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Food Distribution and the Yakuza


Silence of the Calves Organized Crime Registry - Sproutnet.com

大腸菌O157、食品流通とヤクザ - と毒子供 - 細菌テロのケース?

 E. Coli O157, Food Distribution and the Yakuza -- and Poisoned Children -- a Case of Bacteriological Terrorism?


大腸菌O157の流行は、日本の食品流通官僚、商社やアグリビジネスで制御されるシステムの自然な副産物である - 第四、サイレントパートナー、刑事シンジケート、またはヤクザ。メディア偽情報キャンペーンを起動するために、厚生労働省のために必要となった場合は、その理由と - - 日本の公衆衛生当局は、感染の広がりを止めることができなかった理由を理解するには、食品が日本に分布し、誰が何されている方法を見て必要があります配信は、賄賂を支払い、法律をグリグリ。洋一クラークしまっによって、

 The E. coli O157 epidemic is a natural byproduct of Japan's food distribution system, which is controlled by bureaucrats, trading companies and agribusiness -- a fourth, silent partner, criminal syndicates, or the yakuza. To understand why Japanese public health officials have failed to stop the spread of the contagion -- and why if became necessary for the Health and Welfare Ministry to launch a media disinformation campaign -- requires a look at how food is distributed in Japan and who does the distributing, pays the bribes and muzzles the law. By Yoichi Clark Shimatsu

O157 Reduxのは:9月26日には、厚生省がHIV汚染血液製剤のスキャンダルをオープン破壊に彼の評判をしたが、O157の隠蔽工作に参加した「正直な改'菅直人、'率いる、胃の細菌ことを再アサートカイワレ大根やかいわれ大根に送信された。

 O157 Redux: On Sept. 26, the Health and Welfare Ministry led by honest reformer Naoto Kan, who made his reputation in breaking open the HIV-contaminated blood product scandal but participated in the O157 coverup, reasserted that the stomach bacteria was transmitted in radish sprouts, or kaiware daikon.

しかし、10月3日に、岩手県の盛岡学区はO157が212生徒と教師を毒殺したと発表した - そしてそのカイワレ大根は、メニュー上ではなかった。続いて、10月中旬までに、8人は韓国焼肉レストランで牛肉の心を食べた5人の東京のO157感染で報告された。

 But on Oct. 3, the Morioka school district in Iwate Prefecture announced that O157 had poisoned 212 students and teachers there -- and that radish sprouts were NOT on the menu. Subsequently, by mid-October, eight people were reported with O157 infections in Tokyo, five of whom ate beef hearts at a Korean yakiniku restaurant.

このライターは、日本、東京に住んでいる外国人のうち、(彼自身を含む)、他の多くの未報告の場合の知っているように、流行が深刻な全国の過少報告されなければならない。ヤクザは酪農業界内部の隠蔽工作を強制するための食品を汚染されていること - - この記事で横ばい他の電荷として警察は、新鮮な牛乳を希釈するため、仙台、神戸、新潟の酪農協同組合の9月のマネージャーで逮捕されているインポートされた粉ミルク。

 As this writer knows of many other unreported cases (including his own) among Japanese and foreigners living in Tokyo, the epidemic must be severely underreported across Japan. As for the other charge leveled in this article -- that the yakuza have been poisoning food products to enforce a coverup inside the dairy industry -- the police have arrested in September managers of dairy cooperatives in Sendai, Kobe and Niigata for diluting fresh milk with imported powdered milk.

また、夏の終わりに、台湾の警察は違法に台湾に売却牛乳を混ぜ物、米国からの粉ミルク輸入密輸リングを露呈した。それは、粉ミルクがその有効期限を過ぎて購入したことが判明 - 唯一の化学肥料事業によるヒト消費用と使用するのに適さないこと。

  Also, in late summer, the police in Taiwan exposed a smuggling ring that illegally imported powdered milk from the U.S. to adulterate milk sold to Taiwanese. It turns out that the powdered milk was purchased past its expiration date -- making it unfit for human consumption and for use only by the chemical or fertilizer business.

これらの最近の啓示が強く、東アジアにおける暴力団が古い、または汚染された食品の輸入を含む有利なラケットを実行していた可能性があることを示している - そしておそらくそれはO157が日本で食物連鎖に入った疑いのある牛肉の輸入を介していた。

 These recent revelations strongly indicate that organized crime groups in East Asia may have been running a lucrative racket involving the importation of stale or contaminated food products -- and perhaps it was through suspect beef imports that O157 entered the food chain in Japan.



 The first victim of the current E. coli O157 epidemic was a 13-year-old girl in Itami, a suburb of Kobe, who was hospitalized May 10. She died of kidney failure on the morning of May 13. Later in this article, remember the place: Kobe, which is not only the center of Japan's beef production but also the chief port of entry for food imports. But officially, according to Japan's Health and Welfare Ministry, the first victim was a female first-grader in Oku, Okayama Prefecture, who died June 1. Presumably, pushing back the date of the first case would be better for the ministry, since a national emergency was not declared by the Hashimoto Cabinet until 54 days later, on July 25.

神戸ケースはO157流行の開始点として取られる場合は、緊急事態の宣言の前に間隔が72日以上10週間まで延伸されるであろう。これとは対照的に、米国ワシントン州シアトル、約500人が箱のハンバーガーにジャックによって感染させ、四人の子供は、1994年に死亡し、5日以内に、アラートと呼ばれる公衆衛生当局者。 8月6日には - 神戸の女の子の後にさらに8人が死亡し、ほぼ3カ月が死亡 - 日本の保健省は、流行O157の発生を宣言した。どうしてこんなに長くかかりましたか?

 If the Kobe case is taken as the starting point of the O157 epidemic, the interval before the declaration of emergency would be stretched to 72 days, more than 10 weeks. By contrast, U.S. public health officials in Seattle, Wash., where some 500 people were infected by Jack in the Box hamburgers and four children died in 1994, called an alert within FIVE DAYS. On Aug. 6 -- eight more deaths and nearly three months after the girl in Kobe died -- the Japanese health ministry declared the O157 outbreak an epidemic. Why did it take so long?


大根の芽:8月8日(木曜日)に、大阪府の関係者は2堺の小学校の女の子と京都の工場労働者が死亡したO157集団発生の原因を決定した。テレビカメラや記者が襲撃現場に群がったように - 県当局は、羽曳野中南野農園施設でもやしの発泡スチロールのケースを押収した。その日の夕方のテレビのニュースでは、厚生大臣は菅直人は、カイワレ大根(かいわれ大根)が流行の原因となったと発表した。

 On Thursday, August 8, Osaka prefecture officials determined the cause of the O157 outbreak that killed two elementary school girls in Sakai and a factory worker in Kyoto: radish sprouts. Prefecture officials seized Styrofoam cases of sprouts at the Minamino Noen facility in Habikino -- as TV cameras and reporters thronged to the scene of the raid. On that evening's TV news, Health Minister Naoto Kan announced that radish sprouts (kaiware daikon) had caused the outbreak.


 In the print media, the news broke Friday, Aug. 9. The morning editions of Japanese newspapers, including the English-language versions, also happened to carry on their front pages paid advertising, placed by the Health and Welfare Ministry. The ads urged people to wash their hands, heat food thoroughly, wash cooking utensils carefully, and handle food with sanitary precautions.

しかし、これらのステップは、内部の冷凍機を生き残るC4度の温度で、場合によっては内部の冷蔵肉のロッカーを掛け低温殺菌に耐えることができO157の広がりを、停止することはできません。保健省の広告でのアドバイスは、科学の面で、そのため、スプリアスであり、単に国民を安心させることを意図し - と新聞社の手にお金を置く。

 But these steps cannot stop the spread of O157, which can survive inside freezers, multiply inside refrigerated meat lockers at temperatures of 4 degrees C and in some cases survive pasteurization. The advice in the health ministry ads were, therefore, spurious in terms of science and merely meant to reassure the public -- and put money in the hands of newspaper publishers.

金曜日の午後の記者会見で、同省当局者と会談した後、かいわれ大根生産者の頭政治的動機''関連があるものとして厚生労働省のメディアキャンペーンを非難'。' '水とカイワレ大根のサンプルを大阪の疑いのある施設で県は陰性でした。いいえ、有機肥料は、その生産に使用されていません。

 At a Friday afternoon press conference, after meeting with ministry officials, the head of the kaiware daikon growers' association denounced the Health Ministry's media campaign as being politically motivated. The water and samples of radish sprouts at the suspected facility in Osaka Prefecture had tested negative. No organic fertilizers are used in its production.

大根の新芽上の保健省のテストは、もやし栽培の施設や周辺の河川すべて内部の水は、負の証明が判明した。同じソースからの - 牛乳、パン、もやし - それは、堺のいくつかの食品サービスサイトは3食品物質を得ていたという理由だけでカイワレ大根が疑われたことが判明した。そうもやしが汚染されていませんでした - 親のグループや生産者は、しかし、大根の芽の他の消費者が病気にダウンして来なかったことを指摘した。

 The Health Ministry tests on radish sprouts, the water inside sprout growers' facilities and surrounding rivers all turned out to prove negative. It turned out that radish sprouts were suspected only because several food-service sites in Sakai had obtained three food substances -- milk, bread and sprouts -- from the same sources. Parents' groups and growers, however, pointed out that other consumers of daikon sprouts did not come down with the disease -- so the sprouts could not have been contaminated.


 On the same day, hospital officials in Chiba Prefecture announced that a 1-year-old baby girl had died of O157 poisoning. Her parents were not carriers; the household refrigerator had not contained any contaminated food; and it seems odd to feed such a young child radishes.


 As supermarkets cleared their shelves of radish sprouts, the kaiware daikon growers, later that day, announced that they would file a lawsuit against the Health Ministry for several million dollars in damages. This is a small amount compared to other food products, and it can be assumed that government officials blamed radish sprouts because of their insignificance in the overall economy.


 On Aug. 16, one week after the Health Ministry ad campaign, minister Naoto Kan appeared before TV cameras at a news conference and ate three boxes of daikon sprouts. The ministry did not admit its mistake, because to do so would mean it would have to pay damages to the kaiware daikon industry, which has been losing $1 million per day.

保健省は、農業省での臨床検査は、もやしがO157感染に対する超免疫がある大根決定的な証拠を提供したため、ダウンバックアップしていた。 8月23日(金曜日)には、農業関係者は、テストの結果を開示した。

 The Health Ministry had to back down, because laboratory testing at the Agriculture Ministry was providing conclusive evidence that daikon sprouts are super-immune to O157 infection. On Friday, Aug. 23, farm officials disclosed the test results.

つくばの国立食品研究所で行わ農業省·テストでは、芽は立方センチメートル当たり820万菌を含んだ水に15時間置いた。 1万細菌はテスト目的のために必要とされる - それは数人の間で病気を引き起こすのに十分ではありません。新芽がルートヒント3cm上をカットし、負の証明された。さえの茎の表面に沿った任意のクリープがなかったという事実は、保健省の調査結果に反して、感染に耐性大根の芽であるだけでなく、ことを示している - 彼らも、O157菌を撃退することがあります。

 In the Agriculture ministry tests, done at the National Food Institute in Tsukuba, sprouts were placed for 15 hours in water that contained 8.2 million bacilli per cubic centimeter. Only 10,000 bacteria are needed for testing purposes -- and that is more than enough to cause illness among several people. The sprouts were then cut 3 cm above the root tips and proved negative. The fact that there was not even any creep along the surface of stems indicates that, contrary to Health Ministry findings, not only are daikon sprouts resistant to infection -- they may even repel the O157 bacteria.

しかし、保健省の総誤差は、単純な無知の問題であったことができませんでした。 O157についての事実は、長い結局、日本人で、WHO世界保健機関の長が知られている。何同省言及されていないと、すべての0157汚染の主要な源であることは、牛肉、特にハンバーグや腸の肉、あるいは牛糞である。

 But the Health Ministry's gross error could not have been a matter of simple ignorance. The facts about O157 has long been known by the WHO and the head of the World Health Organization, after all, is Japanese. What has not been mentioned by the ministry is the primary source of all 0157 contamination is beef, especially hamburger and intestinal meat, or cow manure.


 Radish sprouts, when served to children, they usually appear, like parsley, as a condiment for a dish known as niku-jagaimo, a stew made out of boiled potatoes and hamburger meat. The children in Sakai also were served sausages, which are often undercooked because they are distributed frozen. The advertising campaign, the health official announcements and the media news stories linking O157 to radish sprouts were a classic example of a disinformation campaign. Whose interests are the health officials, the Hashimoto Cabinet and the mass media protecting?

 群れ本能:Herd Instinct

特に英語のメディア日本のメディアは、カイワレ大根の馬鹿の物語を押した。しかし、産経新聞は、酪農牛の製品、特にハンバーガーの肉にO157をリンクし7月中旬の記事で、公式の隠蔽工作を争うの早い段階でリードを奪った。金曜日、現代、健康的な自然の他の記事は、エコノミストおよびTime雑誌はO157の元のソースとして、腸内の牛肉、または牛糞を指摘している。 (O157菌の元のホストは、乳牛の腸管である。)実際、産経新聞は8月を報告した

 The Japanese media, especially the English-language media, pushed the idiot's tale of radish sprouts. But the Sankei Shimbun took an early lead in disputing the official coverup, with articles in mid-July that linked O157 to dairy cow products, especially hamburger meat. Other articles in Friday, Gendai, Healthy and Natural, The Economist and Time magazines have pointed to beef, or cow manure in the intestines, as the original source of O157. (The original host of the O157 bacteria is the intestinal tract of dairy cows.) Indeed, the Sankei reported Aug.


 11 that the DNA pattern of the O157 in the massive Sakai case is identical to a sample sent from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control taken from an earlier meat contamination case in the United States.

米国医師会雑誌(1995年4月5日、頁985から6)、疾病対策センターによる未発表の報告書によると、O157は米国だけで20,000症例と250〜500人が死亡年、最小限の原因と推定、および数は増加しているように見える。消費者団体は、加圧されたクリントン大統領が法案アップグレード食肉検査の法律に署名する必要があります。 DNAの食肉検査システムであっても発明者は既存の技術は、牛肉の枝肉のすべての汚れをキャッチすることができないことを認めているため、新しい規制は、フェールセーフされていません。

 According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (April 5, 1995, pp. 985-6), an unpublished report by the Centers for Disease Control estimates O157 causes a minimal 20,000 cases and 250-500 deaths a year in the United States alone, and the numbers appear to be increasing. Consumer groups have pressured President Clinton to sign a bill upgrading meat inspection laws. The new regulations are not fail safe, because even the inventor of the DNA meat inspection system admits that no existing technology can catch all the contamination in beef carcasses.

この著者が別の場所で説明されているポイントを、くどくど言うのではなく(太平洋ニュースサービス参照; http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn)、米国とカナダの情報の豊富さは、乳牛を持つ大腸菌O157を相関。

 Rather than belabor the point, which is discussed elsewhere by this author (see Pacific News Service; http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn), an abundance of information in the United States and Canada correlates E. coli O157 with dairy cows.


 So why hasn't Japan's Health and Welfare Ministry informed the public about the risks of beef?


 Since before the July 25 Cabinet meeting, the Agriculture Ministry began testing Japanese beef and dairy herds and meatpacking houses for O157. JA, the Japanese farmers' union, and meat packers have apparently been cooperative and eager to resolve the problem as rapidly as possible, because consumers have already gotten information on their own and meat consumption has declined.

社会的に敏感なグループに属し、JA、日本最大のロビーの一つであり、ハム - 部落民、かつての下層階級、そして韓国人は - 自民党政権に対して彼らのロビー活動力を使用しますので、公式リラク背後に何かしていない牛肉問題を提起するには?

 JA, one of Japan's biggest lobbies, and meat packers, who belong a socially sensitive groups -- the burakumin, a former underclass, and Koreans -- have not used their lobbying power against the Liberal Democratic government, so what is behind the official reluctance to raise the beef issue?

 食べ物改ざん:Food Tampering

より正確には、誰が堺の学校の食堂に牛肉を供給?当局は、野菜、果物、焼き菓子やその他の項目の卸売業者の名前を提供 - しかし、断固と繰り返し肉供給業者の名前を開示することを拒否した。

  Education Ministry Bureaucrats and the Yakuza: In mid-July, a reporter with Friday magazine asked Osaka prefectural education officials: Where's the Beef?
More precisely, who supplies the beef to Sakai school cafeterias? The officials provided the names of wholesalers of vegetables, fruits, baked goods and other items -- but adamantly and repeatedly refused to disclose the names of meat suppliers.


 The Sunday, August 11, edition of Sankei Shimbun revealed that the DNA-type of the O157 strain that infected more than 5,000 schoolchildren in Sakai, and forced the closure of 92 schools, is identical to certain samples provided by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. This findings suggests that the source of the epidemia is beef imported from the United States or elsewhere in North America (Canada and Mexico should not be discounted as potential sources).

どのようなこれらの事実によって暗示される汚れた牛肉はおそらく食肉検査規則や税関をバイパスして、卸売業者が輸入されていることである。もう一つの妨害の可能性は、海外のカット率価格で購入した規格外の牛肉は、高価な日本産牛肉と同じ価格のために日本の学校の食堂に販売されている可能性がされていること - 特に、最も高い割合を持って酒井などの低所得地域で年とO157の現在の流行の前にあっても、何十年も - あらゆる日本の都市の部落民の。このような暴利だけ組織犯罪によって行われている可能性 - 強力な教育省と関係者の知る承認を得て。

 What is implied by these facts is that dirty beef has been imported by wholesalers, possibly bypassing meat inspection regulations and customs authorities. Another disturbing possibility is that substandard beef purchased at cut-rate prices overseas, may have been sold to Japanese school cafeterias for the same price as expensive Japanese-produced beef -- especially in low-income areas such as Sakai, which has the highest percentage of burakumin of any Japanese city -- for years and even decades before the current outbreak of O157. Such profiteering could only have been done by organized crime -- with the knowing approval of officials with the powerful Education Ministry.


 AERA magazine, in the Aug. 19-26 issue, reported that, indeed, the catering services that provide lunches, milk and bread to public schools are operated by companies run and staffed by retired Education Ministry bureaucrats and former ministry employees. The school lunch caterers are part of the amakudari, or descent from Heaven, practice, of providing jobs for former bureaucrats or bureaucrats on leave and, often, stipends or fees to ministry officials while still in public service.


 Providing school lunches may seem a demeaning job for an ex-bureaucrat, but it is a gold mine for the corrupt ones. Illicit profits and bribery would explain the silence of Osaka prefectural officials regarding the wholesalers of the beef products who supplied the Sakai school cafeterias.

まず、非常に粗い計算。ヤクザ連動商社はキログラム当たりわずか$1で販売している米国のハンバーガー、一番安いグレードを購入し、$25〜キログラムあたり40ドルの間で、日本の食肉の市場価値で学校、シニア住宅や社員食堂に売却した場合、利益率は20倍〜40元の価格の異常な要因となるだろう。教育省の職員とその政治家の同盟国の何百ものポケットを並べるために十分以上に - このラケットは実際には何十年も続いた場合は、国民は数十億ドルのためにだまされるされたであろう。

 First, a very rough calculation. If a yakuza-linked trading firm purchased the cheapest grade of U.S. hamburger, which sells for as little as $1 per kilogram, and sold it to schools, senior homes and company cafeterias at market value for Japanese meat, between $25-$40 per kg, the profit margin would be an extraordinary factor of 20 to 40 times the original price. If this racket actually went on for decades, the public would have been bilked for billions of dollars -- more than enough to line the pockets of hundreds of Education Ministry officials and their politician allies.

 故意の中毒?Deliberate Poisoning?

誤って人が死亡し、学童の痛みを伴う入院につながった - - 官僚とヤクザの販売代理店を含む価格スキミングラケットの公的啓示は、爆発的になります。

 The public revelation of a price-skimming racket involving bureaucrats and yakuza distributors -- which accidentally led to the deaths and painful hospitalization of schoolchildren -- would be explosive.

PTAが十分に栄養価ではないために学校給食プログラムを批判してきた - は、刑事過失と可能な殺人を言及する - 子どもたちを汚染することは自民党をはじめとする主要政党に対する主要な有権者の反乱につながる可能性があり、最悪のシナリオ、になります教育省の職員に対する告訴。これは、メディア隠蔽工作を説明するであろう。

 The PTA has been criticizing the school lunch program for not being nutritious enough -- poisoning children would be the worst case scenario, which could lead to a major voter rebellion against the LDP and other major parties -- not to mention criminal negligence and possible homicide charges against Education Ministry officials. This would explain the media coverup.


 But what makes the possibility of food adulteration and official bribery seem even more likely is a series of suspicious and highly disturbing threats of food tampering, which is a typical tactic in yakuza intimidation to enforce mafia-style silence.


 On July 1, four children collapsed unconscious in a school playground in Aomori Prefecture from an unidentified toxic liquid substance found at the bottom of a slide;


 On July 7, four children, between 4 months and 5 years in age, were poisoned with amphetamines placed in a hot water bottle at Wakayama Medical College Hospital


 On July 28, a 27-year-old man, a friend of the mother, was arrested for feeding stimulants to a baby at a hospital in Himeiji, located near Kobe.

7月14日、容疑者、道一横山、47は、億円の身代金を要求する手紙を送り、雪印乳業社;にO157と牛乳を汚染すると脅しで逮捕された 以前、別の容疑者は、広島に本社を置いていヤクルトの乳製品会社と同様O157の脅威を送信するために逮捕された。

 On July 14, a suspect, Michikazu Yokoyama, 47, was arrested for sending a letter demanding a 100 million yen ransom and threatening to contaminate milk with O157 to Snow Brand Milk Products Co.; Earlier another suspect was arrested for sending a similar O157 threat to the Yakult milk products company, which is headquartered in Hiroshima;

8月10日には、広島の日本エスペラント会議で42の参加者は、近くの宮島のホテルで食事をした後、嘔吐や下痢の症状を、正体不明の食中毒と病気になった。 13が入院した。 200以上の参加者がいたように、汚染は唯一の5人に1人宿泊客が消費する食品にあったと仮定することができる。毒素の種類は確認されなかった。繰り返しますが、広島はヤクルトの本部がある。

 On Aug. 10, 42 participants at the Japan Esperanto Congress in Hiroshima, after dining at a hotel in nearby Miyajima, fell ill with an unidentified food poisoning, with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea; 13 were hospitalized. As there were more than 200 participants, it can be assumed that the contamination was in a food item consumed by only one in five hotel guests. The type of toxin was not identified. Again, Hiroshima is the headquarters of Yakult.


 On Aug. 14, hospitals in Niigata Prefecture were overwhelmed food poisoning victims. Later it was reported 229 people in the Jyoetsu area reportedly showed symptoms of vibrio parahaemolyticus, a parasite infection associated with crab meat. TV reports indicated most of the victims were guests at resort hotels, though the print media reported that they were ordinary householders who bought infected crab meat at local stores.


  On Aug. 23, 537 junior high and high school students in Hokkaido came down with food poisoning, with symptoms of diarrhea and fever. Some of the students were diagnosed as having salmonella. Hokkaido is the main milk production region for the Tokyo-headquartered Snow Brand, which received the threat in July.

8月24日には、容疑者は、彼がO157でパン製品をレースすることを7 - イレブン·ジャパンに手紙を送るために東京で逮捕された。 51歳の幹部は、債務は30百万円(同30万ドル)であることを主張。彼は、チェーン店に20嫌がらせの呼び出しを行うと、妙に、彼の逮捕前に警察の夜に17回電話をかけ。

 On Aug. 24, a suspect was arrested in Tokyo for sending letters to 7-Eleven Japan that he would lace bread products with O157. The 51-year-old executive claimed to be 30 million yen (300,000 dollars) in debt. He made 20 harassing calls to the chain store and, strangely, phoned the police 17 times on the night before his arrest.


 In late August, 49 more school poisonings were reported in Hokkaido.


 On Sept. 3 & 4, 30 employees with the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office (attorney general's office) and the Justice Ministry were poisoned at the sushi bar inside the 6th government office building in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo. This latest mass poisoning of law-enforcement authorities may well have been the bacteriological equivalent of the previous year's gassing of the Kasumigaseki subway station, which many journalists suspect was intended as a strike against the National Police Agency headquarters. The yakuza have declared war on the Japanese people.

 犯罪接続 Crime Connection


 These food poisoning cases occurred at a time when food service institutions were taking extreme precautions against any possibility of contamination. Across the country, raw food was reduced to a minimum; nearly every food item was subjected to extra cooking.

そして、まだのような多くの千人もの人が食中毒に見舞われた。 (東京の外国人を含む多くの症例が、保健当局が報告されていない行きました。)
特に広島、和歌山や北海道 - - これらのケースのいくつかが、パターンが示唆するものをいたずらや原油恐喝の試み、と解釈することができるがヤクザで採用おなじみの戦略は、次のとおりです。

 And yet as many as a thousand people were hit by food poisoning. (Many cases, including foreigners in Tokyo, went unreported by health authorities.)
While some of these cases could be interpreted as pranks or crude extortion attempts, what the pattern suggests -- especially in Hiroshima, Wakayama and Hokkaido -- is familiar strategy employed by the yakuza:


 Debtors are forced by crime bosses to commit seemingly irrational, random crimes to fulfill the larger purpose of intimidating business executives and government officials into silence.

一方、セキュリティの専門家 - 週刊Hoseki内の記事(9月19日)を書いた、元陸上自衛隊の教官は - このレポートの執筆者が行うという説 - でも、北朝鮮の工作員は0157中毒の後ろにあることを示唆したこれらの事件への韓国の接続があるように思われるようではない、割り引く。中毒の現在のシリーズは、誘拐、恐喝やシアン化物とお菓子のひもを含む、1984年に森永ミルク、グリコキャンディとハウスカレー会社に対する組織犯罪攻撃の波を連想させる。

 One security expert -- a former Ground Self-Defense Force instructor who wrote an article in the Weekly Hoseki (Sept. 19) -- even suggested that North Korean operatives were behind the 0157 poisonings -- a theory that the author of this report does not discount, as there seems to be a Korean connection to these incidents. The current series of poisonings are reminiscent of the wave of organized crime assaults against the Morinaga milk, Glico candy and House curry companies in 1984, involving kidnapping, extortion and the lacing of candy with cyanide.


 In the Glico case, the company president who was kidnapped from his home and purportedly escaped after three days, is suspected by police as having previous dealings with his captors. In fact, police later recovered a cassette tape containing a threat to the Glico company, sent more than a year before the kidnapping.

何森永-グリコ事件は、現在のものと共通しているのである対象会社その乳製品や肉、または両方の製品のいずれかですべての取引 - 食品業界の中で最も収益性の高い部門。肉や乳製品も利益率を加算合法、非合法製品の混入、、になりやすいです。これは本当に豊かな日本で起こるのでしょうか? 9月12日、警察は、粉ミルクと水で新鮮な牛乳を切断するため、宮城県の長岡、新潟県の酪農生産者を襲撃。酪農協同組合は、明らかに彼らの代理店からの圧力の下でミルクをadulteratingた。

 What the Morinaga-Glico cases have in common with the current ones is that the target companies all deal in either dairy or meat, or both products -- the most profitable sector of the food industry. Meat and milk products are also prone to product adulteration, legal and illegal, which adds to the profit margins. Does this really happen in affluent Japan? On Sept. 12, police raided dairy producers in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, and in Miyagi Prefecture for cutting fresh milk with powdered milk and water. The dairy cooperatives were adulterating the milk apparently under pressure from their distributors.


  All the companies also provide their dairy or meat products to the highly lucrative, captive market of cafeterias in public institutions and corporate dining rooms, and to the caterers who supply these facilities.


 Adulteration of dairy and meat products sold to school cafeterias and other institutional food service outlets can add up to enormous profits for yakuza-tied companies and massive bribes for Education Ministry officials.

日本のメディアが離れて肉や乳製品とscapegoated代わりに野菜栽培者、特に大根もやし生産者からの注目をそらすためにこのような素晴らしい極端に行った理由おそらくこれはある。彼らは意図的にメディア隠蔽工作を強制すると、12人の死因究明をブロックするために行われた場合は、非O157中毒は、社会に対するテロ行為を構成している。広島から北海道まで - - そのような全国的な広がりの中毒は、それが強力な官僚や政治家との結びつきで、主要な組織犯罪グループの作業であることを示すであろう - と生物毒素へのアクセス権を持っている。

 Perhaps this is why the Japanese media went to such great extremes to divert public attention away from meat and milk products and scapegoated instead vegetable growers, especially the radish sprout producers. The non-O157 poisonings, if they were deliberately done to enforce a media coverup and to block an investigation into cause of death of 12 people, constitute acts of terrorism against society. Poisonings of such nationwide extent -- from Hiroshima to Hokkaido -- would indicate that it is the work of a major organized crime group, with ties to powerful bureaucrats and politicians -- and which has access to biological toxins.

中毒のいくつかは細菌戦のテロリスト利用形態であったこと - - 私たちは調査のこのラインに従ったようにそれは研究がまだ直面している調査記者の緩いネットワークにより、現時点で行われていることを指摘しなければ必要が同省当局者による体系的な努力が、このプローブをブロックする。

 As we follow this line of investigation -- that some of the poisonings were a form of terrorist use of bacteriological warfare -- it needs be pointed out that research is still being conducted at this moment by a loose network of investigative reporters, who are confronting a systematic effort by ministry officials to block this probe

 食品粗悪品ラケット Food Adulteration Racket


 If cheap, imported hamburger is adulterated with beef intestines (as is the case with most prepared hamburger patties in Japan), the illicit profits would be astronomical.

niku(肉)-ハンバーガーパテ、スコッチエッグ、カレーに、 - ハンバーガーの肉は、それが米国のO157食中毒の主な原因として挙げられているだけでなく、それが公共の外食機関が非常に広く使用されているためではないという理由だけでチーフ容疑者のままでなければならない肉じゃがシチュー。ホルモンや抗生物質はステーキを務めなければ、時には'ダウナー'牛、できないから原因疾患の立ち上がると、あまりにも脂肪、タフな臭気と積んである肉 - 安いハンバーガーは屠殺乳牛の肉です。また、安価なハンバーガーはくず肉の混合物である。

 Hamburger meat should remain the chief suspect not only because it is cited as the main cause of O157 poisoning in the U.S. but also because it is used so widely by public food-service institutions -- in hamburger patties, Scotch eggs, curry, niku-jaga stew. Cheaper hamburger is the meat of slaughtered dairy cows -- meat that is too fatty, tough, odiferous and laden with hormones and antibiotics to be served as steak, and sometimes from downer cows, unable to stand up because of diseases. Moreover, cheaper hamburger is a mixture of scrap meat.

日本では、ハンバーガーの肉は通常、それを地上サーロインに比べて柔らかく、どろどろ質感を与え、腸組織の含有量が高い、と混合。 (O157、および狂牛病のほとんどのケースは、乳牛ではなく、去勢牛、おそらく女性ホルモンにいくつかの接続を示すにリンクされている。また、特に、範囲去勢牛からの高グレードの牛肉は、消費のために一般的にはるかに安全であることを示している。)

 In Japan, hamburger meat usually mixed with a high content of intestinal tissue, which gives it a soft, mushy texture as compared with ground sirloin. (Most cases of O157, and mad cow disease, have been linked to dairy cattle, not steers, perhaps indicating some connection to female hormones. It also shows that high grade beef, especially from range steers, is generally much safer for consumption.)

腸の肉もウインナーソーセージに入ります。ピューレをしていること、および小腸のケーシング内にオート麦などのレンダリング脂肪および充填剤と混合し、詰め - 眼球、関節、神経組織、軟骨、臓器のトリミングと腸 - ホットドッグは、内臓や肉スクラップから製造される。言うまでもないと畜場での条件は、自然のままよりも小さい。新しい米国の食肉処理ルール - 消化管の除去の前に肛門と食道を結ぶには、 - 多少役立ちますが、腸が出まずいし、洗浄しなければならない。糞便汚染の一定のリスクは、肉、肉カッター、ナイフの手にし、腸や死骸を清めるために使用される水に存在します。単純にそれが流出が避けられない流血、汚いビジネスだ、置く。

 Intestine meat also goes into wiener sausages. The hot dog is produced from offal and scrap meat -- eyeballs, joints, nerve tissue, cartilage, organ trimmings and intestines -- that are pureed and mixed with rendered fat and fillers such as oats and stuffed into a casing of small intestines. Conditions in slaughterhouses, needless to say, are less than pristine. The new U.S. meat processing rules -- tying the anus and gullet before removal of the gastrointestinal tract -- help somewhat, but the intestines have to be hosed out and washed. The constant risk of fecal contamination exists to the meat, the hands of meat cutters, knives and in the water used to cleanse the intestines and carcasses. Simply put, it's a bloody, messy business where spillage is unavoidable.

米国の牛の腸は西宮、神戸肉パッキング地区、三井丸紅取引、さくら銀行、5 M社に裏打ちされた法人を拠点に業界のリーダースタミナ食品、率いるの輸入で、1970年代に日本に入国し始めたとGo-AI腸の販売のリーディング力のまま興産株式会社。

 The intestines of U.S. cattle started to enter Japan in the 1970s, with imports led by industry leader Stamina Foods, based in Nishinomiya, a Kobe meat-packing district, a corporation backed by Mitsui, Marubeni trading, Sakura Bank, the 5 M Corp. and Go-ai Kosan Co., which remains the leading force in intestine sales.

牛肉腸の両方台湾や韓国料理の一部です。現在、彼らは特に韓国風スープで使用され、彼らは男性の消費者マッチョ'のイメージを与える。多くの場合、キムチ風味のモツのスープを伴う焼き豚の肝臓やその他の臓器の肉、 - 史郎またはモツ''、牛肉腸」が「ホルモン焼き'の料理の一部であると呼ばれる。 (ホルモン焼きは広く子供たちの成長を増加させると考えられる。)すべてのスーパーで見つけ好みの製品は、商品名「下に唐辛子粉でマリネ牛肉腸、ある「こってちゃん。」

 Beef intestines are part of both Taiwanese and Korean cuisine. Currently, they are used especially in Korean-style soups, and they confer a macho image on male consumers. Called shiro or motsu, beef intestines are part of hormone-yaki cuisine -- grilled pig livers and other organ meat, often accompanied by a kimchee-flavored motsu soup. (Hormone-yaki is widely believed to increase children's growth.) A favorite product, found in every supermarket, is beef intestines marinated in red pepper powder, under the trade name Kotet-chan.

マッチョ名前は舞鶴(北朝鮮と韓国への主要な日本海ポート)と関西の都市を結ぶトラック業界の大部分を制御して会津虎徹、主要な京都に本社を置く暴力団、と驚くほど類似しており、にトラックラインを冷蔵日本の乳製品と肉製品の多くが提起されている東北地方、。 1,600メンバーのギャングは、特に東京と東北との境界領域で、そのマッチョなスタイルと山口組関連のグループとの縄張り争いの極端な暴力のために知られている。これは、東京の主要な民族の韓国人暴力団や他の大都市との有意な韓国の民族会員数だけでなく、提携関係を結んでいる。

  The macho name is strikingly similar to Aizu Kotetsu, a major Kyoto-headquartered organized crime group, which controls much of the trucking industry connecting the Kansai cities with Maizuru (the major Japan Sea port to North and South Korea), and refrigerated truck lines to the Tohoku area, where much of Japan's dairy and meat products are raised. The 1,600-member gang is known for its macho style and extreme violence in turf wars with Yamaguchi-gumi-related groups, especially in the border area between Tokyo and the Tohoku. It has a significant ethnic Korean membership as well as alliances with major ethnic Korean organized crime groups in Tokyo and other large cities.


 The 1,600-member Aizu Kotetsu, Japan's sixth-largest gang, has also been linked to Aum Shinrikyo's terrorist underground wing, because this crime group reputedly arranged the supply of methamphetamine precursor chemicals from Kansai area companies to the Satian No.7 plant in Kamikuiishiki village (in a direct challenge to the Yamaguchi-gumi's Kansai-based drug-production monopoly, nearly setting off a titanic gang war). With ties to Aum and to both Koreas, Taiwan and Russia, the underworld group would have access to the technical knowhow for deploying bacteriological weapons and perhaps to the toxins themselves, although the latter would be available from laboratory suppliers in Japan, Korea or Taiwan.


 The sect scientists' extensive knowledge of antidotes and vaccines could also be useful to anyone attempting delivery of biological agents

 ブラックマーケット:The Black Market

食品粗悪品と利益スキミングも暴力団がシアン化ナトリウム、低用量で自社製品を汚染すると脅した1984年のまだ未解決森永-グリコケースを説明することができた。この反社会的な脅威は、はるかに誘拐·身代金のために - 犯罪の境界を越えて行きました。キー手がかりは、牛乳​​、両社にとって共通の製品(グリコキャラメルミルクで作られている)である可能性があります。

 Food adulteration and profit-skimming could also explain the still unsolved Morinaga-Glico case of 1984, when gangsters threatened to poison their products with low dosages of sodium cyanide. This antisocial threat went far beyond the bounds of a kidnapping-for-ransom crime. The key clue could be milk, the common product for both companies (Glico caramels are made of milk).


 In the late 1970s and early 1980s, increasing farm productivity meant that Japanese consumers could enjoy a much larger supply of unadulterated dairy and meat products. Real milk and meat were pushing aside ersatz food products.

しかし、1980年代までの戦後日本のミルク供給の多くはスキムミルクでした。 One人気の夏の製品は、アイスミルクとして知られている希釈アイスクリーム代替物であった​​。しかし、牛乳は戦後配給した。だからここでミルクの企業が供給を手に入れたの?配給牛乳のほとんどは病院や公立学校給食プログラムに配分された。

 But since the end of the war till the 1980s, much of Japan's milk supply was skimmed milk. One popular summer product was a diluted ice cream substitute, known as ice milk. But milk was rationed after the war. So where did the milk companies get their supply? Most of the rationed milk was allocated to hospitals and public school lunch programs.


 Did Japanese education bureaucrats divert some of the critical milk supply to the black market? Did the Japanese dairy processors develop a murky relationship with the yakuza, who acted as a go-between with the bureaucrats? Did the importation of powdered milk continue long after the Occupation and did yakuza have to threaten poison attacks to prevent the loss of lucrative contracts?


 As the 10-year statute of limitations on the Glico kidnapping case was expiring in 1994, the police had interviewed the president of Glico more than 10 times, but could get no clear answers about his company's ties to the alleged extortionists.


 The relationship between yakuza and the food distribution system is also illustrated in the Takashimaya case. The prestigious department store Takashimaya, which began business as purveyors of curtains to the imperial household, became a retailing force in the colonial trade with Japanese military-occupied Korea, Taiwan and Manchuria. The recent revelations about the Takashimaya Department Store's close, even intimate relationship with a sokaiya group (the company president and crime boss regularly had dinner and drinks together) is typical of the relationship between the Kansai food industry and organized crime.


 (Remember that inside the basement of every department store is a super-supermarket.) The roots of the relationship between Takashimaya and the sokaiya known as Gokuraku-kai (Paradise, or Ultimate Pleasure, Association) goes back to the days of the Occupation era black market in Osaka.

日本の外務省レクリエーションと娯楽協会(RAA)プログラムの指導の下で、極楽会は、関西の米国と連合軍の軍人のために売春を組織した。 GISは、多くの場合、売春婦に贈り物を与えたか、他のサービスを取得するには、次のを使用したように、極楽会はタバコ、酒、ナイロンストッキングとアメリカの食品中の闇市場に移動。

 Under the guidance of Japan's Foreign Ministry Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA) program, the Gokuraku-kai organized prostitution for U.S. and Allied servicemen in the Kansai region. As the GIs often gave gifts to the prostitutes or use these to obtain other services, the Gokuraku-kai moved into the black market in cigarettes, liquor, nylon stockings and American foodstuffs.

はるかに大きいの出荷台数は、もちろん、神戸ドックで米海軍の貨物船から離れ得ることができた。配給制度は、基本的には、基本と高級品の両方のためにヤクザになっ大手小売業者、すべての卸売ソースを破壊した。 (高島屋は1947年に事業を再開さ)このように、ヤクザは、小売部門と卸売業者や商社との間で、流通システムに自身をほのめかすことができた。アンダーワールドは、このように、消費者の経済内部のほぼ難攻不落の位置を占め、巨大な政治的影響力を持っています。

 Much larger shipments, of course, could be obtained off of U.S. Navy cargo vessels at the Kobe docks. The rationing system had basically destroyed all wholesale sources for major retailers, who then turned to the yakuza for both basic and luxury goods. (Takashimaya restarted its business in 1947.) In this manner, the yakuza managed to insinuate itself into the distribution system, between the retail sector and the wholesalers and trading companies. The underworld, thus, occupies a nearly unassailable position inside the consumer economy and has enormous political clout.

 口止め料 Hush Money

およびその逆 - お金があります場合は、政治家や官僚がある。とすぐに大根を栽培者に発芽し、寿司レストラン経営が政府に対して訴訟を脅しとして、いくつかの金融機関がパニックに見舞わ企業に低利融資を提供することを楽しみに辞任した。中小企業のための日本政策金融株、人民ファイナンス(株)と環境衛生事業の資金調達(株) - パン屋、食料品店や通産省関連の金融機関に数えることができるレストランは、低金利ローンとの援助に来て

 Where there's money, there are politicians and bureaucrats -- and vice versa. As soon as the daikon sprout growers and sushi restaurateurs threatened a lawsuit against the government, several financial institutions stepped forward to offer low-interest loans to businesses hit by the panic. Bakeries, grocery stores and restaurants could count on MITI-related financial institutions to come to their aid with low-interest loans -- the Japan Finance Corp. for Small Business, the People's Finance Corp and the Environmental Sanitation Business Financing Corp.

しかし、いくつかの民間銀行も貸して進み出。一つは、悪名高い大阪の大和銀行た。そのようなリスクの高い融資を悪い余裕 - もう一つ提供する無担保ローンは、大阪の地銀、福徳銀行だった。福徳'はさび銀行」と呼ばれる4の一つである'またはFH2O:福徳、阪神、兵庫県と大崎Shinmin。過去二年間は、これらの銀行が不良債権をはるか預金や資産の超過にまたがっているが示唆するために銀行業界で噂があります。福徳はトップの政治家やいくつかの非常に怪しげな人物が含まれ、そのクライアントに特に悪名高いです。

 But several private banks also stepped forward to lend. One was the notorious Osaka-based Daiwa Bank. Another offering unsecured loans was the Osaka-based regional bank, Fukutoku Bank -- which can ill-afford such high-risk lending. Fukutoku is one of the four so-called rust banks, or FH2O: Fukutoku, Hanshin, Hyogo and Osaki Shinmin. Rumors in the banking industry have for the past two years suggested these banks are straddled with bad loans far exceeding their deposits and assets. Fukutoku is particularly notorious for its clients, which include top politicians and some very shady figures.

今すぐ予約 - 関西の空気は、刑事過失のさらに別のケースの悪臭で泥酔したと - それは政治家よりマフィアのような沈黙を買うために財布の紐を緩めているようだ。

 Now -- with the air of the Kansai reeking with the stench of yet another case of criminal negligence -- it seems the politicians are loosening the purse strings to buy more Mafia-like silence.

 国際スキャンダル An International Scandal

死亡のパターン - 神戸は、まず、最終的には東と東京を含む15都道府県、および堺西、名古屋へ、その後岡山 - O157に汚染され、悪い肉はおそらく神戸港を通じて入国したことを示します。

 The pattern of deaths -- Kobe first, then Okayama to the west and Nagoya to the east and 15 prefectures, including Tokyo, and finally Sakai -- indicates the bad meat contaminated with O157 probably entered the country through the Port of Kobe.


 O157 can survive in a freezer and multiply at temperatures as low as 4 C in a meat locker. Therefore, over time, the virulence of the bad meat increases. Sakai, being Japan's city with the highest percentage of burakumin and a large number of Korean families, must have been the final dumping ground for stale meat. This would account for the large number of cases there.

8月、香川、四国の肉の販売代理店の最後に、米国からの輸入牛肉の側にO157汚染を発見した。カーカスは空輸8月1日に関西国際空港に汚染された牛肉をクリアした習慣だった - 米国食肉は、太平洋のアメリカ側に検査されます。

 At the end of August, a meat distributor in Kagawa, Shikoku, discovered O157 contamination on a side of beef imported from the United States. The carcass had been air-freighted into Kansai International Airport on Aug. 1. The contaminated beef had cleared customs -- U.S. meat is inspected on the American side of the Pacific.


 Tracing the contaminated meat will not be easy, because of deregulation. Dozens of Japanese meat packers have invested heavily in feed lots and packing plants in California, Nebraska and other states.

伊藤ハムと福留ハム、イトーヨーカドー、ダイエーやヤオハンなどのスーパーマーケットチェーン、JALと阪急鉄道などの交通機関の企業、マクドナルドのようなファーストフードチェーンのような肉のサプライヤーから - しかし、食肉輸入も変動する大きさの異なる数百の企業が関与そしてウェンディーズ。割引の肉もマフィアの接続を持つ小さい代理店を通じて、スポット市場でひそかに取得することができる。そして、西宮、日本のパッキング家市は、暴力団が生息します。

 But meat importing also involves hundreds of different companies of varying size -- from meat suppliers like Ito Ham and Fukutome Meat Packers, supermarket chains like Ito-Yokado, Daei and Yaohan, transportation firms like JAL and Hankyu Railways, and fast food chains like McDonald's and Wendy's. And discount meat can also be obtained surreptitiously on the spot market through smaller distributors with Mafia connections. And Nishinomiya, Japan's packing house city, is teeming with gangsters.

いわゆる自由貿易の最大の受益者は、暴力団、今では多国籍マフィアを組織していること - 世界の食料貿易のこれらの実質的に調節されていない道は、世界貿易機関(WTO)の根本的な弱さを指摘している。

 These practically unregulated avenues in the global food trade point out a fundamental weakness in the World Trade Organization -- that the greatest beneficiary of so-called free trade are organized crime groups, the now-multinational mafias.

WT0は、どの消費者保護条項や犯罪強制することなく、世界市場を開いている - だけナイーブ馬鹿社会的現実の何の意味のない本当のルールなしにそのような世界経済秩序を作ったであろう。それは習慣や保健当局が緩いか、破損している国において致命的な食材をダンプすることが可能である。狂牛病で汚染されたイギリスの牛肉は、おそらくバルカンやコーカサスへ向かう途中で、ギリシャでは、例えば、報告している。

 The WT0 has opened world markets without any consumer protection provisions or crime enforcement -- only naive idiots without any sense of social reality would have created such a world economic order without real rules. It is possible to dump deadly foodstuffs in countries where customs and health officials are lax or corrupt. U.K. beef contaminated with mad cow disease has reported, for instance, in Greece, possibly on its way to the Balkans or the Caucasus.

ほぼ存在しない健康の保護には、1980年代後半に日本の牛肉市場を開くために、米国の貿易圧力の結果である。それは、自動車や家電の日本の輸出のバランスを取るのに役立ちます付加価値の高い製品であるとしてさらに、日本の外務省と通産省は、牛肉の輸入を推進してきました。しかし、牛肉は、金属とは異なり、生物学である。教育官僚、政治家、公衆衛生当局、食肉業界や商社の幹部、貿易関係者やニュースの編集者 - - 隠蔽工作に参加している可能性が高いダース死んだ人、そしてより死者、それらと彼らの手に血を持っている。

 The nearly nonexistent health protection is a result of U.S. trade pressures to open Japan's beef market in the late 1980s. Furthermore, Japan's Foreign Ministry and MITI have promoted the import of beef as it is a high-value product that helps to balance Japanese exports of automobiles and consumer electronics. But beef, unlike metal, is biological. With a dozen people dead, and more deaths likely, those who are participating in the coverup -- education bureaucrats, politicians, public health officials, meat industry and trading company executives, trade officials and news editors -- have blood on their hands.


 Like in the case of the HIV-contaminated blood products, which involved a government and media coverup, the surviving kin of victims need to organize their own investigation, press a lawsuit and bring all the criminals to justice.



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 International Workshop and Symposium of Young Scholars Working on "Present Day Buraku Issues"


 An Investigation of the Identity and Social Relationships of Young Burakumin

 はじめに Introduction

1990年以降の若者のための状況です 日本厳しさを増しています。正社員としての最近の大学卒業生の就職のために許可された最近まで著名な日本独特の「転送システムを、働きたい学校」、。業界の変化の構造としては、フルタイム雇用が誤動作を引き起こし、非正規雇用に置き換えられている「システム」その結果、失業者のみ不規則に就業の若者の割合は増加傾向にあり、今後の種類大学からの「大人」、すなわち卒業生のために、「正常」​​と認識、結婚、仕事を得る持っている若者ではなく実体のない数にあまり使用可能になってきて、子供を育てる。さらに、近年では、このような、いわゆるネットカフェ難民として貧困、ホームレスの若者の普及に伴い、社会的課題としてますます顕著になっており、若者の「社会的排除」の問題はますます厳しい。

 Since the 1990’s the situation for young people in Japan has become increasingly severe. The uniquely Japanese “School to Work Transfer System,” prominent until recently, allowed for the employment of recent college graduates as full-time employees. As the structure of industry changes, full-time employment is being replaced with irregular employment, causing a malfunction in the “System.” As a result, the proportion of unemployed or only irregularly employed youth is on the rise, and the type of future recognized as “normal” for an “adult,” i.e. graduate from college, get a job, get married, have and raise children, is becoming less available to a not insubstantial number of young people. Furthermore, in recent years, with the spread of poverty, homeless youth such as the so-called Net Cafe refugees have become increasingly prominent as a social issue, and the “social exclusion” problems of youth increasingly severe.


 This is not to say that all youth have been placed in positions of hardship. The expansion of class inequality (for example Tachibanaki, ed. 2004) and disparity in academic achievement (Kariya and Shimizu, ed. 2004) is progressing, and those people who come from difficult family backgrounds or who find themselves lacking in academic ability or background, those youth with comparatively low social class backgrounds clearly show a higher incidence of unemployment and are more likely to become Freeters (part-time workers) or NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). Comparatively low education levels and a lack of job security continue to be a large problem in Buraku communities, and with the present tendency for “youth to be socially disadvantaged” (Miyamoto, 2002), it is arguable that the situation of Burakumin youth is becoming desperate.[1]


 In addition to the hardship of leading a life such as this, for Burakumin, there is an added challenge of facing the issues incumbent upon minorities: here, of being Burakumin and of discrimination. There is no question that, due to a variety of measures implemented over the past years, discrimination has been subdued. However, this does not mean that the anxiety spurred on by discrimination has been totally erased. The fact that the negative social evaluation of Buraku inherent in prejudice and discrimination is shared by minority youth can serve as an indication of the large effect such an evaluation has on the identity of Burakumin youth. Understanding what measures and conditions would allow Burakumin youth to develop a positive rather than a negative identity remains an important issue, particularly in the struggle to develop measures to conquer the conditions of so-called “psychological discrimination” (Okuda 1998). Despite this fact, the accumulated research on the identity of Burakumin youth is still sparse, and there are few works that make clear the relevance of a variety of social relationships to this identity. [2]

 In light of this situation, this paper takes results from the “Survey of the Self-Perceptions and Lived Reality of Youth and High School Students,” conducted in 2004 with the Youth Group of the Nara Prefecture Branch of the Buraku Liberation League, and analyzes the identity and social relationships of Burakumin youth.

 The concept “identity” has a variety of uses, depending on research discipline. To offer a rough classification, we can sort the approaches into two: psychology, represented by Erikson, takes identity to be the “coherence” and “uniformity” of the ego, within the individual; sociology (social psychology) takes identity to be close to “function,” based upon one’s membership in a group (reference group) or social category (Gleason 1983; Togitsu 1998). The above survey relies on the latter usage; that is to say, it highlights the self-concepts, appraisals, and feelings born of membership in the Buraku social group.

The object of the survey are youth and high school students (typically up to 35 years of age) either involved in the Buraku liberation movement or those accessible by the prefecture Burakumin youth group. The survey methods were as follows: I conducted directed interviews with people, when possible with the help of the prefecture youth group, and used a placement method when interviews were not possible. The survey was conducted between October 2004 and January 2005. There were 267 respondents, of which 202 (75.7%) indicated they were Burakumin.[3] 32 (12.0%) said they did not think they were Burakumin, 28 (10.5%) said they did not know, and 5 (1.9%) did not answer. This study takes as its object the 202 respondents who indicated they were Burakumin, and makes its analysis based on them. [4]

 1. Self-Awareness of Burakumin

 Figure 1 indicates the self-consciousness of being Burakumin of those who indicated they were Burakumin. Responses of “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” were in the majority on the following questions: “Knowing that I could face discrimination because I am Burakumin at times makes me feel uncomfortable” (55.5%) and “I occasionally hesitate when I tell someone else I am Burakumin” (55.4%). More than half of the people experience unease at the thought of discrimination or coming out. Conversely, responses of “Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree” were high for “G If possible, I would like to hide the fact that I am of Buraku origin” (44.6%).

 All together, while unease might be high, the results indicate that people do not necessarily want to hide their Buraku origin.


 2 Identity and Social Relationships of Burakumin


 I conducted a principle component analysis to get a comprehensive understanding of the answers to the ten questions regarding being Burakumin.[5] Table 1 shows the results.

 Table 1 – Principle Component Analysis of Self-Consciousness of Being Burakumin


 1:Strongly Agree, 2:Agree, 3:Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4:Disagree, 5:Strongly Disagree

 The first component is labeled “Positive Identity” and reflects a positive evaluation of being Burakumin because of a high component loading in “F I tend to think it is a good thing that I am Burakumin” or “B I am proud that I am Burakumin.” The second component is labeled “Discomfort with Discrimination,” because of a high component loading in “C Knowing that I could face discrimination because I am Burakumin at times makes me feel uncomfortable” or “D I occasionally hesitate when I tell someone else I am Burakumin.” The third component is labeled “Feelings of Commonality” because of a high loading in “J I feel mutual understanding with other Burakumin, even if our birthplaces are different.”

 The above results allow us to summarize a pattern of Burakumin youth identity with “Positive Identity,” “Discomfort with Discrimination,” and “Feelings of Commonality.” Below there is an analysis of the relationship between the two identity parameters, “Positive Identity” and “Discomfort with Discrimination,” and other parameters.

 2-2 Relationship to Attributes

 There is no noticeable difference in the identity parameters according to sex.

 Table 2 shows correlation coefficients for identity parameters and age and education level. “Discomfort with Discrimination” varies widely according to each of these. “Discomfort with Discrimination” rises both with age and level of education.

Table 2. Correlation Coefficient between Age, Education Level, and Identity Variables

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