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Angels Don't Play This HAARP


  Angels Don't Play This HAARP


 Out of the Blue:

8月と1958年9月の間、米海軍は、地球の表面に最も近い下バンアレン帯の一部で、南大西洋上の3つの核分裂型核爆弾480キロを爆発。さらに、2つの水素爆弾が太平洋のジョンストン島経由で160キロを爆発させた。軍はこの "史上最大の引き受け科学実験"と呼ばれ
Between August and September 1958, the US Navy exploded three fission type nuclear bombs 480 km above the South Atlantic Ocean, in the part of the lower Van Allen Belt, closest to the earth's surface.In addition, two hydrogen bombs were detonated 160 km over Johnston Island in the Pacific.The military called this “the biggest scientific experiment ever undertaken.”

米国防総省、米国原子力委員会、および"プロジェクトアーガス、"この巨大な実験のほぼ地球全体を包含する新しい(インナー)磁気放射線帯を作成し、電離層に十分な電子と他のエネルギー粒子を注入されたコードネームによるデザイン世界的な影響を与えることができる。北極付近の雰囲気を打つとき電子は人工"オーロラ"を引き起こして、磁力線に沿って前後に移動しました。 [172]
Designed by the US Department of Defense and the US Atomic Energy Commission, and code named “Project Argus,” this gigantic experiment created new (inner) magnetic radiation belts encompassing almost the whole earth, and injected sufficient electrons and other energetic particles into the ionosphere to cause worldwide effects.The electrons traveled back and forth along magnetic force lines, causing an artificial “aurora” when striking the atmosphere near the North Pole. [172]

私はENMODの研究、開発、テスト、および展開に関与していることではなく、持っている私はすでに言及しているそのうちのいくつかが、多くの - 今日は進行中であるそのうちのいくつか - これらの先駆的な実験では、多くの人々の最初でした。これらのプログラムが含まれる:
These pioneering experiments were the first of many – some of which are ongoing today – some of which I have already mentioned, but many which I have not, that were involved with ENMOD research, development, test and deployment.These programs included:

Project Cirrus (1947)

Central Arizonaのプロジェクト
Central Arizona Project

Project Dallas

Project Climax

Project Cloud Physics

Project Flatlands

Project Argus (1958)

Project Skyfire (1960s)

Project Starfish (1962)

Project Skywater (1966)

Project SCUD

Project Thunderstorm

Project Rapid (1966-1968)

Project Stormfury (1961 to 1983)

Project Cloudcatcher (1969-1970)

SPS: Solar Power Satellite Project (1968)

Project Popeye (1960s and 1970s)

Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP)

Saturn V Rocket (1975)

SPS Military Implications (1978)

Orbit Maneuvering System (1981)

Innovative Shuttle Experiments (1985 to present)

Mighty Oaks (1986)

Desert Storm (1991)

Poker Flat Rocket Launch (1968 to present)

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, HAARP (1993 to present)

これらの多くの詳細は容易に入手可能である。空軍 'プロジェクトStormfuryは1977国際ENMOD条約の米国の批准以降の五年間ENMOD追求で継続することに注意してください。
The details of many of these are readily available.Note that the Air Forces' Project Stormfury continued in ENMOD pursuits for five years subsequent to the US ratification of the 1977 International ENMOD treaty.

おそらく最も包括的に上記のプログラムの文書化された-少なくとも分類されていない文献に-高周波活性オーロラ調査プログラムです- HAARP -詳細に調査し、帳簿に記載されている天使はこのHAARPを再生しないでください。
Perhaps the most comprehensively documented of the above programs – at least in the unclassified literature -- is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program – HAARP – investigated in detail and documented in the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP

This huge experiment being conducted in Alaska uses very large arrays of transmitters and receivers to generate energy beamed into the upper atmosphere.(The research will be briefly summarized here.) According to authors Nick Begich and Jeane Manning:

1994年に空軍は明らかにSpacecast 2020気象コントロールを含むマスタープランを、。
In 1994 the Air Force revealed its Spacecast 2020 master plan, which includes weather control.

科学者たちは1940年代から、気象制御で実験しましたが、Spacecast 2020 注意事項: "破壊する環境改変技術を使用して、損傷または別の状態を傷つけることは禁止されています。"、空軍は技術の進歩"このの見直しを強いることを主張したことを言っても敏感な、潜在的に危険な話題。 "
Scientists have experimented with weather control since the 1940s, but Spacecast 2020 notes: “using environmental modification techniques to destroy, damage or injure another state are prohibited.” Having said that, the Air Force claimed that advances in technology “compels a reexamination of this sensitive and potentially risky topic.”

According to Dr. Rosalie Bertell, the US Military's first target under the HAARP program is the electrojet: a river of electricity that flows thousands of miles through the sky and down into the polar icecap.

エレクトロは、地球上に雨が降り、電磁放射を送信するための振動人工アンテナになります。米軍はその後、 "X線"地球と潜水艦に相談してください。できます
The electrojet will become a vibrating artificial antenna for sending electromagnetic radiation raining down on the earth.The US military can then “X-ray” the earth and talk to submarines.

No surprise, by the way, aerospace systems are some of the most disruptive agents leading to global climatic mayhem.Says Bertell:

“During the 1980s, rocket launches globally numbered about 500 to 600 a year, peaking at 1500 in 1989.

There were many more during the Gulf War.The Shuttle is the largest of the solid fuel rockets, with twin 45-meter boosters.

All solid fuel rockets release large amounts of hydrochloric acid in their exhaust, each Shuttle flight injecting about 75 tons of ozone destroying chlorine into the stratosphere.

Those launched since 1992 inject even more ozone-destroying chlorine, about 187 tons, into the stratosphere (which contains the ozone layer).

In researching Angels Don't Play This HAARP , the authors discovered numerous patents associated with the HAARP program for nuclear weapons, atmospheric disturbances and, of course, weather (ENMOD) weaponry.

Many of these were originally controlled by ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company, one of the biggest oil companies in the world.

バーナードJ.イーストランドの米国特許番号4686605、 "地球の大気、電離層、および/ ​​または磁気圏領域を変更するための方法および装置"は、政府の秘密の順序の下で年を密封した。
Bernard J. Eastlund's US Patent # 4,686,605, "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere" was sealed for a year under a government Secrecy Order.

The Eastlund ionospheric heater was different: the radio frequency (RF) radiation was concentrated and focused to a point in the ionosphere.

This difference throws an unprecedented amount of energy into the ionosphere.This huge difference could lift and change the ionosphere in the ways necessary to create futuristic effects described in the patent.

“Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.

... 正の環境効果を得ることができるように、大気中の分子修正が行われることができる。実際に大気領域の分子組成を変える以外に、特定の分子または分子が増加した存在を選択することができます。
molecular modifications of the atmosphere can take place so that positive environmental effects can be achieved.Besides actually changing the molecular composition of an atmospheric region, a particular molecule or molecules can be chosen for increased presence.

In light of the conclusive evidence of weather warfare capabilities outlined above it is instructive to revisit the recent statements by USAF Major Barry B. Coble and USAF Director of Weather Brig.

一般フレッドルイス -​​ 両方以前に引用した本:
General Fred Lewis – both previously cited herein:

DOD funding for weather modification research peaked at $2.8 million in 1977.Funding was eliminated in 1979.Since then there has been no active research effort into weather modification by DOD.

The Air Force spends no money on research, and there is no effort to monitor civilian research, applications and advancements.

陸軍のプログラムは、 "戦場の天気を所有し、"唯一の未来のデジタル化された戦場に気象情報を組み込んで扱っています。戦いのために天候を変更するための努力が追求されていません 。(コーブル)
The Army's program, “Owning the Weather for the Battlefield,” deals only with incorporating weather information into the digitized battlefield of the future.
Efforts to modify the weather for battle are not being pursued .(Coble)

And, of course, were we similarly inclined to trust what we have been told, Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman, assassinated John F. Kennedy.


keith harmon snow graduated BSEE and MSEE with a specialty in microwaves and antennas engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in 1986.

From 1985 to 1989 he worked for General Electric Aerospace Electronics Laboratory on aerospace and defense technologies for classified communications, RADAR, EW and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) programs.Since 1990 he has worked as a journalist.


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