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HIV-tainted blood scandal

Aren't all bioweapons scary? Definitely. But these 10 are particularly troublesome once they're released from labs and unleashed on an unsuspecting public.


 HIV-tainted blood scandal (Japan)

薬害エイズ事件( yakugai eizu事件)


Japan's HIV-tainted blood scandal, known in Japanese as 薬害エイズ事件 (yakugai eizu jiken) refers between one and two thousand cases in the 1980s in which Japanese patients with haemophilia contracted HIV via tainted blood products. Controversy centers on the continued use of non-heat-treated blood products after the development of heat-treatments that prevent the spread of infection.

 早い時期 / Early years

後天性免疫不全症候群、またはエイズは、ヒト免疫不全ウイルス、 HIVによって引き起こされる伝染病です。エイズは現在不治と考えられている。エイズの最初の報告例は、ロサンゼルスで発生したことは1981年である。エイズの記事全文を参照してください。

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, is a communicable disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV. AIDS is currently considered incurable. The first reported cases of AIDS occurred in Los Angeles is 1981. See full article at AIDS.

それは、エイズの最初の例は公式日本で報告されたことを1985年までではなかった。早ければ1983年のように、しかし、厚生省の日本の環境省は、それが殺すために加熱処理した米国食品医薬品局(FDA )によって認可さ新血液製剤を製造したことをバクスターTravenolラボラトリーズ( BTL )により通知されましたHIVウイルス。

It was not until 1985 that the first cases of AIDS were officially reported in Japan. As early as 1983, however, Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare was notified by Baxter Travenol Laboratries (BTL) that it was manufacturing a new blood product, licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which was heat-treated to kill the HIV virus.

BTLは、日本では、この新製品のライセンスに興味を持っていた。日本独自のミドリ十字、血液製剤の主な日本のプロバイダは、それが[ Leflar ] 「熱処理された薬剤自体を作る準備ができていない」したように、これは、不正競争を構成することを抗議した。保健省は、国内の献血を高めるために未処理の血液製剤、熱治療の臨床試験、およびキャンペーンのスクリーニングを注文することで対応。緑十字はまた、血友病[宮本]に苦しんで多くの人の患者は、「非加熱製剤のroductsの安全確保」の手紙を配布しました。

BTL was interested in licensing this new product in Japan. Japan's own Green Cross Corporation, the main Japanese provider of blood products protested that this would constitute unfair competition, as it was "not prepared to make heat-treated agents itself" [Leflar]. The Ministry of Health responded by ordering screening of untreated blood products, clinical trials of heat-treatments, and a campaign to increase domestic blood donations. Green Cross meanwhile distributed letters of "safety assurance of unheated blood roducts" to patients, many of whom suffered from haemophilia [Miyamoto].

 「エイズイヤーワン」/ AIDS Year One

1987年1月17日に、日本のエイズ動向委員会は「はじめての「日本の女性はエイズに感染したと報告した。として記載されている「習慣的な売春婦、 「女性は伝えられる」 、外国人"を含む「百人」との性交を持っていたし、委員会は、彼女が契約していたと結論誰から"外国人"セーラーと神戸に住んでいたHIV感染。 1月18日、塩川雄一、エイズ政策担当の政府の手数料の議長は、病気は今までの脅威であったことを発表しました「普通の人が普通の生活を生きている。 "彼は1987年、日本の「AIDSイヤーワン"[扱う]を宣言した。

On January 17, 1987, Japan's AIDS Surveillance Committee reported that "for the first time" a Japanese woman had contracted AIDS. Described as a "habitual prostitute," the woman had reportedly had sexual intercourse with "a hundred men," including "non-Japanese," and had lived in Kobe with a "non-Japanese" sailor from whom the Committee concluded she had contracted HIV. On January 18, Shiokawa Yuichi, chair of the government comission in charge of AIDS policy, announced that the disease was now a threat to "ordinary people living ordinary lives." He proclaimed 1987 Japan's "AIDS Year One" [Treat].

神戸はパニックに爆発した。何千人もの人々がテストのために中に行って、保健センターを訪問し、 「記者の軍隊は「彼女の写真、本名、そして新聞でアドレスを公開する「犯罪」のような女性を見つけ出し。女性の家族が訴訟を提起した後ずっと後にそれが、彼女は売春婦[池田]されていなかったことを、入院した。

Kobe exploded in panic. Thousands of people went in for testing and visited health centres, and "armies of reporters" tracked the woman down like a "criminal," publishing her photograph, real name, and address in newspapers. Much later it was admitted, after the woman's family filed a lawsuit, that she had never been a prostitute [Ikeda].

エイズは外国の病気と見られていた、いくつかはkurobune 、文字通り "黒船" 1853年ペリー提督によるアメリカの侵略を基準として、それを参照するようになった。 「不可外国人は"兆候が全国の企業で表示されるようになったん。日本人は外国人とセックスをして、持っていた人を警戒するようにしないと警告した。政府生産パンフレットはエイズに関する本を持ってして震えて富士山にそびえる自由の女神像を示した。病院は彼らがHIV陽性の患者を持っていないことを広告し始め、国会は、日本に入るのHIV陽性の外国人を禁止する法案を導入しました。 [扱う] 。

AIDS was seen as a foreign disease; some began to refer to it as a kurobune, literally a "black ship," a reference to the American invasion by Commodore Perry in 1853. "No Foreigners Allowed" signs began to appear at businesses throughout Japan; Japanese people were warned not to have sex with foreigners and to be wary of those who had. A government-produced pamphlet showed an image of the Statue of Liberty holding a book on AIDS and towering over a trembling Mount Fuji. Hospitals began advertising that they had no HIV-positive patients, and the Diet introduced a bill to ban HIV-positive foreigners from entering Japan. [Treat].


 The tainted blood scandal exposed

月と1989年10月に、大阪と東京でHIVに感染した血友病患者は、保健福祉部と5日本の製薬会社に対する訴訟を提起した。 1994年には殺人未遂の2の費用は、1983年に厚生労働省のエイズ研究チームを率いていた阿部剛、に対して提起された。彼は2005年に無罪が判明した。阿部は帝京大学の副会長を辞任。

In May and October of 1989, HIV-infected haemophiliacs in Osaka and Tokyo filed lawsuits against the Ministry of Health and Welfare and five Japanese drug companies. In 1994 two charges of attempted murder were filed against Dr. Abe Takeshi, who had headed the Health Ministry's AIDS research team in 1983; he was found not guilty in 2005. Abe resigned as vice-president of Teikyo University.


In January of 1996, Kan Naoto was appointed Health Minister. He assembled a team to investigate the scandal, and within a month nine files of documents related to the scandal were uncovered, despite the Ministry of Health's claims that no such documents existed. As Minster, Kan promptly admitted the Ministry's legal responsibility and formally apologised to the plaintiffs.

菅のチームによって発見された報告書は、汚染の可能性についての報告の後に、未処理の血液製剤は、日本の輸入によってリコールされた、ことを明らかにした。輸入者が保健省に報告書を提出しようとしたときただし、そのような報告書が不要であったと言われました。環境省があったと主張し、「 HIV感染および非加熱血液製剤の使用の間のリンクを指している証拠がないが。 " 1関係者によると、 「我々は公共の事実を作ることができなかったことでした患者の間でファンの不安"[ JEN ] 。

The reports uncovered by Kan's team revealed that, after the report about the possibility of contamination, untreated blood products were recalled by the Japanese importer. However, when the importer tried to present a report to the Ministry of Health, it was told that such a report was unnecessary. The Ministry claimed that there was a "lack of evidence pointing to links between infection with HIV and the use of unheated blood products." According to one official, "we could not make public a fact that could fan anxieties among patients" [J.E.N].

ファイルによると、保健省は、未処理の血液や血液製剤の輸入が禁止されていること、 1983年には、推奨していた、と熱処理された製品の緊急輸入が許可される。それが未処理の血液製剤[アップダイク​​]日本のマーケティング担当者は「打撃を与える」になるので一週間後、しかし、この勧告は撤回された。

According to the files, the Ministry of Health had recommended, in 1983, that the import of untreated blood and blood products be banned, and that emergency imports of heat-treated products be allowed. A week later, however, this recommendation was withdrawn because it would "deal a blow" to Japan's marketers of untreated blood products [Updike].

1983年に日本には独自の血液製剤だけでなく、準備された血液製剤46万台を生産する米国からの血漿の314万リットルを輸入した。これらのインポートされた血液製剤は、 HIV感染の危険をもたらさないと言われた、 1986年までは、日本で使用された。熱処理された製品は、 1985年から販売されていたが、残りの製品のリコールや未処理の製品を使用した場合のリスクについての警告もないがありました。

In 1983 Japan imported 3.14 million litres of blood plasma from the US to produce its own blood products, as well as 46 million units of prepared blood products. These imported blood products were said to pose no risk of HIV infection, and were used in Japan until 1986. Heat-treated products had been on sale since 1985, but there was neither a recall of remaining products nor a warning about the risks of using untreated products.


As a result, untreated blood preparations stored at hospitals and in patients' home refrigerators were used up; there have been cases reported in which individuals were diagnosed with haemophilia for the first time between 1985 and 1986, began treatment, and were subsequently infected with HIV, even though it was known that HIV could be transmitted in untreated blood preparations, and treated products had become available and were in use at that time.

早ければ1984年のように、いくつかの日本の血友病患者は、未処理の血液製剤の使用によってHIVに感染していることが発見された。この事実は、公共から隠蔽された。自身が血液製剤からHIV感染のリスクを軽視し、「意図的なプロパガンダ」を受信し続けた患者は、その安全性を確保し、その使用を促進した。日本では、いくつかの4500の血友病患者のうち、推定2000は、未処理の血液製剤[ JEN ]から、1980年にHIVに感染し。

As early as 1984, several Japanese haemophiliacs were discovered to have been infected with HIV through the use of untreated blood preparations; this fact was concealed from the public. The patients themselves continued to receive "intentional propaganda" which downplayed the risks of contracting HIV from blood products, assured their safety, and promoted their use. Of some 4500 haemophiliacs in Japan, an estimated 2000 contracted HIV in the 1980s from untreated blood preparations [J.E.N].

 課金 / Charges

松下レンゾ、旧厚生省の薬務局省の頭部、および彼の同僚の2は、業務上過失致死で有罪とされた。松下は、刑務所で2年の刑を言い渡された。殺人料も彼に対して持って来られた。引退後ミドリ十字の社長に就任した松下は、 1980年代以降の日本の血液産業の幹部に引退している健康官僚の少なくとも9旧文部省の一つです

Matsushita Renzo, former head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau, and two of his colleagues, were found guilty of professional negligence resulting in death. Matsushita was sentenced to two years in jail. A murder charge was also brought against him. Matsushita, who after retirement became president of Green Cross, is one of at least nine former Ministry of Health bureaucrats who have retired to executive positions in Japan's blood industry since the 1980s

55 Calperniaによって2005年11月15日2時05分02秒に掲載( Breederville.com )
[表示が最新| 24へ| |プライベート返信投稿返信]

55 posted on 2005/11/15 2:05:02 by Calpernia (Breederville.com)
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"No. One War Criminal" Not Brought to Trial.

HIVグループは、 SARS患者の権利を擁護

 HIV group defends SARS patients' rights


A group of people with HIV urged the government Wednesday to protect the rights of patients diagnosed with severe acute respiratory syndrome.

汚染された血液製剤から1980年代にエイズウイルスに感染しそのメンバーのグループは、 、 、それが世界的に広がったが、日本で、まだ確認していませんされ、SARS 、オーバー公共恐れが被害者に対する差別を刺激することを懸念していると述べた。

The group, members of which contracted the AIDS virus in the 1980s from tainted blood products,, said it is concerned that public fears over SARS, which is spreading worldwide but has yet to be confirmed in Japan, will spark discrimination against sufferers.


The hemophiliacs, the next of kin of patients who have died and their supporters made a written request to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry on the matter.

彼らはまた、社会的偏見や差別を汚染された血液製剤からHIV /エイズだけでなく、苦しんでなく、していると述べた。

They said they have suffered not only HIV/AIDS from the contaminated blood products but also social prejudice and discrimination.


They urged the ministry to ensure that local governments and medical institutions respect the rights of SARS patients and be prepared to accept them or offer advice, according to the request.


They also called for a careful examination of the seriousness and infectious power of the disease now that the ministry has newly designated SARS as an infectious disease for the first time under a law authorizing it to forcibly hospitalize patients.

被害者は今はなきミドリ十字の血液製剤から、主に、HIVに感染しと、 1989年以来、例のシリーズで、災害を防止するために、その失敗の上に政府を訴えた。

The victims contracted HIV mainly from the now-defunct Green Cross Corp. blood products and, in a series of cases since 1989, sued the government over its failure to prevent the disaster.

 日本訪問延期 / Japan visit postponed


SHIZUOKA (Kyodo) The mayor of Zhuhai in China's Guangdong Province has postponed his visit to Japan due to the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome in the region, officials said Wednesday.


Mayor Wang Shunsheng and his entourage had been slated to arrive in Japan on Monday to participate in a cultural exchange with the city of Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture. They informed Atami on Friday they wanted to postpone the trip, the officials said.


Wang and his group were to visit Atami on Thursday after making a tour of businesses in Tokyo.


The group had planned sightseeing trips, including to Kyoto, before returning home Monday.

先週、世界保健機関(WHO)は、 SARSの流行に広東省と香港を避けるために旅行を促す珍しい勧告を出した。

Last week, the World Health Organization issued a rare advisory urging travelers to avoid Guangdong and Hong Kong due to the SARS epidemic.

 ジャパンタイムズ: 2003年4月10日
 The Japan Times: April 10, 2003



56 Calperniaによって2005年11月15日2時49分35秒に掲載( Breederville.com )
[表示が最新| 〜55 | |プライベート返信投稿返信]

>The victims contracted HIV mainly from the now-defunct Green Cross Corp.

See post 55 for Green Cross Corp's latest business name.

56 posted on 2005/11/15 2:49:35 by Calpernia (Breederville.com)
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The New York Times May 8, 1997 4 Drug Companies Ordered to Pay Hemophiliacs


Four drug manufacturers whose blood products were said to have infected thousands of hemophiliacs with the virus that causes AIDS in the early 1980's will pay about $670 million in a settlement approved by a Federal judge.


Six thousand hemophiliacs were each to receive $100,000. In an earlier settlement in Japan, AIDS-infected hemophiliacs were paid $450,000 each. The office of Federal District Judge John Grady confirmed today that he had granted oral formal approval to the settlement on Tuesday. The settlement had won preliminary court approval in April 1996.

決済は想像することができる最も恐ろしいシナリオの一つであった、 ロンNiederman 、血友病患者を表し、 10千委員会のスポークスマンは言った。 彼らが引き起こされた損傷を踏まえて、企業は安い降りている。

The settlement was one of the most horrible scenarios that can be imagined, said Ron Niederman, a spokesman for the Committee of 10 Thousand, which represents the hemophiliacs. In light of the damage they caused, the companies are getting off cheap.


The companies, which admitted no wrongdoing but agreed to settle, were Bayer A.G. of Germany, the Green Cross Corporation of Japan, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Inc., a French and American company and Baxter International Inc. of Deerfield, Ill.

男Esnouf 、ローヌ·プーランのスポークスマンは、企業が約6億ドルは、個々の血友病患者へ行くとそのうち約6.7億ドルに合計を支払うことになる組み合わせと述べた。

Guy Esnouf, a Rhone-Poulenc spokesman, said that combined the companies would pay a total of up to about $670 million, of which about $600 million would go to individual hemophiliacs.

保険の合併症を解決し、血友病患者が自分のお金を維持することができることを保証するために、企業が連邦政府に1200万ドル支払い、 25州政府と民間保険会社への1800万ドルになる、と彼は言った。また、企業は訴訟費用40百万ドルを直視氏Esnoufは言った。

To resolve insurance complications and insure that the hemophiliacs will be able to keep their money, the companies will pay $12 million to the Federal Government and $18 million to 25 state governments and private insurers, he said. In addition, the companies face up to $40 million in legal fees, Mr. Esnouf said.


Bayer will shoulder 45 percent of the total cost, Baxter and Rhone-Poulenc 20 percent each and Green Cross 15 percent.

決済は完全に汚染された第VIII因子および第IX因子、血液凝固剤による6,000 〜8,000米国血友病患者の感染に起因する10年前の論争を終了しません。約550の血友病患者が集団訴訟の和解のオプトアウトと自分で会社に対して訴訟を追求するかもしれないが、氏はNiedermanは言った。彼は、オプトアウトそれらの間にあったと最後の最後に彼のケースを押して計画した。

The settlement does not entirely end the decade-old controversy stemming from the infection of 6,000 to 8,000 United States hemophiliacs by contaminated Factor VIII and Factor IX blood clotting agents. About 550 hemophiliacs opted out of the class-action settlement and might pursue litigation against the companies on their own, Mr. Niederman said. He was among those opting out and planned to press his case to the bitter end.


Also, the companies were still in discussions with 25 other states and the Prudential Insurance Company of America over settling remaining insurance matters, Mr. Esnouf said.




The New York Times
February 25, 1997
Japan Blood Supplier, Facing H.I.V. Penalty, to Be Acquired


The Green Cross Corporation, a troubled Japanese company at the center of a big H.I.V.-tainted blood scandal, will be acquired by another pharmaceutical company, and its name will cease to exist, the companies said today.

買い手、吉富製薬(株)は、 110億円程度9億ドル相当の契約におけるミドリ十字1株に対して、その株式の6割を交換させていただきます。

The buyer, Yoshitomi Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., will exchange six-tenths of a share of its stock for each share of Green Cross in a deal worth 110 billion yen, or about $900 million.


While the two companies said the combination was aimed at giving them the size needed to compete more effectively, some analysts termed it a rescue of Green Cross that might have been engineered by the Japanese Government. Green Cross, based in Osaka, denied Government involvement.


The largest manufacturer of blood products in this country, Green Cross is facing estimated payments of 24 billion yen, or $195 million, as its share of a settlement with hemophiliacs who had become infected with H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS, from contaminated blood-clotting products. The companies said today that payments to the hemophiliacs would continue to be made.


About 1,800 hemophiliacs in Japan were infected with H.I.V. and more than 400 have died. In their lawsuits, the hemophiliacs said that the Health and Welfare Ministry had permitted Green Cross and four other drug companies to continue to sell unsterilized blood-clotting products well after heat-treating technology that kills viruses had become available.


Hospitals have been boycotting Green Cross products. And three former company presidents await trial on criminal charges of professional negligence resulting in death.


Yoshitomi, also based in Osaka, is a midsize drug company specializing in tranquilizers. It had sales last year of 101.6 billion yen, or $828 million. Roughly one-fifth of Yoshitomi is owned by Takeda Chemical Industries, a leading Japan drug concern.

緑十字は、 1950年に民間の血液銀行としてスタートしました。その創始者の一人、良一内藤は、第二次世界大戦中に中国での民間人や捕虜に対する生殖戦実験を行った悪名高いユニット帝国軍の731 、役員されていた。

Green Cross was started as a private blood bank in 1950. One of its founders, Ryoichi Naito, had been an officer in the notorious Unit 731 of the Imperial Army, which conducted germ-warfare experiments on civilians and prisoners in China during World War II.

緑十字のアメリカの子会社、アルファ治療社は、最近、米国では600 HIVに感染した血友病患者がもたらす訴訟を和解することに合意した4企業の一つです。

Green Cross's American subsidiary, the Alpha Therapeutic Corporation, is one of four companies that recently agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by 600 H.I.V.-infected hemophiliacs in the United States.


Green Cross has long employed many retiring health ministry officials. Hemophiliacs contended that the ministry delayed approval of heat-treated blood products to allow Green Cross time to catch up to foreign rivals.

57 Calperniaによって2005年11月15日3時02分18秒に掲載( Breederville.com )
[表示が最新| 〜56 | |プライベート返信投稿返信]

57 posted on 2005/11/15 3:02:18 by Calpernia (Breederville.com)
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The secret history of anthrax


Declassified documents show widespread experimentation in '40s
Editor's note: This is Part 1 of a two-part report on the history of the deadly bacterium anthrax. Part 2 will detail the usage and production of anthrax since World War II.

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

By H.P. Albarelli Jr.
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com


The rash of anthrax attacks in the U.S. following the World Trade Center tragedy has spurred widespread interest and concern about what many believe to be a formerly obscure disease. The history of anthrax as a biological weapon, however, reveals a story quite opposite of public consensus.

武器としての炭疽菌を使用した最初の疑惑は第一次世界大戦中にドイツに対して行われたドイツのエージェントは、 1917年に1916年にフランスで牛やブカレストの疾患を持つ馬に感染すると非難立っている。ジョージ·W·メルク、製薬業界の大物とルーズベルト大統領への生物学的兵器の顧問によって書かれた極秘1943報告書によると、米国は「早ければ1915年に「ニューヨーク市の港のドイツ剤」馬を接種したことを「議論の余地の証拠」を保有と疾病生産菌と牛。 "

The first allegations of the use of anthrax as a weapon were made against Germany during World War I. German agents stand accused of infecting cattle and horses with the disease in Bucharest in 1916 and in France in 1917. According to a top-secret 1943 report written by George W. Merck, pharmaceutical magnate and biological-warfare adviser to President Roosevelt, the U.S. possessed "incontrovertible evidence" that "as early as 1915" German agents in New York City's harbor "inoculated horses and cattle with disease-producing bacteria."

博士W.セスカールス、バイオテロや国防総省への特別顧問の専門家は、 1915年に液化炭疽で満たされたボトルを運ぶドイツのエージェントが目的で、マンハッタンのヴァン·コートランドパークの馬のペンを浸透させ、その2000年4月ワーキングペーパーに書いている粗コルク張りの針であり、動物を注入する。

Dr. W. Seth Carus, an expert on bioterrorism and special adviser to the Department of Defense, writes in an April 2000 working paper that in 1915 German agents carrying bottles filled with liquefied anthrax infiltrated the horse pens in Manhattan's Van Courtland Park with the objective of injecting the animals there with crude cork-topped needles.

他の機密解除された米軍の諜報文書は、 1916年に密かに置いプロイセンメディカルオフィサー、博士アントンDilgerは、ボルチモアの港でのドラフトの動物に対して使用するため、チェビーチェイス、メリーランド州にある秘密の実験室で炭疽菌胞子を栽培していることを明らかにした。また、アルゼンチンでは同年、ドイツのアンダーカバーの工作員は、炭疽が混入角砂糖欧州に結合した馬や牛に感染する、複数のポートにまたがってとかし。

Other declassified U.S. military intelligence documents reveal that in 1916 a covertly placed Prussian medical officer, Dr. Anton Dilger, cultivated anthrax spores in a surreptitious laboratory in Chevy Chase, Md., for use against draft animals in Baltimore's port. Also, that same year in Argentina, German undercover operatives combed out across several ports, infecting European-bound horses and cattle with sugar cubes laced with anthrax.

イギリスの諜報文書や1916から1918までのケーブルを傍受はドイツ人がほぼ5000ラバやメソポタミアで採用馬に感染していることと、 1916年8月のエージェントは羊がロシアに輸送されて感染するためにルーマニアに炭疽菌を送ったことを明らかにした。英国の文書はまた、ドイツのエージェントバロンオットーカール·フォン·ローゼンが炭疽菌で満たされたバイアルでノルウェーのドラフトトナカイに感染しようとして逮捕されたことを明らかにした。

British intelligence documents and cable intercepts from 1916-1918 reveal that the Germans infected nearly 5,000 mules and horses employed in Mesopotamia and that agents in August 1916 sent anthrax to Romania to infect sheep being transported to Russia. British documents also reveal that German agent Baron Otto Karl Von Rosen was apprehended attempting to infect draft reindeer in Norway with a vial filled with anthrax.

博士テオドールRosebury 、元米陸軍微生物学者は、世界大戦中にスイスの外に動作してドイツのエージェントは私が間の炭疽菌やコレラを広めるために「成功の可能性のいくつかのレベルの"しようとしたこと」 、平和や疫病"彼の1949本、記載「周辺国のヒト集団。 "別にRoseburyのスケッチと検証不可能なアカウントから、第一次世界大戦中に、人間のターゲットに対して炭疽菌を利用し、どの国が真剣に考慮さという既知の証拠はない

Dr. Theodor Rosebury, a former U.S. Army microbiologist, claimed in his 1949 book, "Peace or Pestilence," that German agents operating out of Switzerland during World War I attempted "with possibly some level of success" to spread anthrax and cholera among the "human populations of surrounding countries." Apart from Rosebury's sketchy and unverifiable account, there is no known evidence that any country seriously contemplated employing anthrax against human targets during World War I.


This was most likely because of the devastating effectiveness of the poison gases that were widely deployed during the war by both sides and a global mindset that the use of germ warfare against humans was unthinkable. But that changed decidedly in the mid-1930s.

1925のジュネーブ議定書は「戦争の細菌学的方法の使用、 「若い日本軍将校や細菌学者禁止と指摘した後、博士石井四郎は、それにもかかわらず、彼は細菌戦の多くの潜在的可能性を研究するために許可されていることを1935年に彼の上司を説得。 1937によって、野心石井Pingfan 、ハルビンの満州の都市郊外の小さな村に広大な細菌戦複合体を確立していた。無難に731部隊と呼ばれる複合体は、 150以上の建物とほぼ3,500の研究者や従業員から構成されていた。

After noting that the Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited "the use of bacteriological methods of warfare," a young Japanese army officer and bacteriologist, Dr. Shiro Ishii, nonetheless convinced his superiors in 1935 that he be allowed to research the many potentialities of germ warfare. By 1937, the ambitious Ishii had established a vast germ warfare complex in Pingfan, a small village outside the Manchurian city of Harbin. The complex, innocuously dubbed Unit 731, was composed of over 150 buildings and nearly 3,500 researchers and employees.

石井の科学者たちは、彼らの炭疽菌の研究だけでなく、チフス、ペスト、コレラ、ボツリヌス中毒、天然痘、野兎病や脳炎を濃縮した。細菌は、サイト全体に散らばって巨大なアルミタンクで大量に増殖させた。それは1940年で、 731部隊が爆弾のケーシングに配置するために炭疽五トン以上を製造していると推定される。

Ishii's scientists concentrated their studies on anthrax, as well as typhus, plague, cholera, botulism, smallpox, tularemia and encephalitis. Bacteria were grown in massive amounts in huge aluminum tanks scattered throughout the site. It is estimated that by 1940, Unit 731 manufactured over five tons of anthrax for placement into bombshell casings.


Ishii's mammoth complex nearly doubled in size and personnel after Japanese forces claimed that Russian agents attacked Japanese soldiers in China with anthrax and cholera, killing nearly 6,000 troops and 2,000 horses.

ユニット731は、炭疽菌のクロック周りのテストの実施を開始しました。鋼薄肉炭疽爆弾のいくつかのタイプが開発さ広範囲にテストされた。 1938年、石井自身が空気中に致命的な胞子数百万の散乱、衝撃で粉々に試作品の磁器の炭疽菌爆弾を設計しました。

Unit 731 began conducting tests around the clock with anthrax. Several types of steel-walled anthrax bombs were developed and tested extensively. In 1938, Ishii himself designed a prototype porcelain anthrax bomb that shattered upon impact, scattering millions of deadly spores into the air.

日本のエージェントに近いインと秘密の連絡先の個人を標的とする能力を与えるには、石井の科学者は、炭疽菌に感染したチョコレート、チューインガム、だけでなく、万年筆、 hatpinsと致命的な病気で先端の傘を開発しました。

To give Japanese agents the ability to target individuals in close-in and covert contacts, Ishii's scientists developed anthrax-infected chocolates and chewing gum, as well as fountain pens, hatpins and umbrellas tipped with the deadly disease.

炭疽菌で満たされた砲弾に加えて、 731部隊は、致命的な病気で満たされた熱気球で徹底的に実験を行った。

In addition to anthrax-filled artillery shells, Unit 731 experimented extensively with hot-air balloons filled with the deadly disease.

フォートデトリック、フレデリック、メリーランド州での軍事研究施設、 (インストールの名前は戦後、キャンプデトリックから変更されました)からの機密解除文書は部分的に第二次世界大戦がはるかに長いに行っていたされている可能性があり恐ろしいシナリオを描く。

Declassified documents from Fort Detrick, a military research facility in Frederick, Md., (the installation's name was changed from Camp Detrick after the war) partially portray a frightening scenario that might have been had World War II gone on much longer.


Beginning in late 1944, areobiologists at Camp Detrick were placed on high alert after several reports were received from western states that large balloons, some up to 150 feet around, had been sighted silently floating over populated areas.


Somewhat skeptical at first, Camp Detrick scientists quickly realized that something serious was amiss after three balloons fell to earth in California, Montana and Washington state. All were composed of a unique lightweight silky material and bore distinctive Japanese markings.

1945年3月では、 250以上の風船は、ハワイを含む9西部の州、およびカナダ西部で発見されていた。風船に軍が発表し、いくつかの機密解除文書は、その内容については何も明らかにしないが、それぞれが焼夷弾デバイスで武装したことに注意してください。 Rexmond C.コクランによって1947年に書かれた極秘化学隊の報告書は、モンタナ州に落ちた1バルーンはオレゴン州内の別の」は、狩猟パーティーで6人を殺した」と1945年5月、 「 5人の女性ということを、女性を殺害していることを述べている接地されたバルーンの1に固定電荷を改ざんしながら、グルジアの子どもが死亡した。 "

By March 1945, over 250 balloons had been discovered in nine western states, including Hawaii, and in western Canada. The few declassified documents released by the Army on the balloons reveal nothing about their contents but do note that each was armed with an incendiary device. A top secret Chemical Corps report written in 1947 by Rexmond C. Cochrane states that one balloon that fell in Montana killed a woman, that another in Oregon "killed six men in a hunting party," and that in May 1945, "five women and children in Georgia were killed while tampering with a charge fixed to one of the grounded balloons."

石井さんのような大規模な研究プログラムは、明らかに非常に多くの実験対象やモルモットを必要とし、石井のユニットが多くの動物にヒトを対象と好んだ圧倒的および冷却証拠がある。石井は意図的に彼の複雑な位置という彼らの本、 「 731部隊」の英国の調査ジャーナリストのピーター·ウィリアムズ、デビッド·ウォレス再集計"彼は人間の実験ができるよう、リモート北部満州に。 "炭疽菌と石井の人体実験は特に恐ろしいた。

A massive research program like Ishii's obviously required numerous experimental subjects or guinea pigs, and there is overwhelming and chilling evidence that Ishii's unit much preferred human subjects to animals. British investigative journalists Peter Williams and David Wallace recount in their book, "Unit 731," that Ishii deliberately located his complex "in remote northern Manchuria so he could experiment on human beings." Ishii's human experiments with anthrax were especially horrendous.

戦後書かれた機密解除軍の資料によると、多くのユニット731人の被験者は、奉天の捕虜収容所から来て、女性や子どもを含め、 「杭に縛られ、ヘルメットと防弾チョッキで保護した」ではなく「自分の足とお尻だった炭疽菌爆弾から露出したと榴散弾にさらさ離れてヤードを爆発した。 "次いで、こうして負傷、被験者は未処理であったが、彼らは死んでしまうだろうどのように迅速に把握するために、密接に勉強しました。文書はどれも長く週間以上住んでいないことを明らかにした。

According to declassified Army documents written after the war, Unit 731 human subjects, many of whom came from the Mukden POW camp and included women and children, "were tied to stakes and protected with helmets and body armor" but "their legs and buttocks were bared and exposed to shrapnel from anthrax bombs exploded yards away." Wounded thusly, the subjects were untreated but studied closely so as to ascertain how quickly they would die. Documents reveal that none lived longer than a week.


Other human subjects were surreptitiously fed food laced with anthrax and other bacteria and then monitored to measure the arrival of death. Some subjects were forced to drink liquids contaminated with anthrax and typhoid germs.


According to congressional hearings held in Washington, D. C., in September 1986, former American POWs were among Ishii's experimental subjects.

公聴会の開始時にモンタナ州下院議員パット·ウィリアムスを言った: "これらの男性は日本の捕虜収容所で、深い満州に44年前に生まれた、恐ろしい秘密の犠牲者である。これはおそらく、第二次世界大戦の最長の秘密でした、長いによって拒否日本との長いは、米国政府によって隠蔽。 "

Said Montana Congressman Pat Williams at the start of the hearings: "These men are victims of a terrible secret, born 44 years ago deep in Manchuria in Japanese POW camps. This perhaps has been the longest kept secret of World War II, long denied by Japan and long concealed by the U.S. government."

公聴会は、かつてのアメリカ人捕虜によって語らホラーストーリーの嫌になるほどを生産した。日本の残虐行為のこれらの生存者は、彼らが、彼らは厳格な命令の下の家に送られた戦争の終わりに解放された後に「自分の経験について話をしない。 」と主張

The hearings produced a litany of horror stories told by former American POWs. These survivors of Japanese atrocities maintained that after they were set free at the end of the war they were sent home under strict orders "not to talk about their experiences."


Following the hearings, an Army spokesman stated that the U.S. had no "documentary evidence to corroborate the allegations" of the former POWs, because all records related to Ishii's activities had been returned to the Japanese government in the late 1950s, and no copies had been retained.

応答した第二次世界大戦、米国、英国、カナダ、ロシアのすべての密かに開始された、洗練された生物兵器プログラムの初期の数ヶ月の怒りの中に頻繁彼らはナチスの科学者の研究に上回っされていたことIntelligenceレポートを誇張する。皮肉なことに、 1980年にリリース軍文書は、米国の情報機関は、戦争の終わり近くまで、石井の731部隊のグロテスクな活動についての貴重な少し拾い集めていたことを明らかにした。

Amidst the fury of the early months of World War II, the U.S., Britain, Canada and Russia all secretly initiated sophisticated biological warfare programs in response to frequently exaggerated intelligence reports that they were being outpaced in their research by Nazi scientists. Ironically, Army documents released in the 1980s reveal that the U.S. intelligence community had gleaned precious little about the grotesque activities of Ishii's Unit 731 until near the end of the war.


That Nazi Germany never seriously embarked down the germ warfare trail has perplexed many historians and journalists. Perhaps one of the primary reasons for this was that Hitler, who had been the victim of a near fatal gas attack in World War I, found the subjects of biological and gas warfare to be abhorrent.

これはナチスがない生物兵器研究を行っていないことを維持することはありません。彼らはやったし、予想されるように、難解寄りAhnenerbe研究所の後援の下で実施これらの実験の多くは、強制収容所の囚人を実施した。これらの粗実験のほとんどは、ダッハウとRavensbrueckキャンプで行われた博士ウォルターP.シュライバー、ナチス軍少将によって監督された。シュライバーは、機密解除された陸軍Intelligenceドキュメントとニュルンベルク裁判の証言によると、炭疽菌に対するドイツの専門家の一人と考えられていた。著名な歴史家や元事件記者リンダ·ハントは、恐怖のシュライバーの連祷はキャンプ囚人を注入した実験が含まことを明らかにし、「それは死ぬためにそれらを取った時間の長さを表示するにフェノールを。 "

This is not to maintain that the Nazis conducted no biological warfare studies. They did, and as might be expected, many of these experiments conducted under the auspices of the esoteric-leaning Ahnenerbe Institute were performed on concentration camp prisoners. Most of these crude experiments were conducted at the Dachau and Ravensbrueck camps and were overseen by Dr. Walter P. Schreiber, a major general in the Nazi army. Schreiber, according to declassified Army intelligence documents and Nuremberg Tribunal testimony, was considered one of Germany's experts on anthrax. Eminent historian and former investigative reporter Linda Hunt reveals that Schreiber's litany of horrors included experiments in which camp prisoners were injected "with phenol to see how long it took them to die."

1998年7月に、ロンドンのデイリーテレグラフは、 1944年6月に英国の特殊作戦執行がドイツに唯一の代理人を送ることによって、ヒトラーを暗殺するプロット孵化していることを報告した「炭疽菌で[ヒトラー]服を含浸させるために。 "記事によると、プロットがあるため、「成功した清算」は、意図しない殉教者にヒトラーを回すだろうと懸念から繰り越されていませんでした。記事では、発言としてプロットに反対し1イギリスの役人引用された"それはほぼ確実に[ヒトラー]を列聖すると、彼が住んでいた場合には、ドイツが保存されていたであろう神話を生んでしまった。 "

In July 1998, London's Daily Telegraph reported that in June 1944 Britain's Special Operations Executive hatched a plot to assassinate Hitler by sending a lone agent into Germany "to impregnate [Hitler's] clothing with anthrax." According to the article, the plot was never carried forward because of concerns that "successful liquidation" would turn Hitler into an unintended martyr. The article quoted one British officer who argued against the plot as saying, "It would almost certainly canonize [Hitler] and give birth to the myth that Germany would have been saved if he had lived."

英国とカナダの研究者らは、大量破壊兵器として炭疽の追求に特に積極的だった。 1942年の夏に、ポートンダウン、イギリスでの彼らの細菌戦センターで炭疽菌の実験を行った後、イギリスGruinard 、スコットランド沖の無人島に大きな炭疽原爆一連のテストを開始した。最初の爆弾が感染し、週の時間も経たないうちに約30のテストの羊を殺し、爆発した。その後のテストでは、家畜のより多くを殺害した。ポートン·ダウン、ウィリアム·サールにキャンプデトリックの連絡将校がGruinard島テストを目撃した。

British and Canadian researchers were especially aggressive in their pursuit of anthrax as a weapon of mass destruction. In the summer of 1942, after conducting anthrax experiments at their germ warfare center at Porton Down, England, the British initiated a series of large anthrax-bomb tests on Gruinard, an uninhabited island off the coast of Scotland. The first bomb exploded, infecting and killing about 30 test sheep in less than a week's time. Subsequent tests killed larger numbers of livestock. Camp Detrick liaison officer to Porton Down, William Sarles, witnessed the Gruinard Island tests.

期待されているかもしれませんが、胞子は、最終的には炭疽菌の発生を引き起こし、スコットランドの本土への道を作った。 Gruinard試験の結果、島はひどく、それが完全に訪問者に密封されていることを混入していた。長年にわたり、島の残りの動物は、遺伝的変化の顕著な症状を示すことが報告されている。

As might have been expected, spores eventually made their way to the Scottish mainland, causing an outbreak of anthrax. As a result of the Gruinard tests, the island was so badly contaminated that it has been completely sealed off to visitors. Over the years, there have been reports that the remaining animals of the island display prominent manifestations of genetic change.

機密解除されたポートン·ダウン文書は、英国は、早ければ1941年のように、航空機から炭疽菌胞子を噴霧含む炭疽実験のバッテリーを始めたことを明らかにした。初期の1942年では、英国はまた、羊や牛の群れの上炭疽の空中散布を伴っポートン·ダウン時に一連の実験を開始した。これらの同じ実験は、英国の研究者と呼ばれるものの生産につながった"牛ケーキ。 "これらは厚さであった、圧縮されたホエイウェーハは炭疽菌や口蹄疫の文化に浸漬。カナダ人はカルガリーとメディシンハットに近いサフィールドと呼ばれる荒涼とした草原に行って、自分の炭疽テストと英国の後ろに少しだけでした。これらのテストについてのいくつかの詳細は、これまで公にリリースされている。

Declassified Porton Down documents reveal that the British, as early as 1941, began a battery of anthrax experiments involving spraying anthrax spores from aircraft. By early 1942, the British had also launched a series of experiments at Porton Down that involved the aerial dispersal of anthrax over herds of sheep and cattle. These same experiments led to the production of what British researchers called "cattle cakes." These were thick, compressed whey wafers dipped into anthrax and foot-and-mouth cultures. The Canadians were only slightly behind the British with their own anthrax tests conducted on a desolate prairie called Suffield near Calgary and Medicine Hat. Few details about these tests have ever been publicly released.


Encouragement for anthrax research in Britain came from the highest levels. Winston Churchill's closest scientific adviser, Lord Cherwell, informed the prime minister in early 1944 that because of the "appalling potentiality" of anthrax, Britain had no choice but to develop bombs filled with the disease. In response, Churchill ordered his military leaders to request 500,000 anthrax bombs from the United States.


Since 1942, the U.S. Army had been conducting an ongoing series of secret experiments with anthrax, often in cooperation with biological warfare scientists with the Canadian military. The Canadians were producing anthrax spores at the rate of about 150 pounds per month at a secluded location on Grosse Ile, a St. Lawrence seaway island near Quebec. Before its conversion to the bacteriological cause, the island had served as a quarantine station for immigrants wishing to enter Canada.

グロッセアイル炭疽生産は南テレホートの、ビーゴ、インディアナ州の近くに建設数百万ドルの生産施設で、独自の炭疽菌胞子を生産することを決定するために、米国の当局者を挑発、遅くて問題があった。元々 、従来の軍需工場として軍によって1942年に設計され、新しく搭載した工場は、未満1ヶ月の時間内に50万爆弾のための十分な炭疽菌を作り出すことができることを12 20,000ガロンのタンクを開催しました。 1944年6月には、 50万爆弾のための英国の要求に続いて、米国は可能な使用のために米国に備蓄されることになる半分は百万炭疽菌爆弾を製造することを決めた。

Grosse Isle anthrax production was slow and problematic, provoking U.S. officials to decide to produce their own anthrax spores at a multi-million dollar production facility built near Vigo, Ind., south of Terre Haute. Originally designed in 1942 by the Army as a conventional munitions plant, the newly equipped plant held 12 20,000-gallon tanks that within less than one-month's time could produce enough anthrax for 500,000 bombs. In June 1944, following the British request for a half-million bombs, the U.S. decided to produce one million anthrax bombs, half of which would be stockpiled in the U.S. for possible use.

エド·レジスは彼の本の中で「運命の生物学は、 「ビーゴの炭疽菌爆弾のためのシェルケーシング」はElectromaster社、デトロイトの商業爆弾メーカー、ミシガン州で製造される」と述べていたそして、その「高性能爆薬はニュージャージー州クランベリーの勝るもののない製造会社によってなされるであろう」

Ed Regis, in his book "The Biology of Doom," says the shell casings for the Vigo anthrax bombs were to be "manufactured by the Electromaster Corporation, a commercial bomb maker in Detroit, Mich." and that "high explosives would be made by the Unexcelled Manufacturing Company of Cranbury, N.J."

事前のビーゴ工場の開発に、米国が大量に炭疽菌胞子を生産 - いくつかははるかに超える2トンを言う - キャンプデストリックで。病気の兵器研究はウィスコンシン大学の博士アイラボールドウィンがちょうどオープンしたフレデリックのインストール時に、直接研究するために雇われた後の初期の1943年に始まった。彼厳選科学者の多くがあったようにボールドウィンは、兵器として炭疽熱心未満であった。最も顕著なのは博士ウィリアムA.ハーゲン、米国学術研究会議の生物兵器委員会、キャンプデトリックの作成のための道を開いたグループのメンバーは、ボールドウィンとしたサイディング。ハガンは、コーネル大学のニューヨーク獣医大学と提携し、病気が長い他の場所で地面との使用の後に繁栄し、環境変化に耐性が高いので、炭疽菌の搾取はあまりにも危険であると信じていた。

Prior to development of the Vigo plant, the U.S. produced anthrax spores in large quantities – some say well over two tons – at Camp Detrick. Weapons research of the disease began in early 1943 after Dr. Ira Baldwin of the University of Wisconsin was hired to direct research at the just-opened Frederick installation. Baldwin was less than enthusiastic about anthrax as a weapon, as were many of his handpicked scientists. Most notably siding with Baldwin was Dr. William A. Hagen, a member of the National Research Council's Biological Warfare Committee, the group that paved the way for the creation of Camp Detrick. Hagan, affiliated with Cornell's New York Veterinary College, believed that exploitation of anthrax was too risky because the disease thrives long after use in the ground and elsewhere and is highly resistant to environmental changes.

当初、ボールドウィンは、主トレバー·スタンプ、アメリカに結婚していた英国の細菌学者に炭疽菌研究の大部分を残した。ポートン·ダウンで働いていた切手は、彼の同僚の数によって「オールドマクドナルド農場」を愛称で呼ばれた地域に彼の研究室を設置しました。彼は炭疽菌研究の上ボールドウィンと対立し、しばしばだったことスタンプ報告を知っていたが、彼は、高い場所で友人を持っていたので、彼は「一般的に最も衝突に勝った」というかつてのキャンプデトリックの研究者。これらの友人のうちはスタンリーラヴェル、 OSS研究開発プログラム、メルク、米国生物兵器プログラムの基本的なゴッドファーザー、深くのディレクターとして文民ボールドウィンの配置に憤慨し、いくつかの高官、米陸軍化学部隊将校のディレクターを務めていたではないキャンプデトリック。

Initially, Baldwin left the vast majority of anthrax research to Lord Trevor Stamp, a British bacteriologist who was married to an American. Stamp, who had worked at Porton Down, set up his laboratory in an area that was nicknamed "Old McDonald's farm" by a number of his colleagues. Former Camp Detrick researchers who knew Stamp report that he was often at odds with Baldwin over anthrax research, but that he "generally won out on most clashes" because he had friends in high places. Not the least of these friends was Stanley Lovell, director of the OSS Research and Development program, Merck, the essential godfather of the U.S. biological warfare program, and several high-ranking U.S. Army Chemical Corps officers who deeply resented civilian Baldwin's placement as director of Camp Detrick.


By early 1944, largely due to Lord Stamp's skillful advocacy and work, Camp Detrick engaged a full-blown anthrax weapons development program that rapidly resulted in the cultivation of large amounts of anthrax spores within the confines of the Maryland facility. Additionally, the program produced several hundred prototype anthrax cluster bombs. Expansion of the program into the Vigo operation was viewed at the time as an essential step in keeping pace with the military's wartime objectives.


Fort Detrick officials maintain that the Vigo plant was "never used to produce pathogenic agents" and that it was abandoned at the end of the war and leased to a large pharmaceutical company for private use. There has never been an official public accounting for the millions of anthrax spores and hundreds of anthrax bombs that were produced by Camp Detrick scientists prior to the re-equipping of the Vigo plant.

H.P. albarelloの複数形·ジュニアは、フロリダに住んでいる調査ジャーナリストである。フランク·オルソンと西ナイルウイルスの謎の死の彼の記事はまたWorldNetDailyに表示されます。

H.P. Albarelli Jr. is an investigative journalist who lives in Florida. His articles on the mysterious death of Frank Olson and West Nile virus also appear on WorldNetDaily.



 Feds' involvement in anthrax experiments


Records show conflicting reports about bacterium's use as weapon


Editor's note: This is Part 2 of a two-part report on the history of the deadly bacterium anthrax. Part 1 covers the experimentation and usage of anthrax up to and during World War II. This installment investigates the history of the United States government's involvement with the bacterium since the end of the war.

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

By H.P. Albarelli Jr.
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

第二次世界大戦の終わりの後、米国は、決定された決定をした - アメリカの生物兵器容量を増やすのではなく、それを削減する - ロシア人は積極的に攻撃的な生物兵器プログラムを開発していたと主張冷戦インテリジェンスの安定した流れを受けて。

Following the end of World War II, the United States made a determined decision – in response to the steady flow of Cold War intelligence asserting that the Russians were aggressively developing an offensive biological weapons program – to increase America's biological warfare capacity rather than curtail it.

機密解除された1975ペンタゴンの報告書は、米国での生物学的研究の"その後の増殖」、「それは、その時点で認識されていたとして、それが最初のない世界への脅威を検討する必要があるの結果の決定」を理解し、評価する」と述べている。 。 "レポート、続けて「この取り組みで特に重要なのが至上の共産圏を関連するすべての事柄に維持されなければならないことのない世界と共産と一般に認められた論文間の激化の闘争だった。 "

A declassified 1975 Pentagon report states that "to understand and evaluate" the decision that resulted in the "subsequent proliferation" of biological research in the U.S., "it is necessary to first examine the threat to the free world as it was perceived at that time." Continues the report, "Of particular importance in this effort was the intensified struggle between the free world and communists and the generally accepted thesis that supremacy must be maintained in all matters which involved the communist bloc."


In a number of sections, the Pentagon report cited a January 1945 top-secret Joint Intelligence Committee study that identified several Soviet biological research stations. Chief among these was Vozrozhdeniya Island in the Sea of Aral and Gorodomyla Island in Lake Seliger. Both locations were used extensively for anthrax weaponry development.


In the final months of World War II, the United States raced the Soviets to capture any and all documents pertaining to Nazi and Japanese biological research. This effort was preceded by what has been described as "a murderous intelligence operation" launched in 1943 to capture key German scientific personnel.

正式Alsosミッションと呼ばれる、操作が博士ヴァネヴァーブッシュ、科学研究と開発の米国オフィス、少将ジョージV.軍のインテリジェンスの強い、チーフディレクター、および少将レスリー·R.グローブスによって考案されましたロスアラモスでの米国の原子のプロジェクトの頭。中佐ボリスT.パッシュは、ミッションを頭に木立に選ばれました。パッシュは、Program支店7 、極秘軍暗殺ユニットを指示するために移動し、積極的に炭疽菌が先端に付いたと他の生物兵器を使用した暗殺技術を探求し、CIAの皮肉というタイトルの健康改変委員会のメンバーになるだろう。

Formally dubbed the Alsos Mission, the operation was conceived by Dr. Vannevar Bush, director of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development, Maj. Gen. George V. Strong, chief of Army intelligence, and Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, head of the U.S. atomic project at Los Alamos. Lt. Col. Boris T. Pash was chosen by Groves to head the mission. Pash would go on to direct Program Branch 7, a top-secret Army assassination unit, and then become a member of the CIA's ironically titled Health Alteration Committee, which vigorously explored assassination techniques using anthrax-tipped and other biological weapons.

その開始時Alsosミッションはナチスの核科学者を見つけることに焦点を当てたが、ドイツのトップバイオ研究者の取り込みが含まれるように、戦争の終わり近くに拡大した。 Alsosエージェントは、ナチスの炭疽菌の専門家とSS少将、博士ウォルターP.シュライバーを(この記事のパート1を参照)を見つけることに特に興味を持っていたが、 1945年にソ連軍が最初シュライバーを捕獲した。

The Alsos Mission at its start focused on finding Nazi nuclear scientists but was expanded near the war's end to include the capture of Germany's top biological researchers. Alsos agents were especially interested in finding Nazi anthrax expert and SS major general, Dr. Walter P. Schreiber (see Part 1 of this article), but in 1945 Soviet troops captured Schreiber first.

1948年、シュライバーは不可解彼が脱出したと主張西ベルリンに現れた。驚くべきことに、彼は戦争犯罪と彼はロシア人のための二重スパイとして行動していたことを強く疑いで指名手配されているにもかかわらず、シュライバーは米軍のカウンターインテリジェンス隊で動作するように雇われた。リンダ·ハントは、シュライバーはキャンプキング、 Oberusal 、ドイツで大規模な捕虜尋問センターで採用された彼女の本、 「秘密のアジェンダ」で明らかになった。

In 1948, Schreiber inexplicably turned up in West Berlin claiming that he had escaped. Remarkably, despite his being wanted for war crimes and strong suspicions that he was acting as a double agent for the Russians, Schreiber was hired to work with the U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence Corps. Linda Hunt reveals in her book, "Secret Agenda," that Schreiber was employed at Camp King, a large POW interrogation center in Oberusal, Germany.

1951年の第一四半期では、フォートデトリック、 CIAが資金提供特殊作戦本部に付着させたフレデリック、メリーランド州、軍事研究施設からの3人の科学者のチームはシュライバーにインタビューするドイツを訪れた。博士はフランク· R·オルソン、計画や諜報活動のため、特別な事業部の支部長を含めチームは、すべてのことが、強制収容所の尋問実験中」精神に影響を与える化学薬品の薬」を採用ナチSSのプロジェクトについてでしを学んで起訴した。

In the first quarter of 1951, a team of three scientists from Fort Detrick, a military research facility in Frederick, Md., who were attached to the CIA-funded Special Operations Division traveled to Germany to interview Schreiber. The team, which included Dr. Frank R. Olson, then Special Operations Division branch chief for planning and intelligence activities, was charged with learning all that it could about a Nazi SS project that employed "psychochemical drugs" during concentration camp interrogation experiments.

シュライバーとSS大佐ヴォルフラムのSievers 、科学研究費Ahnenerbeの研究所の所長は、 1942年から1943年11月に実施されたプロジェクトを、監督した。 Seiversはニュルンベルクで試された後、 1948年に掛けられた。

Schreiber and SS Col. Wolfram Sievers, director of the Ahnenerbe's Institute for Scientific Research, oversaw the project, which was conducted from 1942 to November 1943. Seivers was hung in 1948 after being tried at Nuremberg.

1951年10月7日に、ニューヨーク·タイムズ紙は、シュライバーは米空軍のために働いてテキサスにいたことを報告した。記事は、シュライバーは戦争犯罪者であることについての言及をしなかった。旧ニュルンベルク検察官といくつかのユダヤ人グループが米国でシュライバーの存在を学ぶこと憤慨し、ホワイトハウスに不満た。何も起こらなかったし、 1952年2月にニューヨークタイムズはシュライバーに対して行動を起こす圧力が原因で彼が実行することに取り付けたことを報告した「不本意強制収容所の犠牲者に医療実験を。 "

On Oct. 7, 1951, the New York Times reported that Schreiber was in Texas working for the U.S. Air Force. The article made no mention of Schreiber being a war criminal. Former Nuremberg prosecutors and several Jewish groups were outraged to learn of Schreiber's presence in the U.S. and complained to the White House. Nothing happened, and in February 1952 the New York Times reported that pressure to take action against Schreiber was mounting due to his performing "medical experiments on unwilling concentration camp victims."

陸軍と空軍との彼の雇用契約の期限が切れた後に、 CIAはドイツに戻っシュライバーを送信する計画をブロックされ、 1952年5月、彼はアルゼンチン政府によって「病気や疫病」の専門家として採用されたブエノスアイレスへの彼の移転を手配助けた。識別されるようになりました、いくつかの旧フォートデトリックの研究者は、シュライバーは、少なくとも2回、フレデリック、メリーランド州、施設で講義と主張した。その他は、彼がそこに隠れて他の逃亡ナチスの科学者の米国への流れを促進助けることができるようにシュライバーがアルゼンチンに移転したと主張。

After his employment contract with the Army and Air Force expired, the CIA blocked plans to send Schreiber back to Germany and in May 1952 helped arrange his relocation to Buenos Aires where he was employed as an expert on "disease and epidemics" by the Argentine government. Some former Fort Detrick researchers who declined to be identified maintained that Schreiber, on at least two occasions, lectured at the Frederick, Md., facility. Others maintain that Schreiber was relocated to Argentina so he could help facilitate the flow to the United States of other fugitive Nazi scientists hiding there.

 太平洋の / In the Pacific


After the Allied victory over Japan, U.S. Army and intelligence agents also moved swiftly to capture Japan's Unit 731 anthrax-bomb technology and other research. The initial job fell to Col. Murray Sanders, a Camp Detrick (its name during the war) bacteriologist. Earlier, Sanders had been part of Camp Detrick's investigation team into the Japanese balloon incidents. Sanders had sounded the first alarm about the mysterious balloons flying over the U.S. possibly being armed with anthrax.

十年後、インタビューで、サンダースは、 「炭疽菌は厳しいバグです。これは頑丈です。これは、生成するために安価だし、 [日本人が持っていた]中国でそれを使用していました。 」と述べたマイアミ·ヘラルド1985年のインタビューで、サンダースは、「彼は731部隊の彼の9週間の調査中に日本人が「だまされた」 、それは、彼は細菌学者博士石井四郎が行った罪のない人間に拷問の実験については知っていたことを明らかにした私は銃殺に参加できてとても幸せだっただろう。 "

Decades later, in an interview, Sanders said, "Anthrax is a tough bug. It's sturdy. It's cheap to produce, and [the Japanese had] used it in China." In a 1985 interview with the Miami Herald, Sanders revealed that he was "duped" by the Japanese during his nine-week investigation of Unit 731 and that had he known about torturous experiments on innocent human beings conducted by bacteriologist Dr. Shiro Ishii, "I would have been very happy to be part of the firing squad."


Unable to interview Ishii because the scientist was in hiding in Japan's mountains, Sanders spent two weeks in Japan questioning Dr. Ryoichi Naito, a high-ranking Unit 731 bacteriologist who oversaw many of Ishii's horrific anthrax experiments. At the time, Sanders was unaware that in 1939, Naito had visited New York's Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in an attempt to obtain samples of lethal viruses. Refused, Naito unsuccessfully attempted to bribe employees of the Institute only to be again turned away.


When Sanders arrived back at Camp Detrick he discovered that he had contracted a severe case of tuberculosis, and he was bedridden for months. He told his replacement on the investigation, Lt. Col. Arvo T. Thompson, executive assistant to Dr. Ira Baldwin and George Merck, that he "strongly suspected" that the Japanese had conducted extensive human experiments but had been unable to obtain any definitive evidence.

トンプソンは、友人や同僚と一緒に、オルソンとジョンシュワブは、キャンプデトリックに非常に最初の新入社員の間でされていた。ボールドウィン、キャンプデトリックの最初のリサーチディレクターを支援しながら、すべての3人の男が最初に国内初の生物兵器センターに適した場所を見つけることに、メリーランド州のエッジウッドアーセナルに本社を置くされていた。戦争中に、 3つすべてが炭疽菌兵器の開発で広範囲に対処。シュワブは、インディアナ州のビーゴ炭疽プラントの開発を監督しました。トンプソンは、炭疽に集中的に集中して空中生物学の研究を監督し、 1943年と1944年の間にパスカグーラホーン島のテスト·ステーション、ミシシッピオルソン、で炭疽菌実験を指示した。

Thompson, along with friends and colleagues, Olson and John Schwab, had been among the very first recruits to Camp Detrick. All three men had been initially headquartered at Maryland's Edgewood Arsenal while assisting Baldwin, Camp Detrick's first research director, in finding a suitable location for the nation's first biological warfare center. During the war, all three dealt extensively with the development of anthrax weapons. Schwab helped oversee the development of the Vigo anthrax plant in Indiana. Thompson directed anthrax experiments at Horn Island Testing Station in Pascagoula, Miss. Olson, during 1943 and 1944, oversaw aerobiology research concentrating intensively on anthrax.


Thompson, called "Tommy" by his friends, was given orders to aggressively follow up Sanders' work with the central objective of keeping all that he learned away from the Russians.


In Japan, Thompson interviewed Ishii, who had been captured by the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps. He found Ishii to be "often evasive" but still managed to glean a great deal of information from the scientist. Thompson was ordered not to discuss his sessions with Ishii with anyone.

トンプソンの調査結果に極秘米軍極東コマンドレポートは読む: 「日本の生物兵器データの米国に値をはるかに戦争犯罪の訴追から生じる値を上回ると、国家安全保障へのそのような重要なものである。 " 1956 FBIの覚書は、 1950年代半ばまでに米国が石井の人体実験を知り尽くしたが、細菌戦に関する日本の科学的データと引き換えに起訴しないことに同意していることを明らかにしている。

A top-secret U.S. Army Far East Command report on Thompson's findings reads: "The value to the U.S. of Japanese biological weapons data is of such importance to national security as to far outweigh the value accruing from war-crimes prosecution." A 1956 FBI memorandum reveals that by the mid-1950s the U.S. knew everything about Ishii's human experiments but agreed not to prosecute in exchange for Japan's scientific data on germ warfare.

1951年5月では、フォートデトリックの科学者は、トンプソンが東京の別の特別な割り当てに「自殺」しばらく持っていたことを知ってショックを受けました。トンプソンの死を取り巻く状況は、公的に明らかにされたことがない。 2年後、オルソンも、最終的に、彼はアメリカの謎のアイコンとなったため、異例の状況下で「自殺する」だろう。間もなくトンプソンの死の前に、サンダースや他の旧フォートデトリックの研究者によると、石井はキャンプデストリックで講義を米国に分泌された。サンダースは、 1988年に彼の死の前のインタビューでも、良一内藤は731部隊の人体実験にアメリカの研究者の講義をキャンプデトリックに持って来られたと主張した。

In May 1951, scientists at Fort Detrick were shocked to learn that Thompson had "committed suicide" while on another special assignment in Tokyo. The circumstances surrounding Thompson's death have never been publicly revealed. Two years later, Olson would also "commit suicide" under circumstances so unusual that eventually he became an icon of American mysteries. Not long before Thompson's death, according to Sanders and other former Fort Detrick researchers, Ishii was secreted into the United States to lecture at Camp Detrick. Sanders, in an interview before his death in 1988, also claimed that Ryoichi Naito was brought to Camp Detrick to lecture American researchers on Unit 731's human experiments.

注意に関係は1996年に、内藤は米国にHIVに感染した血液の出荷を関与、日本の巨大なスキャンダルに巻き込まれたということです。同じHIVに感染した血液は、日本の血友病患者に売却された。汚染された血液の出荷·販売を担当する会社は緑十字、内藤と他の2つのユニット731の研究者によって1950年に設立された民間の血液銀行だった。日本のメディアのように緑十字を参照し始めた直後に内藤は1982年に亡くなった"ヴァンパイア血バンク。 "

Pertinent to note is that in 1996, Naito was caught up in a huge scandal in Japan that involved the shipment of HIV-infected blood to the United States. The same HIV-infected blood was sold to Japanese hemophiliacs. The company responsible for the shipments and sales of the tainted blood was Green Cross, a private blood bank founded in 1950 by Naito and two other Unit 731 researchers. Naito died in 1982 shortly after the Japanese media began referring to Green Cross as the "Vampire Blood Bank."

 韓国で炭疽? / Anthrax in Korea?

朝鮮戦争中に米国の炭疽菌爆弾を含む生物兵器、 、の使用は、加熱された論争の継続的な主題である - 生物兵器は統合参謀本部によって最優先ではない指定されたこと。生物兵器は「素晴らしい機会を提供しています"朝鮮戦争の開始時に生成され1ペンタゴン報告書をお読みください。

The use of biological weapons, including anthrax bombs, by the U.S. during the Korean War is a continuing subject of heated controversy – that biological weapons were designated a top priority by the Joint Chiefs of Staff is not. Biological warfare "offers fabulous opportunities" read one Pentagon report produced at the start of the Korean War.

1950年10月では、空軍はフォートデトリックから5000炭疽菌爆弾を命じた。他の大規模な受注がすぐに従ったが、伝えられるところによれば、空軍は、その使用の波及を懸念した。 1950年に書かれた1機密解除文書をお読みください。「空軍は生物兵器攻撃がサルの全都市にどうなるのか予測する上でかなり正確かもしれないが、攻撃は、人間の完全な都市に何をしますか64000ドルの質問が残った。"

In October 1950, the Air Force ordered 5,000 anthrax bombs from Fort Detrick. Other large orders soon followed, but reportedly the Air Force was concerned about the ramifications of their use. Read one declassified document written in 1950: "The Air Force could be fairly accurate in predicting what a biological warfare attack would do to a city full of monkeys, but what an attack would do to a city full of human beings remained the $64,000 question."

時間によって加速炭疽菌兵器プログラムの呼び出しは、軍幹部からフォートデトリック、病気が停止したの使用をめぐる議論になった。 1944年6月では、ボールドウィンは問題で辞任を余儀なくされていた。

By the time the call for an accelerated anthrax weapons program came from military leaders to Fort Detrick, debate over the use of the disease had ceased. In June 1944, Baldwin had been forced to resign over the issue.


Enlisted officers at the facility resented Baldwin, a civilian, from the start. Officers felt strongly that control of Fort Detrick should be totally in the hands of the Army. Gen. William N. Porter, head of the Army's Chemical Corps, which oversaw Fort Detrick's operations, kept Baldwin and much of his staff in the dark about all major anthrax decisions. Baldwin was told nothing about Britain's order for 500,000 anthrax bombs or about the decisions that led to the creation of the Vigo production plant.


When the Vigo plant was near operational, Baldwin was told of its existence and ordered to oversee safety issues concerning its huge anthrax-producing tanks. Because of deep concerns about faulty engineering, Baldwin refused and subsequently resigned.

同じ時間のトラブル韓国の国境沿いに醸造した時、陸軍は、米国の追加的な炭疽のテストサイトの数を確立することに忙しかった。これらの中では最高経営責任者の巨大な地下炭疽菌発酵槽の数を特色にしたアーカンソー州パインブラフアーセナルだった。 1967年には、パインブラフの司令官は、施設が「 2日で[生物兵器]エージェントの100ガロンを生産する。 「できることを調査ジャーナリストシーモアM·ハーシュを知らせ

At the same hour trouble was brewing along Korea's border, the Army was busy establishing a number of additional anthrax testing sites in the United States. Chief among these was the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas that featured a number of huge underground anthrax fermenters. In 1967, the commander of Pine Bluff informed investigative journalist Seymour M. Hersh that the facility could "produce 100 gallons of a [biological warfare] agent in two days."

ソルトレイクシティ、ユタ州の近く試験場Dugwayは、炭疽菌テストのためのフォートデトリックの研究者によって広く使用されていました。 2000平方マイルサイト近くの家畜の群れを間引かれたテストの事故の数で悪名高い。機密解除された軍の報告書は、炭疽菌は1951年と1960年の間にはるかに超える150の別々のテストの機会にDugwayに展開したことが明らかになった。朝鮮戦争中に炭疽菌兵器に関連した追加試験は、ロングアイランド沖に位置するプラムアイランド、ニューヨーク、上のフォート·テリーを行った。

Dugway Proving Ground near Salt lake City, Utah, was used extensively by Fort Detrick researchers for anthrax testing. The 2,000 square mile site is notorious for a number of testing accidents that decimated nearby livestock herds. A declassified Army report reveals that anthrax was deployed at Dugway on well over 150 separate testing occasions between 1951 and 1960. Additional testing related to anthrax weapons during the Korean War was conducted at Fort Terry on Plum Island, N.Y., located off the coast of Long Island.

1977年2月24日付けの軍報告書の機密解除された部門は、 「パブリックドメインに関連する対人学的シミュレートの生物学的なフィールドテスト」が開催された場所の長いリストが含まれています。サンフランシスコ、パナマシティ、フロリダ、ワシントンD.C. 、ハワイとニューヨーク市は、リストに含まれている。 1953および1954年に、 CIAと協力フォートデトリックの科学者は炭疽がニューヨーク市の地下鉄システムでシミュレートした秘密の実験を行った。

A declassified Department of Army report dated Feb. 24, 1977, contains a lengthy list of locations where "biological field testing of anti-personnel biological simulates involving the public domain" were held. Included on the list are San Francisco, Panama City, Florida, Washington, D.C., Hawaii and New York City. In 1953 and 1954, Fort Detrick scientists working with the CIA conducted secret tests with anthrax simulates in New York City's subway system.


In December 1951, a Reuters's news dispatch reported that the U.S. commander of troops in Korea, Gen. Matthew Ridgeway, secretly brought Ishii to Korea as a biological warfare consultant to the U.S. military. Subsequent news reports stated that Ishii made two trips to Korea as a consultant for the Army.


In early 1952, the North Korean and Chinese governments accused the U.S. of employing biological weapons. North Korea's foreign affairs minister alleged that the U.S. had dropped hundreds of bombs filled with anthrax, plague and cholera on his country. The Pentagon scoffed at the notion and flatly denied any and all accusations.


To further bolster their charges against the U.S., the Chinese released the "confessions" of 25 captured American airmen. Along with the confessions, China also released a batch of photographs that they claimed were of "American germ bombs" dropped on North Korea.


The United States categorically denied the charges and maintained that the POW pilots and airman had been "brainwashed" into making any confessions. The U.S. demanded that the World Health Organization and the Red Cross be called to investigate the allegations, but the Chinese refused to officially recognize either organization as impartial.

歴史家スティーブンエンディとエドワードハガーマンは、その本の中で説得力のある米国は広範囲で実験し、朝鮮戦争中に炭疽菌などの生物兵器を、デプロイされたことを「米国と生物兵器を、 "を書き込んでください。彼らは、国防総省が議会に、韓国の戦時の活動について、アメリカ国民にうそをついたと念入りに日本の実験でキャプチャされたデータを活用する米軍キャンプデトリックの研究者の鮮やかな肖像画を描くことを「確かな証拠」を提供しています。

Historians Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman write convincingly in their book, "The United States and Biological Warfare," that the U.S. extensively experimented with and deployed biological weapons, including anthrax, during the Korean War. They offer "hard evidence" that the Pentagon lied to Congress and to the American public about wartime activities in Korea and paint a vivid portrait of the U.S. Army and Camp Detrick researchers methodically exploiting captured data on Japanese experiments.


Other biological warfare historians have sharply ridiculed the meticulous research of Endicott and Hagerman. Ed Regis wrote in a 1999 New York Times book review that the two historians advanced evidence "fabricated" by the North Koreans and Chinese.

 民族の武器 / Ethnic weapons

炭疽菌はまたとして知られている生物学的研究の暗い側面に織り込みました」民族の武器。 "簡単に言えば、民族の武器 - 時々 「遺伝子兵器」と呼ばれる - 特定の民族や人種を無力化し、殺すために開発された生物学的手段である。

Anthrax has also factored into the darker side of biological research known as "ethnic weapons." Simply put, ethnic weapons – sometimes called "genetic weapons" – are those biological means developed to incapacitate and kill specific ethnic or racial groups.

カール· A.ラーソン、スウェーデンのルンド大学の人類遺伝学の部門の頭部による1970年11月、米軍コマンド軍事レビュー記事は、人間の自然変動の巨大な実験室では、明確に定義された活動の急激な差異の多くのインスタンスを提供"と述べた酵素。 "ラーソンは「 Caucasoidsが大幅に適合している先の毒を「東南アジアの感受性など、細部の様々な酵素欠損にに書き込み、ヨーロッパだけでなく、アフリカ系のアメリカ人は、 50パーセント遅い[酵素]についての彼らのメンバーの間で持っている」ことを強調している不活性化。 "

A November 1970 U.S. Army Command Military Review article by Carl A. Larson, head of the Department of Human Genetics at Sweden's Lund University, stated, "The immense laboratory of human natural variations provides many instances of sharp differences in the activities of well-defined enzymes." Larson writes on to detail various enzyme deficiencies including the susceptibility of southeastern Asians "to a poison to which Caucasoids are largely adapted" and underscores that "Europeans, as well as Americans of African descent, have among their members about 50 percent slow [enzyme] inactivators."

「秘密の雲に囲まれたラーソンは、新たな無能力剤についての体系的な検索が[ 1969 ]の前半。多くの研究室で起こっていると結論付け、いくつかの研究室は、DNA、 primaryコマンドからの遺伝メッセージを通過に従事して要因を報告したポストは、化学的な信号を中継。 RNA産生のための酵素プロセスは数年前から知られているが、今の要因が開始と酵素生産の特異性を調節している明らかにされているRNAに。要因が見つかりましたが、されていないだけその阻害剤.... "

Concluded Larson, "Surrounded with clouds of secrecy, a systematic search for new incapacitating agents is going on in many laboratories. During the first half of [1969], several laboratories reported factors engaged in passing over the genetic message from DNA, the primary command post, to RNA, which relays the chemical signal. The enzymatic process for RNA production has been known for some years, but now the factors have been revealed which regulate the initiation and specificity of enzyme production. Not only the factors have been found, but their inhibitors. ..."


During Camp Detrick's fledgling years, anthrax factored into ethnic weaponry when scientists there began questioning whether certain "geographical groups" better withstood anthrax attacks than others.

英国のサイエンスライター、元外交官ウェンディバーナビーによると、 「米海軍は[アフリカ系アメリカ人は]バレー熱で死亡する可能性がはるかに高い白人よりであることを、おそらく観察に基づいて1951年である限り前[エスニック武器]考える、カリフォルニアのサンホアキンバレーの風土性真菌からキャッチ病気。 "

According to British science writer and former diplomat Wendy Barnaby, "The U.S. Navy thought of [ethnic weapons] as long ago as 1951 presumably on the basis of the observation that [African-Americans] are much more likely than whites to die from Valley Fever, a disease caught from a fungus endemic in California's San Joaquin Valley."

 炭疽菌の未来 / The future of anthrax

間違いなく、後の9から11の炭疽菌攻撃はアメリカの土の上に行ったバイオテロの今後の可能性について深く懸念し、アメリカ人を残している。多くの人々は、最近の炭疽菌攻撃は、米国のこのような活動の始まりとなったと考えているが、炭疽菌を含む「 biocrimes 」の歴史をざっと見直し、深刻な国民の監視を逃れている不穏な絵を明らかにする。

Without doubt, the post-9-11 anthrax attacks have left Americans deeply concerned about the future possibilities of bioterrorism conducted on American soil. Many people believe that the recent anthrax attacks marked the beginning of such activity in the U.S., but a cursory review of the history of "biocrimes" involving anthrax reveals a disturbing picture that has escaped serious public scrutiny.


A copiously researched working paper on bioterrorism produced by the Department of Defense last year reveals that in the past 10 years alone there have been a startling number of cases in the United States involving the threatened use of anthrax.

例えば、 1997年7月にタンパ、アトランタ、ダラス、フェニックス、マイアミを含む大規模な米国の都市の数は、その水の供給は、炭疽菌やボツリヌス毒素による汚染を対象としていたと述べたファックスを受け取った。

For example, in July 1997 a number of large U.S. cities, including Tampa, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix and Miami, received a fax that stated that their water supplies had been targeted for contamination with anthrax and botulinum toxin.

1998年3月では、キャニスターは、 「炭疽菌」とマークは、テキサス州サンアントニオでレンタカーの中に発見した。 1998年10月では、ルイビル、ケンタッキー州で3中絶クリニックは、炭疽菌の致死量を含むと主張する手紙を受け取った。

In March 1998, a canister marked "anthrax" was found inside a rented car in San Antonio, Texas. In October 1998, three abortion clinics in Louisville, Ky., received letters claiming to contain lethal amounts of anthrax.

1998年11月、インディアナ州のウォルマートストアは炭疽菌手紙の脅威を受けた。ストアは、排気した。 1998年11月18日、上のオーシャンドライブ、マイアミ·ベース誌の会社員は、炭疽菌の脅威と白い粉末が含まれている手紙を開いた。オフィスでの労働者はFBIと軍関係者の勧告にシプロフロキサシンで処理した。

In November 1998, a Wal-Mart store in Indiana received an anthrax letter threat. The store was evacuated. On Nov. 18, 1998, an office worker at Ocean Drive, a Miami-based magazine, opened a letter that contained an anthrax threat and a white powder. Workers in the office were treated with ciprofloxacin on the recommendations of the FBI and Army officials.

また、 1998年11月に、バージニアビーチ、バージニア州の高校では学校が炭疽菌爆弾が含まれていた電話の脅威を受けた。呼び出し側は、 「人々はそれがすべてです。死ぬだろう」と話した。

Also in November 1998, a high school in Virginia Beach, Va., received a telephone threat that the school contained an anthrax bomb. The caller said, "People will die. That is all."

1998年11月21日にペンブロークパインズ、フロリダ州にあるメールソーターは、外側のフラップに書かれた言葉を持っていた封筒、 「おめでとうございます、あなたは炭疽菌にさらされているが、 「発見した。翌月、コッペル、テキサス州での郵便労働者は、封筒のようなメッセージを見つけました。

A mail sorter in Pembroke Pines, Fla., on Nov. 21, 1998, found an envelope that had the words, "Congratulations, you have been exposed to anthrax," written on an outside flap. The following month, postal workers in Coppell, Texas, found similar messages on envelopes.

1999年2月に、ロサンゼルスタイムズは、炭疽菌が含まれていると主張して手紙を受け取った。同じ月、米国国務省は、炭疽菌を保持するために主張した手紙を受け取った。 1999年2月に、連邦議会警察によると、「いくつかの議会のオフィスは「炭疽菌やその他の致命的な生物学的因子が含まれていると主張した文字で脅迫を受けた。

In February 1999, the Los Angeles Times received a letter that claimed to contain anthrax. The same month the U.S. State Department received a letter that claimed to hold anthrax. In February 1999, according to Capitol Hill police, "several congressional offices" received threats in letters that claimed to contain anthrax and other lethal biological agents.


The list goes on and on, numbering well over 100 incidents in the past three years, occurring in virtually every part of the country. Readers of the list can't help but wonder what nexus, if any, these incidents had to events following the World Trade Center attacks.


Another strange and recent incident involving anthrax occurred in March 2000 in Irvine, Calif. Anthrax containers were found buried in the yard of Dr. Larry C. Ford, a biomedical researcher who specialized in infectious diseases. According to Ford's lawyer, the doctor worked for the CIA for nearly 20 years.

彼のビジネス·パートナー、ジェームズ·パトリック·ライリー、 Biofem社の最高経営責任者は、マスクされたガンマンによって撃たれ、負傷した後にフォードが自殺した。フォードが自殺した後は、新聞の数は、彼とライリーは、アパルトヘイト時代の南アフリカ共和国の生物兵器開発に、イスラエルと企業の関係を持っていたことを主張した。フォードはまた、博士ニールKnobel 、南アフリカ国防軍の元チーフメディカルオフィサーに連結した。アパルトヘイト時代の中、 Knobelは南アフリカの悪名高いプロジェクトコースト、愛称博士はWouterファゴット、監督隠密生物学プログラム監督"博士の死を。 "南アフリカの新聞はファゴットのアパルトヘイトとの闘いの間、黒の過激派に対する炭疽からエイズにすべてを採用すると考えられていることを主張している。

Ford committed suicide after his business partner, James Patrick Riley, chief of Biofem, Inc. was shot and wounded by a masked gunman. After Ford killed himself, a number of newspapers alleged that he and Riley had corporate ties with biological warfare development in apartheid-era South Africa and with Israel. Ford was also linked to Dr. Neil Knobel, former chief medical officer for the South African Defense Forces. During the apartheid-era, Knobel oversaw South Africa's notorious Project Coast, a covert biological program directed by Dr. Wouter Basson, nicknamed "Dr. Death." South African newspapers have claimed that Basson considered employing everything from anthrax to AIDS against black militants during the struggle against apartheid.

皮肉なことに、わずか1週間の世界貿易センター攻撃の前に、ニューヨーク·タイムズ紙は、ここ数年、米国は生物兵器に関する秘密の研究プログラムに着手した」と述べた記事を掲載し、その一部の当局者が言うには、テストこのような武器がなければ[ 1972 ]国際条約の制限。 "ジュディス·ミラー、スティーブン·エンゲル、ウィリアム·ブロードが書いた、記事は、 1996年から「ソ連に設計された胚芽爆弾上に複製されたいくつかのモデルの炭疽菌爆弾を構築し、テストしていることを、秘密CIAのプロジェクト、クリアビジョン(コードネーム)の言わその機関の職員恐れていたが、国際市場で販売されていた。 "

Ironically, only one week before the World Trade Center attacks, the New York Times published an article that stated, "Over the past several years, the United States has embarked on a program of secret research on biological weapons that, some officials say, tests the limits on the [1972] global treaty barring such weapons." Written by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William Broad, the article told of a secret CIA project, code-named Clear Vision, that since 1996 built and tested several model anthrax bombs that were replicated on "a Soviet-designed germ bomb that agency officials feared was being sold on the international market."

CIAのプロジェクトは、ロシアの科学者は「セレウス菌、炭疽菌微生物に、食中毒の原因となる生物から遺伝子を移植していた。 」との懸念から生まれた。

The CIA project grew out of concerns that Russian scientists "had implanted genes from Bacillus cereus, an organism that causes food poisoning, into the anthrax microbe."

最近では、博士メリルナス、炭疽菌の専門家によると、この秋のメール攻撃で使用される炭疽菌の菌株は、エイムス、アイオワ州にある米国農務省の研究室からのものとして同定された」とは、元々 1950年に分離された場所。 "ナスは、 WorldNetDailyとの独占インタビューで、歪みが「何十年もそこにあったと他の多くのラボと共有しています。 」と述べた

Recently, according to Dr. Meryl Nass, an expert on anthrax, the strain of anthrax used in this fall's mail attacks was identified as coming from a U.S. Department of Agriculture laboratory in Ames, Iowa, "where it was originally isolated in 1950." Nass, in an exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily, said that the strain "has been out there for decades and shared with many other labs."

ナスや他の炭疽菌の専門家によると、エイムズ株はポートン·ダウン、フォートデトリック、いくつかの大学で英国の生物兵器センターと共有されています。彼は、それが原因で、研究者はエームズ株を好むと述べ、「長いワクチンを試験した、それに対して最も毒性株として知られていました。 "

According to Nass and other anthrax experts, the Ames strain has been shared with the British biological warfare center at Porton Down, Fort Detrick and several colleges and universities. He stated that researchers favored the Ames strain because it "was long known as the most virulent strain against which vaccines were tested."

奇妙なことに、エームズ株は後の9から11の攻撃の元のソースであったことを月の啓示以下、アイオワ州立大学の関係者は、すべてのエイムス試験片を破壊した」 、オートクレーブでそれらを焼成することにより、 「特別なオーブンは手術器具を滅菌するために使用。アイオワ州当局は、彼らが炭疽菌を破壊するCDCおよび米連邦捜査局(FBI)の許可を受けていたことを報告した。

Oddly, following the October revelations that the Ames strain was the original source of the post-9-11 attacks, officials at Iowa State University destroyed all Ames specimens "by baking them in an autoclave," a special oven used to sterilize surgical instruments. Iowa State officials reported that they had received permission from the CDC and FBI to destroy the anthrax.

H.P. albarelloの複数形·ジュニアは、フロリダに住んでいる調査ジャーナリストである。フランク·オルソンと西ナイルウイルスの謎の死の彼の記事はまたWorldNetDailyに表示されます。

H.P. Albarelli Jr. is an investigative journalist who lives in Florida. His articles on the mysterious death of Frank Olson and West Nile virus also appear on WorldNetDaily.

58 Calperniaによって2005年11月15日3時18分41秒に掲載( Breederville.com )
[表示が最新| 57 | |プライベート返信投稿返信]
へ: Calpernia 、ケニー·二段、第一選択

58 posted on 2005/11/15 3:18:41 by Calpernia (Breederville.com)
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To: Calpernia; Kenny Bunk; Prime Choice
interestingly enough, Clive Cussler's latest 'Dirk Pitt' novel contains plenty of info about these porcelin dual ingredient bombs and their plans for use during the waning days of the war...

59は、係船柱で2005年11月15日午前10時19分33秒に投稿さ( 'ジョージ·ブッシュは、パリ、今秋炎にない上がることだった。 ' ...リチャード·ベアー)
[表示が最新| 58に| |プライベート返信投稿返信]
へ: Calpernia 、国内の教会、 DAVEY CROCKETT 、 LibertyRocks 、 ExSoldier 、 appalachian_dweller ; ...

59 posted on 2005/11/15 10:19:33 by bitt ('George Bush was to go up in flames this Fall, not Paris.'...Richard Baehr)
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To: Calpernia; Domestic Church; DAVEY CROCKETT; LibertyRocks; ExSoldier; appalachian_dweller; ...
History of the Japan experiments on POWs.


Calpernia has enough information here to write a book, covers it all, none of it pretty, not to be read if you are depressed.

私はビル、 Germam捕虜が、日本で開催されていた囚人は、彼がしたよりもはるかに通過したことを私に言ったことを知っています。

I know that Bill, a Germam POW, told me that the prisoners who had been held by the Japanese, went through far more than he did.

The two that I knew, never fully recovered.

一つは、時々 、非常に暴力的、危険だった。
One was dangerous, very violent at times.

The other was depressed and would sit in the corner, not speaking for weeks.

Both attempted to be good husbands, until the memories came.

They have perfected all the bio warfare that we fear the terrorists know today.

60は(ウェイクアップアメリカ! !) nw_arizona_grannyにより2005年11月15日午後01時24分29秒に投稿
[表示が最新| 1へ| |プライベート返信投稿返信]
へ: nw_arizona_granny
61はExSoldierによって2005年11月15日13時43分42秒に掲載(民主主義は2狼とディナーにラムの投票です。リバティは投票を争うだけでなく武装子羊です。 )
[表示が最新| 〜60 | |プライベート返信投稿返信]

60 posted on 2005/11/15 13:24:29 by nw_arizona_granny (WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!)
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To: nw_arizona_granny
When I was doing research for my screenplay on the POW camps of North Korea and their many Death Marches I would interview the Korean war vets I encountered during the long waits when I'd go for my VA checkups. Those were some stories of broken bodies and broken souls.
61 posted on 2005/11/15 13:43:42 by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
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To: Calpernia; Domestic Church; DAVEY CROCKETT; LibertyRocks; ExSoldier; appalachian_dweller; ...
History of the Japan experiments on POWs.

Calpernia has enough information here to write a book, covers it all, none of it pretty, not to be read if you are depressed.

I know that Bill, a Germam POW, told me that the prisoners who had been held by the Japanese, went through far more than he did.

The two that I knew, never fully recovered.

One was dangerous, very violent at times.

The other was depressed and would sit in the corner, not speaking for weeks.

Both attempted to be good husbands, until the memories came.

They have perfected all the bio warfare that we fear the terrorists know today.

60 posted on 2005/11/15 13:24:29 by nw_arizona_granny (WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!)
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To: nw_arizona_granny
When I was doing research for my screenplay on the POW camps of North Korea and their many Death Marches I would interview the Korean war vets I encountered during the long waits when I'd go for my VA checkups. Those were some stories of broken bodies and broken souls.
61 posted on 2005/11/15 13:43:42 by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
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To: Calpernia
Have you read Judith Miller's book, Germs?
The second chapter concerns Japan's Unit 731, and the U.S. germ warfare program at Ft. Detrick, MD and Ft. Douglas, UT.

62 posted on 2005/11/15 13:48:04 by ntnychik
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To: ntnychik
No I haven't. But I will add that to my list.

Thank you for the title.

63 posted on 2005/11/15 22:09:36 by Calpernia (Breederville.com)
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All of the biological weapons

401 U.S. military troops

United States Armed Forces 401 corps

Unit 731: Testimony

The remnants of Unit 731 participate in a cancer project in the United States

During World War II, Japan plotted to unleash a plague on the United States

LAW says AMERICANS can be used as Human GUINEA PIGS -US Defense

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