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Iron's Dangers

論文:鉄分の危険性 / A R T I C L E Iron's Dangers

Iron accelerate the aging oxidize the body


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Q :あなたは鉄が致命的な物質であると考えています。なぜですか?

Q: You believe iron is a deadly substance. Why?


Iron is a potentially toxic heavy metal. In excess, it can cause cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses.


Q: Could you tell us about some of these studies?


In the 1960s the World Health Organization found that when iron supplements were given to anemic people in Africa, there was a great increase in the death rate from infectious diseases, especially malaria. Around the same time, research began to show that the regulation of iron is a central function of the immune system, and that this seems to have evolved because iron is a basic requirement for the survival and growth of cells of all types, including bacteria, parasites, and cancer.

免疫における鉄の役割のパイオニアの研究者は、食事の鉄過剰白血病やリンパ癌の発展に寄与していると信じていた。ただ、鉛、水銀、カドミウム、ニッケルなどの重金属と同様に、保存された鉄は、破壊的なフリーラジカルを生成します。鉄を製造するフリーラジカルの有害な影響は、 X線およびガンマ線への曝露によって引き起こされるものと実質的に区別がつかない。両方、年齢顔料の蓄積および老化の他の徴候を加速する。過剰な鉄は、フリーラジカルによる組織損傷へのストレスの転換において重要な要素です。

The pioneer researcher in the role of iron in immunity believed that an excess of dietary iron contributed to the development of leukemia and lymphatic cancers. Just like lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel and other heavy metals, stored iron produces destructive free radicals. The harmful effects of iron-produced free radicals are practically indistinguishable from those caused by exposure to X-rays and gamma rays; both accelerate the accumulation of age-pigment and other signs of aging. Excess iron is a crucial element in the transformation of stress into tissue damage by free radicals.


For about 50 years, it has been known that blood transfusions damage immunity, and excess iron has been suspected to be one of the causes for this. People who regularly donate blood, on the other hand, have often been found to be healthier than non-donors, and healthier than they were before they began donating.


In one of Hans Selye's pioneering studies, he found that he could experimentally produce a form of scleroderma (hardening of the skin) in animals by administering large doses of iron, followed by a minor stress. He could prevent the development of the condition by giving the animals large doses of vitamin E, suggesting that the condition was produced by iron's oxidative actions.

感染症の過剰な鉄の役割は、現在よく確立されており、多くの最近の研究は、それが、例えばパーキンソン病、 ALS (ルー·ゲーリック病) 、ハンチントン舞踏病、アルツハイマー病などの退行性脳疾患に関与していることを示している。鉄は現在大部分のその形成を介して、皮膚の老化、アテローム性動脈硬化症、及び眼のレンズの白内障において役割を有すると考えられる"年齢の顔料。 "

Excess iron's role in infectious diseases is now well established, and many recent studies show that it is involved in degenerative brain diseases, such as Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Huntington's chorea, and Alzheimer's disease. Iron is now believed to have a role in skin aging, atherosclerosis, and cataracts of the lenses of the eyes, largely through its formation of the "age pigment."


Q: How does excess iron accelerate our aging process?


During aging, our tissues tend to store an excess of iron. There is a remarkably close association between the amount of iron stored in our tissues and the risk of death from cancer, heart disease, or from all causes. This relationship between iron and death rate exists even during childhood, but the curve is downward until the age of 12, and then it rises steadily until death. The shape of this curve, representing the iron burden, is amazingly similar to the curves representing the rate of death in general, and the rate of death from cancer. There is no other relationship in biology that I know of that has this peculiar shape, with its minimum at the age of 12, and its maximum in old age at the time of death.

今世紀初頭に戻って高齢化研究の主要なラインの一つは、 、として知られている組織における褐色物質の蓄積に基づいていた"年齢顔料。 "この材料のための技術的な名前は、 "リポフスチン"、 "脂肪の茶色のもの"を意味します。 1960年代には、老化の"フリーラジカル理論は"デナムハーマンによって導入された、我々は今、年齢顔料が不飽和脂肪と鉄の酸化質量であることを知っているので、この理論は、年齢顔料理論で収束した、形成制御されていないフリーラジカルによって。

One of the major lines of aging research, going back to the early part of this century, was based on the accumulation of a brown material in the tissues known as "age-pigment." The technical name for this material, "lipofuscin," means "fatty brown stuff." In the 1960s, the "free radical theory" of aging was introduced by Denham Harman, and this theory has converged with the age-pigment theory, since we now know that the age-pigment is an oxidized mass of unsaturated fat and iron, formed by uncontrolled free radicals.

数年前までは、これらのアイデアは、わずかの研究者によって受け入れられますが、国では今や実質的にすべての医師は、フリーラジカルは老化の過程で重要であることを受け入れた。サンディエゴでの栄養の研究者がカロリー制限の寿命延長効果は毒素の減少摂取の結果であるかもしれないという疑いが。彼は食品から有害重金属を除去して、食品の通常の量を食べた動物が半飢えた動物のように長い間住んでいたことがわかった。近年、食品の鉄含有量は、主要な寿命短縮因子ではなく、カロリーとして同定されている。 [チェ·ゆう、年齢巻。 17 、 93ページ、1994 。 ]

Until a few years ago, these ideas were accepted by only a few researchers, but now practically every doctor in the country accepts that free radicals are important in the aging process. A nutrition researcher in San Diego suspected that the life-extending effects of calorie restriction might be the result of a decreased intake of toxins. He removed the toxic heavy metals from foods, and found that the animals which ate a normal amount of food lived as long as the semi-starved animals. Recently, the iron content of food has been identified as the major life-shortening factor, rather than the calories. [Choi and Yu, Age vol. 17, page 93, 1994.]

Q :どのくらいの鉄たちが食べるために必要なのですか?

Q: Exactly how much iron do we need to eat?


Children's nutritional requirements are high, because they are growing, but there are indications that in the U.S. even children eat too much iron.

一部の研究者は、鉄が白血病や小児におけるリンパ組織のがんの発生率に貢献している穀物に追加した懸念している。 [グッドフィールド、 1984 ]急成長の時間の間に、子どもたちがあまりにも多くの鉄を格納するために大人より少ない可能性があります。出生時、それらは格納されている大量の鉄を有し、それらは、この減少は、 "その中に成長する。 "それは成長が減速し、性ホルモンが高い場合、思春期の後である、その鉄の増加のストレージ。

Some researchers are concerned that the iron added to cereals is contributing to the incidence of leukemia and cancers of the lymphatic tissues in children. [Goodfield, 1984.] During the time of rapid growth, children are less likely than adults to store too much iron. At birth, they have a large amount of stored iron, and this decreases as they "grow into it." It is after puberty, when growth slows and the sex hormones are high, that the storage of iron increases.

[血液、 9月、 1976 。 ]カリフォルニア州の出稼ぎフルーツピッカーの"栄養失調"子どもたちの研究では、 "真剣に貧血"だったこれらの子供たちは、実際には"よく養わ"中産階級の子供だったよりも感染症に対してより耐性であった同じ地域である。

[Blood, Sept., 1976.] In a study of the "malnourished" children of migrant fruit pickers in California, these children who were "seriously anemic" were actually more resistant to infectious diseases than were the "well nourished" middle class children in the same region.


If the normal amount of dietary iron causes an increased susceptibility to infections even in children, and if a subnormal amount of iron slows the aging process, I think we are going to have to reconsider our ideas of nutritional adequacy, to look at the long range effects of diet, as well as the immediate effects. My current studies have to do with analyzing our ability to handle stress safely, in relation to our diet. I believe our nutritional recommendations for iron have to be revised sharply downward.


Q. Don't women need extra iron?

それは誤解だ。/ That's a misunderstanding.


Doctors generally don't realize that only a few milligrams of iron are lost each day in menstruation. The real issue is that you can hardly avoid getting iron, even when you try.

女性ははるかに効率的に男性が行うよりも、鉄を吸収する。男性が行うのと同様の食事からは、女性が普通に3倍の鉄を吸収します。ときに妊娠した、彼らのより高いエストロゲンレベルは、それらが同じくらい男性と9倍程度吸収する原因となる。女性がmenstruatesたびに、彼女は50歳で、彼女は少ない鉄が男性よりも彼女の組織に格納されている持っていそうであるように、少し鉄分を失い、同じ年齢でなく、 65人の女性の年齢によって、一般的に多くを持っていません彼らの組織の過剰な鉄の人がそうであるように。

Women absorb iron much more efficiently than men do. From a similar meal, women will normally absorb three times as much iron as men do. When pregnant, their higher estrogen levels cause them to absorb about nine times as much as men. Every time a woman menstruates, she loses a little iron, so that by the age of 50 she is likely to have less iron stored in her tissues than a man does at the same age, but by the age of 65 women generally have as much excess iron in their tissues as men do.

(それらの15年の間に、女性たちは、彼らがより多くのエストロゲンを持っているせいか、男性が行うよりも速い速度で鉄を保存するように見える。 )この歳で心臓発作による死亡のリスクは、男性のそれと同じである。生理一部の女性は貧血になるためにどんな傾向を示すことなく、定期的に血を寄付することができます。

(During those 15 years, women seem to store iron at a faster rate than men do, probably because they have more estrogen.) At this age their risk of dying from a heart attack is the same as that of men. Some women who menstruate can donate blood regularly without showing any tendency to become anemic.


Since the custom of giving large iron supplements to pregnant women has been established, there has been an increase in jaundice of the newborn. It has been observed that women who didn't take iron supplements during pregnancy have healthy babies that don't develop jaundice. I have suggested that this could be because they haven't been poisoned by iron. Those supplements could also be a factor in the increased incidence of childhood cancer.

Q :あなたは貧血である場合は、鉄のサプリメントを必要としませんか?

Q: Don't you need iron supplements if you are anemic?

一般に、無。/ In general, no.

多くの医師は、必ずしも鉄欠乏を示すものとして貧血と思うが、それは正しくありません。 100年前には、貧血のためのヒ素を処方するのが通例であり、それはより多くの赤血球の形成を刺激するために働いた。ヒ素、または鉄、または他の有毒物質が赤血球の形成を刺激するという事実は、毒素の"欠陥"を示すのではなく、単に体が血液の生産を加速することにより有害な様々な因子に応答することを示していない細胞。成長は怪我に自然な反応であるため、たとえ放射は、刺激効果のこの種を持つことができます。

Many doctors think of anemia as necessarily indicating an iron deficiency, but that isn't correct. 100 years ago, it was customary to prescribe arsenic for anemia, and it worked to stimulate the formation of more red blood cells. The fact that arsenic, or iron, or other toxic material stimulates the formation of red blood cells doesn't indicate a "deficiency" of the toxin, but simply indicates that the body responds to a variety of harmful factors by speeding its production of blood cells. Even radiation can have this kind of stimulating effect, because growth is a natural reaction to injury.


Between 1920 and 1950, it was common to think of "nutritional growth factors" as being the same as vitamins, but since then it has become common to use known toxins to stimulate the growth of farm animals, and as a result, it has been more difficult to define the essential nutrients. The optimal nutritional intake is now more often considered in terms of resistance to disease, longevity or rate of aging, and even mental ability.


An excess of iron, by destroying vitamin E and oxidizing the unsaturated fats in red blood cells, can contribute to hemolytic anemia, in which red cells are so fragile that they break down too fast. In aging, red cells break down faster, and are usually produced more slowly, increasing the tendency to become anemic, but additional iron tends to be more dangerous for older people.

女性の貧血は、甲状腺欠乏症(甲状腺などの章で説明します)によって最も頻繁に引き起こされる、または様々な栄養欠乏によってされています。エストロゲンは、 (たとえ月経ていない動物において) 、女性は男性よりも低いヘモグロビンを持っていることは正常であるので、血液の希釈が生じる。

Anemia in women is caused most often by a thyroid deficiency (as discussed in the chapter on thyroid), or by various nutritional deficiencies. Estrogen (even in animals that don't menstruate) causes dilution of the blood, so that it is normal for females to have lower hemoglobin than males.

Q.私の医者は、私は貧血だと言われます場合、私は何をすべきか? Q.人は鉄のサプリメントを取る必要のある任意の状況がありますか?

Q. What should I do if my doctor tells me I'm anemic? Is there any situation in which a person needs to take iron supplements?


Iron deficiency anemia does exist, in laboratory situations and in some cases of chronic bleeding, but I believe it should be the last-suspected cause of anemia, instead of the first. It should be considered as a possible cause of anemia only when very specific blood tests show an abnormally low degree of iron saturation of certain proteins. Usually, physicians consider the amount of hemoglobin or of red cells in the blood as the primary indicator of a need for iron, but that just isn't biologically reasonable.


If a large amount of blood is lost in surgery, a temporary anemia might be produced, but even then it would be best to know whether the iron stores are really depleted before deciding whether an iron supplement would be reasonable. Liver (or even a water extract of wheat germ) can supply as much iron as would be given as a pill, and is safer.


Q. What foods contain iron?

小麦粉、パスタなど、ほとんどのため連邦法により、人為的に硫酸第一鉄として追加されている鉄が含まれています。肉、穀物、卵、野菜が自然に鉄分を大量に含んでいます。数年前、誰かが彼らが原因追加鉄、磁石を一定の朝食用シリアルを拾うことができることを実証した。黒オリーブ、着色材として使用される鉄を含有する。あなたは、ラベルに"鉄"や "鉄"や "鉄"を探し、任意の追加された鉄と食品を避ける必要があります。その鉄を意味する多くのラベル一覧"還元鉄は、 "非常に反応、簡単に吸収される鉄形で追加されます。

Flour, pasta, etc., almost always contain iron which has been artificially added as ferrous sulfate, because of a federal law. Meats, grains, eggs, and vegetables naturally contain large amounts of iron. A few years ago, someone demonstrated that they could pick up a certain breakfast cereal with a magnet, because of the added iron. Black olives contain iron, which is used as a coloring material. You should look for "ferrous" or "ferric" or "iron" on the label, and avoid foods with any added iron. Many labels list "reduced iron," meaning that iron is added in the ferrous form, which is very reactive and easily absorbed.

Q. :なぜ連邦法は、これらの食品に鉄の添加を必要としますか?

Q.: Why does federal law require the addition of iron to those foods?


Industrially processed grains have most of the nutrients, such as vitamin E, the B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, etc., removed to improve the products' shelf life and efficiency of processing, and the government required that certain nutrients be added to them as a measure to protect the public's health, but the supplementation did not reflect the best science even when it was first made law, since food industry lobbyists managed to impose compromises that led to the use of the cheapest chemicals, rather than those that offered the greatest health benefits.

例えば、加工動物性食品の研究では、鉄の添加は、 (処理する安価で簡単であることを起こる、反応性の高いフォーム、硫酸第一鉄、など)食品中のビタミンを破壊することによって、動物の病気を作成したことを示していた。あなたは、成分のラベルを読んで、追加された鉄が含まれている製品は、可能な場合は避けるべきです。

For example, studies of processed animal food had demonstrated that the addition of iron (as the highly reactive form, ferrous sulfate, which happens to be cheap and easy to handle) created disease in animals, by destroying vitamins in the food. You should read the label of ingredients and avoid products that contain added iron, when possible.

Q :鉄のフライパンでの調理は、食品に鉄を入れることはできますか?

Q: Can cooking in an iron frying pan put iron into food?


Yes, especially if the food is acidic, as many sauces are. The added iron will destroy vitamins in the food, besides being potentially toxic in itself.


Q: What about aluminum?


Aluminum and iron react similarly in cells and are suspected causes of Alzheimer's disease.

アルミニウム産業は、実質的に有害金属の未食品に入っていないことを主張し、アルミ食器の"安全性"について、 50年以上前propagandizing開始。最近の研究であるため、コーヒーの酸味を、そのアルミニウムポットに浸出コーヒーが溶解アルミニウムを多量に含むことを示した。

The aluminum industry started propagandizing more than 50 years ago about the "safety" of aluminum utensils, claiming that practically none of the toxic metal gets into the food. Recent research showed that coffee percolated in an aluminum pot contained a large amount of dissolved aluminum, because of coffee's acidity.

Q :調理鍋や調理器具の一種で、安全は何ですか?

Q: What kind of cooking pots or utensils are safe?


Glass utensils are safe, and certain kinds of stainless steel are safe, because their iron is relatively insoluble. Teflon-coated pans are safe unless they are chipped.

Myth: Teflon-Coated Pans Are Dangerous


Q: How do I know which stainless steels are safe?

磁性および非磁性ステンレス鋼、 2つの主なタイプがある。非磁性フォームは、非常に高いニッケル含有量を有しており、ニッケルアレルギー性​​および発癌性である。それははるかに毒性が鉄やアルミニウムよりも。あなたのパンをテストするために小さな "磁石"を使用することができます。磁石は鍋の安全型にしっかりと固執する。

There are two main types of stainless steel, magnetic and nonmagnetic. The nonmagnetic form has a very high nickel content, and nickel is allergenic and carcinogenic. It is much more toxic than iron or aluminum. You can use a little "refrigerator magnet" to test your pans. The magnet will stick firmly to the safer type of pan.


Q: Why is there iron in most multi-vitamin and mineral products?

いくつかの研究者は、鉄はビタミンを破壊することを実証してきたが、産業界、政府、そして一般消費者に十分な希望的観測は、誰もが国民に真実をもたらすために資源を動員することができます前に、このようなミスの世代のために行くことができる、そこにある。 10年前、私はそれが医師のデスクリファレンスに記載されている新たな鉄製品のメーカーは、それがまだ癌を引き起こすことが報告されていなかったことを鉄の危険性の増加意識の有望な兆候だと思った。

Although several researchers have demonstrated that iron destroys vitamins, there is enough wishful thinking in industry, government, and the consuming public, that such mistakes can go on for generations before anyone can mobilize the resources to bring the truth to the public. 10 years ago, I thought it was a hopeful sign of increased awareness of iron's danger when the manufacturer of a new iron product mentioned in the Physician's Desk Reference that it hadn't yet been reported to cause cancer.


Q. I can't avoid all those foods, especially the bread and grains. What can I do to keep the iron I ingest from harming me?

鉄はビタミンEを破壊するので、ビタミンEをサプリメントとして取られるべきである。鉄は胃の中にそれに反応するので、それは、鉄 - 汚染された食品と同時に取られるべきではない。 100 MGについて。我々の要件は年齢とともに、私たちの組織貯蔵鉄が増加するにつれて増加にもかかわらず一日は、十分です。コーヒーは、食物と一緒に服用すると、強く、鉄の吸収を阻害するので、私はいつもお肉とコーヒーを飲むようにしてください。

Iron destroys vitamin E, so vitamin E should be taken as a supplement. It shouldn't be taken at the same time as the iron-contaminated food, because iron reacts with it in the stomach. About 100 mg. per day is adequate, though our requirement increases with age, as our tissue iron stores increase. Coffee, when taken with food, strongly inhibits the absorption of iron, so I always try to drink coffee with meat.


Decreasing your consumption of unsaturated fats makes the iron less harmful. Vitamin C stimulates the absorption of iron, so it might be a good idea to avoid drinking orange juice at the same meal with iron-rich foods. A deficiency of copper causes our tissues to retain an excess of iron, so foods such as shrimp and oysters which contain abundant copper should be used regularly.


Q: How does copper help us?


Copper is the crucial element for producing the color in hair and skin, for maintaining the elasticity of skin and blood vessels, for protecting against certain types of free radical, and especially for allowing us to use oxygen properly for the production of biological energy. It is also necessary for the normal functioning of certain nerve cells (substantia nigra) whose degeneration is involved in Parkinson's disease. The shape and texture of hair, as well as its color, can change in a copper deficiency.


Too much iron can block our absorption of copper, and too little copper makes us store too much iron. With aging, our tissues lose copper as they store excess iron. Because of those changes, we need more vitamin E as we age.



Iron is a potentially toxic heavy metal; an excess can cause cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. Other heavy metals, including lead and aluminum, are toxic; pans and dishes should be chosen carefully. Iron causes cell aging.


Drinking coffee with iron rich foods can reduce iron's toxic effects. Use shrimp and oysters, etc., to prevent the copper deficiency which leads to excess storage of iron.


Avoid food supplements which contain iron.


Take about 100 units of vitamin E daily; your vitamin E requirement increases with your iron consumption.



Free radicals are fragments of molecules that are very destructive to all cells and system of the body.

呼吸はエネルギーを放出細胞による酸素の吸収を意味する。エネルギーは呼吸によって生成されたセル内の構造は、ミトコンドリアと呼ばれる。酸化は酸素と物質の組み合わせを指します。これは、エネルギー、または有害な、などの酸敗で、放射線照射、あるいはストレス反応を生成し、通常の呼吸では、有益なことができます。酸化防止剤:それらはしばしば、酸素を含む有害なフリーラジカル連鎖反応を停止し、それらが細胞内で正常な酸化プロセスを阻害しないため、ビタミンE 、ビタミンCは、酸化防止剤として知られている。

Respiration refers to the absorption of oxygen by cells, which releases energy. The structure inside the cell in which energy is produced by respiration is called the mitochondrion. Oxidation refers to the combination of a substance with oxygen. This can be beneficial, as in normal respiration that produces energy, or harmful, as in rancidity, irradiation, or stress reactions. Antioxidants: Vitamin E and vitamin C are known as antioxidants, because they stop the harmful free-radical chain reactions which often involve oxygen, but they do not inhibit normal oxidation processes in cells.

"チェーンブレーカー"は、より適切な言葉でしょう。それは頻繁に危険なフリーラジカルプロセスを最大限に引き出し酸素欠乏である。チロキシン、尿酸、ビリベルジン、セレン、ヨウ素、ビタミンA 、ナトリウム、マグネシウム、リチウム、及び種々の酵素:多くの物質は酸化防止剤/チェーンブレーカとして機能することができる。

"Chain breaker" would be a more suitable term. It is often the deficiency of oxygen which unleashes the dangerous free-radical processes. Many substances can function as antioxidants/chain breakers: thyroxine, uric acid, biliverdin, selenium, iodine, vitamin A, sodium, magnesium, and lithium, and a variety of enzymes.


Saturated fats work with antioxidants to block the spread of free-radical chain reactions. Age pigment is the brown material that forms spots on aging skin, and that accumulates in the lens of the eye forming cataracts, and in blood vessels causing hardening of the arteries, and in the heart and brain and other organs, causing their functions to deteriorate with age. It is made up of oxidized unsaturated oils with iron.


Anemic means lacking blood, in the sense of not having enough red blood cells or hemoglobin. It is possible to have too much iron in the blood while being anemic. Anemia in itself doesn't imply that there is nutritional need for iron.


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輸血:アメル。外科155 、 PのJ. 。 43 、1988 。ピープル誌、 1994年: *フィンランドの研究では、二年前に、​​高鉄店は心臓発作のリスクを高める可能性があることを示し、 "鉄はキラーはありますか? "博士ジェロームL.サリバン、チャールストン、サウスカロライナ州での退役軍人医療センターの臨床ラボのディレクター、 1983年に過剰な鉄は心臓発作に貢献することを提案した。フィンランドのクオピオ大学:最大5年までのための大規模調査(約2,000人、 ;喫煙の隣に、過剰貯蔵鉄は、心臓発作のために最も重要な識別可能な危険因子であることが高くより心臓発作のための強力な危険因子である。血圧およびコレステロール。

Transfusions: Amer. J. of Surgery 155, p. 43, 1988. *A Finnish study, two years ago, indicated that high iron stores may increase heart attack risk: In People magazine, 1994: "Is iron a killer?" Dr. Jerome L. Sullivan, director of clinical labs of Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Charleston, S.C., in 1983 proposed that excess iron contributes to heart attacks. University of Kuopio in Finland: Large-scale study (nearly 2,000 men, for up to five years; next to smoking, excess stored iron is the most significant identifiable risk factor for heart attacks. It is a stronger risk factor for heart attack than high blood pressure and cholesterol.

12月図7は、ページ6E 、レジスタガード(ユージーン、 OR) :米国の研究では、鉄や心臓病、そして赤肉中の鉄との間に弱い弱いコネクションの接続を示した。ワシントン州パシフィックノースウェスト研究所疫学者は報告されているその人の血液中の鉄分の高い濃度、より彼または癌の彼女のリスク。リチャード·スティーブンスと彼の同僚は、 l971国民健康栄養調査に参加した8,000人以上の人々にガンの発生率を調べてから、接続を発見した。

Dec. 7, page 6E, Register Guard (Eugene, OR): US studies showed a weak connection between iron and heart disease, and a weak connection with the iron in red meat. Epidemiologists at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Washington have reported that the greater the concentration of iron in a person's blood, the greater his or her risk of cancer. Richard Stevens and his co-workers found the connection from examining cancer rates in more than 8,000 people who participated in the l971 National Health and Nutrition Examination survey.

同様の所見を有する第2のフィンランドの研究では、懸念の原因があるかもしれないことをスティーブンスの蟹座の国際ジャーナルでレポート、およびsuggetsに同行。レジスタガード(ユージーン、オレゴン州) 、 1月16日、 95 、 p個7A :心臓の障害の数は、 AP倍: 1982年から1992年、心臓病の死亡率は24.5%下落して、うっ血性心不全の症例数は、ほぼ同じ期間に倍増。それは、 1991年に39,000人のアメリカ人を殺したシステムを、年間400億ドルかかります。がんが64未満の女性の最大のキラーです、心臓病ははるか年齢65から84までの女性の癌を凌駕しています。

A second Finnish study with similar findings accompanied Stevens's report in the International Journal of Cancer, and suggets that there may be cause for concern. Register Guard (Eugene, OR), Jan. 16, 95; p 7A: Number of heart failures doubles, AP: 1982-92, heart disease death rate dropped 24.5%; number of cases of congestive heart failure doubled during roughly the same period. It killed 39,000 Americans in 1991, costs system $40 billion per year. Cancer is the biggest killer of women under 64, heart disease far surpasses cancer in women of ages 65-84.


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