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ケムトレイルと疫病 / Plague and chemtrails


 Anyone who has the book, "The gods of Eden," by William Bramley should dig it out and read or reread Chapter 18, "The Black Death," starting on page 179. This book was published in 1989, years before the Chemtrails. There are places in that chapter that sound like they could have been written today. Below are a few quotes, enough to give you an idea of the parallels between the middle age plagues and what's happening today with the Chemtrails.


 The Gods Of Eden William Bramley Part 1 of 3

 エデンの神々 / The gods of Eden



 黒死病は、アジアに始まり、すぐにそれが4年未満ではよく2500万人(ヨーロッパの総人口の約3分の1)を殺したヨーロッパに広がった。一部の歴史家は............近い35から40000000人、またはすべてのヨーロッパ人の約半分に死傷者数を入れ ペストの二種類の黒死病の原因となったと考えられている。

 The Black Death began in Asia and soon spread to Europe where it killed well over 25 million people (about one third of Europe's total population) in less than four years. Some historians put the casualty figure closer to 35 to 40 million people, or about half of all Europeans............
Two types of plague are believed to have caused the Black Death.

 最初は、最も一般的だった「腺ペスト」タイプです。ペストの腺フォームはリンパ節の腫れが特徴です。腫れを「 buboes 、 「 buboesは嘔吐を伴っていると呼ばれ、発熱と死............ペストのこの形式ではありません人間同士伝染性;このような、ノミなどのアクティブなキャリアを必要とする。このため、多くの歴史家は、ノミが出没するげっ歯類は腺ペストを引き起こしたと考えています...........  

 The first is the "bubonic" type, which was the most common. The bubonic form of plague is characterized by swellings of the lymph nodes: the swellings are called "buboes," The buboes are accompanied by vomiting, fever and death............ This form of plague is not contagious between human beings; it requires an active carrier, such as a flea. For this reason, many historians believe that flea-infested rodents caused the Bubonic Plague...........

 黒死病に貢献ペストの2番目の形式は、 「肺」ペストとして知られる非常に伝染性タイプです。それは、速い呼吸、血液の咳を上にして震えによってマークされている...............ペストのこの第二のタイプは、ほとんど常に致命的であると寒さや換気不良で最高伝送する。一部の医師は本日、ので、ヨーロッパでは、その後流行混雑と貧しい衛生状態の黒死病の犠牲者のほとんどを担当したこの第二の形式、 「肺」ペスト、だったと思います。

 The second form of plague contributing to the Black Death is a highly contagious type known as "pneumonic" plague. It is marked by shivering, rapid breathing and the coughing up of blood............... This second type of plague is nearly always fatal and transmits best in cold weather and in poor ventilation. Some physicians today believe it was this second form, the "pneumonic" plague, which was responsible for most of the casualties of the Black Death because of the crowding and poor hygienic conditions then prevalent in Europe.


 We would normally shake our heads at this tragic period of human history and be thankful that modern medicine has developed cures for these dread diseases. However, troubling enigmas about the Black Death still linger. Many outbreaks occurred in summer during warm weather in uncrowded regions.


 Not all outbreaks of bubonic plague were preceded by rodent infestation; in fact, only a minority of cases seemed to be related to an increase in the presence of vermin. The greatest puzzle about the Black Death is how it was able to strike isolated human populations which had no contact with earlier infected areas. The epidemics also tended to end abruptly..........

 A great many people throughout Europe and other Plague stricken regions of the world were reporting that outbreaks of the Plague were caused by foul-smelling "mists". Those mists frequently appeared after unusually bright lights in the sky. The historian quickly discovers that "mists" were reported far more frequently and in many more locations than were rodent infestations. The Plague years were, in fact, a period of heavy UFO activity.


 What, then, were the mysterious mists? There is another very important way in which plague germs can be transmitted; through germ weapons. The US and the Soviet Union today have stockpiles of biological weapons containing bubonic plague and other epidemic diseases. The germs are kept alive in canisters which spray the diseases into the air on thick, often visible, artificial mists. Anyone breathing in the mist will inhale the disease.


 There are enough such germ weapons today to wipe out a good portion of humanity. Reports of identical disease-inducing mists from the Plague years strongly suggest that the Black Death was caused by germ warfare. Let us take a look at the incredible reports which lead to that conclusion.

 ヨーロッパでペストの最初の発生は、イベントの異常な一連を追った。 1298と1314の間で、 7大「彗星」された、ヨーロッパの上に見える。 1はあった「神々しい黒さ。 " ..................ヨーロッパの人々に、これらの目撃情報はすぐに続くペストの前兆と考えられていた。

 The first outbreak of the Plague in Europe followed an unusual series of events. Between 1298 and 1314, seven large "comets" were seem over Europe; one was of "awe-inspiring blackness." .................. To the people of Europe, these sightings were considered omens of the Plague which soon followed.

 それはいくつか報告された「彗星」はおそらくそれであった​​ことは事実である。彗星は..........一方それはその空にはほとんど異常なオブジェクトが呼び出された注意することが重要である「彗星」。 .............

 It is true that some reported "comets" were probably just that; comets.......... On the other hand it is important to note that almost any unusual object in the sky was called a "comet." .............

 これは古代の「彗星」は、実際に同じようなrocketlikeオブジェクトであるか、他の多くの疑問に、私たちをリードしています。我々は彗星の古いレポートに直面しているとき、我々はそれゆえ、本当に充実した説明がない限り、我々が扱っているものはどのようなものかわからない。 「コメット」または同様の天体現象における急激な増加の報告は、実際には、 UFO活性の増加を意味することができる。

 This leads us to wonder how many other ancient "comets" were actually similar rocketlike objects. When we are confronted with an old report of a comet, we therefore do not really know what kind of thing we are dealing with unless there is a fuller description. A report of a sudden increase in "comets" or similar celestial phenomena may, in fact, mean an increase in UFO activity.

 珍しい空中現象と黒死病の間のリンクは、アジアでのペストの最初の流行の際にすぐに設立されました。 1歴史家が教えてくれるように: (ペストの)最初の報告は、東から出てきた。彼らは混乱し、誇張された、恐ろしい、世界のその四分の一からの報告は、そう頻繁にあるように、は嵐や地震の記述;流星や木が死亡し、土地の肥沃度を破壊した有害ガス末尾彗星の。

 The link between unusual aerial phenomena and the Black Death was established immediately during the first outbreaks of the Plague in Asia. As one historian tells us: The first reports (of the plague) came out of the East. They were confused, exaggerated, frightening, as reports from that quarter of the world so often are; descriptions of storms and earthquakes; of meteors and comets trailing noxious gases that killed trees and destroyed the fertility of the land.

 上記通路は奇妙な飛行物体がちょうど病気を広げるよりも多くをしていたことを示します。彼らはまた、明らかに空気から化学的または生物学的枯葉剤を散布された。上記通路は古代の拘禁による景観の落葉を説明した古代メソポタミアのタブレットエコー"神々 " .........

 The above passage indicates that strange flying objects were doing more than just spreading disease; they were also apparently spraying chemical or biological defoliants from the air. The above passage echoes the ancient Mesopotamian tablets which described defoliation of the landscape by ancient Custodial "gods.".........

 空中現象と疫病との間の接続は、黒死病の前に数世紀を始めていた。私たちは、 Justiniansの疫病の我々の以前の議論の例を見ました。ほぼ250年黒死病の前に - 私たちは伝え年間1117で壊れていた大規模な疫病についての別のソースから読み取る。そのペストも珍しい天体現象に先行された........

 The connection between aerial phenomena and plague had begun centuries before the Black Death. We saw examples in our earlier discussion of Justinians's plague. We read from another source about a large plague that had reportedly broken out in the year 1117 -- almost 250 years before the Black Death. That plague was also preceded by unusual celestial phenomena........


 Once the medieval Black Death got started, noteworthy aerial phenomena continued to accompany the dread epidemic..............

 珍しい空中現象の目撃情報は通常、ペストの流行前に年間、数分から発生した。このような目撃情報やペストの到着の間に隙間があった場合には、第2の現象は時々報告されました:黒い服を着て恐ろしい人間のような人物の出現を。これらの図は、多くの場合、町や村の郊外に見られたし、彼らの存在は、ほとんどすぐに流行の発生に信号を送る。 1682で作成された要約は、世紀以前の1などの訪問を語る:

 Sightings of unusual aerial phenomena usually occurred from several minutes to a year before an outbreak of Plague. Where there was a gap between such a sighting and the arrival of the Plague, a second phenomenon was sometimes reported: The appearance of frightening humanlike figures dressed in black. Those figures were often seen on the outskirts of a town or village and their presence would signal the outbreak of an epidemic almost immediately. A summary written in 1682 tells of one such visit a century earlier:

 Brandengurg (ドイツ)で、そこに最初の15での1559恐ろしい男に登場し、 12が見られた後に.........他の人は彼らがオート麦で切断したと恐怖の顔と長い鎌を(持っていた)スウィッシュは偉大な距離で聞くことができますが、オート麦が立って残るように........エンバクのフィールドへの奇妙な男性の訪問は、ブランデンブルクのペストの深刻な流行で、すぐに続いた。

 In Brandengurg (Germany) there appeared in 1559 horrible men of whom at first fifteen and later on twelve were seen......... the others (had) fearful faces and long scythes, with which they cut at the oats, so that the swish could be heard at a great distance, but the oats remained standing........ The visit of the strange men to the oat fields was followed immediately by a severe outbreak of the Plague in Brandenburg.

 この事件は興味深い問題を提起:神秘的な数字は誰でしたか?彼らは大声でswishing音が放射されることを持っていた長い鎌のような楽器は何でしたか?それは、 「鎌」は毒や胚芽を含んだガスを噴霧するように設計された長い楽器であったかもしれないと思われる。これは町民が、実際には、運動が町にエアゾールを噴霧する行為だったとき、オート麦をカットしようとする試みとして、 「鎌」の動きを誤解していることを意味します。黒い服を着似た男性がハンガリーで報告された...........そこの意見はトルコ人が秘密の急襲を作ったことが流行していたように、多くの黒のライダーが登場しますが、再び急速に姿を消した人、そしてその上に荒れ狂うペストは、近所で勃発した。

 This incident raises intriguing questions: who were the mysterious figures? What were the long scythe-like instruments they had that emitted a loud swishing sound? It appears that the "scythes" may have been long instruments designed to spray poison or germ-laden gas. This would mean that the townspeople misinterpreted the movement of the "scythes" as an attempt to cut oats when, in fact, the movements were the act of spraying aerosols on the town. Similar men dressed in black were reported in Hungary........... there appeared so many black riders that the opinion was prevalent that the Turks were making a secret raid, but who rapidly disappeared again, and thereupon a raging plague broke out in the neighborhood.

 黒、 「悪魔」やその他の恐ろしい数字に身を包んだ奇妙な男性は他のヨーロッパの地域で観察された。恐ろしい生き物は、しばしば長い「ほうき」、「鎌」または「スイープ」または「人々の家のドア」にノックアウト」するために使用された「剣を担持観察された。それらの家の住民はその後ペストと病気になった。それは、人々が鎌を運ん骨格、悪魔のような「死」の一般的なイメージを作成したこと、これらのレポートからのものである。鎌は死が穀物の茎のような人々を下草刈りの行為を象徴するようになった.........

 Strange men dressed in black, "demons" and other terrifying figures were observed in other European communities. The frightening creatures were often observed carrying long "brooms," "scythes," or "swords" that were used to "sweep" or "knock at" the doors of people's homes. The inhabitants of those homes fell ill with plague afterwards. It is from these reports that people created the popular image of "Death" as a skeleton or demon carrying a scythe. The scythe came to symbolize the act of Death mowing down people like stalks of grain.........

 これまでで最も頻繁に奇妙な、有害だったと報告により、黒死病に接続されているすべての現象の「ミストが。 "他の現象ではなかった場合でも、蒸気がしばしば観察された。

 Of all the phenomena connected to the Black Death, by far the most frequently reported were the strange, noxious "mists." The vapors were often observed even when other phenomena were not.

 氏ノールは、湿った邪悪な霧があったことを指摘し、「その全過程を通じて流行に先行した機能です。 "時間の非常に多くの医師は、奇妙な霧がペストの原因となったのは当然だとしました。接続は、黒死病の最初に設立されました。

 Mr. Nohl points out that moist pestilential fogs were "a feature which preceded the epidemic throughout its whole course." A great many physicians of the time took it for granted that the strange mists caused the Plague. The connection was established at the very beginning of the Black Death.


U.S.-Japan security

Thinning of the ancient slave chemtrails

Ancient chemtrails

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