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Buddhism and Einstein

仏教とアインシュタイン / Buddhism and Einstein

 「未来の宗教」 - アルバート·アインシュタイン
 "Religion of the Future"-Albert Einstein


 A collection of parallel quotations from the scientific and spiritual traditions.


Many have explored the remarkable convergence between the mystical traditions of the world and modern science.However, none of them has done this in a more succinct and convincing way than Einstein and Buddha ; this remarkable collection of quotes by famous Eastern mystics and modern physicists is a fascinating contribution to the emerging paradigm.

Stanislav Grof, author of The Cosmic Gameand Psychology of the Future


This anthology provocatively illustrates the points of convergence between the quantitative investigation of the objects of consciousness and the qualitative exploration of consciousness itself.

B。アラン·ウォレスの著者主観性のタブー: 意識の新しい科学をめざして

B.Alan Wallace, author of The Taboo of Subjectivity: Toward a New Science of Consciousness.


Einstein and Buddha provides deep, simple and quotable insights that should help mend the rift between science and spirituality.If you put your thumbs over the quotation sources, you won't be able to tell who said what, when.

フレッドアランウルフ博士は、物理学者の著者 マター、スピリチュアル宇宙へのマインド

Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., physicist and author of Mind into Matter, The Spiritual Universe


Einstein and Buddha is an inspired effort to meet the 21st-century challenge of developing a synthetic world view.
McFarlane juxtaposes quotations from Eastern contemplatives and Western scientists with insight, clarity and intellectual integrity.

 この驚くべき本は仏教、ヒンドゥー教と道教観想の独創性に富んだ作品からパラレルことわざと対になって現代物理学の創設者から120以上のことわざが含まれています。 アインシュタインと仏は現代物理学の関係についてより深く考えるために私達に挑戦する引用符の魅惑的なコレクションですそして神秘的な洞察力。

This remarkable book contains over 120 sayings from the founders of modern physics paired with parallel sayings from the seminal works of Buddhist, Hindu and Taoist contemplatives. Einstein and Buddha is a fascinating collection of quotes that challenges us to think deeper about the relationship between modern physics and mystical insight.


Although these two ways of understanding and investigating reality have significant differences, the parallels suggest that they share a mysterious and profound connection.


The parallel sayings are organized by theme and touch upon the nature of matter and energy, the relationship between subject and object, the understanding of time and space, the importance of direct experience, the role of paradox and contradiction in our understanding, the limits of language in describing reality, and the interdependence of all created things.


Each section is accompanied by a brief introduction to how these concepts relate to the scientific and spiritual ways of knowing.


On each page is an insightful quote from an eminent physicist such as Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, or David Bohm, together with a surprisingly similar statement from a renown authority of Eastern religion such as the Buddha, Chaung Tzu, the Upanishads, DT Suzuki, or the Dalai Lama.


 著者について / About the Author


Thomas J. McFarlane is "an independent scholar of no mean stature" in the words of eminent professor of religion and philosophy Huston Smith. A graduate of Stanford University in physics, he also holds advanced degrees in mathematics and in philosophy and religion. In addition to his scholarly work, he has been immersed in the study and practice of the spiritual traditions of the world for over 15 years, and is a registered patent agent. He lives in Eugene, Oregon.


Albert Einstein on Buddhism



発行年月: 2013年1月17日、 ZH -CN

ダトゥクイップクム大福(弁護士、 MCA GOMBAK 、仏教寺院会長)アインシュタインが詳細に仏教の発見仏教、に行くか、このような記事を読んだことがないので、 plsはこの記事では、読んでの考えているユーザーに渡す。

Your comment is awaiting moderation. Pls this article give to everyone read and thinks of, because Datuk Yip kum Fook(lawyer,MCA GOMBAK,BUDDHIST TEMPLE CHAIRMAN) never read article like this, how Einstein go to Buddhism, found of Buddhist with more detail.

アインシュタインは仏教( Sanghas 、ダンマ仏)の攻撃を受けたことがない、彼(アルバート)があるため、仏の教え、ダトゥクイップと彼のチームが攻撃され、仏教の僧侶を侮辱仏教の尊敬、これは仏教の恥ずべき行い、自信を持って他の人の宗教の失う。

Einstein never attacked of Buddhist(Sanghas, dhamma and Buddha), He(Albert) respected of Buddhist because of Buddha Teachings, Datuk Yip and his teams attacked and insulted Buddhist monks, this make Buddhist shameful and lose of confident the others religions.

それが自然でスピリチュアルの両方をカバーし、 、それは教義と神学を避け、個人的な神を超越し、それがすべての経験から、意欲的、宗教的な意味に基づいています。仏教は、将来のために宇宙の宗教に期待されるものの特徴を有する意味のある団結ようなもの、自然と精神、 。アルバート·アインシュタイン

Einstein on Buddhism
Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. -Albert Einstein


If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. -Albert Einstein

人間は「宇宙」たちによって呼び出さ全体の一部であり、時間と空間の中で一部制限された。彼の意識の光妄想のようなもの - 彼は自分自身、他の部分から分離されたものとして自分の考えや感情を経験する。

A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.


This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compasion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security. -Albert Einstein


Here's another quote from Einstein that I love. It is my signature at the bottom of my emails:


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. -Albert Einstein

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