
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.

Liberation of mind

心の解放 / Liberation of mind




 How to Train Fleas!


Dr. Michio Kaku: The Problem with the learning system in school.


2010/03/31 にアップロード

(Small Sample portion from interview) Client: Embedded System Design Conference: Goal was to film an interview with the great physicist, Dr. Kaku, who can be seen regularly on the science channel.The entire video will be made available online shortly.


道夫カク すべての子供が天才に生まれていますが、社会自体によって潰される

Michio Kaku All kids are born geniuses, but are crushed by society itself



 Why We Must Reject the Dogma of Religious Frauds and Find Our Own Truth

 Liberation of the Mind and Rejection of Religious Dogma


 著作権2014、すべての権利を保有|オグデン出版社、1503 SW第42回セント、トピーカ、カンザス州66609から1265

 Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved | Ogden Publications, Inc., 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, Kansas 66609-1265


True liberation of the mind begins with calling into question one’s most sacred values and beliefs.

  By Daniele Bolelli March 2013

 著者ダニエルボレッリ「独自の宗教を作成する」には、死後の世界、「道徳」の行動や性別役割についての信念のために、人間の存在 - の神とセックスについての態度の存在の重要な質問に答えたかを様々な宗教検討する。ボレッリは1で最も深く開催された信念は心の解放を実現するために質問されなければならない方法を示しています。

 In “Create Your Own Religion” author Daniele Bolelli examines how different religions have answered the key questions of human existence—from the existence of God and attitudes about sex, to beliefs about the afterlife, “moral” behavior and gender roles. Bolelli shows how one’s most deeply held beliefs must be questioned in order to achieve liberation of the mind.

Cover Courtesy Disinfo Books

 あなた自身の宗教を作成します (偽情報の書籍、2013) 、腕への呼び出しすべての価値観、信念に疑問を公募であり、人類がこれまでのところ、我々は非常に実用的な問題に必要な答えを見つけるために神聖として保有していることを世界観私たちが直面する。

 Create Your Own Religion (Disinfo Books, 2013) is a call to arms—an open invitation to question all the values, beliefs, and worldviews that humanity has so far held as sacred in order to find the answers we need to the very practical problems facing us.

 作家、哲学者、および比較宗教学の教授、ダニエルボレッリ、神話、女嫌い、誤報、平和な人生を送るために我々の能力を何とかしていき、「真実を明らかにした」程度のフラットアウト嘘の3000年を通して読者を導く罪悪感と恥と死の究極の恐怖の自由。次の抜粋は、第2章から来て、「腕への呼びかけ:続編。 " 」

 Writer, philosopher, and professor of comparative religion, Daniele Bolelli, leads the reader through three thousand years of mythology, misogyny, misinformation, and the flat-out lies about "revealed truth" that continue to muddle our ability to live a peaceful life, free of guilt and shame and the ultimate fear of death. The following excerpt comes from chapter 2, “A Call to Arms: The Sequel.”


 Countless peoples have an irrational fear of questioning what they hold most sacred. Because they think that certain beliefs are desir­able, they come up with contorted rationalizations to justify them against any possible attack, rather than taking an honest look at them.


They are terrified by the thought that if they begin doubting their certainties or looking at them with a critical eye, the entire castle of values upon which they have based their lives will come tumbling down. For this reason, they try their hardest to avoid fac­ing any facts that would force them to revise their ideals.


 Taking this course of action (actually non-action) may feel safe and reassuring; however, indulging in this paranoid phobia can only hurt us in the long run. Testing our most sacred values against different options will only strengthen us. We really have nothing to lose by being open-minded. It’s a win-win situation.

 のはそれをこのように見てみましょう。我々はさまざまなオプションのすべての種類に対して私たちの最も神聖な値をテストする場合は、以下の2つのことが起こる可能性があります。 1ケースでは、他のすべての選択肢は、我々はすでに、最初の場所で信じるものほど効果的ではないことを見つける。

 Let’s look at it this way. If we test our most sacred values against all kinds of different options, two things can happen. In one case, we find out that all the other alternatives are not as effective as what we already believed in the first place.


 This is clearly a win, since it will increase our self-confidence by reinforcing the feeling that we are on the right track. Moreover, when we engage in discussions with oth­ers who swear by different ideas, our arguments will be stronger and more effective because we have already explored all possible counter­arguments and discovered their weaknesses.


 If instead we find out that our ideals were not as good as we thought they were, and there are better alternatives available, this is just as good a result. We win again because we have a chance to cor­rect our mistakes, stop living according to flawed ideas, and discover a better path.


 In either scenario, we can only gain by testing and questioning. We truly have nothing to lose but our prejudices.


 Untested beliefs are not a treasure to conserve but rather a cage to escape. They keep us prisoners of our opinions and prevent us from facing reality for what it is. As Nietzsche puts it, “[I am] a man who wishes nothing more than daily to lose some reassuring belief, who seeks and finds his happiness in this daily greater liberation of the mind.”

 ここでは、伝統的な態度を逆転。代わりに、思考の私たちは「それが良いですので、私はそれを信じています。 「我々は受け入れてしまうものは何でも結論1の先入観意見を変わる恐れ、過度の愛着から生まれされることはありませんように切り替えることができ、 「私はそれが、信じているので、それは良いことがあります」 、または代替視点の不足。それはどのような作品とそうないのをテストし、私たちの処分で多くの中から最良の選択肢を選ぶ結果となります。

 Here we reverse the traditional attitude. Instead of thinking, “It must be good because I believe it,” we can switch to “I believe it because it is good.” Whatever conclusion we end up embracing will not be born from fear of change, excessive attachment to one’s pre­conceived opinions, or a scarcity of alternate viewpoints. It will be the result of testing what works and what doesn’t, and picking the best option among many at our disposal.


 Only those who are scared of the truth are hostile to question­ing. No one would refuse evidence if it confirms and gives greater credibility to their ideas. The centuries-long persecution of sci­ence by religious authorities cannot be explained unless religious authorities already knew they were frauds and were afraid of some­body exposing them. Unless you are a liar or are pathologically at­tached to your opinions, you should not be afraid of the truth.

   Heretic and Proud


 Although I have tried to be reassuring and nonthreatening in the preceding paragraphs, I have no illusions. This book is a declaration of war against all those traditions that want to limit our choices, stifle our growth, and restrict our freedom.


 This is a battle between the heaviness of tradition and the daring to create, between the conforming crowd and the individual shaping his/her own destiny. Most, but not all, forms of organized religions stand firmly on the conformity side of the battle line. They don’t want you to think for yourself, or they would go out of business.

 それは彼らが時代遅れになり、権限の彼らの元を離れてかかるため、彼らの聖職者は、常に直接、個々の経験によって脅かされている。ドグマは、個人が、宗教的な機関にその力を与える彼らの周りの世界に疑問を停止し、喜んで事前にパッケージの答えを受け入れた場合にのみ安全です。 :彼が書いたときにトマス·ペインは明らかにこれを見た

 Their clergy is always threatened by direct individual experience because it makes them obsolete and takes away their source of authority. Dogma is safe only when individuals give away their power to religious institu­tions, stop questioning the world around them, and gladly accept pre-packaged answers. Thomas Paine saw this clearly when he wrote:

 私はプロテスタント教会によって、また私が知っている任意の教会で、トルコの教会で、ギリシャの教会で、カトリック教会によって、ユダヤ人教会公言信条を信じていない。私自身の心は自分の教会です。イン· stitutions教会各国。 。 。私に怖がらと人類を奴隷にセットアップし、人間の発明よりも、他の表示されず、パワーと利益を独占。

 I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church. All national in­stitutions of churches . . . appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopo­lize power and profit.

 私たちはここに従事していることはその性質上、異端プロジェクトによって、ある。宗教裁判と権威主義洗脳の数世紀には言葉に付着していることを処女犠牲的、悪魔崇拝、宗教を破壊するイメージを忘れて、 "異端"

 What we are engaged in here is, by its very nature, a heretical project. Forget the virgin-sacrificing, devil-worshipping, religion-destroying image that centuries of inquisitions and authoritarian brainwashing have attached to the word “heresy.”

 私たちがここで意味することは、「自分の道を行く。 " " 、選択する「バックとして文字通り翻訳される単語の本来のギリシャ語の意味になりますか、この意味がポイントこの企業のルーツで神聖な単語に:選択肢。

 What we mean here goes back to the original Greek meaning of the word, which is translated literally as “to choose,” or “to go one’s own way.” This meaning points to the sacred word at the roots of this enterprise: choice.


 The choice to go one’s own way; the courage to explore life’s mysteries for oneself rather than accepting second-hand answers; and the refusal to bow to the dogma of existing dominant theo­ries—these are the things that make this quest a heretical one. In the eyes of many established religions, in fact, choosing your own way rather than blindly following theirs is a horrendous crime and grounds for persecution.


 The history of both Christianity and Islam is stained with the blood of those tortured and killed because they committed the unforgivable sin of questioning the answers provided by religious authorities.


 What is bizarre in all of this is that many of the religions that try to squash independent inquiry today were founded by supposed heretics and dangerous outlaws: Jesus was crucified for blasphemy, and Muhammad was chased out of Mecca by assassins.


 Think of the irony. These men were all about questioning tradition and estab­lished forms of authority, which is exactly what the fundamentalists claiming to follow them hate. All religions were born because some­one departed from an existing tradition and created their own. But instead of honoring their example, most of their followers turn their insights into one more dried-up dogma used to repress individual freedom.

 この本は、他の一方で、彼らがした、まさに実行して、そのパイオニア精神を尊重していただけます。独自のパスを作成します。ウィリアム·ブレイク美しく言ったように、 「私は自分のシステムを考案しなければならないさもないと他の男性年代によって奴隷にされる。 「我々が成功した場合、物事はすぐにこれ以上の司祭はございません」 、ウォルト·ホイットマン、予測方法をなるかもしれない。彼らの作品は行われます。 。 。新しい秩序が生じるものとします。 。 。そしてすべての人は自分の司祭でなければならない。 "

 This book, on the other hand, invites you to honor their pio­neering spirit by doing exactly what they did: create your own path. As William Blake beautifully said, “I must invent my own systems or else be enslaved by other men’s.” If we are successful, things may turn out the way Walt Whitman predicted, “There will soon be no more priests. Their work is done . . . A new order shall arise . . . and every man shall be his own priest.”

 いくつかのハードコア無神論者、 「宗教」の塊の見出しも同様に悪として一緒にすべての宗教的伝統の下に行く、何を攻撃するための努力において。そうすることで、彼らは完全にすべての宗教の中に、不寛容の長い歴史を持つものも含めて、個々の探査のためのスペースを作るために喜んで以上のものの支店があるという事実を見逃す。

 Some hardcore atheists, in an effort to attack anything that goes under the heading of “religion,” lump together all religious tradi­tions as equally evil. In doing so, they completely miss the fact that within every religion, even the ones with a long history of intoler­ance, there are branches that are more than willing to make room for individual exploration.


 In yet other religions, in fact, respect for independent inquiry is not present only in some heretical faction, but is at the very founda­tion of their ideas. While plenty of things about Buddhism turn me off, here is a tradition that allows and encourages freedom.

 このことを考慮してください。チーリン、中国の仏教の先生は、かつて"あなたは仏が発生した場合は、彼を殺す」と言った。仏を殺せ! ?仏教徒は確かにその創始者を崇拝する奇妙な方法を持っているようだ。について話してこのクレイジーな中国人は何ですか?

 Consider this. Lin Chi, a Chinese Buddhist teacher, once said, “If you encoun­ter the Buddha, kill him.” Kill the Buddha?!? Buddhists certainly seem to have a weird way to revere their founder. What’s this crazy Chinese talking about?


 Far from being a blasphemous statement, Lin Chi’s words are a metaphorical rejection of the dogmatism that inevitably results once we’ve put our teacher on a pedestal. Precisely because Lin Chi loved Buddha, he warned people against turning him into an object of worship (a warning that has gone unheeded by many Buddhists throughout history).

 あなたは "イエスを殺す"ために人々を招待し、キリスト教や「ムハンマドを殺す」ためのイスラム教徒を想像できますか?どんなにメタファーを意図してどれだけ、オッズは誰の言葉を話したことはリンチされて脱出するまでのところ、速い実行しなければならないことはありません。仏教では、一方で、因習打破の文、この種はほとんど眉を上げないだろう。チーリンは、彼が言ったことを言うことができるか、なぜ日本の禅僧一休が書くことができるのはこのためです。

Can you imagine a Christian inviting people to “kill Jesus,” or a Muslim to “kill Muhammad”? No matter how well intended the metaphor, the odds are that who­ever spoke the words would have to run far and fast to escape being lynched. In Buddhism, on the other hand, this kind of iconoclastic statement would hardly raise an eyebrow. This is why Lin Chi could say what he said, or why the Japanese Zen monk Ikkyū could write:

 Without a bridge

 Clouds climb effortlessly

 To heaven;

 No need to rely on

 Anything Gotama Buddha taught.

 ブッダ自身が彼の教えは、目的を達成するための手段であったが、と主張した。彼の死の床に、仏は、レポートで聞い承認しないでください、それが私たちの本で発見されているため、声明を受け入れ、またそれがあなたの信念と一致してあるので、またそれのでしない、伝統を受け入れない」、彼の信者に語ったあなたの先生の言っている。 。 。自分の上のランプが必要です。 。 。 。 "

 Buddha himself argued that his teachings were but a means to an end. On his deathbed, Buddha told his followers, “Do not accept what you hear by report, do not accept tradition, do not accept a statement because it is found in our books, nor because it is in ac­cord with your belief, nor because it is the saying of your teacher . . . Be lamps onto yourselves. . . .”

 同じような文脈では、道教の柱の一つ、荘子は、「カオスのトーチと疑い、これは何セージ去勢牛である。」、書いたここでは、180度離れてあなたは誰が他の多くの宗教指導者から聞いたからである我々は彼らのすべての命令に従うしない限り、地獄のような罰を脅かす。固定certitudes、快適なreassurances、変化することはありませんルール;全体荷物は通常、宗教的な教義として供給。 。 。

 In a similar vein, one of the pillars of Taoism, Chuang Tzu, wrote, “The torch of chaos and doubt—this is what the sage steers by.” Here we are 180 degrees away from what you hear from many other religious leaders who threaten hellish punishments unless we obey their every command. Fixed certitudes, comfy reassurances, never-changing rules; the entire baggage usually fed as religious dogma . . .

 荘子はあなたにそれをまったく与えないでしょう。その代わりに、彼がパスを明るみに生み出すことはアラン·ワッツは、常に我々の最も大切なアイデアをテストするために私たちを誘う力」不安の知恵 "と呼ば疑い何です。これは、すべての宗教的伝統は私たちの喉の下ドグマを突き出すことが明らかに例を示します。むしろ、いくつかは、疑問が受け入れる我々が提供されているすべての結論を疑問視し、私たち自身で実験して、私たちを奨励しています。

 Chuang Tzu will give you none of that. Instead, what he brings forth to light the path is doubt—what Alan Watts called “the wisdom of insecurity”—the force that invites us to constantly test our most cherished ideas. This is a clear example that not all religious traditions shove dogma down our throats. Rather, some encourage us to embrace doubt, question all conclusions we are offered, and experiment on our own.


 This excerpt has been reprinted with permission from Create Your Own Religion: A How-To Book Without Instructions, published by Disinfo Books, 2013.




 Albert Einstein, the Humanitarian



 Along with his renowned scientific accomplishments, Albert Einstein should be acknowledged for his humanitarian struggles to achieve peace and international cooperation.


 By Alice Calaprice; compiled by Walt Martin and Magda Ott
April 2014


 Einstein felt great remorse about the contribution of physics that led to the bomb and spent the last ten years of his life fighting for the peaceful uses of atomic energy.

 Photo by Yousuf Karsh


 Albert Einstein was one of the most influential scientists of all time, but he was also an inquisitive philosopher who had many inspiring thoughts about the meaning of life, the nature of free will and existence and our place in the cosmos he studied so closely.


 The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein (Sterling Publishing, 2013) by Walt Martin and Magda Ott compiles Einstein’s most inspirational cosmic utterances into one volume. The following excerpt is from the foreword by Alice Calaprice, former senior editor of Princeton University Press.


 Albert Einstein, the supernova among physicists, is best known for his so-called genius, pacifism, and, in his later years, humanitarian and political activism. Though his achievements are manifold, enough to make the most accomplished among us blush, he was in fact a modest and humble human being, making his way through life like the rest of us, often bumbling and making mistakes along the way.

 彼は物理学と彼の世界観の両方で、しかし、状況及び決まる時間の経過として、彼の心を変更するのに十分な賢明だった。知恵、知性、技術、芸術の適切な並置では、アインシュタインの最も記憶に残る言葉と写真NASAが、世界中の他の天文台、アマチュア天文学者の編集者のコンパイルは鮮やかに私たちがダイナミックな宇宙の拡大との美しさをキャプチャします。 「世界の永遠の謎は、そのわかりやすさです。

He was, however, wise enough to change his mind as circumstances and the passage of time dictated, both in his physics and in his worldview. In an appropriate juxtaposition of wisdom, intellect, technology, and art, the editors’ compilation of Einstein’s most memorable words and photographs by NASA, other observatories around the world, and amateur astronomers vividly captures the beauties of our expanding and dynamic Universe. “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.


 The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle,” Einstein mused in 1936. These photos and the work of the scientists and technical experts behind them—artists all—are proof of humankind’s desire to comprehend the miraculously changing canvas we call our cosmos.

   Einstein’s “Cosmic Religion”

 この本の中での写真の支配的な影響は、驚きと畏敬の念、アインシュタインは彼の力を信じ、自然の法則を定義する彼の試みで使用されている単語を鼓舞することです。これは彼が彼の "宇宙の宗教」と呼ばれる。私は "宇宙"宗教の彼の職業は、アインシュタインが最も可能性が高いそれは宗教的、ということが可能であることを伝えるためのものと言ってあえてではなく "個人"神への信仰、無神論者、なしで、世界全体でほとんどの社会"本物"の神として参照してください。

 The dominant effect of the photos in this book is to inspire wonder and awe, words Einstein used in his attempt to define his faith in the power and laws of Nature. This he called his “cosmic religion.” . I venture to say that by his profession of a “cosmic” religion, Einstein most likely meant to convey that it is possible to be religious—that is, not an atheist—without belief in the “personal” God that most societies throughout the world see as the “real” God.

 宗教のアインシュタインの考えは、指示される教義によって作ら規定し、自称専門家や絶対的な信者数百万歳にわたってrefashionedのではなく、に基づいており、より一定のテーマ、つまり、自然と彼女のほとんど揺るぎない、調和のとれた法律。 ···

 Einstein’s idea of religion, rather than fashioned by dogma dictated, prescribed, and refashioned over the ages by millions of self-appointed experts and unquestioning believers, is based on a more constant theme—that of nature and her almost unwavering, harmonious laws. ...

 「私はしない運命と人類の所業で自分に関係する神の世界の合法的な調和、彼自身を明らかにスピノザの神、を信じている。 」このように、アインシュタインは科学と宗教を統一し、自分自身と呼ばれていました「信心深い信じない人は、 「また、彼の世界観におけるオープンマインドと包括され、彼は預言者と同等に説得力のある、イエス、ブッダ、モーセを発見したとして。

 “I believe in Spinoza’s God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.” In this way, Einstein was unifying science and religion, and referred to himself as a “deeply religious nonbeliever.” Moreover, being open-minded and inclusive in his worldview, he found Jesus, Buddha, and Moses equally compelling as prophets.


 Einstein was in wonder and awe that “the Old One,” as he referred to his God, had set an almost perfect system of order in motion since the earliest times of the big bang. This system has persevered through eons of physical changes, and, in the case of Earth at least, through biological transformations and evolution.


 Through these immutable laws of nature, the universe has been able to survive to the present day. In more recent times, humankind, often through the exploitation of its natural resources, has been able to tamper with natural laws in the name of progress, often resulting in benefit to people but in harm to the planet. In today’s world, Einstein would surely speak out for a balance that, through some sacrifice on the part of overly zealous consumers in some parts of the world, is surely possible.

  Pacifism, Social Responsibility of the Scientist, and World Government

 アインシュタインはアドルフ·ヒトラーが彼の長年の信念を妥協するために彼を強制的に第二次世界大戦の時代、中を除いて生涯平和主義だった。 「私の平和主義は、本能的な感覚は、人々の殺害は嫌なので、私を持っている感じです」と彼は1929年に書いた。 「私の態度が知的理論から導かれるものではなく、残酷さのあらゆる種類の私の最も深い反感をベースとしている憎悪"。......

 Einstein was a lifelong pacifist except during the World War II era, when Adolf Hitler forced him to compromise his long-held beliefs. “My pacifism is an instinctive feeling, a feeling that possesses me because the murder of people is disgusting,” he wrote in 1929. “My attitude is not derived from any intellectual theory but is based on my deepest antipathy to every kind of cruelty and hatred.” ….

 彼はまた、多くの場合、平和目的ではなく、戦争のための新たな発見を最大限に利用する、作る科学者と政策決定者の責任について話したし、すべての人類の利益のために。 1948年8月に、 3年、第二次世界大戦の終了後や不確実な新しい原子力時代に、彼は仲間の知識人へのメッセージを発表した。

 He also often spoke of the responsibility of scientists and policy makers to make the best use of new discoveries, for peaceful purposes rather than war, and for the benefit of all humankind. In August 1948, three years after the end of World War II and in an uncertain new atomic age, he released a message to fellow intellectuals:

 「我々が悲劇的な目的地の消滅、より陰惨な、より効果的な方法を作るのを助けるためにしている科学者は、 、のための残忍な目的のために使用されているから、これらの武器を防止するのに我々の力ですべてを行うには、それ私たちの厳粛なと超越的義務考慮しなければなりませんそれらが発明された。どのようなタスクは、おそらく我々にとってより重要だろうか? "

 “We scientists, whose tragic destination has been to help in making the methods of annihilation more gruesome and more effective, must consider it our solemn and transcendent duty to do all in our power in preventing these weapons from being used for the brutal purpose for which they were invented. What task could possibly be more important for us?”


 Einstein felt great remorse about the contribution of physics that led to the bomb and spent the last ten years of his life fighting for the peaceful uses of atomic energy….

 彼は、ラッセル·アインシュタイン宣言、 21世紀の関連性の高いまま、20世紀の最も重要な文書の1と呼ばれるようになった非科学的な文に彼の最後の署名を追加しました。

 He appended his last signature to a nonscientific statement that came to be called the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, one of the most important documents of the twentieth century which remains highly relevant in the twenty-first century.

 これは、正式には3ヶ月の哲学者、平和活動家バートランド·ラッセル彼の死の後に発行されました。この文書では、 「軍備の一般的削減の一環として、核兵器を放棄する「すべての国民への呼び出しだった9他の著名な科学者によって署名された。

  It was formally issued three months after his death by philosopher and peace activist Bertrand Russell. This document was a call to all nations “to renounce nuclear weapons as part of a general reduction of armaments” and was signed by nine other prominent scientists.


 Today, Einstein continues to be honored for his unwavering if unsuccessful humanitarian struggles to achieve peace, world order, and international cooperation, and for his passionate opposition to McCarthyism, racial segregation, ethnic discrimination, and his support of human rights throughout the world.


 As readers peruse or inspect the spectacular photographic creations that follow, they are certain to be filled with the awe and wonder that Einstein felt when he contemplated nature, no matter if their own religious beliefs are different from his. As we see that we are but a tiny note in the music of the spheres, all Earthlings should redouble their efforts to come together as one people on Earth, here to protect, preserve, and revere our physical space as well as our fellow creatures.


 Read more from The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein: Albert Einstein and the State of Humanity.


 For more from the editors, check out the Writer's Voice radio interview.

  • 作家の声 - 20131201 - ウォルト·マーティンとマグダオット
    Writer's Voice - 20131201- Walt Martin and Magda Ott


 Alice Calaprice is a renowned expert on Albert Einstein and was a longtime senior editor at Princeton University Press. She has worked with the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein since the founding of the project, has copyedited and overseen the production of all the volumes, and administered the accompanying translation series with a grant from the National Science Foundation.


 She is the author of several popular books on Einstein and was a recipient of the Literary Market Place's award for individual achievement in scholarly editing.


 Alice Calaprice is a renowned expert on Albert Einstein and was a longtime senior editor at Princeton University Press. She has worked with the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein since the founding of the project, has copyedited and overseen the production of all the volumes, and administered the accompanying translation series with a grant from the National Science Foundation. She is the author of several popular books on Einstein and was a recipient of the Literary Market Place's award for individual achievement in scholarly editing.

 アルバート·アインシュタイン©ウォルター·マーティンとマグダオット、スターリングエトス、ユーセフカーシュによるスターリング出版(株)写真のインプリントによる2013年の宇宙を見るから許可を得て転載。 NASA/ ESA、ジェフ·ヘスターとポールScowen(アリゾナ州立大学);とゲイリースティーブンス。

 Reprinted with permission from The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein © 2013 by Walter Martin and Magda Ott, Sterling Ethos, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Photography by Yousuf Karsh; NASA/ESA, Jeff Hester and Paul Scowen (Arizona State University); and Gary Stevens.

 記事サイト / Article site


 アルバート·アインシュタインの宇宙を見る: 芸術、科学、平和に関する文章

  The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein:Writings on Art, Science, and Peace

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