズベリーとの議論では、彼は彼の異議に関係なく卜部MMRが死亡の原因となるために非難されていたかどうかにかかわらず、彼はそのような死は実際には卜部MMRまたは他のMMRに起因していることを受け入れない、ということでしたことクラー- ified 。

In a discussion with Dr David Salisbury, he clar-ified that his objection was that, irrespective of whether Urabe MMR had been blamed for causing deaths, he does not accept that any such deaths have in fact resulted from Urabe MMR or any other MMR.


We referred him to the judgement, of March 13, 2003 of the Osaka district court in Japan, which ruled that the death of two children (among numerous other serious conditions) were caused by Urabe MMR.


He said in response that Japan had a different Urabe MMR from the two Urabe MMR vaccines that were used in the UK.

しかし、それはこのケースでは確立されたことに変わりはない - 日本では裁判所の満足へ - 二人の子供の死亡は卜部MMRによって引き起こされたことを。

However, it remains that it was established in this case – to the satisfaction of a court in Japan – that the deaths of two children were caused by Urabe MMR.

さらに、我々はいくつかの英国の事例に彼を呼ばところ子供たちが卜部MMR "ワクチン被害支払い"制度の下で補償を受けていたの結果として死亡したと主張した両親。

In addition, we referred him to several British cases where parents who claimed that their children had died as a result of Urabe MMR had received compensation under the “vaccine damage payment” scheme.


He said in response that this does not establish that the deaths were in fact caused by the vaccine.


However, in one case a tribunal ruled against a previous assertion by the department of health that the claim by a mother that her daughter’s death had been caused by Urabe MMR was unproven. Her claim was established at tribunal.


A separate tribunal awarded compensation in relation to another case where a child died after suffering brain damage caused by Urabe MMR. And another tribunal was persuaded that Urabe MMR was the likely cause of death in a further case.

そのような場合には補償を受けている親は確かに自分の子供の死を引き起こすために、卜部MMR含む、 MMRを非難している。さらに、いくつかのケースでは、その結論は、裁判所によって承認された。

Parents who have received compensation in such cases have indeed blamed MMR, including Urabe MMR, for causing the deaths of their children. Moreover, in some cases, their conclusions were endorsed by tribunals.


There can be no doubt, therefore, that we were entirely correct to say that Urabe MMR was blamed for the deaths of several children. We did not say that Urabe MMR had caused such deaths, merely that it had been blamed for doing so. We do not accept that the conclusions of tribunals should be dismissed.


We agree, however, that, despite such rulings, others may take a different view and may continue to insist that no MMR ever caused any death. This, it seems, is the department of health’s position.


Dr Salisbury asserted that he was not expressing a view but stating the fact.


We disagree. Readers can form their own views as to whether they prefer the conclusions drawn from the available evidence by tribunals or by the department of health.

彼らの主な推力が死亡はMMR (卜部MMRを含む)によって引き起こされたことを主張することであったいくつかの新聞報道がありました。対照的に、これは私たちのレポートの主なポイントではありませんでした。

There have been several newspaper reports in which their main thrust was to claim that deaths had been caused by MMR (including Urabe MMR). By contrast, this was not the main point in our reports.


We referred all the cases cited to Salisbury. Here is his response on whether Urabe MMR caused any deaths.


I asked you for evidence that demonstrated that deaths were actually caused by the Urabe strain, and you have singularly failed to provide any evidence whatsoever. You have provided media reports, opinions of parents, and decisions of tribunals or courts. These are not evidence of causality that implicates the Urabe vaccine.


Nobody would disagree that deaths have been reported after MMR vaccines. But deaths after vaccination are very different from deaths caused by vaccination.
Dr David Salisbury, director of immunisation, department of health, London 19.03.07

私は興味を持ってMMRであなたの記事を読んだことがある。すぐに私の娘の後、 1989年3月に生まれたエイミーは、 MMRがあったが、彼女は熱性けいれんを持っていた。病院では、医師はすぐに彼女の酸素を与えた(私たちは、医師がちょうど別の同じようなケースに対処していたラッキーだったと私たちが走ったように準備で酸素とパラセタモールを持っていた) 。彼女は順調に回復が、後で困難を聞いていた。

I have just read your article on MMR with interest. Soon after my daughter, Amy, who was born in March 1989, had the MMR, she had a febrile convulsion. At the hospital, the doctors gave her oxygen immediately (we were lucky the doctors had just dealt with another similar case and had the oxygen and paracetamol at the ready as we ran in).
She recovered well but had hearing difficulties later.

ジムMaamoun 、アシュフォード、ケント05.03.07

Grommets were fitted on, I think, three occasions. Amy was deaf in one ear by the time she was 10 years old. The consultant gave her a brain scan and we were told that she must have had a virus when she was young.
Jim Maamoun, Ashford, Kent 05.03.07

私たちはMMRにあなたの優れたレポートであなたを祝福したい。 1991年1月、私たちの息子は卜部MMRを与えられた。その同じ日、彼は脳炎や髄膜炎の両方の症状を示した。彼は深刻な脳障害が残ったそれ以来重度の自閉症と関連する腸障害と診断されています。

We wish to congratulate you on your excellent reports on MMR. In January 1991, our son was given Urabe MMR. That same day, he displayed symptoms of both encephalitis and meningitis. He was left with serious brain damage and has since been diagnosed with severe autism and associated gut disorder.


Due to this damage inflicted by the government, we have been given this life sentence to cope with, and left with a medically and mentally very ill teenager, of unpredictable behaviour and prone to violent outbursts. This is only exacerbated further by no appropriate treatment available to him, the removal of our legal aid by that same government, ensuring that such embarrassment remains undetected.

それは、我々 、そして他の多くの人が、私たちの損傷を受けた子どもたちの利益のために、あなたが持っているものを暴くためにあなたに非常に感謝しているのはこのためです。

It is for this reason that we, and so many others, are enormously thankful to you for uncovering what you have, in the interests of our damaged children.
Elaine & Andrew Butler, Dartford, Kent 05.03.07

私はちょうどMMRのこの卜部菌株に関するあなたのニュース記事で、私があった影響をどのように言いたかった。 1992年のある夏の午後、私の真ん中の息子、トビーは、熱性痙攣の非常に急激かつ憂慮すべきシリーズを持っていた。

I just wanted to say how impacted I was by your news article about this Urabe strain of MMR. One summer afternoon in 1992, my middle son, Toby, had a very sudden and alarming series of febrile convulsions.


He was kept overnight for observation at Wycombe General Hospital, but has never had a convulsion before or since. This happened exactly 10 days after his MMR injection, but when I told the doctors this, they didn't want to know, and vigorously denied any connection (except for one nurse, who seemed interested).


I think that it is appalling that the government knew of these risks and never made that information available. I suspect many more children have been affected than is admitted, though fortunately my son has not suffered long-term damage, although he alone of my three sons is prone to noticeably frequent headaches.
Fiona Maccabe, High Wycombe, Buckingham-shire 05.03.07


They were aware of the problems; they knew there was a risk; so why are they not acknowledging the children who have suffered?Wendy Stephen, Stonehaven, near Aberdeen, whose 16-year-old daughter, Katie, has been left deaf in one ear and is in the group MMR litigation 05.03.07


These documents confirm our worst fears… The government knew prior to introduction, that the very same product had been withdrawn on safety grounds in Canada.

その15歳の息子、トビーアンディ·スチュワート、西ロンドンでは、彼の父親は、 "低スケール脳の損傷"と説明して何の苦しみ、グループMMR訴訟05.03.07にある

Andy Stewart, west London, whose 15-year-old son, Toby, suffered what his father describes as “low-scale brain damage” and is in the group MMR litigation 05.03.07




Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup

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MSNBC is an American basic cable and satellite news television channel that is owned by the NBCUniversal News Group, a unit of the NBCUniversal Television Group division of NBCUniversal.Wikipedia

アンドリュー·ベイカー(FFN) - 医師が提出した英国で情報公開法が明らかにした政府の専門家が持っていることを示す秘密の公式文書の30年

Andrew Baker ( FFN),- Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have


 Known the vaccines don’t work


 Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent


 Known they are a hazard to children


 Colluded to lie to the public


  Worked to prevent safety studies


Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.

800pxの- Smallpox_vaccineEducated両親はどちらか、害の方法が子どもを外に取得したり、歴史の中で最大の最も邪悪な嘘の一つの中に住んで続けることができるワクチン - 重金属、ウイルス性疾患、マイコプラズマ、糞便材料、他の種からのDNA断片を、ホルムアルデヒドの完全、ポリソルベート80 (滅菌剤) - 現代医学の奇跡である。

800px-Smallpox_vaccineEducated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.

CDCはワクチンの危険性について知っているかについての情報を求めて、自閉症の息子と一緒に医師によってCDCと米国で提出された情報公開法は、 20日以内に応答されるように法律でありました。約7年後、医師が裁判所に行って、 CDCは、それが文書を裏返しにする必要はありませんと主張した。裁判官は2011年9月30日に書類を引き渡すためにCDCを命じた。

Freedom of Information Act filed in the US with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011.


On October 26, 2011, a Denver Post editorial expressed shock that the Obama administration, after promising to be especially transparent, was proposing changes to the Freedom of Information Act that would allow it to go beyond declaring some documents secret and to actually allow government agencies (such as the CDC) to declare some document “non-existent.”

  • オバマ政権は、連邦政府機関が情報について嘘をさせることにより、情報公開法をアンダーカットではありません
    The Obama administration should not undercut the Freedom of Information Act by letting federal agencies lie about information.

この進行中の大規模なCDCその主"健康"ではない勧告が、アメリカの子供たちのためにデートを含む隠蔽への同時、 CDCは、特に、フッ化物の有害な影響をカバーし、すべてのアメリカ人の生活に影響を与えるのは数十年にわたって、深い悩みになっている子供や免疫が損なわ。訴訟が準備されている。子供たちは大人として体重によって3-4倍以上のフッ化物を摂取している" [T]彼は潜在的に危害を加え、市民の膨大な数 - 数百万人の番号 - 歯のフッ素症のある人、腎臓の患者は必要透析、糖尿病、甲状腺患者などにひっくり返した。 "

Simultaneous to this on-going massive CDC cover up involving its primary “health” not recommendation but MANDATE for American children, the CDC is in deep trouble over its decades of covering up the damaging effects of fluoride and affecting the lives of all Americans, especially children and the immune compromised. Lawsuits are being prepared. Children are ingesting 3-4 times more fluoride by body weight as adults and “[t]he sheer number of potentially harmed citizens — persons with dental fluorosis, kidney patients tipped into needing dialysis, diabetics, thyroid patients, etc — numbers in the millions.”

CDCは、明らかにアメリカの人々の健康に対して行動している。しかし、 CDCの行動によってもたらされるアメリカの人々の生活への脅威が停止しません。それは宣言した場合、政府は、国全体で未知の、テストされていないワクチン、薬、化学、 "医療"の治療を強制的に軍事使用するために手配米国内のすべての状態で本にあるように設計パンデミック法に参加したパンデミック緊急事態。

The CDC is obviously acting against the health of the American people. But the threat to the lives of the American people posed by the CDC’s behavior does not stop there. It participated in designed pandemic laws that are on the books in every state in the US, which arrange for the government to use military to force unknown, untested vaccines, drugs, chemicals, and “medical” treatments on the entire country if it declares a pandemic emergency.

CDCは、明らかにアメリカの人々の健康に対して行動している。しかし、 CDCの行動によってもたらされるアメリカの人々の生活への脅威が停止しません。それは宣言した場合、政府は、国全体で未知の、テストされていないワクチン、薬、化学、 "医療"の治療を強制的に軍事使用するために手配米国内のすべての状態で本にあるように設計パンデミック法に参加したパンデミック緊急事態。

The CDC is obviously acting against the health of the American people. But the threat to the lives of the American people posed by the CDC’s behavior does not stop there. It participated in designed pandemic laws that are on the books in every state in the US, which arrange for the government to use military to force unknown, untested vaccines, drugs, chemicals, and “medical” treatments on the entire country if it declares a pandemic emergency.

このようなパンデミック緊急事態を宣言することでCDCの信憑性は、再び情報公開法に基づいて、非存在である。 CDCはH1N1宣言した後、2009年に、 "パンデミックを、 " CDCはCBSニュースとCDCが提出した情報公開法に対応することを拒否したため、それらの調査を阻止しようとしました。何CDCは隠れていたことは、それがH1N1症例だったと主張した内容に乱暴に誇張されたデータを出して、歴史の中で最大の医療スキャンダルの一つに、その一部であった、そしてそうすることによって、米国では"パンデミック"の誤った印象を作成しました。

The CDC’s credibility in declaring such a pandemic emergency is non-existent, again based on Freedom of Information Act. For in 2009, after the CDC had declared the H1N1 “pandemic,” the CDC refused to respond to Freedom of Information Act filed by CBS News and the CDC also attempted to block their investigation. What the CDC was hiding was its part in one of the largest medical scandals in history, putting out wildly exaggerated data on what it claimed were H1N1 cases, and by doing so, created the false impression of a “pandemic” in the US.

CDCはまた、偽のパンデミックコスト米国十億のためのワクチン以来救済に匹敵する電子金融スキャンダルを隠蔽しました。そして悪いことに、 CDCはその中に、滅菌剤、ポリソルベート80でテストされていないワクチンの行の最初の妊娠中の女性を置く。 CDCのおかげで、 "多数のワクチン関連の"胎児の死亡は"前の年に比べ2009年には2440パーセント増のレポート、これは流産の統計[ 700パーセント増加]よりもさらに衝撃的である。

The CDC was also covering up e financial scandal to rival the bailout since the vaccines for the false pandemic cost the US billions. And worse, the CDC put pregnant women first in line for an untested vaccine with a sterilizing agent, polysorbate 80, in it. Thanks to the CDC, “the number of vaccine-related “fetal demise” reports increased by 2,440 percent in 2009 compared to previous years, which is even more shocking than the miscarriage statistic [700% increase].


The exposure of the vaccine hoax is running neck and neck with the much older hoax of a deadly 1918-19 flu. It was aspirin that killed people in 1918-19, not a pandemic flu. It was the greatest industrial catastrophe in human history with 20-50 million people dying but it was blamed on a flu. The beginning of the drug industry began with that success (and Monsanto was part of it).

Who and What Is the Monsanto Chemical Corporation?

すべての州、世界で本にパンデミックの法律を取得するためのテロ戦術 - インフルエンザの神話"は何百万人を殺すことができる別のパンデミックインフルエンザ"で世界を脅かすためにジョージ·ブッシュで使用されていた。その後、 CDCは新型インフルエンザ以上テロを作成するために、公共の致命的なワクチンをプッシュする、胎児などの数千人を殺害パンデミックデマのデマを使用していました。 ( CDCはデータを解放し、同じワクチンをプッシュし続けていません。 )

The flu myth was used by George Bush to threaten the world with “another pandemic flu that could kill millions” – a terror tactic to get pandemic laws on the books in every state and worldwide. Then the CDC used hoax of the pandemic hoax to create terror over H1N1 and to push deadly vaccines on the public, killing thousands of unborn children and others. (CDC will not release the data and continues to push the same vaccine.)


The hoax of the vaccine schedule is over, exposed by FOIAs in the UK


The hoax of the CDC’s interest in children’s lives has been exposed by its refusal to respond to a doctor’s FOIAs around its knowledge of vaccine dangers.


The 1918-19 pandemic hoax has been exposed by Dr. Karen Starko’s work on aspirin’s role in killing people.

  • サリチル酸及び新型インフルエンザ死亡率、1918年から1919年薬理学、病理学、そして歴史的な証拠
    Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence

とFOIASに応じることを拒否したものの、 2009年のインフルエンザの流行とそれを作成するには、その部分のCDCのスキャンダラスなデマは、 CBSニュースによって公開された。

And despite refusing to respond to FOIAS, the CDC’s scandalous hoax of a 2009 flu pandemic and its part in creating it, was exposed by CBS NEWS.


And the Obama administration, in attempting to salvage the last vestige of secrecy around what is really happening with vaccines, by declaring agency documents non-existent, has made its claim of transparency, non-existent.


The hoax of the vaccine schedule is over, exposed by FOIAs in the UK.


The hoax of the CDC’s interest in children’s lives has been exposed by its refusal to respond to a doctor’s FOIAs around its knowledge of vaccine dangers.


The 1918-19 pandemic hoax has been exposed by Dr. Karen Starko’s work on aspirin’s role in killing people.

とFOIASに応じることを拒否したものの、 2009年のインフルエンザの流行とそれを作成するには、その部分のCDCのスキャンダラスなデマは、 CBSニュースによって公開された。

And despite refusing to respond to FOIAS, the CDC’s scandalous hoax of a 2009 flu pandemic and its part in creating it, was exposed by CBS NEWS.


And the Obama administration, in attempting to salvage the last vestige of secrecy around what is really happening with vaccines, by declaring agency documents non-existent, has made its claim of transparency, non-existent.


But pandemic laws arranging for unknown vaccines to be forced on the entire country are still in place with HHS creating a vaccine mixture that should never be used on anyone and all liability for vaccines having been removed. Meanwhile, a Canadian study has just proven that the flu vaccine containing the H1N1 vaccine which kills babies in utero, actually increases the risk of serious pandemic flu.


mericans who have been duped into submitting their children to the CDC’s deadly vaccines, have a means to respond now. People from every walk of life and every organization, must

1 。ワクチンの30年は嘘さらす英国FOIAsから情報を取り、任意のそれはそれらの嘘について知っているかについての情報と、それらの嘘のCDCの意識を隠すためにオバマ政権の努力を提供し、その状態に行くためにCDCの拒否立法府は、 CDCのワクチンスケジュールとパンデミック法律の即時取り消しを求めています。

take the information from the UK FOIAs exposing 30 years of vaccine lies, the refusal of the CDC to provide any information on what it knows about those lies, and the Obama Administration’s efforts to hide the CDC’s awareness of those lies, and go to their state legislatures, demand the immediate nullification of the CDC vaccine schedule and the pandemic laws.

2 。すべての獣医に知らせる。現役は、その家族のためのワクチンのデマの軍人、法執行機関の人々、 DHSのエージェントと彼らが知っている医療関係者は、深くも脅かされている、しかし、彼らは彼らがすることによって代理店の構造に折り畳まれていること、それを意識したり、できない場合があります"パンデミック"緊急または"生物テロ"の攻撃宣言で自分たちの国のために彼らに死の薬になるだろう製薬業界(銀行家や石油会社と区別がつかない) 。これらの法律を使用して、この国を"守る"ために取られたアクションは、実際にアメリカ人の存在を脅かして何になるように、それはテロ/バイオテロ構造が詐欺であることを今では完全には明らかである。

inform every vet. active duty military person, law enforcement people, DHS agents and medical personnel they know, of the vaccine hoax, for their families are deeply threatened, too, but they may not be aware of it or that they have been folded into agency structures by the pharmaceutical industry (indistinguishable from the bankers and oil companies) that would make them agents of death for their country with the declaration of a “pandemic” emergency or “bio-terrorist” attack. It is completely clear now that the terrorism/bioterrorism structures are scams so that any actions taken to “protect” this country using those laws would in fact be what threatens the existence of Americans.

これは、 1918年から1919年で何百万人を殺したことをアスピリンだった。今、それは死者数百万の国を脅かすそれらで禁止アジュバントと義務付けられ、未知の、テストされていないワクチンをされています。同時に、 CDCはアトランタ外その性質上、焼却されるように構築された50万メガ棺を保持している。この上の点を微するように入れますが、 CDCは公衆衛生に何らかの形で関与すべきでないことが明らかであるためではない。

It was aspirin that killed millions in 1918-19. Now it is mandated and unknown, untested vaccines with banned adjuvants in them that threaten the country with millions of deaths. At the same time, the CDC is holding 500,000 mega-coffins, built to be incinerated, on its property outside Atlanta. Not to put to fine a point on this, but it’s clear now that the CDC should not be involved in any way with public health.

情報公開法( FOIA )の自由のおかげで、私たちは、ワクチンは現代医学の奇跡ではないことを知っています。ワクチンは病気を防ぐと主張し、任意の医療や政府当局は正反対を明らかに政府文書(と無限の研究)のか、国民からワクチンについての真実を隠すためにCDCの試みのいずれか無知であるか、国民に害を意味します。

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we know that vaccines are not a miracle of modern medicine. Any medical or government authority which insists vaccines prevent diseases is either ignorant of government documents (and endless studies) revealing the exact opposite or of the CDC’s attempts to hide the truth about vaccines from the public, or means harm to the public.

情報公開法( FOIA )の自由のおかげで、我々は、ワクチンスケジュールがデマであることを知っている。

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we know the vaccine schedule is a hoax.


The health danger to American children and adults are vaccines.


Andrew Baker via Food Freedom News

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記事サイト http://nsnbc.me/2013/05/10/the-vaccine-hoax-is-over-freedom-of-information-act-documents-from-uk-reveal-30-years-of-coverup/

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