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Ukraine problem



What's Happening in Ukraine?The Idiot's Guide Explainer




 More than a quarter of a million people have been protesting on the streets of Kiev. They've been largely peaceful, but they've set up barricades around Independence Square to keep riot police out. They've also set up barricades around government buildings and many have occupied City Hall. They say this will continue until the president calls new elections.


 Wait, Kiev? Isn't that a tasty chicken dish?


 Kiev is the capital of Ukraine, a country in Eastern Europe that used to be part of the Soviet Union but still maintains close political ties with Russia. But chicken Kiev is pretty delicious.


 Why are they protesting? Are they as angry about Wendy's discontinuing their pretzel buns as I am?


 Um, no. But they are very angry because Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovich backed out of a trade deal with the European Union last week. This wasn't just about a trade deal, it was a symbolic decision about the future of the country: Would Ukraine be allied with Europe or with Russia? They're even more mad because riot police violently broke up a peaceful protest in the overnight hours on Saturday.


 So why didn't the president sign the deal?


 President Yanukovich was under a lot of pressure from Russia, which in the past has cut off gas exports to Ukraine and banned Ukrainian products when Ukraine does things that the Kremlin doesn't like. That's a lot of pressure and the Ukrainian economy is already hurting. Russian President Vladimir Putin called Yanukovich, who has been Putin's ally, to Moscow for marathon meetings just before the EU deal was called off. It's believed that Putin pressured him into pursuing a deal with Russia instead, but we don't yet know exactly what was offered.


 So, how did this guy get elected?


 Glad you asked. Ukraine is pretty much split down the middle. The people in the industrial eastern half speak Russian, are Russian Orthodox and favor closer ties with Russia. Those in the western half think the opposite. They prefer to speak Ukrainian, and many are Roman Catholic. Most importantly, they don't trust the Russians and want to forge closer ties with Europe. It's that western half that is protesting. It's that eastern half that voted President Yanukovich into office.


 Yanukovich tried to steal an election in 2004, but protests known as the Orange Revolution forced a new election that he lost. But the people who took over were pretty incompetent, and Yanukovich won the next time.


 Wait, isn't that the heavyweight boxing champ I see on my TV? And isn't he engaged to 'Nashville's' Hayden Panettiere?

いいえ、はい。つまり、ビタリクリチコ、現WBCヘビー級チャンピオンです。彼は国会議員だと、名前が意味彼自身の野党、開始「パンチを。"彼はすでに2015年に大統領に立候補する計画を発表したのは、彼が抗議の声のリーダーであり続けています。彼の兄弟、ウラジミール、またチャンピオンのボクサーは、同様に抗議に出てきますが、見えにくくしている。彼はヘイデンと婚約だ一つだ。 2人の兄弟は先日抗議者の間でselfieを取り、Twitterはそれを掲載した。ウラジミールは、装甲機動隊の列の前に自分自身の1を取った。

 Yes and no. That is Vitali Klitschko, the reigning WBC heavyweight champ. He's a member of parliament and started his own opposition party, whose name means "Punch." He's already announced plans to run for president in 2015, and he's been a vocal leader of the protests. His brother, Wladimir, also a champion boxer, has been out in the protests as well but is less visible. He's the one who's engaged to Hayden. The two brothers took a selfie among the protestors the other day and posted it to Twitter. Wladimir took one of himself in front of a row of armored riot police.


 Who is that woman with the Princess Leia haircut?


 It's not exactly the same haircut, but that's beside the point. That's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. She's been under house arrest on what her supporters insist are politically motivated charges. Her release from prison was a key demand by the European Union for a deal to go through.


 So what happens 2014-07-21 (月) 21:23:35


 That's the million dollar question. So far, President Yanukovich isn't backing down, but neither are the protestors. They've given Yanukovich two days to call new elections. If he doesn't, they say they'll step up their round the clock protests.



 What You Should Know About Ukraine


その過去と将来を - - ウクライナは、ロシアとヨーロッパの間に挟まれており、プーチン大統領は権力の座にあり

 Ukraine is caught between Russia and Europe — its past and its future — and Putin is in the catbird seat


 Ukraine is a divided country caught in an increasingly violent tug of war between its past and future.


 Begin inside the country. About two thirds of Ukraine’s citizens are ethnic Ukrainians whose first language is Ukrainian. About one-sixth are ethnic Ukrainians who speak Russian. Another one-sixth are ethnic Russians, who live primarily in the east and south near the Russian border. This division creates a fault-line beneath the country that potentially pits one group against the other. Following the Soviet Union’s collapse, Ukrainians of both ethnic groups feared open conflict, and the new country’s stability rested on the promise that no politician could afford to try to win the presidency by playing with these divisions.


 When Vladimir Putin became Russia’s president in 2000, and then a surge in global energy prices helped boost Russia’s economy, Moscow began more actively to try to slow Ukraine’s move toward a future in Europe. Ukrainians eager to break from their past as part of the Russian empire and Soviet Union confronted Russian involvement in Ukrainian politics, culminating in the 2004 Orange Revolution, an uprising in which popular pressure reversed an election result that many ethnic Ukrainians believe was stolen by pro-Russian political figures, led by current President Viktor Yanukovych. Ukrainians celebrated what appeared a decisive break from manipulation by Moscow, and Putin accused the U.S. and Europe of interfering in Ukraine’s domestic politics.


 Yet, though the Orange Revolution demonstrated that Ukrainians could reverse a stolen election by taking to the streets, a crucial precedent in a post-Soviet country, the victory did nothing to resolve Ukraine’s larger economic problems, and in 2010, Yanukovych won a legitimate victory as voters rushed toward a candidate who promised a more stable path forward.


 Today, the country’s increasingly fragile economy continues to depend on cheap supplies of Russian energy, a dependence Moscow is eager to maintain. For its part, Europe also needs Russian energy supplies, and its political leaders and institutions are far too busy with efforts to stabilize and redesign the Eurozone to want a confrontation with Russia over a country that will not be strong enough to join the European Union for the foreseeable future.

なぜ今の暴力? 11月21日に、Yanukovychは、ロシアとの緊密な経済関係を支持して欧州との決定的な貿易協定を放棄する土壇場の決定で彼の国を驚かせた。怒っている抗議者は、プーチンとYanukovychはのネクタイすでに疑わしい、キエフの中心部に殺到。 3日以内に、オレンジ革命は2004年にYanukovychのを追放以来、抗議行動は、警察が積極的に答えた。その最高レベルに膨れ上がって、戦いが上だった。プーチンは、状況を安定させ、Yanukovychの政府と来てより多くの約束のための緊急資金援助と彼の利益を強化するために移動。

 Why the violence 2014-07-21 (月) 22:02:26 On November 21, Yanukovych startled his country with a last-minute decision to abandon a crucial trade deal with Europe in favor of closer economic ties with Russia. Angry protesters, already suspicious of Yanukovych’s ties with Putin, flooded the center of Kiev. Within three days, protests swelled to their highest levels since the Orange Revolution ousted Yanukovych in 2004. Police responded aggressively, and the fight was on. Putin moved to stabilize the situation and consolidate his gains with emergency financial help for Yanukovych’s government and the promise of more to come.


 Over the past three months, the conflict has ebbed and flowed between negotiations and violence. In recent days, both the demonstrators and Yanukovych have become more aggressive, killing both protesters and police. More nationalist elements have joined the demonstrations, provoking more violence. All sides are digging in, and serious negotiations appear well out of reach.

より良いオプションがないために、EUはYanukovychの政府に対する制裁を脅かしており、オバマ政権の当局者は、予想される外交懸念を表明している。しかし、アメリカ人やヨーロッパ人はシリアの上よりも、ウクライナ経由で戦うことが、より切望していません - そしてプーチンはそれを知っている。

 For lack of better options, the EU has threatened sanctions on Yanukovych’s government, and Obama administration officials are expressing the expected diplomatic concerns. But Americans and Europeans are no more anxious to fight over Ukraine than over Syria — and Putin knows it.


 For now, the bloodshed will continue. With Putin’s help, can Yanukovych withstand pressure to surrender? His direct political support depends on powerful Ukrainian businessmen. If these oligarchs renounce their support for him, his resignation might stabilize the situation quickly. In addition, watch the flow of new protesters attempting to enter Kiev from the country’s ethnic Ukrainian-dominated western provinces. But the Russian-dominated eastern territories are most crucial. If ethnic Russians living in Ukraine begin to turn on Yanukovych’s government to end the violence, he’s in imminent danger. That’s a real possibility, because many conflict-weary Ukrainians of both ethnic groups want good relations with both Europe and Russia.


 Sadly, Yanukovych’s ouster won’t solve Ukraine’s larger problem: Its Russian-dominated past exerts a powerful pull and Europe is nowhere near ready to help the country build a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Gゼロの世界での勝者と敗者:イアンブレンマーはユーラシア·グループの社長兼自体の内外の著者である。あなたはianbremmer Twitterの@彼に従うことができます。

 Ian Bremmer is president of Eurasia Group and author of Every Nation for Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World. You can follow him on Twitter @ianbremmer.



The U.N. Security Council Calls for an Immediate Cease-Fire in Gaza



 More than 500 Palestinians are now dead, along with 20 Israelis



 The U.N. Security Council called for an immediate end to hostilities in the Gaza Strip during a late-night emergency meeting on Sunday, following a bloody day of fighting in Gaza City’s Shujaiyeh neighborhood, where at least 60 Palestinians and 13 Israeli troops were killed.

合計では、500人以上のパレスチナ人は20イスラエルと一緒に殺害されている - の兵士だった18人の - ハマスを対象とした2週間の攻勢中に。

 In total, more than 500 Palestinians have been killed along with 20 Israelis — 18 of whom were soldiers — during the two-week offensive targeting Hamas.

演技会長とルワンダの国連大使ウジェーヌ·リチャードガサナは会合後、記者団に語った「安全保障理事会のメンバーは、死傷者の数が増えを真剣に懸念を表明した」。 「安全保障理事会のメンバーは、敵対行為の即時停止を要求した。"

 “The members of the Security Council expressed serious concern about the growing number of casualties,” acting council president and Rwanda’s U.N. Ambassador Eugène-Richard Gasana told reporters following the meeting. “The members of the Security Council called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.”


 U.S. President Barack Obama urged similar action earlier in the day during his second phone call in 72 hours with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

ホワイトハウスが発表した声明によると、「大統領は、米国が即時停戦を実施する上で、イスラエルや地域のパートナーと緊密に協力することを強調し、民間人を保護する必要性を強調 - ガザとイスラエルでの。」

 According to a statement released by the White House: “The President underscored that the United States will work closely with Israel and regional partners on implementing an immediate ceasefire, and stressed the need to protect civilians — in Gaza and in Israel.”


 President Obama added that Secretary of State John Kerry was being dispatched to Cairo to help secure a cease-fire deal.


Earlier on Sunday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon lambasted Israel for failing to protect innocent civilians caught in the crossfire in Gaza.

「私はドーハに向かう途中でしたが、子どもを含む数十人以上の民間人が、ガザのShujaiyeh周辺のイスラエルの軍事攻撃で殺害された、「潘長官は述べた。 「私はこの残虐行為を非難する。イスラエルは最大自制を行使し、民間人を保護するためにはるかに多くの操作を行う必要があります。"

 “While I was en route to Doha, dozens more civilians, including children, have been killed in Israeli military strikes in the Shujaiyeh neighborhood in Gaza,” Ban said. “I condemn this atrocious action. Israel must exercise maximum restraint and do far more to protect civilians.”


 Meanwhile, at least two Americans have also died fighting for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the U.S. State Department announced.


 “We can confirm the deaths of U.S. citizens Max Steinberg and Sean Carmeli in Gaza. Out of respect for those affected by this, we have nothing further at this time,” said U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.


 On Sunday, Hamas claimed during a televised address to have kidnapped an Israeli solider. However, Israel’s U.N. envoy was quick to deny that any IDF solider was being held by Hamas.


 “There’s no kidnapped Israeli soldier and those rumors are untrue,” Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor told reporters in New York City.


 The weekend’s assault on densely populated Palestinian neighborhoods by Israeli ground forces, supported by a barrage of artillery and air strikes, also led to the dramatic escalation of internally displaced people (IDPs) within Gaza.


 “The cumulative number of IDPs has exceeded 100,000,” the U.N.’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported in a statement released on Sunday.

ガザでの戦闘に終止符のための多数の呼び出しにもかかわらず、競合がおさまるの兆候を示さなかった。 IDFは、日曜日の夜にガザの「53テロサイト」に対してストライキを実施したと主張。

 Despite numerous calls for an end to fighting in Gaza, the conflict showed no signs of subsiding. The IDF claimed to have carried out strikes against “53 terror sites” in Gaza on Sunday night.


 Early on Monday, reports also began to surface that an air strike flattened a home near the Gazan city of Khan Younis, killing at least 20 people.


Israel's Ground Invasion of Gaza Escalates




 A Palestinian woman gestures as she stands amidst the rubble of her house which police said was destroyed in an Israeli air strike in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, July 20, 2014. (Ibraheem Abu Mustafa—Reuter)


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