
ワクチン副作用情報 I thank an unknown cooperator.


重力と反重力 / Gravity and Antigravity


 コンテンツ / Contents


   4。浮上と技術 / Levitation and technology

 神話と巨石 / Myths and megaliths


 The megalithic structures found at many sites around the world have generated endless controversy as to how they were built. Conventional archaeologists, who dismiss the possibility of highly advanced civilizations in the remote past, insist that they were built solely with the use of primitive tools and brute force. Some of the structures, or parts of them, could have been built in this way.


 However, a number of engineers have stated that some features would be difficult if not impossible to duplicate today, even using the most advanced technology. The sheer weight and size of some of the stone blocks have prompted several researchers to wonder whether the ancient builders had mastered some form of levitation technology.


 The acoustic and magnetic levitation techniques currently under development by mainstream scientists create a physical lifting force stronger than the force of gravity and do not modify gravity or generate an antigravitational force.


 The pre-Incan fortresses at Ollantaytambo and Sacsayhuaman in the Peruvian Andes consist of cyclopean walls constructed from tight-fitting polygonal stone blocks, some weighing 120 tonnes or more. The blocks used at Ollantaytambo were somehow transported from a quarry located on another mountaintop 11 km away, the descent from which was impeded by a river canyon with 305-metre vertical rock walls.


 The ruins of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia include blocks weighing around 100 tonnes, which were transported from quarries 50 km away.1


  According to the local Aymara Indians, the complex was built at the ‘beginning of time’ by the founder-god Viracocha and his followers, who caused the stones to be ‘carried through the air to the sound of a trumpet’.


 An alternative theme is that they created a ‘heavenly fire’ that consumed the stones and enabled large blocks to be lifted by hand ‘as if they were cork’. According to a Mayan legend, the temple complex of Uxmal in the Yucatan Peninsula was built by a race of dwarfs who were able to move heavy rocks into place by whistling.2


 Legends of occult power being employed to lift and transport stone blocks are in fact universal. For example, according to tradition the megalithic city of Nan Madol on the Micronesian island of Pohnpei was built by the god-kings Olosopa and Olosipa, who used magic spells to make the huge stones ‘fly through the air like birds’.3


  Legends about the huge stone statues or moai on Easter Island, many of which are as high as a three-storey building, tell how magicians or priests used mana, or mind power, to make them ‘walk’, or float through the air.4


 According to early Greek historians, the walls of the ancient city of Thebes were built by Amphion, a son of Jupiter, who moved the large stones ‘to the music of his harp’ while his ‘songs drew even stones and beasts after him’.

別のバージョンは、彼が演奏するとき」は、彼の黄金の竪琴にはっきりと、岩の倍の大きが彼の足音で続く」と主張している。 10世紀のアラブの歴史家Mas'diはピラミッドを構築するために、と書いた、古代エジプト人は、石のブロックの下に特定の文字が刻まれパピルスを挿入。彼らは、その後彼らは空気中に上昇し、86メートル以上の距離を走行させ、音を生成する、計器に打たれた。

 Another version claims that when he played ‘loud and clear on his golden lyre, rock twice as large followed in his footsteps’. The 10th-century Arab historian Mas’di wrote that, to build the pyramids, the ancient Egyptians inserted papyri inscribed with certain characters beneath the stone blocks; they were then struck by an instrument, producing a sound which caused them to rise into the air and travel for a distance of over 86 metres.5


 The achievements of the ancient Egyptian builders have caused even some fairly orthodox investigators to wonder whether levitation might have been employed.6


  For instance the roof of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid, 200 feet up, consists of huge granite beams weighing up to 70 tonnes.

しかも、ギザ台地上の主要な寺院は - スフィンクスの隣に第二及び第三ピラミッドに加えて、これらの二つは - 50〜200トンの重さの巨大な石灰岩のブロックが含まれており、互いの上に置か。最大のものは、9メートル長い3.6メートル、幅3.6メートル高いです。それは、世界で唯一の少数のクレーンが200トン以上の重持ち上げるオブジェクトのできる今日があることに注意することは興味深い。7

 What’s more, the major temples on the Giza plateau – the two next to the Sphinx and those besides the Second and Third Pyramids – contain colossal limestone blocks weighing between 50 and 200 tonnes and placed on top of one another. The largest are 9 metres long, 3.6 metres wide and 3.6 metres high. It is interesting to note that there are only a few cranes in the world today capable of lifting objects weighing 200 tonnes or more.7


 The largest blocks used in any known man-made structure are found in the ancient platform beneath the Roman Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in Lebanon.8


  The foundation platform is enclosed by a cyclopean retaining wall; in the western side, on the fifth level, at a height of 10 metres, there are three colossal stones known as the Trilithon, each measuring about 19.5 metres long, 4.5 metres high and 3.5 metres deep, and weighing a staggering 1000 tonnes.

石は完全になくても、ナイフの刃がそれらの間にプッシュすることができます一緒に合う。採石場で、半キロメートル離れて、できるだけ1200トン、まだ岩盤に取り付けられ、その基部の下部計量、第四、より大きなブロックが残っている。 三石塔の下のコースは約450トンをそれぞれ秤量7マンモスの石が含まれています。

 The stones fit together perfectly and not even a knife blade can be pushed between them. At the quarry, half a kilometre away, there remains a fourth, even larger block, weighing as much as 1200 tonnes, the lower part of its base still attached to the bedrock. The course beneath the Trilithon contains seven mammoth stones weighing about 450 tonnes each.

採石場から主要路盤の痕跡とすべてのランプの痕跡はありません。 NOR書面による記録は、プラットフォームが構築されたどのようにあります。地元のアラブの伝説によると、バールベックの最初の砦は、洪水前に建設された、と巨人のレースによってその後再建さ。フェニキア歴史家Sanchoniathoはレバノンの最初の都市は、巨石の構造を設計し、彼らは自分の人生を持っていたかのように石を移動させることができた神Ouranus、によって設立され、ビブロスであると述べた。

 There are no traces of a roadbed leading from the quarry and no traces of any ramp. Nor are there any written records as to how the platform was built. According to local Arab legend, Baalbek’s first citadel was built before the Flood, and rebuilt afterwards by a race of giants. The Phoenician historian Sanchoniatho stated that Lebanon’s first city was Byblos, founded by the god Ouranus, who designed cyclopean structures and was able to make stones move as if they had a life of their own.


図。5.1 バールベックでの大規模な三石塔。9
 Fig. 5.1 The massive Trilithon at Baalbek.9
(The silhouetted two-storey house has been inserted for scale.)


Fig. 5.2三石塔のもう一つの見方。
  Another view of the Trilithon.


図 。 5.3 まだバールベックでの採石場での「南の石」。10
 Fig. 5.3 The ‘Stone of the South’ still in the quarry at Baalbek.10

   チベット人の間で / Among the Tibetans


 Evidence that worldwide legends of acoustic levitation might have a basis in fact, was provided by the Swedish engineer Henry Kjellson, who in the 1950s recorded the experiences of two separate western travellers who had allegedly witnessed demonstrations of sonic technology in Tibet.1 Since neither of the following accounts can be verified, sceptics assume that Kjellson probably made them up himself.

南西首都ラサの位置チベットの僧院を訪問した際に、スウェーデン人博士ヤールは北西に高い崖があった牧草地に連れて行かれた。崖の顔は最大約250メートルでは僧侶が石の壁を構築した広い棚だったの前に洞窟の入り口だった。 250メートルの崖の足から地面に埋め込まれ、その中に椀状のうつ病を持つ大規模な岩のスラブだった。

 During a visit to a Tibetan monastery situated southwest of the capital Lhasa, the Swede Dr Jarl was taken to a meadow where there was a high cliff to the northwest. About 250 metres up the face of the cliff was an entrance to a cave, in front of which was a wide ledge where monks were building a stone wall. Embedded in the ground 250 metres from the foot of the cliff, was a large rock slab with a bowl-shaped depression in it.

1.5メートル長い1メートル幅の広い、そして1メートル高い石のブロックは、うつ病にmanhandledた。 13ドラムと6非常に長いトランペットからなる19の楽器との僧侶は、ボウル-石から約90度、63メートルの円弧状に配置した。一端で開いたドラムは、石のブロックを目的とするものであった。各楽器の背後に八から十深い僧侶のラインだった。

 A block of stone, 1.5 metres long, 1 metre wide, and 1 metre high, was manhandled into the depression. Monks with 19 musical instruments, consisting of 13 drums and 6 very long trumpets, were arranged in an arc of about 90 degrees, 63 metres from the bowl-stone. The drums, open at one end, were aimed at the stone block. Behind each instrument was a line of monks eight to ten deep.


 A monk in the middle of the arc started chanting and beating out a rhythm on a small drum, and then the other instruments joined in. After four minutes, the large stone block began to wobble and floated into the air rocking from side to side. All the instruments were trained constantly on the stone as it rose upwards at an accelerating rate and finally crashed onto the ledge. The monks continued to perform this feat at the rate of 5 or 6 stones per hour. The role of the 200 or so monks behind the instruments was unclear: one suggestion is that they used some form of coordinated psychokinesis to aid the flight of the stone.


Fig. 5.4 チベットの僧侶が音のパワーを使用して空気中に石のブロックを上げることができたかを示す博士ヤールのスケッチ。
 Fig. 5.4 Dr Jarl’s sketch showing how Tibetan monks were able to raise stone blocks into the air using the power of sound.


 The second case involved an Austrian named Linauer, who stated that while at a remote monastery in northern Tibet during the 1930s, he had witnessed the demonstration of two curious sound instruments which could induce weightlessness in stone blocks. The first was an extremely large gong, 3.5 metres in diameter, composed of a central circular area of very soft gold, followed by a ring of pure iron, and finally a ring of extremely hard brass.

打ったとき、それは、ほとんどすぐに中止極めて低いdumphを生成した。第2の機器は、3つの異なる金属で構成されていた。それはイガイの殻のような半楕円形の形状を有しており、その中空の表面に縦延伸の文字列で、幅の広い2メートル長いと1メートルを測定した。 Linauerはゴングが打たれたときに聞こえない共振波を放射されると言われた。

 When struck, it produced an extremely low dumph which ceased almost immediately. The second instrument was also composed of three different metals; it had a half-oval shape like a mussel shell, and measured 2 metres long and 1 metre wide, with strings stretched longitudinally over its hollow surface. Linauer was told that it emitted an inaudible resonance wave when the gong was struck.

その三角形の構成を形成するように2つのデバイスが位置する、大画面の対と組み合わせて使用した。ゴングが短い、低周波音のシリーズを生産する大規模なクラブで打たれたときに、僧侶はちょうど片手で重い石のブロックを持ち上げることができました。 Linauer、これは彼らの祖先がチベットを中心に保護壁を構築したのかであったことを知らされた、そのようなデバイスはまた、物理的な問題を崩壊可能性があります。

 The two devices were used in conjunction with a pair of large screens, positioned so as to form a triangular configuration with them. When the gong was struck with a large club to produce a series of brief, low-frequency sounds, a monk was able to lift a heavy stone block with just one hand. Linauer was informed that this was how their ancestors had built protective walls around Tibet, and that such devices could also disintegrate physical matter.

   キーリーとLeedskalnin(Edward Leedskalnin)
   Keely(John Ernst Worrell Keely) and Leedskalnin


 A man who appears to have gone a long way to unlocking the secrets of sound was John Ernst Worrell Keely of Philadelphia (1827-1898). He spent 50 years developing and refining a wide variety of devices that used ‘sympathetic vibratory force’ or ‘etheric force’ to levitate objects, spin large wheels, power engines, and disintegrate rock. He performed many convincing demonstrations in his laboratory for scientists and other interested observers.


 He attempted to put his apparatus into commercial production, but this was hampered by the fact that it had to be tuned to the bodily vibrations of the operator and also to the surroundings.1


 Fig. 5.5 John Keely.


 Keely built several devices to manipulate gravity.2


  One of them was the ‘sympathetic transmitter’, a copper globe about one foot (30 cm) in diameter, containing a Chladni plate and various metal tubes, whose position could be adjusted by means of a knob. The globe was held by a metal stand, around the base of which projected small metal rods a few inches long, of different sizes and lengths, which vibrated like tuning forks when twanged by the fingers.


 In one experiment, the transmitter was connected by a wire made of gold, platinum, and silver to the top of a water-filled glass jar. When the right chord was sounded on the strings of a zither, metal balls, weighing 2 pounds (0.9 kg), rose from the bottom of the jar until they hit the metal cap, and remained there until a different note was played which caused them to sink again. Witnesses relate how, after further experimentation, Keely was able to make heavy steel balls move in the air by simply playing on a kind of mouth organ.


 Using the same combination of transmitter, connecting cord, and musical instrument, he was able to make a 3.6-kg model of an airship rise into the air, descend, or hover with a motion ‘as gentle as that of thistledown’. He was also able to lift extremely heavy weights by connecting them to vibratory appliances worn on his person; several people witnessed him levitate and move a 3-tonne cast-iron sphere in this way, and also make it heavier so that it sank into the ground as if into mud.

キーリーは、オブジェクトがトランペット、ホルン、ハーモニカ、バイオリン、そしてzithers含む楽器、のさまざまな方法を使って移動させるために必要な振動力を触媒することができた、とだけでも、口笛による装置を操作することができます。 一つの懐疑は、しかし、キーリーは時やたぶん彼の「詐欺的」デバイスを電源圧縮空気オフにするには、建物の別の部分で、南軍に合図するが、共振をセットアップするための楽器でプレイしなかったと主張した!

 Keely was able to catalyze the vibratory force necessary to make objects move using a variety of musical instruments, including trumpets, horns, harmonicas, fiddles, and zithers, and could even operate the equipment just by whistling. One sceptic, however, claimed that Keely did not play on an instrument to set up sympathetic vibration but to signal to a confederate in another part of the building when to turn on or off the compressed air that supposedly powered his ‘fraudulent’ devices!

より最近ではピラミッドや他の巨石構造が構築されたかの秘密を知っていると主張し男はエドワードLeedskalnin.3彼はサンゴの巨大なブロックから身を建てマイアミ、フロリダ州、近く、コーラル城と呼ばれる場所に住んでいた30トンまでの重さ。 28年には、現代の建設機械を使用せずに、一人で作業し、彼は切り出しと1100トンの合計を建て。

 A man who in more recent times claimed to know the secret of how the pyramids and other megalithic structures were built was Edward Leedskalnin.3 He lived in a place called Coral Castle, near Miami, Florida, which he built himself from giant blocks of coral weighing up to 30 tons. In 28 years, working alone, without the use of modern construction machinery, he quarried and erected a total of 1100 tons.

彼は非常に秘密主義、通常は夜働いていた、とエンジニアや政府関係者からの訪問にもかかわらず、彼の建築技術を漏らすことなく、1952年に死亡した。ある晩、彼をスパイ一部のティーンエイジャーは、彼らが彼'は水素風船のように空気を介してサンゴブロックをフロート」を見たと主張した。それは広く、彼がローカルに重力の影響を逆転させるいくつかの手段を発見したと考えられる。 Leedskalninのワークショップや証拠写真の残りの内容から、技術者クリス·ダンは、彼がその共振周波数で振動さ珊瑚の原因となった無線信号を生成し、その後、彼らがいたように、原子の磁極を反転する電磁場を使用したことを示唆している地球磁場により反発。

 He was very secretive and usually worked at night, and died in 1952 without divulging his construction techniques, despite visits from engineers and government officials. Some teenagers spying on him one evening claimed they saw him ‘float coral blocks through the air like hydrogen balloons’. It is widely thought that he had discovered some means of locally reversing the effects of gravity. From the remaining contents of Leedskalnin’s workshop and photographic evidence, engineer Chris Dunn suggests that he generated a radio signal that caused the coral to vibrate at its resonant frequency, and then used an electromagnetic field to flip the magnetic poles of the atoms so that they were repulsed by the earth’s magnetic field.


 Fig. 5.6 The Nine-ton Gate at Coral Castle. Originally used as a turnstile, the 8-foot-tall gate is perfectly mounted and balanced so that a child can open it with the touch of a finger.4

   Schauberger and nature’s levity


 According to aeronautical experts, the flight of the simple bumble bee is a mystery that defies conventional laws of physics, as its wings do not flutter rapidly enough to create sufficient lift. The rhinoceros beetle should also be unable to fly as its body mass is completely out of proportion to its wing area. Some writers have suggested that levitational forces help to explain how birds and insects fly, and fishes swim.


  Austrian scientist and inventor Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) believed that, alongside gravity, a principle of levity operated in nature, governing all upward movement of energy, all uplift and upward growth. During his early life as a forester in the Alpine wilderness, he observed how large mountain trout could lie motionless in the strongest currents, except for an occasional slight movement of their tail-fins.

アラームが発生した場合、それらは、雷の速度上流ダーツ代わりに下流それらを運ぶ電流を可能にする。トラウトサーモンは少し見かけ労力で高い滝を(たとえ最大60メートルの高)までジャンプすることができます。 Schaubergerのは、滝の下部にある野生の回転動作でトラウトのダンスを見て、その後、この回転運動から出てくるとじっと上向きに浮くだろう。彼はダウン海春からの水の重力運動に加えて、反対方向に「浮揚」エネルギーの流れがあるという考えを開発した。

 If alarmed, they darted at lightning speed upstream, instead of allowing the current to carry them downstream. Trout and salmon are able to jump up high waterfalls (even as much as 60 m high) with little apparent effort. Schauberger would watch trout dance in a wild spinning movement at the bottom of a waterfall, and then come out of this spinning movement and float motionlessly upwards. He developed the idea that in addition to the gravitational movement of water from the spring down to the sea, there is a flow of ‘levitational’ energy in the opposite direction.


 In one experiment Schauberger had 100 litres of hot water poured into a stream. Although it did not noticeably warm the water, a trout resting about 150 m downstream immediately became very agitated: it started to flail its tail, moving backwards all the time as it struggled to maintain its position. Finally it was swept downstream, and only returned much later.

Schaubergerのはお湯が浮揚エネルギーの上昇流を破壊したと結論付けた。 ある月明かりの冬の夜、彼は卵形の石の深いプールの表面に頭部上昇の大きさを見て、(特にそのシリカ含有量)寒さと石の金属含有物の複合効果を担当したと結論付けた浮揚エネルギーを高める。

 Schauberger concluded that the hot water had destroyed the upward flow of levitational energy. One moonlit winter night, he saw egg-shaped stones the size of a head rise to the surface of a deep pool, and concluded that the combined effect of the cold and the metalliferous composition of the stones (especially their silica content) was responsible for enhancing the levitational energies.


 Schauberger was surprised to find that the tips of mosses on rocks in a shaded mountain stream point upstream, somehow resisting the pressure of the fast-flowing current. He regarded this as a reliable indicator of a stream’s state of health, because it showed that the downstream gravitational flow of matter and the upstream, levitational flow of energy were in balance. However, if through deforestation a stream is exposed to direct sunlight, the water becomes warmer, less dense, and the moss-tips point downstream. Pristine wilderness is nowadays hard to find, owing to the marauding hand of man.


 Schauberger sought to develop energy-generating machines which, by the power of shape, form, and motion alone, were able to mimic nature’s processes. Whereas today’s main energy technologies use outward-moving explosion, such as fuel-burning and atom-splitting, his machines operated on the basis of inward-spiralling movements, or implosion. He wrote: ‘If water or air is rotated into a twisting form of oscillation known as “colloidal”, a buildup of energy results, which with immense power, can cause levitation.’ Vortical motion, with rotational velocities of 15-20,000 revolutions per minute, accompanied by rapid cooling, created strong vacuum effects inside his machines. Some researchers think that the transmutation of matter into more ethereal states and the production of genuine levitational forces also occurred


 Detailed reports of his experiments with a variety of designs are generally lacking, but his efforts seem to have met with at least partial success. During the second world war, he was forced to work for the Nazis, and developed small ‘flying saucers’. One of the scientists involved was reported as saying that at the first attempt to run one of the models, it shot upwards unexpectedly, trailing a blue-green then silver-coloured glow, and was wrecked against the ceiling of the hangar.


 At the end of the war Schauberger’s research was investigated by the Americans and Russians, but as far as the public record is concerned, none of his models were developed further. More recently there has been a resurgence of interest in his revolutionary ideas.1


Fig. 5.7 Schaubergerのの空飛ぶ円盤の2つのプロトタイプ、直径約65 cmである。
 Fig. 5.7 Two prototypes of Schauberger’s flying saucer, about 65 cm in diameter.

   参照 / References

  神話と巨石 / Myths and megaliths

1. ポール·ラバイオレット、コスモスの創世記:連続創造の古代科学、ロチェスターは、VE:クマと当社は、2004年、P。 343。イアン·ロートンとクリスオギルビー·ヘラルド、ギザ:真実、ロンドン:ヴァージン、1999、P。 201。
 Paul LaViolette, Genesis of the Cosmos: The ancient science of continuous creation, Rochester, VE: Bear and Company, 2004, p. 343; Ian Lawton and Chris Ogilvie-Herald, Giza: The truth, London: Virgin, 1999, p. 201

2. アンドリュー·コリンズ、エデンの神々:エジプトの失われた遺産と文明、ロンドンの起源:。見出し、1998頁58〜62。
 Andrew Collins, Gods of Eden: Egypt’s lost legacy and the genesis of civilisation, London: Headline, 1998, pp. 58-62.

3. 失われた文明のためのクエスト、ロンドン:グラハム·ハンコックとサンサ·フェア、天の鏡マイケル·ジョセフ、1998、P。 235。
 Graham Hancock and Santha Faiia, Heaven’s Mirror: Quest for the lost civilization, London: Michael Joseph, 1998, p. 235.

4. イースター島:神秘の土地、セクション5、davidpratt.info。
 Easter Island: land of mystery, section 5, davidpratt.info.

5. エデン、PP。35-37、62-63の神々。
 Gods of Eden, pp. 35-37, 62-63.

6. ギザ:真実頁198から210。。
 Giza: The truth, pp. 198-210.

7. ロバート·バウバルとグラハム·ハンコック、創世記、ロンドンのキーパー:ハイネマン、1996頁28〜29。。
 Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, London: Heinemann, 1996, pp. 28-29.

8. アンドリュー·コリンズ、「バールベック、レバノンの神聖な要塞」、
 Andrew Collins, ‘Baalbek, Lebanon’s sacred fortress’,
www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/baalbek.htm; Gods of Eden, pp. 63-64; David Hatcher Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean, Stelle, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1996, pp. 31-36, 48-50; Christian and Barbara Joy O’brien, The Shining Ones, Kemble, Cirencester: Dianthus Publishing, 2001, pp. 265-282.

9. シャイニングワンズ、P。 269。
 The Shining Ones, p. 269.

10. http://www.lessing4.de/megaliths/non_europ.htm

   チベット人の間で / Among the Tibetans

1. エデンのコリンズ、神々、PP。66-72。
 Collins, Gods of Eden, pp. 66-72

   Keely and Leedskalnin

1. H.P.ブラヴァツキー、シークレット·ドクトリン、カリフォルニア州パサデナ:神智学大学出版、1977(1888)、1:554から566。
 H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Pasadena, CA: Theosophical University Press, 1977 (1888), 1:554-566.

2. テオパイジマンス、自由エネルギーパイオニア:ジョン·ウォーレルキーリー、Lilburnの、GA:。IllumiNetプレス、1998、PP58、144、200、207-212。クララブルームフィールド·ムーア、キーリーと彼の発見:空中ナビゲーション、ロンドン:キーガン·ポール、海溝、トリューブナー·アンド·カンパニー、1893年、Mokelumneヒル、カリフォルニア州:ヘルスリサーチ、1971頁106、122から123まで。デール·ポンドは、ユニバーサル法律は前に明らかにしたことはありません:キーリーの秘密、サンタフェ、NM:メッセージ会社、1996、PP54-60、214-217、232-234、257(www.svpvril.com);ダンA.デビッドソン、エネルギー:RIVAS、1990頁12-13:新自由エネルギーデバイス、グリーン、TEに大きな進歩を遂げています。
 Theo Paijmans, Free Energy Pioneer: John Worrell Keely, Lilburn, GA: IllumiNet Press, 1998, pp. 58, 144, 200, 207-212; Clara Bloomfield Moore, Keely and his Discoveries: Aerial navigation, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1893, Mokelumne Hill, CA: Health Research, 1971, pp. 106, 122-123; Dale Pond, Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely’s secrets, Santa Fe, NM: Message Company, 1996, pp. 54-60, 214-217, 232-234, 257 (www.svpvril.com); Dan A. Davidson, Energy: Breakthroughs to new free energy devices, Greenville, TE: RIVAS, 1990, pp. 12-13.

3. クリストファー·ダン、ギザ発電所:古代エジプト、サンタフェ、NMの技術:。ベア&Coは、1988頁109-119。フランク·ジョセフ、運命、1998、www.parascope.com/en/articles/coralCastle.htm「コーラル城の謎';キャシー·ドア、「コーラル城の謎:風水不思議」、
 Christopher Dunn, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of ancient Egypt, Santa Fe, NM: Bear & Co, 1988, pp. 109-119; Frank Joseph, ‘Mysteries of Coral Castle’, Fate, 1998, www.parascope.com/en/articles/coralCastle.htm; Kathy Doore, ‘The enigma of Coral Castle: a geomantic wonder’, www.labyrinthina.com/coral.htm.

4. http://coralcastle.com/

   Schauberger and nature’s levity

カラム·コーツ、 リビングエネルギー:ヴィクトルSchaubergerの理論に関連する概念の博覧会、バース:ゲートウェイ本、1996; オラフAlexanderssonの、生ける水:ヴィクトルSchaubergerの自然エネルギーの秘密、バース:ゲートウェイ本、1996; ジョン·デビッドソン、クリエイティブ真空の秘密、サフランウォールデン、エセックス:ダニエル社、1989頁246から262; ニック·クック、ゼロポイントのハント、ロンドン:アロー、2002頁296から328; http://schauberger.co.uk/
 Callum Coats, Living Energies: An exposition of concepts related to the theories of Viktor Schauberger, Bath: Gateway Books, 1996; Olaf Alexandersson, Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the secrets of natural energy, Bath: Gateway Books, 1996; John Davidson, The Secret of the Creative Vacuum, Saffron Walden, Essex: Daniel Company, 1989, pp. 246-262; Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, London: Arrow, 2002, pp. 296-328;http://schauberger.co.uk/

   5。人間の浮上 / Human levitation

通常思わず - - あり浮揚200以上のキリスト教の聖人のレポートです宗教的な有頂天の間には、いくつかのケースは、目撃証言の印象的な量でサポートされています。1

 There are reports of over 200 Christian saints levitating – usually involuntarily – during religious raptures, and some cases are supported by an impressive amount of eyewitness testimony.1


 For instance, the 16th-century mystic St Teresa of Avila was observed on many occasions, typically when deep in prayer, to rise anywhere from a few feet to as high as the ceiling of the room.


 When she felt an ‘attack’ coming on she would beg the sisters in her convent to hold her down, though they were not always successful. Once while receiving Holy Communion from the Bishop of Avila, she felt her knees begin to leave the floor so she clutched onto the grille. But after receiving the sacrament, she let go and rose into the air.

コペルティーノの17世紀のフランシスコ会修道士聖ヨセフは、サービス中に浮上し始め、多くの場合、全体の会衆で観察した。修道院の敷地内を歩いている間、彼はオリーブの木の枝にまで急騰し、半時間のために枝にひざまずい残ったら、薄い茎はほとんど彼の重量の下で動いていない。彼のエクスタシーが経過した後に、ダウン滑空することができません、彼ははしごを持っされるのを待たなければならなかった。 35年間、彼はすべての公共サービスから禁止されたが、彼はだけでなく、教皇と彼の仲間の僧侶の前だけでなく、ヨーロッパのタイトルの頭や哲学者ライプニッツの前に浮上。

 The 17th-century Franciscan monk St Joseph of Copertino began levitating during services and was often observed by whole congregations. Once while walking in the monastery grounds, he soared up into the branches of an olive tree and remained kneeling on a branch for half an hour, the thin stem hardly moving under his weight. Unable to glide down, after his ecstasy had passed, he had to wait for a ladder to be brought. For 35 years he was banned from all public services, but he levitated not only before the Pope and his fellow monks but also before Europe’s titled heads and the philosopher Leibnitz.


 The Spanish ambassador to the papal court watched him fly over the heads of a crowd to a statue of the Virgin Mary, where he briefly hovered. After giving his customary shriek, he flew back; the ambassador’s wife had to be revived with smelling salts. The duke of Brunswick hid himself in a stairway to observe one of Joseph’s levitations. After observing a second levitation, the duke renounced his Lutheran faith and became a Catholic. At Osimo, Joseph flew eight feet into the air to kiss a statue of Jesus then carried it off to his cell and floated about with it. He is also reported to have caught up another friar and carried him in the air around the room.


 The annals of 19th-century spiritualism contain many references to human levitations, as well as to tables, chairs, and other objects gaining or losing weight, levitating, and moving without human contact.2


  The most famous levitator of all was the medium Daniel Dunglas Home (pronounced: Hume).

彼の最初の記録された浮上は彼が突然「空気中に取り上げた8月1852で交霊会で行われた。 。 。彼は喜びと恐怖の競合感情に頭から足までpalpitated。 。 。何度も何度も彼は床から採取し、三回目は、彼は彼の手と足を優しく接触したものとアパートの天井に実施した。」

 His first recorded levitation took place at a seance in August 1852. He was suddenly ‘taken up into the air . . . He palpitated from head to foot with the contending emotions of joy and fear . . . Again and again he was taken from the floor, and the third time he was carried to the ceiling of the apartment, with which his hands and feet came into gentle contact.’

彼は後に自由に浮揚できるようになった、と彼は「霊」によって持ち上げられたと信じていた。 30年にわたる公共のキャリアの中で、何百人もの人々が彼のlevitationsを目撃した。主アデア、リンジーのマスターの会社、そして彼らの友人で、彼は別で、ロンドンの家の1窓の外と中に浮遊するとき最も有名な事件だった。

 He later became able to levitate at will, and believed he was lifted up by ‘spirits’. During a public career spanning 30 years, hundreds of people witnessed his levitations. The most famous incident was when in the company of Lord Adare, the Master of Lindsay, and a friend of theirs, he floated out of one window of a London house and in at another.


 The eminent English scientist Sir William Crookes saw him levitate on several occasions and verified that there was no trickery involved. On one occasion, Crookes’ wife, who was sitting beside Home, was raised off the ground in her chair.3


 The magician Harry Kellar, who enjoyed showing audiences how mediums did their tricks, described how during a world tour in the 1870s he was watching a Zulu witch doctor go into a trance when suddenly ‘to my intense amazement, the recumbent body slowly arose from the ground and floated upward in the air to the height of about three feet, where for a while it floated, moving up and down’.

1882年、彼は何コンジュラー繰り返すことができなかったいくつかの偉業を実行するための媒体ウィリアムエグリントンに挑戦。ケラーは、彼が説明できなかった認めざるを得なかった成果 - エグリントンはその後空気中に、彼の足を持って、ケラーを運ぶ、浮上。4

 In 1882 he challenged the medium William Eglinton to perform some feat which no conjuror could repeat. Eglinton then levitated, carrying Kellar, holding his foot, into the air – an achievement which Kellar had to admit he could not explain.4


 The Italian medium Eusapia Palladino occasionally used to levitate and was also able to increase or decrease the weight of objects. Her paranormal powers were verified in investigations conducted by European scientists around the turn of the 20th century. After witnessing her demonstrations, the French astronomer Camille Flammarion stated that levitation should no longer be any more in question than the attraction of iron by a magnet.5


 In the 1920s Brazilian medium Carlos Mirabelli performed stunning phenomena under test conditions. Full-form materializations of deceased individuals known to the witnesses appeared, who were able to converse with the investigators, and to touch and be touched. He was also able to levitate and remain floating for minutes at a time. In one instance, a chair with Mirabelli in it rose into the air until it was two metres above the floor, where it remained for two minutes.6


  Levitations of mediums have frequently been reported since then in spiritualist journals but, as far as is known, no medium has been able to produce them in fraud-proof conditions.


Fig. 6.1 ミラベリの浮上。
 Fig. 6.1 Mirabelli levitating.

浮上は悪魔所持カトリック教会の基準の一つである。 1906年に容疑者が保有した南アフリカ、クララGermanaセレ、、から16歳の女子高生は時々縦に、時には水平に、地面から5フィートまで浮上。聖水を振りかけた場合彼女が落ちた。7

 Levitation is one of the Catholic Church’s criteria for demonic possession. In 1906 a 16-year-old schoolgirl from South Africa, Clara Germana Cele, who was allegedly possessed, levitated up to 5 feet off the ground, sometimes vertically and sometimes horizontally. She fell if sprinkled with holy water.7


 In the mid-19th century, Louis Jacolliot, Chief Justice of Chandernagore, travelled all over India to learn more about wonder-working fakirs. He witnessed many extraordinary phenomena, which he tried to view in an objective and unprejudiced manner. In Varanasi (Benares) he met a fakir named Covindasamy, who performed various paranormal phenomena for him. On one occasion he crossed his arms on his chest and slowly levitated to a height of ten to twelve inches, remaining in the air more than eight minutes.8 Another of his levitations is described by Jacolliot as follows:

上に傾い片手で[彼]杖は、FAKIRが地面から徐々に約2フィートの増加となりました。彼の足は彼の下に交配し、彼は彼の立場に変化は行われません。 。 。

 Leaning upon [his] cane with one hand, the Fakir rose gradually about two feet from the ground. His legs were crossed beneath him, and he made no change in his position . . .


 For more than twenty minutes I tried to see how Covindasamy could thus fly in the face and eyes of all the known laws of gravity; it was entirely beyond my comprehension; the stick gave him no visible support, and there was no apparent contact between that and his body, except through his right hand.9

類似の表示がアメリカ人ジャーナリストジョン·キールによって報告された。 1950年代にシッキムで旅行中、彼は浮揚する彼の能力を実証した古いラマに会った。

 A similar display was reported by American journalist John Keel. While travelling in Sikkim in the 1950s, he met an old lama who demonstrated his ability to levitate.

彼。 。 。彼のスティックの上に片手を押すと、約4フィート長い重い枝は、彼が空気中にあぐらをかいて座っていたまで、ゆっくりと床から足を持ち上げ、その後の努力で少し眉をひそめ、そして!彼の後ろまたは彼の下は何もありませんでした。彼の唯一のサポートは、彼が彼のバランスを保つために使用するように見えた彼の杖、だった。私は驚いた。

 He . . . pressed one hand on top of his stick, a heavy branch about four feet long, frowned a little with effort, and then slowly lifted his legs up off the floor until he was sitting cross-legged in the air! There was nothing behind him or under him. His sole support was his stick, which he seemed to use to keep his balance. I was astounded.


 The lama then conducted the rest of the conversation ‘sitting there in empty space’.10


 In July 1916, P. Muller, a German veterinarian stationed in Turkey, attended a gathering of the Rufai dervishes. He described a large hall in which white-robed dervishes wearing tall black caps ‘moved in a circle with sideways steps and curious jerking motions’. About an hour into the ceremony, the music and dancing and cries of the dancers intensified, when suddenly one of them bounded into the middle of the circle. He stood still, with his arms upraised, palms facing the sky:

そして今、不可解なことが起こっ。 。 。 [S]は、この男の全体時制本体は床から18インチについての自分自身を上昇し、つま先が下を向いて空気中に浮遊し、そこに残った卑しい。

 And now the incomprehensible happened . . . [S]lowly the whole tense body of this man elevated itself about eighteen inches off the floor and remained there, floating in the air with the toes pointing down.


 The ecstatic man remained suspended for about a minute.11


 Tibetans speak of a power of fast-walking known as lung-gom. An eye-witness account was provided by Alexandra David-Neel, an early 20th-century explorer, journalist, and Buddhist. While in northern Tibet, she saw a man approaching with an ‘unusual gait’ and ‘extraordinary swiftness’.


 I could clearly see his perfectly calm impassive face and wide-open eyes with their gaze fixed on some invisible far-distant object situated somewhere high up in space. The man did not run. He seemed to lift himself from the ground, proceeding by leaps. It looked as if he had been endowed with the elasticity of a ball and rebounded each time his feet touched the ground. His steps had the regularity of a pendulum.12


 The native American Indians apparently knew of a similar method of magical running. In the 1920s anthropologist Carobeth Laird reported on one of the last men to travel ‘the old way’: the tracks left by his feet were very faint and far apart, as if his feet had barely touched the ground.13

1936年6月6日には、インドのヨギSubbayah Pullavarは150人の証人の前で4分間浮上。彼は一度戻って地面に深い昏睡状態と、の状態にあった、彼の手足は最初、曲がっていないことができませんでした。14

 On 6 June 1936, Indian yogi Subbayah Pullavar levitated for four minutes in front of 150 witnesses. He was in a state of deep trance and, once back on the ground, his limbs could not be unbent at first.14


 6.2 Indian yogi Subbayah Pullavar.


 In 1984 a German film crew filmed the levitation of an African witch-doctor, Nana Owaka, in Togo. After meditating for a full day, he placed dry leaves and twigs in a circle and sat in the middle.

太陽が設定されたのと同じように、Owakaのは、攪拌を開始した。村人は小枝と炎の円が急上昇点灯。 Owakaのが立っていたように、私たちは私たちの目を信じることがほとんどできたとまっすぐ上向きのバラ - ドラムは乱暴に叩き始めました!彼は空気の枕の上に持ち上げられたかのようだった。上記または彼下に何も、中断しているかのように彼は、単に電話を切った。

 Just as the sun was setting, Owaka started to stir. A villager lit the circle of twigs and flames shot up. Drums began beating wildly – then we were hardly able to believe our eyes as Owaka stood and rose straight upward! It was as if he were being lifted on a pillow of air. He simply hung as if suspended, with nothing above or below him.


 After about a minute, Owaka fell back to earth. He was filmed from two angles, and no one who has examined the film has been able to detect any signs of trickery.15

浮上を含む超常現象は、時々UFOとの遭遇に関連して報告されている。例えば、1954年に彼の馬を持つフィールドから戻って来ていた男は、動物が暗い、円形オブジェクトでは、次されたトレイルの上に速く飛んだ空気中にいくつかの足を持ち上げたように手綱を手放す必要がありました。 1968年にフランスの医師は空に2光るディスクが1つのオブジェクトにマージし、目撃時に、彼は光のビームに見舞われた見ました。

 Paranormal phenomena, including levitation, are sometimes reported in connection with UFO encounters. For instance, in 1954 a man who was coming back from the fields with his horse had to let go of the bridle as the animal was lifted several feet into the air when a dark, circular object flew fast over the trail they were following. In 1968 a French doctor saw two glowing discs in the sky merge into a single object, and during the sighting he was hit by a beam of light.


 A few days later he and his baby son each developed a strange, reddish, triangular mark on the abdomen, and this mark recurred in successive years. Strange paranormal phenomena began to take place, including poltergeist activity, unexplained disturbances in electrical circuits, meetings with a mysterious, nameless man, and on at least one occasion uncontrolled levitation.16

   参照 / References

1.ロドニーチャールズとアンナ·ジョーダン、ライター空気より:ネイティブアメリカンスピリッツ、フェアフィールド、IOへのキリスト教の聖人から人間の飛行の奇跡:サンスター出版、1995頁155から180。スチュアート·ゴードン、超常現象:図鑑、ロンドン:ヘッドライン、1992、P。 395。ブライアン·イングリス、超常現象:心霊現象の百科事典、ロンドン:パラディン、1985頁159から160。リチャード·S·ブロートン、超心理学:論争の科学、ニューヨーク:バランタインブックス、1991頁52-53。。
 Rodney Charles and Anna Jordan, Lighter than Air: Miracles of human flight from Christian saints to native American spirits, Fairfield, IO: Sunstar Publishing, 1995, pp. 155-180; Stuart Gordon, The Paranormal: An illustrated encyclopedia, London: Headline, 1992, p. 395; Brian Inglis, The Paranormal: An encyclopedia of psychic phenomena, London: Paladin, 1985, pp. 159-160; Richard S. Broughton, Parapsychology: The controversial science, New York: Ballantine Books, 1991, pp. 52-53.

2. ウィリアム・クルックス、心霊主義の現象の研究、ロンドン。J.バーンズ、1874、ポメロイ、WA:2.ウィリアム·クルックスは、スピリチュアリズム、ロンドンの現象に研究ヘルスリサーチ、ND、PP9-19、21-43、88-91。 H.P.神智学大学出版、1972(1877)、1:202-204、358から359ブラヴァツキーは、イシスは、カリフォルニア州パサデナを発表しました。
 William Crookes, Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, London: J. Burns, 1874, Pomeroy, WA: Health Research, n.d., pp. 9-19, 21-43, 88-91; H.P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, Pasadena, CA: Theosophical University Press, 1972 (1877), 1:202-204, 358-359.

3. スピリチュアリズム、PPの現象3.研究89〜90。ゴードン、超常現象、PP395から396。イングリス、超常現象、P。 161。
 Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, pp. 89-90; Gordon, The Paranormal, pp. 395-396; Inglis, The Paranormal, p. 161.

 Inglis, The Paranormal, pp. 161-162

5.ブライアンナチュラルとナチュラルイングリス、:超常現象の歴史、ブリッドポート、ドーセット州:プリズムプレス、Lindfield、NSW:ユニティプレス、1992、P。 425。
 Brian Inglis, Natural and Supernatural: A history of the paranormal, Bridport, Dorset: Prism Press, Lindfield, NSW: Unity Press, 1992, p. 425.

6.ブライアンイングリス、科学とParascience:超常現象の歴史、1914から1939年、ロンドン:ホッダーとストートン、1984、P。 224。
 Brian Inglis, Science and Parascience: A history of the paranormal, 1914-1939, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1984, p. 224.

7.ローズマリー·エレン·ギリー、幽霊やスピリッツ、ニューヨークの百科事典:チェックマーク本、第2版、2000年、P。 221。
  Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, New York: Checkmark Books, 2nd ed., 2000, p. 221.

8.ルイJacolliot、インドと古代人の中でオカルト科学、NY:大学ブックス、1971、P。 257。
 Louis Jacolliot, Occult Science in India and Among the Ancients, NY: University Books, 1971, p. 257.

 Ibid., pp. 237-238.

 Lighter than Air, pp. 64-65.

11.同上、P。 132。
 Ibid., p. 132.

12.チベットの神秘と魔術師アレクサンドラ·デイビット·ニール、ロンドン:ペンギンブックス、1937、P。 186。
 Alexandra David-Neel, With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet, London: Penguin Books, 1937, p. 186.

 Lighter than Air, pp. 98-99.

 Gordon, The Paranormal, pp. 358/9.

15. D·ハッチャーチルドレス(編)、抗重力ハンドブック、ケンプトン、IL:冒険アンリミテッドプレス、1993、P。 171。
  D. Hatcher Childress (ed.), The Anti-Gravity Handbook, Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1993, p. 171.

 UFOs: the psychic dimension, section 6, davidpratt.info

   6。神智学著書 / Theosophical writings


 As mentioned in section 1, Kepler believed that the rotation of the sun generated its gravitational force. A disciple of Pythagoras and Plato, he believed in an ether of subtler matter and that stars and planets were animated by souls. He took the view that it was solar magnetism that held the planets in their orbits, and he conceived magnetism to be a form of vortical motion. More recent theosophical writers such as H.P. Blavatsky, W.Q. Judge, and G. de Purucker have also highlighted the link between gravity and electromagnetism, the bipolar nature of gravity, and the etheric origin of force, as the following quotations show.

[A]エーテル、ソースおよび原因である。 。 。の凝集、化学的、熱的、電気的、および磁気力。 。 。1

 [A]ether is the source and cause . . . of cohesive, chemical, thermal, electric, and magnetic forces . . .1

[T]彼はオカルト。 。 。物質のsupersensuousしかし、状態は、真のように自然のすべての力を考えてみましょう。そして必要な感覚に恵まれて人間への知覚の可能オブジェクトとして。2

 [T]he Occultists . . . consider all the forces of Nature as veritable, though supersensuous, states of Matter; and as possible objects of perception to Beings endowed with the requisite senses.2

[T]がここにはニュートンの意味での重力が、唯一の磁気吸引と反発力はありません。 。 。 。それは太陽系の惑星は彼らの運動はしない自分の体重や重力によって、太陽のより一層強力な磁気のそれぞれの軌道に規制している彼らの磁気のある。3

 [T]here is no gravitation in the Newtonian sense, but only magnetic attraction and repulsion; . . . it is by their magnetism that the planets of the solar system have their motions regulated in their respective orbits by the still more powerful magnetism of the sun, not by their weight or gravitation.3

グラビテーション。 。 。完全に電気法律上ではなく、重量または密度に依存する。4

 Gravitation . . . depends entirely on electrical law, and not on weight or density.4


 The theosophical adepts] reject gravity as at present explained. They deny that the so-called ‘impact theory’* is the only one that is tenable in the gravitation hypothesis. They say that if all efforts made by the physicists to connect it with Ether, in order to explain electric and magnetic distance-action have hitherto proved complete failures, it is again due to the race ignorance of the ultimate states of matter in nature, foremost of all the real nature of the solar stuff.


 Believing but in the law of mutual magneto-electric attraction and repulsion, they agree with those who have come to the conclusion that ‘Universal gravitation is a weak force,’ utterly incapable of accounting for even one small portion of the phenomena of motion.5


 The theory that gravity is caused by bombardment of material objects with tiny particles.

[G] ravitationの宇宙電磁気などの基本的に同じ[です] 6

 [G]ravitation [is] the same fundamentally as cosmic electro-magnetism. 6

[G]は浮揚; 浮上です:重要な宇宙の磁性。天体の中心部から流出や宇宙の生命力の流出。 。 。したがって、コスモスの広大なボディの企業にすべてのものを団結、すべての方向に集めて宇宙の構造で、この重要な電気やバイタル磁性である。

 [G]ravitation is: Vital Cosmic Magnetism; the efflux or outflow of cosmic vitality from the heart of the celestial bodies . . . It is this Vital Electricity or Vital Magnetism in the Cosmic Structure which attracts in all directions, thus uniting all things into the vast body corporate of the Cosmos.


 Furthermore, some day it will be discovered that this Cosmic Magnetic Vitality contains or includes in itself as powerful and as greatly functional an element of repulsion as it does of attraction; and that behind all its phenomenal workings, in fact, behind and within itself, lie the still higher and incomparably more potent principles or elements of the inner and invisible Universe which thus infallibly guide its activities everywhere.7

あるとして重力の性質に関して[アインシュタイン]アイデア。 。 。反りや材料体の近接したスペースの歪みは確かに非常に立派であるが確かに紳士の数学的能力に、純粋に単純に、数学的なパイプの夢であるように見える。 。8

 [Einstein’s] ideas with regard to the nature of gravitation as being . . . a warping or distortion of space in the proximity of material bodies seem to be a mathematical pipe-dream, purely and simply, although doubtless very creditable indeed to the gentleman’s mathematical ability . . 8

地球は、磁性体である。 。 。これは、電気の一つの形で充電される - それは運動のその内部または中央に、自発的な行動によって継続的に進化している - 私たちはポジティブと呼ぶことにしましょう。人間の体は、物質のすべての他の形態と共通して、電気の反対形で起訴されている - 負。つまり、常にと思わずで自分自身を充電し、地球自体のそれに反対した電気の形態を進化していく自分自身に任せた場合、有機または無機のボディを言うことである。 。

 The earth is a magnetic body . . . It is charged with one form of electricity – let us call it positive – which it evolves continuously by spontaneous action, in its interior or centre of motion. Human bodies, in common with all other forms of matter, are charged with the opposite form of electricity – negative. That is to say, organic or inorganic bodies, if left to themselves will constantly and involuntarily charge themselves with, and evolve the form of electricity opposed to that of the earth itself. .

。 。 [T]はここに地面の表面にそれらを保持している私たちの惑星とその上に生物間の引力である。しかし、万有引力の法則は、人や無生物のlevitationsにより、多くの場合相殺されました。 。 。 [T]私たちの意志の彼のアクション。 。 。生成することができます。 。 。負から正にこの電気極性の変化。地球磁石と男の関係はその後、撥、彼が消滅したはずのための「重力」になっていただろう。

 . . [T]here is an attraction between our planet and the organisms upon it, which holds them upon the surface of the ground. But the law of gravitation has been counteracted in many instances, by levitations of persons and inanimate objects . . . [T]he action of our will . . . can produce . . . a change of this electrical polarity from negative to positive; the man’s relations with the earth-magnet would then have become repellent, and ‘gravity’ for him would have ceased to exist.


 It would then be as natural for him to rush into the air until the repellent force had exhausted itself, as, before, it had been for him to remain upon the ground. The altitude of his levitation would be measured by his ability, greater or less, to charge his body with positive electricity. This control over the physical forces once obtained, alteration of his levity or gravity would be as easy as breathing.

重力は、単に磁気引力と反発力、及び空間のエーテルの力の無限の相関関係で磁気自体によって演奏一部であると理解されるまで。 。 。それは托鉢僧やテーブルのどちらかの浮上を拒否するように公正でも賢明でもない。逆に互いに引き合う電化水域;同様に電化、お互いに反発。すべてのボディは、人間または無生物は、何らかの原因により、外部または内部のどのは、それが立っている場所と同じ極性を与えることができるかどうか、体重を有し、その立ち上がり防止するものであること、従って、認める?10

 Until gravitation is understood to be simply magnetic attraction and repulsion, and the part played by magnetism itself in the endless correlations of forces in the ether of space . . . it is neither fair nor wise to deny the levitation of either fakir or table. Bodies oppositely electrified attract each other; similarly electrified, repulse each other. Admit, therefore, that any body having weight, whether man or inanimate object, can by any cause whatever, external or internal, be given the same polarity as the spot on which it stands, and what is to prevent its rising?

重力の見かけ無視して体の浮上は、プロセスが完全に習得されたときに簡単に行われるべきものです。それは、法律に違反しない。万有引力は、法律の半分だけです。 1用語を採用することを望む場合オリエンタルセージは、重力を認めている。しかし本当の言葉は、法律の他の半分はワード反発により発現され、両方が電気力の偉大な法律に準拠している、魅力である。

 Levitation of the body in apparent defiance of gravitation is a thing to be done with ease when the process is completely mastered. It contravenes no law. Gravitation is only half of a law. The Oriental sage admits gravity, if one wishes to adopt the term; but the real term is attraction, the other half of the law being expressed by the word repulsion, and both being governed by the great laws of electrical force.

重量と安定性の極性に依存して、対象物の極性がすぐ下に地球に対して変更された場合、オブジェクトは上昇することがある。 。 。 。人間の体。 。 。その極性は、このように変更された鳥のように、サポートされていない空気中に上昇します。11

 Weight and stability depend on polarity, and when the polarity of an object is altered in respect to the earth immediately underneath it, then the object may rise. . . . The human body . . . will rise in the air unsupported, like a bird, when its polarity is thus changed. 11


 Blavatsky says that the flight of birds and swimming of fishes, including the rapid sinking of whales, involve changes in polarity and gravity not yet admitted by science. Animals can do this instinctively, while humans can learn to do so by will. 12

神智学は、惑星や星の寿命期間中に、重力が一定でないことを表明。地球の生命の最初の半分は( '降順アーク')魅力的と凝集力の強化を示唆し、原始、エーテル性の状態から物質の凝縮によって特徴付けられると言われている。それはetherealizationとspiritualization( '昇順アーク')の逆の処理が続いている、魅力的凝集力が弱まると問題ときはますます放射性になる。13

 Theosophy asserts that during the life-period of a planet or star, gravitational forces do not remain constant. The first half of a planet’s life (the ‘descending arc’) is said to be characterized by the condensation of matter from a primordial, ethereal state, implying a strengthening of attractive and cohesive forces. It is followed by the reverse process of etherealization and spiritualization (the ‘ascending arc’), when attractive and cohesive forces weaken and matter becomes increasingly radioactive. 13



H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Pasadena, CA: Theosophical University Press (TUP), 1977 (1888), 1:508.

Ibid., 1:143fn.

H.P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, TUP, 1972 (1877), 1:271.

William Q. Judge, Echoes of the Orient, San Diego, CA: Point Loma Publications, 1975, 1:336.

H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1950-91, 5:152-153.

G. de Purucker, The Esoteric Tradition, TUP, 2nd ed., 1940, p. 441.

Ibid., pp. 860-861.

Ibid., p. 861fn.

Isis Unveiled, 1:xxiii-iv, 497-498.

Blavatsky Collected Writings, 1:244.

W.Q. Judge, The Ocean of Theosophy, TUP, 1973 (1893), p. 154.

Blavatsky Collected Writings, 4:167-169.

The Secret Doctrine, 1:159, 2:68fn, 250, 308fn; The Esoteric Tradition, pp. 324-327, 453-454, 760; G. de Purucker, Studies in Occult Philosophy, TUP, 1945, pp. 450-451; A.T. Barker (comp.), The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, TUP, 2nd ed., 1926, pp. 98-99.

boulder began to vibrate and lift off the ground

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