
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.

More about World War II



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ハリー·S 。トルーマンとユダヤ人
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France: Charles de Gaulle - Leader of the Free French

Charles de Gaulle is really Jewish


Read more: France: The Rothschilds & The Mind - TIME http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,833976,00.html#ixzz2ol4ECHyC


第二次世界大戦 日本の支配者
The ruler of Japan post WW2



Japanese Cult of Emperor: 1200 to 1900: East and Southeast Asia

 Elizabeth Rholetter Purdy

Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, & Africa: An Encyclopedia

Japanese Cult of Emperor: 1200 to 1900: East and Southeast Asia
Elizabeth Rholetter Purdy
Unlike China, Japan has essentially had only one dynasty throughout its long history. Emperors are believed to be descended from the Kami , who imbued them with the power to communicate with the gods and to receive inspiration from them. Historically, the emperor was responsible for carrying out certain Japanese rituals and traditions. True political power was generally exercised only by feudal noblemen and shoguns. The emperor's power fluctuated over time, but by the 10th century, any power associated with the position was in decline, even though emperors continued to retain their thrones. By 1639, Japan had isolated itself from the rest of the world, and the emperor was isolated within Japan. In 1867, Japan underwent a major transformation when the Tokugawa shogunate was overthrown by the Meiji Revolution. During the subsequent Restoration, imperial rule was restored under the Meiji emperor (1852–1912), who was the 122nd emperor in the Japanese ...



Emperor of Ruins: Hirohito in Post-War Japan


History is written by winners. When a conflict ends and a truce is signed, the aims and philosophies of the vanquished — their justifications for fighting, whether they instigated the war or were simply defending themselves against an aggressor — the aims of the vanquished devolve into irrelevancies at the moment of capitulation. This is hardly an argument, however, that might makes right; anyone with even a tenuous grasp of history knows that might and right usually have little to do with one another. Instead, the old saying about history and winners is simply an acknowledgement of an ancient, if somewhat barbaric, understanding between warring nations: to the victor go the spoils, and nothing is more valuable than control of the conflict’s narrative.

Read more: Emperor of Ruins: Photos of Hirohito in Post-War Japan, 1946 | LIFE.com http://life.time.com/history/emperor-of-ruins-hirohito-in-post-war-japan/#ixzz2os6aPnpw



Hirohito: War Criminal



A strange fascination for World War II in the Pacific overtakes many Catholic blogs in early August each year, so in line with that I throw out this question: should Hirohito have been tried as a war criminal? The video clip above is from the movie Emperor (2012) which is being released on Blu-ray and dvd next week and which has a fictional account of an American attempt to determine the extent of Hirohito’s involvement in the launching of Japan’s war of conquest which would claim over thirty million lives. - See more at: http://the-american-catholic.com/2013/08/10/hirohito-war-criminal/#sthash.k4xnjPMG.dpuf



MacArthur had little doubt of Hirohito’s war guilt, but he also had little doubt that Hirohito’s cooperation was necessary for a peaceful occupation of Japan. Hirohito thus served as a figure head while MacArthur, the Yankee Shogun, remade Japan. This picture tells us all we need to know about the relationship between the two men:


MacArthur encountered considerable resistance to his decision not to prosecute Hirohito. Belief in Hirohito’s war guilt was an article of faith in America and in the other nations that had fought Japan. MacArthur played along with the fable promoted by the Japanese government that Hirohito had always been a man of peace, who was powerless in the face of the militarists who ran Japan. This myth, well bald-faced lie would be a more accurate description, was surprisingly successful. The first major scholarly attack on it was by David Bergamini’s 1200 page Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, published in 1971. Read a review of it here.

Bergamini 、ライフ誌の寄稿編集者であった​​ジャーナリストは、第二次世界大戦中にフィリピンの収容所で彼の両親と一緒に天皇のゲストだった。キャンプの居住者は、駆除のために予定されていたし、解放のアメリカ軍の到着時間ことわざのニックによって救われた。 Bergaminiは本を書くことの生活から引退した。

Bergamini, a journalist who had been a contributing editor of Life magazine, had been a guest of the Emperor along with his parents in an internment camp in the Philippines during World War II. The occupants of the camp were scheduled for extermination and were saved by the proverbial nick of time arrival of liberating American forces. Bergamini retired from Life to write books.


His major project was Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy. Despite its garish title it was an in depth look at pre-war Japan and Hirohito’s involvement in leading the country to war. Bergamini, who was fluent in Japanese, interviewed many of the then living participants in the pre-war Japanese government, as well as examining diaries kept by highly placed figures in the Japanese government and the Imperial court. His conclusion was unequivocal: Hirohito was an ardent expansionist whose goal was Japanese supremacy in Asia, and the decision to launch Japan’s war of conquest was his. After the War a massive attempt to scrub the historical record had been undertaken in order to protect Hirohito.


Subsequent scholarship has supported Bergamini’s thesis, most notably Herbert Bix’s magisterial Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan.


Part of me is completely outraged that Hirohito did not end his life dangling from a noose. I am also outraged by the attempt to do violence to the historical record to whitewash Hirohito’s responsibility for a War that ended so many lives and wreaked so much devastation. However, I then think of my friend Ollie Zivney.

オーリーは引退メソジスト大臣です。 45年、彼は海軍衛生兵だった。彼はガダルカナルを含む様々な熱帯の楽園のロケールで海兵隊を務めていた。日本に送られた占領軍の最初の一つは、彼が広島での医療救護所を設置できました。パシフィック件の彼の時間の後、日本は降伏を受け入れるだろうと深く懐疑的だったし、攻撃を受けたと予想。

Ollie is a retired Methodist minister. In 45 he was a Navy Corpsman. He had served with the Marines in various tropical paradise locales including Guadalcanal. One of the first of the occupation troops sent to Japan, he helped set up a medical aid station in Hiroshima. After his time in the Pacific Ollie was deeply skeptical that the Japanese would accept the surrender and expected to come under attack.


Instead he found the Japanese helpful to a fault, curious about America and deeply appreciative of the medicine and food he helped distribute. Shocked by this he asked the Japanese he encountered if they would have fought if the Emperor had not ordered the surrender. Every man, woman and child he put this question to answered yes, but that once the Emperor ordered the surrender they were happy to be friends with the Americans. Ollie came to love the Japanese people and became deeply appreciative of their culture, and he had no doubt that if MacArthur had moved against Hirohito that the war would have been on again throughout the length and breadth of the Home Islands.


Ollie’s testimony, and my own research, sadly makes me agree with MacArthur’s decision. Perfect justice would have called for Hirohito’s trial and execution, but perfect justice is rarely attained in this vale of tears, especially when the goal is to make certain not to add to a body count that already exceeded thirty million when the War, mercifully, came to a screeching hault 68 years ago this month.

http://the-american-catholic.com/2013/08/10/hirohito-war-criminal/ # sthash.k4xnjPMG.dpuf : - でもっと見る






It is very likely that two actions of the United States made it easier for Japan to refuse to acknowledge its war guilt and war crimes.Those actions were the protection of Emperor Hirohito from prosecution as a war criminal and the premature winding up of Allied war crime prosecutions in East Asia and the Pacific region.Both actions were based entirely on political expediency.

昭和天皇 - 米国は日本を代表する戦争犯罪者を保護した
The United States protected Japan's leading war criminal - Emperor Hirohito

ハリー·S·トルーマン大統領の政府は天皇が占める連合国と協力しているように見えた場合に敗れ、日本の投与が大幅に促進されるだろうと感じたので、日本を代表する戦争犯罪者、昭和天皇は、 ​​起訴を免れた。

EMPEROR HIROHITO - Japan's leading war criminalJapan's leading war criminal, Emperor Hirohito, escaped prosecution because the government of President Harry S. Truman felt that administration of a defeated Japan would be greatly facilitated if the emperor appeared to be cooperating with the occupying Allied powers.


Despite being depicted by the Japanese as a powerless figurehead following the surrender in 1945, historical research by Professor Herbert P. Bix has confirmed long held suspicions that Hirohito, as commander in chief of the Imperial military, was deeply involved in the day to day management of Japan's military aggression between 1937 and 1945.


See: "Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan" (published 2000),especially at pages 327, 329-331, 359, and 387-391.In this Pulitzer Prize-winning history, Professor Bix makes the telling point that Imperial General Headquarters was established inside the Imperial Palace to facilitate Hirohito exercising his constitutional role as supreme commander of Japan's military.Through Imperial General Headquarters, Hirohito was able to participate directly in the planning of Japan's military aggression and guide its progress.


Following the Japanese surrender, the Australian government wanted to prosecute Emperor Hirohito as a war criminal, but this was opposed by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, General Douglas MacArthur.MacArthur believed that administration of a defeated Japan would be greatly facilitated if the emperor appeared to be cooperating with the occupying Allied powers.


President Truman backed MacArthur against Australia, and Japan's leading war criminal escaped prosecution solely on the ground of political expediency.


By protecting Hirohito from prosecution as a war criminal, the United States laid the foundation for Japan to refuse to acknowledge its war guilt and war crimes.The political theory of Imperial Japan, called kokutai , made the "divine" emperor the embodiment of the spirit of Japan and the focal point of the life of the nation.In 2000, Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori encapsulated this theory in a few words when he said:


"Japan is the land of the gods with the emperor at its centre".

連合国占領は戦争犯罪者としての天皇を起訴を拒否した場合、それは合理的に彼は戦争の罪悪感の無実だったこと、多くの日本人に推測することができた。その推論から、天皇が無実だったならば、日本は、国家として、結論への唯一の短いステップでし 中心に天皇にも戦争の罪悪感があってはならない。

If the Allied occupying powers declined to prosecute Emperor Hirohito as a war criminal, then it could be reasonably inferred by many Japanese that he was innocent of any war guilt.From that inference, it was only a short step to a conclusion that, if the emperor was innocent, then Japan, as a nation centered on the emperor, must also be free of war guilt.


The blame for Japan's military aggression and war crimes could be laid on the Japanese Imperial Army which had betrayed the emperor and his people.The correctness of this view was confirmed for the Japanese by the Allied occupying powers when they laid substantial blame for Japan's military aggression on wartime Prime Minister General Hideki Tojo and the Japanese Imperial Army.


Although he escaped prosecution as a war criminal with the connivance of the United States, Hirohito could not escape the taint whenever he travelled abroad.On state visits to Britain, the United States, the Netherlands, and Germany, Hirohito was confronted by a wave of protest that shocked the Japanese.


Prosecution of Japanese war criminals by the Allied governments


Immediately after the surrender on 15 August 1945, the Japanese government and military moved swiftly to destroy evidence that might assist in the prosecution of any Japanese for war responsibility or war crimes, including Emperor Hirohito.The Imperial Army, Navy, and almost all government ministries, destroyed their incriminating files.Japanese who were considered likely to face prosecution as war criminals, were provided with a range of advice that included going into hiding as a last resort.


The commanders of prisoner of war and civilian internment camps were ordered to destroy all camp records.Those commanders and prison guards who were thought likely to be accused of war crimes were advised to transfer or go into hiding, leaving no evidence of where they were going.


By the time that the surrender was formally signed in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945, vast quantities of records pertaining to war crimes and the war responsibility of Japan's leaders, including the emperor, had been burnt.The systematic destruction of war-related records would prove useful when successive Japanese LDP governments refused to acknowledge Japan's war guilt and war crimes.


The destruction of war-related records made the work of those investigating and prosecuting Japanese war crimes very difficult.Many Japanese who feared prosecution for their war crimes had gone into hiding.Many of the brutal camp guards had only been known to the prisoners by nicknames.


After the surrender, it was easy for them to discard their uniforms and blend into the civilian population of Japan.The need to rely on cooperation from hostile Japanese officials and police made the task of tracking down suspected war criminals particularly onerous.These problems failed to blunt the determination of the Allied governments to bring suspected Japanese war criminals to trial.

戦争犯罪の分類 / Classifications of War Crimes


The Allies in the Pacific region defined three classes of war crimes and criminals:

クラスA / Class A


These were the top Japanese war leaders, like Hideki Tojo, who had conspired to wage aggressive war and knowingly permitted brutal treatment of prisoners of war.

「クラスA 」戦犯を試して、連合軍は東京の極東国際軍事裁判( IMTFE )を設定。また、東京戦争犯罪裁判と呼ばれていました。

To try "Class A" war criminals, the Allies set up the International Military Tribunal of the Far East (IMTFE) in Tokyo. It was also known as the Tokyo War Crime Trials.


From a list of several hundred prospective defendants, only twenty-five were actually tried and sentenced. The trials lasted from 1946 to November 1948.

裁判に持ってきて、有罪判決を受けた「クラスA 」戦犯少数の、 7は死刑を宣告された。死刑判決を受けたものの一つは、一般的な東条英機だった。首相、そして強硬軍国として、東条は、日本の軍事侵略中の原動機であった​​。彼は米国に戦争をしたいと考えていました。彼は真珠湾でアメリカ太平洋艦隊に奇襲を承認した。彼はそれらを飢えと奴隷労働者としての死にそれらの作業を含め、戦争の連合軍捕虜の野蛮な治療を承認した。

Of the small number of "Class A" war criminals who were brought to trial and convicted, seven were sentenced to death. One of those sentenced to death was General Hideki Tojo. As Prime Minister, and a hard-line militarist, Tojo had been a prime mover in Japan's military aggression. He had wanted to wage war on the United States. He had approved the sneak attack on the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. He had approved the barbarous treatment of Allied prisoners of war, including starving them and working them to death as slave labourers.

7死刑判決は、 1948年12月23日に東京で巣鴨刑務所で行った。

The seven death sentences were carried out at Sugamo prison in Tokyo on 23 December 1948.

他の18 "クラスA "戦犯は懲役の様々な条件を宣告された。

The other eighteen "Class A" war criminals were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment.


Classes B and C


These were the Japanese military who ordered atrocities, allowed them to happen, or actually committed them.

「クラスB」と「クラスC 」戦犯は犯罪がコミットされていた地域で、連合軍によって試みられた。 300以上の万人に番号を付ける見込み被告のリストから、唯一の5472は裁判にかけられた。

The "Class B" and "Class C" war criminals were tried by the Allies in the areas where the crimes had been committed. From a list of prospective defendants numbering over three hundred thousand, only 5,472 were brought to trial.

マッカーサー将軍は、生物·化学兵器での高度な研究が、米軍が利用できるようにしたかったので、731部隊での戦争のライブ捕虜にゾッとするような生物学的な実験を行った日本人が起訴を免れた。アメリカ政府の完全な知識を持って、マッカーサーは起訴から自分の研究と引き換えに、生物学的単位の軍司令官とスタッフに対する免疫を提供しました。 731部隊の科学者/戦犯の多くは、権威ある日本の大学での研究の予定を確保するために、後でできた。

The Japanese who conducted the ghastly biological experiments on live prisoners of war at Unit 731 escaped prosecution because General MacArthur wanted their advanced research in biological and chemical warfare made available to the US military. With the full knowledge of the American government, MacArthur offered immunity from prosecution to the military commander and staff of the biological unit in return for their research. Many of the Unit 731 scientist/war criminals were able later to secure research appointments at prestigious Japanese universities.

裁判にかけられた5472 「クラスB」と「クラスC 」が疑われる戦争犯罪人のうち、 4019は、戦争犯罪で有罪判決を受けた。有罪判決を受けたもののうち、 920が実行され、 3099は懲役の様々な条件を宣告された。

Of the 5,472 "Class B" and "Class C" suspected war criminals who were brought to trial, 4,019 were convicted of war crimes. Of those convicted, 920 were executed and 3099 were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment.


That so few were brought to trial was largely caused by the difficulties already mentioned, and the limited resources and time allowed to the investigators and prosecutors. There were simply too many Japanese war crimes to investigate; incriminating records had been deliberately destroyed; investigators had to rely on hostile Japanese police and government officials to locate suspects and witnesses; and there were too few investigators and prosecutors. When the United States decided in 1948 to halt the war crimes prosecutions, some of Japan's worst war criminals were able to emerge from hiding and escape justice.


The United States calls a halt to war crime prosecutions

冷戦激化、ハリー·S·トルーマン大統領の政府は、日本がアメリカの同盟国や共産主義の蔓延に対する防波堤に成形する必要があると感じました。トルーマンは、日本の人々が彼らの戦争犯罪者の継続的な訴追で疎外された場合、これらの目的を達成することは困難であろうと信じていた。このため、米国は二十から五「クラスA 」戦犯は1948年の終わりに死亡または懲役を宣告された時に戦争犯罪の訴追を促進するために停止を呼んだ。訴追を停止する決定は完全に政治的なご都合主義に基づいていた。これは、合法性、道徳性、あるいは人類の問題とは何の関係もありませんでした。

With the Cold War intensifying, the government of President Harry S. Truman felt that Japan needed to be moulded into an American ally and a bulwark against the spread of communism. Truman believed that these aims would be difficult to achieve if the Japanese people were alienated by continuing prosecutions of their war criminals. For this reason, the United States called a halt to further war crimes prosecutions when twenty-five "Class A" war criminals had been sentenced to death or imprisonment at the end of 1948. The decision to halt the prosecutions was entirely based on political expediency. It had nothing to do with issues of legality, morality, or humanity.

死刑判決は、 1948年12月中に7 「クラスA 」戦犯について実施されていた直後に、マッカーサーは拘留から、残りの「クラスA 」の容疑者の多数をリリースしました。巣鴨プリズンの門が開かれたとき、日本の最悪の戦争犯罪者の中には、解放された。これらの疑いのある戦争犯罪の多くは、政治、官僚、そして大企業に円滑に移動することができました。同時に、マッカーサーは「クラスB」と「クラスC 」試験を休息に始めた。

Immediately after the death sentences had been carried out on seven "Class A" war criminals in December 1948, General MacArthur released a large number of the remaining "Class A" suspects from detention. When the gates of Sugamo Prison were opened, some of Japan's worst war criminals were released. Many of these suspected war criminals were able to move smoothly into politics, the bureaucracy, and big business. At the same time, MacArthur began to wind down the "Class B" and "Class C" trials.


From the time that the Americans decided to halt the war crimes prosecutions, Australian prosecutions of Japanese war criminals were obstructed by lack of cooperation from the US military.


In 1952, President Truman's Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, authored a peace treaty with Japan. This treaty waived the rights to compensation of every prisoner of the Japanese during WW II. Truman granted complete amnesty to every Japanese war criminal who was not then serving a term of imprisonment.

集中的なデNazification手順が議会と官僚に入るかつてのナチスを防ぐために使用されたドイツとは異なり、米国は日本の戦争犯罪者は、議会に入り、政府の官僚に就職することができました。日本とドイツの間のアプローチのこの差の印象的なexmpleには、 1957年に日本の首相官邸に上昇することができました有罪判決を受けた戦犯岸信介例です。

Unlike Germany where intensive de-Nazification procedures were employed to prevent former Nazis entering parliament and the bureaucracy, the United States allowed Japanese war criminals to enter parliament and find employment in the government bureaucracy. A striking exmple of this difference of approach between Japan and Germany is the case of convicted war criminal Nobusuke Kishi who was able to rise to the office of Prime Minister of Japan in 1957.


It has been estimated by the US Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations that at least several thousand Japanese escaped prosecution as a result of the premature termination of war crime prosecutions by the United States in 1949.


So it can be fairly argued that, on grounds of political expediency, the American government facilitated the continuing refusal by Japan to acknowledge its war guilt and war crimes by protecting Emperor Hirohito from prosecution as a war criminal and by turning a blind eye to atrocities committed by thousands of Japanese war criminals.




The First Japanese Freemason

ジェームズ·L·ジョンストン、 P.G.M.による
By James L. Johnston, P.G.M.
Grand Lodge of Japan

1997年3月17日には、無料のグランドロッジと日本の受け入れ石工、一意島で均質な日本社会の中、この西洋の友愛のための実行可能性の重要なマイルストーンの第30周年を迎えました。このイベントを記念して、それが誰だった考慮する価値があるかもしれない"最初の日本人フリーメーソン。 "

March 17, 1997 marked the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Japan, a significant milestone of viability for this occidental Fraternity within the uniquely insular and homogeneous Japanese society. To commemorate this event, it might be worthwhile to consider who was "The First Japanese Freemason."

我々は戻って後の世界IIの時代に行けば、我々は保村山が4月6日にマスターメイソンになったことがわかります。日本のロッジのほとんどはフィリピン諸島のグランドロッジ。下にあった東京のフリーメーソンロッジ第125号、 1950年[1]このように村山は、日本でメイソンになる最初の日本人であることの区別を持っていた。

If we go back to the Post-World II era, we find that Tamotsu Murayama became a Master Mason on April 6. 1950 in Tokyo Masonic Lodge No. 125, when most of the Lodges in Japan were under the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands.[1] Thus Murayama had the distinction of being the first Japanese to become a Mason in Japan.

ファハルドとモジカ前、第二次世界大戦のフィリピンでは、少なくとも8日本人がメーソンになったことを報告した。 [ 2 ]

Fajardo and Mojica reported that in the Philippines prior to World War II, at least eight Japanese became Masons.[2]

十三瀬尾、 1949年に横浜で極東ロッジ番号124の最初の加盟日本人メンバーは、長年にわたってニューヨークロッジのメンバーであった。 [ 3 ]

Juzo Seo, the first affiliated Japanese member of Far East Lodge No. 124 in Yokohama in 1949, had been a member of a Lodge in New York City for many years.[3]

我々が時間内に戻って先に進む場合は、子爵格Haysahi 、イギリスへの日本人初の大使は、ロンドンの帝国ロッジ番号2108で、 1903年5月29日にフリーメーソンの第三号を受け取ったことを見つける。 [ 4 ]何年もの間、林だった日本人初のメイソンであると考えられて。

If we go further back in time, we find that Viscount Tadasu Haysahi, the first Japanese Ambassador to England, received the Third Degree of Freemasonry on May 29, 1903, in London's Empire Lodge No. 2108.[4] For many years Hayashi was considered to be first Japanese Mason.

数年前、後半コーネリアス·ダルファー、神戸のロッジHiogo大阪号498の過去のマスターは、二人の日本人が1864年にメイソンになっていたことを発見! TSUNE山田、 [ 5 ]クリストファー·ハフナーとフランク·ファン· Ginket [6]は平均的な読者への一般的に利用可能ではない出版物でこのイベントを記録し、この問題に関する追加の詳細は、最近利用できるようになったので、私はして物語を共有したいと思いますあなた。 2日本人は西(周助)雨音と津田(信一郎) Mamitsu 、起因ので、スペースの制限のみ西、有名な教育者、法学者や哲学者になった、とみなされますた。

Several years ago, the late Cornelius Dulfer, a Past Master of Lodge Hiogo and Osaka No. 498 in Kobe, discovered that two Japanese had become Masons in 1864! Tsune T. Yamada,[5] Christopher Haffner and Frank van Ginket[6] recorded this event in publications not generally available to the average reader, and since additional details on this subject have recently become available, I would like to share the story with you. The two Japanese were Nishi (Shusuke) Amane and Tsuda (Shinichiro) Mamitsu, and due so space restrictions, only Nishi, who became a famous educator, jurist and philosopher, will be considered.

西は中国医学を実践して武士の医師の息子で、 1829年に生まれました。これは徳川幕府の時代、長崎港における出島でオランダのトレーダーの小グループを除いて、 200年以上にわたって世界の他の地域からの日本の強制隔離だった。 1853年に、マシューC.ペリー、ニューヨークフリーメーソンのロッジのメンバーで、日本への彼の最初旅行をした同じ年には、西はrangakusha(蘭学者) 、ビジネスを行うための通訳を務めたエリート集団になるために江戸に送られた出島を介して外部の世界と、オランダ語の本を翻訳する。

Nishi was born in 1829, the son of a samurai physician who practiced Chinese medicine. This was the era of the Tokugawa Shogunate and Japan's enforced isolation from the rest of the world for over two hundred years, except for a small group of Dutch traders at Dejima in Nagasaki Harbor. In 1853, the same year when Matthew C. Perry, a member of a Masonic Lodge in New York City, made his first trip to Japan, Nishi was sent to Edo to become a rangakusha, an elite group who served as interpreters for conducting business with the outside world via Dejima and translating Dutch books.

1854年に西は彼の武士のステータス(当時ではかなり大胆な動き)を放棄し、 Yogakusha(洋学者)ようにする徳川幕府による任命を受けた。

In 1854 Nishi relinquished his samurai status (a rather bold move in those days) and received an appointment by the Tokugawa Shogunate to be a Yogakusha.



CIAは、日本の政治過程に干渉:フリーメーソン( CIA IN)と部落プッチを(橋本et.al )

CIA meddling in Japan's political process: Freemasons (in the CIA) and Burakumin (Hashimoto et.al) Putsch

それは、これを整理するには少し時間がかかりそうだが、部品のかなりの数は、すでにこのような最近の市長選挙への蓄積記事の解説への私の投稿のグレーのメディア検閲として、以前の記事である程度レイアウトされている選出された既知のヤクザタイでまともな部落のCIA /フリーメーソン手入れ候補を見た大阪にある。

It's going to take a little time to organize this, but a good number of the components are already laid out to some extent in earlier posts, such as the grey media censorship of my posts to commentary on articles in the buildup to the recent mayoral election in Osaka, which saw the CIA/Freemason-groomed candidate of burakumin decent with known yakuza ties elected.

彼の選挙の後、彼はそれが準を持つように務めていても、自分自身とその8ポイント企画は日本の政治システムなどの近代化に非常に影響力のあった坂本龍馬、間に並列に描くしようとすると、 8ポイントの擬似計画を打ち出した - 神政政府は、基本的には、抑圧と最終的にはファシズムの形につながったインストールされています。

After his election, he laid out an eight point pseudo-plan, attempting to draw a parallel between himself and Sakamoto Ryoma, whose 8-point plan on modernizing Japan's political system, etc. was very influential, even though it served to have a quasi-theocratic government installed that led to oppression and eventually a form of fascism, basically.

「 ...日本の人口統計の過去と現在の側面を検査し、日本人のユニークな歴史と心理学を探る」 、

So today's launching of this entry is going to take a brief look at a statement in an article posted online that was written by Mr. Preston Houser, PhD from prestigious a Ivy league school, the University of Pennsylvania, and purported teacher of a history class that,
"...examines past and present aspects of Japanese demographics and explores the unique history and psychology of the Japanese people",
as per the description in yesterday's post.



龍馬の同盟国 / Ryoma's allies


Hello all,


This is my first day and first topic on Historum, nice to meet you all.


I am currently studying 'Writing History' in University. I am working on a piece about the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate for an assessment.


Does anyone here know much about the relationships between Ryoma and some of his allies?
I am reading about him working alongside some strange bed-fellows.
What kind of relationship did he have with these people? Can anyone suggest a text for better clarity?


1. Yataro Iwasaki, Founder of Mitsubishi: apparently they didn't like each other, but I can't find out why.


2. Katsu Kaishu: Ryoma went to his house to kill him, but in the house he changed his mind and then became his disciple (deshi?). How the heck did that happen?


3. Thomas Glover: I understand Ryoma was convinced that buying weapons off the English was the only way to go about restoring Japan. However what was Ryoma's attitude to the Gaijin?


Any knowledge would help thanks.



Clear searchResult 1 of 1 in this book for Ryoma Sakamoto Freemasonry



トーマス·B グラバー

スコットランド出身、トーマス·B ·グラーバーは、 21歳の若さで1859年9月に長崎に到着した。徳川幕府はちょうど鎖国の長い期間を終了し、外国貿易のためのいくつかのポートを開いていた。

A native of Scotland, Thomas B. Glover arrived in Nagasaki in September 1859 at the young age of 21. The Tokugawa Bakufu had just ended the long period of national isolation and opened several ports for foreign trade.

グラバーは、 1862年に自分の会社を設立(グラバー·アンド·カンパニー)と、今後数年間で西南日本の氏族に蒸気船、銃やその他の商品を販売財産を築いた。彼は彼の母国スコットランドから輸入船の一つが1500トン、鉄壁の軍艦は、彼が1870年に熊本藩に販売されている「 Ryujoを"と呼ばれていました。この船は後に明治政府に寄贈され、新しい日本海軍と1872年に日本周辺のツアー明治天皇のフラッグシップの最初の軍艦になるために行ったし。

Glover established his own company in 1862 (Glover & Co.) and over the next few years made a fortune selling steamships, guns and other merchandise to the clans of southwestern Japan. One of the ships he imported from his native Scotland was a 1500-ton, iron-clad warship called the "Ryujo" that he sold to the Kumamoto Clan in 1870. This ship was later donated to the Meiji Government and went on to become the first warship of the new Imperial Japanese Navy and Emperor Meiji's flagship on a tour around Japan in 1872.


Glover also introduced various modern technologies to Japan and arranged for both the
import of related machines and facilities and the employment of British engineers to serve as advisors. Among other achievements, he helped to establish Japan's first slip dock at Kosuge near Nagasaki and also this country's first modern coal mine on the island of Takashima. The shipbuilding and coal mining industries subsequently played a vital role in the modernization of Japan, and both became core industries in the Nagasaki economy.

人々の初めての蒸気移動の可能性。また、彼は、長崎外国人居留地と高島の間、この国の最初の電話回線を敷設日本初の灯台を建設するスコットランドの技術者の協力を得て、第1生産する香港から機器を造幣の購入のために配置され、 "円"

Glover also built a miniature railroad line on the Nagasaki waterfront, showing Japanese
people the possibilities of steam locomotion for the first time. Moreover, he laid this country's first telephone line between the Nagasaki foreign settlement and Takashima, enlisted a Scottish engineer to build Japan's first lighthouses, and arranged for the purchase of minting equipment from Hong Kong to produce the first "yen."


Another important achievement of Thomas Glover was the assistance he provided to young Japanese in traveling to Britain and enrolling in universities there. Among these young Japanese was Ito Hirobumi, who would go on to serve as Japan's first prime minister and who would remain Glover's lifelong friend.


In 1863, Glover arranged with the Japanese master carpenter Koyama Hidenoshin to build a house on the Minamiyamate hillside, which only that year had been officially designated as part of the foreign settlement and divided into lots. After completion, the house stood on the hillside like a new-age castle, a symbol of the importance of commercial wealth and foreign trade as Japan changed from an isolated feudal country into a world power.


As a building designed for use by foreigners but built by Japanese hands using Japanese materials, the house also symbolized the earliest meeting of European and Japanese culture in a new age of globalization.


In 1870, Glover's Nagasaki trading firm Glover & Co. went bankrupt as a result of debts
incurred around the time of the Meiji Restoration, but the Scotsman stayed in Japan and
became involved with expanding Japanese industries. He left Nagasaki in 1877 to serve as a consultant to the Mitsubishi Co.

東京で、後に日本ビール株式会社、現代のキリンビールの前身の設立に関与していた。 1908年、明治政府は彼にライジングサン、外国人のための前例のない装飾の2級順位を授与し、日本への貢献を認識した。グローバーは彼の時間で、 1911年に東京で凡例を死に、長崎の坂本国際に埋葬された

in Tokyo, and was later also involved in the establishment of the Japan Brewery Company, predecessor of present-day Kirin Brewery Company. In 1908, the Meiji Government recognized his contributions to Japan by awarding him the 2nd class order of the Rising Sun, an unprecedented decoration for a foreigner. Glover died in Tokyo in 1911, a legend in his time, and was buried in Nagasaki's Sakamoto International



History of Jews in the US Military


On August 22, 1654, Jewish settlers, from Recife, Brazil, and the West Indies, came to New Amsterdam seeking religious freedom and equal opportunities and obligations alongside the Christian citizens.

At first, Governor Peter Stuyvesant denied them these basic rights. Jacob Barsimson, Asher Levy, Abraham de Lucena, Jacob Cohen Henricques and other Jewish settlers petitioned Gov. Stuyvesant for the right to be a part of the defense force of the city, to establish a cemetery, trading and property rights and build a synagogue. Pressure from Holland forced Gov. Stuyvesant to grant them these rights, in 1654. This was the beginning of Jews serving in the military of our country—350 years ago.



Japanese Cult of Emperor

Japan cult powers

homas Blake Glover

Anti-Masonry in Japan

In Thomas Blake's case, the scouts may have been masons

Choshu 5 Freemasonry

Solomon Bush

World War ringleaders were all Jews

Jews in the slave trade?

Japan cult powers

Japanese Cult of Emperor: 1200 to 1900: East and Southeast Asia

Japanese Cult of Emperor

Truman and the Hiroshima Cult

hirohito war crimes


hirohito war crimes unit 731

The Atomic Bombs and the Soviet Invasion: What Drove Japan's Decision to Surrender? Tsuyoshi HASEGAWA - See more at: http://www.japanfocus.org/-Tsuyoshi-Hasegawa/2501#sthash.PUorANA4.dpuf

hirohito Freemasonry

Japan and Freemasonry Political Manipulation / Cover-Ups / False Flags. ...the Japanese government machinery, including Emperor Hirohito.

Freemasonry was a powerful secret society in Japan until the late 1930s.

GENERAL DOUGLAS MacARTHUR - Grand Lodge of Virginia

The ruler of Japan post WW2

Dugout Doug is a complete Pest and administrator of the FullBlownAids.com message board.

Freemasonry that caused the Meiji Restoration

Ryoma Sakamoto Freemasonry

Sakamoto Ryoma and the Meiji Restoration.

Ryoma's support was a Freemason

Choshu 5 Freemasonry


theatrical opening of the Cold War

Chorus Emperor; had approved the atomic bombing

Emperor thought that use of an atomic bomb would bring about the

that many high-level officials believed allowing Japan to keep its Emperor would

The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb


Hiroshima and Nagasaki Kickass Facts

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