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Falling objects from space


これは実際に宇宙ゴミである:ロシアの宇宙専門家は、シベリアで空から落ちた200-キロメタル 'UFOのゴミ箱のふた」を調べる

This really is space junk: Russian space experts examine 200-kilo metal 'UFO dustbin lid' which fell from the sky in Siberia

PUBLISHED: 16:00 GMT, 21 March 2012 | UPDATED: 23:40 GMT, 21 March 2012


大型ごみ箱に似ている - - 宇宙の専門家は、金属製の物体が主張するSiberia.Localsに近い村に墜落した「UFOのフラグメント」の謎を解決しようとしている専門家が空が、最初のチェックから落ちたが、それがでもないと結論付けているロケットやミサイルから。それは訪問者の激化への関心として警察のガード下になりました。

Space experts are trying to solve the mystery of ‘a UFO fragment’ which crashed close to a village in Siberia.Locals insist the metallic object – which resembles a large rubbish bin – fell from the skies but initial checks by experts have concluded it is neither from a rocket nor a missile. It is now under police guard as interest in the ‘visitor’ intensifies.



The 'fragment' does not appear to come from any known missile or space technology. Russian space experts will make an announcement shortly



Weighing 200 kilograms and around two metres in height, locals fixed it onto a trailer and took across the snow to the village where local inspectors checked it.
‘The object found is not related to space technology. A final conclusion can be made after a detailed study of the object by experts,' said the Russian space agency Roscosmos.

大規模な光沢のあるごみ箱に似た - - 地元の人々は金属物を主張して空から落ちた。オブジェクトは、6フィートの長さであり、少なくとも部分的にチタン鋼で作られている。

Locals insist the metallic object - resembling a large shiny rubbish bin - fell from the skies. The object is six feet long and is at least partially made of titanium steel.
It's now under police guard as interest in the 'visitor' intensifies.

これは、いくつかの2000マイルと東モスクワの3タイムゾーンOtradnenskyという村の近くで発見された。ロシアのメディアはすぐに、それが主張された12月の厚い森林に奇妙な音を聞いていた「 UFOの断片が「遠隔forest.Localsで発見されたと主張した。

It was found near a village called Otradnensky some two thousand miles and three time zones east of Moscow. The Russian media immediately claimed ‘fragments of a UFO’ were discovered in the remote forest.Locals had heard strange sounds in the thick woodland in December, it was claimed.

「私たちは、オブジェクトの近くに内部放射線レベルを測定しました。しかし、それは、検索は、その後、 Moscow.Yuri Bornyakov 、ノボシビルスク領域のKuibyshevski地区のレスキューサービス部門のヘッドに警告と地元の警察に報告されたことを日曜日のみだった。私たちは、ここには、放射線を発見した。 '

But it was only on Sunday that the find was reported to local police who then alerted Moscow.Yuri Bornyakov, head of rescue service department of Kuibyshevski district of Novosibirsk region, said: ‘We measured the radiation level near and inside the object. We found no radiation here.’



The 200-kilo metal fragment was examined for radiation. A theory that it's a remnant from a rocket launch in Kazakhstan also appears to be mistaken Initial theories that it was part of a space rocket or a satellite form a failed launch in Kazakhstan have been denied.


Head of Department for Civil Defence and Emergency Situations of the Kuibyshevski, Valery Vasiliev, said part of the fragment was made of ultra strong titanium.
Finder Sergey Bobrov undertook in an official statement that he would keep the UFO safe, but locals reported that ‘police came during the night and secretly removed it’.
A local police spokesman confirmed the object was now under guard by the force on orders from unspecified authorities.


‘You can see inside it, all is open, it's empty, no danger here. We were asked to take and store it. We brought it here. And now we are going to wait until they come to take it if they need it’ said Sergei Sulein.

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ディスカバリープレゼント / Discovery Presents



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U.S. And U.K. Militaries Say They Don't Investigate UFOs Anymore



An Amazing UFO Story By Colin Healy



Mayor asks scientists to examine ‘alien head’


Posted by: Jason McClellan August 19, 2013 4 Comments 7,730 Views



An “alien head” was unearthed from a Croatian graveyard.

ザグレブ、クロアチアのDonja DUBRAVA地区に墓地を拡張するために掘削しながら、労働者が奇妙な発見をした。頭のようなオブジェクトを、約1メートルの面の下に発見され、くちばしのような口を有するものとして記載されている。労働者は頭を悩まそれらを残し発見に驚いた。

Workers made the odd discovery while excavating to extend a graveyard in the Donja Dubrava district of Zagreb, Croatia. The head-like object was found approximately one meter below the surface and is described as having a beak-like mouth. The workers were startled by the discovery that left them scratching their heads.


If the object’s bizarre appearance weren’t strange enough, rather than smelling like a rotting corpse, witnesses report the object smelling like aftershave or perfume.
Workers found another object nearby that they claim resembles a heart.

これらの検出されたオブジェクトに基づいて24 SATA、によると、前市長Marijanヴァルガ、追加掘削が行われるべきであると考えています。現在の市長イワンŠtefić 、ゴムのような感じのように「ヘッド」を説明します。いくつか出土のオブジェクトは単に樹木の根である示唆しているが、市長は、科学者が、彼らはより多くの外国人の何かであるかどうかを判断するために謎の物体を調べたいと考えています。彼は述べている

According to 24 Sata, based on these discovered objects, former mayor Marijan Varga believes additional excavation should be done. Current mayor Ivan Štefić describes the “head” as feeling like rubber. Although some suggest the unearthed objects are simply tree roots, the mayor wants scientists to examine the mysterious objects to determine if they are something more alien. He states,

「私はそれがクレイジーに聞こえる知っているが、我々が発見したもののため、これ以上合理的な説明を考えることはできません。 「科学者がテストのためにそれらを収集するまで、オブジェクトは、報告に町役場に保たれています。

“I know it sounds crazy, but we can’t think of any more rational explanation for what we’ve found.”The objects are reportedly being kept at town hall until scientists collect them for testing.


国立UFOセンター / National UFO Center

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UFO Petition reaches inside the White House – Calls for Obama to investigate Clinton/Rockefeller UFO Letters




バセットはTOA爆発手紙の一連の買収設計してい クリントン大統領長時間クリントン家族の友人、billionaireÂから ローランスS.ロックフェラー WhiteÂハウス科学技術政策局(OSTP)を疑ういかなる超えて証明し、それぞれがを、 1993年から1996年の間にUFO /地球外知性の問題について秘密を持ち上げる議論に関与していた。

Bassett has engineered the acquisition of a series of explosive letters to President Bill Clinton from long-time Clinton family friend, billionaire Laurance S. Rockefeller , each of which prove beyond any doubt the White House and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) were involved in discussions about lifting secrecy on the UFO/extraterrestrial intelligence matter between 1993 and 1996.

クリントンホワイトハウスのスタッフが異常に多数-そしてファーストレディー-Aのオフィスなど、 ヒラリー·クリントンはまた、この問題に関する対応の交換に関与していた。

An unusually large number of the Clinton White House staff – including the office of then First Lady -Â Hillary Clinton were also involved in exchanges of correspondence on this matter.


灰色がかった肌の人間 / grayish skinned human

Gray-skinned aliens


著者について / About the Author


After doing graduate study that concentrated on the underside of US history, George LoBuono reported for the Suttertown News in Sacramento, then covered the 1993 presidential elections in Indonesia for Pacifica radio network and investigated deep politics and crime within black budget agencies.


In 1995, he began to research alien-related programs in the US government.He has worked on several political campaigns and has done activist work on anti-nuclear and peace/justice issues.He writes on various topics and serves as a board member of the Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, a free legal clinic in Sacramento, CA.

 抽象的な / Abstract


The US government’s first direct, face-to-face contact with aliens occurred decades ago, when grayish skinned human-alien hybrids crashed near a New Mexico airbase.

After the US military concluded that the aliens probably had some human genetic composition in them, US officials scrambled to develop safeguards against a stealth intervention on this planet by aliens of unknown origin.
高度な技術と能力を持つ外国人の侵入は、軍事機密として外国人についての情報を守るためにトルーマン政権を強要冷戦の開始時に発生しました。 4年以上にわたり、トルーマンは米国政府の外国人関連のプログラムを直接コントロールしていた。

The intrusion of aliens with advanced technology and capabilities occurred at the outset of the Cold War, which compelled Truman’s government to guard information about aliens as a military secret. For over four years, Truman had direct control of the US government’s alien-related programs.
しかし、 1953年にアイゼンハワー大統領はネルソン·ロックフェラー再設計エグゼクティブセキュリティ構造をしてみましょう。

However, in 1953 President Eisenhower let Nelson Rockefeller re-design executive security structures.

Rockefeller ended elected official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted. Multiple former official witnesses say that within months, aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range. Subsequent secrecy of alien-related programs allowed crime to proliferate within them, unchecked by rigorous public oversight.

As a result, early human relations with aliens were largely determined by the Roswell Grays’ alignment of aliens, rather than humans.

Questions were raised about the intentions and material ambitions of such aliens. Under the circumstances, the situation could only be corrected through exposure and independent human investigation of aliens and alien interactions.


Early human contacts with aliens tended to be very one-sided. Using advanced science and technology, aliens chose the terms of the interactions and were able to limit and control information flow. Humans couldn’t understand what was happening, let alone compete with aliens. Lacking adequate science, humans tended to think that alien contact was a revelation from God, a strange angelic kind of interaction.

But when live, in-the-flesh aliens fell out of the sky near a US nuclear bomber base, things began to change.

1947年4短い、グレー肌のエイリアンとその翼状クラフトの遺体は米軍によってロズウェル、付近を回収し、第五外国人は伝え生き延び、後に伝え、科学study.1保持した - テレパシー - 軍事研究者に0.2は、人事についての高度な知識を持っていた外国人の登場に驚かさ、軍はロズウェルエイリアンとその科学を研究する残業を働いた。

In 1947 the bodies of four short, Gray-skinned aliens and their wing-shaped craft were recovered near Roswell, NM by the US military and were kept for scientific study.1 A fifth alien reportedly survived and later communicated - telepathically - with military investigators.2 Stunned by the appearance of aliens who had advanced knowledge about human affairs, the Army worked overtime to study the Roswell aliens and their science.

Just two years after Hiroshima, US officials feared the aliens might be hostile or have designs on this planet. So, discussion about aliens proceeded in extreme secrecy.
アイゼンハワー国家安全保障会議スタッフ大佐フィリップコルソは書いて、として「それは戦いの条件の下で戦時劇場で行わ操作であるかのように1日目から、軍は(ロズウェル)の破片のその検索を処理した。 」 3 コルソはロズウェルエイリアンへの唯一の目撃者ではなかった。軍事真鍮などの最初の手の証人、数十人は、彼らが死んで負傷エイリアンやロズウェルの近くに墜落した異星人の宇宙船を見たことを認めている。

As Eisenhower National Security Council staff member Col. Philip Corso wrote,
“From day 1, the army treated its retrieval of the (Roswell) debris as if it were an operation conducted in a wartime theater under battle conditions.” 3
Corso wasn’t the only witness to Roswell aliens. Dozens of first-hand witnesses, including military brass, have admitted that they saw dead and wounded aliens or the alien craft that crashed near Roswell.


Under the circumstances, strict defense considerations were understandable.


However, the secrecy of alien-related programs prevented competent public analysis of what, on the surface, appeared to be an alien intervention into human affairs. President Truman was kept apprised of developments, but in 1953 when Eisenhower got in, corporate manipulators removed US presidents and other elected officials from active control of alien-related programs.4

Soon, the secret programs were rife with corruption, and some potential whistleblowers were reportedly murdered before they could speak.

It was a recipe for disaster.


ロックフェラーのクーデター - 犯罪政権が引き継ぐ
The Rockefeller Coup – A Crime Regime Takes Over


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