
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.

My favorite(3)


アメリカは世界最大の組織犯罪シンジケート カザリアンマフィアによって浸潤そして、ハイジャックされていますか?

 America Has Been Infiltrated And Hijacked By The World's largest Organized Crime Syndicate The Khazarian Mafia?



 Invisible Khazaria

  NWO(新世界秩序) - 戦略、ツールと方法
   NWO - Strategies, Tools and Methods

   by Tatyana Gracheva

   第2版 / Edition 2


   ロシア語からの翻訳 / Translated from Russian




Khazars Mafia destroy the nuclear power plant of Japan

Khazarian Mafia – The Modern Gnostic



 Why In The World Are They Spraying?


 A geoengineering explanation for chemtrails
This is an excellent video, superb production and a wonderfull source of information. The point of the piece is to impart certain data that will help one understand the motive behind chemtrailing which is geoengineering or weather modification.


 The data indicates a massive amount of solar energy is being redirected or reflected away from the earth back into space.
More data is given for the negative effects on precipitation and the motive is discussed that this could be used to fix the game so to speak in so far as Wall Street is concerned with the market on agriculture goods.


 The video does a pretty good job in my opinon of giving good honest data, but then it lays the entire motive for chemtrailing to greed.


 I would like to say I don't necessarily think this is the case.Richard Hoagland has pointed out that the Solar System as a whole is heating up according to his Nasa colleagues, and as a result, we can only assume the sun is in fact heating up.
Val Valerian in his Matrix I book back in 1987 knew about chemtrailing, and in fact said the government was doing it because they knew the sun was becoming more energetic and they didn't know what else to do.


 Regardless the video is top notch and worth your attention.


ピラミッドパワー / Pyramid Power

この研究は含まロシア科学アカデミーによって実施された 医療ロシア科学アカデミー、 理論の研究所や実験生物物理学、 グラファイト科学研究所、およびウクライナの物理学研究所。

 This research was carried out by the Russian National Academy of Sciences which includes: the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics,Graphite Scientific Research Institute, and the Institute of Physics in Ukraine


 Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid (Leukocyte composition of the blood increased).


 Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield

・ロシアの軍事レーダー(ロケータ)は、エネルギースポッティング 22メートルセリゲル湖のピラミッド上空の高いいくつかのマイルを上昇列を。 このピラミッドが建設された数ヶ月後、オゾン層は、ロシアの雰囲気の中で改善しました。

 Russian Military radar (locator) spotted an energycolumn rising several miles high in the sky above the 22m Lake Seliger pyramid.Several months after this pyramid was built, the Ozone layer improved in the atmosphere in Russia.

ピラミッド近く-Areasは地震活動が低下しているように見える。 代わりの一つの大きな強力な地震が発生し、小さなものの何百もある。 また、暴力的な天気がピラミッドのエリヤで減少するようです。

 Areas near the pyramids seem to have diminished seIsmic activity.Instead of one large powerful earthquake occurring, there are hundreds of tiny ones.Also violent weather seems to decrease in the area of the pyramids.





 Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack


 On the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbour, the attack that propelled America into the Second World War, a declassified memo shows that Japanese surprise attack was expected.




 FDR wanted war with Japan/Germany. He had been planning it all along


 This point is actually a recycled criticism of FDR from the days he was actually in office. There was a strongly isolationist atmosphere in the US due to disillusionment with World War I and the Great Depression.



日本帝国(1868-1945)とインペリアル・アメリカ(1868年 - 現在)のイエズス会の帝国間の世界戦争を点火するには、「イベント」が必要でした。

 To ignite a world war between the Jesuit Empires of Imperial Japan (1868-1945) and Imperial America (1868-Present), an “Event” was needed.


 Enter Pearl Harbor.


 As proven by Robert B. Stinnett’s masterpiece, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor (2000), Masonic FDR and Masonic Hirohito worked together, via the Japanese High Command and the American Office of Naval Intelligence, for the successful attack on America’s foremost Naval Base in the Pacific. The Order would then use the military colossus of its largely White Anglo-Saxon Protestant American Empire to destroy Japan and its patriotic manhood as the prelude to converting the nation into an economic powerhouse later to be united with the Order’s Communist China in preparation for the Black Pope’s Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion of America.

ケネディ大統領は、イエズス会のアメリカのCIAとそのロシアKGBが密かに第二次世界大戦以来、一緒に仕事をした「冷戦」として知られているバチカンのデマを終了し始めました。彼はまた、今後のHIGHPOINTは、そのディレクター、ウィリアムE.コルビーによると「操作フェニックス」、「冷たい血液中の "60,000のCIAの大量殺人ベトナム語であるように、ベトナムのイエズス会の異端審問することを終了するために始めました。異端審問のローマの聖省に干渉大統領は許容することができませんでした!カストロのように、スターリンのように、毛沢東のような - 「異端者」仏教徒の何百万ものアメリカ人の愛国心と自由がさらに破壊されると、ベトナムは教皇に忠実別の共産軍の独裁者の下で再会することになり、国際的な麻薬取引が爆発だろう、根絶するました、ホーチミン - 、ジョージHWブッシュと息子のような。

 President Kennedy began to end the Vatican’s hoax known as “the Cold War“, the Jesuit American CIA and their Russian KGB having secretly worked together since World War II. He also began to end that Jesuit Inquisition in Vietnam, as its future highpoint would be “Operation Phoenix“, the CIA mass-murder of 60,000 Vietnamese “in cold blood” according to its Director, William E. Colby. The President interfering with Rome’s Holy Office of the Inquisition could not be tolerated! Millions of “heretic” Buddhists were to be exterminated, the international drug trade would explode, American patriotism and liberty would further be destroyed and Vietnam would be reunited under another communist military dictator loyal to the Pope – like Stalin, like Chairman Mao, like Castro, like George H. W. Bush and son -, Ho Chi Minh.

イエズス会CIAは1950年にラオスでフランス軍に航空支援を提供し始め、25年間そこに関わったままでした。 CIAは、政府の外に成長している左翼パテト・ラオを維持するために1958年から1960年の間に少なくとも3クーデターを開発しました。これは、ビルマ、ラオスとベトナムの間にアヘンを輸送し、ラオスでのアヘン貿易の彼の独占を保護し、一般Phoumi Nosavanのような右翼ラオス薬物領主で働いていました。 1962年、CIAはパテト・ラオと戦うために、タイ、韓国、ベトナム、フィリピンから以前のゲリラ戦争30,000ベテランの秘密の傭兵軍を募集しました。

 The Jesuit CIA began providing air support to French forces in Laos in 1950, and remained involved there for 25 years. The CIA engineered at least three coups between 1958 and 1960 to keep the growing leftist Pathet Lao out of government. It worked with right-wing Laotian drug lords like General Phoumi Nosavan, transporting opium between Burma, Laos and Vietnam and protecting his monopoly on the opium trade in Laos. In 1962, the CIA recruited a clandestine mercenary army of 30,000 veterans of previous guerrilla wars from Thailand, Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines to fight the Pathet Lao.

ベトナムでアメリカG.I.sの多数がヘロインに夢中しまったように、CIAのエア・アメリカは、ベトナムへの出荷のためのロングTiengとビエンチャンでの一般ヴァンパオのヘロインラボにジャール平原でモン族の領土からアヘンを輸送しました。 CIAはパテト・ラオを倒すために失敗した場合、米国は爆弾の周り250万トンで、ほぼ同じ重くカンボジアとしてラオスを爆撃しました。

 As large numbers of American G.I.s in Vietnam got hooked on heroin, the CIA’s Air America transported opium from Hmong territory in the Plain of Jars to General Vang Pao’s heroin labs in Long Tieng and Vientiane for shipment to Vietnam. When the CIA failed to defeat the Pathet Lao, the U.S. bombed Laos almost as heavily as Cambodia, with around 2.5 million tons of bombs.

日本の関与 / Japan involvement


JFKとイエズス会 / JFK and Jesuits


イエズス会CIA操作 / Jesuit CIA Operations


seawapa.co: Japan’s Domestic Disaster: God Using Satan’s Jesuit Vatican for Two Occult Reasons

 記事サイト / Article site

合衆国、英国&イスラエル - ユダヤの資本のユダヤ教の資本主義帝国主義の植民地パート2

 US, UK & Israel - Colonies Of Jewish Capitalism Imperialism Of Jewish Capital - Part 2

10 -3 -7

 By Henry Makow PhD 10 -3 -7


 Hardly a day goes by without an article on the Internet blaming Israel for the war in Iraq.

ユダヤ人のネオ・短所のパワーは、FDR時代のユダヤ人の共産主義者のそれと類似しています。キャロルクイグリーは、「行使これらの精力的な左ウイングが自分の力や共産電力はなかったが、最終的に国際金融同人の電源た電力」を書きました (「悲劇と希望」、p.954)

 The power of the Jewish neo-cons is analogous to that of Jewish Communists in the FDR era. Caroll Quigley wrote, "the power that these energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie." ("Tragedy and Hope", p.954)


 n my review of /"The Red Dragon"/ last week,


 記事サイト / Article site


シリアの内戦 / Syrian Civil War

  Syrian history
Written by: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica Last Updated 12-8-2015


 In March 2011 Syria’s government, led by Pres. Bashar al-Assad, faced an unprecedented challenge to its authority when pro-democracy protests erupted throughout the country.


 Protesters demanded an end to the authoritarian practices of the Assad regime, in place since Assad’s father, Ḥafiz al-Assad, became president in 1971. The Syrian government used violence to suppress demonstrations, making extensive use of police, military, and paramilitary forces.


 Amateur footage and eyewitness accounts, the primary sources of information in a country largely closed to foreign journalists, showed the Syrian security forces beating and killing protesters and firing indiscriminately into crowds. Opposition militias began ... (100 of 6,510 words)




 In 2011, Syria caught the Arab Spring bug happening across the mideast. Anti-government protests broke out. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad did NOT appreciate these and responded with a massive crackdown, torturing and killing those who disagreed with him. This prompted protesters to form groups, and to eventually arm themselves against him. Soon, this was a full-blown civil war, with at least a thousand rebel groups with different agendas.




 Timeline of CIA Interventions in Syria


 First published in October 2015

この部分的なタイムラインは、特に米国政府とオバマ氏はシリアの戦争のための重要な責任とその戦争の結果を負担するという証拠を提供します。オバマ氏は戻って65年間で行くCIA計画の要素を承認しました。 CIAの干渉は、このタイムラインに記載されていない「中程度の反逆者」を、訓練する米国防総省の失敗した計画とは区別されます。

 This partial timeline provides evidence that the U.S. government and Obama in particular bear a significant responsibility for the Syrian war and the results of that war. Obama approved elements of CIA plans that go back over 65 years. The CIA meddling is distinct from the Pentagon’s failed plan to train “moderate rebels”, not covered in this timeline.

1940年代と1950年代「...あなたは今日シリアの独裁の起源を理解したいならば、1940年代と1950年代に行くとCIAはその土地に果たした役割を確認することが重要である。」、ここにもPを参照してください。 122:シリア政府は、世論の圧力にお辞儀、米国の石油会社がその領土を介してパイプラインを作成してみましょうすることを拒否したときに、「1940年代後半には、米国の政策立案者が警戒育ちました。ワシントンはまた、強力な抗西洋感情と不吉な国の大共産党を見つけました。シリアは「左方向に漂流」して、中央情報局(CIA)は、その3歳の文民政府を転覆する計画を築いていることを懸念。軍事-サポート独裁 "" CIAの工作員は、インストール議論するためにダマスカスの右翼軍事指導者と会いました」 。

 1940s and 1950s “…if you want to understand the origins of authoritarian rule in Syria today, it is important to go back to the 1940s and the 1950s and see the role the CIA played in that land.” See also here, p. 122: “In the late 1940’s, U.S. policymakers grew alarmed when the Syrian government, bowing to public pressure, refused to let a U.S. oil company build a pipeline through its territory. Washington also found the strong anti-Western sentiment and the large Communist party in the country ominous. Concerned that Syria was ‘drifting leftward’, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) laid plans to overthrow its three-year old civilian government.” CIA operatives met with right-wing military leaders in Damascus to discuss installing a “military-supported dictatorship”.

「国民党に右翼の数字をバックアップすることによって1947から8選挙に影響を与える... "1947年から1948年CIAの試み

 1947-1948 CIA attempts “to influence the 1947-8 elections by backing right-wing figures in the Nationalist Party…”

マーチは、1949 CIAがシリアのクーデターを後援します。 CIAは直接関与します。

 March, 1949 CIA sponsors Syrian coup d’etat; CIA directly involved.

1957 CIAとMI6は3トップシリアの指導者を暗殺し、政府を転覆する計画を考案します。 「...彼らは一連の事件を起動するための薬剤の扇動を使用することを計画していました。 ""シリアの資金を供給しなければならない '自由シリア委員会」と「準軍事組織または他のactionist能力を持つ政治的な派閥を「武装すべきである。」[い、この音はなじみの? ]ここも参照してください。

 1957 CIA and MI6 devise plan to assassinate 3 top Syrian leaders and overthrow the government. “…they planned to use agents provocateurs to launch a series of incidents.” “A ‘Free Syria Committee’ should be funded and ‘political factions with paramilitary or other actionist capabilities’ in Syria should be armed.” [Does this sound familiar?] See also here.

2006-2011先立ちシリア戦争の発症に、米国は、シリア政府(アサド)への反対をかき立てます。 2011年4月18日の記事の読み取り "新しくリリースされたウィキリークスケーブルは、米国国務省はひそかに、少なくとも5年間、シリアの野党グループと他の野党のプロジェクトに融資されたことを明らかにし、ワシントン・ポスト紙が報じています。」

 2006-2011 Prior to the onset of the Syrian war, the U.S. stirs up opposition to Syrian government (Assad). An April 18, 2011 article reads “Newly released WikiLeaks cables reveal that the US State Department has been secretly financing Syrian opposition groups and other opposition projects for at least five years, The Washington Post reports.”

2011年3月ダルアーの暴力はシリアの戦争を起動します。 「月17-18上ダルアー「抗議運動は「モサドおよび/またはウェスタン知能によってイスラムテロリストへの秘密のサポートを伴う段階的なイベントのすべての外観を持っていた。 ""ダルアーでは、屋根の上の狙撃兵は、警察とデモ隊の両方をターゲットにしました。」 【この技術はまた、キエフ、ウクライナの暴力で発生していることに注意してください。]こちらも参照してください。

 March 2011 Daraa violence launches Syrian war. “The Daraa ‘protest movement’ on March 17-18 had all the appearances of a staged event involving covert support to Islamic terrorists by Mossad and/or Western intelligence.” “In Daraa, roof top snipers were targeting both police and demonstrators.” [Notice that this technique also occurred in the Kiev, Ukraine violence.] See also here.

2011年8月18日オバマ大統領はアサドが行かなければならないと言います。 「オバマ大統領と欧州の指導者たちは、デモ隊の彼の暴力的弾圧のヶ月後、辞任するシリア大統領アサドのために木曜日と呼ばれます。修辞的なエスカレーションは、彼の軍事作戦を融資するアサドの能力を弱体化させるために設計された新しい米国の制裁に裏打ちされました。」

 August 18, 2011 Obama says Assad must go. “President Obama and European leaders called Thursday for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign, after months of his violent crackdown on protesters. The rhetorical escalation was backed by new U.S. sanctions designed to undermine Assad’s ability to finance his military operation.”

2012年8月1日、「オバマ氏はシリアの反政府勢力のための秘密のサポートを許可します」。 「CIAのような機関はまた、提供されるかもしれないことを秘密支援の全容は不明です。」

 August 1, 2012 “Obama authorizes secret support for Syrian rebels”. “The full extent of clandestine support that agencies like the CIA might be providing also is unclear.”

2013年10月2日には「CIAは、米国が支援する民兵組織が急速に国の内戦に地面を失っている中等度の懸念の中でシリア野党の戦闘機を訓練するための秘密の努力を拡大している、米政府当局者は語った。「CIAのプログラム量の "ペース約100,000合計野党の戦闘機、のランクにトリクルします。米国の情報当局は、多くのものを20,000としては過激派イスラム主義の議題と「過激派」とみなされていることを言いました。 "

 October 2, 2013 “The CIA is expanding a clandestine effort to train opposition fighters in Syria amid concern that moderate, U.S.-backed militias are rapidly losing ground in the country’s civil war, U.S. officials said.” “The pace of the CIA program amounts to a trickle into the ranks of opposition fighters, who total about 100,000. U.S. intelligence officials said that as many as 20,000 of those are considered ‘extremists’ with militant Islamist agendas.”


 “Those hard-line factions have drained momentum and support from moderate rebel groups. The most prominent Islamist groups, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra, include fighters who have extensive experience from the war in Iraq, have ties to al-Qaeda and have carried out high-profile strikes against Assad’s government.”

2014年4月23日には、「米国は、ヨルダンでCIAによって実行成長の秘密のプログラムの下で、シリアでの適度な反乱軍にそれ以上のアームとトレーニングを提供している。 ""懐疑論者は、野党の弱体化状態を考えると、はるかに役立つ米国の努力を疑いますそして、アルカイダの戦闘機によって作ら進出。適度な戦闘機は、現在サポートされて地面に比較的ほとんど影響を与えませんさ。」

 April 23, 2014 “The U.S. is providing more arms and training to the moderate rebels in Syria, under a growing secret program run by the CIA in Jordan.” “Skeptics doubt the U.S. effort will help much, given the weakened state of the opposition and the inroads made by al-Qaida fighters. The moderate fighters being supported currently have relatively little influence on the ground.”

2015年10月2日は「CIAは、対戦車ミサイルなどの通信機器、インテリジェンスのサポートと腕とヨルダンの秘密拠点、で訓練している戦闘機の数千を提供してきました。これらのCIAが支援する戦闘機はヨルダンとその国の南の国境を越えてシリアを再入力が、多くは現在、ダマスカスの北と東に配列されている単位に彼らの方法を作った - 。過去数日間にわたってロシアのストライキによって砲撃された領域を "

 Oct. 2, 2015 “The CIA has provided the thousands of fighters it has trained at secret bases in Jordan with communications equipment, intelligence support and arms, including antitank missiles. Those CIA-backed fighters reentered Syria across that country’s southern border with Jordan, but many have made their way into units that are now arrayed north and east of Damascus — areas that have been pounded by Russian strikes over the past several days.”


 In my opinion, the most serious U.S. meddling is what the Wikileaks cables reveal, which is the State Department’s organization of domestic opposition to its elected government. This provoked the revolution that started in Daraa, and that provided an opening for radical and armed Muslim elements to enter the battle.


 Next in importance is Obama’s position that Assad must go, because this guides the entry of the CIA and Pentagon into the war while committing the U.S. to a politically untenable and impossible course of attempting to reconstitute a new government among radical and rival forces if and when Assad falls or rebel forces gain control. Undetermined but significant amounts of arms and training have ended up flowing to ISIS and other radical groups that the U.S. cannot control, and these forces can’t be dislodged without bigger military commitments by the U.S. Neither the CIA’s activities nor the Pentagon’s failed training program have resulted in control over the battlefield or those groups, which have expanded control over Syrian territory.


 Why did Obama intervene in Syria? There are four main reasons and they are not mutually exclusive. One reason is “democracy promotion”. This appears again and again in his rhetoric and that of the State department, where “democracy” is taken to mean “rights” among other things. Obama viewed Assad as standing in the way of the Syrian people. Obama’s intention to bomb Syria when he accused Assad of using chemical weapons brought out a version of this position in his concern for violations of international law.


 Obama has an idea of world order and the U.S. role in enforcing it. Obama’s position on the Arab Spring also showed this democracy promotion concern. The second reason is to thwart Iran in order to maintain U.S. dominance in the region. Related to this is U.S. support for Saudi Arabia and Gulf states who have also supported rebel elements in Syria as well as support for Turkey. The U.S. leads a coalition. The third reason is Israel’s influence in administration circles and on Capitol Hill. The fourth reason is to thwart Russia’s influence in Syria and deny it access to the Mediterranean. This appears to have backfired.


 These are all reasons associated with Empire. Maintaining and extending the U.S. Empire is the dominant underlying and unquestioned assumption in all of this and in all of the meddling going on in other countries. It is the idea that American ways are superior and should be extended over the globe to create some kind of world order that’s in some sense vaguely utopian or reaches a kind of ever-progressing ascent to God only knows what.


 There is no real benefit to us average everyday Americans from any of this government meddling in Syria. We can ascend on our own. We can progress or regress on our own, without such interference. We do not need to bring down Assad and replace him with phantom moderates of the choosing of the State Department, the CIA or a president. We can invent, paint, write and play music, plant and cultivate crops, build dwellings, travel, participate in sports, take recreational drugs, have sex, play computer games, write poetry and do innumerable other activities without notions of empire, foreign meddling, or even progress. Who is to say what anyone is to do but themselves?


 Why would I or many sane Americans want to bother with who rules Syria or how they rule it? It’s not my province. It’s none of my business. How in the world can I know whether I’m doing any good if I decide to butt in?

政府は、このように考えていません。これは、口を挟むと、非常に理由でオフィスのために実行したい人々で構成さています。彼らはくだらないスクワットを知らないとき、彼らは皆のためによいものを知っていると思うのに十分な傲慢です。彼らが、気取ったせせらぎの愚か者は誰ですか? CIAは、舞台裏のスキームとsubterfugesによって動作するように愛するスマート人々を魅了しています。これらは、ビザンチンゲームや風味の操作を演奏愛するパワーフリークです。なぜ任意の健全なアメリカ人のこれらの種類は、彼らが殺し彼らの無駄と非常に危険なスキームに無駄金と権力のとんでもない量へのアクセスを持って不具にし、破壊するためにできるようにする必要がありますか?

 The government doesn’t think this way. It’s composed of people who want to meddle and run for office for that very reason. They are arrogant enough to think that they know what’s good for everyone when they don’t know diddly-squat. Who are they but pompous babbling fools? The CIA attracts smart people who love to work by schemes and subterfuges behind the scenes. These are power freaks who love playing byzantine games and relish manipulations. Why should any sane American want to allow these kinds of people to have access to ungodly amounts of money and power that they waste on their futile and very dangerous schemes that kill, maim and destroy?

著作権©マイケル・S. Rozeff、ルー・ロックウェル、2016

 The original source of this article is Lew Rockwell
Copyright © Michael S. Rozeff, Lew Rockwell, 2016
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グローバル・リサーチ / Global Research



 The Moral Forces Behind Syrian Prez Bashar al-Assad

前欧米のメディアは、たぶんにいくつかの部門に対して、これらの独裁者が犯した暴力の画像を示すことで、西のいずれかの指導者よりも、人々に多くを行っているこれらの指導者たちが、悪魔化で交代サダムとカダフィ政権の計画的な終端にビルドアップでCIA /モサドが負わさであることが証明された、独自の社会。

 In the buildup prior to the premeditated terminations of Saddam and Gadhafi regimes Western media took turns at demonizing these leaders, who have done much to their people than any leaders in the West, by showing images of violence supposedly committed by these dictators against some sectors in their own societies which were proven to be CIA/Mossad inflicted.


 They could not do the same with President Assad of Syria, because internally he has no enemies.The Assad family's leadership is seen as just and tolerant as can be made possible in the Middle East.


 All they could say until now is “Assad must go,” but why?
They could not provide an intelligent answer.


 The so called rebels were imported from the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood and rag tag mercenaries who are willing to do the CIA’s bidding for a fee, which in this case is derived mostly from controlled oil fields.


 It’s always been this way, i.e. the strategy of sowing terror and making it self-sustainable by the subsequent exploitation of the spoils of conquest, and this is the democratic world bereft of any accepted international norms that Western plutocrats have been creating in the Middle East and elsewhere, one country at a time.


 Western leadership is known for direct extortion, too.Just before they decide putting mercenaries on the ground a dinner table is allowed to witness uncanny external interference.

 Here are the real reasons why uncooperative men like Assad must go.


 “A trained physician like Assad was thought to be the least of their ( Anglo-American Axis , AAA) troubles during the choreographed Arab Spring events. After all, doctors everywhere take the sacred vow known as the Hippocratic Oath — “First, do no harm.”


 The Israeli-Franco-Anglo-American power-brokers, who have controlled the destiny of most of the Middle Eastern nations for decades, have entered a new and desperate phase of conquest.Unfortunately for the entire Mideast, that desperation manifested as the fomenting of a number of revolutionary Arab Spring events.The resulting widespread death and destruction reflects just how determined the AAA is to advance their misguided agenda.


 Whereas each of these engineered protest movements was initiated by the agents of the AAA, not all of them were entirely successful.While the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD may have most of the Middle East hardwired by way of information technology, many of the indigenous peoples still remain off their grid, to varying degrees of course.Nevertheless, they still expected Assad to simply resign after so many other countries had succumbed to the CIA-directed Facebook revolutions and civil wars via Twitter.


 President Assad, they have come to find out, is a completely different kind of being.Not only is he not of their ilk, his very presence on the Mideast geopolitical chessboard causes them great consternation.

どうして? / Why?


 Because President Assad has a conscience in contrast to the many other leaders who clearly govern without any conscience whatsoever.Of course, the AAA leadership has demonstrated time and again that it operates without any discernible conscience.
So devoid of a moral compass are the American, French, and British invaders that Assad's continued leadership makes them all look bad … VERY BAD.Hence, their compulsion to demonize him at every turn.


 Because of the strategic geopolitical importance of Syria, the AAA can no longer tolerate such an honest peace-broker or righteous leader in such a vital location and position of leadership.


 Most are completely unaware, but President Assad is as just and principled as they come anywhere in the world today, particularly in the Mideast.The only way that the al-Assad family was able to stay in power since 1970 (45 consecutive years) was because of the family trait for fairness and tolerance.


 Four Major Reasons For Assad’s Upright Posture Towards Governance


 There are various reasons for President Assad’s popular government and respected leadership style among the Syrian people. Four of these have become particularly invaluable during this time of great trial and tribulation for the nation. Without the following key relationships and forms of mutual support in the life of President Assad, it would have been unlikely that he could have lasted this long. Therefore, none of these vital associations should be underestimated in any way.


 Reason #1: The Spiritual Foundation of Bashar’s Alawite Faith


 First and foremost there is Bashar al-Assad’s unwavering dedication to his family’s spiritual traditions and religious faith. Being an ardent practitioner of the Alawite religion like his father and forefathers before him, Assad has drawn great strength from this mystical and tolerant branch of Shia Islam. He went into the medical profession and trained as an ophthalmologist because of his desire to serve the Syrian people.

また「Alawis、アラウィー派として知られているイスラム教シーア派のが、syncretistic要素を持つ12イマーム派の学校の枝をたどるシリアを中心に著名な宗教団体を、ある。」[1]彼の教団は、宗教迫害と比べて多くの他の屈辱を受けていたので父親の大統領の前に世代が、彼 ​​は宗教的寛容の必要性に非常に敏感です。特にシリアの歴史的宗教的多様性の文脈の中で、アラウィー派は平和と相互受け入れを維持するために必要な凝集リーダーシップを提供するために上昇しました。多くの近隣諸国が次々に失敗した政府の運命を負ったときに、この驚くべき成果は、数十年にわたって発生しました。

 Also known as Alawis, Alawites “are a prominent religious group, centered in Syria, who follow a branch of the Twelver school of Shia Islam but with syncretistic elements.“[1] Because his religious community had suffered religious persecution and many other indignities over generations prior to his father’s presidency, he is quite sensitive to the need for religious tolerance. Particularly within the context of Syria’s historical religious diversity, did the Alawites rise to provide the cohesive leadership necessary to maintain the peace and mutual acceptance. This remarkable achievement occurred over decades when many neighboring nations suffered the fate of one failed government after another.


 For those who are cognizant of the well-known Hindu religious tolerance in India, Alawites are quite similar. They not only believe in reincarnation as in the East, they have also absorbed many other aspects of the predominant religions in Syria especially those found in Islam and Christianity. Because of their syncretic approach in both philosophy and practice, Alawis have evolved into a genuinely tolerant spiritual community who actively cultivate a climate of mutual respect. However, it is the mystical aspects of their spiritual practice which has earned them the respect of the Syrian people. Because they are known to walk their talk, they have been trusted to lead as they have done for almost 5 decades.


 Alawites consider themselves to be Muslims, although some Sunnis dispute that they are. Alawite doctrine incorporates Gnostic, neo-Platonic, Islamic, Christian and other elements and has, therefore, been described as syncretistic.


 Alawite beliefs have never been confirmed by their modern religious authorities. Alawites tend to conceal their beliefs (taqiyya) due to historical persecution. Some tenets of the faith are secret, known only to a select few; therefore, they have been described as a mystical sect.[1]


 The final point here is that the people of Syria were quite content to be governed by a disproportionately smaller number of Alawites throughout government. In spite of an overwhelming Sunni majority the arrangement worked out well even while there was so much conflict in countries all around them. However, Assad knew that the very delicate balance of power could be upset at any time. And so it would be … by those powerful AAA nations who would deftly utilize their divide and rule MO whenever it suits their geopolitical purposes, especially their pursuit of oil reserves.


 Reason # 2: The Strength and Support of His Wife Asma al-Assad

多くの場合そうであるように、アサド結婚は強い女性は、多くの場合、すべての偉大な指導者の背後に存在するかを明らかにする。彼の堂々と支え妻の人ではバシャール・アサドは完璧な "王座の背後にある力」を見つけました。厳密には政治的な観点から、彼女はシリアのスンニ派の大多数に彼女を慕わ強力なスンニ派の家族の中で育ちました。そのためスンニ派の妻の彼の選択のため、大統領アサドは心からシリアの境界内で見つかったすべての宗教的な向きの彼の本格的な受け入れを住んでいたリーダーとして見られました。

 As is often the case, the Assad marriage reveals how a strong woman often exists behind every great leader. In the person of his regal and supportive wife did Bashar Assad find the perfect “power behind his throne”. From a strictly political standpoint, she was raised in a powerful Sunni family which endeared her to the Sunni majority of Syria. Because of his choice of a Sunni wife, President Assad was seen as a leader who sincerely lived his authentic acceptance of every religious orientation found within the boundaries of Syria.


 Asma al-Assad’s professional relationship with her husband was especially exemplary for the woman of Syria to see and experience. She not only sought to help liberate her gender all over the nation, the First Lady also served as a glowing example throughout much of Islamic society. Her various unprecedented and courageous initiatives to spread enlightenment and empowerment in every sphere of Syrian life were recognized by many for their efficacy and magnanimity.


 Asma al-Bashar has occupied a unique position in the highly patriarchal societies of the Middle East. To be presented side-by-side with her husband in her capacity of First lady, as she often is, has provided the male-dominated Arabic and Islamic culture with a new model of leadership. While President Assad is obviously in charge, he has given his wife a special role in the Administration’s various mandates to address a whole host of social, cultural and religious issues.


 Post Arab Spring, Asma al-Assad has taken on much greater responsibility because of the epic disaster that has been left in the wake of the manufactured civil war by the Western powers. The Franco-Anglo-American machinations, which produced this terrible tragedy, have posed formidable obstacles for President Assad and his wife. The warmongering has been so relentless and intense that only by the “grace of Allah” has the Syrian First Family weathered one harrowing storm after another.


 Reason #3: Bashar Assad Received Excellent Training and Guidance from His Father

ハーフェズ・アサド / Hafez Assad


 The loyal and genuine support from the Syrian people, which the Assad family has enjoyed for nearly 5 decades, began with Hafez al-Assad. This was a man who is considered to be one of Syria’s greatest sons having taken power in a bloodless coup during a particularly delicate and volatile period of Syrian history. Had he not taken such a decisive stand at that critical point, Syria could have easily erupted into a full-blown civil war driven by religious strife.

アサドのルールは、「即時とかなり有利で ​​始まった:彼は変位政府がそのように任意の代替救済として来たことを嫌いました」。彼は最初、彼はAflaqとジャディドのリーダーシップの下で失われていたと感じた国家統一を確立しようとしました。アサドは、地元の村を訪問し、市民の苦情を聞いて、最初に彼の前任者とは異なっていた。[2]

 Assad’s rule “began with an immediate and considerable advantage: the government he displaced was so detested that any alternative came as a relief”. He first tried to establish national unity, which he felt had been lost under the leadership of Aflaq and Jadid. Assad differed from his predecessor at the outset, visiting local villages and hearing citizen complaints.[2]


 A humble and practical leadership style is what distinguished Hafez al-Assad from the beginning of his presidency. Although his son Bashar was trained as a physician who had no political aspirations, he followed in his father’s footsteps quite naturally. Trained as an ophthalmologist, Bashar had the sensitivity and temperament of a very reluctant leader at first. However, he quickly realized that he could not shirk the solemn responsibility which destiny had brought to him and his wife.


 Because of his egalitarian approach to governance and genuine concern for the cohesion of Syria, he was quickly accepted by the people as an ideal replacement for his father. The Syrian people especially embraced his socially dynamic and progressive wife Asma and received them with open arms. They became an exemplary power couple who were admired for their genuine dedication to the interests of every Syrian citizen.


 It is especially the Assad family’s extraordinary religious tolerance and their cultivation of a truly ecumenical atmosphere throughout all of Syria that has set them apart. When compared to most of the other Muslim Arab countries, Syria has experienced a high degree of acceptance and camaraderie among a diverse number of religious communities. This critical personal and family inclination toward religious tolerance has been actively translated into public policy; subsequently, all of Syrian society was distinguished by its remarkable religious tolerance and mutual acceptance.


The following excerpt quotes Asma al-Assad from an interview conducted just before the recent civil war was instigated by the Anglo-American Axis. This revealing and laudatory article was quickly removed from the internet by its publisher because of the positive portrayal it painted of the Bashar family, particularly that of Asma’s enlightened stewardship.


 Back in the car, I ask what religion the orphans are. “It’s not relevant,” says Asma al-Assad. “Let me try to explain it to you. That church is a part of my heritage because it’s a Syrian church. The Umayyad Mosque is the third-most-important holy Muslim site, but within the mosque is the tomb of Saint John the Baptist. We all kneel in the mosque in front of the tomb of Saint John the Baptist. That’s how religions live together in Syria—a way that I have never seen anywhere else in the world. We live side by side, and have historically. All the religions and cultures that have passed through these lands—the Armenians, Islam, Christianity, the Umayyads, the Ottomans—make up who I am.” [3]


 Russia has sent sophisticated anti-ship missiles to Syria


 Reason #4: Russia, Iran, and the BRICS-aligned Nations stand with Assad


 Russia has been ardently opposed to all of the bellicose meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign nations. President Putin has stated on numerous occasions that there needs to be a new global platform of international relationships built on the foundation of implicit respect for national sovereignty. He has expressed that the world community of nations is obligated to reject the outside interference of those powerful nations which routinely commit actions of naked aggression.


 In fact, Russia, China and India have repeatedly singled out the USA and UK for their outright interference in the affairs of countries large and small, rich and poor. Toward that end they have proclaimed their support for Syria’s only legitimate government under Bashar al-Assad. Putin has even supplied Syria with sophisticated weaponry which he would only do in the case of unprovoked acts of aggression being systematically being perpetrated against the Syrian people.


 The AAA does not yet understand the seriousness of the war crimes that they have committed in Syria. Each act of violence against the people and their property has been recorded. Every act of wanton destruction and needless killing has been catalogued for the purposes of accountability. Russia and their allies are watching the conduct of ISIS and how they are supplied and financed. It is common knowledge that the Israeli-Anglo-American intelligence services have coordinated the attacks on Syria from the very beginning of this manufactured civil war.


 At the end of the day, the AAA will be held responsible for their actions and inactions which directly contributed to this terrible tragedy. The Syrian Civil War has created the greatest European immigration crisis of the modern era. Should the AAA continue their imperialistic designs against the Assad Administration and the people of Syria, they will bring upon themselves the wrath of the Russia bear.”


 The ongoing refugee crisis in Europe has only exposed the hypocrisy of the self-righteous Western leadership, but that is about to end.


 There’s now a well-coordinated countermeasures directed against the true enemies of humanity in the form of military, diplomatic and economic offensives.


 Russian and Iranian military buildup in Syria are on the way. The White House just backtracked from its plan to shame China’s Xi Jinping’s state visit to Washington, amidst the controlled sinking of the fiat financial system of the Khazarian bankers.






 Further, the Western arrogance and stupidity have never been more blatant than its refusal of a Russian offer for Syria’s Assad to step down in a more peaceful manner, three years earlier.

続きは記事サイトで / Following in the article site


記憶穴の下方に: NYT はシリアの政府を打ち倒すCIAの努力を消します

 Down the Memory Hole: NYT Erases CIA’s Efforts to Overthrow Syria’s Government

 By Adam Johnson

ニューヨークタイムズ彼は彼の優れた判決に対するシリアの反政府勢力を訓練していることを主張し、その物語を伴うために悲しいオバマを示しています。(写真:マヌエルBalce Ceneta / AP)

 The New York Times depicts a sad Obama to accompany its story claiming that he trained Syrian rebels against his better judgment.(Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP)


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