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歴史家: "ツタンカーメンの呪い"は儀式殺人は、


Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

Crowley in the "Osiris pose"


Aleister Crowley is often mentioned on this site as his occult works appear to be highly influential in today’s mass media. This week, a rather interesting yet troubling piece of news surfaced regarding Crowley: a historian believes that deaths attributed to the “Curse of Tutankhamun” were in fact ritual killings carried out by him. Here’s an article from The Telegraph regarding the historian Mark Beynon findings.


Curse of Tutankhamun may have been work of Satanist killer
Six mysterious London deaths famously attributed to the ‘Curse of Tutankhamun’ were actually murders by notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley, a historian claims in a new book.


Incredible parallels between Crowley and Jack the Ripper have also been discovered during research by historian Mark Beynon.


Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, London was gripped by the mythical curse of Tutankhamun, the Egyptian boy-king, whose tomb was uncovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter.

1923年にルクソールのファラオの埋葬室の開口部にリンクし、20以上の人々が奇妙に次年間で亡くなった - 資本のうち6 。

More than 20 people linked to the opening of the pharaoh’s burial chamber in Luxor in 1923 bizarrely died over the following years – six of them in the capital.


Victims included Carter’s personal secretary Captain Richard Bethell, who was found dead in his bed from suspected smothering at an exclusive Mayfair club.


Bethell’s father Lord Westbury then plunged seven floors to his death from his St James’s apartment, where he reportedly kept tomb artefacts gifted by his son.


And Aubrey Herbert, half-brother of Carter’s financial backer Lord Carnarvon, also died suspiciously in a Park Lane hospital shortly after visiting Luxor.

当時、熱狂的なボタンを押して、死亡のための 'ツタンカーメンの呪い'を非難し、古代エジプト人の超自然的な力に推測。

At the time, a frenzied Press blamed the ‘Curse of Tutankhamun’ for the deaths and speculated on the supernatural powers of the ancient Egyptians.

しかし、氏はBeynonは今死を締結する以前に公開されていない証拠に描かれたクロウリー、 "世界で憎たらしい男"と呼ばれるオカルトによって首謀すべての儀式的な殺人だった。

But Mr Beynon has now drawn on previously unpublished evidence to conclude the deaths were all ritualistic killings masterminded by Crowley, an occultist dubbed “the wickedest man in the world”.


After unique analysis of Crowley’s diaries, essays and books and inquest reports, the armchair detective argues that he was a Jack the Ripper-obsessed copycat killer.


Crowley, who called himself ‘The Great Beast’, apparently had his own motives to tarnish the legacy of Carter’s legendary discovery.


The gods and goddesses of Crowley’s own religious philosophy, Thelema, were mainly drawn from ancient Egyptian religion.


He believed himself to be a prophet of a new age of personal liberty, controlled by the ancient Egyptian god Horus.


It is likely that he would have found Carter’s excavation sacrilegious and wanted revenge, according to Mr Beynon.


In his new book ‘London’s Curse: Murder, Black Magic and Tutankhamun in the 1920s West End’, published this week by The History Press, Mr Beynon pins seven deaths on Crowley, six of which took place in London:

ラウルラブデー( 1923年2月16日) : 23歳のオックスフォード学部はシチリア修道院でクロウリーのカルトの信奉者だった。彼は、ツタンカーメンの埋葬室のカーターの大いに公表開口部の非常に時間に同じ日に死亡した。彼はクロウリーの儀式や氏Beynon彼が故意に毒殺されたと主張しているのいずれかで犠牲に猫の血を飲んだ後に死亡した。

Raoul Loveday (16 February 1923): the 23-year-old Oxford undergraduate was a follower of Crowley’s cult at a Sicilian abbey. He died on the same day at the very hour of Carter’s much-publicised opening of Tutankhamun’s burial chamber. He died after drinking the blood of a cat sacrificed in one of Crowley’s rituals and Mr Beynon argues that he was deliberately poisoned.

プリンスアリカメルFahmyベイ( 1923年7月10日) : 23歳のエジプトの王子は、彼が墓を訪れて撮影した直後に、ロンドンのサヴォイホテルでは、 6ヶ月の彼のフランス人の妻、マリーマルグリットによって射殺。氏Beynonはクロウリーとマリーマルグリットパリに愛好されていたという。彼女はフォーリー·ベルジェールでホステスとして働いていた、彼は同じ会場で定期的にパトロンであった​​。彼はクロウリー、撮影に彼女を出すことを示唆している。

Prince Ali Kamel Fahmy Bey (10 July 1923): a 23-year-old Egyptian prince shot dead by his French wife of six months, Marie-Marguerite, in London’s Savoy Hotel shortly after he was photographed visiting the tomb. Mr Beynon says that Crowley and Marie-Marguerite had been lovers in Paris. She was working as a hostess at the Folies Bergère and he was a regular patron at the same venue. He suggests that Crowley put her up to the shooting.

オーブリーハーバート( 1923年9月23日) :ルーチン歯科操作はパークレーンの彼の私立病院で疑い深く間違っていた直後にマリー·マルグリットの無罪判決後、オーブリーハーバート、主カナーボンの半弟が、敗血症で死亡した。彼はごく最近ルクソールへの彼自身の旅行から戻ってきた。氏Beynonはクロウリーが死の背後にあったと再び彼の汚い仕事をするためにマリー·マルグリットを使用していたかもしれないと推測。

Aubrey Herbert (23 September 1923): shortly after Marie-Marguerite’s acquittal, Aubrey Herbert, the half-brother of Lord Carnarvon, died of blood poisoning after a routine dental operation went suspiciously wrong at his private hospital in Park Lane. He had only recently returned from his own trip to Luxor. Mr Beynon speculates that Crowley was behind the death and may again have used Marie-Marguerite to do his dirty work.

キャプテンリチャードBethell ( 1929年11月15日) :ハワード·カーターの46歳の個人秘書は、メイフェアの排他的なバースクラブで彼のベッドの中で死体で発見された。 Bethellは、完全な健康にされていると言われた。当初は、彼が心臓発作で亡くなったが、彼の症状は彼が眠っとして彼は死に窒息死させたという疑惑を提起したと考えられていた。クロウリーは、ごく最近になってロンドンに戻り、多くの場合、クラブで小説家W.サマセットモームのゲストだった。

Captain Richard Bethell (15 November 1929): Howard Carter’s 46-year-old personal secretary was found dead in his bed at Mayfair’s exclusive Bath Club. Bethell was said to have been in perfect health. It was initially thought that he died of a heart attack but his symptoms raised suspicion that he was smothered to death as he slept. Crowley had only recently returned to London and was often a guest of novelist W. Somerset Maugham at the club.

卿ベリー( 1930年2月20日) : Bethellの父、主ウェストベリー、 77は、彼の7階セントジェームズアパートから身を投げていると信じられていた。しかし、氏はBeynonは、それが窓の下枠に出て登っていると老人のためには事実上不可能だったとクロウリーは彼を投げたことを示唆していることがわかった。

Lord Westbury (20 February 1930): Bethell’s father, Lord Westbury, 77, was believed to have thrown himself off his seventh floor St James’s apartment. But Mr Beynon found that it was practically impossible for an elderly man to have climbed out onto the window ledge and suggests that Crowley threw him off.

エドガースティールは( 1930年2月24日) :わずか4日後、ロンドンの大英博物館で墓のアーチファクトを取り扱いを担当していたエドガー·スティール、 57は、マイナー胃操作後セントトーマス病院で死亡した。氏Beynonはクロウリーが死の背後にあったことを推測。

Edgar Steele (24 February 1930): only four days later, Edgar Steele, 57, who was in charge of handling the tomb artefacts at London’s British Museum, died at St Thomas’ Hospital after a minor stomach operation. Mr Beynon speculates that Crowley was behind the death.

サー·アーネスト·ウォリスは( 1934年11月23日)バッジ:エジプトとアッシリアの古代の遺物の大英博物館の学科の元看守、彼は77歳のブルームズベリーに彼のベッドで死んで発見された。主カナーボンの友人は、彼はルクソールからアーチファクトを表示するための責任だった。氏Beynonはバッジとクロウリーは、ロンドンオカルトシーンで仲間だったという証拠があると言う。

Sir Ernest Wallis Budge (23 November 1934): A former Keeper in the British Museum’s Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, he was found dead in his bed in Bloomsbury aged 77. A friend of Lord Carnarvon, he had been responsible for displaying the artefacts from Luxor. Mr Beynon says there is evidence that Budge and Crowley were associates on the London occult scene.

1875年に裕福な上流階級の家庭に生まれたクロウリーは、 '何汝はウィルトか'の人生のための論争の教義を持っていた。

Crowley, who was born into a wealthy upper class family in 1875, had a controversial doctrine for life of ‘Do What Thou Wilt’.


The bisexual heroin addict gained notoriety for advocating sexual promiscuity and prostitution and was dubbed ‘the wickedest man in the world’ by the Press.


Mr Beynon paints a picture of a dangerous schizophrenic known to have murdered his servants in India.


Crowley never mentions the deaths in his diaries but often wrote that his mood had “lifted” the day after them.


He was obsessed with Jack the Ripper, writing numerous essays and poems about him.


He socialised with Ripper suspect Walter Sickert and Mr Beynon argues that Crowley used the Ripper’s killing spree as inspiration for his own efforts years later.

悪魔崇拝の重要な星形のシンボル - クロウリーは、彼が五芒星を形成し、1888年にホワイトチャペルでリッパーの殺人事件の5の位置を信じて彼の日記に書いている。

Crowley wrote in his diaries that he believed the locations of five of the Ripper’s murders in Whitechapel in 1888 formed a pentagram – an important star-shaped symbol in Satanism.


Mr Beynon claims that the locations of five of Crowley’s ‘murders’ form a copycat pentagram.


Crowley believed that the Ripper’s murders had afforded him special powers, including invisibility.


Mr Beynon says that he thought his murders would also render him invisible.


To test his theory, he famously walked through London’s Café Royal restaurant ridiculously dressed in a mustard-coloured cloak adorned with occultist symbols.


When customers fell silent and were too perturbed to speak to him, he assumed they could not see him.

彼の不気味理論を概説し、氏Beynonは言った: "私はこれらの死を研究すると、クロウリーの名前が何度も何度もポップアップ。

Outlining his macabre theory, Mr Beynon said: “When I researched these deaths, Crowley’s name popped up again and again.


“There is plenty of circumstantial evidence linking him to all the deaths and his diaries and books are riddled with clues linking him to these crimes.


“I have just put all the pieces of the jigsaw together.


“So much of Crowley’s belief system was steeped in ancient Egypt.


“He would have seen the opening of Tutankhamun’s tomb as desecration.

"これは大規模な世界旅行に与えられた男だったし、まだ我々は、 6人が死亡、少なくとも4が発生したときに、彼はロンドンにいた知っている。 "

“This was a man given to extensive world travel and yet we know he was in London when at least four of the six deaths occurred.”

彼は加えた: "私は本が犯罪やロンドンの歴史に関心のある人にアピールするだろうと思います。

He added: “I hope the book will appeal to anyone with an interest in crime or London history.


“I was fascinated researching London in the 20s and 30s.


“On the surface, it was very glitzy and glamorous but there was a dark underbelly that provided the ideal stage for this story.


“Everyone was obsessed with the supposed Curse of Tutankhamun striking down high society victims.

"しかし、今まで、誰もが今まで彼らがよく殺された可能性があることを実現しました。 "

“But until now, no-one has ever realised that they may well have been murdered.”


Is the historian on to something or is this nonsensical jibberjabber? Hard to say, I wasn’t in England 90 years ago.

彼のエリートネクタイと彼の遺産(もう少し客観的であるかもしれない) :アレイスター·クロウリーの詳細については、私の完全な彼の記事アレイスター·クロウリーと題しをお読みください。

For more information on Aleister Crowley, read my full article on him entitled Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy (which might be a little more objective).




A life-sized mannequin of Tutankhumun, discovered in his tomb ©Tutankhamun, the 11th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt, was unremarkable, is famous due to the discovery of his completely intact tomb by the British archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922.


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