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The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

潜在意識 心の力

 The Power Of The Subconscious Mind


"Discover Your True Personal Power To Attract Your Heartfelt Desires Through The Power Of The Subconscious Mind"

The Incredible Power Of The Subconscious Mind Whatever The Mind Can Conceive And Believe, It Can Achieve.


If developing a greater understanding of the power of the mind is an area of exploration that's interesting to you, you'll find the following information we'll be covering with regard to the Power of The Subconscious Mind to be both beneficial, quite empowering and maybe even flat out transformational.
In fact, it could prove to be quite transformational and serve to enhance every aspect of your life exponentially.


And I mean that literally.

潜在意識の力であっても基本的な理解を開発することで、あるいは "翻訳者"とみなすことができる心のフェミニンまたは右脳の側面として、科学界で言及されているものをより深く理解を深めることができるようになります意識とスーパー意識の間に"中間の人"が頻繁に神と呼ばれる、ユニバーサル意識やご理解のどんなソースかもしれません。

Developing even a basic understanding of the Power Of The Subconscious Mind will enable you to develop a deeper understanding of what is referred to in the scientific community as the feminine or right brain aspect of the mind, which could be considered as the "translator" or "middle man" between the conscious mind and the Super Conscious Mind often referred to as God, Universal Consciousness or whatever the Source of your understanding might be.

私が参照しているスーパー意識もしばしば呼ばれ、フィールド、ゼロポイントフィールド、 plennum 、 "統一場"と科学者が使用し、それを記述するために選択した無数の他のラベルとして現代科学によってラベル付けされている。

The Super Conscious Mind I'm referring to is also often referred to and labeled by modern day science as the field, the zero point field, the plennum, the "Unified Field" and countless other labels that scientists use and choose to describe it.

かかわらず、意識を選ぶかもしれないもののラベルの、潜在意識と心のスーパー意識の側面は総称して、どのような金型を形成し、あなたの人生のありとあらゆる側面を決定している参加しました。 (量子物理学を参照してください)

Regardless of what label you might choose, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the Super Conscious aspects of mind collectively joined are what mold, shape and determine each and every aspect of your life. (see Quantum Physics)


I think you'll agree, developing at least a basic understanding of the power of the subconscious mind is some REALLY IMPORTANT stuff!!


Developing a crystal clear understanding of the operation as well as the power of the subconscious mind, and developing your ability to consciously control it's function with conscious and focused intention is a crucial aspect of becoming enabled and empowered to begin consciously, purposefully and intentionally creating more of what you want and less of what you don't.

事実の理解とマスタリングで潜在意識の力が有効と "意識の作成"とあなたの夢の生活を経験して開始するには、あなたに力を与えることができます。

In fact understanding and mastering the power of the subconscious mind can enable and empower you to begin "consciously creating" and experiencing the life of your dreams.


The little time and effort required to develop that awareness and understanding will be well worth the effort and allow you to begin achieving and enjoying a lifetime of lasting peace, contentment, fulfillment and abundance, in EVERY area of your life.

特に無限のパワーと潜在意識の能力を通じて、作成するには、この心の力の正しい理解を深めるために、私は振動の法則と同様に二つの普遍的な原則、 (自然法則)を意識しつつ最初にお勧めしたい引力の法則。

To develop the correct understanding of this power of mind to create, specifically through the limitless power and ability of the subconscious mind, I'd recommend first becoming aware of two universal principles, (natural laws) which are The Law Of Vibration as well as The Law Of Attraction .


By first reviewing and developing a deeper understanding of these immutable and unwavering Laws of Nature, also referred to as Universal Laws, it will be much easier to comprehend, better grasp, believe and begin "consciously applying" what we'll be covering here.

彼らが持っているという理由だけで、そうすることで、上に構築だけでなく、あなたがより良いあなたはすでに大部分が大半で、 "道の無意識の種類"で利用されているへのアクセスを持っている無限の力を理解することを可能にする基盤を提供します潜在意識の創造力の無理解に少し。

Doing so will provide you with a foundation to build upon as well as enable you to better understand the infinite power you already have access to which for the most part is utilized in an "unconscious kind of way" by the vast majority simply because they have little to no understanding of the creative power of the subconscious mind.

それではで掘り下げ、あなたはより多くの "意識的に創造的"になり、何をしたいの多くを得て開始することができますので、少し詳しく見てみましょう...

So let's delve in and take a bit deeper look so you can become more "consciously creative" and begin getting more of what you want...


The Purpose And Function Of The Subconscious Mind

まず第一に、のは潜在意識とは何かを見て、それがどのように機能する、それが意図されたの目的で簡略化されたを見て、どのように、なぜそれは我々が現実と呼んでいるものの成果にも影響を発見しましょう。あなたはそれがあなたの人生のさまざまな側面に影響を与える方法を理解したら、それらは個別に、あなたのためかもしれないどのような"大きな成果"を、作成し、経験を開始するシフトが必要なようにより多くの "やる気"になるでしょう。

First of all, let's take a look at what the subconscious mind is, a simplified look at how it functions, it's intended purpose and discover how and why it effects the outcomes of what we call reality. Once you understand how it impacts the various aspects of your life, you'll be more "motivated" to make the shifts necessary to begin creating and experiencing "greater results", whatever those might be for you individually.


It's important to first understand that the brain and the mind are not the same, as many people believe.


For the sake of this explanation we'll refer to the mind whether the conscious or subconscious mind as "spiritual" in nature and the brain as physical in nature.

つまり脳は心が利用し、物理的な機能を遂行するために通って動作することを物理的な筋肉です。心が自然の中で精神的なので(意識関数や物理的な) 、それが物理的な世界で達成するために必要なタスクを遂行するために物理的な構成要素を持っている必要があります。脳は絵に出番です。

In other words the brain is the physical muscle that the mind utilizes and works through to carry out physical functions. (conscious functions or physical) Since the mind is spiritual in nature, it must have physical components to carry out the tasks it needs to accomplish in the physical world. That is where the brain comes in to the picture.


Here is a simplified example, using our sense of sight as to how mind and brain interact enabling us as human entities to function.


When the eye sees something that it wants, the thought vibrations (coming from the conscious mind) are conceived and formed. In order to take any further action, say for example to pick up the object, the conscious mind, must conceive a thought which sends a signal to the brain igniting an electrochemical process activating nerves and muscle groups to instruct the arm and hand to move and pick the object up.

このプロセスの間に精神的(霊的)と物理過程の全シリーズが開催されました。思想、 (精神的な)はそれの指示を行った脳に電気化学物理過程に火をつけた、心に考案されました。手で開催されているオブジェクトによって証明することができますように、当初構想の思想(スピリチュアル/目に見えない)の結果は、完全になりました。 (物理的な)目に見えない思考が見えないを作って、脳内の電気エネルギーに変移エネルギーの目に見えない形であったまたは非物理的なあなたの現実の一部となった後、物理的な現実。

During this process a whole series of mental (spiritual) and physical processes took place. The thought, (spiritual) was conceived in the mind, which ignited an electrochemical physical process in the brain, which carried out it's instructions. The result of the initially conceived thought (unseen/spiritual) became complete as can be evidenced by the object being held in the hand.(physical) The unseen thought was an unseen form of energy transmuted into electrical energy in the brain, making the unseen or non-physical a physical reality which then became a part of your reality.


Unlike the conscious mind which is the left brained masculine or dominant portion of your mind that interprets physical data through the 5 human senses based on what you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch, the subconscious minds operation is primarily a recording device and a data storehouse that the conscious mind utilizes to make rational and logical decisions which it interprets as being rational and logical based on the quality of data stored in the subconscious aspect of mind.


Notice I said that the conscious aspect of mind "interprets" the data stored at the subconscious level as rational and logical. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's "true."

これは、あなたが本当に潜在意識の力を活用することを期待する場合に理解することが不可欠である"と意識的に意図的に。 "

This is vital to understand if you truly expect to utilize the power of the subconscious mind "consciously and intentionally."


The subconscious aspect of mind stores previous data processed by the conscious mind as well as manages and controls the subconscious bodily functions. These subconscious functions are expressed through the autonomic nervous system and govern subconscious bodily functions like your heart beat, breathing, the pumping of blood, cellular function, the continuous operation of physical organs etc.


The subconscious aspect of mind also acts as an unlimited storage facility for all the information received through the conscious mind, as well as the spiritual perceptions, such as your connection to God, Gaia, Universal Consciousness, The Super Conscious Mind or whatever you perceive Source to be. It is through these subconscious senses that abilities such as psychic powers and intuition are mastered.


Although that's a whole other subject, it's important to note that while people think of these powers as a special gift, given only to a select few, ANYONE, through choice, focused intention, and developing a heightened awareness, can develop and effectively utilize these skills through learning to "consciously control and reprogram" the power of the subconscious mind.

本当に、それは制御を放棄する選択肢なのですが、簡略化のために、我々は今のところワード制御を使用します。それは心に来るときは、どうか意識してか、それを制御し、電力を活用潜在意識が私たちのそれぞれに利用できるように、本質的には制御を放棄している。それが制御しているよりも、 "許可"の詳細です。

Really it's more of a choice to relinquish control but for the sake of simplicity, we'll use the word control for now. When it comes to the mind, whether the conscious or the subconscious controlling it and tapping into the power made available to each of us is in essence relinquishing control. It's more about "allowing" than it is controlling.


We'll cover more about that in other sections of the site.


Unlike your brain and body, the subconscious mind never sleeps or never rests. It is working 24 hours per day 7 days a week, and consistently absorbing data, creating and sending out vibrational frequencies based on the information that's been processed and stored within it through the filtering mechanism of the conscious mind.

これらの振動周波数(エネルギー) 、その後、宇宙の調和のとれた振動と一致する"フィールド"に投影され、その後、物理的に"物質の粒子" 、マニフェストに"確率の波"から核変換とあなたが見るものになっているあなたの外の物理的な世界では、と現実として知覚する。

These vibrational frequencies (energy) are then projected into "the field", matched with harmonious vibrations in the universe, and are then transmuted from "waves of probability" into "particles of matter", manifest into the physical and become what you see in your outside physical world and perceive as reality.


Are you beginning to understand the power of the subconscious mind as well as it's importance?


It is through this "spiritual" connection, enabled by the power of the subconscious mind to attune with Universal Consciousness or Higher Power, that true wisdom, knowledge and power is attained and how what many perceive to be miracles are experienced in the physical world.

あなたが今まで見たり、いくつかのいくつかの病気や疾患の奇跡の治癒を呼んでいるものを聞いたことがある場合、例えば、それは( 、治癒が発生する可能性があることを、まずを通して治癒の潜在意識に保存されている信念や信仰を達成している感覚入力と解釈支配意識の)と第2の方法で潜在意識に記憶されている、感情エネルギー(または振動)の送信は、それに引き付けている外側に投影されたエネルギーやから同じ振動強度や周波数の振動物理的な症状プロセスが行われることを可能にし、発生するヒーリングを可能に宇宙、 。

For example if you have ever seen or heard of what some call a miracle healing of some illness or disease, it is attained through first of all, a belief or faith stored in the subconscious of the healed, that the healing could occur, (which has been stored in the subconscious mind by way of the sensory input and interpretation of the dominant conscious mind) and second, a transmission of emotional energy (or vibration) projected outward which attracts to it energy or vibrations of the same vibrational intensity or frequency from the universe, which allows the physical manifestation process to take place and enables the healing to occur.


This is why it is so important, crucial in fact to have an awareness and understanding of the power of the subconscious mind.


It is also important in some cases to gain at least a basic understanding of the Natural Laws that govern this process which will serve to establish and solidify your belief with regard to YOUR ability to connect at will to God, Higher Power, Supreme Energy, or Universal Consciousness (the Source) before you will become enabled and empowered to put the power of the subconscious mind and these principles into consciously creative operation.

簡単に彼らの最も基本的かつ純粋な形に分解さ我々の宇宙の中に存在し、この知識、すべてのもの、見たり、目に見えない、 、でおさらいするには、原子および/または素粒子の質量、または純粋なエネルギー。 (意識)すべてエネルギーで構成されてい(または意識)これはを通して明白で純粋に振動であると私たちの各々は、我々が神として知っているようになったエネルギーが、高い電力またはUniversal意識。 (振動法)の創造主から来るの原子の振動質量を構成するすべての精神的な著作の研究と同様に測定し、現代の科学で証明された。

To briefly recap on this knowledge, all things, seen or unseen, that exist within our universe, broken down into their most basic and purest form consist of a mass of atoms and/or subatomic particles, or pure energy.(consciousness) All energy (or consciousness) is purely vibration and each of us constitute a vibrating mass of atoms that comes from the Creator of that energy, which we have come to know as God, Higher Power or Universal Consciousness.(Law of Vibration) This is evident through the study of all spiritual writings as well as measurable and proven by modern day science.

また、科学的に同じ振動強度(または周波数)である振動エネルギーがに惹かれ、同じ振動強度の他の振動と結合し、総称して、私たちが来ることを事象および状況を作成するために結合関係を形成していることを報告されている私たちの物理的な現実として知っている。 (引き寄せの法則)

It has also been scientifically documented that vibrating energies that are of the same vibrational intensity (or frequencies) are attracted to and join with other vibrations of the same vibrational intensity and combine to form matter which collectively joins to create the events and circumstances that we come to know as our physical reality. (The Law Of Attraction)

すべての思考は、意識と潜在意識の両方の心、から生成されます。あなたの意識は、 (支配的な) 、潜在意識は、その情報を受け取り、それを格納し、に基づいて、あなたは真実か現実として知って来るのか、誘致を作成、または物理的な世界に持って仕事に行くための手段ですあなたの個々に開催された信念や日人生経験に一日の種類と品質の結果認識。

All thought is generated from the mind, both conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind (dominant) is the means by which, the subconscious receives it's information, stores it, and goes to work to attract, create, or bring into the physical world, what you come to know as your truth or reality, based on your individually held beliefs and perceptions resulting in the kind and quality of your day to day life experiences.


The subconscious mind makes no determinations, distinctions or judgments concerning the validity of the data or information it receives and stores. It is designed as the storage facility to store whatever data is given to it which can be accessed for later use and accepts as fact. It accepts as fact whatever the conscious mind sends to it. In other words unlike the conscious mind which can analyze and make a determination or judgment concerning if the data it analyzes has any meaning, merit or truth to it, the subconscious mind has no logical or rational reasoning capability whatsoever.


It simply accepts and stores the data provided to it. It always says YES in other words.


To better understand the process, it can best be explained like this...

思想が考えられる。次いで、それを脳内での電気化学プロセスに点火意識によって分析される。神経経路が脳を介してデータのプロセスとして起動される。データが移動するように、脳全体の追加セルは、データが処理されているがインプリントされている。意識的な心は、それに基づいて思考に感情を添付思考の周波数(振動)を増加させ、信念が真実として設立され、潜在意識に格納されているデータの"認知"の解釈、だ。 (または現実)

A thought is conceived. It is then analyzed by the conscious mind which ignites an electro chemical process within the brain. Neuro pathways are activated as the data processes through the brain. As the data travels, additional cells throughout the brain are imprinted with the data being processed. The conscious mind then attaches emotion to the thought based on it's "perceived" interpretation of the data, which increases the frequency (vibration) of the thought and a belief is established and stored in the subconscious mind as truth. (or reality)


This data, or perceived truth can then be recalled, accessed and utilized in the future by the conscious mind to support or discredit future data being received and interpreted by the conscious mind.


It is now the job of the subconscious mind to locate and provide that data which it has stored, an emotion is created based on the memory of that data which creates a vibrational frequency (energy) based on the data or belief that it previously received, which is broadcast outward and matched with like or harmonious vibrations (energy) of the same frequency in the spiritual realm, (the field) and the result is the creation or manifestation of what you come to see and experience in your physical world.

"だから、どのようにこのプロセスを制御することができますし、意識的にあなたの人生にあなたが欲しいものを意識的に誘致するために、動作するように潜在意識心の力を入れて? "

"So How Can You Control This Process, and Consciously Put The Power Of The Subconscious Mind To Work, To Consciously Attract What You Want Into Your Life?"


Great Question. Here's The Answer......


Since everything in our universe, including the thoughts that we think exist as a vibration resulting in a projection of pure energy, and those thoughts are first passed through and analyzed by the conscious mind before a belief can be established and stored, you have the choice and ability to become consciously aware of and control what thoughts or data you allow to be recorded and stored.


You also have the choice and ability to change or overwrite the existing data stored in the subconscious mind that you currently perceive as your truth or reality when you discover that this data is contrary to or counterproductive to producing desired results that you have a desire to experience.


This can only be achieved by expanding your awareness...absorbing new data and establishing new beliefs based on the new data that is obtained.

これはあなただけでは新たな可能性および/またはあなたの現在の外の可能性にあなたの意識を拡大し、元のデータ受信場所を越えて、他のソースからの新しい情報やデータ収集することによって達成することができる"認知快適ゾーンを。 "

This can only be accomplished by gathering new information or data from other sources that extend beyond where you received the original data expanding your awareness to new potential and/or possibilities outside of your currently "perceived comfort zone."


So how can you know if the data that you currently perceive as reality is limiting?


Look around you and observe the quality of your life currently. Think about and become consciously aware of what you are thinking and feeling and you'll understand what you are attracting into your life right now.


If you are not living the life that you desire, and are not experiencing peace, harmony, abundance, and joy in every aspect of your life, You Need New Data!


You don't NEED it in the literal sense of the word but to experience greater results it will be necessary to enhance and elevate the quality of the data.

それでは、どのようにこの新しいデータを入手するのですか?必要な最初のアクションは、あなたの意識内のテープループのように実行される連続したせせらぎの意識的に自覚することを学ぶことです。記録され、潜在意識レベルで保存されているものに、この "一見手に負えない"せせらぎポイント。

So how do you obtain this new data? The first action necessary is to learn to become consciously aware of the continuous babble which runs like a tape loop within your conscious mind. This "seemingly uncontrollable" babble points to what's been recorded and stored at a subconscious level.


I personally like to refer to this as becoming conscious of your consciousness.


The next step is become keenly and consciously aware of the quality of those consistent thought patterns.

自問しているBEGIN ...なぜあなたは、あなたが信じるものを信じていますか?それらの信念はどこから来たのか?彼らは真または限られている"真実の認識? "

Begin asking yourself...why do you believe what you believe? Where did those beliefs come from? Are they true or only a limited "perception of truth?"


The next step is to become keenly and consciously aware of what you surround yourself with. What are you allowing to penetrate and be stored in your subconscious mind? What do you consistently expose yourself to in the physical world? Is it data that supports what you want? Does it conflict with what you want? Once you become "conscious and aware" of that you can begin adjusting if necessary.


The final step is to become aware of and change the repetitive thoughts that aren't in alignment with what you desire to experience.


The process, although it does take some discipline initially, is extremely simple, unbelievably powerful and if consistently utilized and applied will begin to produce results in your life that you may have previously "perceived" to be unattainable!


With practice, and by becoming keenly aware of what your predominant thoughts consist of, and what you are allowing into your mind, you can then take conscious control over what is given to and stored in your subconscious mind as reality. By doing this, your subconscious mind is limited to absorbing and storing only the consciously filtered data provided to it by the conscious mind.


If your thoughts and beliefs are in alignment with your desired outcome, the vibrations emitted and broadcast as a result of the emotions experienced are sent out into the universe (the field) and can only attract like or harmonious vibrations or frequencies of the same positive vibration, and create in your physical reality those things that you desire.


The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Can Work Either Way


As mentioned earlier, the subconscious mind, just like the universe, does not comprehend nor discern between what you perceive as good or bad, right or wrong, etc. It is created to store exactly what you give to it and that is exactly what it does.


It's important to keep in mind that it ALWAYS says YES to and accepts what it's provided.


If you allow thoughts of lack and limitation into it, the power of the subconscious mind perceives that information as accurate and stores it. When this same type of situation is encountered in the future the subconscious recalls the data that had been previously recorded, an emotion is experienced as a result and gives to you exactly what it is that you told it you wanted.

あなたが日常的に上で行うことの多くは、無意識のうちにさえ、あなたの潜在意識に格納されているものに劇的な効果を持っている。友人からの負の入力を吸収し、一貫して暴力的なテレビ番組を見て、毎日のニュースの否定を読んで、家族などすべての "許可"あなたが何であるかに大きな役割を果たしており、毎日の生活に一日で経験した結果として。潜在意識の力が継続的に働いている。あなたの成果に影響を与えることができ否定的な思考や影響を認識している場合は、それらを変更します"意識と意図的な行動"を取るを開始したいと思うでしょう。

Many of the things you do on a day to day basis, even unconsciously, have a dramatic effect on what is being stored in your subconscious mind. Reading the negativity of the daily news, consistently watching violent TV shows, absorbing negative input from friends, family etc. all play a major role in what you are "allowing" and as a result experiencing in your day to day life. The power of the subconscious mind is at work continually. If you are aware of negative thoughts and influences that may be affecting your outcomes, you will want to begin to take "conscious and intentional action" that will change them.


It's not a requirement, it's an option. But it's an important one if you truly do desire getting more of what you want.


As you begin to work on changing these habits and thought patterns, and allowing the power of the subconscious mind to begin to overwrite and store the data that is in alignment with your desires, YOU will begin to attract ONLY what you desire! It is imperative that you focus only on that which you desire, and NOT the lack of whatever it is that you desire.


This is where many people become disheartened and confused when things don't change for them. They unconsciously set there intentions through focusing on what they DON'T want believing that it will produce what they DO want.

あなたの目標は、経済的に自立することである場合、それはあなたが唯一の経済的自立、NOT 、それは経済的自立、あなたの "性の欠如"を変更しようとしているという事実の目標に集中することが不可欠です。

For example, if your goal is to become financially independent, it is imperative that you focus only on the goal of financial independence, NOT the fact that it is going to change your "lack of" financial independence.


The Power of The Subconscious mind is non-discerning. It doesn't analyze things as "negative." It takes the data literally. It ALWAYS says YES.


It removes the negative, interprets "not wanting to be broke" as "wanting to be broke" and creates a mirrored reflection of that interpretation into your physical life.

意識的に、あなたが受け取るお金の豊かさに焦点を当てています。現実としてそれを視覚化する、 、自分でそれを費やしてください、あなたはそれを過ごすように感じるか想像して潜在意識の力を物理的な世界ではマニフェストにそれを可能にする振動出力を発すると放送されます!

Consciously focus on the abundance of money that you will receive. Visualize it as reality, see yourself spending it, imagine how you feel as you spend it and the power of the subconscious mind will emanate and broadcast the vibratory output that will allow it to manifest in YOUR physical world!


For a deeper understanding of how to properly visualize go to The Power Of Creative Visualization .


Although visualization and affirmations are effective in changing and enhancing subconscious programming, they are a very slow and outdated way of doing so.


This Deliberate Creation Self Hypnosis Process provided by Dr Robert Anthony is a powerfully effective and rapid method for penetrating the depths of the subconscious and making changes quickly, simply and permanently.


Another point that is extremely important in allowing the power of the subconscious mind to work toward attracting your desires is this...


No matter what emotional state you are in currently, learn to accept and not resist whatever thoughts or emotions you may be thinking or experiencing. No matter what situation you are currently experiencing, it is exactly where you are suppose to be.


For example, if you are feeling fearful or anxious, simply acknowledge those emotions for what they are (perception) and do not try to hide, suppress them or fight them. This is known as resistance and by doing so, will cause them to grow. What you resist persists.

あなたの意識でそれらを認め、そこからあなたが楽しいを見つけると、彼らはすぐに溶けてしまうことが何かにあなたの焦点をシフトし、彼らが何であるかのためにそれらを受け入れる。 (感謝のパワーを参照してください)

Acknowledge them in your conscious mind, accept them for what they are, shift your focus from them to something that you find pleasing and they will melt away. (See The Power Of Gratitude )


It is vital to your future success that you absorb, understand, and begin to implement these simple principles. When you are able to become fully conscious, and under control of what you are creating with your thoughts and aware of the power of the subconscious mind and it's ability to attract to you what you desire to experience, you will come to understand and begin to experience the true meaning of power, peace, fulfillment, abundance, and happiness.

電力の形というの自然の中で、 "無限"と遠物理"有限の"電力を超える。

A form of power that's "infinite" in nature and far exceeds physical "finite" power.


Take Positive Action To Allow The Power Of The Subconscious Mind To Attract Only That Which You Desire


In order to further develop and utilize the power of the subconscious mind to consciously and consistently create the results you desire, it is imperative that you do more than simply read and acquire data like this.


Although this data is profoundly beneficial in developing the understanding of how to make desired change real, in and of itself it won't enable and empower you to create and maintain the subconscious shifts necessary for seeing the desired tangible results.

今日行われている多くの "野生の請求"に反する行動をとる...意識し、意図的な焦点を絞った行動は、それは非常に多くの必要なものとして"認識"するアクションの異なる形で付与されたものの、生活の臨時の品質を作成するための重要な部分です。

Contrary to many "wild claims" being made today taking action ...conscious, intentional and focused action is a vital part of creating an extraordinary quality of life although granted it is a different form of action that so many "perceive" as being necessary.


Your current thoughts and the actions or in-actions that follow will continue to attract and produce the same outcomes as they have unless you make a conscious effort to change them.


What action you take is your choice. You've already taken a major step in the direction of desired change by simply choosing to take the action you have by reading this far to discover more about the the power of the subconscious mind.


It is extremely important to begin to develop a deeper understanding and utilize a few simple skills and disciplines that will allow you to consciously and consistently tap into the unlimited supply of the Source of your understanding and consistently attract to yourself that which you desire to experience. Anything and everything that you can conceive in mind is readily available and easily attracted to you. You only need to learn to believe and learn to remain open and receptive to the ways and means as they arrive.

"行う" ...正しい行動をとることは、プロセスの重要な部分です。

"Doing"...taking correct action is a vital part of the process.


The first of these skills which I believe is absolutely crucial to develop for effectively maximizing subconscious function and quieting and overwriting deeply embedded subconscious processes is taking a mere 20 minutes per day to consistently engage and master the art of meditation . Meditation initiates a quieting of the mind of sorts and enables you to enter into what is known as the Alpha state, which is often referred to as the "Super Learning" state of consciousness.


A deeper state which can be also be achieved through meditation enables you to enter into the theta state of consciousness enabling you to connect at a deep and most profound level with Universal Consciousness, God, Source, Universal Intelligence, Supreme Energy, etc.


Entering into this altered state enables and allows you to experience what I refer to as a Divine connectedness and a uncommon form of KNOWING that can never be acquired through intellectual channels. It's an extremely empowering and enlightening experience. An experience that I perceive and relate to as realizing and KNOWING in an unshakable and irreversible kind of way, a profoundly close personal relationship with Source, whatever that might be for you.


Meditation enables you to experience an extreme and unexplainable sense of peace, well being, and a deep and profound personal KNOWINGNESS of God, Universal Mind (or Higher Power) that quite literally defies description.


Through this easing and quieting of the consistent noise and chatter in the conscious mind, you become enabled to intentionally and consciously create the vibratory thought patterns aligned and harmonized with the desire enabling you to come into harmony and vibrational resonance with the events, conditions and circumstances that you do desire to experience.


Many people believe that meditation is used only for stress relief and relaxation. Although this is partially true, the benefits of meditation are far greater than that.

一貫して静めたり意識にあなたの振動音を下げることによって、それが集中し、肯定的な、そして意図的な思考が平和の振動や順番に潜在意識の力を可能に潜在意識に冷静を共振できるようにする方がはるかに簡単かつ自然になるすぐにあなたが望むものを持って調和のとれた周波数の振動やエネルギーのように、それに引き付ける。配信の速度を制御する唯一の要因は、あなたの信念、 (あるいは信仰)と、この状態を達成し、この低振動の速度で接続する機能(または能力の欠如)です。

By consistently quieting or lowering your vibrational tone in the conscious mind , it becomes much easier and natural to allow focused, positive, and purposeful thought to resonate vibrations of peace and calm to the subconscious, which in turn enables the power of the subconscious mind to attract to it, like vibrations or energy of a harmonious frequency that quickly bring you the things you desire. The only factor that controls the speed of delivery is your belief,(or unbelief) and ability (or lack of ability) to achieve this state and connect at this lower vibrational rate.


Although it's widely believed that meditation takes years to master, with the technologies available today, profound states of awareness can be achieved in a matter of days. Multi-Dimensional Meditation is a widely accepted, rapid, extremely effective, and excellent way to begin to train your mind to attain this lower vibrational state, quickly and with profound results.


I am aware of, and have utilized various meditation methods over the years and have found The Foundation Guided Meditation System distributed by The Higher Balance Institute to be the Best of the Best as far as a whole brain approach to mastering focus and meditative skills. Included with the guided meditations is a phenomenal education on CD led by Higher Balance founder, Eric Pepin , who is also an incredible spiritual teacher, who assists you in developing a deeper understanding of not only the benefits and power of meditation, but the true workings within our universe, the human physiology and the limitless power made available to each of us through "consciously utilizing" the subconscious mind as well.


Contrary to widespread "perceptions" regarding meditation and the time and discipline necessary to experience profound results, the meditation process I personally utilize is very easy to learn, requires 20 minutes per day, is highly effective and extremely powerful!

あなたは、実用的であるが、同時にあなたがそれに買ってあげる前に飛行機が飛ぶ方法のより深い理解を必要とする分析のタイプは(私のような) 、 :)は、私は非常に、私は信じられないほど促進啓発と深さのプログラムをお勧めする場合意識創造に7隠しキーズと呼ばれる。

If you are the practical but at the same time an analytical type (like me) that requires a deeper understanding of how the airplane flies before you'll get on it, :) I highly recommend an incredibly enlightening and in depth program that I facilitated called The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation .


This highly informative program consists of immediately downloadable MP3 files of a live conference I personally held in 2008 which provides an uncommon depth of understanding regarding making real, positive and lasting change a very real part of your life. The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation will provide you with a much deeper understanding of how the universe operates and how we each fit into the bigger scheme of things by combining an in depth explanation of both spiritual and scientific principles, that introduce and explore the intricate details of Universal Law, allows you to develop a crystal clear understanding of why and how they work and how the power of the subconscious mind molds and shapes your reality.


This incredibly insightful yet practical education combines the verifiable facts of science with the spiritual nature of creation, as well as in depth information concerning how to harmonize the power of Universal Laws with the power of the subconscious mind, enhancing your understanding to a level that will enable and empower you to begin the process that can and will change your entire world should you choose to apply what you discover.

彼らがリリースしているとして、 MP3ファイルに加えて、あなたは意識創造会議と同様に、将来のMP3ファイルを7隠しキーの転写されたコピーを受け取る。

In addition to the MP3s, you receive a transcribed copy of The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation conference as well as future MP3s as they're released.


All of the above programs are an excellent way to enhance and develop your understanding concerning the unlimited power of the subconscious mind and will quickly and dramatically uplift, enlighten, and empower you as you continue your life journey of discovery, growth and elevated self awareness IF you choose to allow them to.


By initiating and applying the wisdom contained within them, you will begin to understand and experience first hand how the power of the subconscious mind has a direct influence on each and every outcome experienced in your day to day life.


If you are brand new to the knowledge presented here and realize a need to change your thought process, although not as quick of effective, consistently immersing yourself in Inspirational and Motivational Quotes can provide a very subtle means and are a good start to begin shifting destructive thought patterns and begin to overwrite the subconscious programming that needs to be replaced, which will allow you to begin attracting the circumstances and events into your life, that you most desire.


Whichever methodology you choose, learn to consistently develop and consciously implement the power of the subconscious mind into your day to day life and you will experience results beyond your wildest expectations, like I and so many before you have.


Whatever you choose to do, or not do, is obviously your choice.


Growth is a process and life is a journey. The choices you make today will and do without question determine the kind and quality of your results and experiences in the future. If the results that you have experienced thus far in your life haven't produced the outcomes that you desire, it is obvious that new choices need to be made. Discovering and learning to reprogram and begin consciously utilizing the power of the subconscious mind is the foundation of that necessary change. Choose wisely.


It is our hope that the choices you make both today as well as the future will lead you one step closer to the Abundance and Happiness that you desire, deserve, and were created to experience.


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