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U.S. Intervention in Syria


 A Case Against U.S. Intervention in Syria

18:24時deano 2013年9月12日
deano September 12, 2013 at 6:24 pm

9/11の確認親愛ケイト& truthseekers 、一般ウェズリークラークの啓示は、計画された偽の旗のイベントでした。米国は年齢のためにシリアの周りの力を集めてきた、化学的な攻撃は軍事介入を正当化するために必要なイベントを"横断赤線"だった。しかし、革命を開始するために必要な材料(武器&インテリジェンス、研修、賃金)で武装勢力に提供はどうですか?

Dear Kate & truthseekers, The revelations of General Wesley Clark confirm 9/11 was a planned false flag event. The US have been gathering forces around Syria for ages, the chemical attack was the “red line crossing” event needed to justify military intervention. But what about providing the insurgents with the materials (weapons & intelligence, training, wages) needed to start a revolution?

長年にわたり、これはCIAによって行われています。米国の "国家安全保障"の名の下にすべての!
ジョンピルガーミルの映画は、 "民主主義の戦争"は、彼らがこれを達成する方法について説明し、及び南アメリカのCIAヘッド、 DUANNE CLARIDGE(デュアンR.クラリッジ) 、との彼のインタビューは、世界が直面している悪のようなものを象徴。

For years this has been done by the CIA. All in the name of US “national security”!!
John Pilger’s film “The war on democracy” , explains how they accomplish this, & his interview with South American CIA head, DUANNE CLARIDGE, typifies the sort of evil the world is up against.


A network of spies run by Duane R. Clarridge shows how private citizens can exploit the chaos of rivalries inside the ... He eventually became head of the agency's Latin America division in 1981 and helped found the C.I.A.'s ..



WASHINGTON — Duane R. Clarridge parted company with the Central Intelligence Agency more than two decades ago, but from poolside at his home near San Diego, he still runs a network of spies.


Over the past two years, he has fielded operatives in the mountains of Pakistan and the desert badlands of Afghanistan .Since the United States military cut off his funding in May, he has relied on like-minded private donors to pay his agents to continue gathering information about militant fighters, Taliban leaders and the secrets of Kabul's ruling class.



彼が大統領になったとき、この野郎、人道に対する罪のための国際的な犯罪者、ジョージブッシュシニア(元CIA長官)によって赦免された。オペレーションMOCKINGBIRD & NORTHWOODS秒8aは/ bが。 、 9/11のようなイベントは一般市民の抗議を得るために使用することができる方法の文書化された証拠である。

This bastard, an international criminal for crimes against humanity, was pardoned by George Bush Snr (ex CIA director) when he became president. Operations MOCKINGBIRD & NORTHWOODS sec 8a/b., is the documented evidence of how events like 9/11 can be used to gain public outcry.

ロシア/アフガニスタン紛争中のアフガニスタンのカルザイ大統領、元CIAの請負業者は、政権交代がどのように実装されるか最近の例ですが、 &我々はすべての今、私たちは、イラクで大量破壊兵器に関するに供給嘘を知って。誰が今、そこに油を制御? ?

Afghan’s president Karzai, ex CIA contractor during the russia/afghan conflict is a recent example how a regime change is implemented, & we all now know about the lies fed to us concerning WMD in Iraq. Who controls the oil there 2013-10-14 (月) 23:40:35???

中東の地図を見てみると、これらの日は、そのではないハードを確認するには、シリアの米ゲイン制御は、一つの国が残っている場合、完全に米軍基地に囲まれていること、イランであろう。いくら我々は、イランの核開発について聞い保つのですか? ?

Looking at a map of the middle east these days, its not hard to see , that if the US gains control of Syria, the one country left, completely surrounded by US bases, will be Iran. How much do we keep hearing about Iran’s nuclear developments???


It seems that the good whistle-blowing general,Wes Clark, has exposed the truth of the real US agenda in the arab world, & it has nothing to do with a war on terror or moral high ground.


My concern now is how it will affect Aus. Johnny Howard was quick to back the US forces in Afghanistan. We now have his biggest admirer, Tony Abbott as prime-minister, & he is definitely aligned with US policy. One being their interests in the Asian arena. China is an allie of Syria & Iran, but deeply involved with our economy.


Is Aus going to be Uncle Sam’s faithful little blue-heeler?
Why are US Marines setting up bases in NT?
How many Marines are going to be based here?
Were the recent claims of China hacking the ASIO bldg more propaganda?

米国はより良いエネルギーの発明&テクノロジー、十字架内部告発を、没収またはLIEまたはDENY 、すべてのこの世界は今まで恐怖の束縛から前方&脱却しようとしているどのように "国家安全保障"の名の下に電子メールアドレスにタップすることができたとき、嫌い&戦争? ? ...............

When the US can confiscate better energy inventions & technology,crucify whistleblowers, or tap into email addresses LIE or DENY, all in the name of “NATIONAL SECURITY”, how is this world ever going to move forward & away from the shackles of fear, hate & war ????……………



But what about providing the insurgents with the materials (weapons & intelligence, training, wages) needed to start a revolution? For years this has been done by the CIA.

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