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Probe Syria





21st Century Wire says…As the picture in Syria becomes clearer regarding the alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus on August 21st, why are the American, British and French governments still parroting their own version of events?We will continue to draw a bold line under this event which our western leaders were so eager to use as a springboard to war in the Middle East…




probe(プローブ)の意味 - 英和辞書 - goo辞書probeとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 〈傷などを〉探り針で探る[調べる].2 …を綿密に 調べる, 精査するprobe space with radiotelescopes電波望遠鏡で宇宙探査する.

U.S., Russia at odds on who is blocking U.N. probe of suspected chemical attack in Syria



U.N. inspectors were stymied Friday in their attempts to investigate this week’s alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria, as the United States and Russia escalated their disagreement over which of the country’s warring camps was blocking the probe.


President Obama, in his first extended public statement on the attack, said his administration was still gathering information on what he called a “troublesome” situation that could affect “some core national interests that the United States has,” including nonproliferation and regional stability.


But Obama, whose top national security advisers met Thursday to review options for a response, including military action, also emphasized his desire to avoid “jumping into stuff that does not turn out well, gets us mired in very difficult situations” and may not comport with international law. He spoke during a CNN interview that aired Friday morning.

オバマ氏の処分でオプションの中に巡航ミサイル武装米海軍資産は地中海に現在ある。極東への旅行中に金曜日記者に言えば、国防長官チャックヘーゲルは、ペンタゴンのオプションのいくつかは、オバマが" [それら]アウト、運ぶことができるように、当社の資産を配置し、我々の力を配置する必要"のために準備していると述べたAP通信が報じた。

Among the options at Obama’s disposal are cruise-missile-armed U.S. naval assets currently in the Mediterranean. Speaking to reporters Friday during a trip to the Far East, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said that some of the options the Pentagon has prepared for Obama “requires positioning our forces, positioning our assets, to be able to carry [them] out,” the Associated Press reported.

シリア政府軍基地を攻撃する巡航ミサイルを使用するか、シリアの一部にわたって飛行禁止区域を確立するなど、これらのオプションは、何ヶ月もテーブルの上にあったと公将軍マーティンE.デンプシー、統合参謀本部の議長を概説しているスタッフなどがあります。として最近今週として、デンプシー - 防衛当局者によると、長期スケジュール会議で中東からの地域の防衛首長とこの週末を満たしている - これらのアクションのどれも、民主的かつ安定したシリアの米国の目標を達成する可能性はなかったと述べたとオバマに彼自身の勧告は人道援助と野党を強化するための努力の現在の政策を継続することが示された。

Those options, including using cruise missiles to attack Syrian government bases or establishing a no-fly zone over parts of Syria, have been on the table for many months and have been publicly outlined by Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and others. As recently as this week, Dempsey — who defense officials said is meeting this weekend with regional defense chiefs from the Middle East in a long-scheduled conference — said that none of those actions was likely to achieve U.S. goals of a democratic and stable Syria, and indicated that his own recommendation to Obama was to continue the current policy of humanitarian aid and efforts to bolster the opposition.


The administration has been in close contact with allies and partners from Britain to Turkey. U.S. officials have repeatedly indicated they would seek an international mandate or, at the very least, closely coordinate with partners.


For the moment, no action has been authorized and all options remain on hold awaiting confirmation of what the administration has said appears to have been a major chemical weapons attack by the Syrian government against dug-in opposition forces in the Damascus suburbs.

月にシリア政府は、米国が水曜日の攻撃の前に化学薬品貯蔵所で動きを検出したことを以前の攻撃で化学兵器の少量、割引レポート金曜日を使用していたと結論づけた米情報当局、 。当局は彼らが新しい主張を確認したり軽視する準備ができていないと述べた。

U.S. intelligence officials, who in June concluded that the Syrian government had used small amounts of chemical weapons in previous attacks, discounted reports Friday that the United States had detected movement at chemical storage sites before the Wednesday attack. The officials said they were not prepared to confirm or discount the new allegations.

"このタイプの評価は開発に時間がかかることが、 "一つの関係者は知性の問題を議論するために匿名を条件に語った。

“Assessments of this type can take time to develop,” one official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

シリア政府は、任意の化学攻撃の責任を否定した。 、ロシア、その主要同盟国は、シリアのアサド大統領の信用を傷つけるために水曜日の攻撃をステージングの反対を非難している。

Syria’s government has denied responsibility for any chemical attacks. Russia, its principal ally, has accused the opposition of staging Wednesday’s attack to discredit Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

一連のステートメントでは金曜日、ロシア外務省は"建設的なアプローチ"それは検査を可能にするためにシリア政府を促し、そのを賞賛したと言いましたしかし、同省は、 "野党からの信号がなかったと言いました。 。 。それが制御する領土の国連専門家の安全な作業を確保する。 "

In a series of statements Friday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said it had urged the Syrian government to permit the inspections and praised its “constructive approach.” But the ministry said there had been “no signals from the opposition . . . to ensure safe work of the U.N. experts in the territory it controls.”

国務省報道官ジェンPsaki "は化学兵器使用の信頼できる報告があるときは、すべてのサイトへの自由なアクセスを持つ国連調査チームへの唯一の障害は、シリアの政権である。 "と反論

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki countered that “the only hindrance to the U.N. investigative team having unfettered access to all sites where there are credible reports of chemical weapons use is the Syrian regime.”

西部のシリアの前の疑惑の化学物質の使用のサイトを調べるために、政府が交渉された契約の下で、日曜日にシリアに到着した検査チームは、新たな地域を訪問することはできません - そのダマスカスのホテルから車でわずか数分 - 政府の許可とセキュリティなし両側から保証。

The inspection team, which arrived in Syria on Sunday under a government-negotiated agreement to examine sites of previous alleged chemical use in western Syria, cannot visit the new area — just a few minutes’ drive from its Damascus hotel — without government permission and security assurances from both sides.

ニューヨーク、ケビン·ケネディ、安全·安心の国連部の演技の頭では、彼のオフィスはまだ両方のを待っていると述べた。彼は、部門が、それがどうかに推薦をしますそのあと、リスクの評価を行っていると述べ、 "それが行くまたはノーショー行くです。 "

In New York, Kevin Kennedy, acting head of the U.N. Department of Safety and Security, said his office was still awaiting both. He said the department is conducting an assessment of the risks, after which it will make a recommendation on whether “it is a go or a no-go.”

"それは、ダマスカスのアクティブな戦争ゾーンの、 "過去20年間、世界の最も致命的トラブルスポットの国連人道の操作を管理する豊富な経験を得ているケネディは言った。 "私は数ヶ月前にあった。あなたが聞いて、毎日の影響、シェル。一日で10があるかもしれない、あなたは一日に80を聞くかもしれません。あなたが空爆を見ることができ、あなたは大砲を見ることができます。あなたがで撃た。私はビジターとして2分の31日間だけがあって、私の車が撮影された、我々は二回で撮影された" 。

“It’s an active war zone in Damascus,” said Kennedy, who has gained extensive experience managing U.N. humanitarian operations in the world’s deadliest trouble spots over the past 20 years. “I was there a few months ago. You hear every day impacts, shells. There might be 10 in a day; you might hear 80 in a day. You can see airstrikes; you can see artillery. You get shot at. I was only there for 31/2 days as a visitor, and my car was shot; we were shot at twice.”


“There’s places in Syria we’ve not gone to for months simply because it’s just not safe to go, and we can’t mitigate the risk,” he said.


米国と国連プローブシリア / The US and the UN Probe Syria


シリア危機:狙撃火災に見舞われ、国連査察官 '船団

Syria crisis: UN inspectors' convoy hit by sniper fire


BBCのヨランド告げる鐘: "国連は、常にチームの安全性が最も重要であると述べている"

he BBC's Yolande Knell: "The UN has always said the safety of its team is paramount"
Continue reading the main story
Syria conflict


Unidentified snipers have opened fire on a convoy of UN experts investigating suspected chemical weapons attacks in Syria's capital, the UN has said.

一台の車が車列を引き返すことを余儀なく、 "複数回"で撮影された。

One car was shot at "multiple times", forcing the convoy to turn back.


Syrian state media blamed opposition "terrorists" for the attack, though the claim could not be verified.


The UN team later resumed its mission, entering the western district of Muadhamiya to gather evidence, before returning to central Damascus.


Hundreds died in alleged attacks on Wednesday in five districts near Damascus.


The US said there was little doubt that Syrian forces used chemical weapons in the attacks, which reportedly killed more than 300 people in rebel-held areas.


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad dismissed the accusation as "an insult to common sense" and warned the US against military intervention.


"If someone is dreaming of making Syria a puppet of the West, then this will not happen," he told the Russian newspaper Izvestiya.

'脅迫' / lntimidation


The 20-member UN inspection team has been in Syria since 18 August to look into three earlier suspected chemical attacks. They were given permission on Sunday to examine the Damascus locations.



The UN inspectors have been talking to doctors in Muadhamiya
The experts intend to take soil, blood, urine and tissue samples for laboratory testing but they are unlikely to apportion blame for any of the attacks.


Video footage posted online appears to show UN inspectors in Muadhamiya taking samples and talking to residents.


They went to a Red Crescent centre and spoke to doctors, opposition activists said.

BBCは完全に認証することができなかったビデオ、で、 1居住者"は600以上のキャニスターのストライキ... 12戦車、 100人の兵士"と、地区の上に重い襲撃の検査官を語って聞かれる。

On the video, which the BBC has not been able to fully authenticate, one resident is heard telling an inspector of heavy raids on the district, with "over 600 canister strikes...12 tanks, 100 soldiers".

まもなくダマスカスでのホテルから出て設定した後、検査官'車は国連の声明によると、 "正体不明の狙撃兵から複数回"火の下に来た。

Shortly after setting out from their hotel in Damascus, the inspectors' cars came under fire "multiple times by unidentified snipers", according to a statement from the UN.


Continue reading the main story


The team returned safely back to the government checkpoint before setting out again.

船団は、 "意図的に標的に" 、それは誰かがチームを威嚇しようとしていた思われた、国連事務総長のスポークスマン、ファーハンハクは、 BBCに語った。

The convoy was "deliberately targeted" and it seemed someone was trying to intimidate the team, the UN Secretary General's spokesman, Farhan Haq, told the BBC.


The inspectors have now returned to their hotel and are expected to resume their work on Tuesday.

軍事活動 / Military action


A year ago, US President Barack Obama said the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government would be "a red line" that could trigger US military action.


Washington has recently bolstered its naval presence in the eastern Mediterranean, and military leaders from the US, UK and their allies are meeting in Jordan.


But the UN Security Council remains divided, with China and Russia appearing unlikely to drop their objection to stricter sanctions on Mr Assad's government.


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Monday that diplomats should be cautious in dealing with the chemical weapons issue, and Moscow warned Western nations not to prejudge the outcome of the inspections.


Western politicians have begun to suggest taking action outside of the UN system.


UK Foreign Secretary William Hague told the BBC that action could be taken without UN approval if there was "great humanitarian need" in Syria.


His French counterpart Laurent Fabius suggested the UN Security Council could be bypassed "in certain circumstances".


But in his latest comments on the crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said any intervention in Syria without a UN mandate would be a "grave violation of international law".


The West, he told a news conference in Moscow, had not been able to come up with any proof of chemical weapons use while "saying at the same time that the red line has been crossed and there can be no delay".

'神経毒性症状' / 'Neurotoxic symptoms'

Western officials were unimpressed with Syria's decision to allow in the UN experts.

氏はハーグ証拠が劣化し、改ざんや攻撃以来、 5日間で破壊されたことができると言いました。

Mr Hague said evidence could have been tampered with, degraded or destroyed in the five days since the attack.

AP通信の報道機関が引用シニアホワイトハウス当局者は、 "信頼になるのに遅すぎる"として訪問を棄却した。

A senior White House official, quoted by AP news agency, dismissed the visit as "too late to be credible".

医師団国境なき( MSF )は、ダマスカスのエリアにサポート3つの病院は、 355が死んだ人の水曜日の朝の "神経症状"を持つ3,600人の患者については扱われていたことを土曜日に言った。

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said on Saturday that three hospitals it supports in the Damascus area had treated about 3,600 patients with "neurotoxic symptoms" on Wednesday morning, of whom 355 had died.


While MSF said it could not "scientifically confirm" the use of chemical weapons, staff at the hospitals described a large number of patients arriving in the space of less than three hours with symptoms including convulsions, pinpoint pupils and breathing problems.


Syria's security forces are widely believed to possess large undeclared stockpiles of mustard gas and sarin nerve agent.


It is one of seven countries that have not joined the 1997 convention banning chemical weapons.


1時15分: 8月21日(10時15分GMT 8月20日):Ghoutaの反乱ハンドヘルド東部地区におけるシリアの野党レポート激しい戦闘のFacebookのページ、ダマスカス周辺の農業ベルト

01:15: 21 August (10:15 GMT 20 Aug): Facebook pages of Syrian opposition report heavy fighting in rebel-held eastern districts of the Ghouta, the agricultural belt around Damascus


02:45: Opposition posts Facebook report of "chemical shelling" in Ein Tarma area of the Ghouta


02:47: Second opposition report says chemical weapons used in Zamalka area of the Ghouta


Unverified video footage shows people being treated on pavements in the dark and in a makeshift hospital


Reports say chemical weapons were used in Ghouta towns of Irbin, Jobar, Zamalka and Ein Tarma as well as in Muadhamiya to the west, but this is not confirmed


Syrian government acknowledges military offensive in the Ghouta but denies chemical weapons use


U.S., Russia at odds on who is blocking U.N. probe of suspected chemical attack in Syria

Probe Syria

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