
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.

man-made disaster


Well, perhaps then you should be considering the reaction to the comments made by Tōkyō Governor Ishihara who said that the Great East Japan Earthquake was divine punishment for Japan's greed.


Kizuna: Examining the bonds of risk, tragedy, disaster and recovery in Japan

クリストファーP.フード カーディフ日本研究センター、カーディフ大学

 Christopher P. Hood Cardiff Japanese Studies Centre, Cardiff University

 はじめに / Introduction


 11 March 2011 is a day which has gone down in infamy, or at least world history, as the original version of Roosevelt’s famous speech was written. For a day the world turned its attention to events as they were beamed live to screens. Social media such as Twitter and Facebook went into overdrive as all seemed to have something to say about what they were seeing.


 The conclusion of many, including the news networks which themselves seemed to be sucked to new low levels of reporting quality, was that it was ‘Like a scene out of a Hollywood movie’. This of course totally missed the point. What we were watching was reality. It is the Hollywood movies which have over time managed to find a means to reproduce the true horror of these devastating events.


 As one event, the earthquake, was over, so others, the tsunami, came. When that seemed to be over, so the problems shifted to events at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant. Seemingly never before had a tragedy had so many different elements. Never before had it been so well filmed. But did all understand what they were seeing? Did the Japanese respond appropriately?


 When dealing with tragedies and other significant news events, perhaps more so today than in the past, it is too easy to allow the images to tell a story and to titillate, pandering to our voyeuristic, almost pornographic, desire to see these events unfold. If we could empty a town or city of people and animals and let it be hit by an earthquake or tsunami, or crash an empty airplane flown by remote control into a mountain, I reckon Sky TV could get many to watch on a pay-per-view channel.

しかし、災害が現実の人々が関​​与か - 多くの場合、何が起こったのか説明するのに使用されるいくつかの話で、統計に減少にもかかわらず。しかし、ここでコンテキストはありますか?分析はどこにありますか?私たちは、メディア内の画像を見るを通じて達成していますか?少なくともそれが私たちに何が起こっていないことを考えて自分を慰めることは十分ではありません。

 But disasters do involve real people – albeit often reduced to a statistic with a few stories used to illustrate what happened. But where is the context? Where is the analysis? What are we achieving through viewing the images in the media? Consoling ourselves with the thought that at least it is not happening to us is not enough.


 A deep-seated concern about a country and people which we study and many love is not enough. Emotion has to be put to one side and the events studied with a clinical, objective mind. Only then can we aid in ensuring that lessons are learnt. This is not necessarily a pleasant or painless process. But it is necessary for it to be done and for it to be done right.


 Mileti has referred to disasters being ‘designed’. He says that disasters are ‘the consequences of narrow and short-sighted development patterns, cultural premises, and attitudes toward both the natural environment and even science and technology’. Although he was referring to the USA, the points may be applied more generally.

本論文では、私は主に、1985年に日本航空フライトJL123クラッシュ日に日本で災害に対処する私の本の主題を集中し:フライトJL123クラッシュへの対応、また見ると、2011年の東日本大震災を議論しながら、 JALのクラッシュで私が生きていると死んだとの間に絆、結合は、追悼の行為を通じて維持されているかをハイライト表示さ​​れます。

 In this paper, I will primarily concentrate on the Japan Air Lines flight JL123 crash in 1985, the subject of my book Dealing With Disaster in Japan: Responses to the Flight JL123 Crash, whilst also discussing the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. In looking at the JAL crash I will highlight how the kizuna, bonds, between the living and the dead are maintained through memorial acts.


 But the kizuna between the living and living are also significant, and this relates also to the care which survivors and those who lose loved ones are cared for. However, I am not concerned only with the post event responses. This paper will also consider the way in which the Japanese system itself may be responsible for turning a tragedy into a disaster through the relatively poor working bonds between risk assessment and disaster response.

 災​​害の国 / Country of Disasters


 Japan is a country which is frequently hit by forces of nature. Although it is the large events such as earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunami which grab the headlines and has accounted for the greatest loss of life from single incidents, it needs to be remembered that Japan faces a range of natural challenges such as snow and landslides.


 It is perhaps normal to speak of ‘natural disasters’, but there is a problem with the terminology. For the event itself is not a disaster per se, but whether the society was able to cope with the natural event. A recent Chatham House report uses the term High Impact Low Probability events and suggests that they be increasing in number. With more and more people on the planet, and with more living in urban areas, this seems inevitable.


 But what is a disaster? In fact, ‘There is no clear and universally accepted definition of when an accident becomes a disaster’. Disaster is in the eye of the beholder. But this does not really matter, for as Cutter says, sometimes too much energy is spent by trying to define disasters, ‘rather than researching more important and fundamental concerns’ such as how we respond to the events themselves.


 As a modern society, it should be of no surprise that Japan has suffered a number of large ‘man-made’ disasters. As with the so-called ‘natural’ disasters, it is not these events themselves which is the disaster, but rather society’s response to them which results in them potentially being a disaster. It is perhaps logical to suggest that a country which is has to face a large number of high impact events should be best suited to cope with them.


 If this is the case, then such a country should not have so many disasters. Japan is a country which has always had to deal with many hazards. Consequently, ‘disasters’ should be less likely.

しかし、私は、日本は歴史的に自然の事象または人造のイベントのいずれかによく反応していないと主張するだろう。このような場合は、なぜそれがこの文脈における用語「災害 'を使用することが適切である理由JL123の研究が実証します。

 However, I would argue that Japan historically has not responded well to either natural events or man-made events. The study of JL123 will demonstrate why this is the case and why it is appropriate to use the term ‘disaster’ in this context.

 災​​害へのフライト / Flight to disaster


 524 people were on board the Boeing 747 jumbo jet, registration JA8119. Passengers included those travelling due to Obon, the festival of the dead, businessmen, families returning from Tokyo Disneyland, and the singer Kyū Sakamoto. By chance an amateur photographer videoed the take off.


 12 minutes into its flight, there was an explosion, and unknown to those on board, a large part of the tail fin had broken off. Soon all hydraulics were also lost. The pilot declared the plane as being ‘uncontrollable’ to Air Traffic Control.


 Some on board wrote final messages, isho. Inside the plane one of the passengers took a photograph of the scene. The camera survived, but he did not. As the plane passed north-west of Tōkyō a man took a picture of the plane as it passed overhead. Then, at 18:56, 32 minutes after the initial explosion, the plane crashed.

メディアは墜落現場への最初の間だったと災害に関する報告を始めた。時間によって救助チームが現場に到着 - 約15時間、クラッシュ後に - わずか4生存者、520は滅びていたがあった。メディアは何週間や論文は生存者が離れてシーンから巻き上げて、墜落現場に旅し、いくつかの絶望的な家族の中の、墜落現場の象徴的なショットを含まための物語に従うことを続けた。

 The media were amongst the first to the crash site and began reporting on the disaster. By the time rescue teams arrived at the site – about 15 hours after the crash – there were only 4 survivors, 520 had perished. The media continued to follow the story for many weeks and papers included iconic shots of the crash site, survivors being winched away from the scene, and of a few desperate families who travelled to the crash site.


 The official investigation which followed the crash concluded that the probable cause was due to a faulty repair of some rivets in the rear bulkhead following a previous accident in 1978. The bulkhead was thought to have ruptured and the escaping air caused the fatal damage to the plane. This is the version which is presented, almost without question, by non-Japanese sources.


 To this day the crash remains the world’s biggest single plane crash and I believe that it is, in many respects, Japan’s and the aviation world’s equivalent to the Titanic.

 JL123を見つけよう / Trying to Find JL123


 The Air Self-Defence Force had been tracking JL123’s progress since its emergency transponder had been activated, but did nothing. Living in a post 9/11 world it seems incredible that no planes were scrambled before JL123 disappeared from the radar since the Captain had declared the plane as uncontrollable three times.


 An SDF plane should have been shadowing JL123 ready to shoot it down before it reached a point where it could endanger a large number of lives on the ground. This would require political involvement in the decision making process also.


 As it was, two jets were scrambled and set off towards the probable crash area without waiting to get permission. The SDF were not the only ones trying to find the location of the crash. The media were also aware of the unfolding tragedy and began their hunt for information.


 JL123’s progress had also been monitored by an American Air-Force Hercules which diverted to the crash site. In addition to searches from the air, there were also land-based searches going on and other information coming in.


 By dawn on 13th there was still uncertainty about the location. An SDF helicopter appears to have confirmed the correct location at 4:55, but 15 minutes later, the Defence Agency made a further announcement, giving a different, incorrect location. Finally at 5:37 the correct location was confirmed by Nagano Police helicopter ‘Yamabiko’.


 It should be noted that Gunma Police was the only prefecture at this time not to have a helicopter, despite being a mountainous prefecture. After the crash site was located, it still took about five hours for the rescue teams to reach the site, by which time some from the media were already on site.

最終的には18の異なる場所が示唆された。なぜこれほど多くの?これは、山の名前に応じてピンポイント墜落現場には明らか必要性があったようです。墜落現場が頻繁に単に 'Osutaka」と呼ばれているが、それは、より正確に別の山、山にいるにもかかわらず、Osutaka-NO-One(御巣鷹-誰一人もいない)、「御巣鷹上の尾根」として知られています高天原。一見「御巣鷹」の採用は、メディアの力に多くを負っている。

 In the end 18 different locations were suggested. Why so many? It seems that there was an apparent need to pin-point the crash site according to the name of the mountain. Although the crash site is frequently just referred to as ‘Osutaka’, it is more correctly known as Osutaka-no-One, ‘The ridge on Osutaka’, despite being on another mountain, Mt. Takamagahara. Seemingly the adoption of ‘Osutaka’ owes much to the power of the media.

Osutaka-NO-One(御巣鷹-誰一人もいない)は、その中心、群馬県の村から20キロにもかかわらず、上野村の中ではない。上野村にアクセスするのは難しいと背の高い山はどこにでもあります。それは、群馬の関東のかさえ、日本のチベットと呼ばれている。 1985年には上野村には2,083の人口があった、まだその面積は、いくつかの181平方キロメートルです。

 Osutaka-no-One is within Ueno-mura, albeit 20km from its centre, a village in Gunma prefecture. Ueno-mura is hard to access and there are tall mountains everywhere. It is referred to as Gunma’s, Kantō’s or even Japan’s Tibet. In 1985 Ueno-mura had a population of 2,083, yet its area is some 181km2.


 This is about 40km2 bigger than Kawasaki which has a population of nearly 1.4 million or about the same size as the unitary authority area of Warrington in England, which has a population of around 200,000. The village just could not cope with responding to this event. Even Gunma was not properly equipped to investigate what had happened. What was needed was a more national response.

 国家対応? / National Response?


 But central leadership was lacking. This is particularly ironic given that the Prime Minister at the time was Yasuhiro Nakasone, noted for his desire for decisive top-down leadership. Nakasone had been on holiday in Karuizawa, Nagano, and was travelling back to Tōkyō by train around the time of the crash and apparently could not be contacted.


 His involvement in dealing with JL123 appears pitiful. He did not go to the crash site or to see the izoku, but merely sent flowers to the temporary morgues. Indeed Nakasone did not go to Ueno-mura or the crash site until 4 November. All of this is surprising given his leadership style and that he is from Gunma.


 It is also in marked contrast to Margaret Thatcher who interrupted her holiday in Australia to go to the scene of the British Airtours fire at Manchester Airport only 10 days after JL123. The photographs of this featured in all the national newspapers in Japan. Although there may be times where such an intervention can be disruptive to the recovery process, a Prime Minister surely should be seen to be trying to do something positive.

中曽根氏は、「深刻なクラッシュが発生することを可能にするため訓戒「JAL社長高木の辞任を受け入れた。中曽根は、新しい社長は次のようになります誰が確認されたように、彼はそれが( '親方日の丸を') '政府は私たちをサポートする」という信念を終了する時間だったと付け加え、JAL「無責任な、傲慢な男」の最高幹部と呼ばれる。

 Nakasone accepted the resignation of JAL President Takagi, whom he ‘severely admonished for the allowing the crash to occur’. As Nakasone confirmed who the new President would be, he called the top executives of JAL ‘irresponsible, arrogant men’, adding that it was time to end the belief that ‘the government will support us’ (‘oyakata Hinomaru’).


 Surely Nakasone should have been doing more than this. Van Wolferen argues more did not happen as ‘To do so would have created the unwanted impression that the government had taken symbolic responsibility for the event’. Is that not what a government is supposed to do?


 In 1995, a further twist to the JL123 story was added when former American servicemen, Michael Antonucci, claimed that an American Air Force helicopter was directed to the crash site by the Hercules which he had been the navigator on. With the helicopter above the crash site, preparations were made for men to winch down to the site and look for survivors.


 However, the helicopter was apparently ordered to withdraw and return to base, as the Japanese rescue team was on its way. All were ordered not to speak of the incident again. It is questionable however whether these events ever took place, although they have seemingly been widely accepted by the English-speaking world.

「彼らは、世界は日本人が状況を処理することができていないと思いますので恐れている」。この引用にaptようだ。 JL123の状況のた​​め、他の多くだけではありません。しかし、これは1923年の関東大震災に関連して書かれていた。

 ‘They are so afraid the world will think the Japanese have not been able to handle the situation’. This quote seems apt. Not just for the JL123 situation, but many others. Yet this was written in relation to the Great Kantō Earthquake in 1923.

 絆の構築と保守 / Building and Maintaining Kizuna

クラッシュした後、家族、人の多くは最初の近親が最初に通知さの概念がないので、テレビでライブ記載されている愛する人の名前を見て、彼らの損失を知った、藤岡市の学校の体育館に集合し、墜落現場に群馬で最も近い都市。これらは、地域全体のホテルや旅館の様々な我慢した。 JALはそれぞれの家族の世話をするためにスタッフが割り当て。

 After the crash, families, many of whom first learnt of their losses by seeing loved ones’ names listed live on TV as there is no concept of next-of-kin being informed first, congregated in school gyms in the city of Fujioka, the closest city in Gunma to the crash site. They were put up in a variety of hotels and ryokan across the area. JAL assigned staff to look after each family.


 But with JAL being seen as a perpetrator in a possible crime, their access to information was sometimes limited and this was one cause of some problems between families and JAL. But there was little out-pouring of emotion. The outward appearance may have been that they were being ‘stoical’, a word which was much used by the international media in describing Japanese people’s responses after the Great East Japan Earthquake. But is the suppression of emotion a positive thing? There was no counselling for families or JAL employees afterwards.


 Local volunteers came to the gyms to provide oshibori, tea and comforting words. The bonds built up at this time continue to today.

今日では、クラッシュの記念日は、まだ記憶されます。異なるファミリー間や家族とボランティアの間、家族と、彼らは失われたものとの間に - 絆 - Oneは、債券を見ることができます。しかし、それはそれよりもさらに進んで。 Osutaka-NO-Oneは誠一、宗教的な場所となっていない。

 Today the anniversary of the crash is still remembered. One can see the bonds – kizuna – between the families and the ones they lost, between the different families and between the families and the volunteers. But it goes further than that. Osutaka-no-One has become a seichi, a religious place.

それは他の大惨事を覚えている人々が行くことができる場所です。 1994年の中華航空衝突と2005年の福知山線脱線のような、これらの若干の代表者が同じく JL123 記念日に出席するでしょう。 2011年にさらに偉大な東日本地震はそこで覚えていられました。

 It is a place where people can go to remember other disasters. Representatives of some of these, such as the China Airlines crash in 1994 and the Fukuchiyama Line Derailment in 2005 will also attend the JL123 Anniversary. In 2011 even the Great East Japan Earthquake was remembered there.


 The 8/12 Renrakukai, the organization set up by some of the families who lost loved ones in the JAL crash, and its head, Kuniko Miyajima, have become instrumental in trying to improve care to such people following other tragedies.

 メディアとJAL123 / The Media and JAL123


 Following the JAL crash the Japanese media covered the details of what happened in great detail. This included interviewing families, and also trying to interview the survivors. But what appeared to be lacking was sufficient questioning about how the crash happened, why the search and rescue was apparently so poor and whether the investigation in to the crash was handled appropriately.

メディアは記念イベントや他の重要な進展に従うことを続けています。これが世間の目でクラッシュを保持 - しかし、おそらくよりまだある彼らは航空安全、災害対応との関連性とのリンクを作成し、家族や被害者の今日の世話をするために行うことができます。

 The media continues to follow the anniversary events and any other significant developments. This keeps the crash in the public eye – but there is still perhaps more they could do to make a link with its relevance to aviation safety, disaster response and care for families and victims today.


 ‘Major lives and minor lives. Important lives and lives which aren’t… For the people of the media, the people who died in the JAL crash were extremely important lives, weren’t they?’ These words are said by one of the characters in the fact-based-novel Kuraimāzu Hai by the novelist Hideo Yokoyama, who was himself a reporter covering the JL123 crash. These sentences cut to the core of what the novel, dramatized by NHK and also turned into a feature film, is about and questions what the role of the media, and perhaps by extension those who read their outputs, are doing and how they, and we, may put different values on different people.

 誰が災害にするか? / Who Makes A Disaster?


 Lessons have been learnt slowly and incrementally after each tragedy. Now, for example, following a major earthquake, the SDF can be dispatched by command of the Prime Minister without having to wait for a request from the local governor. Yet, there are still concerns. A study of a disaster prevention area in Kawasaki suggested than it may be unstable.


 Holes have been found in disaster readiness plans following the issuing of tsunami warnings after a major earthquake in Chile in 2010. In 2008 the SDF were slow to respond following a collision with a fishing boat. In that same year only 30% of residents actually recognized the alarm when it sounded for an earthquake in Tōhoku. Some local authorities were not even implementing a new warning system due to budgetary problems. Had this been done by March 2011?


 Yet the Japanese can respond to tragedies, and Japanese teams have regularly been dispatched overseas to help with relief efforts, such as after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010.


 But some of the responses to the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami in 2011 revealed that there is probably still much more the Japanese government could do to improve responses to disasters. Do the SDF even have the right equipment to respond?


 Information flow and who takes control remain issues. Indeed, only now are there plans to change the law so that disaster response can be handled centrally since there were so many cases where local governments could not respond to the tsunami as they had been washed away.

 東日本大震災の前にすぐに発表した報告書は、福島などの発電所が大津波に弱いことを示唆した。この報告書は明らかに大部分が一度に無視されました。しかし、それは日本のために、その海岸の周りに巨大な壁を構築するために実用的なのですか?実際、2012年2月に新たな推定値は、福島で波が高い20メートルだったが示唆された。 25メートルの高さの壁があるはず?

 A report published soon before the Great East Japan Earthquake suggested power stations such as Fukushima were vulnerable to a large tsunami. This report was apparently largely ignored at the time. But is it practical for Japan to build huge walls around its coast? Indeed in February 2012 a new estimate suggested the wave at Fukushima was 20m high. Should there be a 25m high wall?

人々はすでにその海岸線の周りにあまりにも多くの具体的なので、多くのテトラポッドを置くため、日本を非難されていないことがありますか?日本は本当に遠く離れた海岸からの人口密集地域や発電所を移動してもらえますか?日本は本当に現時点では、その原子力発電所なしで対処できますか?コンテキストを覚えておいてください。 節電の政策はさらに議論を歪めている。

 Haven’t people been condemning Japan for putting too much concrete and so many tetrapods around its coastline already? Could Japan really move its populated areas or power stations further away from the coast? Could Japan really cope without its nuclear power stations at present? Remember the context. The policy of setsuden has further distorted the debate.

電力の無駄を削減し、電力使用量を減らすと同じものではありません。発電所は、オフにされる - が、これは実際に、持続可能な方針である?どうするかについての議論はどこにありますか?現実的な代替案を提示することができない限り、今の原子力発電について抗議することは建前にすぎません。

 Reducing power wastage and reducing power usage is not the same thing. The power stations are turned off – but is this really a sustainable policy? Where is the debate about what should happen? Protesting about the nuclear power now is little more than tatemae unless realistic alternatives can be presented.


 But referring back to Mileti, it would appear that there is something that is leading to some disasters being designed in Japan. Could it be that the poor responses are in part due to Japan being a more group-based, consensus-based society? Why is there consistently poor communication between bureaucratic bodies?


 Why cannot better bonds be built between them? Are the agencies and Japanese people too risk-averse? The system punishes failures but does not reward successes, so individuals are afraid to speak out and give ideas and ask people to support them. Perhaps disaster response needs individuals taking command?


 Does the rotation around posts, meaning that many are generalists rather than specialists in Japanese organizations, lead to an over-reliance on set procedures and prolonged discussions, whereas a specialist would be able to draw upon their own knowledge and skills to provide a more rapid response? I suspect that there may be elements of truth in each of these.

東日本大震災ではとも呼ばれているように3/11をきっかけに、政府はより良い座標災害応答にニーズに目覚めており、ローカル上の依存は適切ではありません。 3/11はたくさん悪くされている可能性が、より良いレッスンは、前の災害から学んだされていた、それがより良い処理された可能性があります。しかし、それ災害が終わっていない。

 In the wake of 3/11, as the Great East Japan Earthquake is sometimes referred to, the national government has woken up to the need to better co-ordinate disaster responses and that reliance on the local is not appropriate. 3/11 could have been a lot worse, but had better lessons been learnt from previous disasters, it could have been better handled. But that disaster is not over.


 There are still many in temporary accommodation and mental care issues will go on for many years. Due to the area that the tsunami hit, around two-thirds of victims were over 60 years old. This was a modern version of Japan’s story Ubasuteyama. I have also heard that not many people with physical and mental disabilities were observed in shelters in the weeks after the disaster. How could Japan not look after these vulnerable members of society?

学校の規定があっても十分でしたか?なぜ誰も私たちがした場合どうしますか... '' ...何が '考えないとなかった高齢者や障害者が時間内に安全になったことができることを確保するために?誰が生存率が高いことが次の時間を確保するために、今、これらの質問をされている?

 Were the provisions at schools even sufficient? Why did nobody think ‘What if…’ and ‘What would we do if…’ to help ensure that the elderly and the disabled could be got to safety in 14:13:19 Who is asking these questions now to ensure that the survival rates are higher next 15:04:13


 A report this week by the Red Cross was critical of how slow the government has been to rebuilding. The pictures of the clean up have been impressive. But where is the new housing? Is there enough consideration being given to how the rebuilding of villages, towns and cities should be done? Are politicians and the media spending too much time discussing whether there should be a grand coalition and who the prime minister is rather than actually getting on with helping the recovery? If Japan is about kizuna, bonds, then the bonds between society and the state do not seem to be working well. The politicians, bureaucracy and the media have failed the people


 But the people need to help themselves too. How much easier would the rebuilding of lives, and indeed infrastructure, be if Japanese people kept their savings in banks rather than as cash in the home where it may be washed away and destroyed without any record of how much there was?

私はすでにストレスにしようとしたとしてではなく、まださえどんなステップが取られる時間があるだろう、それだけでは十分ではありません。私たちは、あらゆる不測の事態に備えることができません。運が一部を果たしている可能性がある回もあります。それはJL123は都市域でクラッシュしていないことを幸運だった。多くの人が仕事に旅行された前と新幹線が運用を開始する前に - それは、阪神大震災が午前6:00前に打たれていることを幸運だった。

 But as I have tried to stress already, there will still be times where even whatever steps are taken, it will not be enough. We cannot prepare for every eventuality. There are also times where luck may play a part. It was lucky that JL123 did not crash on an urbanised area. It was lucky that the Great Hanshin Earthquake struck before 6:00 in the morning – before many were travelling to work and before the shinkansen started operating.


 It was lucky that the Great East Japan Earthquake struck in the afternoon and not during the night when people would not have even seen the tsunami coming, let alone have needed more time to awake and respond.


 And if you do not believe in luck? Well, perhaps then you should be considering the reaction to the comments made by Tōkyō Governor Ishihara who said that the Great East Japan Earthquake was divine punishment for Japan’s greed.

 結論 / Conclusions


 The scale of the Great East Japan Earthquake is very different to JL123. It impacted many different places. We are likely to see memorials in different places, in a way which may become comparable to the World War One memorials found in most British cities, towns and villages. And although thought is being given to how to keep a reminder of the tree that survived the tsunami in Rikuzentakata, I suspect in the end we will see a return to some form of normality in many towns and cities and what places looked like prior to the disaster.


 For some, they still have not found the remains of their loved one, so the anguish is particularly acute. Some will never forget the people who lost their lives. Some will never forget what happened that day. But many more will forget, unless a way is found to prevent this. But the greatest legacy is to learn the lessons so that future events do not become disasters.


 But even after events such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, I believe that JL123 will continue to be a focal point for the media and many Japanese. It has become a symbol for remembering the importance of life, and so a means for some of us to observe Japanese attitudes to death and remembrance also.


 Part of this may be due to timing too. Going to Ueno-mura it is possible to see activities which demonstrate the kizuna, bonds, between the living and the dead, and between the living and the living. Kizuna became a buzz word following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, but as can be seen from this paper, it is something that has been very evident in other places too.


 Dr. Christopher P. Hood is a Reader in Japanese Studies at Cardiff University, UK. His publications include: Dealing With Disaster in Japan: Responses to the Flight JL123 Crash, Shinkansen: From Bullet Train to Symbol of Modern Japan, Japanese Education Reform: Nakasone’s Legacy and (as editor) the four-volume Politics of Modern Japan (all published by Routledge).


 日本の教育と政治 / Japanese Education and Politics


JAL123の公然の秘密 - 歴史的国家犯罪 2

 The Open Secret of JAL123 – a historical national crime 2

 Updated 11 November 2013

 「JAL123の公然の秘密 - 歴史的国家犯罪 1 ' あなたが新しい読者であれば、最後のポストを確認してください。

 ‘The Open Secret of JAL123 – a historical national crime 1′ Please check the last post, if you are a new reader.

新聞(朝日、日経など)が報告された 「7または8人が「生き残った 男の子の写真とJAL123から!しかし、その後、彼らは唯一の4日本人女性が生きて発見されたと報告した。今日まで、他の生存者についてのニュースがなかった。

 Newspapers (Asahi, Nikkei etc.) reported ‘7 or 8 people’ were survived from JAL123 with a photo of a boy!!! But later they reported only 4 female Japanese were found out alive. There have been no news about other survivors up to today.


日経夕刊は、(上記の)彼らは発見を報告し 7の生存者 (生存者7人を発見トップページに)。(1985年8月13日に公開)

 Nikkei evening newspaper (above) reports they found out 7 survivors (生存者7人発見) on the top page. (published on 13 August 1985)



  • 墜落した日本航空には日本初のOS「トロン」を開発した技術者ら17名が乗っていたのです。
  • ☆墜落現場123便第3エンジン付近に散乱する米国レイセオン社製空対空ミサイルの部品!

これは事故から有名な写真(白黒)であるJAL 123それは明らかに少年の、あなたは彼が大丈夫です見ることができます。彼の腕を見てください。アームは、彼がまだ生きている表示されている。しかし、その後、誰もこれ以上彼を見ることができなかった。他の色の写真から少年が遅くケン宮島JAL123の乗客だった人(9才)、それは前に1ヶ月撮影された JAL123例。黒と白の写真から少年は彼だけのようです。

 This is a famous photo (black and white) from the accident JAL 123. It’s a boy obviously, you can see he is okay. look at his arm. The arm is showing he is still alive. But later nobody could see him any more. The boy from other colored photo is the late Ken Miyajima (9 years old) who was a passenger of JAL123, it was taken one month before the case of JAL123. The boy from the black and white photo seems to be him only.


 There are also several witness who were villagers nearby. They heard the voices about 40 or 50 people at the spot of the accident 4 a.m., 13 August 2009. After one hour the vices stopped completely.


 They saw a girl who was completely fine and running around, she was not willing to ride on a stretcher so. Members of the Self Defense Forces reported : a boy who was around 7 or 8 years old was running around, witness says it must be Ken MIYAJIMA. Witness also saw a man who lost only one finger and quite fine. Where is the man? The press says survivors have been only 4 female Japanese forever… probably those who were fine had to die because they observed all secret activities during the night.


それは、200の周りの人々が生きていたが、彼 ​​らが殺されたといわれている。いくつかの死体が二度書き込むことが見えた 専門家が言うように。そのうちの一つだったDr.Tsutomu阿国、歯科医、警察医師会、群馬の副社長。

 It is said around 200 people were alive but they were killed. Some dead bodies seemed be burned twice as specialists say. One of them was Dr.Tsutomu Okuni, a dentist, vice-president of the Police Medical Association, Gunma.

彼は言う「木が近くに全く焼かれていなかったが、これらの体が黒い焦げている理由私は疑問に思う」。 多くの年後に少数の人々は事故(下の写真)の場所で奇妙なボトルを見つけた。

 He says trees nearby were not burned at all, but I wonder why those bodies are scorched black. Many years later few people found out a strange bottle at the place of the accident (photo below).


 They took it to home. As soon as they opened it, they felt so sick and they were confined to their beds for several days.


彼らはJAL 123の他のすべての生存者を殺しに使用すると考えられているボトルは(多くは、それがVXガスだっ伝えます。)

 The bottle which is believed that they used killed all other survivors of JAL 123. (Many tells it was VX gas.)


 As a volunteer fire brigade says there were no sign that doctors, nurses were sent to the spot of the accident, he had a impression from their behavior that they’d known there was no survivors. Even the press found out survivors and tried to help. If there were no press people, there must have been no survivors from JAL 123 accident as many people say.


 Villagers saw two helicopters at the night of 12 August 1985, but the Self Defense Force arrived at the spot only in the morning of 13 August, 14 hours after the accident. A survivor, a flight attendant of JAL123, Ms. Yumi OCHIAI says she heard the people’s voices and sound of helicopter, too, at the midnight. When she woke up, she was in the hospital. Another survivor, Keiko Kawakami also heard many people’s voices and she saw torch lights during the night but nobody helped them. Then she lost consciousness.


 Later two pilots of the Air Self Defense Force commit suicides. Nobody believes it, look at the photo of them (a). They are too high in the air for committing suicides, without any foothold. It is said the reason of their suicides were those two were homo-sexual…who believes?


 They did not perform autopsies on them as usual in Japan (please read ‘The End of Japan society Part1′) . Strange enough, many doubtful suicides continued endlessly since then. More than 90 members of the Self Defense Forces committed suicides in 1986.


 They had never reported the number of suicides of members of the Self Defense Forces before. But they insisted they’d started to record the number of suicide since 1981 and the number increased since 1982 though nobody heard about it before. Why did they have to tell a thinly veiled lie?



 Photo (b) looks like a part of the tail assembly of the JAL. You can see the symbol of JAL, a red crane. It is said 70% of the tail assembly of JAL123 has not been found out. Those two photos were handed over to colleague(s) by a member of the Air Self Defense Force and he died after two months, it was a suicide as they reported.

JAL123のそれらすべてを殺すために注文した誰ですか?氏Sasou(ワールドフォーラム創立者 故佐宗邦皇)は、JALの前のエリート社員がMr.Sasouが毒殺された前に彼の講義で、たった一日 'はその後中曽根康弘首相でなければならない」と述べた。

 Who ordered to kill them all of JAL123? Mr. Sasou, previous elite employee of JAL said ‘it must be the then Prime Minister Yasuhiro NAKASONE‘, in his lecture just one day before Mr.Sasou was poisoned.


 We will never forgive Nakasone, who killed innocent people, own Japanese people, involving foreigners from West Germany, Italy, USA, UK, Hong Kong, India (three Indians), South Korea (I could find out them only from the list of passengers, few of them seemed to be Asians but the nationalities are not written).

いくつかの他の可能な理由がありました、そのうちの一つであった:もちろん、それらはすべて、死亡し4のいずれかが遅れてMr.Ikuo浦上(だったプラザ合意に反対していた日本の経済力を持っていた4人は、JAL 123にあった浦上郁夫)、ハウス食品の当時の社長。もう一人は、後半Mr.Hajimu中野(中埜肇)、また、その後阪神タイガースの社長(日本プロ野球チーム)と阪神電気鉄道株式会社のその後執行副社長だった。

 There were some other possible reasons, one of them was : four people who had economic power in Japan, who were against PLAZA ACCORD were in JAL 123. Of course, they all died, one of four was the late Mr.Ikuo URAKAMI (浦上郁夫), the then president of HOUSE FOODS CORPORATION. Another person was the late Mr.Hajimu Nakano (中埜 肇), the then president of Hanshin Tigers (a Nippon Professional Baseball team) and also the then Executive Vice President of Hanshin Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.

 ザ・ノンフィクション 日本航空123便墜落事故 15年目の検証


これは事故JAL 123の15年後のドキュメンタリーテレビ番組で見てください YouTubeでこのビデオを 約40:20から。この部分はCeleris航空宇宙カナダ社の社長から英語である、JAL 123のフライトレコーダーを分析した氏はステファン·ホールは現在、事故について異なる見解を持っています。

 This is a documentary TV program after 15 years of the accident JAL 123. Please watch this video on YOUTUBE from about 40:20. This part is in English from the president of Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc., Mr. Stephen Hall who analysed the Flight Recorder of JAL 123 has a different view about its accident now.


 In general a Flight Recorder will not be opened to the public, but after 15 years, they opened JAL123’s Flight Recorder to react people’s doubts and criticism in the year of 2000, of course for a cover-up. It failed. Specialists found out they deleted the record partially and altered it.

例えば、客室乗務員とパイロットの間で非常に奇妙な、不自然な会話があった。彼らはそれを分析した後、それはそれだけで変更により接合し、会話することはできません。 JAL123のオリジナルフライトレコーダは、JALによって破壊された。とにかく一つのことはJAL123のフライトレコーダは、NO解凍がなかったことを非常に確信していた。

 For example, there was a quite strange, unnatural conversation between flight attendant and a pilot. After they analysed it, that cannot be conversation, it was just joined together by an alteration. The original Flight Recorder of JAL123 was destroyed by JAL. Anyhow one thing was very sure that the Flight Recorder of JAL123, there was NO DECOMPRESSION.


 Do you believe this blog can exist? I am not sure. If I know I wrote something wrong, I will edit, if possible.

 関連記事:Related articles

 Interesting article about the JAL123 so they were good friends.

  • They called each other 'Ron' and 'Yasu'

 Interesting article about the JAL123 proof with first news!

 Flight Recorder of JAL 123, photos etc. available in different languages

  • 報告書に倣って発言者などを略号で表記した。
    Were notation such as speaker in abbreviations and following the report.

4.再調査が求められている。 (日本語で)は解凍(生き残った乗組員の証言は)ありませんでした。これは、彼らが、乗組員のすべての乗客を殺したいと思った理由の一つです。誰も、彼らはJAL123に見たもの話をしていないはずです。
 Re-investigation is demanded. (in Japanese) There was no decompression (a survived crew’s testimony). This is one of reasons that they wanted to kill all passengers, crews. Nobody should have talked what they saw on JAL123


JAL123の公然の秘密 - 歴史的国家犯罪 1

 The Open Secret of JAL123 – a historical national crime 1


 Dear readers, it may happen this blog would disappear soon. If anybody is interested in my articles, copy and spread them, I will not ask you any copyright.


 JAL123 Boeing JA8119 in the old days (photo above)

あなたが知っていますか、1985年(8月12日)に日本航空123便の事故を覚えていますか?それは歴史の中で最悪のシングル航空機事故、およびテネリフェ空港ジャンボ機衝突事故の背後にある歴史の中で第二致命偶発飛行機事故である。 (もっと......。ウィキペディアで)のみ4日本語(女性)が伝えとして生き残った。

 Do you know, or do you remember the accident of JAL Flight 123 in 1985 (12 August)? It is the deadliest single-aircraft accident in history, and the second-deadliest accidental plane crash in history behind the Tenerife airport disaster. (more……. in wikipedia) Only four Japanese (female) survived as it tells.

JAL123の事故の公開報告書は明らかに嘘に満ちている。例えば、生存者、氏由美落合JAL123の乗組員は解凍がなかったと証言した。 JAL123の乗客とJAL123のボイスレコーダーから下の写真がそれを証明した。解凍があった場合JAL123のボイスレコーダーを示しているようなパイロットは話すことはできません。我々はGoogleとの言葉「JALl123」を検索すると、それは216000今日に当たる。人々はこの事故で非常に興味を持って、今は誰も私たちはウィキペディアでレポートを読むことができるものと考えていません。

 The public reports of the accident of JAL123 are full of lies obviously. For example, a survivor, Ms. Yumi OCHIAI, a crew of JAL123 testified there was no decompression. The photo below from JAL123’s passenger and JAL123’s voice recorder proved it. Pilots cannot speak like that voice recorder of JAL123 shows if there was decompression. If we search the word ‘JALl123′ with google, it hits 216,000 today. People are very interested in this accident, now nobody believe what we can read the report in wikipedia.



 The famous photo which was taken by a passenger of JAL123. The photographer died. You cannot see decompression. If it happens, things would fly and jump in the air.


生存者、(美由落合)Ms.Yumi落合は、当日の乗客だったJAL123の乗組員は減圧がなかった」と言う。 「それはまた、多くの乗客が彼らの最後の言葉を書いたという事実によって証明することができます。

 The survivor, Ms.Yumi OCHIAI (落合由美), a crew of JAL123 who was a passenger on the day says ‘there was no decompression. ‘ It can be also proved by the fact that many passengers wrote their last words.


 Everybody believed that this was just a tragic accident but now many Japanese think it might have been a political plot with countless proofs and doubts from photos, witness etc.



Mr.Kunio SASOU(佐宗邦皇)JALのエリート社員が、長年のための日本航空123便の事故について調査し、彼の講義で、米国では、プラザ合意(1985年9月)の問題との政治的陰謀だったと主張した人8月7日に、2009年次の日、彼は(プラスチックボトル」oooiのOCHA」下に/写真から)彼の東京での講演、できるだけ早く彼に酔っ緑茶にあった2009年8月8日、上に、彼は倒れた。

 Mr.Kunio SASOU (佐宗邦皇)who was a elite employee of JAL researched about the accident of JAL Flight 123 for long years, insisted that it was a political plot with the matter of PLAZA ACCORD (September 1985) with USA in his lecture on 7 August, 2009. Next day, on 8 August 2009, when he was at his lecture in Tokyo, as soon as he drunk green tea ( from a plastic bottle ‘oooi ocha’/photo below), he fell down.

参加者はすぐに緑茶ボトルを拾ったが、いくつかの男性は(peopoleが言うように、彼らは公共の安全委員可能)激しいルックスでそれを強奪しようとした。 Mr.SASOUが入院したと、彼は2009年8月9日に11時に他界。

 An participant picked up the green tea bottle immediately, but several men tried to snatch it with fierce looks (they can be public safety commissioners as peopole say). Mr.SASOU was hospitalized and he passed away at 11 a.m. on 9 August 2009.

 "About truth of Mount Osutaka JAL123 Flight crash incident!" Saso Kunisumeragi representative


 The late Mr. Kunio SASOU’s last lecture on 7 August 2009 (it was about the truth of JAL 123) can be watched on YOUTUBE. Next day, he was poisoned. He says in the lecture ‘US threatened by weapon in the matter of PLAZA ACCORD, it was Neutron bomb (missile) which shot the JAL123.’ Actually many people saw a mushroom cloud in the sky at the time.


 On TV news, at the beginning, they reported : ‘several members of the Self Defense Forces were shot dead by higher officer. Instead of rescue of JAL 123, first of all, they must carry nuclear contaminated materials to Osaka.’


 Then soon, there was an announcement on same TV news; ‘the last information was wrong’…… it’s easy to understand stupid people like them. Mass-media was controlled by the Government made people and rescue parties confused by reporting wrong spot of the accident.


 The name list of passengers and crews of JAL123

 Books about JAL123 on Amazon (available in other languages)

3.ブック「完全犯罪JAL123 - ナショナル犯罪)」の本の日本語と記事(このタイトルでは、変更することができ、それが多くの人々が多くの証明と疑問を持つことができる不完全な犯罪であった)。。
 Book ‘The Perfect Crime JAL123 – A National Crime)’ in Japanese and article (this title of the book can be changed. it was an imperfect crime which many people can have doubts with many proofs.)

  • 日航機123便事故は米国の罠で、戦後最大の弱みを握られた?
    Nikko machine Flight 123 accident in the United States of trap, was held the greatest weakness after the war?



Japan has suffered a number of large ‘man-made’ disasters.

Mileti has referred to disasters being‘designed

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