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Extraterrestrial Aliens and Reptilian gods in the Quran


of the Dead, the Popol Vuh and ancient Sumerian tablets and revealed a wealth of information about extraterrestrial gods, their wars, their loves, their flying machines and their test tube baby, Adam.

Almost ignored in the quest to explore the ancient scriptures is the Quran. Since much of the Quran’s material runs parallel to that of the Bible – yet discussed from an alternative perspective – one would think Western scholars would be at least as familiar with the Quran as they are of, say, the I Ching.

The poor quality of Quranic translators no doubt has contributed to scholars’ aversion. Existing translations have masked and concealed both the deep mystical language of the book and its surprisingly advanced scientific and technical knowledge.

Were a scientist to read that the Quran says that Allah “sent down water from the sky” he would probably not be very impressed with such a “revelation.” Anyone with eyes could look up and see rain falling from clouds in the sky.

But if that same scientist read that the Quran stated several times 1500 years ago that Allah “sent down water from the asteroid belt,” well, that might catch that scientist’s attention.

The Arabic word Sama’ is ordinarily translated “sky,” “cloud” or “heaven.” But Sama’ came into Arabic from the Sumerians. To the Sumerians, Sama’ meant, literally, “hammered out bracelet,” and that is what they called the asteroid belt, which they believed to have been hammered out by a collision between a planet called Nibiru and a giant watery planet named Tiamet.

The collision shattered half of Tiamet, making the “hammered out bracelet.” The other half was knocked into a new orbit and became the watery planet Earth.

So, rather than saying that water falls from clouds – something any five year old knows – the Quran maintains that water originates from outer space. Many serious scientists, 1500 years later, are hypothesizing the same.

In The Hidden Messages in Water, Masaru Emoto writes “my investigation into the mysteries of water makes me think that water is something not of this earth.”

Louis Frank of the University of Iowa proposes that water arrived on this planet in the form of lumps of ice from outer space. Professor Frank’s theory is that ice balls bombarded the earth 40 billion years ago, creating oceans, and the same thing continues today. The earth’s gravity pulls ice comets into the atmosphere where they evaporate and become gas. Eventually, they fall to earth as rain or snow.

The asteroid belt is utterly filled with “icy debris” or ice-water mixed with rock. If one of the Quran’s most basic verses could be so poorly translated and understood, how much more of the book’s true knowledge is obscured beneath layers of dogma, medieval ignorance and misunderstanding of Arabic and the important loan-words that entered Arabic from Kamitic (ancient Egypt), Sumerian, Canaanite Syriac, Babylonian and even Sanskrit?

Establishment religion and establishment science have both failed to satisfy modern humanity’s need to know and experience our origin and potential.

New theories of man’s extraterrestrial origin have emerged over the past half-century. The most coherent such theory appears to be that espoused by Zechariah Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles series. Sitchin’s theory is based upon his interpretation of Sumerian and Babylonia clay tablets which preserved such scriptures as The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Enuma Elish and The Tale of Adapa.

While most “mainstream” scholars would call the ancient writings “myths,” Sitchen and others believe them to be actual, factual reports of what the ancient civilizations witnessed, experienced and learned from their makers, the “gods.”

Since Sitchen appears to have developed the most prominent extraterrestrial genesis theory, a synopsis of his interpretation of the Sumerian texts is in order.


Billions of years ago the planet Nibiru and its Moons entered our solar system from deep space. It’s Moons collided with the giant watery planet Tiamet and her Moon, Kingu. Tiamet was split in two, one half becoming the asteroid belt and the other becoming Earth. The Moon Kingu became earth’s present Moon.

Nibiru’s elliptical orbit brings it across our solar system every 3,600 years and when it passes, it’s gravitational pull wreaks havoc on earth, causing floods and even the reverse of our magnetic poles.

Advanced intelligence eventually evolved on Nibiru. Their King was Alalu who was overthrown by his cupbearer, Anu. Alalu escaped in a spaceship and settled on earth.

Nibiru’s atmosphere was deteriorating and huge quantities of gold was needed to sprinkle microscopic gold particles into the atmosphere to shield Nibiru from the Sun’s deadly rays.

Alalu got word back to Nibiru that he’d located gold on earth. About 400,000 years ago, Anu sent his eldest son, the eminent scientist Enki, to earth along with a crew of 50 to begin the project of extracting gold from earth’s seas.

Enki established his base at Eridu in Mesopotamia. But that mode of gold acquisition proved too slow so Anu sent his younger son, Enlil, to earth and placed him in charge of mission earth. A squad of astronauts, Igigi, constantly orbited earth.

Enki relocated to Southern Africa, the Abzu, and established gold mining operations there. There exists evidence of advanced mining techniques employed in Southern Africa over 100,000 years ago. Obviously, no “ape men” were able to conduct highly technical mining operations.

The people from Nibiru, or Anunnaki, lived incredibly long lives. Those assigned to the harsh, humiliating work in the mines felt they were in hell, a hell that lasted for thousands of years.

Eventually, the Anunnaki miners rebelled, took Enlil hostage and threatened to kill him if their work load was not drastically reduced.

Anu arrived on a state visit and agreed with the miners. Enki proposed that he be allowed to make a lulu or primitive worker to do the slave labor on the Anunnaki’s behalf.

The Great Assembly of the Anunnaki agreed and authorized Enki and his half-sister, medical officer Ninhursag, to begin the work of creating a lulu prototype upon which the slave labor force would be modelled.

After numerous failures, hard work, trial and error, failed experiments, creation of monstrosities, Enki and Ninhursag finally succeeded in making their “perfect” prototype. In some texts his name was Adapa. In later texts his name was Adamu.

To make the Adamu, Enki had to “bind the image of the gods” onto his test-tube creation, i.e. hi mixed some of his own DNA into the brew that transferred primitive “homoerectus” into modern man.

The first cloned child was carried inside Ninhursag’s own womb. Later, Anunnaki birth goddesses had to carry the clones. After the novelty wore off – and with the demand for lulus increasing – the birth goddesses no longer wanted to carry the human embryos, so Enki did another major DNA manipulation that permitted the hybrid clones to now

When the female population of lulus grew the orbiting Igigi looked down on earth and decided to land and mate with them. This infuriated Enlil who was a strict segregationist. Enlil also complained that the lulus’ incessant noise disturbed his sleep.

Knowing that Nibiru was approaching and would cause devastation on Earth, Enlil got the Great Assembly of Anunnaki to agree to let all the lulus and the lulu-Anunnaki mixed-species die in the coming Deluge.

But Enki managed to get word to a human disciple, Utnapishtim, and taught him how to make a submarine. He also instructed him to collect the seeds of all the animals so they could repopulate after the flood waters receded.

Utnapishtim and his family survived and Enlil had a change of heart and decided to let the humans replenish. They were needed, desperately needed, to feed the hungry gods and to work for them.

That is when “Kingship descended from heaven.” The Anunnaki trained priest- kings to act as intermediaries between themselves and the lulus. Such kings were half-Anunnaki – half human children of the matings mentioned above.

Enki genetically modified many wild plants to make them agreeable to Anannuki digestion.

But all was not peaceful among the gods. In the distant past a god named Zuen seized all the ME’s (probably equivalent to computer discs, weapons systems and civilization programs) and a huge war occurred to recapture the ME’s.

Now, the god Marduk sought to build a rival space port in Babylon. The main spaceport had been at Sippar (“Bird City”) but, after the Flood, one had been built in the Sinai at the site of the stone landing platform at Baalbek.

When Enlil got wind of Marduk’s effort, he flew over Babel (“Gate of God”) and destroyed the launch tower and the space programme.

Marduk was sent away from his capital city, Babylon, and given Egypt to run. There, according to Sitchen, he was known as Ra, Amen and Tem.

At some point Marduk was involved in the death of his younger brother Dumuzi (Tammuz). He was ordered into exile by the Anunnaki judges.

When he returned, he chased his brother Tehuti (Ningishzidda) out of power in Egypt and Tehuti (Thoth) came to the Americas where he set up shop and gold mining as the god Quetzalcoatl.

Marduk then tried to seize the space port in the Sinai, but to prevent that, the spaceport and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were nuked.

The explosion raised a radioactive cloud, nuclear wind and fallout that killed innumerable people and gods alike.

Those gods who survived “took to the air like birds” and went to the orbiting space station.

In the nuclear waste and devastation that remained, Marduk was finally “given the Enlilship and the 50 names,” i.e., he became ruler of the gods.

Afterwards the recorded contact between the gods and people petered out. Their appearance, as in Yahweh’s landing to talk with Moses, became a very rare event.

Many of the events recorded in the Sumerian tablets are also mentioned in the Quran. But owing to the Quran’s style of mixing exhortation with warning, laws, theological dissertation, history and natural phenomena all together, sometimes in just a few verses, nowhere are the stories presented as a coherent whole.

BREAKING UP EARTH AND THE ASTEROID Do not those who disbelieve see
that the asteroid belts and the earth
were joined together? Then We ripped
them apart. And We made every living thing from the water.

Quran 21:30 The plural of Sama is Samawat which I have translated “asteroid belts” instead of “heavens” which is how the word is usually translated.

The Quran taught that there are seven asteroid belts and science has recently discovered a second asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Neptune. Perhaps five more will be located in the future.

It is noteworthy that the Quran immediately mentions “the water,” since the asteroid belt is filled with water.

The existence of seven water-filled asteroid belts could be invaluable for future deep space voyages. Huge quantities of water need not be stored for consumption. Advanced purification technology could clean up water found as ice in the asteroid belts and render that water drinkable.

Water could also be used as fuel.

Egyptian gods Geb and Nut

The ancient Egyptians referred to the earth as the God Geb whose wife was (in Western scholars terminology) “the sky goddess Nut.”

Nut was graphically depicted as a celestial cow covered with stars and with two pairs of gods holding each leg or as a woman draped out like a canopy over the prone body of Geb.

Nut, like Sama, is usually said to symbolize “heaven.”

According to Egyptian science, Geb and Nut were once joined together until the god Shu separated them and lifted Nut up.

Shu is the personification of air or wind and the Sumerian records state “winds” attacked Tiamet, splitting her in two. Nut, then represents the asteroid belts as does the Quranic sama.


Every region on earth has stories of flying serpents and dragons. In many cases, the snake is the creator of humanity.

Some well-known gods who were either stylised as serpents or closely identified with reptiles are Enki, Ningishzidda, Apep (Apophis). Quetzalcoatl, Marduk, Kulkukaan and Itzamna.

The word “dragon” appears to refer to alien astronauts at times and their fiery flying vehicles at others.

In the ancient texts when a god or Taoist emporer is said to have flown to heaven on a dragon, the vehicle is apparently the dragon.

The flying crafts of the ancient gods were called heavenly “boats” by the Egyptians, “flaming chariots” by the Hebrews and “dragons” in China and several other countries.

The dragon’s fiery breath most likely referred to a rocket’s flaming exhaust.

These serpent gods have gone by numerous names, depending upon the culture, but the various gods are undoubtedly the same species of being. They are called Nephalim (Bible), Divas (India), Asuras (Mesopotamia and India), Haruts, Maruts, Chanes (America), Elohim (Cananites), Loas (Africa), Neteru (Egypt), Igungun (Yoruba), Rishi (India) and Jinn.

The word “Jinn” literally means “snake.” So if the Jinn are reptilian beings, then so also are the angels because both the Bible and Quran make it plain that Satan (Shaytan), Iblis and Lucifer were once angels. Lucifer was even considered the most beautiful and brightest of all the angels.

Thus if Satan is a reptile then so are Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel and the rest of the beings we call angels.

One man’s angel is another man’s devil.

The Babylonians gods were called Asuras (Osirises) who waged war against the Divas of Rama (India). But in Indian literature the Asuras are classified as demons.

And We indeed created you,Then We fashioned you, then We
said to the Angels: “Prostrate to Adam, “so they prostrated except Iblis.

Quran 7:11 This verse indicates that Iblis (the name of the main devil in the Quran was one of the angels and in good standing until he refused to bow down to Adam.

Now there was a day when the sons of
God came to present themselves before
the Lord, and Satan came also among them

Job 1:6

And the great dragon was cast out, that
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were
cast out with him.

Rev. 12:9

Maulana Muhammad Ali translated the word “Shayateen” (Satans) into “serpents.”
Its produce is as it were the heads of Serpents.

Quran 37:65 In explanation, Ali wrote, “the Arabs apply the name shaitan to a sort of serpent having a mane, ugly or foul in the head and face.

And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam, “so they prostrated, except Iblis. He was from the Jinn, so he transgressed the commandment of his Lord. Will you then take
him and his offspring for friends rather than Me, and they are your enemies to you? Evil is the exchange for the unjust.

Quran 18:50 From the above verse we learn that Iblis was an angel and a Jinn (snake) who rebelled against “his Lord” and who has offspring, children. Spirits are not known for producing children.

“The Lord” seems to get upset that people have taken this rebel for a friend “beside me,” that they’ve actually exchanged the Lord for a reptilian being and his descendants.

We can now safely posit that Jinn and Shayateen (satans) were associated with serpents and that there is no biological difference between angels (malaikat) and Jinn. Therefore if Jinn are reptilian, so also are the rest of the angels and deities of antiquity.


The Egyptian neteru flew in celestial Boats. The Indian devas rode in Vimana flying machines. The Jewish Yahweh rode around in a kabod and a Shechinah. The Sumerian gods rode in ushumgals (“great fiery serpents”), Shems, Mumu, Naars, and Dingirs. They used their vehicles for transportation and for war.

In many cases, “holy words,” “divine words” and “magical words” are, when studied in the light of science, words used for technological devices that were too advanced for primitive humans to comprehend at the time.

Fortunately, the superstitious fear held for such articles of the gods made people reluctant to translate them so they often came through many languages nearly intact.

One such word is “Naar.” It is a Sumerian words that means “rocketship.” It went from Sumerian to Akkadian and finally to Arabic where it usually means “fire.” But, in the Quran, it is best understood in its original sense, i.e., rocketship. Because rockets produce a
fiery exhaust, Naar was confused with fire. But the astonishingly accurate Quran conveys its original meaning despite most translators’ ideas that it means fire.

When God questions Iblis about his refusal to bow down to Adam, Iblis replies:I am better than he.You created me from a Naar And you created him from clay.

Quran 7:12 Being “created from a Naar” refers to some type of genetic manipulation performed to facilitate the long space flight from Nibiru to other planets like earth.

Genetic operations aboard space crafts were apparently commonplace. R.A. Boulay wrote in Flying Serpents and Dragons that “It was decided to create two goddesses in the ‘creation chamber’ of the gods, presumably in the orbiting ship.”

Like the other ancient “gods,” the Quranic Jinn were able to fly.And we know that we cannot escape Allah in the earth, nor can we escape Him by flight.

Quran 72:12 And we [Jinn] sought to reach the asteroid belt, but we found it filled with strong guards and flames Quran 72: 8 They [Shayateen] cannot listen to the exalted Chiefs and they are reproached from every side.

Quran 37:8 As the above verses indicated, the Jinn were able to fly all the way to the asteroid belt and, as we shall see, wage war with Allah and his angels.


Seven top Anunnaki formed the governing Assembly of the Anunnaki which the Quran calls the assembly of Jinn.
O assembly of Jinn and men, if you are able to pass through the regions of the asteroid belts and the earth,then pass through. You cannot possibly through except with authority.

Quran 55:33 On the day he gathers them all together:O assembly of Jinn, you took much fo men. And their friends from among men
will say, “Our Lord, some of us profited by others and we have reached our appointed term which you appointed for us. He said, “The Naar is your abode,
immortalized therein except as Allah willed. Surely your Lord is wise, knower.

Quran 6:129 The Jinn (Anunaki) had a ruling assembly. In the last verse it is said that the Jinn took much from men as, an alternative translation is, “you took away a large number of people,” and refers to both alien abductions and the act of human sacrifice conducted on behalf of flesh-eating reptilian Jinn.

But some people throughout time actually benefited by betraying humanity and doing the bidding of their alien masters. Today, many of the super rich fall into that category.

“The Lord” “gathers” (collects) them and awards some (at least that’s the promise) with immortality and life aboard a Naar spaceship.

The less fortunate humans, however, are abducted, enslaved and wired up into an on-ship matrix where their biochemical-electrical body functions are used as fuel for the spaceship.Then fear the Naar whose fuel is men and stones.

Quran 2:24 The “stones” refer to crystals analogous to Star Trek’s fictional “dilithium crystals” used to power starships. Stones also refer to Me’s, computer systems and flight information.And thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a breast which thou hast, the males shall be the Lord’s.
Exodus 13:12


All the ancient records discuss wars between the various gods. Prior to and after man’s creation to be the god’s slave, the various gods (aliens) fought among themselves, here on earth and in outer space.

Apparently, the asteroid belt was a theater of engagement for major battle among the alien “gods.”And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Revelation 12:7-9 Say: Whoever was an enemy to Gabriel –for surely he brought it down to your heart by Allah’s command, verifying that which is before it and a guidance and good news for the mu’miniyn…Whoever was an enemy to Allah and His angels and messengers and Gabriel and Michael, then surely Allah is an enemy to the blasphemous.

Quran 2:97-98 There was a great celestial battle, a real star wars, that involved some heavyweight arch-angels (Satan or Set, Michael and Gabriel). Apparently, even Allah was a participant and is capable of having “enemies.”

Now if the Revelation’s “heaven” is also derived from Sama, then we can identify the location of the battle, the asteroid belt.
And we made the asteroid belt a guarded canopy; yet they turn away from its signs.

Quran – 21:32 The alien base on the asteroid belt was guarded. In Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki who performed security functions were called Gan. The Jaan (Jinn) of Quran 15:27 is the same as Gan.Who made the Earth a resting-place for you and the Asteroid Belt a structure,and He sent down water from the Asteroid Belt and brought forth fruits for your sustenance. So do not set up rivals for Allah and you know.

Quran 2:22 The planet Earth is a kind of stopover point. The Asteroid Belt was made a base or structure for the Anunnaki (Jinn). See Quran 40:64 And certainly We made Strongholds, Towers inthe Asteroid Belt and We have beautified it to the beholders. And we guard it against every rejected Shaytaan, except he who steals a hearing.So there follows him a clear flame.

Quran 15:16-18 The “clear flame” refers to laser beam weapon systems employed against those Anunnaki enemies who attempted to spy upon the alien base in the Asteroid Belt.
The Towers refer to launch towers and gun towers.

The term “rejected devil” (rajim) actually means “stoned” or “struck by missiles.”
Surely we have decorated the lower Asteroid
Belt with a decoration, the meteorites.And a protection against every rebellious Shaytaan.

They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are reproached from every side,driven off. And for them is a perpetual Except him who snatched away but once, then there followed him a brightly shining flame.

Quran 37: 6-10 From the above passage we learn that the Asteroid Belt is but the lower one. There are six more further out (“higher”) in deep space.The meteors that form the Asteroid Belt also protect the angelic base there.

Jinn spies are driven off although someone once succeeded in eavesdropping on a meeting of the Anunnaki chiefs. Some type of “photon torpedo” automatically attacks spies who approach the Anunnaki military base without clearance.
And certainly We have adorned the lower Asteroid Belt with lamps and made them missiles for the Shayateen, and we have
prepared for them the chastisement of burning.

Quran 67:5 The Anunnaki space base is equipped with “lamps” that fire laser or photon missiles at the enemy. Asteroid Belt, but we found it filled with strong guards and flames And we (Jinn) used to sit in some of the bases thereof to listen. But
whoever tries to listen now finds a flame lying in wait for them.

Quran 72:7-9 The Jinn tried to fly to the base in the Asteroid Belt, but “strong guards” with weapons (“flames”) prevented them. The existence of bases (plural) in the Belt is specifically stated.

The Jinn tried to “bug” the Anunnaki military bases, but some type of laser weapon got activated and ambushed them.
And He it is who is a god in the
Asteroid Belt and a god in the Earth …And blessed is He whose is the kingdom of the Asteroid Belts and the Earth and
all that is between them. Quran 43:84-85


The Egyptian hieroglyphic for neter (god) is a mining pick axe. The images of the underworld (Tuat, Gehanna, Jahannum) as a hot, tortuous place beneath the earth is rooted in the thousands of years the Jinn (Anunnaki) gods spent in the mines digging for gold.

The “underworld” appears to be both a specific and general name for important gold-bearing places lower in latitude than Sumer and Egypt.The Abzu of Enki was in Southern Africa where evidence of advanced, technological civilizations remains and where gold mining operations occurred at least 100,000 years ago.

There were large Anunnaki gold mining operations also in South America where, according to Sitchen, Tehuti (Thoth/Ningishzidda) set up shop after being kicked out of Egypt by Marduk/Ra. In the Americas Tehuti was called Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent.

The Underworld might also refer to Antartica which, as evidenced by the Piri Reis maps, was once green land not covered by the glacial sheet of ice.

The Anannuki had to work hard at mining and other planetary construction projects which they didn’t enjoy one bit.

Some modern writers, among them Egyptian Moustafa Gadella, posit that King Solomon was really Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III and that King David was Twtmosis III (Twt-mos-is).

They point out that Sulayman (Solomon) means peace and that the hotep part of Amenhotep means peace. The root letters of Dawud (David) are DWD which are, etymologically, the same as the Kamitic (ancient Egyptian) TWT, the main part of Twtmosis.

Gadalla also shows that there is no record or corroboration for any of David’s campaigns, but there is ample evidence for Amenhotep making those campaigns.

Outside of Semitic religious texts, no evidence exists of any kings in Palestine names David or Solomon. If they existed, surrounded as they are by Syria, Egypt, Babylon, Persian and Arabia, one would expect to find treaties or records of war or trade with them. No such evidence has been found.

Either they are fictional characters or they existed in a different time and/or place than we imagine.

Readers may be surprised to know that there is no independent, non-semetic religious evidence for many events and people in Bible and Quran including: Jesus, Moses, the Exodus, David, Solomon or Abraham.

An event like the alleged Exodus – where the “leader of the free world” (Pharaoh) was supposedly drowned to death -- would be thoroughly recorded by Egyptians, Syrians, Babylonians, Iranians and just about everyone else. Yet no civilization corroborates the semitic story of a mass Hebrew exodus from Egypt.

Something like the parting of the Red Sea would’ve gotten people’s attention.

Scholars are at great pains to try to match “known” (actually, assumed) dates with alleged Biblical events. The problem is two-fold. First, no-one really knows the dates when any of the known events occurred such as the reigns of Pharaohs, the various famines, wars or deaths. That is because those cultures didn’t use 1521 BC as their dating system and
scholars have failed to unearth the ancient dating system.

Farther back in time the ancients may have counted in sars, not years, and Sitchen says a sar is equivalent to 3,600 earth years. Secondly, Christionized scholars are locked into a 6,000 year paradigm because a Catholic priest claimed to have calculated the creation of Adam back to a day in September 4000 BC.

So they try to squeeze all of human history into very narrow dates.Persian culture – far more ancient than Hebrew civilization claims ten kings named Sulayman. In all likelihood, the Biblical Sulayman was
derived from them.

Many Biblical angels and characters were taken out of the African Canaanites’ religion. Instead of using the Canaanite history as their research base, they use the bible, the Talmud and Haggadah. If used at all, these should be supplementary texts.

The Old Testament was put together by Ezra and his subordinates after the Jewish Exile in Babylon. Just as later messianic Jews used “Babylon” as a code word for Rome (see Revelation), earlier Jews used “Egypt” as a code for the nation they felt was oppressing them, Babylon.

In Babylon the Jews lost much of their culture, religion, language and texts. Ten whole tribes disappeared.

Upon their release from captivity they had to re-create their scriptures based upon competing stories (Eloahist and Yahvist), fragments of history, and no real knowledge of the former language.

The Bible compilers, in some cases, just mashed together the two sects’ traditions which is why there are two opposing creation stories in Genesis.

In Genesis chapter 1 “male and female” are created by the Elohim. But in the very next chapter “there was no man to till the ground” so Yahweh has to make one, cut his rib out and makes a wife who gets tempted by a snake.

The bible should not be used as an authoritative historical source of information. It can, however, supplement other research.

Instead of a paltry 6,000 years, the Sumerian Kings List covers 241,200 years of civilization before the Flood.

The Egyptian list covers incredibly long periods when the gods ruled earth, followed by demigods, followed by the so-called dynasties. (The categorization, 1st, 18th, 21st, etc. Dynasty is a modern invention of Western scholars).

The original beings from which the Biblical David and Soloman derive could go back to the dynasties of the gods or demigods.

Recent research shows that the Sphinx and Giza pyramids are at least 12,000 years old. Water levels show erosion from the time before that area was desert land.

Interestingly, the Hebrews supposedly wandered in “the wilderness” (not the desert) after they supposedly left Egypt. That suggests that the Exodus, if it occurred at all, occurred before the once wilderness became desert.

Oddly, neither the Bible nor Quran mentions pyramids. If the Hebrews were in Egypt in relatively recent times they would undoubtedly have written about the pyramids.

The Israelites are not the only people claiming exile from Egypt. The Yoruba of Nigeria say they were run out of Egypt long before the supposed Hebrew exile.

The Book of Revelation mentions Egypt as the place Jesus was crucified. What gives?

What if the historical person we know as Jesus Christ was actually an Egyptian god.The parallels between Jesus and Horus are many, both in their deeds and teachings. They both were born of virgins, died and were resurrected, walked on water, challenged Set (Satan), rose to heaven and were Kings whose right to kingship was in dispute.

Horus (Heru, “The Light”) as accused of being of illegitimate birth as was Jesus. Horus’ grandfather was Tehuti, the Egyptian holy spirit. Jesusb father is also said to have been “the holy ghost.”

Jesus was called a son (descendant) of David. If David (DWD/TWT) is a type of Tehuti, then the parallel continues since Horus was the grandson of Tehuti on his mother Isis’ side.

Tehuti was the god King over Egypt until he was dethroned by Ra,If Tehuti is the god upon which the Biblical and Quranic Dawud (David) is derived then David and Solomon’s subjugation of the Anunnaki (Jinn) makes sense.

Tehuti is the god of magic, astronomy, science, music, language, scriptures, diplomacy, mathematics, building, medicine, wisdom and judicial affairs.

David was supposedly a master musician, singer, zoologist, botanist and author of scripture (Zabur or Psalms).

The Quran calls David’s scripture the Zabur. It comes from Sippur (Arabic has no letter “p”) or “Bird City,” the ancient site of the Anunnaki space center. Thus the Zabur refers to knowledge from “above,” i.e., outer space. And certainly We gave David abundance from Us.“O mountains repeat praises with him, and the birds,” and We made the iron pliant to him.

Saying; Make ample (coats of mail), and assign A time to the making of coats of mail and work
Well. Surely, I am a Seer of what you do. And (We made) the wind (subsequent) to Solomon; it made a month’s journey in the Evening; and We made a fountain of molten Brass to flow for him. And of the Jinn there were Those who worked before him by the Command of his Lord. And whoever turned Aside from Our command from among them,

We Made him taste of the chastisement of burning.They made for him what he willed, of temples And images, and bowls (large) as watering- Troughs and fixed cooking pots. “Work you sons of David!” And very few of my slaves are grateful.

But when We decreed death for him, nought Showed them his death but a creature of the Earth that ate away his staff. So when he fell Down the Jinn saw clearly that, if they had
Known the hidden (knowledge), they would not have tarried in humiliating torment.

Quran 34: 10-14 The Jinn performed “humiliating” work against their will and were “slaves” to a stronger being (Allah). Solomon forced them to work, tortured those who rebelled, and subjected them to burning as a form of punishment.

They had such fear of Solomon that they continued to work even after his death until his dead body fell off the throne.And certainly We tried Solomon, and We Put a body on his throne, so he turned.

He Said: “My Lord, forgive me and grant me A Kingdom which is not fit for anyone after Me. Surely You are the Great Giver. So We made the wind subservient to him.It made his command to run gently Whenever he desired.And the Shayateen (devils) every builder and diver.And others fettered in chains.

This is Our free gift, so give freely or withhold,Without reckoning.And surely he had a nearness to Us and an Excellent resort.

                                                                Quran 38: 34-40  Solomon’s “nearness to Us” indicates a genetic relationship with the top Anunnaki. The original Kings were required to be either “gods” or half-gods, or as with Gilgamesh, “two-thirds divine.”

Another verse says the wind flowed “to the land we blessed.” That usually refers to Palestine. Therefore, if Solomon had to send his command to the blessed land, he wasn’t based in the blessed land. He received his command from somewhere else using “the wind” (radio waves?) to carry it.And of the Shayateen there were others Who dived for him and did other work Besides that. And We kept guard over them.

Quran 21:82 Solomon forced the devils (Shayateen) and Jinn to dive for him. Remember before the Anunnaki began mining in Southern Africa, they dived under water for gold from the sea.“We” guarded them to ensure that they worked even though they didn’t want to.

It is clear, from the above verses, that Solomon was a king outside of the land of Canaan who ruled over rebellious, chained, angry, humiliated Anunnaki who were accomplished in many technologies such as building.

The other Anunnaki (“We”) kept guard over the Jinn slaves and punished any disobedience severely.

Once the work moved to the South African gold mines, the punishment became a living hell for the Anunnaki.It was because of that situation that the Anunnaki rebelled and took Enlil hostage. This was the real reason that the Annunaki authorized the creation of man.
THE SLAVE WORKER ADAM … and there was not a man to till the ground.

Genesis 2:5 If there were no people, why would there even be a need to till the ground? Certainly, the animals did not demand it.The only beings on earth who’d need tilled land were the Annunaki. So Adam was made to fulfil a need, to be a farm laborer or slave for the gods.And I have not created the Jinn And the men except to serve me

Quran 51:56 This creator god is therefore a slave master. This is no spirit being. This is a being who walks, had hands and feet, who eats, accepts food offering which sometimes has to be cooked and even demands the first born of animals and humans to be offered up as sacrifices to him. Sometimes they were commanded to give the Lord salt so he could season his food.
And God said, Let us make man in Our image after our likeness.

Genesis 1:26

The “us” refers to the Anunnaki Assembly who authorized Enki to fashion a lulu slave laborer. The Anunnaki DNA was used to give him physical resemblance to the creators.
We certainly created man in difficulty.Does he think no one has power over him?

Quran 90: 4-5

The human race was created in the difficult circumstance of Anunnaki slave labor, rebellion and near-assassination of Enlil.Because the Anunnaki were in a hurry to get gold for Nibiru the Quran says: “Man has created from haste” (21:37).To assure that the manufactured slave could not overcome his makers, the Quran says “man was created weak” (4:28).

No animal as large as man is as weak as man. Based upon size, man should be five times as strong as he is. Apparently, humans were deliberately weakened by Enki’s genetic engineering.

O Iblis, what prevented you from submitting To him whom I created with my two hands?

Quran 38:75 Allah’s hands indicated his physical manipulation of genes in a test tube (potter’s flask) to make man.The early efforts to clone a hybrid were unsuccessful. The first clones were imperfect. Some had organs outside the body, others could not hold their urine, some were blind. Thus the Quran states that “God” gave you hearing and sight.Some of the creations were monsters.

Eventually, Enki decided to “bind the image of the gods” on man by mixing his own semen into the brew.Surely We created man from mixed sperm,To try him, so We made him hearing, seeing.

Quran 76:2He created man from a small life-germ,And lo! He is an open contender.

                                                                Quran 16:4  The mixed sperm is Enki’s. Elsewhere it is called “a fluid despised” because the Enlil clan battled against Enki’s offspring. Also, since Enki was always trying to use subterfuge to impregnate unwilling goddesses, something may have been defective about Enki’s seed.

That however, is unlikely. More likely is the Anunnaki belief that a son born of man and his half-sister was superior to a son between people who were unrelated. Because Ninhursag was Enki’s half-sister, he tried desperately to impregnate her. The child by her was a girl, however, and thus not in line for rule over the Anunnaki.

Because Sara was Abraham’s half-sister, their child (Isaac) had precedence over Ishmael even though Ishmael was older.
He created man from clay like pottery.

Quran 55:14 This – as well as all the created from clay passages – refers to man’s beginning in clay pottery flasks.Egyptian history says Ptah (Enki) created man on a potters wheel. Other cultures also say that man was created in clay pottery.And certainly We created man from An extract from clay.

Quran 23: 12 The Anunnaki used an element found in clay to “bind” the genetic fusion of man with Anunnaki DNA.But man was far from perfect. He had innumerable defects.The god Ptah was called “the Fashioner.”Allah is He who made the Earth a resting-place for you and the asteroid belt a structure. And He Fashioned you then He beautified your forms, and He provided you with goodly things. That is Allah,your Lord – so blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Quran 40:64 The earth is a “stopover” or “resting place” for a spacefaring race of Anunnaki. Man’s earlier forms were hideous, thus God “beautified you” later, after the kinks were worked out.I am going to create a mortal from sounding clay, from black mud fashioned into shape.
So when I have completed him and breathed into him of my spirit,fall down making obeisance to him.

Quran 15:28-29 Man was created incomplete, so work had to be done to complete and perfect the clone.Sitchen believes that breathing God’s breath into the clone means to put the Anunnaki DNA into him. Woe to man! How ungrateful is he! Of what thing did He create him? Of a sperm-drop. He created him then proportioned him.
Quran 80:17-19 The many arduous steps in cloning a human are here indicated:And created you in various stages.

Quran 71:14 Early experiments were shaky at best. They could barely maintain a human form. We created them and made firm their make, and, when We will, We can bring in their place their similarity by change.

Quran – 76:28 Here it is predicted that humans are dispensable and that the makers of man can bring in a new model when they please.We certainly created man in the best mould. Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low.

Quran 95:4-5 Here God states that man was created superior and was deliberately made inferior. This type of act allows far greater control over the poor slave race.Ninhursag once boasted, “How good or bad is man? According to my whim, I make him as I see fit.”At first the clones had to be born by Anunnaki birth goddesses. Then “He created mates for you from yourselves” (30:21).

Giving man the ability to procreate was a watershed moment. As man populated he became more of a threat to Enlil’s hegemony.

Man soon outnumbered the Anunnaki. He was taught to perform tasks such as farming, animal husbandry, serving the gods and mining. For the Anunnaki, Earth became a true “resting-place.”

SEX AND THE SINGLE DEITY The orbiting Igigi – “those who observe and see” got horny. Thousands of years on a male-only space station caused them to long for the soft touch of a female.And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of the Elohim saw the daughters of men That they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Genesis 6:1-2 The Nephalim were in the earth in those days;
and also after that, when the sons of the Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of the Shem.

Genesis 6:4 The Nephalim (so-called giants) means “those who came down” and refers to the Igigi who mated with human females. The resulting offspring were huge, mighty, “men of the Shem.” Shem means “fiery rocket ship,” not “name” or “reknown” as it is usually translated. The Quran refers to sexual relations between human women and Anunnaki (Jinn) males when it promises huwris as a reward to men who are righteous.

There are goodly, beautiful ones …
Pure ones confined to pavilions …
No man or Jinn has touched them before them.

Quran 55: 70, 72, 74 These verses presuppose that there are women whom Jinn have touched before, only not these women who are huwris or enlightened female initiates of Heru and Het-Heru (Horis and Hathor).

It was the widespread production of mixed-species children that prompted Enlil to order the destruction of man and demi-god via the global Flood.

The mixing of human and Anunnaki is called “sin” in the Bible and Yaweh regrets that he ever let man be created.Besides, the half-human, half-Anunnaki were clamouring for equal rights and recognition Enlil got sick of it and decided to let them all perish when Nibiru’s passage caused the Deluge.

The Bible says Noah was “pure in his generations” i.e., genetically pure. No Anunnaki blood, supposedly, was in him. So he and his family were chosen (by Enki) to survive the Floor and repopulate Earth.The Quran has not a kind word for Noah’s wife.

Allah sets forth an example for those Who blaspheme: the wife of Noah and The wife of Lot. They were both under Two of our righteous servants, but They acted treacherously towards them,

So they availed them naught against Allah and it was said: “Enter the Naar With those who enter.”

Quran 66:10 Noah’s wife had sex with a male Anunnaki or demigod and had a child which she pretended was sired by Noah.The Quran says Noah was in the Ark and floated on mountainous waves. He called out to his son to join, but the son refused and was drowned.

Noah cried to God, “surely my son is of my family, and your promise is true.” Allah replied, “O Noah, he is not of your family. Surely he is work of unrighteous conduct” (Quran 11:45, 46).

The son was in Enlil’s opinion, “part of the problem.” So he drowned.In a few places in the Quran the flood waters are said to come from a valley. But in 54:18 it says, “Then We opened the gates of the Asteroid Belt with water pouring down.”The water in the Asteroid Belt was probably pulled by Nibiru’s gravitation and then fell to earth.

FLYING MACHINES Genesis II discussed the launch tower people tried to build in Babylon. They said: “Let us make us a Shem, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth” (verse 2). But Yaweh “came down,” got upset and said if they succeed in building their shem “nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do” (V.6).

So Yahweh says “Let us go down, and there confound their language.” Then he scattered them abroad, across the face of the earth.Yahweh, here, acts as an inhibitor of human potential, not as a supportive god.The Bible mentions space craft in relation to Jacob seeing angles ascend and descend, Elijah going to heaven in a flaming chariot, Ezekiel’s wheels, Enoch’s “translation” and Jesus, Moses and Elijah being beamed up as light.In the Quran Enoch is named Idiys.

And mention Idiys in the Book…
And we raised him to an elevated State.

Quran 19:56, 57O Jesus, I will take you and raise you up to me.Quran 3:54 Jesus and Enoch are two scriptural figures who were given space flight.Literature such as the two books of Enoch provide details of his space flight. One book says God gave Enoch “the 70 names” and the angels had to bow to him. God didn’t trust the angels because a rebellion was under way.

That is very similar to the Quran. In 2:30-33 God makes Adam ruler of Earth. Some angels (Anunnaki) are shocked. So Allah teaches Adam “all the names” and after Adam tells the angels their names, God says: “Didn’t I tell you I know what is hidden in the asteroid belts and the earth? And I know what you manifest and what you hide.”
At that point they are commanded to bow down to Adam.

These “names” appear to be similar to the Sumerian Me’s (computer crystals).The Indian scriptures call the divas’ flying machines Vimanas. The Anunnaki space craft travelled with a crew of 50. Egyptian texts indicate that Ausar’s Boat flew through the Sirius system with “50 oarsmen.” Ra, Seker, Tehuti and Heru also piloted space craft. And made ships for you …

Quran 43:12 Allah should come to them in the Shadows of clouds with angels.Quran 2:210 In Sumer, Shamash (often drawn with an eagle’s head) was the chief astronaut. In Egypt that position was held by Heru (drawn with a falcon’s head). The bird heads symbolized their airforce functions.

Abraham said, “surely Allah comes with Shams (i.e., Shamash) from the east.So you came with her from the west.

Quran 2:258 When (Moses) saw a Naar, he said to his family: “Stay, I see a Naar. Perhaps I may bring to you from it a live coal or find guidance upon the Naar.”So when he came to it a voice came: “O Moses, surely I am your Lord, so take off your shoes. Surely you are in the sacred valley Tuwa.”

Quran 20: 10-12 If Naar is translated “fire,” the passage makes no sense. How could Moses find guidance “Upon the fire?” How could God’s voice come out of a fire. But when Naar is understood as a spaceship, it all makes perfect sense.A similar passage sheds more light.When Moses said to his family, “Surely I see a Naar. I will bring you information from it or bring you a burning brand so that you can warm yourselves.

So when he came to it, a voice issued, saying;“Blessed is He who is in the Naar and those who are around it. And glory be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. O Moses, surely I am
Allah the mighty, the Wise.

Quran 27:7-9 Here Moses seeks information, news from the Naar. And “blessed is he who is in the Naar.” Muhammad Ali mistranslates it: “who is in search of fire.” The Arabic has no in search of. Those words are the translator’s invention.

Quran 28:29-30 has a similar report, only there Moses sees the Naar “on the side of the mountain.”The beings on the Elevated Places in Quran 7:46-48 refers to Igigi, orbiting Anunnaki who know people by their “marks.” The word “marks” is from the same root as “Shem.

Many of the world’s scriptures mention Doomsday Weapons including nuclear bombs and sound machines capable of splitting the earth.When the god Marduk sought to seize the space facilities in the Sinai, the great Assembly of the Anunnaki authorized the deployment of the Seven Awesome Weapons to defeat him.The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a nuclear blast.

So was the landing platform at Baalbek. So the blast overtook them at sunrise.So We turned (the towns) upside down,and rained upon them stones of baked clay.

Quran 15:73-74 Surely We sent a stone-storm upon them Quran 54:34 The blast was so terrible that it created the Dead Sea and turned much of the desert into glass.The people of ‘Ad (Atlantis) were also hit by a nuclear mushroom cloud.So when they saw it -- a cloud advancing towards their valleys, they said: “Thisis a cloud bringing us rain.” No! it is that which you sought to hasten, a wind wherein is painful chastisement. Destroying everything by the command of its Lord. So at dawn nothing could be seen except their dwellings.

Quran 46:24-25 Ethiopia was once part of the ‘Ad empire. It was the part of ‘Ad that survived the destruction. Later, Ethiopia sent teachers to Egypt and established the great Nile civilization.

India (Raamah) was also colonized by Ethiopians (Dravidian Hindu Kush) as was the land of Sumer.
Or do you feel secure that he who is in the Asteroid Belt will not send on you a violent wind?

Quran 67:17
Allah is here said to be in the Asteroid Belt – at least at the time the Quran was revealed. Wind is here used as a weapon. The United States military has experimented with “natural” disaster creation as a weapon for decades.
And Allah’s are the armies of the Asteroid Belts and the Earth

Quran 48:7
This verse indicates that outer space armies exist as well as terrestrial ones. Furthermore, it leaves no doubt that Allah is, inter alia, a war god.ANUNNAKI IMAMS

One of the Biblical words for Anunnaki is Emim. In the Quran, the word is Imam.One day We will call every people with their Imam.

Quran 17:71
Each city had its ruling Anunnaki Imam. The human population was assigned to various Anunnaki. The god Sin, for example, ruled most of the Middle East. Sinai is from his name.

Each of Egypt’s 42 nomes had a ruling neter. Later on, the word Imam was applied to human (imitating the Jinn) leaders or rulers and eventually it was applied to a prayer leader.

As the Anunnaki god Yahweh attempted to consolidate his power, Moses and Joshua were ordered to commit mass murder against the remaining communities of Anunnaki. David’s fight against Goliath was the end of a long feud between the Anunnaki tribes (Rephaim, Zebulim, Emim, Anakim, et al.).

Moses ordered his people to “enter the holy land,” but….They said: “O Moses, therein are a powerful people, and we shall not enter it until they go out from it … O Moses, we shall never enter it so long as they are in it; go therefore you and your Lord, and fight. Surely here we sit.

Quran 5: 22, 24
The Book of Numbers identified the powerful people who had the Israelites paralysed with fear. Numbers 13:27 identifies them as “the children of Anak” (Anunnaki).

The people, feeling no match for the Anunnaki, told Moses that he and Yahweh – who flew above them in his airship daily and nightly – should use their advanced weapons to fight those powerful Jinn.

For their refusal to go on the suicide mission, Yahweh:
… said, “It will be forbidden to them
for forty years – they will wander about in the land. So grieve not for the transgressing people. Quran 5:26

Moses and Joshua’s primary weapon of mass destruction was the ark of the covenant.


We said: “Get ye down, some of you are
the enemies of others. And there is in the
earth an abode and an enjoyment until a time.”

Quran 2:36
When toxic gas, wars with humans and climate change make surface living less hospitable, the Anunnaki built cities beneath the Earth and oceans where they may continue to live.

They can continue to get the gold they need for their own planet by placing a small group of people in control of the world’s gold trade.

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