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巨大なショー・ 何が米国の債務不履行になりますか?

 What happens in a US debt default?


 At its most basic level, a default is when a person or an entity cannot repay a debt on time. For instance, when a person can't make a payment on a mortgage or a car loan.


 When a country does this, it's known as a sovereign default. This is when the country cannot repay its debt, which typically takes the form of bonds.


 So if the US were to default, it would essentially stop paying the money it owed US Treasury bond holders.


 A quick refresher: the US government spends more money than it collects in taxes. So to make up the shortfall, it raises funds by asking investors to buy US Treasury bonds. Investors, such as the Chinese government and pension funds, do this because these bonds are seen as a safe place to invest money.

 What are the consequences of a US default?


 No one really knows exactly what would happen, but the likelihood is that markets around the world would plunge and global interest rates would rise.

米国政府は、それが社債権者に支払うべきお金を返済できなかった場合、債券の価値が低下するためです。と収量 - 政府が投資家に支払うリターンは - 上昇するだろう。それはあまり安全な投資として認識されることになるためです。

 This is because if the US government could not repay the money it owed bondholders, the value of the bonds would decrease. And the yield - the return the government pays to an investor - would rise. This is because it would be perceived as a less safe investment.


 This would prompt interest rates around the world, which are often tied to those of US Treasuries, to spike.

さらに、米国の債権者への影響は悲惨である可能性があります。毎年恒例の経済生産の20%に相当します - 日本は、例えば、米国の債務の約1140000000000ドルを所有しています。

 Furthermore, the impact on the US's creditors could be dire. Japan, for instance, owns about $1.14 trillion of US debt - which is equivalent to 20% of its annual economic output.

米国では、ゴールドマン·サックスは$ 175bnはすぐに米国経済から引き出されるであろうと、それは非常に深刻な景気後退につながる可能性があると推定しています。

 In the US, Goldman Sachs estimates that $175bn would immediately be withdrawn from the US economy and it could lead to a very deep recession.

 How does the US government pay its bills anyway?


 Strangely, no one really knows exactly how it works.


 Each day, the US Treasury receives a little over two million bills from various federal agencies.


 According to analysts at Credit Suisse, there are three main offices that pay those bills: the Department of Defense Disbursing Offices, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and the Financial Management Service.

支払いを行うために - - 技術的には、決済システムをオンにすることができますまたはオフ - しかし、他の多くはありません。

 Technically, the payment systems can be turned on - to make payments - or off - but not much else.


 If prioritisation were possible, the US Treasury would probably turn off the tap at the Department of Defense Disbursing Offices and the Financial Management Service. That would leave the Bureau of Fiscal Service, which pays money to bondholders.

 What bills does the US Treasury have coming up?


 There are quite a few coming up in the next month; the biggest ones are due on 1 November.


 After 17 October, the US government will only have about 68% of the funds it needs to pay its bills for the next month, according to a report by the Bipartisan Policy Center.


 This means that technically, the government could continue to pay some bills.


 However, daily revenue intake can fluctuate wildly, making it difficult to plan.


 Furthermore, it's not just upcoming bills that could be a source of worry.

数日おきに、米国財務省は、現在の債務の保有を「ロールオーバー」しなければならない - 来月中に約$ 3,000億を。債務のロールオーバーすると、住宅ローンの借り換えのようなものです - それは、ローンを完済するためにお金を借りています。

 Every few days, the US Treasury must "roll over" its current debt holdings - about $300bn in the next month. Rolling over debt is like refinancing a mortgage - it's borrowing money to pay off a loan.


 This typically doesn't "cost" anything, as the new debt should directly replace the old debt. But if you can't borrow at the same interest rate, your debt then gets more expensive.

投資家は、彼らはもはや、米国債に関与したくないと判断したのであれば、彼らはそれらの債券を購入することを拒否可能性があります。長期的には米国政府にかなりの量を要することができる - そして、残されたものは、より高い金利を要求する可能性があります。

 So if investors decide that they no longer want to be involved with US bonds, they could refuse to buy those bonds. And those that are left could demand higher interest rates - which could cost the US government a significant amount in the long run.

 Has the US defaulted before?


 Not really.


 There are three examples in US history that come close to default, with the most recent occurring in 1979.

その後、米国財務省は不注意のため、それはワープロエラーと言ったもので、$ 122メートル不履行。

 Then, the US Treasury inadvertently defaulted on $122m, because of what it said was a word processing error.

エラーがすぐに固定し、さらに$ 122メートルかかわら財務省は、一度に持っていた債務の$ 800bnのほんの一部であったが、研究では、ミニデフォルトは0.6%、または$ 60億によって借り入れコストを上げたことがわかりました年。

 Although the error was quickly fixed, and even though $122m was a tiny fraction of the $800bn in debt that the Treasury had at the time, a study found that the mini-default raised the cost of borrowing by 0.6%, or $6bn a year.


 The other two instances, in 1933 and in 1790, both involve defaults akin to the current situation in Greece, when creditors were forced to take less money than what they were owed. Some economists have defined this as a default, but it's murky territory.

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 What's the worst that could happen?7 debt-default doomsday scenarios

経済学者は、その債務の米国のデフォルトあれば結果は悲惨であることを警告しています。彼らは、ウォール街からメインストリートへの経済波及でしょう。 リチャード·ドリュー

 Economists are warning that the consequences would be dire if the US defaults on its debt.They would ripple through the economy from Wall Street to Main Street.Richard Drew


 Faced with some Republicans shrugging their shoulders at the thought of the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations for the first time ever, notable economists are warning that the consequences would be the economic equivalent of a swarm of frogs and a plague of locusts.


 The worst of the doomsday scenarios painted by economists involve an outright depression, as the effects of missing a debt interest payment cascade through the economy, financial markets and ultimately to Main Street.


 While many analysts agree that a default still remains unlikely, warnings are beginning to intensify that Washington is skating too close to a perilous line.


 "The devastation to the United States would be so severe that it would take decades to recover from the Depression caused by a default and the attendant dumping of trillions of dollars of U.S. Treasury securities on the global financial markets," banking analyst Dick Bove, at Rafferty Capital Markets, said in a report for clients.


 Here are seven of the most immediate and severe side-effects if lawmakers fail to raise the debt ceiling in time to avoid default:

 1.恐慌と失業 / Depression and unemployment


 Financial shockwaves, beginning at the Treasury and Federal Reserve, would make their way through banks and eventually blow a hole through the Main Street economy.Just as in the 2008 financial crisis, businesses would quit hiring amid the uncertainty.The unemployment rate would rise from its current 7.3 percent.


 As an illustration, the jobless rate was 5.0 percent in December 2007, about where it had been for the previous 30 months, according to the Labor Department.By the time the Great Recession ended, it was at 9.5 percent, and peaked at 10.0 percent in October 2009.


 A slew of other events would slam the economy: A drop in stock market prices, hurting many Americans' 401(k) investments;the seizing up of bank lending;and the US losing standing in the international marketplace.With US economic growth still below 3 percent, it wouldn't take that much to send the nation into a financial tailspin.

 2.ドルダウン、価格や料金アップ / Dollar down, prices and rates up


 Among the biggest impacts could be mass selling of the U.S. dollar, an event that would threaten the greenback's standing as the world's reserve currency.


 That would pound consumers' buying power by boosting prices for everything from groceries to clothing to the gas we pump into our cars.


 "In the event of an actual default, Treasury yields and other borrowing costs would probably rise and remain higher," warned Julian Jessop, Capital's chief global economist.


 So homeowners and prospective homeowners would have to say goodbye to the low mortgage rates they have enjoyed while the Federal Reserve has kept its foot on the economy’s gas pedal.


 "All the money you're gonna have is under your pillow, and it probably won't be worth as much as it is today," Kyle Bass of Hayman Capital Management told CNBC's Squawk on the Street .“But I don't think we're going to get to that apoplectic point in the US"

 3.ダウンあなたの投資を行って / Down go your investments

株式は、約2%それぞれダウン4%近くナスダックからS&P 500とダウ工業で、ラフ週持っていました。つまり、巣の卵企業401(K)に保持されている多くのアメリカ人のための悩みのおよびその他の退職後のアカウントを発生させます。

 Stocks have had a rough week, with the S&P 500 and Dow industrials off about 2 percent each and the Nasdaq down nearly 4 percent.That raises worries for many Americans whose nest-eggs are held in company 401(k)s and other retirement accounts.

2008年の最後の金融危機の間に、米国の主要株式インデックスは、従業員給付研究所によると、多くの401(k)退職年金プラン資産の大きな損失に翻訳年度の37%を失うS&P 500インデックスと、急落しました。

 During the last financial crisis in 2008, major U.S. equity indexes tumbled, with the S&P 500 Index losing 37 percent for the year, which translated into big losses for many 401(k) retirement plan assets, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.


 Just how individual 401(k) participants were affected by the downturn largely depended on the mix of assets in their funds.
For example, investors with a high percentage of their 401(k) in stocks (versus bonds or cash) took a bigger hit than those with more balanced funds.


 While many analysts have been trumpeting the market's refusal to panic over the prospect of a default, that relatively sanguine reaction likely would change.

ウォール街は弱気市場として定義するもので、上端に - ウォール街のアナリストの間で推定値は市場が10パーセントと20パーセントの間にドロップだろうです。

 Estimates among Wall Street analysts are the market would drop between 10 percent and 20 percent — with the upper end at what Wall Street defines as a bear market.

 4.社会保障の支払い停止 / Social Security payments halt


 The current projection for the government to run out of money to pay its daily bills is Oct. 17. Economists believe, though, that the Treasury would have enough money on hand to pay its $12 billion Social Security payment due that day, as well as another one on Oct. 25.


 That may not be the case come Nov. 1, though, when there's a $25 billion payment due, meaning that checks may not get issued past that date.


 Nov. 15 stands as a larger date overall when the Treasury won't be able to make a $30 billion debt payment.

「私たちは強く支出の上に、現在の行き詰まりがあると思われ、債務上限はその前に十分に分解されているであろう、「キャピタルエコノミクスは、報告書で述べました。「シャットダウンがその後財務省は、おそらく連邦準備制度の助けを借りて、何とかデフォルトを回避することができるであろうその時点でまだ有効であった。しかし、最悪の場合、これは見ての日付である場合に可能性もあります。 "

 "We strongly suspect the current impasse over spending and the debt ceiling will have been resolved well before then," Capital Economics said in a report."There is also a chance if the shutdown was still in effect at that point then the Treasury, perhaps with the Federal Reserve's help, would be able to avoid a default somehow. But in a worst case scenario, this is the date to watch."

 5.銀行操作がフリーズ / Banking operations freeze up


 One chilling data point: American banks own $1.85 trillion in various government-backed debt, Bove calculated.


 The effect, then, of a default on that debt would be devastating.


 "If the Treasury and related securities were in default, one does not know what they would be worth," Bove said."Assume a Latin American valuation of 10 to 20 cents on the dollar and an estimated $1.28 trillion in US banking equity would be wiped out."

潜在的な結果? / The potential result?

「それは、米国財務省による真のデフォルトは銀行株式を一掃することを私の強い信念である、 "と彼は言いました。「米国の民間部門へのすべての銀行貸出は直ちに停止します。既存のローンはロールオーバーされません。即時返済を要求され​​るだろう。」

 "It is my strong belief that a true default by the United States Treasury would wipe out bank equity," he said."All bank lending to the private sector in the United States would stop, immediately. Existing loans would not be rolled over. Immediate repayment would be demanded."

  Money market funds break


 The $2.7 trillion money market industry operates on a basic premise: Millions of American depositors won't lose money.


 That agreement broke briefly, with one fund, during the 2008 financial crisis, to destructive effect on investor confidence.
It could happen again in the event of a default.


 A recent Federal Reserve study said the damage during the crisis eventually could have involved 28 funds that would have "broken the buck."Bove said a default would hit "virtually every money market fund in the country."


 "At present, (money market funds) that do not actually earn enough money to pay back 100 cents on the dollar are subsidized by the fund management company," Bove said."A Treasury default would make this virtually impossible and millions of Americans would lose billions of dollars."

 7.世界市場は大打撃を与えられます / Global markets walloped

私たちの最大の貿易相手国のいくつかは、均等に、その債務不履行米国の見通しによりガタガタしています。国際通貨基金(IMF)は今週、デフォルトは不況に戻って米国経済をプッシュし、グローバル市場向けの "大きな混乱」を引き起こすだろうと警告しました。

 Some of our biggest trading partners are equally rattled by the prospect of the US defaulting on its debt.The International Monetary Fund this week warned that a default would push the US economy back into recession and cause “major disruptions” for global markets.

一方、中国と日本 - 米国債の最大の外国人保有者は - 迅速な行動のための呼び出しをステップアップしてきました。中国と日本は、米国政府のデータによると、2013年7月のように、それぞれ1280000000000ドルと米国財務省証券で1140000000000ドルを保有していました。米国国債価格の下落は、その埋蔵量の値を枯渇だろう。

 Meanwhile, China and Japan — the largest foreign holders of US Treasury debt — have stepped up calls for quick action.China and Japan held $1.28 trillion and $1.14 trillion in US Treasury securities, respectively, as of July 2013, according to US government data.A fall in US government bond prices would deplete the value of their reserves.

セイバー·威嚇はさておき、中国や他の外国人投資家によるは、アメリカの債務を所有し、政府が実際にそれを販売するほとんどの実際のチャンスがあります。にも関わらずに自分の顔を自分の鼻を遮断する外交同等 - 価値のない投資になるだろう、パニックを引き起こすようにすることができません。それによると、投資家は、国際資金の価値のディップが表示される場合があります。

 Saber-rattling by China and other foreign investors aside, there is little actual chance the governments who own America's debt would actually sell it.To do so would cause a panic that would make their investments worthless — the diplomatic equivalent of cutting off their nose to spite their face.That said, investors might see a dip in the value of their international funds.


 —By CNBC's Jeff Cox.Follow him on Twitter @JeffCoxCNBCcom.



Ukraine Bonds Plunge After 'American' FinMin Escalates Default Threat


最後の3日間で、ウクライナの短期債券価格は9%に墜落しました。具体的には2017sは3.5ポイントがダウンしている、今日だけで、それが債務不履行になることをワシントンでウクライナの(アメリカ)財務大臣の脅威昨日以下の場合を除き、より多くの援助のための彼らの要求に黙認(ロシアと米国の納税者を含む)には債権者(複数の借金) 。

 In the last 3 days, Ukraine's short-term bond prices have crashed 9%. Specifically the 2017s are down 3.5 points today alone following Ukraine's (American) finance minister threats yesterday in Washington that it will default on its debt unless creditors (which include both Russia and the US taxpayer) acquiesce to their demands for more aid (more debt).


 As Bloomberg reports, the country will stop making payments on its debt if talks don’t make progress, Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko told reporters in Washington Wednesday. Bondholders are “deeply concerned” about Jaresko’s stance, a creditor group led by Franklin Templeton said in a statement today.


 comments suggest a two-month impasse in negotiations is only hardening as coupon payments come due this month and a $500 million bond matures in September. As Bloomberg goes on to note,

「ウクライナと債権者の位置が遠遠くにある、「 Gintaras Shlizhyus、ライファイゼン銀行国際AGのウィーンベースの戦略は、木曜日に電話で語りました。「それは私たちが多分9月を超えて交渉の長期化について話していると考えていることができます。」

 “The positions of Ukraine and creditors are far-far away,” Gintaras Shlizhyus, a Vienna-based strategist at Raiffeisen Bank International AG, said by phone Thursday.“That makes me believe that we are talking about the prolongation of talks maybe even beyond September.”



 Ukraine has two coupon payments due on sovereign bonds next week, including $75 million it owes by June 20 on a Eurobond that Russia bought from the regime of former President Viktor Yanukovych before he was overthrown in February 2014.

Jareskoは40%の元本の評価減が必要であることを債権者に語った IMFはリストラのために設定した目標を達成するために、交渉に精通している人が明らかにしました。

 Jaresko has told creditors that a 40 percent principal writedown is needed to meet the objectives the IMF has set for the restructuring, a person familiar with the talks said on Thursday.


 minister has consistently said that bondholders must accept a writedown on principal as well as coupon cuts and maturity extensions, yet hasn’t previously revealed the details of her proposal.

「これが道市場水準の下、約45でウクライナの債券の価値を置く、「レジスChatellierの、ソシエテジェネラルSAで新興市場の信用戦略のロンドンベースのディレクターは、電子メールで述べました。「ウクライナの債務のないヘアカットのための希望は、/は、債務の持続可能性の観点から非現実的だったです。 "

 “This puts the value of Ukrainian bonds at around 45, way below market levels,” Regis Chatellier, a London-based director of emerging-market credit strategy at Societe Generale SA, said by e-mail.“The hope for no haircut on Ukraine debt is/was unrealistic from the point of view of debt sustainability.”


 The creditor group’s proposal includes extending maturities by as much as 10 years, temporarily lowering coupons and amortizing principal payments over seven years starting 2019, a person familiar with the proposal told Bloomberg last month.


 Jaresko has rejected the offer on the grounds that it assumes Ukraine can make payments out of its reserves, something it says is illegal.


 “Minister Jaresko has been in possession of a detailed IMF-compliant solution from the bond committee for over a month,” the committee said today.“We are ready and willing to start talks at any time.”


 Finally, the hurdles continue Greek-like...


 Ukraine must pass three bills relating to its IMF program before it can call a board meeting with the IMF to unlock the next tranche of a $17.5 billion loan from the Washignton-based lender, Jaresko said yesterday.Two laws relate to independence and structure of the central bank, while the third relates to improvements in the ability of the state oil and gas monopoly to collect receivables, she said.


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