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Prostate cancer


 Most Prostate Cancer Treatments Unnecessary and Harmful

 June 10, 2006 | 20,550 views


© Copyright 1997-2013 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.


Treatments for prostate cancer such as surgery to remove the prostate gland or radiotherapy may not be necessary for most men diagnosed with a low-grade of the disease.


While prostate cancer treatments can result in serious side effects, including incontinence and impotence, a modeling study by researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research in England found that men whose cancer is detected early by a PSA screening are not likely to die from the disease.

研究では、低悪性度の癌を持つ55 〜59歳の男性は無治療が受信されなかった場合でも、 15年以内に病気で死亡する100のチャンスに1を持っていることを予測した。だから治療法は、これらのケースでは生存期間を延長する可能性はありません。

The study predicted that men between the ages of 55 and 59 with low-grade cancer have a one in 100 chance of dying from the disease within 15 years, even when no treatment was received. So treatments are not likely to prolong survival in these cases.


The PSA test, which measures levels of prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland, allows doctors to detect prostate cancer earlier.


The researchers are testing a new technique for prostate cancer called Active Surveillance, which will help ensure that treatment is given only to men who will benefit. Men who have high-grade, advanced, prostate cancer, for instance, would likely benefit from treatments.


Guest Comment by Dr. Larry Clapp:

この研究は喜んで我々はコーチングであって、私は私自身の前立腺癌の解決以来、 1990年には、薬や手術をせず、今では16年間観察したものを確認します。

This study happily confirms what we have been coaching and observing for 16 years now, since I resolved my own prostate cancer, without drugs or surgery, in 1990.

"Finally, a Natural Approach to Achieving Prostate Health!"

2005年版を、実際に彼らの前立腺を癒すためにプログラムに従っている人々を有効にしている - しかし、それはクレンジングと薬や手術をせずに90日以内に前立腺の健康で綴らとして、再建のでさらに良いです。

However, it is even better because cleansing and rebuilding, as spelled out in Prostate Health in 90 Days Without Drugs or Surgery -- 2005 Edition, has enabled the men who have followed the program to actually heal their prostates.

連続ソノグラムで、 1は、実際にはディープクレンジングのプログラムに従い、再構築することによって、その後の血液前立腺腫瘍減少への流れ、そしてそれ自体が減少して消滅腫瘍を見ることができます。唯一の副作用はリニューアルセクシュアリティ、そして健康で幸せに、長寿命です。

On successive sonograms, one can actually see the blood flow to a prostate tumor diminish, and then the tumor itself diminish and disappear, by following a program of deep cleansing and rebuilding. The only side effects are a renewed sexuality, and a healthier and happier, long life.


The study demonstrates pretty clearly that the tendency of many urologists to rush to cut, fry or freeze the prostate is unwarranted in most cases. What the study fails to demonstrate, though, is that prostate cancer can be healed naturally, which may be even more important to men diagnosed with prostate cancer.


The Related Links section below has three terrific articles that detail how you can apply some powerful and effective nutritional tools to the treatment of prostate, or for that matter breast, cancer.


前立腺がん治療 '不要'

 Prostate cancer treatment 'unnecessary'


All rights reserved. Copyright © 2013.

最終更新日25年5月 / Last updated 25 May 2006


Thousands of prostate cancer sufferers may be undergoing radical treatments for the disease with little benefit to their health, new research suggests.

がん研究所によれば、放射線治療および前立腺除去手術などの処置は55 〜59歳の患者における低悪性の前立腺癌症例の大多数の寿命は延びていない。

According to the Institute of Cancer Research, treatments such as radiotherapy and prostate removal surgery do not extend life expectancy in the vast majority of low-grade prostate cancer cases in patients aged between 55 and 59.

研究者らは、 99これらのケースのパーセントで、患者は根治治療を受けずに、少なくとももう15年のために生きることを期待することができると主張している。

Researchers claim that in 99 per cent of these cases, patients can expect to live for at least another 15 years without receiving radical treatment.


Not only does this make the treatment unnecessary for many patients, in also involves the needless suffering of life-long adverse side-effects as a result, including impotence, urinary incontinence and bowel problems, the researchers claim.

研究を主導した博士クリス·パーカーは、コメント: " PSAスクリーニングで検出された前立腺癌のほとんどの男性は、病気は、これまで彼らにどんな悪影響を引き起こすことなく、彼らの自然なスパンを全うします。 "

Dr Chris Parker, who led the research, commented: "Most men with prostate cancer detected by PSA screening will live out their natural span without the disease ever causing them any ill effects."


However, the same is not true of high-grade prostate cancer cases, where the tumours grow at a much faster rate.


In these cases, it is estimated that over two-thirds of patients could die prematurely from the disease if treatment is not sought.


Currently, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with over 30,000 diagnosed cases every year.


Despite this, cancer charities and healthcare experts are concerned that many men remain unaware of the risk from the disease, with a recent survey from the Everyman Male Cancer Campaign finding that 60 per cent of men did not know the symptoms of prostate cancer.

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