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Kabbalah system that moves the world

ユニバーサル カバラプログラム

 Universal Kabbalah Program


The Tree of Life(生命の木)ユニバーサルカバラのツリーには、古代世界に始まり、人間の歴史の始まりから私たちとされている。カバラが意味する言葉は「受信したものを。」「受信する」または特に、そのような精神のような高級ソースから受け継がれた知識の古代からの伝統を指します。統合とアプリケーションのための実用的な技術と一緒にこの知識は、その後、各個人のunfoldmentが実現されるように、先生から生徒へ、カバリストの系譜を通じて口頭で伝承されている。

 The Tree of LifeThe Universal Kabbalah began in the ancient world and has been with us from the beginning of human history. The word Kabbalah means “to receive” or “that which is received.” In particular, it refers to an ancient tradition of knowledge passed down from a higher source, such as Spirit. This knowledge, along with practical techniques for integration and application are then handed down orally through a lineage of Kabbalists, from teacher to student, such that the unfoldment of each individual is realized.


 The Universal Kabbalah is the purest form of metaphysical study available in the world today. It is the study of Creation and the Divine Essence of humans as a noble and essential part of our spiritual inheritance. Focused on understanding the fundamental basis of all creation, it’s goal is to reveal the purpose of our existence and to give us tools for reclaiming our birthright as co-creators on this planet. Through this study we come to the realization of who and what we are, fulfilling the ancient decree: Know Thyself!


 The Kabbalah is a system for expanding our consciousness and awareness towards accelerated evolution. This system is based on the idea that all answers are within each of us, waiting to be revealed. The most important thing to living a fulfilled life is to be able to find and ask the correct questions. The Kabbalah teaches you how to ask the right questions and gives direct solutions to any problem



 Deciphering the ancient sacred geometric glyph of the Tree of Life, Kabbalah moves us into a new world of thinking, opening gates to hidden dimensions of understanding and awareness. This glyph is comprised of ten spheres of influence, which represent the map of the universe, including all aspects of God, and is compatible with all religious beliefs. The Tree of Life is the DNA, the blueprint, of one’s entire being. In ascending the Tree, the blueprint of life itself is explained and influenced so that we can fully transform ourselves inside and out.


 The Universal Kabbalah Program is one of the most intensive and uplifting classes the Modern Mystery School offers.


 It is absolutely necessary to understand and study God and the God Essence within all of us in order to be a truly effective student of the metaphysical. The program reveals to us who and what we are and allows us to come to a higher level of knowing ourselves.

彼らはこのプログラムの聞くとほとんどの人はユダヤ人のKaballah考える。しかし、我々は、このシステムがユダヤ人ではないことを十分に強調することはできません - それは、宗教的世界観や独断的なシステムによって妨害されず、研究の非常に最初の元の形式である。

 Most people think of the Jewish Kaballah when they hear of this program. However, we cannot stress enough that this system is not Jewish – it is unhindered by any religious worldview or dogmatic system and is in the very first original form of study.


 The system of Universal Kabbalah taught by the Modern Mystery School is based on an internal view which is focused on the fact that all knowledge about all things can and should be found within us. We have the knowledge we need to any and all questions. The most important thing is to then find and ask the correct questions so that we might fulfill a complete and good life.


 The Universal Kabbalah Program is taught over the course of one year, split into four sections:


 Part One: Introduction to the Kabballah with one ascension into the world of Malkuth.


 Part Two: Climbing up the Tree of Life (more instruction available in class) via at least one of four possible ascensions.


 Part Three: Continues the journey up the Tree of Life. This is perhaps the most difficult portion of the process and requires great dedication and commitment.


 Part Four: The final process of ascension up the Tree of Life. This is the most holy and sacred portion of the program. The class or group is isolated for 3 days during this time.


 If you would like to receive more information on this program or register for the next available program near you, please contact us or check our calendar.


Re-Programming our Subconscious: 2

精神的な成長へのカバラアプローチ:パート23 - 祈り整流潜在意識
A Kabbalistic Approach to Spiritual Growth: Part 23 – Prayer–Rectifying the Subconscious

潜在意識私たちの精神の側面は、宇宙との完璧な調和に常にある。残念ながらのために ...それは神に向かって戻って指示される必要がある私たちの毎日の目標を念頭ある、または、でカバラ、無限のライト。潜在意識の一部...
The subconscious aspect of our psyche is always in perfect attunement with the cosmos.Unfortunately for ... It is our daily objective mind that needs to be directed back toward Divinity, or, in Kabbalah , the Limitless Light.The subconscious part ...

カバラシステム - 失われた歴史パブリッシング
The Kabbalah System - lost history publishing
This entity is simultaneously dangerous and protective, stupid and brilliant, evil and saintly, guilty and innocent, worldly and naïve.It is your subconscious mind.The Jews have a system they call, Kabbalah .It is pronounced CAHB-BAH-LAH.

Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming: Awakening the ..
Aperson who wishes to start this process must catch the tail of thebeast, the “Leviathan” from Hebrew lore that hides at thebottom of the ocean (the ocean in question beingthe subconscious),and “... makes apathto shine afterhim” (Job42:24).

Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life: Because Your ...
マイケル·ライットマン - 2006 - ボディ、マインド&スピリット
Michael Laitman - 2006 - ‎Body, Mind & Spirit
The subconscious processes the information mathematically, but it only processes a tiny fragment of the information—some fifty bits of information per second.Evidently, there is a huge gap between the received fifty million bits of information ...

カバラセンター - 1922年にエルサレムに設立され、カバラの教えについて、これを言う:
THE KABBALAH CENTRE - founded in Jerusalem in 1922, say this about the Kabbalistic teachings:

それは、精神的な知恵の世界最古の機関である - それは宇宙の秘密への長期隠されたキーだけでなく、人間の心と魂の謎の鍵が含まれています。
It is the worlds oldest body of spiritual wisdom - it contains the long-hidden keys to the secrets of the universe as well as the keys to the mysteries of the human heart and soul.
Kabbalistic teachings explain the complexities of the material and the nonmaterial universe, as well as the physical and metaphysical nature of all humanity.
It shows in detail,how to navigate that vast terrain in order to remove every form of chaos, pain, and suffering.

Judaism 101: Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism
Kabbalah is one of the most grossly misunderstood parts of Judaism.
私が記述した非ユダヤ人からいくつかのメッセージを受け取ったカバラを邪悪または黒としてそれを記述する」、ユダヤ教のダークサイド」として魔法。スペクトルのもう一方の端に、 ...
I have received several messages from non-Jews describing Kabbalah as "the dark side of Judaism," describing it as evil or black magic .On the other end of the spectrum, ...

Kabbalistic Secrets : the Number of the Beast on the Tree of Life

Meah Shearim is 666
あなたが最近書いた:Meah Shearim(メーアー・シェアーリーム)の数値が「666」、ゾハルに彼の解説にヴィルナカオンによって示されるように、ユダヤ教で難解なとカバラ意味を持つ数である。」
You recently wrote: "The numerical value of "Meah Shearim" is 666, a number which has esoteric and kabbalistic meaning in Judaism, as indicated by the Vilna Gaon in his commentary to the Zohar."

Anunnaki is 666

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